def _createCurves(self, objs=None, axis=None, num=None): ''' Create two curves using .getTranslation() of passed in objects ''' _name = '_createCurves''Started: %s' % _name) positions = [] for obj in objs: loc = pm.spaceLocator() pm.parentConstraint(obj, loc, mo=0) positions.append(pm.PyNode(loc).getTranslation()) pm.delete(loc) crv1 = pm.PyNode(pm.curve(p=positions, d=1)) crv2 = pm.PyNode(pm.curve(p=positions, d=1)) move = 0.05 if axis == 1: pm.move(crv1, move, r=1, moveX=1) pm.move(crv2, -move, r=1, moveX=1) elif axis == 2: pm.move(crv1, move, r=1, moveY=1) pm.move(crv2, -move, r=1, moveY=1) elif axis == 3: pm.move(crv1, move, r=1, moveZ=1) pm.move(crv2, -move, r=1, moveZ=1) pm.rebuildCurve( crv1, rt=0, s=num ) pm.rebuildCurve( crv2, rt=0, s=num )'Ended: %s' % _name) return crv1, crv2
def import_heirachy_geo(self): """Import all the obj objects""" fileInfo = self.geo_file_info for self.current_target in fileInfo.keys(): cmds.file(fileInfo[self.current_target], rpr="PKD_Temp", i=1, type="OBJ", loadReferenceDepth="all", ra=True, mergeNamespacesOnClash=False, options="mo=1") # Delete Existing geo if it exists if not self.cleansing_mode: if pm.objExists(self.current_target): pm.delete(self.current_target)"Importing\n%s" % fileInfo[self.current_target]) if self.cleansing_mode: os.remove(fileInfo[self.current_target]) for top in, ud=True): if top.getShape(): if top.getShape().type() == "mesh" and == "PKD_Temp_Mesh": # pm.parent(top, self.top_node) top.rename(self.current_target) mel.eval("polySoftEdge -a 180 -ch 1 %s" % self.current_target) mel.eval("polySetToFaceNormal") mel.eval("polySoftEdge -a 180 -ch 1 %s" % self.current_target) pm.delete(self.current_target, ch=1) pm.refresh() self.update_progress()
def export_heirachy_obj(self): """Export the individual meshes in the heirachy""" fileInfo = {} # Reverse the geo list so that the deepest geo is deleted first in case there is a geo inside geo geo_list = self.geo_list geo_list.reverse() for self.current_target in geo_list: pm.delete(self.current_target, ch=1) parent = pm.listRelatives(self.current_target, parent=True) pm.parent(self.current_target, w=True) path = libFile.linux_path(libFile.join(self.export_dir, self.current_target + ".obj")) # Load the obj plugin cmds.file(path, pr=1, typ="OBJexport", force=1, options="groups=0;ptgroups=0;materials=0;smoothing=0;normals=0", es=1) fileInfo[self.current_target] = path"Exporting\n%s" % fileInfo[self.current_target]) if not self.new_scene and self.cleansing_mode: pm.delete(self.current_target) pm.refresh() else: pm.parent(self.current_target, parent) self.update_progress() # Write the geo file_info self.geo_file_info = fileInfo
def _organize(self): ''' Setup hierarchy for setup ''' _name = '_organize''Started: %s' % _name)'Ended: %s' % _name)
def change_tangents(tangent): """Function to change the default tangent based @param tangent (string) the type of default in and out tangent """ pm.keyTangent(g=True, ott=tangent) if tangent == "step": pm.keyTangent(itt="clamped", g=True) else: pm.keyTangent(g=True, itt=tangent)"Current Tangents: %s" % tangent.capitalize())
def convert_joint_to_cluster(targetGeo, skipList=[]): """ Convert a skin cluster to a cluster based setup on a target geometery @param targetGeo: the geometery which has the skin cluster @param skipList: any joints which should not processed such as a base joint @return A dictonary of cluster with the name of the joints as keys """ # Convert to PyNode targetGeo = pm.PyNode(targetGeo) skin = libUtilities.get_target_defomer(targetGeo, "skinCluster") # Create the dictionary clusterInfo = {} # Progress Info pm.progressWindow(title='Converting Skin To Cluster', progress=0, status='Progress: 0%') totalJnts = len(skin.getInfluence()) - len(skipList) currentJnt = 0.0 # Go through Each Joint for jnt in sorted(skin.getInfluence()): if in skipList: continue # Get the vertex affected and the weight vertZip, weightList = skin.getPointsAffectedByInfluence(jnt) if not vertZip: raise Exception("Current Joint Has No Vertices:%s" % jnt) # Iterate through selection and decompress vertic group into individual index vertices = libUtilities.indexize_vertice_group(pm.selected()) # Select Vertices libUtilities.select_vertices(targetGeo, vertices) # Make a cluster cltr, cTransform = pm.cluster(rel=1) jntPos = pm.xform(jnt, q=1, ws=1, rp=1) pm.setAttr(cTransform.scalePivot, jntPos) pm.setAttr(cTransform.rotatePivot, jntPos) # Set the weight for index, weight in zip(vertices, weightList): cltr.weightList[0].weights[index].set(weight) # Add to dictionary clusterInfo[] = {"cluster": cltr, "clusterHandle": cTransform} # Update Progress currentJnt = currentJnt + 1.0 currentProgress = (currentJnt / totalJnts) * 100 pm.progressWindow(edit=True, progress=currentProgress, status=('Progress: ' + str(int(currentProgress)) + '%')) pm.refresh()"Converted: " + pm.progressWindow(endProgress=1) return clusterInfo
def _createPlane(self, name=None, crv1=None, crv2=None): ''' Plane made by lofting two curves ''' _name = '_createPlane''Started: %s' % _name) plane = crv1, crv2, ch=False, rn=True)[0] plane.rename('%s_plane' % name)'Ended: %s' % _name) return plane
def _createJoints(self, name=None, follicles=None, rad=None): ''' Create a joint parented to each follicle ''' _name = '_createJoints''Started: %s' % _name) count = 1 for f in follicles: j = pm.joint(name='%s_jnt_%s' % (name, count), rad=rad) pm.parent(j, f) j.setTranslation(0) count += 1'Ended: %s' % _name)
def PRINT(msg='', item='', type='info'): printMsg = '|| %s || %s' %(msg.ljust(65), item.ljust(20)) if type == 'debug': pymelLogger.debug('\t\t\t%s'%printMsg) elif type == 'info':'\t\t\t%s'%printMsg) elif type == 'warning': pymelLogger.warning('\t%s'%printMsg) elif type == 'error': pymelLogger.error('\t%s'%printMsg) elif type == 'critical': pymelLogger.critical('\t%s'%printMsg) else: pymelLogger.error('Cannot Print Message: Invalid Type') return
def write_yeti_cache(yetiShapeDictionary, substep): project = cmds.workspace(q=1, rd=1) minRange, maxRange = libUtilities.get_animation_time_range() for character in yetiShapeDictionary: # Iterate through the yeti node per characte for yeti in yetiShapeDictionary[character]: cacheLocation = project for folder in ["cache", "fur", character, yeti.stripNamespace()]: cacheLocation = libFile.join(cacheLocation, folder) cacheLocation = libFile.folder_check(cacheLocation) # NEED TO CREATE CACHE LOCATION IF DOES NOT EXIST cacheName = libFile.linux_path(libFile.join(cacheLocation, "%s_Cache_%s.fur" % (yeti.stripNamespace(), "%04d"))) # Set cache name fields yeti.outputCacheFileName.set(cacheName) yeti.cacheFileName.set(cacheName) # Cache out using time sldier range and given sample count, r=1) # Set the grooms simulation # Turn off the all the sims for allGroom in'pgYetiGroom'): allGroom.doSimulation.set(False) # Turn on the relavent if yetiShapeDictionary[character][yeti]:"Turning on simulation the following groom during the caching of %s" % (yeti)) for groom in yetiShapeDictionary[character][yeti]: print groom groom.doSimulation.set(True) yeti.fileMode.set(0) cmd = 'pgYetiCommand -updateViewport false -writeCache "%s" -range %i %i -samples %i' \ % (cacheName, minRange, maxRange, substep)"Setting Fur Cache for: %s" % libUtilities.melEval(cmd, echo=True) yeti.fileMode.set(2)
def _createFollicles(self, name=None, plane=None, num=None): ''' Create num follicles evenly spaced along nurbs plane ''' _name = '_createFollicles''Started: %s' % _name) #--- Create the follicles follicles = [] for i in range(0, num): follicles.append( self._create_follicle( obj=plane, name=name, count=i+1, uPos=0.5, vPos=i/(num-1.00)) ) grp ='_rbbnFollicles_grp', em=True) for each in follicles: pm.parent(pm.listRelatives(each, parent=True)[0], grp)'Ended: %s' % _name) return follicles
def show(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create Dockable UI""" # Set the docked object name dockedName = (self.objectName() + "Dock") # Set the default docked object name floatingState = self.init_float_state if cmds.dockControl(dockedName, q=1, ex=1): # If the docked UI exists get the float status before deleting floatingState = cmds.dockControl(dockedName, q=1, floating=1) # Delete the UI cmds.deleteUI(dockedName) try: self._dockedwidget_ = cmds.dockControl(dockedName, label=self.windowTitle(), allowedArea='all', area='right', floating=floatingState, content=self.objectName(), floatChangeCommand=self._auto_resize_ ) except Exception, e:"Maya dock window failed")
def _setup_(self): super(TestGUI, self)._setup_()"Child Info Called") # Create a series of rows, and in each row, put our buttons for row in self.rows: self.row_Hbox = QtGui.QGroupBox() self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() for button in self.buttons: # Label the button with it's list name self.push_button = QtGui.QPushButton(button, self) # Give each button a unique object name self.b_name = row + "_" + button self.push_button.setObjectName(self.b_name) # Add a QLine Edit to each particular button self.q_line_name = self.b_name + "_TextEdit" self.my_line_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.my_line_edit.setText("Hi! I'm " + self.q_line_name) # Also give it a unique name self.my_line_edit.setObjectName(self.q_line_name) # Offset each button in the layout by it's index number self.layout.addWidget(self.push_button, 0, self.buttons.index(button)) # Offset each QLine Edit in the layout to be underneath each button self.layout.addWidget(self.my_line_edit, 1, self.buttons.index(button)) # Connect the button to an event self.push_button.clicked.connect(self.on_button_event) # Add the buttons to our layout self.row_Hbox.setLayout(self.layout) self.main_layout.addWidget(self.row_Hbox)
def ui(self): ''' Create UI ''' _name = 'ui''Started: %s' % _name) winName = 'ms_jointsOnNurbsPlaneWin' if(pm.window(winName, exists=True)): pm.deleteUI(winName, window=True) win = pm.window(winName) with pm.formLayout() as form: self.nameFld = pm.textFieldGrp(l='Name') self.numFld = pm.intFieldGrp(l='Joints (3-50)', v1=3) self.radFld = pm.floatFieldGrp(l='Radius (0.01 - 10)', v1=0.5, pre=2) self.buildFld = pm.radioButtonGrp(l='Plane Curve Duplicate', labelArray3=['x', 'y', 'z'], nrb=3, sl=3) pm.text('Select objects to create plane along, then press "Build"') pm.button(l='>> Build <<', form.redistribute() pm.showWindow()'Ended: %s' % _name)
def build(self, *args): ''' Call methods to build the joints on nurbs plane setup ''' _name = 'build''Started: %s' % _name) # Validate user input name = pm.textFieldGrp(self.nameFld, q=1, text=1) num = pm.intFieldGrp(self.numFld, q=1, v=1)[0] rad = pm.floatFieldGrp(self.radFld, q=1, v=1)[0] axis = pm.radioButtonGrp(self.buildFld, q=1, sl=1) objs = if not name: pymelLogger.error('No name entered by user. Must enter a name. Exiting.') return if num < 1 or num > 50: pymelLogger.error('%s is an invalid value for number of joints. Must be between 3 - 50. Exiting.' % num) return if rad < 0.009 or rad > 10: pymelLogger.error('%s is an invalid value for joint radius. Must be between 0.01 - 10. Exiting.' % rad) return if not objs: pymelLogger.error('No objects selected. Must select objects to build curve along. Exiting.') return # Call build methods crv1, crv2 = self._createCurves(objs=objs, axis=axis, num=num) plane = self._createPlane(name=name, crv1=crv1, crv2=crv2) follicles = self._createFollicles(name=name, plane=plane, num=num) self._createJoints(name=name, follicles=follicles, rad=rad) pm.delete(crv1, crv2)'Ended: %s' % _name)'Build successful!')
# command wrapper sphere_nodes = pymel.core.polySphere() g = # class instance polySphere_node = pymel.core.nodetypes.PolySphere(n=temp.constants.SPHERE) trans = polySphere_node.outputs()[0] trans = pymel.core.nodetypes.Transform() # Path filepath = pymel.core.sceneName() filepath.basename() filepath.parent filepath.parent.parent filepath.exists() # logging from pymel.internal.plogging import pymelLogger"test") from import loggingControl loggingControl.initMenu()
def __init__(self): _name = '__init__''Started: %s' % _name) self.ui()'Ended: %s' % _name)
def cleanse_geo(self): """Cleanse the model of all issues with the help of obj""" self.export_all() self.setup_cleanse_scene() self.import_all()"Scene Is Cleansed")
if isinstance(sphereT, pymel.core.nodetypes.DependNode): print "yep, it inherits from DependNode" # command wrapper sphere_nodes = pymel.core.polySphere() g = # class instance polySphere_node = pymel.core.nodetypes.PolySphere(n=temp.constants.SPHERE) trans = polySphere_node.outputs()[0] trans = pymel.core.nodetypes.Transform() # Path filepath = pymel.core.sceneName() filepath.basename() filepath.parent filepath.parent.parent filepath.exists() # logging from pymel.internal.plogging import pymelLogger'test') from import loggingControl loggingControl.initMenu()