Example #1
 def test_unipartite_motif_weighted_participation(self):
     for i in range(0,2):
         result = pymfinder(self.test_filename_u[i], motifsize=i+2, networktype = "unipartite", weighted=True, allmotifs=True)
         all_roles = result.nodes[result.nodes.keys()[0]].weighted_motifs.keys()
         roles=[[int(result.nodes[n].weighted_motifs[r]) for r in all_roles] for n in result.nodes]
         check_columns=[sum(x)/(i+2) for x in zip(*roles)]==all_roles # Check the number of nodes in each motif
         check_rows=[sum(x) for x in roles]==[int(result.nodes[x].id[:-1]) for x in result.nodes] # Check that each node is in only one motif
         self.assertTrue(check_columns and check_rows)
Example #2
 def test_unipartite_motif_participation(self):
     for i in range(0,2):
         result = pymfinder(self.test_filename_u[i], motifsize=i+2, networktype = "unipartite", allmotifs=True,)
         all_roles = result.nodes[result.nodes.keys()[0]].motifs.keys()
         roles=[[result.nodes[n].motifs[r] for r in all_roles] for n in result.nodes]
         check_columns=[sum(x) for x in zip(*roles)]==[i+2]*len(all_roles) # Check the number of nodes in each motif
         check_rows=[sum(x) for x in roles]==[1]*len(result.nodes) # Check that each node is in only one motif
         self.assertTrue(check_columns and check_rows)
Example #3
 def test_bipartite_motif_roles(self):
     for i in range(0,5):
         result = pymfinder(self.test_filename_b[i], motifsize=i+2, networktype = "bipartite", allmotifs=False)
         all_roles = result.nodes[result.nodes.keys()[0]].roles.keys()
         roles=[[result.nodes[n].roles[r] for r in all_roles] for n in result.nodes]
         check_columns=any(v==0 for v in [ sum(x) for x in zip(*roles)])==False
         check_rows=[sum(x) for x in roles]==[1]*len(result.nodes)
         self.assertTrue(check_columns and check_rows)
Example #4
 def test_bipartite_link_participation(self):
     for i in range(0,5):
         result = pymfinder(self.test_filename_b[i], motifsize=i+2, networktype = "bipartite",links=True, allmotifs=False)
         all_roles = result.links[result.links.keys()[0]].motifs.keys() # List of motifs
         roles=[[result.links[n].motifs[r] for r in sorted(all_roles)] for n in result.links] # r are motifs, n are link tuples
         motiflist=sorted(result.motifs.keys()) # Need to keep these in the same order
         check_columns=[sum(x) for x in zip(*roles)]==[bipartite_links_per_motif[i+2][motif] for motif in motiflist] # Each motif contains the number of links I think it should
         check_rows=[sum(x) for x in roles]==[1]*len(result.links) # Each link is in only one motif
         self.assertTrue(check_columns and check_rows)
Example #5
 def test_bipartite_link_roles(self):
     for i in range(0,5):
         result = pymfinder(self.test_filename_b[i], motifsize=i+2, networktype = "bipartite", links=True, allmotifs=False)
         all_roles = result.links[result.links.keys()[0]].roles.keys()
         roles=[[result.links[n].roles[r] for r in all_roles] for n in result.links]
         columns=[sum(x) for x in zip(*roles)]
         #Are there the number of links we think there are?
         check_columns=any(v==0 for v in columns)==False # Every link has a role?
         check_rows=[sum(x) for x in roles]==[1]*len(result.links) # Every link is in one position only
         self.assertTrue(check_columns and check_rows and check_total_links)
Example #6
 def test_unipartite_motif_weighted_structure(self):
     for i in range(0,2):
         result = pymfinder(self.test_filename_u[i], motifsize=i+2, networktype = "unipartite", nrandomizations=0, weighted=True, allmotifs=True)
         motifs=[int(result.motifs[n].mean_weight)==n for n in result.motifs.keys()]
Example #7
 def test_unipartite_motif_structure(self):
     for i in range(0,2):
         result = pymfinder(self.test_filename_u[i], motifsize=i+2, networktype = "unipartite", nrandomizations=0, allmotifs=True)
         motifs=[result.motifs[n].real for n in result.motifs]