Example #1
    def test_break_block(self):
        chunk = decode_chunk(self.data)
        base = Vector3(0, 0, 0)

        height = chunk.get_height(base.x, base.z)
        for y in range(height):
        for y in range(height, 127):

        chunk.set_block(base.copy(y=height - 1),
                        Block.create(BlockType.AIR, 0))
        expected_height = height - 1

        height = chunk.get_height(base.x, base.z)
        self.assertEqual(expected_height, height)
                            chunk.get_block(base.copy(y=height - 1)).type)
        for y in range(height, 127):

        chunk.set_block(base.copy(y=height - 2),
                        Block.create(BlockType.AIR, 0))
        expected_height = height

        height = chunk.get_height(base.x, base.z)
        self.assertEqual(expected_height, height)
                            chunk.get_block(base.copy(y=height - 1)).type)
        for y in range(height, 127):
Example #2
 def get_block(self, position: Vector3[int]) -> Block:
     sub_chunk_index = position.y // self._Y_UNIT
     if sub_chunk_index >= len(self._sub_chunk):
         block_type = BlockType.AIR
         return Block.create(block_type, 0)  # TODO check data or aux_value
         sub_chunk = self._sub_chunk[sub_chunk_index]
         y_in_sub = position.y % self._Y_UNIT
         block_type = sub_chunk.get_block_type(position.x, y_in_sub,
         block_data = sub_chunk.get_block_data(position.x, y_in_sub,
         return Block.create(block_type, block_data)
Example #3
 def stack_layer(self, base_block: Block, stacked_block: Block, face: Face) -> Optional[Block]:
     >>> spec = SlabBlockSpec(None, BlockType.DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB)
     >>> block_type = BlockType.WOODEN_SLAB
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 0), Block.create(block_type, 8), Face.TOP)
     Block(type=<BlockType.DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB: 157>, aux_value=0)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 8), Block.create(block_type, 0), Face.BOTTOM)
     Block(type=<BlockType.DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB: 157>, aux_value=0)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 8), Block.create(block_type, 0), Face.TOP)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 0), Block.create(block_type, 8), Face.BOTTOM)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 0, neighbors=True), Block.create(block_type, 8), Face.TOP)
     Block(type=<BlockType.DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB: 157>, aux_value=0)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 0), Block.create(block_type, 8, neighbors=True), Face.TOP)
     Block(type=<BlockType.DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB: 157>, aux_value=16)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(\\
     ...     Block.create(block_type, 0, neighbors=True), Block.create(block_type, 8, neighbors=False), Face.TOP)
     Block(type=<BlockType.DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB: 157>, aux_value=0)
     slab_type = stacked_block.data & self._SLAB_TYPE_MASK
     if slab_type != base_block.data & self._SLAB_TYPE_MASK:
         return base_block
     is_upper = stacked_block.data & self._IS_UPPER_MASK
     if is_upper != base_block.data & self._IS_UPPER_MASK:
         if (face is Face.BOTTOM and is_upper) or (face is Face.TOP and not is_upper):
             return None
         return Block.create(self._full_stacked_block_type, slab_type, **stacked_block.flags)
     return None
Example #4
 def stack_layer(self, base_block: Block, stacked_block: Block, face: Face) -> Optional[Block]:
     >>> spec = SnowLayerBlockSpec()
     >>> block_type = BlockType.SNOW_LAYER
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 0), Block.create(block_type, 0), Face.TOP)
     Block(type=<BlockType.SNOW_LAYER: 78>, aux_value=1)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 1), Block.create(block_type, 0), Face.TOP)
     Block(type=<BlockType.SNOW_LAYER: 78>, aux_value=2)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 5), Block.create(block_type, 0), Face.TOP)
     Block(type=<BlockType.SNOW_LAYER: 78>, aux_value=6)
     >>> spec.stack_layer(Block.create(block_type, 6), Block.create(block_type, 0), Face.TOP)
     Block(type=<BlockType.SNOW: 80>, aux_value=0)
     layer_index = base_block.data + 1
     if layer_index != self.max_layer_num - 1:
         return Block.create(BlockType.SNOW_LAYER, layer_index, **stacked_block.flags)
         return Block.create(BlockType.SNOW, 0, **stacked_block.flags)
Example #5
 def set_data(x: int, z: int) -> None:
     y = 0
     chunk.set_block(Vector3(x, y, z),
                     Block.create(BlockType.BEDROCK, 0))
     y += 1
     while y < height - 6:
         chunk.set_block(Vector3(x, y, z),
                         Block.create(BlockType.STONE, 0))
         y += 1
     while y < height - 1:
         chunk.set_block(Vector3(x, y, z),
                         Block.create(BlockType.STONE, 0))
         y += 1
     chunk.set_block(Vector3(x, y, z), Block.create(BlockType.GRASS, 0))
     y += 1
     assert y == height
     chunk.set_height(x, z, height)
     chunk.set_biome_id(x, z, BiomeType.PLAINS)
Example #6
 def to_block(
         item_data: int,
         attached_face: Face,
         player_yaw: float,
         click_position: Vector3[float],
         **flags: bool
 ) -> Optional[Block]:
     block_type = self.to_block_type(item_data, attached_face)
     if block_type is None or not self.is_attachable(attached_face):
         return None
     block_data = self.to_block_data(item_data, attached_face, player_yaw, click_position)
     return Block.create(block_type, block_data, **flags)
Example #7
from typing import Dict, List
from unittest import TestCase

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from pyminehub.mcpe.block.spec import RailBlockSpec, _SURROUNDING
from pyminehub.mcpe.const import BlockType
from pyminehub.mcpe.geometry import Vector3
from pyminehub.mcpe.value import Block, PlacedBlock

AIR = Block.create(BlockType.AIR, 0)
RAIL = Block.create(BlockType.RAIL, 0)
POWERED_RAIL = Block.create(BlockType.GOLDEN_RAIL, 0)

LINKED_BLOCKS = tuple((position, AIR) for position in _SURROUNDING)

class RailTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.spec = RailBlockSpec(None)

    def _get_additional_blocks(
            self, block: Block,
            linked_blocks: Dict[Vector3[int], Block]) -> List[PlacedBlock]:
        linked_blocks = tuple(linked_blocks[p] for p in _SURROUNDING)
        return list(self.spec.get_additional_blocks(block, linked_blocks))

    def test_rail_0(self):
        linked_blocks = dict(LINKED_BLOCKS)
        blocks = self._get_additional_blocks(RAIL, linked_blocks)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(blocks))
        self.assertEqual(PlacedBlock(Vector3(0, 0, 0), RAIL), blocks.pop(0))
Example #8
 def set_data(x: int, z: int) -> None:
     chunk.set_block(Vector3(x, 0, z),
                     Block.create(BlockType.BEDROCK, 0))
     chunk.set_block(Vector3(x, 1, z), Block.create(BlockType.WATER, 0))
     chunk.set_height(x, z, 2)
     chunk.set_biome_id(x, z, BiomeType.OCEAN)