Example #1
class RFEnricher:
    """Class for enriching an attribute with data from Recorded Future.
    The enrichment data is returned as a custom MISP object.
    def __init__(self, attribute_props: dict):
        self.event = MISPEvent()
        self.enrichment_object = MISPObject("Recorded Future Enrichment")
        description = ("An object containing the enriched attribute and "
                       "related entities from Recorded Future.")
            "meta-category": "misc",
            "description": description,
            "distribution": 0

        # Create a copy of enriched attribute to add tags to
        temp_attr = MISPAttribute()
        self.enriched_attribute = MISPAttribute()
            "value": temp_attr.value,
            "type": temp_attr.type,
            "distribution": 0

        self.related_attributes: List[Tuple[str, MISPAttribute]] = []
        self.color_picker = RFColors()
        self.galaxy_finder = GalaxyFinder()

        # Mapping from MISP-type to RF-type
        self.type_to_rf_category = {
            "ip": "ip",
            "ip-src": "ip",
            "ip-dst": "ip",
            "ip-src|port": "ip",
            "ip-dst|port": "ip",
            "domain": "domain",
            "hostname": "domain",
            "md5": "hash",
            "sha1": "hash",
            "sha256": "hash",
            "uri": "url",
            "url": "url",
            "vulnerability": "vulnerability",
            "weakness": "vulnerability",

        # Related entities have 'Related' as part of the word and Links entities from RF
        # portrayed as related attributes in MISP
        self.related_attribute_types = [
        # Related entities have 'Related' as part of the word and and Links entities from RF portrayed as tags in MISP
        self.galaxy_tag_types = [
            "Threat Actor",

    def enrich(self) -> None:
        """Run the enrichment."""
        category = self.type_to_rf_category.get(self.enriched_attribute.type,
        enriched_attribute_value = self.enriched_attribute.value
        # If enriched attribute has a port we need to remove that port
        # since RF do not support enriching ip addresses with port
        if self.enriched_attribute.type in ["ip-src|port", "ip-dst|port"]:
            enriched_attribute_value = enriched_attribute_value.split("|")[0]
        json_response = GLOBAL_REQUEST_HANDLER.rf_lookup(
            category, enriched_attribute_value)
        response = json.loads(json_response.content)

            # Add risk score and risk rules as tags to the enriched attribute
            risk_score = response["data"]["risk"]["score"]
            hex_color = self.color_picker.riskscore_color(risk_score)
            tag_name = f'recorded-future:risk-score="{risk_score}"'
            self.add_tag(tag_name, hex_color)
            risk_criticality = response["data"]["risk"]["criticalityLabel"]
            hex_color = self.color_picker.criticality_color(risk_criticality)
            tag_name = f'recorded-future:criticality="{risk_criticality}"'
            self.add_tag(tag_name, hex_color)

            for evidence in response["data"]["risk"]["evidenceDetails"]:
                risk_rule = evidence["rule"]
                criticality = evidence["criticality"]
                hex_color = self.color_picker.riskrule_color(criticality)
                tag_name = f'recorded-future:risk-rule="{risk_rule}"'
                self.add_tag(tag_name, hex_color)

            links_data = response["data"].get("links", {}).get("hits")
            # Check if we have error in links response. If yes, then user do not have right module enabled in token
            links_access_error = response["data"].get("links", {}).get("error")
            galaxy_tags = []
            if not links_access_error:
                for hit in links_data:
                    for section in hit["sections"]:
                        for sec_list in section["lists"]:
                            entity_type = sec_list["type"]["name"]
                            for entity in sec_list["entities"]:
                                if entity_type in self.galaxy_tag_types:
                                    galaxy = self.galaxy_finder.find_galaxy_match(
                                        entity["name"], entity_type)
                                    if galaxy and galaxy not in galaxy_tags:

                # Retrieve related entities
                for related_entity in response["data"]["relatedEntities"]:
                    related_type = related_entity["type"]
                    if related_type in self.related_attribute_types:
                        # Related entities returned as additional attributes
                        for related in related_entity["entities"]:
                            # filter those entities that have count bigger than 4, to reduce noise
                            # because there can be a huge list of related entities
                            if int(related["count"]) > 4:
                                indicator = related["entity"]["name"]
                                self.add_attribute(indicator, related_type)
                    elif related_type in self.galaxy_tag_types:
                        # Related entities added as galaxy-tags to the enriched attribute
                        galaxy_tags = []
                        for related in related_entity["entities"]:
                            # filter those entities that have count bigger than 4, to reduce noise
                            # because there can be a huge list of related entities
                            if int(related["count"]) > 4:
                                indicator = related["entity"]["name"]
                                galaxy = self.galaxy_finder.find_galaxy_match(
                                    indicator, related_type)
                                # Handle deduplication of galaxy tags
                                if galaxy and galaxy not in galaxy_tags:
            for galaxy in galaxy_tags:

        except KeyError:
                "error"] = "Unexpected format in Recorded Future api response."

    def add_attribute(self, indicator: str, indicator_type: str) -> None:
        """Helper method for adding an indicator to the attribute list."""
        out_type = self.get_output_type(indicator_type, indicator)
        attribute = MISPAttribute()
            "value": indicator,
            "type": out_type,
            "distribution": 0
        self.related_attributes.append((indicator_type, attribute))

    def add_tag(self, tag_name: str, hex_color: str = None) -> None:
        """Helper method for adding a tag to the enriched attribute."""
        tag = MISPTag()
        tag_properties = {"name": tag_name}
        if hex_color:
            tag_properties["colour"] = hex_color

    def get_output_type(self, related_type: str, indicator: str) -> str:
        """Helper method for translating a Recorded Future related type to a MISP output type."""
        output_type = "text"
        if related_type in ["RelatedIpAddress", "IpAddress"]:
            output_type = "ip-dst"
        elif related_type in [
                "RelatedInternetDomainName", "InternetDomainName"
            output_type = "domain"
        elif related_type in ["RelatedHash", "Hash"]:
            hash_len = len(indicator)
            if hash_len == 64:
                output_type = "sha256"
            elif hash_len == 40:
                output_type = "sha1"
            elif hash_len == 32:
                output_type = "md5"
        elif related_type in ["RelatedEmailAddress", "EmailAddress"]:
            output_type = "email-src"
        elif related_type in [
                "RelatedCyberVulnerability", "CyberVulnerability"
            signature = indicator.split("-")[0]
            if signature == "CVE":
                output_type = "vulnerability"
            elif signature == "CWE":
                output_type = "weakness"
        elif related_type == "MalwareSignature":
            output_type = "malware-sample"
        elif related_type == "Organization":
            output_type = "target-org"
        elif related_type == "Username":
            output_type = "target-user"
        return output_type

    def get_results(self) -> dict:
        """Build and return the enrichment results."""
        self.enrichment_object.add_attribute("Enriched attribute",
        for related_type, attribute in self.related_attributes:
            self.enrichment_object.add_attribute(related_type, **attribute)
        event = json.loads(self.event.to_json())
        result = {key: event[key] for key in ["Object"] if key in event}
        return {"results": result}
class RFEnricher:
    """Class for enriching an attribute with data from Recorded Future.
       The enrichment data is returned as a custom MISP object.
    def __init__(self, api_token: str, attribute_props: dict):
        self.api_token = api_token
        self.event = MISPEvent()
        self.enrichment_object = MISPObject('Recorded Future Enrichment')
                'An object containing the enriched attribute and related '
                'entities from Recorded Future.',

        # Create a copy of enriched attribute to add tags to
        temp_attr = MISPAttribute()
        self.enriched_attribute = MISPAttribute()
            'value': temp_attr.value,
            'type': temp_attr.type,
            'distribution': 0

        self.related_attributes = []
        self.color_picker = RFColors()
        self.galaxy_finder = GalaxyFinder()

        # Mapping from MISP-type to RF-type
        self.type_to_rf_category = {
            'ip': 'ip',
            'ip-src': 'ip',
            'ip-dst': 'ip',
            'domain': 'domain',
            'hostname': 'domain',
            'md5': 'hash',
            'sha1': 'hash',
            'sha256': 'hash',
            'uri': 'url',
            'url': 'url',
            'vulnerability': 'vulnerability',
            'weakness': 'vulnerability'

        # Related entities from RF portrayed as related attributes in MISP
        self.related_attribute_types = [
            'RelatedIpAddress', 'RelatedInternetDomainName', 'RelatedHash',
            'RelatedEmailAddress', 'RelatedCyberVulnerability'
        # Related entities from RF portrayed as tags in MISP
        self.galaxy_tag_types = ['RelatedMalware', 'RelatedThreatActor']

    def enrich(self):
        """Run the enrichment."""
        category = self.type_to_rf_category.get(self.enriched_attribute.type)

            response = rf_lookup(self.api_token, category,
            json_response = json.loads(response.content)
        except requests.HTTPError as error:
            misperrors['error'] = f'Error when requesting data from Recorded Future. ' \
                                  f'{error.response} : {error.response.reason}'
            raise error

            # Add risk score and risk rules as tags to the enriched attribute
            risk_score = json_response['data']['risk']['score']
            hex_color = self.color_picker.riskscore_color(risk_score)
            tag_name = f'recorded-future:risk-score="{risk_score}"'
            self.add_tag(tag_name, hex_color)
            for evidence in json_response['data']['risk']['evidenceDetails']:
                risk_rule = evidence['rule']
                criticality = evidence['criticality']
                hex_color = self.color_picker.riskrule_color(criticality)
                tag_name = f'recorded-future:risk-rule="{risk_rule}"'
                self.add_tag(tag_name, hex_color)

            # Retrieve related entities
            for related_entity in json_response['data']['relatedEntities']:
                related_type = related_entity['type']
                if related_type in self.related_attribute_types:
                    # Related entities returned as additional attributes
                    for related in related_entity['entities']:
                        if int(related["count"]) > 4:
                            indicator = related['entity']['name']
                            self.add_related_attribute(indicator, related_type)
                elif related_type in self.galaxy_tag_types:
                    # Related entities added as galaxy-tags to the enriched attribute
                    galaxy_tags = []
                    for related in related_entity['entities']:
                        if int(related["count"]) > 4:
                            indicator = related['entity']['name']
                            galaxy = self.galaxy_finder.find_galaxy_match(
                                indicator, related_type)
                            # Handle deduplication of galaxy tags
                            if galaxy and galaxy not in galaxy_tags:
                    for galaxy in galaxy_tags:
        except KeyError as error:
                'error'] = 'Unexpected format in Recorded Future api response.'
            raise error

    def add_related_attribute(self, indicator: str, related_type: str) -> None:
        """Helper method for adding an indicator to the related attribute list."""
        out_type = self.get_output_type(related_type, indicator)
        attribute = MISPAttribute()
            'value': indicator,
            'type': out_type,
            'distribution': 0
        self.related_attributes.append((related_type, attribute))

    def add_tag(self, tag_name: str, hex_color: str = None) -> None:
        """Helper method for adding a tag to the enriched attribute."""
        tag = MISPTag()
        tag_properties = {'name': tag_name}
        if hex_color:
            tag_properties['colour'] = hex_color

    def get_output_type(self, related_type: str, indicator: str) -> str:
        """Helper method for translating a Recorded Future related type to a MISP output type."""
        output_type = 'text'
        if related_type == 'RelatedIpAddress':
            output_type = 'ip-dst'
        elif related_type == 'RelatedInternetDomainName':
            output_type = 'domain'
        elif related_type == 'RelatedHash':
            hash_len = len(indicator)
            if hash_len == 64:
                output_type = 'sha256'
            elif hash_len == 40:
                output_type = 'sha1'
            elif hash_len == 32:
                output_type = 'md5'
        elif related_type == 'RelatedEmailAddress':
            output_type = 'email-src'
        elif related_type == 'RelatedCyberVulnerability':
            signature = indicator.split('-')[0]
            if signature == 'CVE':
                output_type = 'vulnerability'
            elif signature == 'CWE':
                output_type = 'weakness'
        return output_type

    def get_results(self) -> dict:
        """Build and return the enrichment results."""
        self.enrichment_object.add_attribute('Enriched attribute',
        for related_type, attribute in self.related_attributes:
            self.enrichment_object.add_attribute(related_type, **attribute)
        event = json.loads(self.event.to_json())
        result = {key: event[key] for key in ['Object'] if key in event}
        return {'results': result}