def _parse_kms_tls_options(kms_tls_options):
    """Parse KMS TLS connection options."""
    if not kms_tls_options:
        return {}
    if not isinstance(kms_tls_options, dict):
        raise TypeError("kms_tls_options must be a dict")
    contexts = {}
    for provider, opts in kms_tls_options.items():
        if not isinstance(opts, dict):
            raise TypeError(f'kms_tls_options["{provider}"] must be a dict')
        opts.setdefault("tls", True)
        opts = _CaseInsensitiveDictionary(opts)
        opts = _handle_security_options(opts)
        opts = _normalize_options(opts)
        opts = validate_options(opts)
        ssl_context, allow_invalid_hostnames = _parse_ssl_options(opts)
        if ssl_context is None:
            raise ConfigurationError("TLS is required for KMS providers")
        if allow_invalid_hostnames:
            raise ConfigurationError("Insecure TLS options prohibited")

        for n in [
            if n in opts:
                raise ConfigurationError(f"Insecure TLS options prohibited: {n}")
            contexts[provider] = ssl_context
    return contexts
def _parse_options(opts, delim):
    """Helper method for split_options which creates the options dict.
    Also handles the creation of a list for the URI tag_sets/
    readpreferencetags portion, and the use of a unicode options string."""
    options = _CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
    for uriopt in opts.split(delim):
        key, value = uriopt.split("=")
        if key.lower() == 'readpreferencetags':
            options.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
            if key in options:
                warnings.warn("Duplicate URI option '%s'." % (key, ))
            options[key] = unquote_plus(value)

    return options
Example #3
    def authenticate(self, name=None, password=None,
                     source=None, mechanism='DEFAULT', **kwargs):
        """**DEPRECATED**: Authenticate to use this database.

        .. warning:: Starting in MongoDB 3.6, calling :meth:`authenticate`
          invalidates all existing cursors. It may also leave logical sessions
          open on the server for up to 30 minutes until they time out.

        Authentication lasts for the life of the underlying client
        instance, or until :meth:`logout` is called.

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if (required) `name`, (optional) `password`,
        or (optional) `source` is not an instance of :class:`basestring`
        (:class:`str` in python 3).

        .. note::
          - This method authenticates the current connection, and
            will also cause all new :class:`~socket.socket` connections
            in the underlying client instance to be authenticated automatically.

          - Authenticating more than once on the same database with different
            credentials is not supported. You must call :meth:`logout` before
            authenticating with new credentials.

          - When sharing a client instance between multiple threads, all
            threads will share the authentication. If you need different
            authentication profiles for different purposes you must use
            distinct client instances.

          - `name`: the name of the user to authenticate. Optional when
            `mechanism` is MONGODB-X509 and the MongoDB server version is
            >= 3.4.
          - `password` (optional): the password of the user to authenticate.
            Not used with GSSAPI or MONGODB-X509 authentication.
          - `source` (optional): the database to authenticate on. If not
            specified the current database is used.
          - `mechanism` (optional): See :data:`~pymongo.auth.MECHANISMS` for
            options. If no mechanism is specified, PyMongo automatically uses
            MONGODB-CR when connected to a pre-3.0 version of MongoDB,
            SCRAM-SHA-1 when connected to MongoDB 3.0 through 3.6, and
            negotiates the mechanism to use (SCRAM-SHA-1 or SCRAM-SHA-256) when
            connected to MongoDB 4.0+.
          - `authMechanismProperties` (optional): Used to specify
            authentication mechanism specific options. To specify the service
            name for GSSAPI authentication pass
            ``authMechanismProperties='SERVICE_NAME:<service name>'``.
            To specify the session token for MONGODB-AWS authentication pass
            ``authMechanismProperties='AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:<session token>'``.

        .. versionchanged:: 3.7
           Added support for SCRAM-SHA-256 with MongoDB 4.0 and later.

        .. versionchanged:: 3.5
           Deprecated. Authenticating multiple users conflicts with support for
           logical sessions in MongoDB 3.6. To authenticate as multiple users,
           create multiple instances of MongoClient.

        .. versionadded:: 2.8
           Use SCRAM-SHA-1 with MongoDB 3.0 and later.

        .. versionchanged:: 2.5
           Added the `source` and `mechanism` parameters. :meth:`authenticate`
           now raises a subclass of :class:`~pymongo.errors.PyMongoError` if
           authentication fails due to invalid credentials or configuration

        .. mongodoc:: authenticate
        if name is not None and not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError("name must be an instance of str")
        if password is not None and not isinstance(password, str):
            raise TypeError("password must be an instance of str")
        if source is not None and not isinstance(source, str):
            raise TypeError("source must be an instance of str")
        common.validate_auth_mechanism('mechanism', mechanism)

        validated_options = common._CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
        for option, value in kwargs.items():
            normalized, val = common.validate_auth_option(option, value)
            validated_options[normalized] = val

        credentials = auth._build_credentials_tuple(


        return True
def parse_uri(uri,
    """Parse and validate a MongoDB URI.

    Returns a dict of the form::

            'nodelist': <list of (host, port) tuples>,
            'username': <username> or None,
            'password': <password> or None,
            'database': <database name> or None,
            'collection': <collection name> or None,
            'options': <dict of MongoDB URI options>

    If the URI scheme is "mongodb+srv://" DNS SRV and TXT lookups will be done
    to build nodelist and options.

        - `uri`: The MongoDB URI to parse.
        - `default_port`: The port number to use when one wasn't specified
          for a host in the URI.
        - `validate` (optional): If ``True`` (the default), validate and
          normalize all options. Default: ``True``.
        - `warn` (optional): When validating, if ``True`` then will warn
          the user then ignore any invalid options or values. If ``False``,
          validation will error when options are unsupported or values are
          invalid. Default: ``False``.
        - `normalize` (optional): If ``True``, convert names of URI options
          to their internally-used names. Default: ``True``.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.9
        Added the ``normalize`` parameter.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.6
        Added support for mongodb+srv:// URIs.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.5
        Return the original value of the ``readPreference`` MongoDB URI option
        instead of the validated read preference mode.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.1
        ``warn`` added so invalid options can be ignored.
    if uri.startswith(SCHEME):
        is_srv = False
        scheme_free = uri[SCHEME_LEN:]
    elif uri.startswith(SRV_SCHEME):
        if not _HAVE_DNSPYTHON:
            raise ConfigurationError('The "dnspython" module must be '
                                     'installed to use mongodb+srv:// URIs')
        is_srv = True
        scheme_free = uri[SRV_SCHEME_LEN:]
        raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: URI must "
                         "begin with '%s' or '%s'" % (SCHEME, SRV_SCHEME))

    if not scheme_free:
        raise InvalidURI("Must provide at least one hostname or IP.")

    user = None
    passwd = None
    dbase = None
    collection = None
    options = _CaseInsensitiveDictionary()

    host_part, _, path_part = scheme_free.partition('/')
    if not host_part:
        host_part = path_part
        path_part = ""

    if not path_part and '?' in host_part:
        raise InvalidURI("A '/' is required between "
                         "the host list and any options.")

    if '@' in host_part:
        userinfo, _, hosts = host_part.rpartition('@')
        user, passwd = parse_userinfo(userinfo)
        hosts = host_part

    if '/' in hosts:
        raise InvalidURI("Any '/' in a unix domain socket must be"
                         " percent-encoded: %s" % host_part)

    hosts = unquote_plus(hosts)

    if is_srv:
        nodes = split_hosts(hosts, default_port=None)
        if len(nodes) != 1:
            raise InvalidURI("%s URIs must include one, "
                             "and only one, hostname" % (SRV_SCHEME, ))
        fqdn, port = nodes[0]
        if port is not None:
            raise InvalidURI("%s URIs must not include a port number" %
                             (SRV_SCHEME, ))
        nodes = _get_dns_srv_hosts(fqdn)

            plist = fqdn.split(".")[1:]
        except Exception:
            raise ConfigurationError("Invalid URI host")
        slen = len(plist)
        if slen < 2:
            raise ConfigurationError("Invalid URI host")
        for node in nodes:
                nlist = node[0].split(".")[1:][-slen:]
            except Exception:
                raise ConfigurationError("Invalid SRV host")
            if plist != nlist:
                raise ConfigurationError("Invalid SRV host")

        dns_options = _get_dns_txt_options(fqdn)
        if dns_options:
            options = split_options(dns_options, validate, warn, normalize)
            if set(options) - _ALLOWED_TXT_OPTS:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "Only authSource and replicaSet are supported from DNS")
        options["ssl"] = True if validate else 'true'
        nodes = split_hosts(hosts, default_port=default_port)

    if path_part:
        if path_part[0] == '?':
            opts = unquote_plus(path_part[1:])
            dbase, _, opts = map(unquote_plus, path_part.partition('?'))
            if '.' in dbase:
                dbase, collection = dbase.split('.', 1)

                raise InvalidURI('Bad database name "%s"' % dbase)

        if opts:
            options.update(split_options(opts, validate, warn, normalize))

    if dbase is not None:
        dbase = unquote_plus(dbase)
    if collection is not None:
        collection = unquote_plus(collection)

    return {
        'nodelist': nodes,
        'username': user,
        'password': passwd,
        'database': dbase,
        'collection': collection,
        'options': options
Example #5
def parse_uri(uri,
    """Parse and validate a MongoDB URI.

    Returns a dict of the form::

            'nodelist': <list of (host, port) tuples>,
            'username': <username> or None,
            'password': <password> or None,
            'database': <database name> or None,
            'collection': <collection name> or None,
            'options': <dict of MongoDB URI options>,
            'fqdn': <fqdn of the MongoDB+SRV URI> or None

    If the URI scheme is "mongodb+srv://" DNS SRV and TXT lookups will be done
    to build nodelist and options.

        - `uri`: The MongoDB URI to parse.
        - `default_port`: The port number to use when one wasn't specified
          for a host in the URI.
        - `validate` (optional): If ``True`` (the default), validate and
          normalize all options. Default: ``True``.
        - `warn` (optional): When validating, if ``True`` then will warn
          the user then ignore any invalid options or values. If ``False``,
          validation will error when options are unsupported or values are
          invalid. Default: ``False``.
        - `normalize` (optional): If ``True``, convert names of URI options
          to their internally-used names. Default: ``True``.
        - `connect_timeout` (optional): The maximum time in milliseconds to
          wait for a response from the DNS server.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.9
        Added the ``normalize`` parameter.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.6
        Added support for mongodb+srv:// URIs.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.5
        Return the original value of the ``readPreference`` MongoDB URI option
        instead of the validated read preference mode.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.1
        ``warn`` added so invalid options can be ignored.
    if uri.startswith(SCHEME):
        is_srv = False
        scheme_free = uri[SCHEME_LEN:]
    elif uri.startswith(SRV_SCHEME):
        if not _HAVE_DNSPYTHON:
            raise ConfigurationError('The "dnspython" module must be '
                                     'installed to use mongodb+srv:// URIs')
        is_srv = True
        scheme_free = uri[SRV_SCHEME_LEN:]
        raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: URI must "
                         "begin with '%s' or '%s'" % (SCHEME, SRV_SCHEME))

    if not scheme_free:
        raise InvalidURI("Must provide at least one hostname or IP.")

    user = None
    passwd = None
    dbase = None
    collection = None
    options = _CaseInsensitiveDictionary()

    host_part, _, path_part = scheme_free.partition('/')
    if not host_part:
        host_part = path_part
        path_part = ""

    if not path_part and '?' in host_part:
        raise InvalidURI("A '/' is required between "
                         "the host list and any options.")

    if path_part:
        dbase, _, opts = path_part.partition('?')
        if dbase:
            dbase = unquote_plus(dbase)
            if '.' in dbase:
                dbase, collection = dbase.split('.', 1)
                raise InvalidURI('Bad database name "%s"' % dbase)
            dbase = None

        if opts:
            options.update(split_options(opts, validate, warn, normalize))

    if '@' in host_part:
        userinfo, _, hosts = host_part.rpartition('@')
        user, passwd = parse_userinfo(userinfo)
        hosts = host_part

    if '/' in hosts:
        raise InvalidURI("Any '/' in a unix domain socket must be"
                         " percent-encoded: %s" % host_part)

    hosts = unquote_plus(hosts)
    fqdn = None

    if is_srv:
        if options.get('directConnection'):
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Cannot specify directConnection=true with "
                "%s URIs" % (SRV_SCHEME, ))
        nodes = split_hosts(hosts, default_port=None)
        if len(nodes) != 1:
            raise InvalidURI("%s URIs must include one, "
                             "and only one, hostname" % (SRV_SCHEME, ))
        fqdn, port = nodes[0]
        if port is not None:
            raise InvalidURI("%s URIs must not include a port number" %
                             (SRV_SCHEME, ))

        # Use the connection timeout. connectTimeoutMS passed as a keyword
        # argument overrides the same option passed in the connection string.
        connect_timeout = connect_timeout or options.get("connectTimeoutMS")
        dns_resolver = _SrvResolver(fqdn, connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
        nodes = dns_resolver.get_hosts()
        dns_options = dns_resolver.get_options()
        if dns_options:
            parsed_dns_options = split_options(dns_options, validate, warn,
            if set(parsed_dns_options) - _ALLOWED_TXT_OPTS:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "Only authSource and replicaSet are supported from DNS")
            for opt, val in parsed_dns_options.items():
                if opt not in options:
                    options[opt] = val
        if "ssl" not in options:
            options["ssl"] = True if validate else 'true'
        nodes = split_hosts(hosts, default_port=default_port)
        if len(nodes) > 1 and options.get('directConnection'):
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Cannot specify multiple hosts with directConnection=true")

    return {
        'nodelist': nodes,
        'username': user,
        'password': passwd,
        'database': dbase,
        'collection': collection,
        'options': options,
        'fqdn': fqdn
Example #6
    def extract_db_config(uri: str):
        extract username, password and host with port from mongo uri

        :param uri: mongo uri
        :return: username, password, scheme, hosts
        user = None
        passwd = None
        dbase = None
        collection = None
        options = _CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
        is_mock = False
        if uri.startswith("mongomock://"):
            uri = uri.replace("mongomock://", "mongodb://", 1)
            is_mock = True

        if uri.startswith(SCHEME):
            scheme_free = uri[SCHEME_LEN:]
            scheme = uri[:SCHEME_LEN]
        elif uri.startswith(SRV_SCHEME):
            scheme_free = uri[SRV_SCHEME_LEN:]
            scheme = uri[:SRV_SCHEME_LEN]
            raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: URI must "
                             "begin with '%s' or '%s'" % (SCHEME, SRV_SCHEME))

        if not scheme_free:
            raise InvalidURI("Must provide at least one hostname or IP.")

        host_part, _, _ = scheme_free.partition("/")
        host_part, _, path_part = scheme_free.partition("/")
        if not host_part:
            host_part = path_part
            path_part = ""

        if not path_part and '?' in host_part:
            raise InvalidURI("A '/' is required between "
                             "the host list and any options.")

        if path_part:
            dbase, _, opts = path_part.partition('?')
            if dbase:
                dbase = unquote_plus(dbase)
                if '.' in dbase:
                    dbase, collection = dbase.split('.', 1)
                    raise InvalidURI('Bad database name "%s"' % dbase)
                dbase = None

            if opts:
                options.update(split_options(opts, True, False, True))

        if "@" in host_part:
            userinfo, _, hosts = host_part.rpartition("@")
            user, passwd = parse_userinfo(userinfo)
            hosts = scheme + hosts
            hosts = scheme + host_part

        settings = {
            "username": user,
            "password": passwd,
            "host": hosts,
            "db": dbase,
            "options": options,
            "collection": collection

        if is_mock:
            settings['is_mock'] = is_mock
        return settings
def parse_uri(
    uri: str,
    default_port: Optional[int] = DEFAULT_PORT,
    validate: bool = True,
    warn: bool = False,
    normalize: bool = True,
    connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
    srv_service_name: Optional[str] = None,
    srv_max_hosts: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Parse and validate a MongoDB URI.

    Returns a dict of the form::

            'nodelist': <list of (host, port) tuples>,
            'username': <username> or None,
            'password': <password> or None,
            'database': <database name> or None,
            'collection': <collection name> or None,
            'options': <dict of MongoDB URI options>,
            'fqdn': <fqdn of the MongoDB+SRV URI> or None

    If the URI scheme is "mongodb+srv://" DNS SRV and TXT lookups will be done
    to build nodelist and options.

        - `uri`: The MongoDB URI to parse.
        - `default_port`: The port number to use when one wasn't specified
          for a host in the URI.
        - `validate` (optional): If ``True`` (the default), validate and
          normalize all options. Default: ``True``.
        - `warn` (optional): When validating, if ``True`` then will warn
          the user then ignore any invalid options or values. If ``False``,
          validation will error when options are unsupported or values are
          invalid. Default: ``False``.
        - `normalize` (optional): If ``True``, convert names of URI options
          to their internally-used names. Default: ``True``.
        - `connect_timeout` (optional): The maximum time in milliseconds to
          wait for a response from the DNS server.
        - 'srv_service_name` (optional): A custom SRV service name

    .. versionchanged:: 4.0
       To better follow RFC 3986, unquoted percent signs ("%") are no longer

    .. versionchanged:: 3.9
        Added the ``normalize`` parameter.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.6
        Added support for mongodb+srv:// URIs.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.5
        Return the original value of the ``readPreference`` MongoDB URI option
        instead of the validated read preference mode.

    .. versionchanged:: 3.1
        ``warn`` added so invalid options can be ignored.
    if uri.startswith(SCHEME):
        is_srv = False
        scheme_free = uri[SCHEME_LEN:]
    elif uri.startswith(SRV_SCHEME):
        if not _HAVE_DNSPYTHON:
            python_path = sys.executable or "python"
            raise ConfigurationError(
                'The "dnspython" module must be '
                "installed to use mongodb+srv:// URIs. "
                "To fix this error install pymongo with the srv extra:\n "
                '%s -m pip install "pymongo[srv]"' % (python_path)
        is_srv = True
        scheme_free = uri[SRV_SCHEME_LEN:]
        raise InvalidURI(
            "Invalid URI scheme: URI must begin with '%s' or '%s'" % (SCHEME, SRV_SCHEME)

    if not scheme_free:
        raise InvalidURI("Must provide at least one hostname or IP.")

    user = None
    passwd = None
    dbase = None
    collection = None
    options = _CaseInsensitiveDictionary()

    host_part, _, path_part = scheme_free.partition("/")
    if not host_part:
        host_part = path_part
        path_part = ""

    if not path_part and "?" in host_part:
        raise InvalidURI("A '/' is required between the host list and any options.")

    if path_part:
        dbase, _, opts = path_part.partition("?")
        if dbase:
            dbase = unquote_plus(dbase)
            if "." in dbase:
                dbase, collection = dbase.split(".", 1)
                raise InvalidURI('Bad database name "%s"' % dbase)
            dbase = None

        if opts:
            options.update(split_options(opts, validate, warn, normalize))
    if srv_service_name is None:
        srv_service_name = options.get("srvServiceName", SRV_SERVICE_NAME)
    if "@" in host_part:
        userinfo, _, hosts = host_part.rpartition("@")
        user, passwd = parse_userinfo(userinfo)
        hosts = host_part

    if "/" in hosts:
        raise InvalidURI("Any '/' in a unix domain socket must be percent-encoded: %s" % host_part)

    hosts = unquote_plus(hosts)
    fqdn = None
    srv_max_hosts = srv_max_hosts or options.get("srvMaxHosts")
    if is_srv:
        if options.get("directConnection"):
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Cannot specify directConnection=true with %s URIs" % (SRV_SCHEME,)
        nodes = split_hosts(hosts, default_port=None)
        if len(nodes) != 1:
            raise InvalidURI("%s URIs must include one, and only one, hostname" % (SRV_SCHEME,))
        fqdn, port = nodes[0]
        if port is not None:
            raise InvalidURI("%s URIs must not include a port number" % (SRV_SCHEME,))

        # Use the connection timeout. connectTimeoutMS passed as a keyword
        # argument overrides the same option passed in the connection string.
        connect_timeout = connect_timeout or options.get("connectTimeoutMS")
        dns_resolver = _SrvResolver(fqdn, connect_timeout, srv_service_name, srv_max_hosts)
        nodes = dns_resolver.get_hosts()
        dns_options = dns_resolver.get_options()
        if dns_options:
            parsed_dns_options = split_options(dns_options, validate, warn, normalize)
            if set(parsed_dns_options) - _ALLOWED_TXT_OPTS:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "Only authSource, replicaSet, and loadBalanced are supported from DNS"
            for opt, val in parsed_dns_options.items():
                if opt not in options:
                    options[opt] = val
        if options.get("loadBalanced") and srv_max_hosts:
            raise InvalidURI("You cannot specify loadBalanced with srvMaxHosts")
        if options.get("replicaSet") and srv_max_hosts:
            raise InvalidURI("You cannot specify replicaSet with srvMaxHosts")
        if "tls" not in options and "ssl" not in options:
            options["tls"] = True if validate else "true"
    elif not is_srv and options.get("srvServiceName") is not None:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            "The srvServiceName option is only allowed with 'mongodb+srv://' URIs"
    elif not is_srv and srv_max_hosts:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            "The srvMaxHosts option is only allowed with 'mongodb+srv://' URIs"
        nodes = split_hosts(hosts, default_port=default_port)

    _check_options(nodes, options)

    return {
        "nodelist": nodes,
        "username": user,
        "password": passwd,
        "database": dbase,
        "collection": collection,
        "options": options,
        "fqdn": fqdn,