Example #1
    def calc_dist(self, pop, other=None):
        X = self.func(pop)

        if other is None:
            D = cdist(X, X)
            D[np.triu_indices(len(X))] = np.inf
            _X = self.func(other)
            D = cdist(X, _X)

        return D
Example #2
def kmeans(X, centroids, n_max_iter, a_tol, n_ignore):

    for i in range(n_max_iter):

        # copy the old centroids
        last_centroids = np.copy(centroids)

        # assign all points to one of the centroids
        points_to_centroid = cdist(X, centroids).argmin(axis=1)

        centroids_to_points = [[] for _ in range(len(centroids))]
        for j, k in enumerate(points_to_centroid):

        for j in range(n_ignore, len(centroids_to_points)):
            centroids[j] = np.mean(X[centroids_to_points[j]], axis=0)

        centroids /= centroids.sum(axis=1)[:, None]

        delta = np.abs(centroids - last_centroids).sum(axis=1).mean()

        if delta < a_tol:

    return centroids
def select_points_with_maximum_distance(X, n_select, selected=[]):
    n_points, n_dim = X.shape

    # calculate the distance matrix
    D = cdist(X, X)

    # if no selection provided pick randomly in the beginning
    if len(selected) == 0:
        selected = [np.random.randint(len(X))]

    # create variables to store what selected and what not
    not_selected = [i for i in range(n_points) if i not in selected]

    # remove unnecessary points
    dist_to_closest_selected = D[:, selected].min(axis=1)

    # now select the points until sufficient ones are found
    while len(selected) < n_select:
        # find point that has the maximum distance to all others
        index_in_not_selected = dist_to_closest_selected[not_selected].argmax()
        I = not_selected[index_in_not_selected]

        # add the closest distance to selected point
        is_closer = D[I] < dist_to_closest_selected
        dist_to_closest_selected[is_closer] = D[I][is_closer]

        # add it to the selected and remove from not selected
        not_selected = np.delete(not_selected, index_in_not_selected)

    return selected
Example #4
    def _calc_score(self, X):

        if self.criterion == "maxmin":
            D = cdist(X, X)
            np.fill_diagonal(D, np.inf)
            return np.min(D)

        elif self.criterion == "correlation":
            M = np.corrcoef(X.T, rowvar=True)
            return -np.sum(np.tril(M, -1) ** 2)

            raise Exception("Unknown criterium.")
Example #5
def selection(surviving, not_surviving, F, n_remaining):
    val = []
    D = cdist(F, F)

    for i in range(n_remaining):
        I = not_surviving[np.argmax(
            np.min(D[not_surviving, :][:, surviving], 1))]


    return val
def kmeans(X, centroids, n_max_iter, a_tol):

    for i in range(n_max_iter):

        # assign all points to one of the centroids
        points_to_centroid = cdist(X, centroids).argmin(axis=1)

        centroids_to_points = [[] for _ in range(len(centroids))]
        for j, k in enumerate(points_to_centroid):

        last_centroids = np.copy(centroids)
        for j in range(len(centroids_to_points)):
            centroids[j] = np.mean(X[centroids_to_points[j]], axis=0)

        if np.abs(centroids - last_centroids).sum(axis=1).mean() < a_tol:
Example #7
def iterative_igd(X, n_partitions=None, batch_size=100):
    n_points, n_dim = X.shape

    if n_partitions is None:
        n_partitions = get_partition_closest_to_points(n_points * n_dim * 10,
                                                       n_dim) + 1

    scaling = 1 + 1 / 2

    dd = DasDennis(n_partitions, n_dim, scaling=scaling)
    val = 0

    while dd.has_next():
        points = dd.next(n_points=batch_size)
        val += cdist(points, X).min(axis=1).sum()

    val /= dd.number_of_points()
    return val
    def _calc_score(self, X):

        if isinstance(self.criterion, str):

            if self.criterion == "maxmin":
                D = cdist(X, X)
                np.fill_diagonal(D, np.inf)
                return np.min(D)

            elif self.criterion == "correlation":
                M = np.corrcoef(X.T, rowvar=True)
                return -np.sum(np.tril(M, -1) ** 2)

                raise Exception("Unknown criterion.")
        elif callable(self.criterion):
            return self.criterion(X)

            raise Exception("Either provide a str or a function as a criterion!")
Example #9
def criterion_maxmin(X):
    D = cdist(X, X)
    np.fill_diagonal(D, np.inf)
    return np.min(D)
Example #10
    def _do(self, problem, pop, n_survive=None, out=None, **kwargs):
        F = pop.get("F")
        assert F.shape[
            1] == 1, "This survival only works for single-objective problems"

        I = np.argsort(F[:, 0])
        pop = pop[I]
        X, F = pop.get("X", "F")

        xl, xu = problem.bounds()
        X = (X - xl) / (xu - xl)

        func_dist = lambda _x, _X: cdist(_x[None, :], _X)[0] / (problem.n_var**

        niches = np.full(len(pop), 0)
        crowding = np.full(len(pop), 0)
        penalty = np.full(len(pop), 0)

        leaders = [0]

        for i in range(1, len(pop)):

            # calculate the distance to all solutions with a better function value than i
            d = func_dist(X[i], X[:i])

            closer_than_d1 = d <= self.d1

            # if the distance is less than d1, then we inherit the niche
            if np.any(closer_than_d1):

                # find the first solution with distance less than d1 - lowest objective value
                J = np.argmax(closer_than_d1)
                niche = niches[J]


                # create a new niche if maximum has not reached yet
                if len(leaders) < self.max_niches:
                    niche = len(leaders)

                # else assign the closest niche
                    niche = np.argmin(func_dist(X[i], X[leaders]))

            niches[i] = niche

            closer_than_d2 = d <= self.d2

            # if any other solution is in the crowding radius
            if np.any(closer_than_d2):

                # assign the crowding counter for all of them
                J, = np.where(closer_than_d2)
                crowding[J] += 1

                # the penalty is defined by the crowding counter minus the allowed max. allowed crowding
                penalty[i] = max(0, (crowding[J]).max() - self.max_crowding)

        # create the niche assignment matrix A
        A = [[] for _ in range(niches.max() + 1)]
        for i, niche in enumerate(niches):

        # set the local optimum rank for each niche
        rank = np.full(len(pop), -1)
        for I in A:
            rank[I] = np.arange(len(I))

        J = np.lexsort((rank, niches, penalty))

        return pop[J[:n_survive]]