Example #1
def elliptic_demo(args):
    args['PROBLEM-NUMBER'] = int(args['PROBLEM-NUMBER'])
    assert 0 <= args['PROBLEM-NUMBER'] <= 1, ValueError('Invalid problem number')
    args['DIRICHLET-NUMBER'] = int(args['DIRICHLET-NUMBER'])
    assert 0 <= args['DIRICHLET-NUMBER'] <= 2, ValueError('Invalid Dirichlet boundary number.')
    args['NEUMANN-NUMBER'] = int(args['NEUMANN-NUMBER'])
    assert 0 <= args['NEUMANN-NUMBER'] <= 2, ValueError('Invalid Neumann boundary number.')
    args['NEUMANN-COUNT'] = int(args['NEUMANN-COUNT'])
    assert 0 <= args['NEUMANN-COUNT'] <= 3, ValueError('Invalid Neumann boundary count.')

    rhss = [ExpressionFunction('ones(x.shape[:-1]) * 10', 2, ()),
            ExpressionFunction('(x[..., 0] - 0.5) ** 2 * 1000', 2, ())]
    dirichlets = [ExpressionFunction('zeros(x.shape[:-1])', 2, ()),
                  ExpressionFunction('ones(x.shape[:-1])', 2, ()),
                  ExpressionFunction('x[..., 0]', 2, ())]
    neumanns = [None,
                ConstantFunction(3., dim_domain=2),
                ExpressionFunction('50*(0.1 <= x[..., 1]) * (x[..., 1] <= 0.2)'
                                   '+50*(0.8 <= x[..., 1]) * (x[..., 1] <= 0.9)', 2, ())]
    domains = [RectDomain(),
               RectDomain(right='neumann', top='neumann'),
               RectDomain(right='neumann', top='neumann', bottom='neumann')]

    rhs = rhss[args['PROBLEM-NUMBER']]
    dirichlet = dirichlets[args['DIRICHLET-NUMBER']]
    neumann = neumanns[args['NEUMANN-NUMBER']]
    domain = domains[args['NEUMANN-COUNT']]

    for n in [32, 128]:
        grid_name = '{1}(({0},{0}))'.format(n, 'RectGrid' if args['--rect'] else 'TriaGrid')
        print('Solving on {0}'.format(grid_name))

        print('Setup problem ...')
        problem = StationaryProblem(
            diffusion=ConstantFunction(1, dim_domain=2),

        print('Discretize ...')
        if args['--rect']:
            grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / n, grid_type=RectGrid)
            grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, diameter=1. / n, grid_type=TriaGrid)
        discretizer = discretize_stationary_fv if args['--fv'] else discretize_stationary_cg
        discretization, _ = discretizer(analytical_problem=problem, grid=grid, boundary_info=bi)

        print('Solve ...')
        U = discretization.solve()

        print('Plot ...')
        discretization.visualize(U, title=grid_name)

Example #2
def elliptic_demo(args):
    args['PROBLEM-NUMBER'] = int(args['PROBLEM-NUMBER'])
    assert 0 <= args['PROBLEM-NUMBER'] <= 1, ValueError('Invalid problem number')
    args['DIRICHLET-NUMBER'] = int(args['DIRICHLET-NUMBER'])
    assert 0 <= args['DIRICHLET-NUMBER'] <= 2, ValueError('Invalid Dirichlet boundary number.')
    args['NEUMANN-NUMBER'] = int(args['NEUMANN-NUMBER'])
    assert 0 <= args['NEUMANN-NUMBER'] <= 2, ValueError('Invalid Neumann boundary number.')
    args['NEUMANN-COUNT'] = int(args['NEUMANN-COUNT'])
    assert 0 <= args['NEUMANN-COUNT'] <= 3, ValueError('Invalid Neumann boundary count.')

    rhss = [GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, 2),
            GenericFunction(lambda X: (X[..., 0] - 0.5) ** 2 * 1000, 2)]
    dirichlets = [GenericFunction(lambda X: np.zeros(X.shape[:-1]), 2),
                  GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]), 2),
                  GenericFunction(lambda X: X[..., 0], 2)]
    neumanns = [None,
                ConstantFunction(3., dim_domain=2),
                GenericFunction(lambda X:  50*(0.1 <= X[..., 1]) * (X[..., 1] <= 0.2)
                                          +50*(0.8 <= X[..., 1]) * (X[..., 1] <= 0.9), 2)]
    domains = [RectDomain(),
               RectDomain(right=BoundaryType('neumann'), top=BoundaryType('neumann')),
               RectDomain(right=BoundaryType('neumann'), top=BoundaryType('neumann'), bottom=BoundaryType('neumann'))]

    rhs = rhss[args['PROBLEM-NUMBER']]
    dirichlet = dirichlets[args['DIRICHLET-NUMBER']]
    neumann = neumanns[args['NEUMANN-NUMBER']]
    domain = domains[args['NEUMANN-COUNT']]

    for n in [32, 128]:
        grid_name = '{1}(({0},{0}))'.format(n, 'RectGrid' if args['--rect'] else 'TriaGrid')
        print('Solving on {0}'.format(grid_name))

        print('Setup problem ...')
        problem = EllipticProblem(domain=domain, rhs=rhs, dirichlet_data=dirichlet, neumann_data=neumann)

        print('Discretize ...')
        if args['--rect']:
            grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / n, grid_type=RectGrid)
            grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, diameter=1. / n, grid_type=TriaGrid)
        discretizer = discretize_elliptic_fv if args['--fv'] else discretize_elliptic_cg
        discretization, _ = discretizer(analytical_problem=problem, grid=grid, boundary_info=bi)

        print('Solve ...')
        U = discretization.solve()

        print('Plot ...')
        discretization.visualize(U, title=grid_name)

Example #3
File: gui.py Project: sdrave/pymor
def test_visualize_patch(backend_gridtype):
    backend, gridtype = backend_gridtype
    domain = LineDomain() if gridtype is OnedGrid else RectDomain()
    dim = 1 if gridtype is OnedGrid else 2
    rhs = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, dim)  # NOQA
    dirichlet = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.zeros(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    diffusion = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    problem = EllipticProblem(domain=domain, rhs=rhs, dirichlet_data=dirichlet, diffusion_functions=(diffusion,))
    grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, grid_type=gridtype)
    discretization, data = discretize_elliptic_cg(analytical_problem=problem, grid=grid, boundary_info=bi)
    U = discretization.solve()
    visualize_patch(data['grid'], U=U, backend=backend)
    sleep(2)  # so gui has a chance to popup
Example #4
def parabolic_demo(args):
    args['DIFF'] = float(args['DIFF'])
    args['--nt'] = int(args['--nt'])
    args['--grid'] = int(args['--grid'])

    grid_name = '{1}(({0},{0}))'.format(args['--grid'], 'RectGrid' if args['--rect'] else 'TriaGrid')
    print('Solving on {0}'.format(grid_name))

    print('Setup problem ...')
    domain = RectDomain(top=BoundaryType('neumann'), bottom=BoundaryType('neumann'))
    rhs = ConstantFunction(value=0, dim_domain=2)
    diffusion_functional = GenericParameterFunctional(mapping=lambda mu: mu['diffusion'],
                                                      parameter_type={'diffusion': 0})
    neumann = ConstantFunction(value=-1., dim_domain=2)
    initial = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.cos(np.pi*X[..., 0])*np.sin(np.pi*X[..., 1]), dim_domain=2)

    problem = ParabolicProblem(domain=domain, rhs=rhs, diffusion_functionals=[diffusion_functional],
                               dirichlet_data=initial, neumann_data=neumann, initial_data=initial)

    print('Discretize ...')
    if args['--rect']:
        grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / args['--grid'], grid_type=RectGrid)
        grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, diameter=1. / args['--grid'], grid_type=TriaGrid)
    discretizer = discretize_parabolic_fv if args['--fv'] else discretize_parabolic_cg
    discretization, _ = discretizer(analytical_problem=problem, grid=grid, boundary_info=bi, nt=args['--nt'])

    print('The parameter type is {}'.format(discretization.parameter_type))

    mu = {'diffusion': args['DIFF']}
    print('Solving for diffusion = {} ... '.format(mu['diffusion']))
    U = discretization.solve(mu)

    print('Plot ...')
    discretization.visualize(U, title=grid_name)

Example #5
def test_visualize_patch(backend_gridtype):
    backend, gridtype = backend_gridtype
    domain = LineDomain() if gridtype is OnedGrid else RectDomain()
    dim = 1 if gridtype is OnedGrid else 2
    rhs = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, dim)  # NOQA
    dirichlet = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.zeros(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    diffusion = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    problem = StationaryProblem(domain=domain, rhs=rhs, dirichlet_data=dirichlet, diffusion=diffusion)
    grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, grid_type=gridtype)
    discretization, data = discretize_stationary_cg(analytical_problem=problem, grid=grid, boundary_info=bi)
    U = discretization.solve()
        visualize_patch(data['grid'], U=U, backend=backend)
    except PySideMissing as ie:
        pytest.xfail("PySide missing")
Example #6
def test_visualize_patch(backend_gridtype):
    backend, gridtype = backend_gridtype
    domain = LineDomain() if gridtype is OnedGrid else RectDomain()
    dim = 1 if gridtype is OnedGrid else 2
    rhs = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, dim)  # NOQA
    dirichlet = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.zeros(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    diffusion = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    problem = StationaryProblem(domain=domain, rhs=rhs, dirichlet_data=dirichlet, diffusion=diffusion)
    grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, grid_type=gridtype)
    d, data = discretize_stationary_cg(analytical_problem=problem, grid=grid, boundary_info=bi)
    U = d.solve()
        visualize_patch(data['grid'], U=U, backend=backend)
    except QtMissing as ie:
        pytest.xfail("Qt missing")
Example #7
def test_visualize_patch(backend_gridtype):
    backend, gridtype = backend_gridtype
    domain = LineDomain() if gridtype is OnedGrid else RectDomain()
    dim = 1 if gridtype is OnedGrid else 2
    rhs = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, dim)  # NOQA
    dirichlet = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.zeros(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    diffusion = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    problem = EllipticProblem(domain=domain,
                              diffusion_functions=(diffusion, ))
    grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, grid_type=gridtype)
    discretization, data = discretize_elliptic_cg(analytical_problem=problem,
    U = discretization.solve()
    visualize_patch(data['grid'], U=U, backend=backend)
    sleep(2)  # so gui has a chance to popup
    for child in multiprocessing.active_children():