Example #1
    def test_num_ions_threshold(self, peak_list, tic):
		Filter the peak list, first by removing all intensities in a peak less
		than a given relative threshold, then by removing all peaks that have
		less than a given number of ions above a given value

        # trim by relative intensity
        pl = rel_threshold(peak_list, 2)

        # trim by threshold
        new_peak_list = num_ions_threshold(pl, 3, 10000)
        assert isinstance(new_peak_list, list)
        assert isinstance(new_peak_list[0], Peak)

        assert len(new_peak_list) == 215
        assert len(new_peak_list) <= len(peak_list)
        assert len(new_peak_list) <= len(pl)

        # With window_analyzer
        # estimate noise level from the TIC, used later to
        # discern true signal peaks
        noise_level = window_analyzer(tic)

        # trim by relative intensity
        apl = rel_threshold(peak_list, 1)

        # trim by number of ions above threshold
        peak_list = num_ions_threshold(apl, 3, noise_level)

        assert isinstance(peak_list, list)
        assert isinstance(peak_list[0], Peak)

        assert len(peak_list) in (87, 88)
        assert len(peak_list) <= len(peak_list)
Example #2
def expr_list(pyms_datadir):

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        outputdir = pathlib.Path(tmpdir)

        # Create experiment files
        for jcamp_file in eley_codes:

            im = build_intensity_matrix_i(
                JCAMP_reader(pyms_datadir / f"{jcamp_file}.JDX"))

            # Intensity matrix size (scans, masses)
            n_scan, n_mz = im.size

            # noise filter and baseline correct
            for ii in range(n_mz):
                ic = im.get_ic_at_index(ii)
                ic_smooth = savitzky_golay(ic)
                ic_bc = tophat(ic_smooth, struct="1.5m")
                im.set_ic_at_index(ii, ic_bc)

            peak_list = BillerBiemann(im, points=9, scans=2)

            apl = rel_threshold(peak_list, 2)
            new_peak_list = num_ions_threshold(apl, 3, 3000)

            # ignore TMS ions and set mass range
            for peak in new_peak_list:
                peak.crop_mass(50, 400)

                # find area
                area = peak_sum_area(im, peak)
                peak.area = area
                area_dict = peak_top_ion_areas(im, peak)
                peak.ion_areas = area_dict

            expr = Experiment(jcamp_file, new_peak_list)

            # set time range for all experiments
            expr.sele_rt_range(["6.5m", "21m"])

            expr.dump(outputdir / f"{jcamp_file}.expr")

        # Load experiments
        expr_list = []
        for expr_code in eley_codes:
            expr = load_expr(outputdir / f"{expr_code}.expr")
            assert isinstance(expr, Experiment)

        yield expr_list
Example #3
def _filtered_peak_list(im_i, _peak_list):
    peak_list = copy.deepcopy(_peak_list)
    # do peak detection on pre-trimmed data
    # trim by relative intensity
    apl = rel_threshold(peak_list, 2, copy_peaks=False)

    # trim by threshold
    new_peak_list = num_ions_threshold(apl, 3, 3000, copy_peaks=False)

    # ignore TMS ions and set mass range
    for peak in new_peak_list:
        peak.crop_mass(50, 400)

        # find area
        area = peak_sum_area(im_i, peak)
        peak.area = area
        area_dict = peak_top_ion_areas(im_i, peak)
        peak.ion_areas = area_dict

    return new_peak_list
Example #4
 def test_percent_errors(self, obj, peak_list):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         rel_threshold(peak_list, percent=obj)
Example #5
 def test_peak_list_errors(self, obj):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example #6
# Use Biller and Biemann technique to find apexing ions at a scan.
# Find apex oven 9 points and combine with neighbouring peak if two scans apex
# next to each other.
peak_list = BillerBiemann(im, points=9, scans=2)

print("Number of peaks found: ", len(peak_list))

# Filter the peak list,
# first by removing all intensities in a peak less than a given relative
# threshold,
# then by removing all peaks that have less than a given number of ions above
# a given value

# Parameters
# percentage ratio of ion intensity to max ion intensity
r = 2

# minimum number of ions, n
n = 3
# greater than or equal to threshold, t
t = 10000

# trim by relative intensity
pl = rel_threshold(peak_list, r)

# trim by threshold
new_peak_list = num_ions_threshold(pl, n, t)

print("Number of filtered peaks: ", len(new_peak_list))
Example #7
    # smooth data
    for ii in range(n_mz):
        ic = im.get_ic_at_index(ii)
        ic1 = savitzky_golay(ic)
        ic_smooth = savitzky_golay(ic1)
        ic_base = tophat(ic_smooth, struct="1.5m")
        im.set_ic_at_index(ii, ic_base)

    # do peak detection on pre-trimmed data

    # get the list of Peak objects
    pl = BillerBiemann(im, points, scans)

    # trim by relative intensity
    apl = rel_threshold(pl, r)

    # trim by threshold
    peak_list = num_ions_threshold(apl, n, t)

    print("\t -> Number of Peaks found:", len(peak_list))

    print("\t -> Executing peak post-procesing and quantification...")

    # ignore TMS ions and use same mass range for all experiments
    for peak in peak_list:
        # find peak areas
        area = peak_sum_area(im, peak)
Example #8
def test_align_2_alignments(A1, pyms_datadir, tmp_pathplus):
    expr_list = []

    for jcamp_file in geco_codes:
        im = build_intensity_matrix_i(
            JCAMP_reader(pyms_datadir / f"{jcamp_file}.JDX"))

        # Intensity matrix size (scans, masses)
        n_scan, n_mz = im.size

        # noise filter and baseline correct
        for ii in range(n_mz):
            ic = im.get_ic_at_index(ii)
            ic_smooth = savitzky_golay(ic)
            ic_bc = tophat(ic_smooth, struct="1.5m")
            im.set_ic_at_index(ii, ic_bc)

        peak_list = BillerBiemann(im, points=9, scans=2)
        apl = rel_threshold(peak_list, 2)
        new_peak_list = num_ions_threshold(apl, 3, 3000)

        # ignore TMS ions and set mass range
        for peak in new_peak_list:
            peak.crop_mass(50, 400)

            # find area
            area = peak_sum_area(im, peak)
            peak.area = area
            area_dict = peak_top_ion_areas(im, peak)
            peak.ion_areas = area_dict

        expr = Experiment(jcamp_file, new_peak_list)

        # set time range for all experiments
        expr.sele_rt_range(["6.5m", "21m"])


    F2 = exprl2alignment(expr_list)
    T2 = PairwiseAlignment(F2, Dw, Gw)
    A2 = align_with_tree(T2, min_peaks=2)

    # top_ion_list = A2.common_ion()
    # A2.write_common_ion_csv(tmp_pathplus/'area1.csv', top_ion_list)

    # between replicates alignment parameters
    Db = 10.0  # rt modulation
    Gb = 0.30  # gap penalty

    print("Aligning input {1,2}")
    T9 = PairwiseAlignment([A1, A2], Db, Gb)
    A9 = align_with_tree(T9)

    A9.write_csv(tmp_pathplus / "rt.csv", tmp_pathplus / "area.csv")

    aligned_peaks = list(filter(None, A9.aligned_peaks()))
    store_peaks(aligned_peaks, tmp_pathplus / "peaks.bin")

    top_ion_list = A9.common_ion()
    A9.write_common_ion_csv(tmp_pathplus / "area.csv", top_ion_list)
Example #9
# Now the Biller and Biemann based technique can be applied to detect peaks.

# In[4]:

from pyms.BillerBiemann import BillerBiemann

pl = BillerBiemann(im, points=9, scans=2)

# Trim the peak list by relative intensity

# In[5]:

from pyms.BillerBiemann import num_ions_threshold, rel_threshold

apl = rel_threshold(pl, percent=2)

# Trim the peak list by noise threshold

# In[6]:

peak_list = num_ions_threshold(apl, n=3, cutoff=3000)

# Set the mass range, remove unwanted ions and estimate the peak area

# In[7]:

from pyms.Peak.Function import peak_sum_area
Example #10
# ## Example: Peak List Filtering
# There are two functions to filter the list of Peak objects.
# The first, |rel_threshold()| modifies the mass spectrum stored in each peak so
# any intensity that is less than a given percentage of the maximum intensity for the peak is removed.
# The second, |num_ions_threshold()|, removes any peak that has less than a given
# number of ions above a given threshold.
# Once the peak list has been constructed, the filters can be applied as follows:

# In[8]:

from pyms.BillerBiemann import num_ions_threshold, rel_threshold

pl = rel_threshold(peak_list, percent=2)

# In[9]:

new_peak_list = num_ions_threshold(pl, n=3, cutoff=10000)

# In[10]:


# The number of detected peaks is now more realistic of what would be expected in
# the test sample.
Example #11
# first by removing all intensities in a peak less than a given relative
# threshold,
# then by removing all peaks that have less than a given number of ions above
# a given value

# Parameters
# percentage ratio of ion intensity to max ion intensity
r = 1

# minimum number of ions, n
n = 3
# greater than or equal to threshold, t
t = 10000

# trim by relative intensity
pl = rel_threshold(peak_list, r)

# trim by threshold
real_peak_list = num_ions_threshold(pl, n, t)
print("Number of filtered peaks in real data: ", len(real_peak_list))

# Set the peak areas
for peak in real_peak_list:
    area = peak_sum_area(real_im, peak)
    peak.area = area

# real_peak_list is PyMassSpec' best guess at the true peak list

################## Run Simulator ######################
# Simulator takes a peak list, time_list and mass_list
# and returns an IntensityMatrix object.