def test_main(self, peak, im_i):
     ion_area_val = ion_area(list(range(100)), 20)
     assert isinstance(ion_area_val, tuple)
     assert len(ion_area_val) == 5
     assert ion_area_val[0] == 231
     assert ion_area_val[1] == 19
     assert ion_area_val[2] == 1
     assert ion_area_val[3] is False
     assert ion_area_val[4] is True
Example #2
def missing_peak_finder(
    sample: Sample,
    file_name: str,
    points: int = 3,
    null_ions: Optional[List] = None,
    crop_ions: Optional[List] = None,
    threshold: int = 1000,
    rt_window: float = 1,
    filetype: MissingPeakFiletype = MZML,
	Integrates raw data around missing peak locations to fill ``NA``\s in the data matrix.

	:param sample: The sample object containing missing peaks
	:param file_name: Name of the raw data file
	:param points: Peak finding - Peak if maxima over 'points' number of scans.
	:param null_ions: Ions to be deleted in the matrix.
	:default null_ions: ``[73, 147]``
	:param crop_ions: Range of Ions to be considered.
	:default crop_ions: ``[50, 540]``
	:param threshold: Minimum intensity of IonChromatogram allowable to fill.
	:param rt_window: Window in seconds around average RT to look for.
	:param filetype:

	:author: Sean O'Callaghan

    if not null_ions:
        null_ions = [73, 147]
    if not crop_ions:
        crop_ions = [50, 540]

    # TODO: some error checks on null and crop ions

    # TODO: a for root,files,dirs in os.path.walk(): loop
    print("Sample:",, "File:", file_name)

    if filetype == NETCDF:
        # this package
        from pyms.GCMS.IO.ANDI import ANDI_reader
        data = ANDI_reader(file_name)

    elif filetype == MZML:
        # this package
        from pyms.GCMS.IO.MZML import mzML_reader
        data = mzML_reader(file_name)

        print("file type not valid")

    # build integer intensity matrix
    im = build_intensity_matrix_i(data)

    for null_ion in null_ions:

    im.crop_mass(crop_ions[0], crop_ions[1])

    # get the size of the intensity matrix
    n_scan, n_mz = im.size

    # smooth data
    for ii in range(n_mz):
        ic = im.get_ic_at_index(ii)
        ic1 = savitzky_golay(ic, points)
        ic_smooth = savitzky_golay(ic1, points)
        ic_base = tophat(ic_smooth, struct="1.5m")
        im.set_ic_at_index(ii, ic_base)

    for mp in sample.missing_peaks:

        mp_rt = mp.rt
        common_ion = mp.common_ion
        qual_ion_1 = float(mp.qual_ion1)
        qual_ion_2 = float(mp.qual_ion2)

        ci_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(common_ion)
        print("ci = ", common_ion)
        qi1_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(qual_ion_1)
        print("qi1 = ", qual_ion_1)
        qi2_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(qual_ion_2)
        print("qi2 = ", qual_ion_2)
        # Integrate the CI around that particular RT

        # Convert time to points
        # How long between scans?

        points_1 = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(float(mp_rt))
        points_2 = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(float(mp_rt) - rt_window)
        print("rt_window = ", points_1 - points_2)

        rt_window_points = points_1 - points_2

        maxima_list = get_maxima_list_reduced(ci_ion_chrom, mp_rt,

        large_peaks = []

        for rt, intens in maxima_list:
            if intens > threshold:
                q1_index = qi1_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(rt)
                q2_index = qi2_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(rt)

                q1_intensity = qi1_ion_chrom.get_intensity_at_index(q1_index)
                q2_intensity = qi2_ion_chrom.get_intensity_at_index(q2_index)

                if q1_intensity > threshold / 2 and q2_intensity > threshold / 2:
                    large_peaks.append([rt, intens])

        print(f"found {len(large_peaks):d} peaks above threshold")

        areas = []
        for peak in large_peaks:
            apex = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(peak[0])
            ia = ci_ion_chrom.intensity_array.tolist()
            area, left, right, l_share, r_share = ion_area(ia, apex, 0)


        if len(areas) > 0:
            biggest_area = areas[-1]
            mp.common_ion_area = biggest_area
            # mp.exact_rt = f"{float(mp_rt) / 60.0:.3f}"
            mp.exact_rt = float(mp_rt) / 60.0
            print("found area:", biggest_area, "at rt:", mp_rt)
            print("Missing peak at rt = ", mp_rt)
            mp.common_ion_area = None
Example #3
def missing_peak_finder(sample, andi_file, points=7, null_ions=[73, 207],\
                            crop_ions=[45,300], threshold=100000, rt_window=10):
    @summary: Integrates raw data around missing peak locations
              to fill in NAs in the data matrix

    @param  sample: The sample object containing missing peaks
    @type sample: pyms.MissingPeak.Class.Sample

    @param  andi_file: Name of the raw data file
    @type andi_file: stringType

    @param  points: Peak finding - Peak if maxima over 'points' \
                    number of scans (Default 3)
    @type points: intType

    @param  null_ions: Ions to be deleted in the matrix
    @type null_ions: listType

    @param crop_ions: Range of Ions to be considered
    @type crop_ions: listType

    @param threshold: Minimum intensity of IonChromatogram allowable to fill\
                      missing peak
    @type threshold: intType

    @param  rt_window: Window in seconds around average RT to look for \
                       missing peak
    @type rt_window: floatType

    @author: Sean O'Callaghan

    ### some error checks on null and crop ions

    ### a for root,files,dirs in os.path.walk(): loop
    print "Sample:", sample.get_name(), "andi_file:", andi_file

    data = ANDI_reader(andi_file)

    # build integer intensity matrix
    im = build_intensity_matrix_i(data)

    for null_ion in null_ions:

    im.crop_mass(crop_ions[0], crop_ions[1])

    # get the size of the intensity matrix
    n_scan, n_mz = im.get_size()

    # smooth data
    for ii in range(n_mz):
        ic = im.get_ic_at_index(ii)
        ic1 = savitzky_golay(ic, points)
        ic_smooth = savitzky_golay(ic1, points)
        ic_base = tophat(ic_smooth, struct="1.5m")
        im.set_ic_at_index(ii, ic_base)

    for mp in sample.get_missing_peaks():
        #JT: Debug peak attributes
        #attrs = vars(mp)
        #print ', '.join("%s: %s" % item for item in attrs.items())
        mp_rt = mp.get_rt()
        common_ion = mp.get_ci()
        qual_ion_1 = float(mp.get_qual_ion1())
        qual_ion_2 = float(mp.get_qual_ion2())

        ci_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(common_ion)
        #print "ci = ",common_ion
        qi1_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(qual_ion_1)
        #print "qi1 = ", qual_ion_1
        qi2_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(qual_ion_2)
        #print "qi2 = ", qual_ion_2
        # Integrate the CI around that particular RT

        #Convert time to points
        # How long between scans?

        points_1 = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(float(mp_rt))
        points_2 = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(float(mp_rt) - rt_window)
        #print "rt_window = ", points_1 - points_2

        rt_window_points = points_1 - points_2

        maxima_list = get_maxima_list_reduced(ci_ion_chrom, mp_rt, \

        large_peaks = []

        for rt, intens in maxima_list:
            if intens > threshold:
                q1_index = qi1_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(rt)
                q2_index = qi2_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(rt)

                q1_intensity = qi1_ion_chrom.get_intensity_at_index(q1_index)
                q2_intensity = qi2_ion_chrom.get_intensity_at_index(q2_index)

                if q1_intensity > threshold / 2 and q2_intensity > threshold / 2:
                    large_peaks.append([rt, intens])

        #print('found %d peaks above threshold'%len(large_peaks))

        areas = []
        for peak in large_peaks:
            apex = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(peak[0])
            ia = ci_ion_chrom.get_intensity_array().tolist()
            area, left, fight, l_share, r_share = ion_area(ia, apex, 0)

        if len(areas) > 0:
            biggest_area = areas[-1]
            #print "found area:", biggest_area, "at rt:", mp_rt
            #print "Missing peak at rt = ", mp_rt
 def test_tol_errors(self, obj):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         ion_area(list(range(100)), 20, tol=obj)
 def test_max_bound_errors(self, obj):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         ion_area(list(range(100)), 20, max_bound=obj)
 def test_apex_errors(self, obj):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         ion_area(list(range(100)), obj)
 def test_ia_errors(self, obj):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         ion_area(obj, 20)
Example #8
def missing_peak_finder(sample, filename, points=13, null_ions=[73, 147],\
                            crop_ions=[50,540], threshold=1000, rt_window=1, filetype='cdf'):
    @summary: Integrates raw data around missing peak locations
              to fill in NAs in the data matrix

    @param  sample: The sample object containing missing peaks
    @type sample: pyms.MissingPeak.Class.Sample

    @param  andi_file: Name of the raw data file
    @type andi_file: stringType

    @param  points: Peak finding - Peak if maxima over 'points' \
                    number of scans (Default 3) 
    @type points: intType

    @param  null_ions: Ions to be deleted in the matrix
    @type null_ions: listType

    @param crop_ions: Range of Ions to be considered
    @type crop_ions: listType 

    @param threshold: Minimum intensity of IonChromatogram allowable to fill\
                      missing peak
    @type threshold: intType

    @param  rt_window: Window in seconds around average RT to look for \
                       missing peak
    @type rt_window: floatType

    @author: Sean O'Callaghan

    ### some error checks on null and crop ions

    ### a for root,files,dirs in os.path.walk(): loop
    print "Sample:", sample.get_name(), "File:", filename
    if filetype == 'cdf':
        data = ANDI_reader(filename)
    elif filetype == 'mzml':
        data = mzML_reader(filename)
        print "file type not valid"

    # build integer intensity matrix
    im = build_intensity_matrix_i(data)

    for null_ion in null_ions:

    im.crop_mass(crop_ions[0], crop_ions[1])

    # get the size of the intensity matrix
    n_scan, n_mz = im.get_size()

    # smooth data
    for ii in range(n_mz):
        ic = im.get_ic_at_index(ii)
        ic1 = savitzky_golay(ic, points)
        ic_smooth = savitzky_golay(ic1, points)
        ic_base = tophat(ic_smooth, struct="1.5m")
        im.set_ic_at_index(ii, ic_base)

    for mp in sample.get_missing_peaks():

        mp_rt = mp.get_rt()
        common_ion = mp.get_ci()
        qual_ion_1 = float(mp.get_qual_ion1())
        qual_ion_2 = float(mp.get_qual_ion2())

        ci_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(common_ion)
        print "ci = ",common_ion
        qi1_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(qual_ion_1)
        print "qi1 = ", qual_ion_1
        qi2_ion_chrom = im.get_ic_at_mass(qual_ion_2)
        print "qi2 = ", qual_ion_2
        # Integrate the CI around that particular RT

        #Convert time to points
        # How long between scans?
        points_1 = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(float(mp_rt))
        points_2 = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(float(mp_rt)-rt_window)
        print "rt_window = ", points_1 - points_2

        rt_window_points = points_1 - points_2

        maxima_list = get_maxima_list_reduced(ci_ion_chrom, mp_rt, \

        large_peaks = []

        for rt, intens in maxima_list:
            if intens > threshold:
                q1_index = qi1_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(rt)
                q2_index = qi2_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(rt)

                q1_intensity = qi1_ion_chrom.get_intensity_at_index(q1_index)
                q2_intensity = qi2_ion_chrom.get_intensity_at_index(q2_index)

                if q1_intensity > threshold/2 and q2_intensity > threshold/2:
                    large_peaks.append([rt, intens])
        print('found %d peaks above threshold'%len(large_peaks))

        areas = []
        for peak in large_peaks:
            apex = ci_ion_chrom.get_index_at_time(peak[0])
            ia = ci_ion_chrom.get_intensity_array().tolist()
            area, left, fight, l_share, r_share = ion_area(ia, apex, 0)
        if len(areas)>0:
            biggest_area = areas[-1]
            print "found area:", biggest_area, "at rt:", mp_rt
            print "Missing peak at rt = ", mp_rt