Example #1
    def get_imported_object(s, m):
        config = s.get_config(m)
        rtype = get_component_ifc_rtlir(m)
        full_name = get_component_unique_name(rtype)
        p_map = config.get_port_map() if config.is_port_mapped(
        ) else lambda x: x
        no_clk, no_reset = not config.has_clk(), not config.has_reset()
        _packed_ports = s.gen_packed_ports(rtype)
        clk = next(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'clk', _packed_ports))[1]
        reset = next(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'reset', _packed_ports))[1]
        packed_ports = \
            ([('clk', '' if no_clk else p_map('clk'), clk)] if no_clk else []) + \
            ([('reset', '' if no_reset else p_map('reset'), reset)] if no_reset else []) + \
            [ (n, p_map(n), p) for n, p in _packed_ports \
              if not (n == 'clk' and no_clk or n == 'reset' and no_reset)]

        cached = s.is_cached(m, full_name)

        # Create a new Verilog source file if a new top-level wrapper is needed
        if config.is_top_wrapper():
            s.add_param_wrapper(m, config, rtype, packed_ports)

        s.create_verilator_model(m, config, cached)

        port_cdefs = \
            s.create_verilator_c_wrapper( m, config, packed_ports, cached )

        s.create_shared_lib(m, config, cached)

        symbols = \
            s.create_py_wrapper( m, config, rtype, packed_ports, port_cdefs, cached )

        imp = s.import_component(m, config, symbols)

        return imp
Example #2
    def fill_missing(s, m):
        rtype = get_component_ifc_rtlir(m)
        s.v_param = rtype.get_params()
        s.is_param_wrapper = isinstance(m, Placeholder) and s.v_param
        top_module = s.get_top_module()

        # Check if the keys of `port_map` are port names of `m`
        # Note that the keys can be expressions such as `ifc[0].foo` and
        # therefore we do not check if a port name of `m` is in the keys.
        if s.get_option("port_map"):

        # Fill in the top module if unspecified
        # If the top-level module is not a wrapper
        if not s.is_param_wrapper:
            full_name = get_component_unique_name(rtype)
            if not top_module:
                # Default top_module is the name of component concatenated
                # with parameters
                s.set_option("top_module", full_name)

        # If the top-level module is a wrapper
            # Check if all parameters are integers
            assert all(isinstance(v[1], int) for v in s.v_param), \
                "Only support integers as parameters of Verilog modules!"

            # wrapped_module is the name of the module to be parametrized
            # top_module is the name of the new top-level module
            if top_module:
                s.wrapped_module = top_module
                s.set_option("top_module", f"{top_module}_w_params")
                # Default top_module is the name of component
                s.wrapped_module = rtype.get_name()
                s.set_option("top_module", f"{s.wrapped_module}_w_params")

        top_module = s.get_top_module()

        # Only try to infer the name of Verilog source file if both
        # flist and the source file are not specified.
        if not s.get_option("vl_src") and not s.get_option("vl_flist"):
            s.set_option("vl_src", f"{top_module}.sv")

        if not s.get_option("vl_mk_dir"):
            s.set_option("vl_mk_dir", f"obj_dir_{top_module}")

        if s.is_param_wrapper:
            # If toplevel module is a param-wrapper, `vl_src` has to be specified
            # because the file containing the wrapper will include `vl_src` for
            # the module to be parametrized.
            if not s.get_option("vl_src"):
                raise InvalidPassOptionValue(
                    "vl_src", s.get_option("vl_src"), s.PassName,
                    "vl_src must be specified when Placeholder is to be imported!"
            s.v_module2param = s.get_option("vl_src")
            s.set_option("vl_src", top_module + ".sv")
 def rtlir_tr_component_unique_name( s, c_rtype ):
   return get_component_unique_name( c_rtype )