def construct(s, ProcClass, XcelClass):

        req_class, resp_class = mk_mem_msg(8, 32, 32)

        s.commit_inst = OutPort(Bits1)

        # Instruction Memory Request/Response Interface

        s.proc = ProcClass()(commit_inst=s.commit_inst)
        s.xcel = XcelClass()(xcel=s.proc.xcel)

        if isinstance(s.proc.imem, MemMasterIfcRTL):  # RTL proc
            s.mngr2proc = RecvIfcRTL(Bits32)
            s.proc2mngr = SendIfcRTL(Bits32)
            s.imem = MemMasterIfcRTL(req_class, resp_class)
            s.dmem = MemMasterIfcRTL(req_class, resp_class)

        elif isinstance(s.proc.imem, MemMasterIfcCL):  # CL proc
            s.mngr2proc = NonBlockingCalleeIfc(Bits32)
            s.proc2mngr = NonBlockingCallerIfc(Bits32)
            s.imem = MemMasterIfcCL(req_class, resp_class)
            s.dmem = MemMasterIfcCL(req_class, resp_class)

        elif isinstance(s.proc.imem, MemMasterIfcFL):  # FL proc
            s.mngr2proc = GetIfcFL()
            s.proc2mngr = SendIfcFL()
            s.imem = MemMasterIfcFL()
            s.dmem = MemMasterIfcFL()

Example #2
  def construct( s ):

    # Interface, Buffers to hold request/response messages

    s.commit_inst = OutPort( Bits1 )

    s.imem = MemMasterIfcFL()
    s.dmem = MemMasterIfcFL()
    s.xcel = XcelMasterIfcFL( *mk_xcel_msg( 5, 32 ) )

    s.proc2mngr = SendIfcFL()
    s.mngr2proc = GetIfcFL()

    # Internal data structures

    s.PC = b32( 0x200 )

    s.R = RegisterFile(32)
    s.raw_inst = None

    def up_ProcFL():
      if s.reset:
        s.PC = b32( 0x200 )

      s.commit_inst = Bits1( 0 )

        s.raw_inst = s.PC, 4 ) # line trace

        inst = TinyRV0Inst( s.raw_inst )
        inst_name =
  # Register-register arithmetic, logical, and comparison instructions
        if   inst_name == "nop":
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "add":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] + s.R[inst.rs2]
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "sub":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] - s.R[inst.rs2]
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "mul":
          s.R[ inst.rd ] = s.R[inst.rs1] * s.R[inst.rs2]
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "sll":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] << (s.R[inst.rs2] & 0x1F)
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "slt":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1].int() < s.R[inst.rs2].int()
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "sltu":  
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] < s.R[inst.rs2]
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "sra":  
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1].int() >> (s.R[inst.rs2].uint() & 0x1F) 
          s.PC += 4  
        elif inst_name == "srl":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] >> (s.R[inst.rs2].uint() & 0x1F)
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "and":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] & s.R[inst.rs2]
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "or":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] | s.R[inst.rs2]
          s.PC += 4  
        elif inst_name == "xor":  
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] ^ s.R[inst.rs2]
          s.PC += 4  
  # Register-immediate arithmetic, logical, and comparison instructions
        elif inst_name == "addi":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "andi":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] & sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          s.PC += 4 
        elif inst_name == "ori":  
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] | sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "xori":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] ^ sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "slli":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] << inst.shamt
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "srli":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] >> inst.shamt
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "srai":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1].int() >> inst.shamt.uint()
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "slti":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1].int() <
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "sltiu":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] < sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          s.PC += 4
  # Other instructions
        elif inst_name == "auipc":
          s.R[inst.rd] = inst.u_imm + s.PC
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "lui":
          s.R[inst.rd] = inst.u_imm
          s.PC += 4
  # Load/store instructions
        elif inst_name == "sh":
          addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.s_imm, 32 )
          #s.M[addr:addr+2] = s.R[inst.rs2][0:16]
          s.dmem.write(addr, 2, s.R[inst.rs2][0:16])
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "sb":
          addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.s_imm, 32 )
          #s.M[addr] = s.R[inst.rs2][0:8]
          s.dmem.write(addr, 1, s.R[inst.rs2][0:8])
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "sw":
          addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.s_imm, 32 )
          s.dmem.write( addr, 4, s.R[inst.rs2] )
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "lw":
          addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          s.R[inst.rd] = addr, 4 )
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "lb":
          addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          dmem_data = addr, 1 )[0:8]
          s.R[inst.rd] = sext( dmem_data, 32 )
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "lbu":
          addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          dmem_data = addr, 1 )[0:8]
          s.R[inst.rd] = zext( dmem_data, 32 )
          s.PC += 4 
        elif inst_name == "lh":
          addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          dmem_data = addr, 2 )[0:16]
          s.R[inst.rd] = sext( dmem_data, 32 )
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "lhu": 
          addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          dmem_data = addr, 2 )[0:16]
          s.R[inst.rd] = zext( dmem_data, 32 )
          s.PC += 4    
  # Unconditional jump instructions
        elif inst_name == "jal":
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.PC + 4
          s.PC = s.PC + sext( inst.j_imm, 32 )
        elif inst_name == "jalr":
          temp = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext( inst.i_imm, 32 )
          s.R[inst.rd] = s.PC + 4
          s.PC = temp & 0xFFFFFFFE
  # Conditional branch instructions
        elif inst_name == "bne":
          if s.R[inst.rs1] != s.R[inst.rs2]:
            s.PC = s.PC + sext( inst.b_imm, 32 )
            s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "beq":
          if s.R[inst.rs1] == s.R[inst.rs2]:
            s.PC = s.PC + sext( inst.b_imm, 32 )
            s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "blt":
          if s.R[inst.rs1].int() < s.R[inst.rs2].int():
            s.PC = s.PC + sext( inst.b_imm, 32 )
            s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "bge":
          if s.R[inst.rs1].int() >= s.R[inst.rs2].int():
            s.PC = s.PC + sext( inst.b_imm, 32 )
            s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "bltu":
          if s.R[inst.rs1] < s.R[inst.rs2]:
            s.PC = s.PC + sext( inst.b_imm, 32 )
            s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "bgeu":
          if s.R[inst.rs1] >= s.R[inst.rs2]:
            s.PC = s.PC + sext( inst.b_imm, 32 )
            s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "csrw":
          if   inst.csrnum == 0x7C0:
            s.proc2mngr( s.R[inst.rs1] )
          elif 0x7E0 <= inst.csrnum <= 0x7FF:
            s.xcel.write( inst.csrnum[0:5], s.R[inst.rs1] )
            raise TinyRV2Semantics.IllegalInstruction(
              "Unrecognized CSR register ({}) for csrw at PC={}" \
                .format(inst.csrnum.uint(),s.PC) )
          s.PC += 4
        elif inst_name == "csrr":
          if   inst.csrnum == 0xFC0:
            s.R[inst.rd] = s.mngr2proc()
          elif 0x7E0 <= inst.csrnum <= 0x7FF:
            s.R[inst.rd] = inst.csrnum[0:5] )
            raise TinyRV2Semantics.IllegalInstruction(
              "Unrecognized CSR register ({}) for csrr at PC={}" \
                .format(inst.csrnum.uint(),s.PC) )

          s.PC += 4

        print( "Unexpected error at PC={:0>8s}!".format( str(s.PC) ) )

      s.commit_inst = b1( 1 )
Example #3
    def construct(s):

        # Interface, Buffers to hold request/response messages

        s.commit_inst = OutPort(Bits1)

        s.imem = MemMasterIfcFL()
        s.dmem = MemMasterIfcFL()
        s.xcel = XcelMasterIfcFL(*mk_xcel_msg(5, 32))

        s.proc2mngr = SendIfcFL()
        s.mngr2proc = GetIfcFL()

        # Internal data structures

        s.PC = b32(0x200)

        s.R = RegisterFile(32)
        s.raw_inst = None

        def up_ProcFL():
            if s.reset:
                s.PC = b32(0x200)

            s.commit_inst = Bits1(0)

                s.raw_inst =, 4)  # line trace

                inst = TinyRV0Inst(s.raw_inst)
                inst_name =

                if inst_name == "nop":
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "add":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] + s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sll":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] << (s.R[inst.rs2] & 0x1F)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "srl":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] >> (s.R[inst.rs2].uint()
                                                     & 0x1F)
                    s.PC += 4

                # ''' TUTORIAL TASK ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
                # Implement instruction AND in FL processor
                # ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''\/
                #; Make an "elif" statement here to implement instruction AND
                #; that applies bit-wise "and" operator to rs1 and rs2 and stores
                #; the result to rd

                elif inst_name == "and":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] & s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4

                # ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/\

                elif inst_name == "addi":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sw":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.s_imm, 32)
                    s.dmem.write(addr, 4, s.R[inst.rs2])
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "lw":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.R[inst.rd] =, 4)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "bne":
                    if s.R[inst.rs1] != s.R[inst.rs2]:
                        s.PC = s.PC + sext(inst.b_imm, 32)
                        s.PC += 4

                elif inst_name == "csrw":
                    if inst.csrnum == 0x7C0:
                    elif 0x7E0 <= inst.csrnum <= 0x7FF:
                        s.xcel.write(inst.csrnum[0:5], s.R[inst.rs1])
                        raise TinyRV2Semantics.IllegalInstruction(
                          "Unrecognized CSR register ({}) for csrw at PC={}" \
                            .format(inst.csrnum.uint(),s.PC) )
                    s.PC += 4

                elif inst_name == "csrr":
                    if inst.csrnum == 0xFC0:
                        s.R[inst.rd] = s.mngr2proc()
                    elif 0x7E0 <= inst.csrnum <= 0x7FF:
                        s.R[inst.rd] =[0:5])
                        raise TinyRV2Semantics.IllegalInstruction(
                          "Unrecognized CSR register ({}) for csrr at PC={}" \
                            .format(inst.csrnum.uint(),s.PC) )

                    s.PC += 4

                print("Unexpected error at PC={:0>8s}!".format(str(s.PC)))

            s.commit_inst = b1(1)
Example #4
    def construct(s, num_cores=1):

        # Interface, Buffers to hold request/response messages

        s.core_id = InPort()
        s.commit_inst = OutPort()
        s.stats_en = OutPort()

        s.imem = MemMasterIfcFL()
        s.dmem = MemMasterIfcFL()
        s.xcel = XcelMasterIfcFL()

        s.proc2mngr = SendIfcFL()
        s.mngr2proc = GetIfcFL()

        # Internal data structures

        s.PC = b32(0x200)

        s.R = RegisterFile(32)
        s.raw_inst = None

        def up_ProcFL():
            if s.reset:
                s.PC = b32(0x200)

            s.commit_inst = Bits1(0)

                s.raw_inst =, 4)  # line trace

                inst = TinyRV2Inst(s.raw_inst)
                inst_name =

                if inst_name == "nop":
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "add":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] + s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sub":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] - s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sll":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] << (s.R[inst.rs2].uint()
                                                     & 0x1F)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "slt":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1].int() < s.R[inst.rs2].int()
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sltu":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] < s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "xor":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] ^ s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "srl":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] >> (s.R[inst.rs2].uint()
                                                     & 0x1F)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sra":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1].int() >> (
                        s.R[inst.rs2].uint() & 0x1F)  # sra
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "or":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] | s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "and":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] & s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "mul":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] * s.R[inst.rs2]
                    s.PC += 4

                elif inst_name == "addi":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "slti":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1].int() <
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sltiu":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] < sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "xori":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] ^ sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "ori":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] | sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "andi":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] & sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "slli":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] << inst.shamt
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "srli":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.R[inst.rs1] >> inst.shamt
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "srai":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = Bits32(
                        s.R[inst.rs1].int() >> inst.shamt.uint())
                    s.PC += 4

                elif inst_name == "lui":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = inst.u_imm
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "auipc":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = inst.u_imm + s.PC
                    s.PC += 4

                elif inst_name == "sw":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.s_imm, 32)
                    s.dmem.write(addr, 4, s.R[inst.rs2])
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sb":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.s_imm, 32)
                    s.dmem.write(addr, 1, s.R[inst.rs2][0:8])
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "sh":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.s_imm, 32)
                    s.dmem.write(addr, 2, s.R[inst.rs2][0:16])
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "lw":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.R[inst.rd] =, 4)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "lb":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.R[inst.rd] = sext(, 1), 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "lh":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.R[inst.rd] = sext(, 2), 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "lbu":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.R[inst.rd] = zext(, 1), 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "lhu":
                    addr = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.R[inst.rd] = zext(, 2), 32)
                    s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "bne":
                    if s.R[inst.rs1] != s.R[inst.rs2]:
                        s.PC = s.PC + sext(inst.b_imm, 32)
                        s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "beq":
                    if s.R[inst.rs1] == s.R[inst.rs2]:
                        s.PC = s.PC + sext(inst.b_imm, 32)
                        s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "blt":
                    if s.R[inst.rs1].int() < s.R[inst.rs2].int():
                        s.PC = s.PC + sext(inst.b_imm, 32)
                        s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "bge":
                    if s.R[inst.rs1].int() >= s.R[inst.rs2].int():
                        s.PC = s.PC + sext(inst.b_imm, 32)
                        s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "bltu":
                    if s.R[inst.rs1] < s.R[inst.rs2]:
                        s.PC = s.PC + sext(inst.b_imm, 32)
                        s.PC += 4
                elif inst_name == "bgeu":
                    if s.R[inst.rs1] >= s.R[inst.rs2]:
                        s.PC = s.PC + sext(inst.b_imm, 32)
                        s.PC += 4

                elif inst_name == "jal":
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.PC + 4
                    s.PC = s.PC + sext(inst.j_imm, 32)

                elif inst_name == "jalr":
                    temp = s.R[inst.rs1] + sext(inst.i_imm, 32)
                    s.R[inst.rd] = s.PC + 4
                    s.PC = temp & 0xFFFFFFFE

                elif inst_name == "csrw":
                    if inst.csrnum == 0x7C0:
                    elif inst.csrnum == 0x7C1:
                        s.stats_en = Bits1(s.R[inst.rs1])

                    elif 0x7E0 <= inst.csrnum <= 0x7FF:
                        s.xcel.write(inst.csrnum[0:5], s.R[inst.rs1])
                        raise TinyRV2Semantics.IllegalInstruction(
                          "Unrecognized CSR register ({}) for csrw at PC={}" \
                            .format(inst.csrnum.uint(),s.PC) )
                    s.PC += 4

                elif inst_name == "csrr":
                    if inst.csrnum == 0xFC0:
                        s.R[inst.rd] = s.mngr2proc()
                    elif inst.csrnum == 0xFC1:
                        s.R[inst.rd] = num_cores
                    elif inst.csrnum == 0xF14:
                        s.R[inst.rd] = s.core_id
                    elif 0x7E0 <= inst.csrnum <= 0x7FF:
                        s.R[inst.rd] =[0:5])
                        raise TinyRV2Semantics.IllegalInstruction(
                          "Unrecognized CSR register ({}) for csrr at PC={}" \
                            .format(inst.csrnum.uint(),s.PC) )
                    s.PC += 4

                print("Unexpected error at PC={:0>8s}!".format(str(s.PC)))

            s.commit_inst = b1(1)