def __init__(self, main_behavior_class=None, control_reactor=True, startRightNow=True): super(TwistedMainLoop, self).__init__(main_behavior_class = main_behavior_class) self._do_cleanup = True self._control_reactor = control_reactor from twisted.internet import reactor orig_sigInt = reactor.sigInt self._ctrl_c_presses = 0 def my_int_handler(reactor, *args): self._ctrl_c_presses += 1 info( "TwistedMainLoop: SIGBREAK caught") if self._ctrl_c_presses == 1: if self.quitting: info( "TwistedMainLoop: SIGBREAK: quitting already in progress") else: self._startShutdown(naoqi_ok=True, ctrl_c_pressed=True) else: info( "Two ctrl-c - shutting down uncleanly") orig_sigInt(*args) reactor.sigInt = my_int_handler import pynaoqi self.con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() self.started = False # True when setStartCallback has been called self.quitting = False if startRightNow: self.start()
def main(): from twisted.internet import gtk2reactor try: gtk2reactor.install() except: pass from twisted.internet import reactor con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() notes = NotesMain(con) notes._w.show_all()
def __init__(self): self._con = con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() options = pynaoqi.getDefaultOptions() broker_info = dict(con.getBrokerInfo()) con.getInfo(broker_info["name"]) con.registerBroker() con.exploreToGetModuleByName("NaoCam") con.registerToCamera() self._c = 0 self._image = None self._initGui()
def __init__(self, main_behavior_class=None, reactor=True, startRightNow=True): super(TwistedMainLoop, self).__init__(main_behavior_class = main_behavior_class) self._do_cleanup = True self._reactor = reactor if reactor: self._install_sigint_handler(reactor) import pynaoqi self.con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() self.started = False # True when setStartCallback has been called self.quitting = False if startRightNow: self.start()
def gotoAngle(ind, val): con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() #print "joint %s, ind %s, value %s %s" % ( #, ind, s.get_value(), val) if ind == self._waiting_callbacks: # gotoAngleWithSpeed d = con.ALMotion.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(, clip(-pi, pi, val), 0.2) # 50, 1 else: #print "not moving, %s != %s" % (ind, self._waiting_callbacks) d = succeed(0) self._last.append(d) return d
def main(): using_gtk = installgtkreactor() # If you are looking for command line parsing, it happens # in pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection (actually in pynaoqi.getDefaultOptions) import urllib2 import pynaoqi options = pynaoqi.getDefaultOptions() try: con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() except urllib2.URLError, e: print "error connecting: %s" % e raise SystemExit
def main(clazz=Joints): global con con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection(with_twisted=True) class Main(clazz): def _onDestroy(self, *args): super(Main, self)._onDestroy(*args) print "quitting.." reactor.stop() from twisted.internet import gtk2reactor try: gtk2reactor.install() except: pass window = Main(con)
def getDCMProxy(deferred=False): con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() return con.DCM
for propname, value in zip(['center-x', 'center-y'], get_many('Ball', ['centerX', 'centerY'])): if value == 'None': self.notifyUserManModuleIsntLoaded() return else: self.vision_ball.set_property(propname, value) ball_bearing, ball_dist = get_many('Ball', ['bearing', 'dist']) # ball dist is in cm, need to multiply by 10 to get mm if ball_dist > 0.0: ball_dist = ball_dist * 10 * F x0, y0 = AREA_WIDTH / 2, 0 x, y = x0 + ball_dist * sin(ball_bearing), y0 + ball_dist * cos(ball_bearing) print x, y self.ball.set_property('center-x', x) self.ball.set_property('center-y', y) for post in ['BGRP', 'BGLP', 'YGLP', 'YGRP']: obj = getattr(self, post.lower()) bearing_deg, distance = get_many(post, ['BearingDeg', 'Distance']) x, y = get_many(post, ['CenterX', 'CenterY']) if distance > 0.0: obj.set_property('x', x) obj.set_property('y', y) # compute bearing my self, then set myball to that position if __name__ == '__main__': main = Main(pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection(with_twisted=True))
def getMemoryProxy(deferred=False): con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() return con.ALMemory
def __init__(self, con=None): super(Joints, self).__init__() global start_time start_time = time() if con is None: con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() self.scales = scales = {} self.con = con self.updater = task.LoopingCall(self.getAngles) self.battery_level_task = task.LoopingCall(self.getBatteryLevel) = None self.inertial = None self.localization = None if pynaoqi.options.localization_on_start: self.toggleLocalization(None) # Create the joint controlling and displaying slides (called by onJointData) def onBodyAngles(cur_angles): self._joint_panes = [] self._joints_table = table = gtk.Table( rows=Scale.NUM_ROWS, columns=len(self.joint_names), homogeneous=False) # put all the toggle buttons on the top togglebox = gtk.HBox() for name, start, end in [('Head', 0,2), ('LArm', 2, 8), ('LLeg', 8, 14), ('RLeg', 14, 20), ('RArm', 20, 26)]: joints, angles = self.joint_names[start:end], cur_angles[start:end] pane = ScalePane(parent=self, name=name, table=table, start_joint_num=start, joints=joints, cur_angles=angles) self._joint_panes.append(pane) # update visibility toggling lists togglebox.add(pane.toggle()) self._joints_container.pack_start(togglebox, False, False, 0) self._joints_container.add(table) self._joints_widgets.add(table) self._all_widgets.add(table) self.updater.start(DT_CHECK_FOR_NEW_ANGLES) # we added a bunch of widgets, show them (this is async to __init__) w.show_all() def onJointData(results): # called when we have the joint number, we can do this parallel but it's not # that time consuming. Besides, joint data is cached, should only happen once on the # machine (unless you delete ~/.burst_joint_data.pickle self.joint_names, self.joint_limits = results self.con.ALMotion.getAngles('Body', False).addCallback(onBodyAngles) # getAngles - second param is useSensors (use True?) # initiate network request that will lead to slides creation. # do everything based on a initDeferred, otherwise methods will not be available. self.con.modulesDeferred.addCallback(lambda result: self.con.ALMotion.initDeferred.addCallback(lambda _: getJointData(self.con).addCallback(onJointData)) ) # initiate battery task when pynaoqi finishes loading self.con.modulesDeferred.addCallback(lambda _: self.battery_level_task.start( DT_CHECK_BATTERY_LEVEL)) w = self._w w.set_title('naojoints - %s (%s)' % (, host_to_ip( self.c = c = gtk.VBox() self._joints_container = gtk.VBox() # top - buttons, bottom - joints sliders table w.add(c) # Create Many Buttons on Top bat_stat_eventbox = gtk.EventBox() self._battery_level_button = battery_status_label = gtk.Label() bat_stat_eventbox.connect('button-press-event', self._toggleAllButtonsExceptBattery) bat_stat_eventbox.add(battery_status_label) self._mirror_moves = mirror_moves = gtk.CheckButton('mirror moves') top_buttons_data = [ (bat_stat_eventbox, None), (mirror_moves, None), ('print angles', self.printAngles), ('stiffness on', self.setStiffnessOn), ('stiffness off', self.setStiffnessOff), ('vision', self.toggleVision), ('notes', self.toggleNotes), ('inertial', self.toggleInertial), ('localization', self.toggleLocalization), ] chains = ['Head', 'LLeg', 'LArm', 'RArm', 'RLeg'] stiffness_off_buttons_data = [ ('%s OFF' % chain, lambda _, chain=chain: self.con.ALMotion.setChainStiffness(chain, 0.0)) for chain in chains] stiffness_on_buttons_data = [ ('%s on' % chain, lambda _, chain=chain: self.con.ALMotion.setChainStiffness(chain, 1.0)) for chain in chains] # XXX - import burst here so it doesn't parse sys.argv import burst.moves as moves import burst.moves.poses as poses import burst.moves.walks as walks import burst moves_buttons_data = [(move_name, lambda _, move=getattr(poses, move_name): self.con.ALMotion.executeMove(move)) for move_name in moves.NAOJOINTS_EXECUTE_MOVE_MOVES] self._walkconfig = walks.STRAIGHT_WALK.walkParameters self._default_walk_speed = walks.STRAIGHT_WALK.defaultSpeed def updateWalkConfig(_): self.con.ALMotion.getWalkConfig().addCallback(self.setWalkConfig) self._start_walk_count = 1 def startWalkTest(result=None): print "start walk req %s" % self._start_walk_count self._start_walk_count += 1 self.con.ALMotion.getRemainingFootStepCount().addCallback(startWalkCb) def startWalkCb(steps): if steps > 0: print "remaining footsteps, not calling walk" else: self.con.ALMotion.walk() def doWalk(steps): # distance [m], # 20ms cycles per step distance_per_step = self._walkconfig[WalkParameters.StepLength] import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return setWalkConfig(self.con, self._walkconfig).addCallback( lambda result: self.con.ALMotion.addWalkStraight( steps * distance_per_step, self._default_walk_speed).addCallback(startWalkTest) ) def doArc(angle, radius=0.5, cycles_per_step=60): # angle [rad], radius [m], # 20ms cycles per step return self.con.ALMotion.addWalkArc( angle, radius, cycles_per_step).addCallback(startWalkTest) def doTurn(angle, cycles_per_step=60): # angle [rad], # 20ms cycles per step return self.con.ALMotion.addTurn( angle, cycles_per_step).addCallback(startWalkTest) toggle_buttons_data = [ ('all', self.onShowAll), ('joints only', self.onShowJointsOnly), ('stiffness toggle', None), ('buttons only', self.onShowButtonsOnly), ] stiffness_toggle_index = 2 walk_steps = 4 walk_buttons_data = [ ('Walk: get config', updateWalkConfig), ('fw %s' % walk_steps, lambda _, steps=walk_steps: doWalk(walk_steps)), ('rev %s' % walk_steps, lambda _, steps=-walk_steps: doWalk(-walk_steps)), ('rt 45', lambda _, steps=1: doTurn(-pi / 4)), ('lt 45', lambda _, steps=-1: doTurn(pi / 4)), ('arc right 1', lambda _, steps=1: doArc( -1 )), ('arc left 1', lambda _, steps=-1: doArc( 1 )), ] top_strip, top_buttons = create_button_strip(top_buttons_data) stiffness_off, self.stiffness_off_buttons = ( create_button_strip(stiffness_off_buttons_data)) stiffness_on, self.stiffness_on_buttons = ( create_button_strip(stiffness_on_buttons_data)) moves_strip, moves_buttons = create_button_strip(moves_buttons_data) walk_strip, walk_buttons = create_button_strip(walk_buttons_data) toggle_strip, toggle_buttons = create_button_strip(toggle_buttons_data) # Python bug? if I don't set the result of ToggleButton to something # it is lost to the garbage collector.. very hard to debug, since you just # have a missing dictionary, but no actual error.. self._stiffness_toggle = ToggleButton(button=toggle_buttons[stiffness_toggle_index], widgets = (stiffness_on, stiffness_off)) for button_strip in [top_strip, toggle_strip, stiffness_off, stiffness_on, moves_strip, walk_strip]: c.pack_start(button_strip, False, False, 0) # add the joints container after all the buttons c.add(self._joints_container) # lists for toggling visibility with appropriate callbacks self._buttons_widgets = set([stiffness_off, stiffness_on, moves_strip, walk_strip]) self._joints_widgets = set([]) self._all_widgets = self._buttons_widgets.union(self._joints_widgets) self._all_but_bat_label = self._all_widgets.union(set(top_buttons[1:])) w.resize(700, 400) w.show_all()
def getSonarProxy(deferred=False): con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() return getattr(con, SONAR_MODULE)
def simulateButtonsPress(con, vars): setIt(con, vars, ON) reactor.callLater(0.5, setIt, con, vars, OFF) reactor.callLater(1.0, reactor.stop) def getvar(name): global s, oldstdout for k, v in vars.items(): if k.startswith(name): ret = v break else: k, ret = 'chest', vars['chest'] sys.stdout = oldstdout print "Pressing %s" % k return ret if __name__ == '__main__': import StringIO s=StringIO.StringIO() oldstdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = s import player_init import pynaoqi con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() con.modulesDeferred.addCallback( lambda _: simulateButtonsPress(con, getvar(sys.argv[-1].lower()))).addErrback(log.err)
def getSentinelProxy(deferred=False): con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() return con.ALSentinel if hasattr(con, "ALSentinel") else None
def getImopsProxy(deferred=False): con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() return hasattr(con, "imops") and con.imops or None
def getBurstMemProxy(deferred=False): con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() return getattr(con, BURST_SHARED_MEMORY_PROXY_NAME)
def getALVideoDeviceProxy(deferred=False): con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() return getattr(con, VIDEO_MODULE)
def getSpeechProxy(deferred=False): """ return None if nothing there """ con = pynaoqi.getDefaultConnection() return hasattr(con, "ALTextToSpeech") and con.ALTextToSpeech or None