Example #1
    def __init__(self, assoc: "Association") -> None:
        """Create a new DUL service provider for `assoc`.

        assoc : association.Association
            The DUL's parent :class:`~pynetdicom.association.Association`
        # The association thread
        self._assoc = assoc
        self.socket: Optional["AssociationSocket"] = None

        # Current primitive and PDU
        # TODO: Don't do it this way
        self.primitive: Optional[_PDUPrimitiveType] = None
        self.pdu: Optional[_PDUType] = None

        # Tracks the events the state machine needs to process
        self.event_queue: "queue.Queue[str]" = queue.Queue()
        # These queues provide communication between the DUL service
        #   user and the DUL service provider.
        # An event occurs when the DUL service user adds to
        #   the to_provider_queue
        self.to_provider_queue: "queue.Queue[_PDUPrimitiveType]" = (
        # A primitive is sent to the service user when the DUL service provider
        # adds to the to_user_queue.
        self.to_user_queue: "queue.Queue[_PDUPrimitiveType]" = queue.Queue()

        # Set the (network) idle and ARTIM timers
        # Timeouts gets set after DUL init so these are temporary
        self._idle_timer = Timer(60)
        self.artim_timer = Timer(30)

        # State machine - PS3.8 Section 9.2
        self.state_machine = StateMachine(self)

        # Controls the minimum delay between loops in run() in seconds
        # TODO: try and make this event based rather than running loops
        self._run_loop_delay = 0.001

        Thread.__init__(self, target=make_target(self.run_reactor))
        self.daemon = False
        self._kill_thread = False
Example #2
    def __init__(self, assoc):
        assoc : association.Association
            The DUL's parent Association instance.
        # The association thread
        self._assoc = assoc
        self.socket = None

        # Current primitive and PDU
        # TODO: Don't do it this way
        self.primitive = None
        self.pdu = None

        # Tracks the events the state machine needs to process
        self.event_queue = queue.Queue()
        # These queues provide communication between the DUL service
        #   user and the DUL service provider.
        # An event occurs when the DUL service user adds to
        #   the to_provider_queue
        self.to_provider_queue = queue.Queue()
        # A primitive is sent to the service user when the DUL service provider
        # adds to the to_user_queue.
        self.to_user_queue = queue.Queue()

        # Set the (network) idle and ARTIM timers
        # Timeouts gets set after DUL init so these are temporary
        self._idle_timer = Timer(60)
        self.artim_timer = Timer(30)

        # State machine - PS3.8 Section 9.2
        self.state_machine = StateMachine(self)

        # Controls the minimum delay between loops in run()
        # TODO: try and make this event based rather than running loops
        self._run_loop_delay = 0.001

        self.daemon = False
        self._kill_thread = False
Example #3
    def __init__(self, socket=None, port=None, dul_timeout=None, assoc=None):
        socket : socket.socket, optional
            The local AE's listen socket
        port : int, optional
            The port number on which to wait for incoming connections
        dul_timeout : float, optional
            The maximum amount of time to wait for connection responses
            (in seconds)
        assoc : association.Association
            The DUL's current Association
        if socket and port:
            raise ValueError("DULServiceProvider can't be instantiated with "
                             "both socket and port parameters")

        # The association thread
        self.assoc = assoc


        # Current primitive and PDU
        self.primitive = None
        self.pdu = None

        # The event_queue tracks the events the DUL state machine needs to
        #   process
        self.event_queue = queue.Queue()

        # These queues provide communication between the DUL service
        #   user and the DUL service provider.
        # An event occurs when the DUL service user adds to
        #   the to_provider_queue
        self.to_provider_queue = queue.Queue()

        # A primitive is sent to the service user when the DUL service provider
        # adds to the to_user_queue.
        self.to_user_queue = queue.Queue()

        # Setup the idle timer, ARTIM timer and finite state machine
        # FIXME: Why do we have an idle timer?
        self._idle_timer = Timer(dul_timeout)

        # ARTIM timer
        self.artim_timer = Timer(dul_timeout)

        # State machine - PS3.8 Section 9.2
        self.state_machine = StateMachine(self)

        if socket:
            # A client socket has been given, so the local AE is acting as
            #   an SCP
            # generate an event 5
            self.scu_socket = socket
            self.peer_address = None
            self.scp_socket = None
        elif port:
            # A port number has been given, so the local AE is acting as an
            #   SCU. Create a new socket using the given port number
            self.scp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self.scp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR,

            # The port number for the local AE to listen on
            self.local_port = port
            if self.local_port:
                # pylint: disable=broad-except
                    local_address = os.popen('hostname').read()[:-1]
                    self.scp_socket.bind((local_address, self.local_port))
                except Exception as ex:


                self.scp_socket = None

            self.scu_socket = None
            self.peer_address = None
            # No port nor socket
            self.scp_socket = None
            self.scu_socket = None
            self.peer_address = None

        self._kill_thread = False
        self.daemon = False

        # Controls the minimum delay between loops in run()
        self._run_loop_delay = 0.001