Example #1
    def test_releases(self):
        with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
            fsm     = self.befsm
            formula = self.nnf("(a V b)")
            # bound 0
            offset  = 0
            bound   = 0
            ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
            expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
            self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
            # bound 1
            offset  = 0
            bound   = 1
            ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
            expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
#             VERIFIED manually, complains only about the CNF clauses literals and that's OK.
#             self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
            # ---- other offset ----             
            #  bound 2
            offset  = 2
            bound   = 1
            # because of the way the loop condition is encoded !
            ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, bound, offset)\
                    | ( ltlspec.bounded_semantics_with_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, bound, 0, offset) 
                      & bmcutils.loop_condition(self.enc, offset+bound, offset+0))
            expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
    def test_next_with_loop(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            i, k, l = 0, 2, 0
            enc = self.enc

            # One step
            a = ast.Proposition("a")
            formula = ast.Next(a)
            tool = formula.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)
            manual = a.semantic_with_loop(enc, 1, k, l)
            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,
                                                  parse_ltl_spec("X a")),

            loop_cond = bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool & loop_cond)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual & loop_cond)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)

            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)

            # two steps
            formula = ast.Next(ast.Next(a))
            tool = formula.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)
            manual = a.semantic_with_loop(enc, 0, k, l)
            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,
                                                  parse_ltl_spec("X X a")),

            loop_cond = bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool & loop_cond)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual & loop_cond)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)

            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)

            # Three steps (getting over k)
            formula = ast.Next(ast.Next(ast.Next(a)))
            tool = formula.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)
            manual = a.semantic_with_loop(enc, 1, k, l)
            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,
                                                  parse_ltl_spec("X X X a")),

            loop_cond = bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool & loop_cond)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual & loop_cond)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)

            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
Example #3
 def test_next_with_loop(self):
     with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
         i,k,l   = 0,2,0
         enc     = self.enc
         # One step
         a       = ast.Proposition("a")
         formula = ast.Next(a)
         tool    = formula.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)
         manual  = a.semantic_with_loop(enc, 1, k, l)
         nusmv   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm, 
                                             Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("X a")),
                                             bound = k, 
                                             loop  = l)
         loop_cond = bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
         s_tool  = tests.canonical_cnf(tool   & loop_cond)
         s_manual= tests.canonical_cnf(manual & loop_cond)
         s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
         # two steps
         formula = ast.Next(ast.Next(a))
         tool    = formula.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)
         manual  = a.semantic_with_loop(enc, 0, k, l)
         nusmv   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm, 
                                             Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("X X a")),
                                             bound = k, 
                                             loop  = l)
         loop_cond = bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
         s_tool  = tests.canonical_cnf(tool   & loop_cond)
         s_manual= tests.canonical_cnf(manual & loop_cond)
         s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
         # Three steps (getting over k)
         formula = ast.Next(ast.Next(ast.Next(a)))
         tool    = formula.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)
         manual  = a.semantic_with_loop(enc, 1, k, l)
         nusmv   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm, 
                                             Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("X X X a")),
                                             bound = k, 
                                             loop  = l)
         loop_cond = bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
         s_tool  = tests.canonical_cnf(tool   & loop_cond)
         s_manual= tests.canonical_cnf(manual & loop_cond)
         s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
    def test_next_noloop(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            i, k = 0, 2
            enc = self.enc
            # One step
            a = ast.Proposition("a")
            formula = ast.Next(a)
            tool = formula.semantic_no_loop(enc, i, k)
            manual = a.semantic_no_loop(enc, 1, k)
            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,
                                                  parse_ltl_spec("X a")),

            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)

            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)

            # two steps
            formula = ast.Next(ast.Next(a))
            tool = formula.semantic_no_loop(enc, i, k)
            manual = a.semantic_no_loop(enc, 2, k)
            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,
                                                  parse_ltl_spec("X X a")),

            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)

            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)

            # Three steps (getting over k)
            formula = ast.Next(ast.Next(ast.Next(a)))
            tool = formula.semantic_no_loop(enc, i, k)
            manual = Be.false(enc.manager)
            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,
                                                  parse_ltl_spec("X X X a")),

            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)

            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
Example #5
 def test_next_noloop(self):
     with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
         i,k     = 0,2
         enc     = self.enc
         # One step
         a       = ast.Proposition("a")
         formula = ast.Next(a)
         tool    = formula.semantic_no_loop(enc, i, k)
         manual  = a.semantic_no_loop(enc, 1, k)
         nusmv   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm, 
                                             Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("X a")),
                                             bound = k, 
                                             loop  = bmcutils.no_loopback())
         s_tool   = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
         s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual)
         s_nusmv  = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
         # two steps
         formula = ast.Next(ast.Next(a))
         tool    = formula.semantic_no_loop(enc, i, k)
         manual  = a.semantic_no_loop(enc, 2, k)
         nusmv   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm, 
                                             Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("X X a")),
                                             bound = k, 
                                             loop  = bmcutils.no_loopback())
         s_tool   = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
         s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual)
         s_nusmv  = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
         # Three steps (getting over k)
         formula = ast.Next(ast.Next(ast.Next(a)))
         tool    = formula.semantic_no_loop(enc, i, k)
         manual  = Be.false(enc.manager)
         nusmv   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm, 
                                             Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("X X X a")),
                                             bound = k, 
                                             loop  = bmcutils.no_loopback())
         s_tool   = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
         s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual)
         s_nusmv  = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
Example #6
    def test_bounded_semantics(self):
        # parse the ltl property
        spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("G ( y <= 7 )"))

        # it must raise exception when the bound is not feasible
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.fsm, spec, bound=-1)
        # it must raise exception when the bound and loop are not consistent
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.fsm, spec, bound=5, loop=6)

        # verify that the generated expression corresponds to what is announced
        formula = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.fsm, spec, bound=10)
        no_loop = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(self.fsm, spec, 10)
        all_loop = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops(self.fsm, spec, 10, 0)
        self.assertEqual(formula, no_loop | all_loop)
    def test_weak_until_noloop(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            enc = self.enc
            a = ast.Proposition("a")
            b = ast.Proposition("b")

            expr = ast.WeakUntil(a, b)
            tool = expr.semantic_no_loop(enc, 0, 2)

            manual = (b.semantic_no_loop(enc, 0, 2)
                      | (a.semantic_no_loop(enc, 0, 2) &
                         (b.semantic_no_loop(enc, 1, 2)
                          | (a.semantic_no_loop(enc, 1, 2) &
                             (b.semantic_no_loop(enc, 2, 2))))))

            spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("a U b"))
            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,

            # normalized string representation of the BE's (make them comparable)
            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual)

            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
    def test_eventually_with_loop(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            i, k, l = 0, 2, 0
            enc = self.enc
            a = ast.Proposition("a")
            formula = ast.Eventually(a)

            tool = formula.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)

            manual  = a.semantic_with_loop(enc, i+1, k, l) |\
                      a.semantic_with_loop(enc, i  , k, l)

            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,
                                                  parse_ltl_spec("F a")),

            # normalized string representation of the BE's (make them comparable)
            loop_cond = bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool & loop_cond)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual & loop_cond)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)

            self.assertEqual(s_nusmv, s_tool)
            self.assertEqual(s_manual, s_tool)
Example #9
 def test_eventually_with_loop(self):
     with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
         i,k,l   = 0,2,0
         enc     = self.enc
         a       = ast.Proposition("a")
         formula = ast.Eventually(a)
         tool    = formula.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)
         manual  = a.semantic_with_loop(enc, i+1, k, l) |\
                   a.semantic_with_loop(enc, i  , k, l) 
         nusmv   = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(
                     self.befsm, Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("F a")), 
                     bound = k, 
                     loop  = l)
         # normalized string representation of the BE's (make them comparable)
         loop_cond = bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
         s_tool  = tests.canonical_cnf(tool   & loop_cond)
         s_manual= tests.canonical_cnf(manual & loop_cond)
         s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         self.assertEqual(s_nusmv,  s_tool)
         self.assertEqual(s_manual, s_tool)
Example #10
 def test_until_with_loop(self):
     with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
         enc  = self.enc
         i,k,l= 0,2,0
         a    = ast.Proposition("a")
         b    = ast.Proposition("b")
         expr = ast.Until(a, b)
         tool = expr.semantic_with_loop(enc, i,k,l)
         manual = b.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l) | \
                     (a.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l) & b.semantic_with_loop(enc, i+1, k, l))
         spec  = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("a U b"))
         nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm, spec, bound=k, loop=l)
         tool   &= bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
         manual &= bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
         # normalized string representation of the BE's (make them comparable)
         s_tool  = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
         s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         s_manual= tests.canonical_cnf(manual)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
Example #11
 def test_bounded_semantics(self):
     # parse the ltl property
     spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("G ( y <= 7 )"))
     # it must raise exception when the bound is not feasible
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.fsm, spec, bound=-1)
     # it must raise exception when the bound and loop are not consistent
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.fsm, spec, bound=5, loop=6)
     # verify that the generated expression corresponds to what is announced
     formula = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.fsm, spec, bound=10)
     no_loop = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop(self.fsm, spec, 10)
     all_loop= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_all_loops(self.fsm, spec, 10, 0)
     self.assertEqual(formula, no_loop | all_loop)
    def test_until_with_loop(self):
        with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
            enc = self.enc
            i, k, l = 0, 2, 0
            a = ast.Proposition("a")
            b = ast.Proposition("b")

            expr = ast.Until(a, b)
            tool = expr.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l)

            manual = b.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l) | \
                        (a.semantic_with_loop(enc, i, k, l) & b.semantic_with_loop(enc, i+1, k, l))

            spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("a U b"))
            nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm,

            tool &= bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)
            manual &= bmcutils.loop_condition(enc, k, l)

            # normalized string representation of the BE's (make them comparable)
            s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
            s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
            s_manual = tests.canonical_cnf(manual)

            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
            self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)
Example #13
 def test_until(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("(a U !b)")
         # bound 0
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 0
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 1
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 1
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # ---- other offset ----             
         #  bound 0
         offset  = 2
         bound   = 0
         cdr     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(cdr, 0+offset)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         #  bound 1
         offset  = 2
         bound   = 1
         car     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         cdr     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.cdr(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(cdr, 0+offset) \
                 | (self.enc.shift_to_time(car, 0+offset) & self.enc.shift_to_time(cdr, 1+offset))
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
Example #14
 def test_globally(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("G (a <-> !b)")
         # bound 0
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 0
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 1
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 1
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # ---- other offset ----             
         #  bound 0
         offset  = 2
         bound   = 0
         ref_expr= Be.false(self.enc.manager)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         #  bound 1
         offset  = 2
         bound   = 1
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics_without_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, bound, offset) \
                 |( ltlspec.bounded_semantics_with_loop_at_offset(fsm, formula, 0, bound, 0, offset) \
                 & bmcutils.loop_condition(self.enc, bound+offset, offset))
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
    def validate_bounded_semantics(self, bound, custom_text, nusmv_text):
        fsm = self.befsm
        # formulae
        formula = parseLTL(custom_text)
        fml_node = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec(nusmv_text))

        tool = formula.bounded_semantics(fsm, bound)
        smv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, fml_node, bound)
        # canonical forms
        s_tool = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
        s_smv = tests.canonical_cnf(smv)

        self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_smv)
Example #16
 def validate_bounded_semantics(self, bound, custom_text, nusmv_text):
     fsm     = self.befsm
     # formulae
     formula = parseLTL(custom_text)
     fml_node= Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec(nusmv_text))
     tool = formula.bounded_semantics(fsm, bound)
     smv  = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, fml_node, bound)
     # canonical forms        
     s_tool  = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
     s_smv   = tests.canonical_cnf(smv)
     self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_smv)
Example #17
 def test_generate_ltl_problem(self):
     # parse the ltl property
     spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("G ( y <= 7 )"))
     # it must raise exception when the bound is not feasible
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(self.fsm, spec, bound=-1)
     # it must raise exception when the bound and loop are not consistent
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(self.fsm, spec, bound=5, loop=6)
     problem = ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(self.fsm, spec, bound=10)
     self.assertEqual("No counter example", self.do_verify(problem))
     # verify that the generated problem corresponds to what is announced
     model   = BmcModel().path(10)
     negspec = utils.make_negated_nnf_boolean_wff(spec)
     formula = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.fsm, negspec, bound=10)
     self.assertEqual(problem, model & formula)
Example #18
    def test_generate_ltl_problem(self):
        # parse the ltl property
        spec = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("G ( y <= 7 )"))

        # it must raise exception when the bound is not feasible
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(self.fsm, spec, bound=-1)
        # it must raise exception when the bound and loop are not consistent
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(self.fsm, spec, bound=5, loop=6)

        problem = ltlspec.generate_ltl_problem(self.fsm, spec, bound=10)
        self.assertEqual("No counter example", self.do_verify(problem))

        # verify that the generated problem corresponds to what is announced
        model = BmcModel().path(10)
        negspec = utils.make_negated_nnf_boolean_wff(spec)
        formula = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.fsm, negspec, bound=10)
        self.assertEqual(problem, model & formula)
Example #19
 def test_next(self):
     with Configure(self, __file__, "/models/flipflops.smv"):
         fsm     = self.befsm
         formula = self.nnf("X (a <-> !b)")
         # bound 0
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 0
         ref_expr= ltlspec.bounded_semantics(fsm, formula, bound)
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
         self.assertEqual(canonical_cnf(expr), canonical_cnf(ref_expr))
         # bound 1
         offset  = 0
         bound   = 1
         # done this way to avoid the depth 1 optimisation
         car     = Wff.decorate(ltlspec.car(formula)).to_be(fsm.encoding)
         ref_expr= self.enc.shift_to_time(car, offset+1) \
                 | (self.enc.shift_to_time(car, offset) & bmcutils.loop_condition(self.enc, bound, 0))
         expr    = ltlspec.bounded_semantics_at_offset(fsm, formula, bound, offset)
Example #20
 def test_weak_until_noloop(self):
     with tests.Configure(self, __file__, "/example.smv"):
         enc  = self.enc
         a    = ast.Proposition("a")
         b    = ast.Proposition("b")
         expr = ast.WeakUntil(a, b)
         tool = expr.semantic_no_loop(enc, 0, 2)
         manual = ( b.semantic_no_loop(enc, 0, 2) 
                | (a.semantic_no_loop(enc, 0, 2) & (b.semantic_no_loop(enc, 1, 2)
                | (a.semantic_no_loop(enc, 1, 2) & (b.semantic_no_loop(enc, 2, 2))))))
         spec  = Node.from_ptr(parse_ltl_spec("a U b"))
         nusmv = ltlspec.bounded_semantics(self.befsm, spec, bound=2, loop=bmcutils.no_loopback())
         # normalized string representation of the BE's (make them comparable)
         s_tool  = tests.canonical_cnf(tool)
         s_nusmv = tests.canonical_cnf(nusmv)
         s_manual= tests.canonical_cnf(manual)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_manual)
         self.assertEqual(s_tool, s_nusmv)