Example #1
class TableStats(GenericStruct):
    """Body of reply to OFPST_TABLE request."""

    table_id = UBInt8()
    #: Align to 32-bits.
    pad = Pad(3)
    name = Char(length=OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN)
    wildcards = UBInt32(enum_ref=FlowWildCards)
    max_entries = UBInt32()
    active_count = UBInt32()
    count_lookup = UBInt64()
    count_matched = UBInt64()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a TableStats with the optional parameters below.

            table_id (int): Identifier of table.  Lower numbered tables are
                consulted first.
            name (str): Table name.
            wildcards (:class:`~pyof.v0x01.common.flow_match.FlowWildCards`):
                Bitmap of OFPFW_* wildcards that are supported by the table.
            max_entries (int): Max number of entries supported.
            active_count (int): Number of active entries.
            count_lookup (int): Number of packets looked up in table.
            count_matched (int): Number of packets that hit table.
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.name = name
        self.wildcards = wildcards
        self.max_entries = max_entries
        self.active_count = active_count
        self.count_lookup = count_lookup
        self.count_matched = count_matched
Example #2
class BandStats(GenericStruct):
    """Band  Statistics.

    Statistics for each meter band.

    packet_band_count = UBInt64()
    byte_band_count = UBInt64()

    def __init__(self, packet_band_count=None, byte_band_count=None):
        """Create a BandStats with the optional parameters below.

            packet_band_count(int): Number of packets in band.
            byte_band_count(int):   Number of bytes in band.

        self.packet_band_count = packet_band_count
        self.byte_band_count = byte_band_count
Example #3
class InstructionWriteMetadata(Instruction):
    """Instruction structure for OFPIT_WRITE_METADATA."""

    #: Align to 64-bits
    pad = Pad(4)
    #: Metadata value to write
    metadata = UBInt64()
    #: Metadata write bitmask
    metadata_mask = UBInt64()

    def __init__(self, metadata=0, metadata_mask=0):
        """Create InstructionWriteMetadata with the optional parameters below.

            metadata (int): Metadata value to write.
            metadata_mask (int): Metadata write bitmask.
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.metadata_mask = metadata_mask
Example #4
class AggregateStatsReply(GenericStruct):
    """Body of reply to OFPST_AGGREGATE request."""

    packet_count = UBInt64()
    byte_count = UBInt64()
    flow_count = UBInt32()
    #: Align to 64 bits
    pad = Pad(4)

    def __init__(self, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, flow_count=None):
        """The constructor just assings parameters to object attributes.

            packet_count (int): Number of packets in flows
            byte_count (int):   Number of bytes in flows
            flow_count (int):   Number of flows
        self.packet_count = packet_count
        self.byte_count = byte_count
        self.flow_count = flow_count
Example #5
class AggregateStatsReply(GenericStruct):
    """Body of reply to OFPST_AGGREGATE request."""

    packet_count = UBInt64()
    byte_count = UBInt64()
    flow_count = UBInt32()
    #: Align to 64 bits
    pad = Pad(4)

    def __init__(self, packet_count=None, byte_count=None, flow_count=None):
        """Create a AggregateStatsReply with the optional parameters below.

            packet_count (int): Number of packets in flows
            byte_count (int):   Number of bytes in flows
            flow_count (int):   Number of flows
        self.packet_count = packet_count
        self.byte_count = byte_count
        self.flow_count = flow_count
Example #6
class QueueStats(GenericStruct):
    """Implements the reply body of a port_no."""

    port_no = UBInt32()
    queue_id = UBInt32()
    tx_bytes = UBInt64()
    tx_packets = UBInt64()
    tx_errors = UBInt64()
    duration_sec = UBInt32()
    duration_nsec = UBInt32()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a QueueStats with the optional parameters below.

            port_no (:class:`int`, :class:`~pyof.v0x05.common.port.Port`):
                Port Number.
            queue_id (int): Queue ID.
            tx_bytes (int): Number of transmitted bytes.
            tx_packets (int): Number of transmitted packets.
            tx_errors (int): Number of packets dropped due to overrun.
            duration_sec (int): Time queue has been alive in seconds.
            duration_nsec (int): Time queue has been alive in nanoseconds
                beyond duration_sec.
        self.port_no = port_no
        self.queue_id = queue_id
        self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
        self.tx_packets = tx_packets
        self.tx_errors = tx_errors
        self.duration_sec = duration_sec
        self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
Example #7
class FlowStatsRequest(GenericStruct):
    """Body for ofp_stats_request of type OFPST_FLOW."""

    table_id = UBInt8()
    #: Align to 32 bits.
    pad = Pad(3)
    out_port = UBInt32()
    out_group = UBInt32()
    pad2 = Pad(4)
    cookie = UBInt64()
    cookie_mask = UBInt64()
    match = Match()

    def __init__(self, table_id=Table.OFPTT_ALL, out_port=PortNo.OFPP_ANY,
                 out_group=Group.OFPG_ANY, cookie=0, cookie_mask=0,
        """Create a FlowStatsRequest with the optional parameters below.

            table_id (int): ID of table to read (from pyof_table_stats)
                0xff for all tables or 0xfe for emergency.
            out_port (:class:`int`, :class:`~pyof.v0x05.common.port.PortNo`):
                Require matching entries to include this as an output port.
                A value of :attr:`.PortNo.OFPP_ANY` indicates no restriction.
            out_group: Require matching entries to include this as an output
                group. A value of :attr:`Group.OFPG_ANY` indicates no
            cookie: Requires matching entries to contain this cookie value
            cookie_mask: Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must match.
                A value of 0 indicates no restriction.
            match (~pyof.v0x05.common.flow_match.Match): Fields to match.
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.out_port = out_port
        self.out_group = out_group
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
        self.match = Match() if match is None else match
Example #8
class PacketIn(GenericMessage):
    """Packet received on port (datapath -> controller)."""

    #: :class:`~.header.Header`: OpenFlow Header
    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_PACKET_IN)
    #: ID assigned by datapath.
    buffer_id = UBInt32()
    #: Full length of frame.
    total_len = UBInt16()
    #: Reason packet is being sent (one of OFPR_*),
    reason = UBInt8(enum_ref=PacketInReason)
    #: ID of the table that was looked up.
    table_id = UBInt8()
    #: Cookie of the flow entry that was looked up.
    cookie = UBInt64()
    #: Packet metadata. Variable size.
    match = Match()
    #: Align to 64 bit + 16 bit
    pad = Pad(2)
    #: Ethernet frame whose length is inferred from header.length.
    #: The padding bytes preceding the Ethernet frame ensure that the IP
    #: header (if any) following the Ethernet header is 32-bit aligned.
    data = BinaryData()

    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, total_len=None, reason=None,
                 table_id=None, cookie=None, match=None, data=b''):
        """Assign parameters to object attributes.

            xid (int): Header's xid.
            buffer_id (int): ID assigned by datapath.
            total_len (int): Full length of frame.
            reason (PacketInReason): The reason why the packet is being sent
            table_id (int): ID of the table that was looked up
            cookie (int): Cookie of the flow entry that was looked up
            match (:class:`~.common.flow_match.Match`): Packet metadata.
                Variable size.
            data (bytes): Ethernet frame, halfway through 32-bit word, so the
                IP header is 32-bit aligned. The amount of data is inferred
                from the length field in the header. Because of padding,
                offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data) ==
                sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) - 2.
        self.buffer_id = buffer_id
        self.total_len = total_len
        self.reason = reason
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.match = match
        self.data = data
class SwitchFeatures(GenericMessage):
    """Message sent by the switch device to the controller.

    This message is the response for a features_request message, sent by the
    controller to the switch device. The 'OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY' message inherits
    from this class, despite the strange name.

    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY)
    datapath_id = UBInt64()

    n_buffers = UBInt32()

    n_tables = UBInt8()
    auxiliary_id = UBInt8()
    #: Align to 64-bits.
    pad = Pad(2)

    # Features
    capabilities = UBInt32(enum_ref=Capabilities)
    reserved = UBInt32()

    def __init__(self,
        """The constructor just assings parameters to object attributes.

            xid (int): xid to be used on the message header.
            datapath_id (int): Datapath unique ID.
                The lower 48-bits are for MAC address, while
                the upper 16-bits are implementer-defined.
            n_buffers (int): Max packets buffered at once.
            n_tables (int): Number of tables supported by datapath.
            auxiliary_id (int): Identify auxiliary connections.
            capabilities (int): bitmap of supported capabilities.
            reserved (int): Reserved.
        self.datapath_id = datapath_id
        self.n_buffers = n_buffers
        self.n_tables = n_tables
        self.auxiliary_id = auxiliary_id
        self.capabilities = capabilities
        self.reserved = reserved
Example #10
class FlowStatsRequest(GenericStruct):
    """Body for ofp_stats_request of type OFPST_FLOW."""

    table_id = UBInt8()
    #: Align to 32 bits.
    pad = Pad(3)
    out_port = UBInt32()
    out_group = UBInt32()
    pad2 = Pad(4)
    cookie = UBInt64()
    cookie_mask = UBInt64()
    match = Match()

    def __init__(self, table_id=None, out_port=None, out_group=None,
                 cookie=None, cookie_mask=None, match=None):
        """The constructor just assings parameters to object attributes.

            table_id (int): ID of table to read (from pyof_table_stats)
                0xff for all tables or 0xfe for emergency.
            out_port (:class:`int`, :class:`.Port`): Require matching entries
                to include this as an output port. A value of
                :attr:`.Port.OFPP_NONE` indicates no restriction.
            out_group: Require matching entries to include this as an output
                group. A value of OFPG_ANY indicates no restriction.
            cookie: Requires matching entries to contain this cookie value
            cookie_mask: Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must match.
                A value of 0 indicates no restriction.
            match (Match): Fields to match.
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.out_port = out_port
        self.out_group = out_group
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
        self.match = match
class FlowMod(GenericMessage):
    """Modifies the flow table from the controller."""

    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_FLOW_MOD)
    match = Match()
    cookie = UBInt64()
    command = UBInt16(enum_ref=FlowModCommand)
    idle_timeout = UBInt16()
    hard_timeout = UBInt16()
    priority = UBInt16()
    buffer_id = UBInt32()
    out_port = UBInt16(enum_ref=Port)
    flags = UBInt16(enum_ref=FlowModFlags)
    actions = ListOfActions()

    def __init__(self, xid=None, match=None, cookie=0, command=None,
                 idle_timeout=0, hard_timeout=0, priority=0,
                 buffer_id=NO_BUFFER, out_port=Port.OFPP_NONE,
                 flags=FlowModFlags.OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP, actions=None):
        """The constructor just assings parameters to object attributes.

            xid (int): xid to be used on the message header.
            match (Match): Fields to match.
            cookie (int): Opaque controller-issued identifier.
            command (FlowModCommand): One of OFPFC_*.
            idle_timeout (int): Idle time before discarding (seconds).
            hard_timeout (int): Max time before discarding (seconds).
            priority (int): Priority level of flow entry.
            buffer_idle (int): Buffered packet to apply to (or -1).
                Not meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE*.
            out_port (Port): For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require matching
                entries to include this as an output port.
                A value of OFPP_NONE indicates no restriction.
            flags (FlowModFlags): One of OFPFF_*.
            actions (ListOfActions): The action length is inferred from the
                length field in the header.
        self.match = match
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.command = command
        self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
        self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
        self.priority = priority
        self.buffer_id = buffer_id
        self.out_port = out_port
        self.flags = flags
        self.actions = [] if actions is None else actions
Example #12
class RoleRequest(RoleBaseMessage):
    """RoleRequest Message.

    When the controller wants to change its role, it uses the OFPT_ROLE_REQUEST
    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_ROLE_REQUEST)
    role = UBInt32(enum_ref=ControllerRole)
    pad = Pad(4)
    generation_id = UBInt64()

    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, generation_id=None):
        """Create a RoleRequest with the optional parameters below.

            xid (int): OpenFlow xid to the header.
            role (:class:`~.controller2switch.common.ControllerRole`):
                Is the new role that the controller wants to assume.
            generation_id (int): Master Election Generation Id.
        super().__init__(xid, role, generation_id)
Example #13
class RoleStatusMsg(GenericMessage):
    """OpenFlow Controller Role Status Message OFPT_ROLE_REQUEST. """

    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_ROLE_STATUS)
    #: One of OFPCR_ROLE_*
    role = UBInt32(enum_ref=ControllerRole)
    #: One of OFPCRR_*.
    reason = UBInt8(enum_ref=RoleReason)
    #: Align to 64 bits
    pad = Pad(3)
    #: Master Election Generation Id
    generation_id = UBInt64()
    #: Role Property list
    properties = ListOfRoleProperties()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a message with the optional parameters below.

            xid (int): xid to be used on the message header.
            role (int): the new role of the controller
            reason (int): one of RoleReason
            generation_id (int): the generation ID that was included in the role request message that
            triggered the role change
            properties: a list of role properties, describing dynamic parameters of table configuration

        self.header.xid = xid
        self.role = role
        self.reason = reason
        self.generation_id = generation_id
        self.properties = properties if properties else []
Example #14
class RoleBaseMessage(GenericMessage):
    """Role basic structure for RoleRequest and RoleReply messages."""

    #: :class:`~.common.header.Header`
    header = Header()
    #: One of NX_ROLE_*. (:class:`~.controller2switch.common.ControllerRole`)
    role = UBInt32(enum_ref=ControllerRole)
    #: Align to 64 bits.
    pad = Pad(4)
    #: Master Election Generation Id.
    generation_id = UBInt64()

    def __init__(self, xid=None, role=None, generation_id=None):
        """The constructor just assings parameters to object attributes.

            xid (int): OpenFlow xid to the header.
            role (:class:`~.controller2switch.common.ControllerRole`): .
            generation_id (int): Master Election Generation Id.
        self.role = role
        self.generation_id = generation_id
Example #15
class PortStats(GenericStruct):
    """Body of reply to OFPST_PORT request.

    If a counter is unsupported, set the field to all ones.

    port_no = UBInt32()
    #: Align to 64-bits.
    pad = Pad(4)
    rx_packets = UBInt64()
    tx_packets = UBInt64()
    rx_bytes = UBInt64()
    tx_bytes = UBInt64()
    rx_dropped = UBInt64()
    tx_dropped = UBInt64()
    rx_errors = UBInt64()
    tx_errors = UBInt64()
    rx_frame_err = UBInt64()
    rx_over_err = UBInt64()
    rx_crc_err = UBInt64()
    collisions = UBInt64()
    duration_sec = UBInt32()
    duration_nsec = UBInt32()

    def __init__(self, port_no=None, rx_packets=None,
                 tx_packets=None, rx_bytes=None, tx_bytes=None,
                 rx_dropped=None, tx_dropped=None, rx_errors=None,
                 tx_errors=None, rx_frame_err=None, rx_over_err=None,
                 rx_crc_err=None, collisions=None, duration_sec=None,
        """The constructor assigns parameters to object attributes.

            port_no (:class:`int`, :class:`.Port`): Port number.
            rx_packets (int): Number of received packets.
            tx_packets (int): Number of transmitted packets.
            rx_bytes (int): Number of received bytes.
            tx_bytes (int): Number of transmitted bytes.
            rx_dropped (int): Number of packets dropped by RX.
            tx_dropped (int): Number of packets dropped by TX.
            rx_errors (int): Number of receive errors. This is a super-set of
                more specific receive errors and should be greater than or
                equal to the sum of all rx_*_err values.
            tx_errors (int): Number of transmit errors.  This is a super-set of
                more specific transmit errors and should be greater than or
                equal to the sum of all tx_*_err values (none currently
            rx_frame_err (int): Number of frame alignment errors.
            rx_over_err (int): Number of packets with RX overrun.
            rx_crc_err (int): Number of CRC errors.
            collisions (int): Number of collisions.
            duration_sec (int): Time port has been alive in seconds
            duration_nsec (int): Time port has been alive in nanoseconds beyond
        self.port_no = port_no
        self.rx_packets = rx_packets
        self.tx_packets = tx_packets
        self.rx_bytes = rx_bytes
        self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
        self.rx_dropped = rx_dropped
        self.tx_dropped = tx_dropped
        self.rx_errors = rx_errors
        self.tx_errors = tx_errors
        self.rx_frame_err = rx_frame_err
        self.rx_over_err = rx_over_err
        self.rx_crc_err = rx_crc_err
        self.collisions = collisions
        self.duration_sec = duration_sec
        self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
Example #16
class FlowStats(GenericStruct):
    """Body of reply to OFPST_FLOW request."""

    length = UBInt16()
    table_id = UBInt8()
    #: Align to 32 bits.
    pad = Pad(1)
    duration_sec = UBInt32()
    duration_nsec = UBInt32()
    priority = UBInt16()
    idle_timeout = UBInt16()
    hard_timeout = UBInt16()
    flags = UBInt16()
    importance = UBInt16()
    #: Align to 64-bits
    pad2 = Pad(2)
    cookie = UBInt64()
    packet_count = UBInt64()
    byte_count = UBInt64()
    match = Match()

    #: instructions = ListOfInstruction()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a FlowStats with the optional parameters below.

            length (int): Length of this entry.
            table_id (int): ID of table flow came from.
            duration_sec (int): Time flow has been alive in seconds.
            duration_nsec (int): Time flow has been alive in nanoseconds in
                addition to duration_sec.
            priority (int): Priority of the entry. Only meaningful when this
                is not an exact-match entry.
            idle_timeout (int): Number of seconds idle before expiration.
            hard_timeout (int): Number of seconds before expiration.
            flags (int): Bitmap of OFPFF_* flags.
            importance (int): Eviction precedence.
            cookie (int): Opaque controller-issued identifier.
            packet_count (int): Number of packets in flow.
            byte_count (int): Number of bytes in flow.
            match (~pyof.v0x05.common.flow_match.Match): Description of fields.
        self.length = length
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.duration_sec = duration_sec
        self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
        self.priority = priority
        self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
        self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
        self.flags = flags
        self.importance = importance
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.packet_count = packet_count
        self.byte_count = byte_count
        self.match = match

        #: self.instructions = instructions or []

    def unpack(self, buff, offset=0):
        """Unpack a binary message into this object's attributes.

        Pass the correct length for list unpacking.

            buff (bytes): Binary data package to be unpacked.
            offset (int): Where to begin unpacking.
        unpack_length = UBInt16()
        unpack_length.unpack(buff, offset)
        super().unpack(buff[:offset + unpack_length], offset)
Example #17
class TableFeatures(GenericStruct):
    """Abstraction of common class Table Features.

    Body for MultipartRequest of type OFPMP_TABLE_FEATURES.
    Body of reply to OFPMP_TABLE_FEATURES request.

    length = UBInt16()
    # /* Identifier of table.  Lower numbered tables are consulted first. */
    table_id = UBInt8()
    # /* Align to 64-bits. */
    pad = Pad(5)
    name = Char(length=OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN)
    # /* Bits of metadata table can match. */
    metadata_match = UBInt64()
    # /* Bits of metadata table can write. */
    metadata_write = UBInt64()
    # /* Bitmap of OFPTC_* values */
    config = UBInt32()
    # /* Max number of entries supported. */
    max_entries = UBInt32()
    # /* Table Feature Property list */
    properties = ListOfProperty()

    def __init__(self, table_id=Table.OFPTT_ALL, name="",
        """Create a TableFeatures with the optional parameters below.

            table_id(int): Indetifier of table.The default value
                OFPTT_ALL(``0xff``) will apply the configuration to all tables
                in the switch.
            name(Char): Characters representing the table name.
            metadata_match(int): Indicate the bits of the metadata field that
               the table can match on.The default value ``0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF``
               indicates that the table can match the full metadata field.
            metadata_write(int): Indicates the bits of the metadata field that
               the table can write using the OFPIT_WRITE_METADATA instruction.
               The default value ``0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF`` indicates that the
               table can write the full metadata field.
            config(int): Field reseved for future use.
            max_entries(int): Describe the maximum number of flow entries that
                can be inserted into that table.
                List of Property intances.

        self.table_id = table_id
        self.name = name
        self.metadata_match = metadata_match
        self.metadata_write = metadata_write
        self.config = config
        self.max_entries = max_entries
        self.properties = (ListOfProperty() if properties is None else

    def pack(self, value=None):
        """Pack method used to update the length of instance and packing.

            value: Structure to be packed.

        return super().pack(value)

    def update_length(self):
        """Update the length of current instance."""
        self.length = self.get_size()

    def unpack(self, buff=None, offset=0):
        """Unpack *buff* into this object.

        This method will convert a binary data into a readable value according
        to the attribute format.

            buff (bytes): Binary buffer.
            offset (int): Where to begin unpacking.

            :exc:`~.exceptions.UnpackException`: If unpack fails.

        length = UBInt16()
        length.unpack(buff, offset)
        super().unpack(buff[:offset+length.value], offset)
Example #18
class FlowMod(GenericMessage):
    """Flow setup and teardown (controller -> datapath)."""

    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_FLOW_MOD)

    #: Opaque controller-issued identifier.
    cookie = UBInt64()

    #: Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must match when the command is
    #: OFPFC_MODIFY* or OFPFC_DELETE*. A value of 0 indicates no restriction.
    cookie_mask = UBInt64()

    #: ID of the table to put the flow in. For OFPFC_DELETE_* commands, OFPTT_ALL
    #: can also be used to delete matching flows from all tables.
    table_id = UBInt8()

    #: One of OFPFC_*.
    command = UBInt8(enum_ref=FlowModCommand)

    #: Idle time before discarding (seconds).
    idle_timeout = UBInt16()

    #: Max time before discarding (seconds).
    hard_timeout = UBInt16()

    #: Priority level of flow entry
    priority = UBInt16()

    #: Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER.
    #: Not meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE*.
    buffer_id = UBInt32()

    #: For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require matching entries to include this as an output port.
    #: A value of OFPP_ANY indicates no restrictions.
    out_port = UBInt32()

    #: For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require matching entries to include this as an output group.
    #: A value of OFPP_ANY indicates no restrictions.
    out_group = UBInt32()

    #: Bitmap of OFPFF_* flags.
    flags = UBInt16(enum_ref=FlowModFlags)

    #: Eviction precedence (optional).
    importance = UBInt16()

    #: Fields to match. Variable size.
    match = Match()

    #: The variable size and padded match is always followed by instructions.
    #: Instruction set - 0 or more. The length of the instruction set is inferred from the length field in the header.
    #: instructions = ListOfInstruction()

    def __init__(self, xid=None, cookie=0, cookie_mask=0, table_id=0,
                 command=None, idle_timeout=0, hard_timeout=0,
                 priority=0, buffer_id=OFP_NO_BUFFER, out_port=PortNo.OFPP_ANY,
                 flags=FlowModFlags.OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM, importance=None,
        """Create a FlowMod with the optional parameters below.

            xid (int): xid to be used on the message header.
            cookie (int): Opaque controller-issued identifier.
            cookie_mask (int): Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must
                match when the command is OFPFC_MODIFY* or OFPFC_DELETE*. A
                value of 0 indicates no restriction.
            table_id (int): ID of the table to put the flow in. For
                OFPFC_DELETE_* commands, OFPTT_ALL can also be used to delete
                matching flows from all tables.
            command (~pyof.v0x05.controller2switch.flow_mod.FlowModCommand):
                One of OFPFC_*.
            idle_timeout (int): Idle time before discarding (seconds).
            hard_timeout (int): Max time before discarding (seconds).
            priority (int): Priority level of flow entry.
            buffer_id (int): Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER. Not
                meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE*.
            out_port (int): For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require matching
                entries to include this as an output port. A value of OFPP_ANY
                indicates no restriction.
            out_group (int): For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require matching
                entries to include this as an output group. A value of OFPG_ANY
                indicates no restriction.
            flags (~pyof.v0x05.controller2switch.flow_mod.FlowModFlags):
                One of OFPFF_*.
            importance (int): Eviction precedence (optional)
            match (~pyof.v0x05.common.flow_match.Match):
                Fields to match. Variable size.
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.command = command
        self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
        self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
        self.priority = priority
        self.buffer_id = buffer_id
        self.out_port = out_port
        self.out_group = out_group
        self.flags = flags
        self.importance = importance
        self.match = Match() if match is None else match
Example #19
class PacketIn(GenericMessage):
    """Packet received on port (datapath -> controller)."""

    #: :class:`~pyof.v0x04.common.header.Header`: OpenFlow Header
    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_PACKET_IN)
    #: ID assigned by datapath.
    buffer_id = UBInt32()
    #: Full length of frame.
    total_len = UBInt16()
    #: Reason packet is being sent (one of OFPR_*),
    reason = UBInt8(enum_ref=PacketInReason)
    #: ID of the table that was looked up.
    table_id = UBInt8()
    #: Cookie of the flow entry that was looked up.
    cookie = UBInt64()
    #: Packet metadata. Variable size.
    match = Match()
    #: Align to 64 bit + 16 bit
    pad = Pad(2)
    #: Ethernet frame whose length is inferred from header.length.
    #: The padding bytes preceding the Ethernet frame ensure that the IP
    #: header (if any) following the Ethernet header is 32-bit aligned.
    data = BinaryData()

    def __init__(self, xid=None, buffer_id=None, total_len=None, reason=None,
                 table_id=None, cookie=None, match=None, data=b''):
        """Assign parameters to object attributes.

            xid (int): Header's xid.
            buffer_id (int): ID assigned by datapath.
            total_len (int): Full length of frame.
            reason (~pyof.v0x04.asynchronous.packet_in.PacketInReason):
                The reason why the packet is being sent
            table_id (int): ID of the table that was looked up
            cookie (int): Cookie of the flow entry that was looked up
            match (:class:`~pyof.v0x04.common.flow_match.Match`):
                Packet metadata with variable size.
            data (bytes): Ethernet frame, halfway through 32-bit word, so the
                IP header is 32-bit aligned. The amount of data is inferred
                from the length field in the header. Because of padding,
                offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data) ==
                sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) - 2.
        self.buffer_id = buffer_id
        self.total_len = total_len
        self.reason = reason
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.match = match
        self.data = data

    def in_port(self):
        """Retrieve the 'in_port' that generated the PacketIn.

        This method will look for the OXM_TLV with type OFPXMT_OFB_IN_PORT on
        the `oxm_match_fields` field from `match` field and return its value,
        if the OXM exists.

            The integer number of the 'in_port' that generated the PacketIn if
            it exists. Otherwise return None.

        in_port = self.match.get_field(OxmOfbMatchField.OFPXMT_OFB_IN_PORT)
        return int.from_bytes(in_port, 'big')
Example #20
class PortStats(GenericStruct):
    """Body of reply to OFPST_PORT request.

    If a counter is unsupported, set the field to all ones.

    port_no = UBInt16()
    #: Align to 64-bits.
    pad = Pad(6)
    rx_packets = UBInt64()
    tx_packets = UBInt64()
    rx_bytes = UBInt64()
    tx_bytes = UBInt64()
    rx_dropped = UBInt64()
    tx_dropped = UBInt64()
    rx_errors = UBInt64()
    tx_errors = UBInt64()
    rx_frame_err = UBInt64()
    rx_over_err = UBInt64()
    rx_crc_err = UBInt64()
    collisions = UBInt64()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a PortStats with the optional parameters below.

            port_no (:class:`int`, :class:`~pyof.v0x01.common.phy_port.Port`):
                Port number.
            rx_packets (int): Number of received packets.
            tx_packets (int): Number of transmitted packets.
            rx_bytes (int): Number of received bytes.
            tx_bytes (int): Number of transmitted bytes.
            rx_dropped (int): Number of packets dropped by RX.
            tx_dropped (int): Number of packets dropped by TX.
            rx_errors (int): Number of receive errors. This is a super-set of
                more specific receive errors and should be greater than or
                equal to the sum of all rx_*_err values.
            tx_errors (int): Number of transmit errors.  This is a super-set of
                more specific transmit errors and should be greater than or
                equal to the sum of all tx_*_err values (none currently
            rx_frame_err (int): Number of frame alignment errors.
            rx_over_err (int): Number of packets with RX overrun.
            rx_crc_err (int): Number of CRC errors.
            collisions (int): Number of collisions.
        self.port_no = port_no
        self.rx_packets = rx_packets
        self.tx_packets = tx_packets
        self.rx_bytes = rx_bytes
        self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
        self.rx_dropped = rx_dropped
        self.tx_dropped = tx_dropped
        self.rx_errors = rx_errors
        self.tx_errors = tx_errors
        self.rx_frame_err = rx_frame_err
        self.rx_over_err = rx_over_err
        self.rx_crc_err = rx_crc_err
        self.collisions = collisions
Example #21
class FlowStats(GenericStruct):
    """Body of reply to OFPST_FLOW request."""

    length = UBInt16()
    table_id = UBInt8()
    #: Align to 32 bits.
    pad = Pad(1)
    match = Match()
    duration_sec = UBInt32()
    duration_nsec = UBInt32()
    priority = UBInt16()
    idle_timeout = UBInt16()
    hard_timeout = UBInt16()
    #: Align to 64-bits
    pad2 = Pad(6)
    cookie = UBInt64()
    packet_count = UBInt64()
    byte_count = UBInt64()
    actions = ListOfActions()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a FlowStats with the optional parameters below.

            length (int): Length of this entry.
            table_id (int): ID of table flow came from.
            match (~pyof.v0x01.common.flow_match.Match): Description of fields.
            duration_sec (int): Time flow has been alive in seconds.
            duration_nsec (int): Time flow has been alive in nanoseconds in
                addition to duration_sec.
            priority (int): Priority of the entry. Only meaningful when this
                is not an exact-match entry.
            idle_timeout (int): Number of seconds idle before expiration.
            hard_timeout (int): Number of seconds before expiration.
            cookie (int): Opaque controller-issued identifier.
            packet_count (int): Number of packets in flow.
            byte_count (int): Number of bytes in flow.
            actions (:class:`~pyof.v0x01.common.actions.ListOfActions`):
                List of Actions.
        self.length = length
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.match = match
        self.duration_sec = duration_sec
        self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
        self.priority = priority
        self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
        self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.packet_count = packet_count
        self.byte_count = byte_count
        self.actions = [] if actions is None else actions

    def unpack(self, buff, offset=0):
        """Unpack *buff* into this object.

        Do nothing, since the _length is already defined and it is just a Pad.
        Keep buff and offset just for compability with other unpack methods.

            buff (bytes): Buffer where data is located.
            offset (int): Where data stream begins.
        self.length = UBInt16()
        self.length.unpack(buff, offset)
        max_length = offset + self.length.value
        super().unpack(buff[:max_length], offset)
Example #22
class MeterStats(GenericStruct):
    """Meter Statistics.

    Body of reply to OFPMP_METER request.

    meter_id = UBInt32()
    length = UBInt16()
    pad = Pad(6)
    flow_count = UBInt32()
    packet_in_count = UBInt64()
    byte_in_count = UBInt64()
    duration_sec = UBInt32()
    duration_nsec = UBInt32()
    band_stats = ListOfBandStats()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a MeterStats with the optional parameters below.

            meter_id (|Meter_v0x05|):  Meter instance.
            flow_count(int):      Number of flows bound to meter.
            packet_in_count(int): Number of packets in input.
            byte_in_count(int):   Number of bytes in input.
            duration_sec(int):    Time meter has been alive in seconds.
            duration_nsec(int):   Time meter has been alive in
                                  nanoseconds beyond duration_sec.
            band_stats(list):     Instances of BandStats
        self.meter_id = meter_id
        self.flow_count = flow_count
        self.packet_in_count = packet_in_count
        self.byte_in_count = byte_in_count
        self.duration_sec = duration_sec
        self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
        self.band_stats = band_stats if band_stats else []

    def update_length(self):
        """Update length attribute with current struct length."""
        self.length = self.get_size()

    def pack(self, value=None):
        """Pack method used to update the length of instance and packing.

            value: Structure to be packed.
        return super().pack(value)

    def unpack(self, buff=None, offset=0):
        """Unpack *buff* into this object.

        This method will convert a binary data into a readable value according
        to the attribute format.

            buff (bytes): Binary buffer.
            offset (int): Where to begin unpacking.

            :exc:`~.exceptions.UnpackException`: If unpack fails.

        length = UBInt16()
        length.unpack(buff, offset)

        length.unpack(buff, offset=offset + MeterStats.meter_id.get_size())
        super().unpack(buff[:offset + length.value], offset=offset)
Example #23
    def generate_messages(self):
        Generate Messages to be tested. All messages will be added to a list.
        :return: None

        for index in range(0, self.max_num_of_mesg):

            version = b'\x05'
            msg_type = UBInt8(self.type_of_mesg).pack()

            if self.xid is None:
                self.xid = UBInt32(random.randint(0, self.MAX_32BITS_VALUE))

            if self.type_of_mesg == Type.OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY:

                test_length = b'\x00\x00'

                test_header = version + msg_type + test_length + self.xid.pack(

                flags = UBInt16(random.randint(0, 3)).pack()

                miss_send = UBInt16(random.randint(0, 0xffe5)).pack()

                test_value = test_header + flags + miss_send

                length = UBInt16(len(test_value)).pack()

                header = version + msg_type + length + self.xid.pack()

                value = header + flags + miss_send

                self.item = (self.xid, value)

            elif self.type_of_mesg == Type.OFPT_PACKET_IN:

                test_length = b'\x00\x00'

                header = version + msg_type + test_length + self.xid.pack()

                buffer_id = UBInt32(random.randint(
                    0, self.MAX_32BITS_VALUE)).pack()

                total_len = UBInt16(random.randint(
                    0, self.MAX_16BITS_VALUE)).pack()

                reason = UBInt8(random.randint(0, 5)).pack()

                table_id = UBInt8(random.randint(0,

                cookie = UBInt64(random.randint(0,

                oxmtlv = b''

                for i in range(1, random.randint(1, self.MAX_NUM_OF_OXMTLV)):

                    oxm_class = UBInt16(0x8000).pack()
                    oxm_field_and_mask = UBInt8(0).pack()
                    oxm_length = UBInt8(0)
                    oxm_value = UBInt32(
                        random.randint(1, self.MAX_32BITS_VALUE)).pack()

                    test_value = oxm_class + oxm_field_and_mask + oxm_length.pack(
                    oxm_length = UBInt8(len(test_value)).pack()
                    val = oxm_class + oxm_field_and_mask + oxm_length + oxm_value

                    oxmtlv += val

                match_type = UBInt16(1).pack()
                match_length = UBInt16(0)
                match_pad = UBInt32(0).pack()
                test_length = match_type + match_length.pack(
                ) + oxmtlv + match_pad

                match_length = UBInt16(len(test_length)).pack()

                matchVal = match_type + match_length + oxmtlv + match_pad

                test_value = header + buffer_id + total_len + reason + table_id + cookie + matchVal

                length = UBInt16(len(test_value)).pack()

                header = version + msg_type + length + self.xid.pack()

                value = header + buffer_id + total_len + reason + table_id + cookie + matchVal

                self.item = (self.xid, value)

            elif self.type_of_mesg == Type.OFPT_ECHO_REPLY:

                test_length = b'\x00\x00'

                header = version + msg_type + test_length + self.xid.pack()

                buffer_id = UBInt32(random.randint(
                    0, self.MAX_32BITS_VALUE)).pack()

                total_len = UBInt16(random.randint(
                    0, self.MAX_16BITS_VALUE)).pack()

                reason = UBInt8(random.randint(0, 5)).pack()

                table_id = UBInt8(random.randint(0,

                cookie = UBInt64(random.randint(0,

                oxmtlv = b''

                for i in range(0, random.randint(1, self.MAX_NUM_OF_OXMTLV)):
                    oxm_class = UBInt16(0x8000).pack()
                    oxm_field_and_mask = UBInt8(0).pack()
                    oxm_length = UBInt8(0)
                    oxm_value = UBInt32(
                        random.randint(1, self.MAX_32BITS_VALUE)).pack()

                    test_value = oxm_class + oxm_field_and_mask + oxm_length.pack(
                    oxm_length = UBInt8(len(test_value)).pack()
                    val = oxm_class + oxm_field_and_mask + oxm_length + oxm_value

                    oxmtlv += val

                match_type = UBInt16(1).pack()
                match_length = UBInt16(0)
                match_pad = UBInt32(0).pack()
                test_length = match_type + match_length.pack(
                ) + oxmtlv + match_pad

                match_length = UBInt16(len(test_length)).pack()

                matchVal = match_type + match_length + oxmtlv + match_pad

                test_value = header + buffer_id + total_len + reason + table_id + cookie + matchVal

                length = UBInt16(len(test_value)).pack()

                header = version + msg_type + length + self.xid.pack()

                value = header + buffer_id + total_len + reason + table_id + cookie + matchVal

                self.item = (self.xid, value)

            elif self.type_of_mesg == Type.OFPT_PACKET_OUT:

                test_length = b'\x00\x00'

                header = version + msg_type + test_length + self.xid.pack()

                buffer_id = UBInt32(random.randint(
                    0, self.MAX_32BITS_VALUE)).pack()

                in_port = UBInt32(random.randint(0xfffffffd,

                actions_len = UBInt16(0).pack()

                pad = b'\00\00\00\00\00\00'

                list_of_actions = b''

                for i in range(1, random.randint(1, self.MAX_NUM_OF_ACTIONS)):
                    random_type = random.randint(15, 27)

                    #: there is message 25 that needs revision
                    while random_type == 25:
                        random_type = random.randint(15, 27)

                    action_type = UBInt16(random_type).pack()
                    action_length = UBInt16(8)
                    action_val = b''

                    if random_type in (15, 23):
                        action_ttl = UBInt8(
                            random.randint(0, self.MAX_8BITS_VALUE)).pack()
                        action_pad = b'\00\00\00'
                        action_val = action_ttl + action_pad
                    elif random_type in (16, 18, 24, 27):
                        action_val = b'\00\00\00\00'
                    elif random_type in (17, 19, 20, 26):
                        ethertype = UBInt16(
                            random.randint(0, self.MAX_16BITS_VALUE)).pack()
                        action_pad = b'\00\00'
                        action_val = ethertype + action_pad
                    elif random_type in (21, 22):
                        action_id = UBInt32(
                            random.randint(0, self.MAX_32BITS_VALUE)).pack()
                        action_val = action_id
                    elif random_type == 25:
                        oxm_class = UBInt16(0x8000).pack()
                        oxm_field_and_mask = UBInt8(random.randint(0,
                        oxm_length = UBInt8(0).pack()
                        oxm_value = UBInt32(
                            random.randint(1, self.MAX_32BITS_VALUE)).pack()

                        test_value = oxm_class + oxm_field_and_mask + oxm_length
                        oxm_length = UBInt8(len(test_value))
                        field = oxm_class + oxm_field_and_mask + oxm_length.pack(
                        ) + oxm_value

                        #: For update the length on the message pack but the the unpack doesn't have the function
                        #: to unpack the padding

                        # update_length = 4 + len(field)
                        # overflow = update_length % 8
                        # action_length = update_length
                        # if overflow:
                        #     action_length = update_length + 8 - overflow
                        # padded_size = action_length
                        # padding_bytes = padded_size - len(field)
                        # if padding_bytes > 0:
                        #     field += Pad(padding_bytes).pack()

                        #action_length = UBInt16(len(action_type + action_length + field)).pack()

                        action_val = field

                    val = action_type + action_length.pack() + action_val
                    list_of_actions += val

                actions_len = UBInt16(len(list_of_actions)).pack()

                test_value = header + buffer_id + in_port + actions_len + pad + list_of_actions

                length = UBInt16(len(test_value)).pack()

                header = version + msg_type + length + self.xid.pack()

                value = header + buffer_id + in_port + actions_len + pad + list_of_actions

                self.item = (self.xid, value)


Example #24
class FlowMod(GenericMessage):
    """Modifies the flow table from the controller."""

    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_FLOW_MOD)
    cookie = UBInt64()
    cookie_mask = UBInt64()

    # Flow actions
    table_id = UBInt8()
    command = UBInt8(enum_ref=FlowModCommand)
    idle_timeout = UBInt16()
    hard_timeout = UBInt16()
    priority = UBInt16()
    buffer_id = UBInt32()
    out_port = UBInt32()
    out_group = UBInt32()
    flags = UBInt16(enum_ref=FlowModFlags)
    pad = Pad(2)
    match = Match()

    def __init__(self,
        """The constructor just assings parameters to object attributes.

            xid (int): xid to be used on the message header.
            cookie (int): Opaque controller-issued identifier.
            cookie_mask (int): Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must
                match when the command is OFPFC_MODIFY* or OFPFC_DELETE*. A
                value of 0 indicates no restriction.
            table_id (int): ID of the table to put the flow in. For
                OFPFC_DELETE_* commands, OFPTT_ALL can also be used to delete
                matching flows from all tables.
            command (FlowModCommand): One of OFPFC_*.
            idle_timeout (int): Idle time before discarding (seconds).
            hard_timeout (int): Max time before discarding (seconds).
            priority (int): Priority level of flow entry.
            buffer_id (int): Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER. Not
                meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE*.
            out_port (int): For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require matching
                entries to include this as an output port. A value of OFPP_ANY
                indicates no restriction.
            out_group (int): For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require matching
                entries to include this as an output group. A value of OFPG_ANY
                indicates no restriction.
            flags (FlowModFlags): One of OFPFF_*.
            match (Match): Fields to match. Variable size.
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.cookie_mask = cookie_mask
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.command = command
        self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
        self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
        self.priority = priority
        self.buffer_id = buffer_id
        self.out_port = out_port
        self.out_group = out_group
        self.flags = flags
        self.match = match
Example #25
class FlowMod(GenericMessage):
    """Modifies the flow table from the controller."""

    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_FLOW_MOD)
    match = Match()
    cookie = UBInt64()
    command = UBInt16(enum_ref=FlowModCommand)
    idle_timeout = UBInt16()
    hard_timeout = UBInt16()
    priority = UBInt16()
    buffer_id = UBInt32()
    out_port = UBInt16(enum_ref=Port)
    flags = UBInt16(enum_ref=FlowModFlags)
    actions = ListOfActions()

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a FlowMod with the optional parameters below.

            xid (int): xid to be used on the message header.
            match (~pyof.v0x01.common.flow_match.Match): Fields to match.
            cookie (int): Opaque controller-issued identifier.
            command (~pyof.v0x01.controller2switch.flow_mod.FlowModCommand):
                One of OFPFC_*.
            idle_timeout (int): Idle time before discarding (seconds).
            hard_timeout (int): Max time before discarding (seconds).
            priority (int): Priority level of flow entry.
            buffer_idle (int): Buffered packet to apply to (or -1).
                Not meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE*.
            out_port (~pyof.v0x01.common.phy_port.Port):
                For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require matching entries to include
                this as an output port. A value of OFPP_NONE indicates no
            flags (~pyof.v0x01.controller2switch.flow_mod.FlowModFlags):
                One of OFPFF_*.
            actions (~pyof.v0x01.common.action.ListOfActions):
                The action length is inferred from the length field in the
        self.match = match or Match()
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.command = command
        self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
        self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
        self.priority = priority
        self.buffer_id = buffer_id
        self.out_port = out_port
        self.flags = flags
        self.actions = actions or []
class FlowRemoved(GenericMessage):
    """Flow removed (datapath -> controller).

    If the controller has requested to be notified when flow entries time out
    or are deleted from tables, the datapath does this with the
    OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED message.

    #: :class:`~.header.Header`: OpenFlow Header
    header = Header(message_type=Type.OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED)
    #: Opaque controller-issued identifier.
    cookie = UBInt64()
    #: Priority level of flow entry.
    priority = UBInt16()
    #: One of OFPRR_*.
    reason = UBInt8(enum_ref=FlowRemovedReason)
    #: ID of the table
    table_id = UBInt8()
    #: Time flow was alive in seconds.
    duration_sec = UBInt32()
    #: Time flow was alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec.
    duration_nsec = UBInt32()
    #: Idle timeout from original flow mod.
    idle_timeout = UBInt16()
    #: Hard timeout from original flow mod.
    hard_timeout = UBInt16()
    packet_count = UBInt64()
    byte_count = UBInt64()
    #: Description of fields. Variable size.
    #: :class:`~.common.flow_match.Match`
    match = Match()

    def __init__(self,
        """Assign parameters to object attributes.

            xid (int): OpenFlow Header's xid.
            cookie (int): Opaque controller-issued identifier.
            priority (int): Priority level of flow entry.
            reason (FlowRemovedReason): Why the flow was removed.
            table_id (int): ID of the table.
            duration_sec (int): Time the flow was alive in seconds.
            duration_nsec (int): Time the flow was alive in nanoseconds in
                addition to duration_sec.
            idle_timeout (int): Idle timeout from original flow mod.
            hard_timeout (int): Hard timeout from original flow mod.
            packet_count (int): Number of packets.
            byte_count (int): Byte count.
            match (Match): Fields' description.
        self.cookie = cookie
        self.priority = priority
        self.reason = reason
        self.duration_sec = duration_sec
        self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
        self.idle_timeout = idle_timeout
        self.hard_timeout = hard_timeout
        self.packet_count = packet_count
        self.byte_count = byte_count
        self.match = match
Example #27
class PortStats(GenericStruct):
    """Body of reply to OFPMP_PORT_STATS request.

    If a counter is unsupported, set the field to all ones.
    length = UBInt16()
    #: Align to 64-bits.
    pad = Pad(2)

    port_no = UBInt32()
    duration_sec = UBInt32()
    duration_nsec = UBInt32()
    rx_packets = UBInt64()
    tx_packets = UBInt64()
    rx_bytes = UBInt64()
    tx_bytes = UBInt64()
    rx_dropped = UBInt64()
    tx_dropped = UBInt64()
    rx_errors = UBInt64()
    tx_errors = UBInt64()

    properties = ListOfPortDescProperty()

    # rx_frame_err = UBInt64()
    # rx_over_err = UBInt64()
    # rx_crc_err = UBInt64()
    # collisions = UBInt64()

    def __init__(self,
        Create a PortStats with the optional parameters below.

        :param port_no: (:class:`~pyof.v0x05.common.port.Port`): Port number.
        :param duration_sec: Time port has been alive in seconds.
        :param duration_nsec: Time port has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec
        :param rx_packets: Number of received packets.
        :param tx_packets: Number of transmitted packets.
        :param rx_bytes: Number of received bytes.
        :param tx_bytes: Number of transmitted bytes.
        :param rx_dropped: Number of packets dropped by RX.
        :param tx_dropped: Number of packets dropped by TX.
        :param rx_errors: Number of receive errors. This is a super-set of more specific receive errors and should be
        greater than or equal to the sum of all rx_*_err values.
        :param tx_errors: Number of transmit errors.  This is a super-set of more specific transmit errors and
        should be greater than or equal to the sum of all tx_*_err values (none currently defined).
        :param properties: Port description property list - 0 or more properties.
        self.port_no = port_no
        self.duration_sec = duration_sec
        self.duration_nsec = duration_nsec
        self.rx_packets = rx_packets
        self.tx_packets = tx_packets
        self.rx_bytes = rx_bytes
        self.tx_bytes = tx_bytes
        self.rx_dropped = rx_dropped
        self.tx_dropped = tx_dropped
        self.rx_errors = rx_errors
        self.tx_errors = tx_errors
        self.properties = properties if properties else []