Example #1
    def __init__(self, budget_membership_mat, rhs_vec):
        BudgetSet constructor

            budget_membership_mat: A matrix with 0-1 entries to designate which uncertain parameters participate in each budget constraint. Here, each row is associated with a separate budget constraint.
            rhs_vec: Vector (``list``) of right-hand side values for the budget constraints.
        # === Non-zero number of columns
        mat = np.asarray(budget_membership_mat)
        rhs = np.asarray(rhs_vec)

        if len(mat.shape) == 1:
            cols = mat.shape
            cols = mat.shape[1]
        if cols == 0:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Budget membership matrix must have non-zero number of columns."
        # === Assert is valid matrix (same number of columns across all rows
        if not all(len(row) == cols for row in budget_membership_mat):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Budget membership matrix must be a valid matrix, "
                "e.g. same number of column entries across rows.")
        # === Matrix dimension compatibility
        if mat.shape[0] != rhs.shape[0]:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Rows of lhs_coefficients_mat matrix must equal rows of rhs_vec lists."
        # === Ensure a 0-1 matrix
        if any(not np.isclose(elem, 0) and not np.isclose(elem, 1)
               for row in budget_membership_mat for elem in row):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Budget membership matrix must be a matrix of 0's and 1's.")
        # === No all zero rows
        if all(elem == 0 for row in budget_membership_mat for elem in row):
            raise AttributeError(
                "All zero rows are not permitted in the budget membership matrix."

        # === Ensure 0 <= rhs_i for all i
        if any(rhs_vec[i] < 0 for i in range(len(rhs_vec))):
            raise AttributeError("RHS vector entries must be >= 0.")
        # === Non-emptiness is implied by the set

        # === Add constraints such that uncertain params are >= 0
        # === This adds >=0 bound on all parameters in the set
        cols = mat.shape[1]
        identity = np.identity(cols) * -1
        for row in identity:

        for i in range(identity.shape[0]):

        self.coefficients_mat = budget_membership_mat
        self.rhs_vec = rhs_vec

        self.type = "budget"
Example #2
    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
        Function to generate constraints for the PolyhedralSet uncertainty set.

            uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects

        # === Ensure valid dimensions of lhs and rhs w.r.t uncertain_params
        if np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat).shape[1] != len(uncertain_params):
            raise AttributeError("Columns of coefficients_mat matrix "
                                 "must equal length of uncertain parameters list.")

        set_i = list(range(len(self.coefficients_mat)))

        conlist = ConstraintList()

        for i in set_i:
            constraint = 0
            for j in range(len(uncertain_params)):
                constraint += float(self.coefficients_mat[i][j]) * uncertain_params[j]
            conlist.add(constraint <= float(self.rhs_vec[i]))

        return conlist
Example #3
    def __init__(self, center, shape_matrix, scale=1):
        EllipsoidalSet constructor

            center: Vector (``list``) of uncertain parameter values around which deviations are restrained.
            shape_matrix: Positive semi-definite matrix, effectively a covariance matrix for
            constraint and bounds determination.
            scale: Right-hand side value for the ellipsoid.

        # === Valid data in lists/matrixes
        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for row in shape_matrix for elem in row):
            raise AttributeError("Matrix shape_matrix must be real-valued and numeric.")
        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in center):
            raise AttributeError("Vector center must be real-valued and numeric.")
        if not isinstance(scale, (int, float)):
            raise AttributeError("Ellipse scale must be a real-valued numeric.")
        # === Valid matrix dimensions
        num_cols = len(shape_matrix[0])
        if not all(len(row) == num_cols for row in shape_matrix):
               raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must have valid matrix dimensions.")
        # === Ensure shape_matrix is a square matrix
        array_shape_mat = np.asarray(shape_matrix)
        if array_shape_mat.shape[0] != array_shape_mat.shape[1]:
                raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must be square.")
        # === Ensure dimensions of shape_matrix are same as dimensions of uncertain_params
        if array_shape_mat.shape[1] != len(center):
                raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must be "
                                     "same dimensions as vector of uncertain parameters.")
        # === Symmetric shape_matrix
        if not np.all(np.abs(array_shape_mat-array_shape_mat.T) < 1e-8):
            raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must be symmetric.")
        # === Ensure scale is non-negative
        if scale < 0:
            raise AttributeError("Scale of ellipse (rhs) must be non-negative.")
        # === Check if shape matrix is invertible
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError as err:
            raise("Error with shape matrix supplied to EllipsoidalSet object being singular. %s" % err)
        # === Check is shape matrix is positive semidefinite
        if not all(np.linalg.eigvals(shape_matrix) >= 0):
            raise("Non positive-semidefinite shape matrix.")
        # === Ensure matrix is not degenerate, for determining inferred bounds
            for i in range(len(shape_matrix)):
                np.power(shape_matrix[i][i], 0.5)
            raise AttributeError("Shape matrix must be non-degenerate.")

        self.center = center
        self.shape_matrix = shape_matrix
        self.scale = scale
        self.type = "ellipsoidal"
Example #4
    def __init__(self, lhs_coefficients_mat, rhs_vec):
        PolyhedralSet constructor

            lhs_coefficients_mat: Matrix of left-hand side coefficients for the linear inequality constraints defining the polyhedral set.
            rhs_vec: Vector (``list``) of right-hand side values for the linear inequality constraints defining the polyhedral set.

        # === Real valued data
        mat = np.asarray(lhs_coefficients_mat)
        if not all(
                isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for row in lhs_coefficients_mat
                for elem in row):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Matrix lhs_coefficients_mat must be real-valued and numeric.")
        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in rhs_vec):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Vector rhs_vec must be real-valued and numeric.")
        # === Check columns of A must be same length as rhs
        if mat.shape[0] != len(rhs_vec):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Rows of lhs_coefficients_mat matrix must equal length of rhs_vec list."
        # === Columns are non-zero
        if mat.shape[1] == 0:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Columns of lhs_coefficients_mat must be non-zero.")
        # === Matrix is not all zeros
        if all(
                np.isclose(elem, 0) for row in lhs_coefficients_mat
                for elem in row):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Matrix lhs_coefficients_mat cannot be all zeroes.")
        # === Non-emptiness
        res = sp.optimize.linprog(c=np.zeros(mat.shape[1]),
        if not res.success:
            raise AttributeError(
                "User-defined PolyhedralSet was determined to be empty. "
                "Please check the set of constraints supplied during set construction."
        # === Boundedness
        if res.status == 3:
            # scipy linprog status == 3 indicates unboundedness
            raise AttributeError(
                "User-defined PolyhedralSet was determined to be unbounded. "
                "Please augment the set of constraints supplied during set construction."

        self.coefficients_mat = lhs_coefficients_mat
        self.rhs_vec = rhs_vec
        self.type = "polyhedral"
Example #5
 def parameter_bounds(self):
     Bounds on the realizations of the uncertain parameters, as inferred from the uncertainty set.
     membership_mat = np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat)
     rhs_vec = self.rhs_vec
     parameter_bounds = []
     for i in range(membership_mat.shape[1]):
         col = column(membership_mat, i)
         ub = min(list(col[j] * rhs_vec[j] for j in range(len(rhs_vec))))
         lb = 0
         parameter_bounds.append((lb, ub))
     return parameter_bounds
Example #6
    def __init__(self, origin, number_of_factors, psi_mat, beta):
        FactorModelSet constructor

            origin: Vector (``list``) of uncertain parameter values around which deviations are restrained.
            number_of_factors: Natural number representing the dimensionality of the space to which the set projects.
            psi: Matrix with non-negative entries designating each uncertain parameter's contribution to each factor. Here, each row is associated with a separate uncertain parameter and each column with a separate factor.
            beta: Number in [0,1] representing the fraction of the independent factors that can simultaneously attain their extreme values. Setting 'beta = 0' will enforce that as many factors will be above 0 as there will be below 0 (i.e., "zero-net-alpha" model). Setting 'beta = 1' produces the hyper-rectangle [origin - psi e, origin + psi e], where 'e' is the vector of ones.
        mat = np.asarray(psi_mat)
        # === Numeric valued arrays
        if not all(isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for elem in origin):
            raise AttributeError(
                "All elements of origin vector must be numeric.")
        if not all(
                isinstance(elem, (int, float)) for row in psi_mat
                for elem in row):
            raise AttributeError(
                "All elements of psi_mat vector must be numeric.")
        if not isinstance(beta, (int, float)):
            raise AttributeError("Beta parameter must be numeric.")
        if not isinstance(number_of_factors, (int)):
            raise AttributeError("number_of_factors must be integer.")
        # === Ensure dimensions of psi are n x F
        if mat.shape != (len(origin), number_of_factors):
            raise AttributeError(
                "Psi matrix must be of dimensions n x F where n is dim(uncertain_params)"
                "and F is number_of_factors.")
        # === Ensure beta in [0,1]
        if beta > 1 or beta < 0:
            raise AttributeError("Beta parameter must be in [0,1].")
        # === No all zero columns of psi_mat
        for idx in range(mat.shape[1]):
            if all(np.isclose(elem, 0) for elem in mat[:, idx]):
                raise AttributeError(
                    "Psi matrix cannot have all zero columns.")
        # === Psi must be strictly positive entries
        for idx in range(mat.shape[1]):
            if any(elem < 0 for elem in mat[:, idx]):
                raise AttributeError(
                    "Psi matrix cannot have any negative entries. All factors must be non-negative."

        self.origin = origin
        self.number_of_factors = number_of_factors
        self.psi_mat = psi_mat
        self.beta = beta
        self.type = "factor_model"
Example #7
    def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs):
        Function to generate constraints for the BudgetSet uncertainty set.

            uncertain_params: uncertain parameter objects for writing constraint objects

        # === Ensure matrix cols == len uncertain params
        if np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat).shape[1] != len(uncertain_params):
               raise AttributeError("Budget membership matrix must have compatible "
                                    "dimensions with uncertain parameters vector.")

        conlist = PolyhedralSet.set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params)
        return conlist
Example #8
    def point_in_set(self, point):
        Calculates if supplied ``point`` is contained in the uncertainty set. Returns True or False.

             point: the point being checked for membership in the set
        inv_psi = np.linalg.pinv(self.psi_mat)
        diff = np.asarray(list(point[i] - self.origin[i] for i in range(len(point))))
        cassis = np.dot(inv_psi, np.transpose(diff))

        if abs(sum(cassi for cassi in cassis)) <= self.beta * self.number_of_factors and \
            all(cassi >= -1 and cassi <= 1 for cassi in cassis):
            return True
            return False
Example #9
    def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
        if method == '__call__':
            # Convert all incoming types to ndarray (to prevent recursion)
            args = [np.asarray(i) for i in inputs]
            # Set the return type to be an 'object'.  This prevents the
            # logical operators from casting the result to a bool.  This
            # requires numpy >= 1.6
            kwargs['dtype'] = object

        # Delegate to the base ufunc, but return an instance of this
        # class so that additional operators hit this method.
        ans = getattr(ufunc, method)(*args, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(ans, np.ndarray):
            if ans.size == 1:
                return ans[0]
            return ans.view(NumericNDArray)
            return ans
Example #10
 def dim(self):
     Dimension of the uncertainty set, i.e., number of parameters in “uncertain_params” list.
     return np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat).shape[1]