Example #1
    def expansion_matrix_xu(self):

        Pxu = BlockMatrix(self.nblocks + 1, self.nblocks + 1)
        for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
            Pxu.set_block(sid, sid, nlp.expansion_matrix_xu())
        Pxu[self.nblocks, self.nblocks] = coo_matrix((self.nz, 0))
        return Pxu
Example #2
    def test_isub(self):

        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2., 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))
        rank = comm.Get_rank()

        # create mpi matrix
        rank_ownership = [[0, -1], [-1, 1]]
        bm = MPIBlockMatrix(2, 2, rank_ownership, comm)
        if rank == 0:
            bm.set_block(0, 0, m.copy())
        if rank == 1:
            bm.set_block(1, 1, m.copy())

        serial_bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        serial_bm.set_block(0, 0, m.copy())
        serial_bm.set_block(1, 1, m.copy())

        bm -= bm
        serial_bm -= serial_bm

        rows, columns = np.nonzero(bm.ownership_mask)
        for i, j in zip(rows, columns):
            if bm.get_block(i, j) is not None:
                        bm.get_block(i, j).toarray(),
                        serial_bm.get_block(i, j).toarray()))

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            bm -= serial_bm
Example #3
    def test_iadd(self):

        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2., 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))
        rank = comm.Get_rank()

        # create mpi matrix
        rank_ownership = [[0, -1], [-1, 1]]
        bm = MPIBlockMatrix(2, 2, rank_ownership, comm)
        if rank == 0:
            bm.set_block(0, 0, m.copy())
        if rank == 1:
            bm.set_block(1, 1, m.copy())

        serial_bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        serial_bm.set_block(0, 0, m.copy())
        serial_bm.set_block(1, 1, m.copy())

        bm += bm
        serial_bm += serial_bm

        rows, columns = np.nonzero(bm.ownership_mask)
        for i, j in zip(rows, columns):
            if bm.get_block(i, j) is not None:
                        bm.get_block(i, j).toarray(),
                        serial_bm.get_block(i, j).toarray()))

        bm += serial_bm
        serial_bm += serial_bm
        self._compare_mpi_and_serial_block_matrices(bm, serial_bm)
def getZ(nlp, parm_vars):
    # Get the Z matrix to compute reduced hessian
    parm_vars_name = [x.name for x in parm_vars]
    non_parm_vars = [
        x for x in nlp.get_pyomo_variables() if x.name not in parm_vars_name

    Ji = nlp.extract_submatrix_jacobian(
    Jd = nlp.extract_submatrix_jacobian(

    Zd = spsolve(Jd.tocsc(), Ji.tocsc())
    Z = BlockMatrix(2, 1)
    Z[0, 0] = Zd
    Z[1, 0] = identity(len(parm_vars))

    # reorder variables to the order in hessian
    zorder = getvarorder(nlp, parm_vars, non_parm_vars)
    Zorder = Z.tocsc()[zorder, :].todense()

    return Zorder
Example #5
    def test_abs(self):

        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2., 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))
        rank = comm.Get_rank()

        # create mpi matrix
        rank_ownership = [[0, -1], [-1, 1]]
        bm = MPIBlockMatrix(2, 2, rank_ownership, comm)
        if rank == 0:
            bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        if rank == 1:
            bm.set_block(1, 1, m)

        serial_bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        serial_bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        serial_bm.set_block(1, 1, m)

        res = abs(bm)
        serial_res = abs(serial_bm)

        rows, columns = np.nonzero(bm.ownership_mask)
        for i, j in zip(rows, columns):
            if res.get_block(i, j) is not None:
                        res.get_block(i, j).toarray(),
                        serial_res.get_block(i, j).toarray()))
Example #6
    def test_setitem(self):

        m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        m[0, 1] = self.block_m
        self.assertFalse(m.is_empty_block(0, 1))
        self.assertEqual(m.row_block_sizes()[0], self.block_m.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(m.col_block_sizes()[1], self.block_m.shape[1])
        self.assertEqual(m[0, 1].shape, self.block_m.shape)
Example #7
    def test_setitem(self):

        m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        m[0, 1] = self.block_m
        self.assertFalse(m.is_empty_block(0, 1))
        self.assertEqual(m.row_block_sizes()[0], self.block_m.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(m.col_block_sizes()[1], self.block_m.shape[1])
        self.assertEqual(m[0, 1].shape, self.block_m.shape)
Example #8
    def jacobian_c(self, x, out=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns the Jacobian of the equalities evaluated at x

        x : array_like
            Array with values of primal variables.
        out : BlockMatrix, optional
            Output matrix with the structure of the jacobian already defined.


        assert x.size == self.nx, 'Dimension mismatch'

        if isinstance(x, BlockVector):
            assert x.nblocks == self.nblocks + 1
            x_ = x
        elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            block_x = self.create_vector_x()
            x_ = block_x
            raise RuntimeError('Input vector format not recognized')

        if out is None:
            jac_c = BlockMatrix(2 * self.nblocks, self.nblocks + 1)
            for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
                xi = x_.get_block(sid)
                jac_c.set_block(sid, sid, nlp.jacobian_c(xi))
                # coupling matrices Ai
                jac_c[sid + self.nblocks,
                      sid] = self._AB_coo.get_block(sid, sid)
                # coupling matrices Bi
                jac_c[sid + self.nblocks, self.nblocks] = -identity(self.nz)
            return jac_c
            assert isinstance(out, BlockMatrix), 'out must be a BlockMatrix'
            assert out.bshape == (2 * self.nblocks,
                                  self.nblocks + 1), "Block shape mismatch"
            jac_c = out
            for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
                xi = x_.get_block(sid)
                nlp.jacobian_c(xi, out=jac_c.get_block(sid, sid))
                Ai = jac_c[sid + self.nblocks, sid]
                assert Ai.shape == self._AB_coo.get_block(sid, sid).shape, \
                    'Block {} mismatch shape'.format((sid + self.nblocks, sid))
                assert Ai.nnz == self._AB_coo.get_block(sid, sid).nnz, \
                    'Block {} mismatch nnz'.format((sid + self.nblocks, sid))
                Bi = jac_c[sid + self.nblocks, self.nblocks]
                assert Bi.shape == (self.nz, self.nz), \
                    'Block {} mismatch shape'.format((sid + self.nblocks, self.nblocks))
                assert Bi.nnz == self.nz, \
                    'Block {} mismatch nnz'.format((sid + self.nblocks, self.nblocks))
            return jac_c
Example #9
def compute_init_lam(nlp, x=None, lam_max=1e3):
    if x is None:
        x = nlp.init_primals()
        assert x.size == nlp.n_primals()

    assert nlp.n_ineq_constraints(
    ) == 0, "only supported for equality constrained nlps for now"

    nx = nlp.n_primals()
    nc = nlp.n_constraints()

    # create Jacobian
    jac = nlp.evaluate_jacobian()

    # create gradient of objective
    df = nlp.evaluate_grad_objective()

    # create KKT system
    kkt = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
    kkt.set_block(0, 0, identity(nx))
    kkt.set_block(1, 0, jac)
    kkt.set_block(0, 1, jac.transpose())

    zeros = np.zeros(nc)
    rhs = BlockVector(2)
    rhs.set_block(0, -df)
    rhs.set_block(1, zeros)

    flat_kkt = kkt.tocoo().tocsc()
    flat_rhs = rhs.flatten()

    sol = spsolve(flat_kkt, flat_rhs)
    return sol[nlp.n_primals():nlp.n_primals() + nlp.n_constraints()]
Example #10
 def regularize_hessian(self,
                        kkt: BlockMatrix,
                        coef: float,
                        copy_kkt: bool = True) -> BlockMatrix:
     if copy_kkt:
         kkt = kkt.copy()
     for ndx, nlp in self._nlps.items():
         nlp.regularize_hessian(kkt=kkt.get_block(ndx, ndx).get_block(0, 0),
     return kkt
Example #11
    def coupling_matrix(self):

        AB = BlockMatrix(self.nblocks + 1, self.nblocks + 1)
        for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
            col = self._zid_to_vid[sid]
            row = np.arange(self.nz, dtype=np.int)
            data = np.ones(self.nz)
                sid, sid,
                csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(self.nz, nlp.nx)))
        AB[self.nblocks, self.nblocks] = -identity(self.nz)
        return AB
Example #12
 def create_blocks(self, m: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray):
     m = coo_matrix(m)
     r = m * x
     bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
     bm.set_block(0, 0, m.copy())
     bm.set_block(1, 1, m.copy())
     br = BlockVector(2)
     br.set_block(0, r.copy())
     br.set_block(1, r.copy())
     bx = BlockVector(2)
     bx.set_block(0, x.copy())
     bx.set_block(1, x.copy())
     return bm, bx, br
Example #13
    def test_get_block_row_index(self):

        m = BlockMatrix(2, 4)
        m.set_block(0, 0, coo_matrix((3, 2)))
        m.set_block(0, 1, coo_matrix((3, 4)))
        m.set_block(0, 2, coo_matrix((3, 3)))
        m.set_block(0, 3, coo_matrix((3, 6)))
        m.set_block(1, 3, coo_matrix((5, 6)))

        brow = m.get_block_row_index(0)
        self.assertEqual(brow, 0)
        brow = m.get_block_row_index(6)
        self.assertEqual(brow, 1)
Example #14
    def expansion_matrix_xu(self):

        Pxu = BlockMatrix(self.nblocks + 1, self.nblocks + 1)
        for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
            Pxu[sid, sid] = nlp.expansion_matrix_xu()
        Pxu[self.nblocks, self.nblocks] = empty_matrix(self.nz, 0)
        return Pxu
Example #15
    def jacobian_d(self, x, out=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns the Jacobian of the inequalities evaluated at x

        x : array_like
            Array with values of primal variables.
        out : COOMatrix, optional
            Output matrix with the structure of the jacobian already defined.


        assert x.size == self.nx, "Dimension missmatch"

        if out is None:
            if isinstance(x, BlockVector):
                assert x.nblocks == self.nblocks + 1
                jac_d = BlockMatrix(self.nblocks, self.nblocks)
                for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
                    xi = x[sid]
                    jac_d[sid, sid] = nlp.jacobian_d(xi)
                return jac_d
            elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
                raise NotImplementedError("ToDo")
            raise NotImplementedError("ToDo")
Example #16
    def _create_hessian_structure(self):

        # Note: This method requires the complicated vars map to be
        # created beforehand

        hess_lag = BlockMatrix(self.nblocks + 1, self.nblocks + 1)
        for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
            xi = nlp.x_init()
            yi = nlp.y_init()
            hess_lag.set_block(sid, sid, nlp.hessian_lag(xi, yi))

        hess_lag[self.nblocks, self.nblocks] = coo_matrix((self.nz, self.nz))

        flat_hess = hess_lag.tocoo()
        self._irows_hess = flat_hess.row
        self._jcols_hess = flat_hess.col
        self._nnz_hess_lag = flat_hess.nnz
Example #17
    def test_getitem(self):

        m = BlockMatrix(3, 3)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                self.assertIsNone(m[i, j])

        m[0, 1] = self.block_m
        self.assertEqual(m[0, 1].shape, self.block_m.shape)
Example #18
    def setUp(self):
        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))

        self.block_m = m

        bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        bm.name = 'basic_matrix'
        bm[0, 0] = m
        bm[1, 1] = m
        bm[0, 1] = m
        self.basic_m = bm

        self.composed_m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        self.composed_m[0, 0] = self.block_m
        self.composed_m[1, 1] = self.basic_m
Example #19
    def setUp(self):
        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = COOMatrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))

        self.block_m = m

        bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        bm.name = 'basic_matrix'
        bm[0, 0] = m
        bm[1, 1] = m
        bm[0, 1] = m
        self.basic_m = bm

        self.composed_m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        self.composed_m[0, 0] = self.block_m
        self.composed_m[1, 1] = self.basic_m
Example #20
    def jacobian_d(self, x, out=None, **kwargs):
        """Returns the Jacobian of the inequalities evaluated at x

        x : array_like
            Array with values of primal variables.
        out : coo_matrix, optional
            Output matrix with the structure of the jacobian already defined.


        assert x.size == self.nx, "Dimension mismatch"

        if isinstance(x, BlockVector):
            assert x.nblocks == self.nblocks + 1
            x_ = x
        elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            block_x = self.create_vector_x()
            x_ = block_x
            raise RuntimeError('Input vector format not recognized')

        if out is None:
            jac_d = BlockMatrix(self.nblocks, self.nblocks)
            for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
                xi = x_.get_block(sid)
                jac_d.set_block(sid, sid, nlp.jacobian_d(xi))
            return jac_d
            assert isinstance(out, BlockMatrix), 'out must be a BlockMatrix'
            assert out.bshape == (self.nblocks,
                                  self.nblocks), 'Block shape mismatch'
            jac_d = out
            for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
                xi = x_.get_block(sid)
                nlp.jacobian_d(xi, out=jac_d.get_block(sid, sid))
            return jac_d
Example #21
def main(show_plot=True):
    if show_plot:
        import matplotlib.pylab as plt

    instance = create_problem(0.0, 10.0)
    # Discretize model using Orthogonal Collocation
    discretizer = pyo.TransformationFactory('dae.collocation')
    discretizer.apply_to(instance, nfe=100, ncp=3, scheme='LAGRANGE-RADAU')

    # Interface pyomo model with nlp
    nlp = PyomoNLP(instance)
    x = nlp.create_new_vector('primals')

    lam = nlp.create_new_vector('duals')

    # Evaluate jacobian
    jac = nlp.evaluate_jacobian()
    if show_plot:
        plt.title('Jacobian of the constraints\n')

    # Evaluate hessian of the lagrangian
    hess_lag = nlp.evaluate_hessian_lag()
    if show_plot:
        plt.title('Hessian of the Lagrangian function\n')

    # Build KKT matrix
    kkt = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
    kkt.set_block(0, 0, hess_lag)
    kkt.set_block(1, 0, jac)
    kkt.set_block(0, 1, jac.transpose())
    if show_plot:
        plt.title('KKT system\n')
Example #22
    def test_dot(self):
        A_dense = self.basic_m.toarray()
        A_block = self.basic_m
        x = np.ones(A_dense.shape[1])
        block_x = BlockVector(2)
        block_x.set_block(0, np.ones(self.block_m.shape[1]))
        block_x.set_block(1, np.ones(self.block_m.shape[1]))
        flat_res = A_block.dot(x).flatten()
        block_res = A_block.dot(block_x)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(A_dense.dot(x), flat_res))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(A_dense.dot(x), block_res.flatten()))
        self.assertEqual(block_res.bshape[0], 2)

        m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        sub_m = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
        sub_m = coo_matrix(sub_m)
        m.set_block(0, 1, sub_m.copy())
        m.set_block(1, 0, sub_m.copy())
        x = np.arange(4)
        res = m * x
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res.flatten(), np.array([2, 3, 0, 1])))
Example #23
def build_compression_matrix(compression_mask):
    Return a sparse matrix CM of ones such that
    compressed_vector = CM*full_vector based on the 
    compression mask

    compression_mask: np.ndarray or pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse.block_vector.BlockVector

    cm: coo_matrix or BlockMatrix
       The compression matrix
    if isinstance(compression_mask, BlockVector):
        n = compression_mask.nblocks
        res = BlockMatrix(nbrows=n, nbcols=n)
        for ndx, block in enumerate(compression_mask):
            sub_matrix = build_compression_matrix(block)
            res.set_block(ndx, ndx, sub_matrix)
        return res
    elif type(compression_mask) is np.ndarray:
        cols = compression_mask.nonzero()[0]
        nnz = len(cols)
        rows = np.arange(nnz, dtype=np.int)
        data = np.ones(nnz)
        return coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)),
                          shape=(nnz, len(compression_mask)))
    elif isinstance(compression_mask, mpi_block_vector.MPIBlockVector):
        from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse.mpi_block_matrix import MPIBlockMatrix
        n = compression_mask.nblocks
        rank_ownership = np.ones((n, n), dtype=np.int64) * -1
        for i in range(n):
            rank_ownership[i, i] = compression_mask.rank_ownership[i]
        res = MPIBlockMatrix(nbrows=n,
        for ndx in compression_mask.owned_blocks:
            block = compression_mask.get_block(ndx)
            sub_matrix = build_compression_matrix(block)
            res.set_block(ndx, ndx, sub_matrix)
        return res
Example #24
 def test_transpose_with_empty_rows(self):
     m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
     m.set_row_size(0, 2)
     m.set_row_size(1, 2)
     m.set_col_size(0, 2)
     m.set_col_size(1, 2)
     mt = m.transpose()
     self.assertEqual(mt.get_row_size(0), 2)
     self.assertEqual(mt.get_row_size(1), 2)
     self.assertEqual(mt.get_col_size(0), 2)
     self.assertEqual(mt.get_col_size(1), 2)
Example #25
    def test_setitem(self):

        m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        m.set_block(0, 1, self.block_m)
        self.assertFalse(m.is_empty_block(0, 1))
        self.assertEqual(m._brow_lengths[0], self.block_m.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(m._bcol_lengths[1], self.block_m.shape[1])
        self.assertEqual(m.get_block(0, 1).shape, self.block_m.shape)
Example #26
    def test_getitem(self):

        m = BlockMatrix(3, 3)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                self.assertIsNone(m.get_block(i, j))

        m.set_block(0, 1, self.block_m)
        self.assertEqual(m.get_block(0, 1).shape, self.block_m.shape)
Example #27
    def test_mumps_linear_solver(self):
        A = np.array([[ 1,  7,  3],
                      [ 7,  4, -5],
                      [ 3, -5,  6]], dtype=np.double)
        A = coo_matrix(A)
        A_lower = tril(A)
        x1 = np.arange(3) + 1
        b1 = A * x1
        x2 = np.array(list(reversed(x1)))
        b2 = A * x2

        solver = MumpsCentralizedAssembledLinearSolver()
        x = solver.do_back_solve(b1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x, x1))
        x = solver.do_back_solve(b2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x, x2))

        solver = MumpsCentralizedAssembledLinearSolver(sym=2)
        x = solver.solve(A_lower, b1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x, x1))

        block_A = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        block_A.set_row_size(0, 2)
        block_A.set_row_size(1, 1)
        block_A.set_col_size(0, 2)
        block_A.set_col_size(1, 1)

        block_b1 = BlockVector(2)
        block_b1.set_block(0, b1[0:2])
        block_b1.set_block(1, b1[2:])
        block_b2 = BlockVector(2)
        block_b2.set_block(0, b2[0:2])
        block_b2.set_block(1, b2[2:])

        solver = MumpsCentralizedAssembledLinearSolver(icntl_options={10: -3}, cntl_options={2: 1e-16})
        x = solver.do_back_solve(block_b1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x, x1))
        x = solver.do_back_solve(block_b2)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x, x2))
        self.assertEqual(solver.get_infog(15), 3)
Example #28
    def setUp(self):
        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2., 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))

        self.block_m = m

        bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        bm.name = 'basic_matrix'
        bm.set_block(0, 0, m.copy())
        bm.set_block(1, 1, m.copy())
        bm.set_block(0, 1, m.copy())
        self.basic_m = bm
        self.dense = np.zeros((8, 8))
        self.dense[0:4, 0:4] = m.toarray()
        self.dense[0:4, 4:8] = m.toarray()
        self.dense[4:8, 4:8] = m.toarray()

        self.composed_m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        self.composed_m.set_block(0, 0, self.block_m.copy())
        self.composed_m.set_block(1, 1, self.basic_m.copy())
Example #29
    def test_abs(self):

        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = -1.0 * np.array([2., 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))

        self.block_m = m

        bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        bm.set_block(1, 1, m)
        bm.set_block(0, 1, m)

        abs_flat = abs(bm.tocoo())
        abs_mat = abs(bm)

        self.assertIsInstance(abs_mat, BlockMatrix)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(abs_flat.toarray(), abs_mat.toarray()))
Example #30
    def _create_jacobian_structures(self):

        # Note: This method requires the complicated vars map to be
        # created beforehand

        # build general jacobian
        jac_g = BlockMatrix(2 * self.nblocks, self.nblocks + 1)
        for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
            xi = nlp.x_init()
            jac_g[sid, sid] = nlp.jacobian_g(xi)

            # coupling matrices Ai
            scenario_vids = self._zid_to_vid[sid]
            col = np.array([vid for vid in scenario_vids])
            row = np.arange(0, self.nz)
            data = np.ones(self.nz, dtype=np.double)
            jac_g[sid + self.nblocks, sid] = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)),
                                                       shape=(self.nz, nlp.nx))

            # coupling matrices Bi
            jac_g[sid + self.nblocks, self.nblocks] = -identity(self.nz)

        self._internal_jacobian_g = jac_g
        flat_jac_g = jac_g.tocoo()
        self._irows_jac_g = flat_jac_g.row
        self._jcols_jac_g = flat_jac_g.col
        self._nnz_jac_g = flat_jac_g.nnz

        # build jacobian equality constraints
        jac_c = BlockMatrix(2 * self.nblocks, self.nblocks + 1)
        for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
            xi = nlp.x_init()
            jac_c[sid, sid] = nlp.jacobian_c(xi)

            # coupling matrices Ai
            scenario_vids = self._zid_to_vid[sid]
            col = np.array([vid for vid in scenario_vids])
            row = np.arange(0, self.nz)
            data = np.ones(self.nz, dtype=np.double)
            jac_c[sid + self.nblocks, sid] = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)),
                                                       shape=(self.nz, nlp.nx))

            # coupling matrices Bi
            jac_c[sid + self.nblocks, self.nblocks] = -identity(self.nz)

        self._internal_jacobian_c = jac_c
        flat_jac_c = jac_c.tocoo()
        self._irows_jac_c = flat_jac_c.row
        self._jcols_jac_c = flat_jac_c.col
        self._nnz_jac_c = flat_jac_c.nnz

        # build jacobian inequality constraints
        jac_d = BlockMatrix(self.nblocks, self.nblocks)
        for sid, nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
            xi = nlp.x_init()
            jac_d[sid, sid] = nlp.jacobian_d(xi)
        self._internal_jacobian_d = jac_d
        flat_jac_d = jac_d.tocoo()
        self._irows_jac_d = flat_jac_d.row
        self._jcols_jac_d = flat_jac_d.col
        self._nnz_jac_d = flat_jac_d.nnz
    def test_mpi_schur_complement(self):
        rank_by_index = list()
        for ndx in range(3):
            for _rank in range(size):
                if (ndx - _rank) % size == 0:

        A = MPIBlockMatrix(nbrows=4,
                               rank_by_index, rank_by_index, rank_by_index,
        if rank_by_index[0] == rank:
                0, 0, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double)))
        if rank_by_index[1] == rank:
                1, 1, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double)))
        if rank_by_index[2] == rank:
                2, 2, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1]], dtype=np.double)))
        A.set_block(3, 3,
                    coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double)))
        if rank_by_index[0] == rank:
                3, 0, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, -1], [0, 0]], dtype=np.double)))
        if rank_by_index[1] == rank:
                3, 1, coo_matrix(np.array([[-1, 0], [0, -1]],
        if rank_by_index[2] == rank:
                3, 2, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [-1, 0]], dtype=np.double)))

        local_A = BlockMatrix(4, 4)
            0, 0, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double)))
            1, 1, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double)))
            2, 2, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1]], dtype=np.double)))
            3, 3, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double)))
            3, 0, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, -1], [0, 0]], dtype=np.double)))
            3, 1, coo_matrix(np.array([[-1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=np.double)))
            3, 2, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [-1, 0]], dtype=np.double)))
        local_A.set_block(0, 3, local_A.get_block(3, 0).transpose(copy=True))
        local_A.set_block(1, 3, local_A.get_block(3, 1).transpose(copy=True))
        local_A.set_block(2, 3, local_A.get_block(3, 2).transpose(copy=True))

        rhs = MPIBlockVector(nblocks=4,
        if rank_by_index[0] == rank:
            rhs.set_block(0, np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.double))
        if rank_by_index[1] == rank:
            rhs.set_block(1, np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.double))
        if rank_by_index[2] == rank:
            rhs.set_block(2, np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.double))
        rhs.set_block(3, np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.double))

        local_rhs = BlockVector(4)
        local_rhs.set_block(0, np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.double))
        local_rhs.set_block(1, np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.double))
        local_rhs.set_block(2, np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.double))
        local_rhs.set_block(3, np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.double))

        x1 = np.linalg.solve(local_A.toarray(), local_rhs.flatten())

        solver_class = parapint.linalg.MPISchurComplementLinearSolver
        sc_solver = solver_class(
                ndx: ScipyInterface(compute_inertia=True)
                for ndx in range(3)
        x2 = sc_solver.do_back_solve(rhs)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x1, x2.make_local_copy().flatten()))

        inertia1 = sc_solver.get_inertia()
        eig = np.linalg.eigvals(local_A.toarray())
        pos = np.count_nonzero(eig > 0)
        neg = np.count_nonzero(eig < 0)
        zero = np.count_nonzero(eig == 0)
        inertia2 = (pos, neg, zero)
        self.assertEqual(inertia1, inertia2)

        x2 = sc_solver.do_back_solve(rhs)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x1, x2.make_local_copy().flatten()))
Example #32
class TestBlockMatrix(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))

        self.block_m = m

        bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        bm.name = 'basic_matrix'
        bm[0, 0] = m
        bm[1, 1] = m
        bm[0, 1] = m
        self.basic_m = bm

        self.composed_m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        self.composed_m[0, 0] = self.block_m
        self.composed_m[1, 1] = self.basic_m

    def test_name(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.basic_m.name, 'basic_matrix')
        self.basic_m.name = 'hola'
        self.assertEqual(self.basic_m.name, 'hola')

    def test_bshape(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.basic_m.bshape, (2, 2))

    def test_shape(self):
        shape = (self.block_m.shape[0]*2, self.block_m.shape[1]*2)
        self.assertEqual(self.basic_m.shape, shape)

    def test_tocoo(self):

        block = self.block_m
        m = self.basic_m
        scipy_mat = bmat([[block, block], [None, block]], format='coo')
        dinopy_mat = m.tocoo()
        drow = np.sort(dinopy_mat.row)
        dcol = np.sort(dinopy_mat.col)
        ddata = np.sort(dinopy_mat.data)
        srow = np.sort(scipy_mat.row)
        scol = np.sort(scipy_mat.col)
        sdata = np.sort(scipy_mat.data)
        self.assertListEqual(drow.tolist(), srow.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(dcol.tolist(), scol.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(ddata.tolist(), sdata.tolist())

    def test_tocsr(self):

        block = self.block_m
        m = self.basic_m
        scipy_mat = bmat([[block, block], [None, block]], format='csr')
        dinopy_mat = m.tocsr()
        dindices = np.sort(dinopy_mat.indices)
        dindptr = np.sort(dinopy_mat.indptr)
        ddata = np.sort(dinopy_mat.data)
        sindices = np.sort(scipy_mat.indices)
        sindptr = np.sort(scipy_mat.indptr)
        sdata = np.sort(scipy_mat.data)
        self.assertListEqual(dindices.tolist(), sindices.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(dindptr.tolist(), sindptr.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(ddata.tolist(), sdata.tolist())

    def test_tocsc(self):
        block = self.block_m
        m = self.basic_m
        scipy_mat = bmat([[block, block], [None, block]], format='csc')
        dinopy_mat = m.tocsc()
        dindices = np.sort(dinopy_mat.indices)
        dindptr = np.sort(dinopy_mat.indptr)
        ddata = np.sort(dinopy_mat.data)
        sindices = np.sort(scipy_mat.indices)
        sindptr = np.sort(scipy_mat.indptr)
        sdata = np.sort(scipy_mat.data)
        self.assertListEqual(dindices.tolist(), sindices.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(dindptr.tolist(), sindptr.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(ddata.tolist(), sdata.tolist())

    def test_multiply(self):

        # check scalar multiplication
        block = self.block_m
        m = self.basic_m * 5.0
        scipy_mat = bmat([[block, block], [None, block]], format='coo')
        mulscipy_mat = scipy_mat * 5.0
        dinopy_mat = m.tocoo()
        drow = np.sort(dinopy_mat.row)
        dcol = np.sort(dinopy_mat.col)
        ddata = np.sort(dinopy_mat.data)
        srow = np.sort(mulscipy_mat.row)
        scol = np.sort(mulscipy_mat.col)
        sdata = np.sort(mulscipy_mat.data)
        self.assertListEqual(drow.tolist(), srow.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(dcol.tolist(), scol.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(ddata.tolist(), sdata.tolist())

        m = 5.0 * self.basic_m
        dinopy_mat = m.tocoo()
        drow = np.sort(dinopy_mat.row)
        dcol = np.sort(dinopy_mat.col)
        ddata = np.sort(dinopy_mat.data)
        self.assertListEqual(drow.tolist(), srow.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(dcol.tolist(), scol.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(ddata.tolist(), sdata.tolist())

        # check dot product with block vector
        block = self.block_m
        m = self.basic_m
        scipy_mat = bmat([[block, block], [None, block]], format='coo')
        x = BlockVector(2)
        x[0] = np.ones(block.shape[1], dtype=np.float64)
        x[1] = np.ones(block.shape[1], dtype=np.float64)

        res_scipy = scipy_mat.dot(x.flatten())
        res_dinopy = m * x
        res_dinopy_flat = m * x.flatten()

        self.assertListEqual(res_dinopy.tolist(), res_scipy.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(res_dinopy_flat.tolist(), res_scipy.tolist())

        dense_mat = dinopy_mat.todense()
        self.basic_m *= 5.0
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dense_mat, self.basic_m.todense()))

        flat_mat = self.basic_m.tocoo()
        result = flat_mat * flat_mat
        dense_result = result.toarray()
        mat = self.basic_m * self.basic_m.tocoo()
        dense_mat = mat.toarray()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dense_mat, dense_result))

        # not supported block matrix times block matrix for now
        #with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
        #    mat = self.basic_m * self.basic_m.tocoo()

    def test_getitem(self):

        m = BlockMatrix(3, 3)
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                self.assertIsNone(m[i, j])

        m[0, 1] = self.block_m
        self.assertEqual(m[0, 1].shape, self.block_m.shape)

    def test_setitem(self):

        m = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        m[0, 1] = self.block_m
        self.assertFalse(m.is_empty_block(0, 1))
        self.assertEqual(m.row_block_sizes()[0], self.block_m.shape[0])
        self.assertEqual(m.col_block_sizes()[1], self.block_m.shape[1])
        self.assertEqual(m[0, 1].shape, self.block_m.shape)

    def test_coo_data(self):
        m = self.basic_m.tocoo()
        data = self.basic_m.coo_data()
        self.assertListEqual(m.data.tolist(), data.tolist())

    # ToDo: add tests for block matrices with block matrices in it
    # ToDo: add tests for matrices with zeros in the diagonal
    # ToDo: add tests for block matrices with coo and csc matrices

    def test_nnz(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.block_m.nnz*3, self.basic_m.nnz)

    def test_block_shapes(self):
        shapes = self.basic_m.block_shapes()
        for i in range(self.basic_m.bshape[0]):
            for j in range(self.basic_m.bshape[1]):
                self.assertEqual(shapes[i][j], self.block_m.shape)

    def test_dot(self):
        A_dense = self.basic_m.todense()
        A_block = self.basic_m
        x = np.ones(A_dense.shape[1])
        block_x = BlockVector(2)
        block_x[0] = np.ones(self.block_m.shape[1])
        block_x[1] = np.ones(self.block_m.shape[1])
        flat_res = A_block.dot(x).flatten()
        block_res = A_block.dot(block_x)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(A_dense.dot(x), flat_res))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(A_dense.dot(x), block_res.flatten()))
        self.assertEqual(block_res.bshape[0], 2)

    def test_reset_brow(self):
        for j in range(self.basic_m.bshape[1]):
            self.assertIsNone(self.basic_m[0, j])

    def test_reset_bcol(self):
        for j in range(self.basic_m.bshape[0]):
            self.assertIsNone(self.basic_m[j, 0])

    def test_to_scipy(self):

        block = self.block_m
        m = self.basic_m
        scipy_mat = bmat([[block, block], [None, block]], format='coo')
        dinopy_mat = m.tocoo()
        drow = np.sort(dinopy_mat.row)
        dcol = np.sort(dinopy_mat.col)
        ddata = np.sort(dinopy_mat.data)
        srow = np.sort(scipy_mat.row)
        scol = np.sort(scipy_mat.col)
        sdata = np.sort(scipy_mat.data)
        self.assertListEqual(drow.tolist(), srow.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(dcol.tolist(), scol.tolist())
        self.assertListEqual(ddata.tolist(), sdata.tolist())

    def test_has_empty_rows(self):

    def test_has_empty_cols(self):

    def test_transpose(self):

        A_dense = self.basic_m.todense()
        A_block = self.basic_m
        A_dense_t = A_dense.transpose()
        A_block_t = A_block.transpose()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(A_dense_t, A_block_t.todense()))

        A_dense = self.composed_m.todense()
        A_block = self.composed_m
        A_dense_t = A_dense.transpose()
        A_block_t = A_block.transpose()
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(A_dense_t, A_block_t.todense()))

    def test_repr(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.basic_m.__repr__()), 17)

    #def test_str(self):
    #    self.assertEqual(len(self.basic_m.__str__()), 328)

    def test_set_item(self):

        self.basic_m[1, 0] = None
        self.assertIsNone(self.basic_m[1, 0])
        self.basic_m[1, 1] = None
        self.assertIsNone(self.basic_m[1, 1])
        self.assertEqual(self.basic_m._brow_lengths[1], 0)
        self.basic_m[1, 1] = self.block_m
        self.assertEqual(self.basic_m._brow_lengths[1], self.block_m.shape[1])

    def test_add(self):

        A_dense = self.basic_m.todense()
        A_block = self.basic_m

        aa = A_dense + A_dense
        mm = A_block + A_block

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(aa, mm.todense()))

        mm = A_block.__radd__(A_block)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(aa, mm.todense()))

    def test_sub(self):

        A_dense = self.basic_m.todense()
        A_block = self.basic_m

        aa = A_dense - A_dense
        mm = A_block - A_block

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(aa, mm.todense()))
        mm = A_block.__rsub__(A_block)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(aa, mm.todense()))
Example #33
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # test problem 1

        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2., 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))

        rank = comm.Get_rank()
        # create mpi matrix
        rank_ownership = [[0, -1], [-1, 1]]
        bm = MPIBlockMatrix(2, 2, rank_ownership, comm)
        if rank == 0:
            bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        if rank == 1:
            bm.set_block(1, 1, m)

        # create serial matrix image
        serial_bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        serial_bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        serial_bm.set_block(1, 1, m)
        cls.square_serial_mat = serial_bm

        cls.square_mpi_mat = bm

        # create mpi matrix
        rank_ownership = [[0, -1], [-1, 1]]
        bm = MPIBlockMatrix(2, 2, rank_ownership, comm)
        if rank == 0:
            bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        if rank == 1:
            bm.set_block(1, 1, m)

        cls.square_mpi_mat_no_broadcast = bm

        # create matrix with shared blocks
        rank_ownership = [[0, -1], [-1, 1]]
        bm = MPIBlockMatrix(2, 2, rank_ownership, comm)
        if rank == 0:
            bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        if rank == 1:
            bm.set_block(1, 1, m)
        bm.set_block(0, 1, m)

        cls.square_mpi_mat2 = bm

        # create serial matrix image
        serial_bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        serial_bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        serial_bm.set_block(1, 1, m)
        serial_bm.set_block(0, 1, m)
        cls.square_serial_mat2 = serial_bm

        row = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
        col = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1])
        data = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
        m2 = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 2))

        rank_ownership = [[0, -1, 0], [-1, 1, -1]]
        bm = MPIBlockMatrix(2, 3, rank_ownership, comm)
        if rank == 0:
            bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
            bm.set_block(0, 2, m2)
        if rank == 1:
            bm.set_block(1, 1, m)
        cls.rectangular_mpi_mat = bm

        bm = BlockMatrix(2, 3)
        bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        bm.set_block(0, 2, m2)
        bm.set_block(1, 1, m)
        cls.rectangular_serial_mat = bm
Example #34
    def test_reset_bcol(self):

        row = np.array([0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 0])
        col = np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3])
        data = np.array([2., 1, 3, 4, 5, 1])
        m = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(4, 4))
        rank = comm.Get_rank()

        # create mpi matrix
        rank_ownership = [[0, -1], [-1, 1]]
        bm = MPIBlockMatrix(2, 2, rank_ownership, comm)
        if rank == 0:
            bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        if rank == 1:
            bm.set_block(1, 1, m)

        serial_bm = BlockMatrix(2, 2)
        serial_bm.set_block(0, 0, m)
        serial_bm.set_block(1, 1, m)

            np.allclose(serial_bm.row_block_sizes(), bm.row_block_sizes()))
            np.allclose(serial_bm.col_block_sizes(), bm.col_block_sizes()))

            np.allclose(serial_bm.col_block_sizes(), bm.col_block_sizes()))