Example #1
    def test_nonnegativity_transformation_1(self):
        self.model.a = Var()
        self.model.b = Var(within=NonNegativeIntegers)
        self.model.c = Var(within=Integers, bounds=(-2,3))
        self.model.d = Var(within=Boolean)
        self.model.e = Var(domain=Boolean)

        xfrm = TransformationFactory('core.nonnegative_vars')
        transformed = xfrm.create_using(instance)

        # Check that all variables have nonnegative bounds or domains
        for c in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'):
            var = transformed.__getattribute__(c)
            for ndx in var:

        # Check that discrete variables are still discrete, and continuous
        # continuous
        for ndx in transformed.a:
            self.assertIs(transformed.a[ndx].domain, NonNegativeReals)
        for ndx in transformed.b:
            self.assertIs(transformed.b[ndx].domain, NonNegativeIntegers)
        for ndx in transformed.c:
            self.assertIs(transformed.c[ndx].domain, NonNegativeIntegers)
        for ndx in transformed.d:
            self.assertIs(transformed.d[ndx].domain, Binary)
        for ndx in transformed.e:
            self.assertIs(transformed.e[ndx].domain, Binary)
Example #2
 def test_relax_integrality_cloned(self):
     # Coverage of the _clear_attribute method
     self.model.A = RangeSet(1,4)
     self.model.a = Var()
     self.model.b = Var(within=self.model.A)
     self.model.c = Var(within=NonNegativeIntegers)
     self.model.d = Var(within=Integers, bounds=(-2,3))
     self.model.e = Var(within=Boolean)
     self.model.f = Var(domain=Boolean)
     instance_cloned = instance.clone()
     xfrm = TransformationFactory('core.relax_integer_vars')
     rinst = xfrm.create_using(instance_cloned)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.a.domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.b.domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.c.domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.d.domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.e.domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.f.domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.a.bounds, instance_cloned.a.bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.b.bounds, instance_cloned.b.bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.c.bounds, instance_cloned.c.bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.d.bounds, instance_cloned.d.bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.e.bounds, instance_cloned.e.bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.f.bounds, instance_cloned.f.bounds)
Example #3
 def test_relax_integrality2(self):
     # Coverage of the _clear_attribute method
     self.model.A = RangeSet(1, 4)
     self.model.a = Var([1, 2, 3], dense=True)
     self.model.b = Var([1, 2, 3], within=self.model.A, dense=True)
     self.model.c = Var([1, 2, 3], within=NonNegativeIntegers, dense=True)
     self.model.d = Var([1, 2, 3],
                        bounds=(-2, 3),
     self.model.e = Var([1, 2, 3], within=Boolean, dense=True)
     self.model.f = Var([1, 2, 3], domain=Boolean, dense=True)
     instance = self.model.create_instance()
     xfrm = TransformationFactory('core.relax_integer_vars')
     rinst = xfrm.create_using(instance)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.a[1].domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.b[1].domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.c[1].domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.d[1].domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.e[1].domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.f[1].domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.a[1].bounds, instance.a[1].bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.b[1].bounds, instance.b[1].bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.c[1].bounds, instance.c[1].bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.d[1].bounds, instance.d[1].bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.e[1].bounds, instance.e[1].bounds)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.f[1].bounds, instance.f[1].bounds)
Example #4
    def run_bilevel(self, *_args, **kwds):

            # Import the model file to create the model
            usermodel = pyutilib.misc.import_file(_args[0], clear_cache=True)
            instance = usermodel.model
            # Collected fixed variables
            _fixed = kwds.pop('fixed', [])
            for v in _fixed:
                v_ = ComponentUID(v).find_component_on(instance)
            fixed = [
                ComponentUID(v).find_component_on(instance) for v in _fixed
            # Apply transformations
            if 'transform' in kwds:
                xfrm = TransformationFactory(kwds['transform'])
                transform_kwds = kwds.get('transform_kwds', {})
                transform_kwds['fixed'] = fixed
                new_instance = xfrm.create_using(instance, **transform_kwds)
                new_instance = instance

            if self.solve:
                # Solve the problem
                opt = SolverFactory(kwds.get('solver', 'glpk'))
                results = opt.solve(new_instance)
                with open('result.yml', 'w') as ofile:
                    results.write(ostream=ofile, format='json')
            elif kwds.get('format', 'lp') == 'lp':
                # Write the file
                io_options = {}
                io_options['symbolic_solver_labels'] = True
                io_options['file_determinism'] = 2
                new_instance.name = 'Test'
                new_instance.write(self.problem + "_result.lp",
                # This is a hack.  When we cannot write a valid LP file, we still
                # write with the LP suffix to simplify the testing logic.
                with open(self.problem + "_result.lp", 'w') as ofile:

            print("Failed to construct and transform the model")
Example #5
 def test_relax_integrality_simple_cloned(self):
     self.model.x = Var(within=Integers, bounds=(-2,3))
     instance = self.model.create_instance()
     instance_cloned = instance.clone()
     xfrm = TransformationFactory('core.relax_discrete')
     rinst = xfrm.create_using(instance_cloned)
     self.assertIs(rinst.x.domain, Reals)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.x.bounds, (-2,3))
     self.assertIs(instance.x.domain, Integers)
     self.assertIs(instance_cloned.x.domain, Integers)
Example #6
 def test_relax_integrality(self):
     # Coverage of the _clear_attribute method
     self.model.d = Var(within=Integers, bounds=(-2,3))
     instance_cloned = instance.clone()
     xfrm = TransformationFactory('core.relax_integer_vars')
     rinst = xfrm.create_using(instance_cloned)
     self.assertEqual(type(rinst.d.domain), RealSet)
     self.assertEqual(rinst.d.bounds, (-2,3))
     self.assertIs(instance.d.domain, Integers)
     self.assertIs(instance_cloned.d.domain, Integers)
Example #7
 def test_fix_discrete(self):
     # Coverage of the _clear_attribute method
     self.model.A = RangeSet(1,4)
     self.model.a = Var()
     self.model.b = Var(within=self.model.A)
     self.model.c = Var(within=NonNegativeIntegers)
     self.model.d = Var(within=Integers, bounds=(-2,3))
     self.model.e = Var(within=Boolean)
     self.model.f = Var(domain=Boolean)
     xfrm = TransformationFactory('core.fix_discrete')
     rinst = xfrm.create_using(instance)
Example #8
    def test_nonnegative_transform_3(self):
        self.model.S = RangeSet(0,10)
        self.model.T = Set(initialize=["foo", "bar"])

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit bounds
        self.model.x1 = Var(bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.y1 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.z1 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=(-3, 3))

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined bounds
        def boundsRule(*args):
            return (-4, 4)
        self.model.x2 = Var(bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.y2 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.z2 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=boundsRule)

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit domains
        self.model.x3 = Var(domain=NegativeReals, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.y3 = Var(self.model.S, domain = NegativeIntegers, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.z3 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, domain = Reals, bounds=(-10, 10))

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined domains
        def domainRule(*args):
            if len(args) == 1:
                arg = 0
                arg = args[1]

            if len(args) == 1 or arg == 0:
                return NonNegativeReals
            elif arg == 1:
                return NonNegativeIntegers
            elif arg == 2:
                return NonPositiveReals
            elif arg == 3:
                return NonPositiveIntegers
            elif arg == 4:
                return NegativeReals
            elif arg == 5:
                return NegativeIntegers
            elif arg == 6:
                return PositiveReals
            elif arg == 7:
                return PositiveIntegers
            elif arg == 8:
                return Reals
            elif arg == 9:
                return Integers
            elif arg == 10:
                return Binary
                return Reals

        self.model.x4 = Var(domain=domainRule, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.y4 = Var(self.model.S, domain=domainRule, bounds=(-10, 10))
        self.model.z4 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, domain=domainRule, bounds=(-10, 10))

        def objRule(model):
            return sum(5*sum_product(model.__getattribute__(c+n)) \
                       for c in ('x', 'y', 'z') for n in ('1', '2', '3', '4'))

        self.model.obj = Objective(rule=objRule)

        transform = TransformationFactory('core.nonnegative_vars')
        transformed = transform.create_using(instance)

        opt = SolverFactory("glpk")

        instance_sol = opt.solve(instance)
        transformed_sol = opt.solve(transformed)

Example #9
    def test_nonnegativity_transformation_2(self):
        self.model.S = RangeSet(0,10)
        self.model.T = Set(initialize=["foo", "bar"])

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit bounds
        self.model.x1 = Var(bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.y1 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=(-3, 3))
        self.model.z1 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=(-3, 3))

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined bounds
        def boundsRule(*args):
            return (-4, 4)
        self.model.x2 = Var(bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.y2 = Var(self.model.S, bounds=boundsRule)
        self.model.z2 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, bounds=boundsRule)

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # explicit domains
        self.model.x3 = Var(domain=NegativeReals)
        self.model.y3 = Var(self.model.S, domain = NegativeIntegers)
        self.model.z3 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, domain = Reals)

        # Unindexed, singly indexed, and doubly indexed variables with
        # rule-defined domains
        def domainRule(*args):
            if len(args) == 1 or args[0] == 0:
                return NonNegativeReals
            elif args[0] == 1:
                return NonNegativeIntegers
            elif args[0] == 2:
                return NonPositiveReals
            elif args[0] == 3:
                return NonPositiveIntegers
            elif args[0] == 4:
                return NegativeReals
            elif args[0] == 5:
                return NegativeIntegers
            elif args[0] == 6:
                return PositiveReals
            elif args[0] == 7:
                return PositiveIntegers
            elif args[0] == 8:
                return Reals
            elif args[0] == 9:
                return Integers
            elif args[0] == 10:
                return Binary
                return NonNegativeReals

        self.model.x4 = Var(domain=domainRule)
        self.model.y4 = Var(self.model.S, domain=domainRule)
        self.model.z4 = Var(self.model.S, self.model.T, domain=domainRule)

        instance = self.model.create_instance()
        xfrm = TransformationFactory('core.nonnegative_vars')
        transformed = xfrm.create_using(instance)

        # Make sure everything is nonnegative
        for c in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
            for n in ('1', '2', '3', '4'):
                var = transformed.__getattribute__(c+n)
                for ndx in var._index: