Example #1
 def set_value(self, expr):
     for e in expr:
         # The user gave us a proper Disjunct block
         if isinstance(e, _DisjunctData):
         # The user was lazy and gave us a single constraint expression
             isexpr = e.is_expression()
         except AttribureError:
             isexpr = False
         if isexpr and e.is_relational():
             comp = self.parent_component()
             if comp._autodisjuncts is None:
                 b = self.parent_block()
                 comp._autodisjuncts = Disjunct(Any)
                 b.add_component(unique_component_name(b, comp.local_name),
                 # TODO: I am not at all sure why we need to
                 # explicitly construct this block - that should
                 # happen automatically.
             disjunct = comp._autodisjuncts[len(comp._autodisjuncts)]
             disjunct.constraint = Constraint(expr=e)
         # Anything else is an error
         raise ValueError(
             "Unexpected term for Disjunction %s.\n"
             "\tExpected a Disjunct object or relational expression, "
             "but got %s" % (self.name, type(e)))
Example #2
 def _add_relaxation_block(self, instance, name):
     # creates transformation block with a unique name based on name, adds it
     # to instance, and returns it.
     transBlockName = unique_component_name(
         instance, '_pyomo_gdp_cuttingplane_relaxation')
     transBlock = Block()
     instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
     return transBlockName, transBlock
Example #3
    def _getXorConstraint(self, disjunction):
        # Put the disjunction constraint on its parent block and
        # determine whether it is an OR or XOR constraint.

        # We never do this for just a DisjunctionData because we need
        # to know about the index set of its parent component. So if
        # we called this on a DisjunctionData, we did something wrong.
        assert isinstance(disjunction, Disjunction)
        parent = disjunction.parent_block()
        if hasattr(parent, "_gdp_transformation_info"):
            infodict = parent._gdp_transformation_info
            if type(infodict) is not dict:
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Component %s contains an attribute named "
                    "_gdp_transformation_info. The transformation requires "
                    "that it can create this attribute!" % parent.name)
                # On the off-chance that another GDP transformation went
                # first, the infodict may exist, but the specific map we
                # want will not be present
                orConstraintMap = infodict['disjunction_or_constraint']
            except KeyError:
                orConstraintMap = infodict['disjunction_or_constraint'] \
                                  = ComponentMap()
            infodict = parent._gdp_transformation_info = {}
            orConstraintMap = infodict['disjunction_or_constraint'] \
                              = ComponentMap()

        # If the Constraint already exists, return it
        if disjunction in orConstraintMap:
            return orConstraintMap[disjunction]

        # add the XOR (or OR) constraints to parent block (with unique name)
        # It's indexed if this is an IndexedDisjunction, not otherwise
        orC = Constraint(disjunction.index_set()) if \
            disjunction.is_indexed() else Constraint()
        # The name used to indicate if thee were OR or XOR disjunctions,
        # however now that Disjunctions ae allowed to mix the state we
        # can no longer make that distinction in the name.
        #    nm = '_xor' if xor else '_or'
        nm = '_xor'
        orCname = unique_component_name(
            parent, '_gdp_bigm_relaxation_' + disjunction.name + nm)
        parent.add_component(orCname, orC)
        orConstraintMap[disjunction] = orC
        return orC
Example #4
    def set_value(self, expr):
        for e in expr:
            # The user gave us a proper Disjunct block
            if hasattr(e, 'type') and e.type() == Disjunct:
            # The user was lazy and gave us a single constraint
            # expression or an iterable of expressions
            expressions = []
            if hasattr(e, '__iter__'):
                e_iter = e
                e_iter = [e]
            for _tmpe in e_iter:
                    isexpr = _tmpe.is_expression()
                except AttributeError:
                    isexpr = False
                if not isexpr or not _tmpe.is_relational():
                    msg = "\n\tin %s" % (type(e), ) if e_iter is e else ""
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Unexpected term for Disjunction %s.\n"
                        "\tExpected a Disjunct object, relational expression, "
                        "or iterable of\n"
                        "\trelational expressions but got %s%s" %
                        (self.name, type(_tmpe), msg))

            comp = self.parent_component()
            if comp._autodisjuncts is None:
                b = self.parent_block()
                comp._autodisjuncts = Disjunct(Any)
                    unique_component_name(b, comp.local_name + "_disjuncts"),
                # TODO: I am not at all sure why we need to
                # explicitly construct this block - that should
                # happen automatically.
            disjunct = comp._autodisjuncts[len(comp._autodisjuncts)]
            disjunct.constraint = c = ConstraintList()
            for e in expressions:
Example #5
    def _xform_constraint(self, obj, disjunct, infodict, var_substitute_map,
        # we will put a new transformed constraint on the relaxation block.
        relaxationBlock = infodict['chull']['relaxationBlock']
        transBlock = relaxationBlock.parent_block()
        varMap = infodict['chull']['disaggregatedVars']

        # Though rare, it is possible to get naming conflicts here
        # since constraints from all blocks are getting moved onto the
        # same block. So we get a unique name
        name = unique_component_name(relaxationBlock, obj.name)

        if obj.is_indexed():
                newConstraint = Constraint(obj.index_set(), transBlock.lbub)
                # The original constraint may have been indexed by a
                # non-concrete set (like an Any).  We will give up on
                # strict index verification and just blindly proceed.
                newConstraint = Constraint(Any)
            newConstraint = Constraint(transBlock.lbub)
        relaxationBlock.add_component(name, newConstraint)
        # add mapping of original constraint to transformed constraint
        # in transformation info dictionary
        infodict['chull']['relaxedConstraints'][obj] = newConstraint
        # add mapping of transformed constraint back to original constraint (we
        # know that the info dict is already created because this only got
        # called if we were transforming a disjunct...)
            newConstraint] = obj

        for i in sorted(iterkeys(obj)):
            c = obj[i]
            if not c.active:

            NL = c.body.polynomial_degree() not in (0,1)
            EPS = self._config.EPS
            mode = self._config.perspective_function

            # We need to evaluate the expression at the origin *before*
            # we substitute the expression variables with the
            # disaggregated variables
            if not NL or mode == "FurmanSawayaGrossmann":
                h_0 = clone_without_expression_components(
                    c.body, substitute=zero_substitute_map)

            y = disjunct.indicator_var
            if NL:
                if mode == "LeeGrossmann":
                    sub_expr = clone_without_expression_components(
                            (var,  subs/y)
                            for var, subs in iteritems(var_substitute_map) )
                    expr = sub_expr * y
                elif mode == "GrossmannLee":
                    sub_expr = clone_without_expression_components(
                            (var, subs/(y + EPS))
                            for var, subs in iteritems(var_substitute_map) )
                    expr = (y + EPS) * sub_expr
                elif mode == "FurmanSawayaGrossmann":
                    sub_expr = clone_without_expression_components(
                            (var, subs/((1 - EPS)*y + EPS))
                            for var, subs in iteritems(var_substitute_map) )
                    expr = ((1-EPS)*y + EPS)*sub_expr - EPS*h_0*(1-y)
                    raise RuntimeError("Unknown NL CHull mode")
                expr = clone_without_expression_components(
                    c.body, substitute=var_substitute_map)

            if c.equality:
                if NL:
                    newConsExpr = expr == c.lower*y
                    v = list(identify_variables(expr))
                    if len(v) == 1 and not c.lower:
                        # Setting a variable to 0 in a disjunct is
                        # *very* common.  We should recognize that in
                        # that structure, the disaggregated variable
                        # will also be fixed to 0.
                    newConsExpr = expr - (1-y)*h_0 == c.lower*y

                if obj.is_indexed():
                    newConstraint.add((i, 'eq'), newConsExpr)
                    newConstraint.add('eq', newConsExpr)

            if c.lower is not None:
                # TODO: At the moment there is no reason for this to be in both
                # lower and upper... I think there could be though if I say what
                # the new constraint is going to be or something.
                if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                    logger.debug("GDP(cHull): Transforming constraint " +
                                 "'%s'", c.name)
                if NL:
                    newConsExpr = expr >= c.lower*y
                    newConsExpr = expr - (1-y)*h_0 >= c.lower*y

                if obj.is_indexed():
                    newConstraint.add((i, 'lb'), newConsExpr)
                    newConstraint.add('lb', newConsExpr)

            if c.upper is not None:
                if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                    logger.debug("GDP(cHull): Transforming constraint " +
                                 "'%s'", c.name)
                if NL:
                    newConsExpr = expr <= c.upper*y
                    newConsExpr = expr - (1-y)*h_0 <= c.upper*y

                if obj.is_indexed():
                    newConstraint.add((i, 'ub'), newConsExpr)
                    newConstraint.add('ub', newConsExpr)
Example #6
    def _transform_disjunct(self, obj, transBlock, varSet, localVars):
        if hasattr(obj, "_gdp_transformation_info"):
            infodict = obj._gdp_transformation_info
            # If the user has something with our name that is not a dict, we
            # scream. If they have a dict with this name then we are just going
            # to use it...
            if type(infodict) is not dict:
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Disjunct %s contains an attribute named "
                    "_gdp_transformation_info. The transformation requires "
                    "that it can create this attribute!" % obj.name)
            infodict = obj._gdp_transformation_info = {}
        # deactivated means either we've already transformed or user deactivated
        if not obj.active:
            if obj.indicator_var.is_fixed():
                if value(obj.indicator_var) == 0:
                    # The user cleanly deactivated the disjunct: there
                    # is nothing for us to do here.
                    raise GDP_Error(
                        "The disjunct %s is deactivated, but the "
                        "indicator_var is fixed to %s. This makes no sense."
                        % ( obj.name, value(obj.indicator_var) ))
            if not infodict.get('relaxed', False):
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "The disjunct %s is deactivated, but the "
                    "indicator_var is not fixed and the disjunct does not "
                    "appear to have been relaxed. This makes no sense."
                    % ( obj.name, ))

        if 'chull' in infodict:
            # we've transformed it (with CHull), so don't do it again.

        # add reference to original disjunct to info dict on
        # transformation block
        relaxedDisjuncts = transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts
        relaxationBlock = relaxedDisjuncts[len(relaxedDisjuncts)]
        relaxationBlockInfo = relaxationBlock._gdp_transformation_info = {
            'src': obj,
            'srcVars': ComponentMap(),
            'srcConstraints': ComponentMap(),
            'boundConstraintToSrcVar': ComponentMap(),
        infodict['chull'] = chull = {
            'relaxationBlock': relaxationBlock,
            'relaxedConstraints': ComponentMap(),
            'disaggregatedVars': ComponentMap(),
            'bigmConstraints': ComponentMap(),

        # if this is a disjunctData from an indexed disjunct, we are
        # going to want to check at the end that the container is
        # deactivated if everything in it is. So we save it in our
        # dictionary of things to check if it isn't there already.
        disjParent = obj.parent_component()
        if disjParent.is_indexed() and \
           disjParent not in transBlock.disjContainers:

        # add the disaggregated variables and their bigm constraints
        # to the relaxationBlock
        for var in varSet:
            lb = var.lb
            ub = var.ub
            if lb is None or ub is None:
                raise GDP_Error("Variables that appear in disjuncts must be "
                                "bounded in order to use the chull "
                                "transformation! Missing bound for %s."
                                % (var.name))

            disaggregatedVar = Var(within=Reals,
                                   bounds=(min(0, lb), max(0, ub)),
            # naming conflicts are possible here since this is a bunch
            # of variables from different blocks coming together, so we
            # get a unique name
            disaggregatedVarName = unique_component_name(
                relaxationBlock, var.local_name)
                disaggregatedVarName, disaggregatedVar)
            chull['disaggregatedVars'][var] = disaggregatedVar
            relaxationBlockInfo['srcVars'][disaggregatedVar] = var

            bigmConstraint = Constraint(transBlock.lbub)
                disaggregatedVarName + "_bounds", bigmConstraint)
            if lb:
                    'lb', obj.indicator_var*lb <= disaggregatedVar)
            if ub:
                    'ub', disaggregatedVar <= obj.indicator_var*ub)
            chull['bigmConstraints'][var] = bigmConstraint
            relaxationBlockInfo['boundConstraintToSrcVar'][bigmConstraint] = var

        for var in localVars:
            lb = var.lb
            ub = var.ub
            if lb is None or ub is None:
                raise GDP_Error("Variables that appear in disjuncts must be "
                                "bounded in order to use the chull "
                                "transformation! Missing bound for %s."
                                % (var.name))
            if value(lb) > 0:
            if value(ub) < 0:

            # naming conflicts are possible here since this is a bunch
            # of variables from different blocks coming together, so we
            # get a unique name
            conName = unique_component_name(
                relaxationBlock, var.local_name+"_bounds")
            bigmConstraint = Constraint(transBlock.lbub)
            relaxationBlock.add_component(conName, bigmConstraint)
            bigmConstraint.add('lb', obj.indicator_var*lb <= var)
            bigmConstraint.add('ub', var <= obj.indicator_var*ub)
            chull['bigmConstraints'][var] = bigmConstraint
            relaxationBlockInfo['boundConstraintToSrcVar'][bigmConstraint] = var

        var_substitute_map = dict((id(v), newV) for v, newV in
        zero_substitute_map = dict((id(v), NumericConstant(0)) for v, newV in
        zero_substitute_map.update((id(v), NumericConstant(0))
                                   for v in localVars)

        # Transform each component within this disjunct
        self._transform_block_components(obj, obj, infodict, var_substitute_map,

        # deactivate disjunct so we know we've relaxed it
        infodict['relaxed'] = True
Example #7
    def _getDisjunctionConstraints(self, disjunction):
        # Put the disjunction constraint on its parent block

        # We never do this for just a DisjunctionData because we need
        # to know about the index set of its parent component. So if
        # we called this on a DisjunctionData, we did something wrong.
        assert isinstance(disjunction, Disjunction)
        parent = disjunction.parent_block()
        if hasattr(parent, "_gdp_transformation_info"):
            infodict = parent._gdp_transformation_info
            if type(infodict) is not dict:
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Component %s contains an attribute named "
                    "_gdp_transformation_info. The transformation requires "
                    "that it can create this attribute!" % parent.name)
                # On the off-chance that another GDP transformation went
                # first, the infodict may exist, but the specific map we
                # want will not be present
                orConstraintMap = infodict['disjunction_or_constraint']
            except KeyError:
                orConstraintMap = infodict['disjunction_or_constraint'] \
                                  = ComponentMap()
                disaggregationConstraintMap = infodict[
            except KeyError:
                disaggregationConstraintMap = infodict[
                    'disjunction_disaggregation_constraints'] \
                    = ComponentMap()
            infodict = parent._gdp_transformation_info = {}
            orConstraintMap = infodict['disjunction_or_constraint'] \
                              = ComponentMap()
            disaggregationConstraintMap = infodict[
                'disjunction_disaggregation_constraints'] \
                = ComponentMap()

        if disjunction in disaggregationConstraintMap:
            disaggregationConstraint = disaggregationConstraintMap[disjunction]
            # add the disaggregation constraint
            disaggregationConstraint \
                = disaggregationConstraintMap[disjunction] = Constraint(Any)
                unique_component_name(parent, '_gdp_chull_relaxation_' + \
                                      disjunction.name + '_disaggregation'),

        # If the Constraint already exists, return it
        if disjunction in orConstraintMap:
            orC = orConstraintMap[disjunction]
            # add the XOR (or OR) constraints to parent block (with
            # unique name) It's indexed if this is an
            # IndexedDisjunction, not otherwise
            orC = Constraint(disjunction.index_set()) if \
                  disjunction.is_indexed() else Constraint()
                unique_component_name(parent, '_gdp_chull_relaxation_' +
                                      disjunction.name + '_xor'),
            orConstraintMap[disjunction] = orC

        return orC, disaggregationConstraint
Example #8
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        self._config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))

        # make a transformation block
        transBlockName = unique_component_name(
        transBlock = Block()
        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
        transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts = Block(Any)
        transBlock.lbub = Set(initialize = ['lb','ub','eq'])
        transBlock.disjContainers = ComponentSet()

        targets = self._config.targets
        if targets is None:
            targets = ( instance, )
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = True
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = False
        for _t in targets:
            t = _t.find_component(instance)
            if t is None:
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s is not a component on the instance!" % _t)

            if t.type() is Disjunction:
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformDisjunction(t, transBlock)
                    self._transformDisjunctionData(t, transBlock, t.index())
            elif t.type() in (Block, Disjunct):
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformBlock(t, transBlock)
                    self._transformBlockData(t, transBlock)
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s was not a Block, Disjunct, or Disjunction. "
                    "It was of type %s and can't be transformed"
                    % (t.name, type(t)) )

        # Go through our dictionary of indexed things and deactivate
        # the containers that don't have any active guys inside of
        # them. So the invalid component logic will tell us if we
        # missed something getting transformed.
        for obj in transBlock.disjContainers:
            if not obj.active:
            for i in obj:
                if obj[i].active:
                # HACK due to active flag implementation.
                # Ideally we would not have to do any of this (an
                # ActiveIndexedComponent would get its active status by
                # querring the active status of all the contained Data
                # objects).  As a fallback, we would like to call:
                #    obj._deactivate_without_fixing_indicator()
                # However, the sreaightforward implementation of that
                # method would have unintended side effects (fixing the
                # contained _DisjunctData's indicator_vars!) due to our
                # class hierarchy.  Instead, we will directly call the
                # relevant base class (safe-ish since we are verifying
                # that all the contained _DisjunctionData are
                # deactivated directly above).

        # HACK for backwards compatibility with the older GDP transformations
        # Until the writers are updated to find variables on things
        # other than active blocks, we need to reclassify the Disjuncts
        # as Blocks after transformation so that the writer will pick up
        # all the variables that it needs (in this case, indicator_vars).
        if _HACK_transform_whole_instance:
Example #9
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        targets = kwds.pop('targets', None)

        if kwds:
            logger.warning("Unrecognized keyword arguments in add slack "
                           "variable transformation:\n%s" %
                           ('\n'.join(iterkeys(kwds)), ))

        if targets is None:
            constraintDatas = instance.component_data_objects(
                Constraint, descend_into=True)
            constraintDatas = []
            for cuid in targets:
                cons = cuid.find_component(instance)
                if cons.is_indexed():
                    for i in cons:

        # deactivate the objective
        for o in instance.component_data_objects(Objective):

        # create block where we can add slack variables safely
        xblockname = unique_component_name(instance,
        instance.add_component(xblockname, Block())
        xblock = instance.component(xblockname)

        obj_expr = 0
        for cons in constraintDatas:
            if (cons.lower is not None and cons.upper is not None) and \
               value(cons.lower) > value(cons.upper):
                # this is a structural infeasibility so slacks aren't going to
                # help:
                raise RuntimeError("Lower bound exceeds upper bound in "
                                   "constraint %s" % cons.name)
            if not cons.active: continue
            if cons.lower is not None:
                # we add positive slack variable to body:
                # declare positive slack
                varName = "_slack_plus_" + cons.name
                posSlack = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
                xblock.add_component(varName, posSlack)
                # add positive slack to body expression
                cons._body += posSlack
                # penalize slack in objective
                obj_expr += posSlack
            if cons.upper is not None:
                # we subtract a positive slack variable from the body:
                # declare slack
                varName = "_slack_minus_" + cons.name
                negSlack = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
                xblock.add_component(varName, negSlack)
                # add negative slack to body expression
                cons._body -= negSlack
                # add slack to objective
                obj_expr += negSlack

        # make a new objective that minimizes sum of slack variables
        xblock._slack_objective = Objective(expr=obj_expr)
Example #10
    def _xform_constraint(self, obj, disjunct, infodict, bigMargs,
        # add constraint to the transformation block, we'll transform it there.

        relaxationBlock = infodict['bigm']['relaxationBlock']
        transBlock = relaxationBlock.parent_block()
        # Though rare, it is possible to get naming conflicts here
        # since constraints from all blocks are getting moved onto the
        # same block. So we get a unique name
        name = unique_component_name(relaxationBlock, obj.name)

        if obj.is_indexed():
                newConstraint = Constraint(obj.index_set(), transBlock.lbub)
            except TypeError:
                # The original constraint may have been indexed by a
                # non-concrete set (like an Any).  We will give up on
                # strict index verification and just blindly proceed.
                newConstraint = Constraint(Any)
            newConstraint = Constraint(transBlock.lbub)
        relaxationBlock.add_component(name, newConstraint)
        # add mapping of original constraint to transformed constraint
        # in transformation info dictionary
        infodict['bigm']['relaxedConstraints'][obj] = newConstraint
        # add mapping of transformed constraint back to original constraint (we
        # know that the info dict is already created because this only got
        # called if we were transforming a disjunct...)
            newConstraint] = obj

        for i in sorted(iterkeys(obj)):
            c = obj[i]
            if not c.active:

            # first, we see if an M value was specified in the arguments.
            # (This returns None if not)
            M = self._get_M_from_args(c, bigMargs)

            if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                logger.debug("GDP(BigM): The value for M for constraint %s "
                             "from the BigM argument is %s." %
                             (obj.name, str(M)))

            # if we didn't get something from args, try suffixes:
            if M is None:
                M = self._get_M_from_suffixes(c, suffix_list)

            if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                logger.debug("GDP(BigM): The value for M for constraint %s "
                             "after checking suffixes is %s." %
                             (obj.name, str(M)))

            if not isinstance(M, (tuple, list)):
                if M is None:
                    M = (None, None)
                        M = (-M, M)
                        logger.error("Error converting scalar M-value %s "
                                     "to (-M,M).  Is %s not a numeric type?" %
                                     (M, type(M)))
            if len(M) != 2:
                raise GDP_Error("Big-M %s for constraint %s is not of "
                                "length two. "
                                "Expected either a single value or "
                                "tuple or list of length two for M." %
                                (str(M), name))

            if c.lower is not None and M[0] is None:
                M = (self._estimate_M(c.body, name)[0] - c.lower, M[1])
            if c.upper is not None and M[1] is None:
                M = (M[0], self._estimate_M(c.body, name)[1] - c.upper)

            if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                logger.debug("GDP(BigM): The value for M for constraint %s "
                             "after estimating (if needed) is %s." %
                             (obj.name, str(M)))

            # Handle indices for both SimpleConstraint and IndexedConstraint
            if i.__class__ is tuple:
                i_lb = i + ('lb', )
                i_ub = i + ('ub', )
            elif obj.is_indexed():
                i_lb = (
                i_ub = (
                i_lb = 'lb'
                i_ub = 'ub'

            if c.lower is not None:
                if M[0] is None:
                    raise GDP_Error("Cannot relax disjunctive constraint %s "
                                    "because M is not defined." % name)
                M_expr = M[0] * (1 - disjunct.indicator_var)
                newConstraint.add(i_lb, c.lower <= c.body - M_expr)
            if c.upper is not None:
                if M[1] is None:
                    raise GDP_Error("Cannot relax disjunctive constraint %s "
                                    "because M is not defined." % name)
                M_expr = M[1] * (1 - disjunct.indicator_var)
                newConstraint.add(i_ub, c.body - M_expr <= c.upper)
Example #11
    def _apply_to(self, instance, targets=None, **kwds):
        config = self.CONFIG().set_value(kwds.pop('options', {}))

        # For now, we're not accepting options. We will let args override
        # suffixes and estimate as a last resort. More specific args/suffixes
        # override ones anywhere in the tree. Suffixes lower down in the tree
        # override ones higher up.
        if 'default_bigM' in kwds:
            logger.warn("DEPRECATED: the 'default_bigM=' argument has been "
                        "replaced by 'bigM='")
            config.bigM = kwds.pop('default_bigM')

        bigM = config.bigM

        # make a transformation block to put transformed disjuncts on
        transBlockName = unique_component_name(instance,
        transBlock = Block()
        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
        transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts = Block(Any)
        transBlock.lbub = Set(initialize=['lb', 'ub'])
        # this is a dictionary for keeping track of IndexedDisjuncts
        # and IndexedDisjunctions so that, at the end of the
        # transformation, we can check that the ones with no active
        # DisjstuffDatas are deactivated.
        transBlock.disjContainers = ComponentSet()

        if targets is None:
            targets = (instance, )
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = True
            _HACK_transform_whole_instance = False
        for _t in targets:
            t = _t.find_component(instance)
            if t is None:
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s is not a component on the instance!" % _t)
            if not t.active:

            if t.type() is Disjunction:
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformDisjunction(t, transBlock, bigM)
                    self._transformDisjunctionData(t, transBlock, bigM,
            elif t.type() in (Block, Disjunct):
                if t.parent_component() is t:
                    self._transformBlock(t, transBlock, bigM)
                    self._transformBlockData(t, transBlock, bigM)
                raise GDP_Error(
                    "Target %s was not a Block, Disjunct, or Disjunction. "
                    "It was of type %s and can't be transformed." %
                    (t.name, type(t)))

        # Go through our dictionary of indexed things and deactivate
        # the containers that don't have any active guys inside of
        # them. So the invalid component logic will tell us if we
        # missed something getting transformed.
        for obj in transBlock.disjContainers:
            if not obj.active:
            for i in obj:
                if obj[i].active:
                # HACK due to active flag implementation.
                # Ideally we would not have to do any of this (an
                # ActiveIndexedComponent would get its active status by
                # querring the active status of all the contained Data
                # objects).  As a fallback, we would like to call:
                #    obj._deactivate_without_fixing_indicator()
                # However, the sreaightforward implementation of that
                # method would have unintended side effects (fixing the
                # contained _DisjunctData's indicator_vars!) due to our
                # class hierarchy.  Instead, we will directly call the
                # relevant base class (safe-ish since we are verifying
                # that all the contained _DisjunctionData are
                # deactivated directly above).

        # HACK for backwards compatibility with the older GDP transformations
        # Until the writers are updated to find variables on things
        # other than active blocks, we need to reclassify the Disjuncts
        # as Blocks after transformation so that the writer will pick up
        # all the variables that it needs (in this case, indicator_vars).
        if _HACK_transform_whole_instance:
Example #12
    def transformForTrustRegion(self, model, eflist):
        # transform and model into suitable form for TRF method
        # Arguments:
        # model : pyomo model containing ExternalFunctions
        # eflist : a list of the external functions that will be
        #   handled with TRF method rather than calls to compiled code

        efSet = set([id(x) for x in eflist])

        TRF = Block()

        # Get all varibles
        seenVar = Set()
        allVariables = []
        for var in model.component_data_objects(Var):
            if id(var) not in seenVar:

        # This assumes that an external funtion call is present, required!
        model.add_component(unique_component_name(model, 'tR'), TRF)
        TRF.y = VarList()
        TRF.x = VarList()
        TRF.conset = ConstraintList()
        TRF.external_fcns = []
        TRF.exfn_xvars = []

        # TODO: Copy constraints onto block so that transformation can be reversed.

        for con in model.component_data_objects(Constraint, active=True):
            con.set_value((con.lower, self.substituteEF(con.body, TRF,
                                                        efSet), con.upper))
        for obj in model.component_data_objects(Objective, active=True):
            obj.set_value(self.substituteEF(obj.expr, TRF, efSet))
            ## Assume only one ative objective function here
            self.objective = obj

        if self.objective.sense == maximize:
            self.objective.expr = -1 * self.objective.expr
            self.objective.sense = minimize

        # xvars and zvars are lists of x and z varibles as in the paper
        TRF.xvars = []
        TRF.zvars = []
        seenVar = Set()
        for varss in TRF.exfn_xvars:
            for var in varss:
                if id(var) not in seenVar:

        for var in allVariables:
            if id(var) not in seenVar:

        # TODO: build dict for exfn_xvars
        # assume it is not bottleneck of the code
        self.exfn_xvars_ind = []
        for varss in TRF.exfn_xvars:
            listtmp = []
            for var in varss:
                for i in range(len(TRF.xvars)):
                    if (id(var) == id(TRF.xvars[i])):


        return TRF