Example #1
class CodecInterceptor(Interceptor):
    Transforms IonObject <-> dict
    def __init__(self):
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(

    def outgoing(self, invocation):
        log.debug("CodecInterceptor.outgoing: %s", invocation)

        log.debug("Payload, pre-transform: %s", invocation.message)
        invocation.message = self._io_serializer.serialize(invocation.message)
        log.debug("Payload, post-transform: %s", invocation.message)

        return invocation

    def incoming(self, invocation):
        log.debug("CodecInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        payload = invocation.message
        log.debug("Payload, pre-transform: %s", payload)

        invocation.message = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(payload)
        log.debug("Payload, post-transform: %s", invocation.message)

        return invocation
    def _construct_stream_and_publisher(self, stream_name, stream_config):

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):  # pragma: no cover
            log.trace("%r: _construct_stream_and_publisher: "
                      "stream_name:%r, stream_config:\n%s",
                      self._platform_id, stream_name,

        decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

        if 'stream_def_dict' not in stream_config:
            # should not happen: PlatformAgent._validate_configuration validates this.
            log.error("'stream_def_dict' key not in configuration for stream %r" % stream_name)

        stream_def_dict = stream_config['stream_def_dict']
        stream_def_dict['type_'] = 'StreamDefinition'
        stream_def_obj = decoder.deserialize(stream_def_dict)
        self._stream_defs[stream_name] = stream_def_obj

        routing_key           = stream_config['routing_key']
        stream_id             = stream_config['stream_id']
        exchange_point        = stream_config['exchange_point']
        parameter_dictionary  = stream_def_dict['parameter_dictionary']
        log.debug("%r: got parameter_dictionary from stream_def_dict", self._platform_id)

        self._data_streams[stream_name] = stream_id
        self._param_dicts[stream_name] = ParameterDictionary.load(parameter_dictionary)
        stream_route = StreamRoute(exchange_point=exchange_point, routing_key=routing_key)
        publisher = self._create_publisher(stream_id, stream_route)
        self._data_publishers[stream_name] = publisher

        log.debug("%r: created publisher for stream_name=%r", self._platform_id, stream_name)
Example #3
    def test_persisted_version(self):

        # create an initial version of SampleResource
        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        obj = IonObject('SampleResource', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value'})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)
        # verify that the simulated previous version does not have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_attribute' in obj_dict, False)

        # simulate version increment to SampleResource that adds new_attribute
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleResource_V2'
        # simulate reading the previous version after version increment
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        # verify that “new_attribute” is added and initialized with default value
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_attribute['key'], 'value')
        # verify that old attributes are still there and retain values
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there and retain values
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that persisted_version is not updated at read
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)

        # simulate update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)
Example #4
    def test_complex_version(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        obj = IonObject('SampleComplexEvent', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value'})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)
        # simulate a previous version data of SampleComplexEvent_V2
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleComplexEvent_V2'

        # verify that the simulated previous version data has resource
        self.assertEquals('resource' in obj_dict, True)
        # verify that the simulated previous version data does not have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_resource' in obj_dict, False)
        # simulate reading the previous version that does not have new_attribute
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        # verify that new attribute is added and initialized with default value
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.new_attribute['key'], 'value')
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that on read version is not yet updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 1)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)
Example #5
class CodecInterceptor(Interceptor):
    Transforms IonObject <-> dict
    def __init__(self):
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

    def outgoing(self, invocation):
        #log.debug("CodecInterceptor.outgoing: %s", invocation)

        #log.debug("Payload, pre-transform: %s", invocation.message)
        invocation.message = self._io_serializer.serialize(invocation.message)
        #log.debug("Payload, post-transform: %s", invocation.message)

        return invocation

    def incoming(self, invocation):
        #log.debug("CodecInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        payload = invocation.message
        #log.debug("Payload, pre-transform: %s", payload)

        invocation.message = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(payload)
        #log.debug("Payload, post-transform: %s", invocation.message)

        return invocation
    def _construct_stream_and_publisher(self, stream_name, stream_config):

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):  # pragma: no cover
            log.trace("%r: _construct_stream_and_publisher: "
                      "stream_name:%r, stream_config:\n%s",
                      self._platform_id, stream_name,

        decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

        if 'stream_def_dict' not in stream_config:
            # should not happen: PlatformAgent._validate_configuration validates this.
            log.error("'stream_def_dict' key not in configuration for stream %r" % stream_name)

        stream_def_dict = stream_config['stream_def_dict']
        stream_def_dict['type_'] = 'StreamDefinition'
        stream_def_obj = decoder.deserialize(stream_def_dict)
        self._stream_defs[stream_name] = stream_def_obj

        routing_key           = stream_config['routing_key']
        stream_id             = stream_config['stream_id']
        exchange_point        = stream_config['exchange_point']
        parameter_dictionary  = stream_def_dict['parameter_dictionary']
        log.debug("%r: got parameter_dictionary from stream_def_dict", self._platform_id)

        self._data_streams[stream_name] = stream_id
        self._param_dicts[stream_name] = ParameterDictionary.load(parameter_dictionary)
        stream_route = StreamRoute(exchange_point=exchange_point, routing_key=routing_key)
        publisher = self._create_publisher(stream_id, stream_route)
        self._data_publishers[stream_name] = publisher

        log.debug("%r: created publisher for stream_name=%r", self._platform_id, stream_name)
    def validate_driver_configuration(self, driver_config):
        Driver config must include 'oms_uri' entry.
        if not 'oms_uri' in driver_config:
            log.error("'oms_uri' not present in driver_config = %s", driver_config)
            raise PlatformDriverException(msg="driver_config does not indicate 'oms_uri'")

        # validate and process ports
        if not 'ports' in driver_config:
            log.error("port information not present in driver_config = %s", driver_config)
            raise PlatformDriverException(msg="driver_config does not indicate 'ports'")

        # Create an IonObjectDeserializer
        ior = IonObjectRegistry()
        ion_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=ior)

        port_info_dict = driver_config['ports']
        for device_id, platform_port_serialized in port_info_dict.iteritems():

            platform_port = ion_deserializer.deserialize(platform_port_serialized)
            ooi_rd = OOIReferenceDesignator(platform_port.reference_designator)
            if ooi_rd.error or not ooi_rd.port:
                log.error("Invalid port information in driver_config. Reference designator: %s", platform_port.reference_designator)
                #strip leading zeros from port numbers as OMS stores as strings w/o leading zeros
                port_string = str( int(ooi_rd.port) )
    def test_stream_ingestion_worker(self):

        context_ids, time_ctxt = self._create_param_contexts()
        pdict_id = self.dataset_management_client.create_parameter_dictionary(

        dataset_id = self.dataset_management_client.create_dataset(

        self.cov = self._create_coverage(dataset_id=dataset_id,

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition_id=self.stream_def_id)
        rdt['conductivity'] = 1
        rdt['pressure'] = 2
        rdt['salinity'] = 3


        self.data_modified = Event()

        cov = self.get_coverage(dataset_id)

        deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

        granule = retrieve_stream(dataset_id)
        rdt_complex = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(granule)
        rdt_complex['raw'] = [
            deserializer.deserialize(i) for i in rdt_complex['raw']
        for gran in rdt_complex['raw']:
            rdt_new = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(gran)
            self.assertIn(1, rdt_new['conductivity'])
            self.assertIn(2, rdt_new['pressure'])
            self.assertIn(3, rdt_new['salinity'])

Example #9
class IonSerializerDictionaryRepresentation(Representation):
    def __init__(self, id_factory):
        self.encoder = IonObjectSerializer()
        self.decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        self.id_factory = id_factory
    def encode(self, obj, add_id=False):
        out = self.encoder.serialize(obj)
        if add_id and '_id' not in out.keys():
            out['_id'] = self.id_factory.create_id()
        return out
    def decode(self, data):
        return self.decoder.deserialize(data)
Example #10
    def test_config(self):
        Test agent initialize command. This causes creation of
        driver process and transition to inactive.

        # We start in uninitialized state.
        # In this state there is no driver process.
        state = self._ia_client.get_agent_state()
        self.assertEqual(state, ResourceAgentState.UNINITIALIZED)

        # Ping the agent.
        retval = self._ia_client.ping_agent()

        # Initialize the agent.
        # The agent is spawned with a driver config, but you can pass one in
        # optinally with the initialize command. This validates the driver
        # config, launches a driver process and connects to it via messaging.
        # If successful, we switch to the inactive state.
        cmd = AgentCommand(command=ResourceAgentEvent.INITIALIZE)
        retval = self._ia_client.execute_agent(cmd)
        state = self._ia_client.get_agent_state()
        self.assertEqual(state, ResourceAgentState.INACTIVE)

        # Ping the driver proc.
        retval = self._ia_client.ping_resource()

        decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

        # Grab the alarms defined in the config.
        retval = decoder.deserialize(
        {'status': None, 'stream_name': 'parsed', 'name': 'test_sim_warning',
        'upper_bound': 5.0, 'expr': 'x<5.0', 'upper_rel_op': '<',
        'lower_rel_op': None, 'type_': 'IntervalAlarmDef', 'value_id': 'temp',
        'lower_bound': None, 'message': 'Temperature is above test range of 5.0.',
        'current_val': None, 'type': 1}
        self.assertEqual(retval[0].type_, 'IntervalAlarmDef')
        self.assertEqual(retval[0].upper_bound, 5.0)
        self.assertEqual(retval[0].expr, 'x<5.0')

        # Reset the agent. This causes the driver messaging to be stopped,
        # the driver process to end and switches us back to uninitialized.
        cmd = AgentCommand(command=ResourceAgentEvent.RESET)
        retval = self._ia_client.execute_agent(cmd)
        state = self._ia_client.get_agent_state()
        self.assertEqual(state, ResourceAgentState.UNINITIALIZED)
Example #11
    def test_config(self):
        Test agent initialize command. This causes creation of
        driver process and transition to inactive.

        # We start in uninitialized state.
        # In this state there is no driver process.
        state = self._ia_client.get_agent_state()
        self.assertEqual(state, ResourceAgentState.UNINITIALIZED)
        # Ping the agent.
        retval = self._ia_client.ping_agent()

        # Initialize the agent.
        # The agent is spawned with a driver config, but you can pass one in
        # optinally with the initialize command. This validates the driver
        # config, launches a driver process and connects to it via messaging.
        # If successful, we switch to the inactive state.
        cmd = AgentCommand(command=ResourceAgentEvent.INITIALIZE)
        retval = self._ia_client.execute_agent(cmd)
        state = self._ia_client.get_agent_state()
        self.assertEqual(state, ResourceAgentState.INACTIVE)

        # Ping the driver proc.
        retval = self._ia_client.ping_resource()

        decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

        # Grab the alarms defined in the config.
        retval = decoder.deserialize(self._ia_client.get_agent(['alarms'])['alarms'])

        {'status': None, 'stream_name': 'parsed', 'name': 'test_sim_warning',
        'upper_bound': 5.0, 'expr': 'x<5.0', 'upper_rel_op': '<',
        'lower_rel_op': None, 'type_': 'IntervalAlarmDef', 'value_id': 'temp',
        'lower_bound': None, 'message': 'Temperature is above test range of 5.0.',
        'current_val': None, 'type': 1}
        self.assertEqual(retval[0].type_, 'IntervalAlarmDef')
        self.assertEqual(retval[0].upper_bound, 5.0)
        self.assertEqual(retval[0].expr, 'x<5.0')
        # Reset the agent. This causes the driver messaging to be stopped,
        # the driver process to end and switches us back to uninitialized.
        cmd = AgentCommand(command=ResourceAgentEvent.RESET)
        retval = self._ia_client.execute_agent(cmd)
        state = self._ia_client.get_agent_state()
        self.assertEqual(state, ResourceAgentState.UNINITIALIZED)
Example #12
    def test_complex_version_del_attrib(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        # verify that extraneous fields given while creating an IonObject raises an error.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            IonObject('SampleComplexEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','more_new_resource': {'key':'value'}})

        obj = IonObject('SampleComplexEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_resource': {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_attribute':{'key':'value'}}})
        # create simulated saved data
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)
        # simulate a next version data of SampleComplexEvent_V2
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleComplexEvent_V3'

        # verify that the simulated previous version data does have new_resource
        self.assertEquals('new_resource' in obj_dict, True)
        # note the schema version of new_resource
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['new_resource']['persisted_version'], 2)

        # simulate reading the next version that has a new type of new_resource
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)

        # verify that new_resource exists
        self.assertTrue('new_resource' in obj)
        # however, verify that new_resource does not have new_attribute since type of new_resource has changed
        self.assertFalse('new_attribute' in obj.new_resource)
        # verify that the new type of new_resource has another_new_attribute that is initialized to default data
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.another_new_attribute['key'], 'new_value')
        # verify on read that the schema version of new_resource replaces the old persisted_version
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.persisted_version, 3)

        # verify that old attributes values of new_resource have been thrown away
        self.assertNotEquals(obj.new_resource.num, 9)
        # verify that attributes values of new_resource have been initialized to default values
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.num, 0)

        # However, verify that old attributes of the resource (SampleComplexEvent) are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that on read, version is not yet updated
        self.assertEquals(obj.persisted_version, 2)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 3)
        # verify that version is updated fo the subsumed object
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['new_resource']['persisted_version'], 3)
Example #13
    def test_attribute_version(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()

        # verify that extraneous fields given while creating an IonObject raises an error.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            IonObject('SampleComplexEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','more_new_resource':

        obj = IonObject('SampleComplexEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_resource':
            {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_attribute':{'key':'value'}}})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

        # verify that the simulated previous version data does have new_resource
        self.assertEquals('new_resource' in obj_dict, True)
        # verify that the new_resource has type SampleResource_V2

        # set type to SampleComplexEvent_V3
        # set new_resource's type to SampleResource_V3
        # so we pretend that version, not the type, of the attribute has been changed

        # simulate reading SampleComplexEvent_V3 after a new version of new_resource has been introduced
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)

        # verify that new resource is not deleted
        self.assertTrue('new_resource' in obj)
        # verify that new resource does not have new_attribute
        self.assertFalse('new_attribute' in obj.new_resource)
        # verify that the next version of new_resource has default data in the another_new_attribute
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.another_new_attribute['key'], 'new_value')
        # verify that old attributes values of new_resource have not been thrown away
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.num, 9)
        # verify that values from old attributes of SampleComplexEvent_V2 are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')

        # verify that on read version is not yet updated for the subsumed object
        self.assertEquals(obj.new_resource.persisted_version, 2)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that versions are unchanged
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 3)
        # verify that versions are updated in the subsumed object
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['new_resource']['persisted_version'], 3)
Example #14
class IonSerializerDictionaryRepresentation(Representation):
    def __init__(self, id_factory):
        self.encoder = IonObjectSerializer()
        self.decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        self.id_factory = id_factory

    def encode(self, obj, add_id=False):
        out = self.encoder.serialize(obj)
        if add_id and '_id' not in out.keys():
            out['_id'] = self.id_factory.create_id()
        return out

    def decode(self, data):
        return self.decoder.deserialize(data)
Example #15
    def test_version_del_attrib(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()

        # verify that extraneous fields given while creating an IonObject raises an error.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            IonObject('SampleResource_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','more_new_attribute': {'key':'value'}})
        # simulate creating a version 2 of SampleResource that has "new_attribute"
        obj = IonObject('SampleResource_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_attribute': {'key':'value'}})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is 2
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)
        # verify that the simulated version 2 data does have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_attribute' in obj_dict, True)

        # simulate incrementing to version 3 that does not have "new_attribute"
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleResource_V3'

        # simulate reading after version increment to 3
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)

        # verify that new attribute is deleted
        self.assertFalse('new_attribute' in obj)
        # verify that the simulated next version data does have more_new_attribute
        self.assertEquals(obj.another_new_attribute['key'], 'new_value')

        # verify that old attributes are still there and retain their data
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there and retain their data
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that persisted_version is not yet updated i.e. it is still 2
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

        # simulate update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 3)
Example #16
class CodecInterceptor(Interceptor):
    Transforms IonObject <-> dict
    def __init__(self):
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=obj_registry)

    def outgoing(self, invocation):
        log.debug("CodecInterceptor.outgoing: %s", invocation)

        log.debug("Payload, pre-transform: %s", invocation.message)
        invocation.message = self._io_serializer.serialize(invocation.message)
        log.debug("Payload, post-transform: %s", invocation.message)

        return invocation

    def incoming(self, invocation):
        log.debug("CodecInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        payload = invocation.message
        log.debug("Payload, pre-transform: %s", payload)

        # Horrible, hacky workaround for msgpack issue
        # See http://jira.msgpack.org/browse/MSGPACK-15
        #@todo replace this with use_list in msgpack.unpackb !!!
        def convert_tuples_to_lists(obj):
            if isinstance(obj, tuple):
                res = list(obj)
                return res
            return obj

        payload = walk(payload, convert_tuples_to_lists)

        invocation.message = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(payload)
        log.debug("Payload, post-transform: %s", invocation.message)

        return invocation
    def test_stream_ingestion_worker(self):

        context_ids, time_ctxt = self._create_param_contexts()
        pdict_id = self.dataset_management_client.create_parameter_dictionary(name='stream_ingestion_pdict', parameter_context_ids=context_ids, temporal_context='ingestion_timestamp')
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management_client.delete_parameter_dictionary, pdict_id)

        dataset_id = self.dataset_management_client.create_dataset(name='fake_dataset', description='fake_dataset', stream_id=self.stream_id, parameter_dictionary_id=pdict_id)
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management_client.delete_dataset, dataset_id)

        self.cov = self._create_coverage(dataset_id=dataset_id, parameter_dict_id=pdict_id, time_dom=self.time_dom, spatial_dom=self.spatial_dom)

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition_id=self.stream_def_id)
        rdt['conductivity'] = 1
        rdt['pressure'] = 2
        rdt['salinity'] = 3


        self.data_modified = Event()

        cov = self.get_coverage(dataset_id)

        deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

        granule = retrieve_stream(dataset_id)
        rdt_complex = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(granule)
        rdt_complex['raw'] = [deserializer.deserialize(i) for i in rdt_complex['raw']]
        for gran in rdt_complex['raw']:
            rdt_new = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(gran)
            self.assertIn(1, rdt_new['conductivity'])
            self.assertIn(2, rdt_new['pressure'])
            self.assertIn(3, rdt_new['salinity'])
 def _construct_streams(self, stream_info):
     decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
     for (stream_name, config) in stream_info.iteritems():
             if config.has_key('stream_def_dict'):
                 stream_def_dict = config['stream_def_dict']
                 stream_def_dict['type_'] = 'StreamDefinition'
                 stream_def_obj = decoder.deserialize(stream_def_dict)
                 self._stream_defs[stream_name] = stream_def_obj
                 rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition=stream_def_obj)
                 stream_def = config['stream_definition_ref']
                 self._stream_defs[stream_name] = stream_def
                 rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition_id=stream_def)    
             self._agent.aparam_streams[stream_name] = rdt.fields
             self._agent.aparam_pubrate[stream_name] = 0
         except Exception as e:
             errmsg = 'Instrument agent %s' % self._agent._proc_name
             errmsg += 'error constructing stream %s. ' % stream_name
             errmsg += str(e)
     self._agent.aparam_set_pubrate = self.aparam_set_pubrate
 def _construct_streams(self, stream_info):
     decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
     for (stream_name, config) in stream_info.iteritems():
             if config.has_key('stream_def_dict'):
                 stream_def_dict = config['stream_def_dict']
                 stream_def_dict['type_'] = 'StreamDefinition'
                 stream_def_obj = decoder.deserialize(stream_def_dict)
                 self._stream_defs[stream_name] = stream_def_obj
                 rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition=stream_def_obj)
                 stream_def = config['stream_definition_ref']
                 self._stream_defs[stream_name] = stream_def
                 rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition_id=stream_def)    
             self._agent.aparam_streams[stream_name] = rdt.fields
             self._agent.aparam_pubrate[stream_name] = 0
         except Exception as e:
             errmsg = 'Instrument agent %s' % self._agent._proc_name
             errmsg += 'error constructing stream %s. ' % stream_name
             errmsg += str(e)
     self._agent.aparam_set_pubrate = self.aparam_set_pubrate
    def _construct_stream_and_publisher(self, stream_name, stream_config):

        # granule_publish_rate
        # records_per_granule

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):  # pragma: no cover
            log.trace("%r: _construct_stream_and_publisher: "
                      "stream_name:%r, stream_config:\n%s",
                      self._platform_id, stream_name,

        decoder = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

        if 'stream_def_dict' in stream_config:
            stream_def_dict = stream_config['stream_def_dict']
            stream_def_dict['type_'] = 'StreamDefinition'
            stream_def_obj = decoder.deserialize(stream_def_dict)
            self._stream_defs[stream_name] = stream_def_obj
            log.debug("%r: using stream_def_dict", self._platform_id)

        else:  # TODO this case to be removed.
            stream_definition_ref = stream_config['stream_definition_ref']
            self._stream_defs[stream_name] = stream_definition_ref
            log.debug("%r: using stream_definition_ref", self._platform_id)

        routing_key           = stream_config['routing_key']
        stream_id             = stream_config['stream_id']
        exchange_point        = stream_config['exchange_point']
        parameter_dictionary  = stream_config['parameter_dictionary']

        self._data_streams[stream_name] = stream_id
        self._param_dicts[stream_name] = ParameterDictionary.load(parameter_dictionary)
        stream_route = StreamRoute(exchange_point=exchange_point, routing_key=routing_key)
        publisher = self._create_publisher(stream_id, stream_route)
        self._data_publishers[stream_name] = publisher

        log.debug("%r: created publisher for stream_name=%r", self._platform_id, stream_name)
Example #21
    def test_event_version_del_attrib(self):

        io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()

        # verify that extraneous fields given while creating an IonObject raises an error.
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            IonObject('SampleEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','more_new_attribute': {'key':'value'}})

        obj = IonObject('SampleEvent_V2', {'num': 9, 'other_field': 'test value','new_attribute': {'key':'value'}})
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)
        # simulate a next version data of SampleEvent_V2
        obj_dict['type_'] = 'SampleEvent_V3'

        # verify that the simulated previous version data does have new_attribute
        self.assertEquals('new_attribute' in obj_dict, True)
        # simulate reading the next version that does not have new_attribute
        io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())
        obj = io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)

        # verify that new attribute is deleted
        self.assertFalse('new_attribute' in obj)
        # verify that the simulated next version data does have more_new_attribute
        self.assertEquals(obj.another_new_attribute['key'], 'new_value')

        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.num, 9)
        # verify that old attributes are still there
        self.assertEquals(obj.other_field, 'test value')
        # verify that on read version is not yet updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 2)

        # simulate create/update
        obj_dict = io_serializer.serialize(obj,True)
        # verify that version is updated
        self.assertEquals(obj_dict['persisted_version'], 3)
Example #22
class MockDB_DataStore(DataStore):
    Data store implementation utilizing in-memory dict of dicts
    to persist documents.
    def __init__(self, datastore_name='prototype'):
        self.datastore_name = datastore_name
            'Creating in-memory dict of dicts that will simulate data stores')
        self.root = {}

        # serializers
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(

    def create_datastore(self, datastore_name="", create_indexes=True):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.info('Creating data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if self.datastore_exists(datastore_name):
            raise BadRequest("Data store with name %s already exists" %
        if datastore_name not in self.root:
            self.root[datastore_name] = {}

    def delete_datastore(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.info('Deleting data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if datastore_name in self.root:
            del self.root[datastore_name]
            log.info('Data store %s does not exist' % datastore_name)

    def list_datastores(self):
        log.debug('Listing all data stores')
        dsList = self.root.keys()
        log.debug('Data stores: %s' % str(dsList))
        return dsList

    def info_datastore(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing information about data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if datastore_name in self.root:
            info = 'Data store exists'
            raise BadRequest("Data store with name %s does not exist" %
        log.debug('Data store info: %s' % str(info))
        return info

    def datastore_exists(self, datastore_name=""):
        return datastore_name in self.root

    def list_objects(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing all objects in data store %s' % datastore_name)
        objs = []
        for key, value in self.root[datastore_name].items():
            if key.find('_version_counter') == -1 and key.find(
                    '_version_') == -1:
        log.debug('Objects: %s' % str(objs))
        return objs

    def list_object_revisions(self, object_id, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing all versions of object %s/%s' %
                  (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
        res = []
        for key, value in self.root[datastore_name].items():
            if (key.find('_version_counter') == -1
                    and (key.find(object_id + '_version_') == 0)):
        log.debug('Versions: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def create(self, obj, object_id=None, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.create_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),

    def create_doc(self, doc, object_id=None, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        if '_id' in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must not have '_id'")
        if '_rev' in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must not have '_rev'")
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        if object_id:
            if object_id in datastore_dict:
                raise BadRequest("Object with id %s already exist" % object_id)

        # Assign an id to doc
        doc["_id"] = object_id or uuid4().hex
        object_id = doc["_id"]

        log.debug('Creating new object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, object_id))

        # Create key for version counter entry.  Will be used
        # on update to increment version number easily.
        version_counter_key = '__' + object_id + '_version_counter'
        version_counter = 1

        # Assign initial version to doc
        doc["_rev"] = str(version_counter)

        # Write HEAD, version and version counter dicts
        datastore_dict[object_id] = doc
        datastore_dict[version_counter_key] = version_counter
        datastore_dict[object_id + '_version_' + str(version_counter)] = doc

        # Return list that identifies the id of the new doc and its version
        res = [object_id, str(version_counter)]
        log.debug('Create result: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def create_mult(self, objects, object_ids=None):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.create_doc_mult(
            [self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects],

    def create_doc_mult(self, docs, object_ids=None):
        if any(["_id" in doc for doc in docs]):
            raise BadRequest("Docs must not have '_id'")
        if any(["_rev" in doc for doc in docs]):
            raise BadRequest("Docs must not have '_rev'")
        if object_ids and len(object_ids) != len(docs):
            raise BadRequest("Invalid object_ids")

        # Assign an id to doc (recommended in CouchDB documentation)
        object_ids = object_ids or [uuid4().hex for i in xrange(len(docs))]

        res = []
        for doc, oid in zip(docs, object_ids):
            oid, rev = self.create_doc(doc, oid)
            res.append((True, oid, rev))
        return res

    def read(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(object_id, str):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")
        doc = self.read_doc(object_id, rev_id, datastore_name)

        # Convert doc into Ion object
        obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)
        log.debug('Ion object: %s' % str(obj))
        return obj

    def read_doc(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

            key = object_id
            if rev_id != None and rev_id != "":
                log.debug('Reading version %s of object %s/%s' %
                          (str(rev_id), datastore_name, str(object_id)))
                key += '_version_' + str(rev_id)
                log.debug('Reading head version of object %s/%s' %
                          (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
            doc = datastore_dict[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' %
        log.debug('Read result: %s' % str(doc))
        return doc

    def read_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=""):
        if any([not isinstance(object_id, str) for object_id in object_ids]):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")
        docs = self.read_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name)
        # Convert docs into Ion objects
        obj_list = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc) for doc in docs]
        return obj_list

    def read_doc_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        doc_list = []
            for object_id in object_ids:
                log.debug('Reading head version of object %s/%s' %
                          (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
                doc = datastore_dict[object_id]

        except KeyError:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' %
        return doc_list

    def update(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.update_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj))

    def update_doc(self, doc, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        if '_id' not in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")
        if '_rev' not in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_rev'")
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

            object_id = doc["_id"]

            # Find the next doc version
            version_counter_key = '__' + object_id + '_version_counter'
            baseVersion = doc["_rev"]
            version_counter = datastore_dict[version_counter_key] + 1
            if baseVersion != str(version_counter - 1):
                raise Conflict('Object not based on most current version')
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest("Object missing required _id and/or _rev values")

        log.debug('Saving new version of object %s/%s' %
                  (datastore_name, doc["_id"]))
        doc["_rev"] = str(version_counter)

        # Overwrite HEAD and version counter dicts, add new version dict
        datastore_dict[object_id] = doc
        datastore_dict[version_counter_key] = version_counter
        datastore_dict[object_id + '_version_' + str(version_counter)] = doc
        res = [object_id, str(version_counter)]
        log.debug('Update result: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def delete(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            raise BadRequest(
                "Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase or string id")
        if type(obj) is str:
            return self.delete_doc(obj, datastore_name=datastore_name)
        return self.delete_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),

    def delete_doc(self, doc, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        if type(doc) is str:
            object_id = doc
            object_id = doc["_id"]

        log.info('Deleting object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, object_id))
        if object_id in datastore_dict.keys():

            if self._is_in_association(object_id, datastore_name):
                obj = self.read(object_id, "", datastore_name)
                    "XXXXXXX Attempt to delete object %s that still has associations"
                    % str(obj))
#                raise BadRequest("Object cannot be deleted until associations are broken")

# Find all version dicts and delete them
            for key in datastore_dict.keys():
                if key.find(object_id + '_version_') == 0:
                    del datastore_dict[key]
            # Delete the HEAD dict
            del datastore_dict[object_id]
            # Delete the version counter dict
            del datastore_dict['__' + object_id + '_version_counter']
            raise NotFound('Object with id ' + object_id + ' does not exist.')
        log.info('Delete result: True')

    def _is_in_association(self, obj_id, datastore_name=""):
        log.debug("_is_in_association(%s)" % obj_id)
        if not obj_id:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object id")

        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        for objname, obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_') > 0) or (not type(obj) is dict):
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                association = obj
                if association["s"] == obj_id or association["o"] == obj_id:
                    log.debug("association found(%s)" % association)
                    return True
        return False

    def find_objects(self,
            "find_objects(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object_type=%s, id_only=%s"
            % (subject, predicate, object_type, id_only))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        if not subject:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide subject")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        if type(subject) is str:
            subject_id = subject
            if "_id" not in subject:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                subject_id = subject._id
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname, obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_') > 0) or (not type(obj) is dict):
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                if obj['s'] == subject_id:
                    if predicate and obj['p'] == predicate:
                        if (object_type and obj['ot']
                                == object_type) or not object_type:
                    elif not predicate:

        log.debug("find_objects() found %s objects" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_subjects(self,
            "find_subjects(subject_type=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, id_only=%s"
            % (subject_type, predicate, obj, id_only))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        if not obj:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        if type(obj) is str:
            object_id = obj
            if "_id" not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                object_id = obj._id
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname, obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_') > 0) or (not type(obj) is dict):
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                if obj['o'] == object_id:
                    if predicate and obj['p'] == predicate:
                        if (subject_type and obj['st']
                                == subject_type) or not subject_type:
                    elif not predicate:

        log.debug("find_subjects() found %s subjects" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_associations(self,
            "find_associations(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, assoc_type=%s)"
            % (subject, predicate, obj, assoc_type))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        if subject and obj or predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        if subject and obj:
            if type(subject) is str:
                subject_id = subject
                if "_id" not in subject:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                    subject_id = subject._id
            if type(obj) is str:
                object_id = obj
                if "_id" not in obj:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                    object_id = obj._id
            target_list = []
            for objname, obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
                if (objname.find('_version_') > 0) or (not type(obj) is dict):
                if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                    if obj['s'] == subject_id and obj['o'] == object_id:
                        if assoc_type:
                            if obj['at'] == assoc_type:
            target_list = []
            for objname, obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
                if (objname.find('_version_') > 0) or (not type(obj) is dict):
                if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                    if obj['p'] == predicate:

        if id_only:
            assocs = [row['_id'] for row in target_list]
            assocs = [
                for row in target_list
        log.debug("find_associations() found %s associations" % (len(assocs)))
        return assocs

    def find_res_by_type(self, restype, lcstate=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(restype=%s, lcstate=%s)" %
                  (restype, lcstate))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname, obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_') > 0) or (not type(obj) is dict):
            if 'type_' in obj and (obj['type_'] == restype or
                                   (not restype
                                    and obj['type_'] != "Association")):
                if (lcstate and 'lcstate' in obj and obj['lcstate']
                        == lcstate) or not lcstate or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_type() found %s resources" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_res_by_lcstate(self, lcstate, restype=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(lcstate=%s, restype=%s)" %
                  (lcstate, restype))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        if lcstate in CommonResourceLifeCycleSM.STATE_ALIASES:
            lcstate_match = CommonResourceLifeCycleSM.STATE_ALIASES[lcstate]
            lcstate_match = [lcstate]
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname, obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_') > 0) or (not type(obj) is dict):
            if 'lcstate' in obj and obj['lcstate'] in lcstate_match:
                if (restype and obj['type_'] == restype) or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate() found %s resources" %
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def _pass(self):

    def find_res_by_name(self, name, restype=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_name(name=%s, restype=%s)" % (name, restype))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name +
                             ' does not exist.')

        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname, obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_') > 0) or (not type(obj) is dict):
            if 'name' in obj and obj['name'] == name:
                if (restype and obj['type_'] == restype) or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_name() found %s resources" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_dir_entries(self, qname):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _ion_object_to_persistence_dict(self, ion_object):
        if ion_object is None: return None

        obj_dict = self._io_serializer.serialize(ion_object)
        return obj_dict

    def _persistence_dict_to_ion_object(self, obj_dict):
        if obj_dict is None: return None

        ion_object = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        return ion_object
Example #23
class PostgresPyonDataStore(PostgresDataStore):
    Base class common to both CouchDB and Couchbase datastores.

    def __init__(self, datastore_name=None, config=None, scope=None, profile=None):
        @param datastore_name  Name of datastore within server. May be scoped to sysname
        @param config  A server config dict with connection params
        @param scope  Prefix for the datastore name (e.g. sysname) to separate multiple systems

        PostgresDataStore.__init__(self, datastore_name=datastore_name,
                                     config=config or CFG.get_safe("server.postgresql"),
                                     profile=profile or DataStore.DS_PROFILE.BASIC,

        # IonObject Serializers
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Couch document operations

    def create(self, obj, object_id=None, attachments=None, datastore_name=""):
        Converts ion objects to python dictionary before persisting them using the optional
        suggested identifier and creates attachments to the object.
        Returns an identifier and revision number of the object
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.create_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),
                                   object_id=object_id, datastore_name=datastore_name,

    def create_mult(self, objects, object_ids=None, allow_ids=None):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.create_doc_mult([self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects], object_ids)

    def update(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.update_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj))

    def update_mult(self, objects):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.update_doc_mult([self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects])

    def read(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name="", object_type=None):
        if not isinstance(object_id, str):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")

        doc = self.read_doc(object_id, rev_id, datastore_name=datastore_name, object_type=object_type)
        obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)

        return obj

    def read_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name="", strict=True):
        if any([not isinstance(object_id, str) for object_id in object_ids]):
            raise BadRequest("Object ids are not string: %s" % str(object_ids))

        docs = self.read_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name, strict=strict)
        obj_list = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc) if doc is not None else None for doc in docs]

        return obj_list

    def delete(self, obj, datastore_name="", object_type=None):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase or string id")
        if type(obj) is str:
            self.delete_doc(obj, datastore_name=datastore_name, object_type=object_type)
            if '_id' not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")
            if '_rev' not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_rev'")
                            datastore_name=datastore_name, object_type=object_type)

    def delete_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=None):
        return self.delete_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # View operations

    def find_objects_mult(self, subjects, id_only=False, predicate=None, access_args=None):
        Returns a list of associations for a given list of subjects
        # TODO: Port this implementation to Postgres single query
        res_list = [[], []]
        if not subjects:
            return res_list
        for sub in subjects:
            res_ids, res_assocs = self.find_objects(subject=sub, id_only=id_only, predicate=predicate, access_args=access_args)
        return res_list

    def find_subjects_mult(self, objects, id_only=False, predicate=None, access_args=None):
        Returns a list of associations for a given list of objects
        # TODO: Port this implementation to Postgres single query
        res_list = [[], []]
        if not objects:
            return res_list
        for obj in objects:
            res_ids, res_assocs = self.find_subjects(obj=obj, id_only=id_only, predicate=predicate, access_args=access_args)
        return res_list

    def find_objects(self, subject, predicate=None, object_type=None, id_only=False, access_args=None, **kwargs):
        #log.debug("find_objects(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object_type=%s, id_only=%s", subject, predicate, object_type, id_only)

        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if not subject:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide subject")
        if object_type and not predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Cannot provide object type without a predicate")

        if type(subject) is str:
            subject_id = subject
            if "_id" not in subject:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                subject_id = subject._id

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        assoc_table_name = qual_ds_name+"_assoc"
        table_names = dict(ds=qual_ds_name, dsa=assoc_table_name)
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs, access_args)

        if id_only:
            #query = "SELECT o, doc FROM %(dsa)s WHERE retired<>true " % table_names
            query = "SELECT %(dsa)s.o, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.o=%(ds)s.id " % table_names
            query = "SELECT %(ds)s.doc, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.o=%(ds)s.id " % table_names
        query_args = dict(s=subject_id, ot=object_type, p=predicate)

        query_clause = "AND s=%(s)s"
        if predicate:
            query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
            if object_type:
                query_clause += " AND ot=%(ot)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(access_args, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        obj_assocs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows]
        #log.debug("find_objects() found %s objects", len(obj_assocs))
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, obj_assocs
            res_objs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_objs, obj_assocs

    def find_subjects(self, subject_type=None, predicate=None, obj=None, id_only=False, access_args=None, **kwargs):
        #log.debug("find_subjects(subject_type=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, id_only=%s", subject_type, predicate, obj, id_only)

        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if not obj:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object")
        if subject_type and not predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Cannot provide subject type without a predicate")

        if type(obj) is str:
            object_id = obj
            if "_id" not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                object_id = obj._id

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        assoc_table_name = qual_ds_name+"_assoc"
        table_names = dict(ds=qual_ds_name, dsa=assoc_table_name)
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs, access_args)

        if id_only:
            #query = "SELECT s, doc FROM %(dsa)s WHERE retired<>true " % table_names
            query = "SELECT %(dsa)s.s, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.s=%(ds)s.id " % table_names
            query = "SELECT %(ds)s.doc, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.s=%(ds)s.id " % table_names
        query_args = dict(o=object_id, st=subject_type, p=predicate)

        query_clause = "AND o=%(o)s"
        if predicate:
            query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
            if subject_type:
                query_clause += " AND st=%(st)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(access_args, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        obj_assocs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows]
        #log.debug("find_subjects() found %s subjects", len(obj_assocs))
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, obj_assocs
            res_objs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_objs, obj_assocs

    def find_associations(self, subject=None, predicate=None, obj=None, assoc_type=None, id_only=True,
                          anyside=None, query=None, **kwargs):
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if not (subject or obj or predicate or anyside or query):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters: No S/P/O or anyside")
        if anyside and (subject or obj):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters: anyside cannot be combined with S/O")
        if anyside and predicate and type(anyside) in (list, tuple):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters: anyside list cannot be combined with P")

        if query:
            query["query_args"]["id_only"] = id_only
            query["query_args"]["ds_sub"] = "assoc"
            # TODO: filter out retired
            return self.find_by_query(query)

        subject_id, object_id, anyside_ids = None, None, None
        if subject:
            if type(subject) is str:
                subject_id = subject
                if "_id" not in subject:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                    subject_id = subject._id
        if obj:
            if type(obj) is str:
                object_id = obj
                if "_id" not in obj:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                    object_id = obj._id
        if anyside:
            if type(anyside) is str:
                anyside_ids = [anyside]
            elif type(anyside) in (list, tuple):
                if not all([type(o) in (str, list, tuple) for o in anyside]):
                    raise BadRequest("List of object ids or (object id, predicate) expected")
                anyside_ids = anyside
                if "_id" not in anyside:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in anyside")
                    anyside_ids = [anyside._id]

        #log.debug("find_associations(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, anyside=%s)", subject_id, predicate, object_id, anyside_ids)

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        table = qual_ds_name + "_assoc"
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs)

        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id FROM " + table
            query = "SELECT id, doc, s, st, p, o, ot FROM " + table
        query_clause = " WHERE retired<>true AND "
        query_args = dict(s=subject_id, o=object_id, p=predicate)

        if subject and obj:
            query_clause += "s=%(s)s AND o=%(o)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif subject:
            query_clause += "s=%(s)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif obj:
            query_clause += "o=%(o)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif anyside:
            if predicate:
                query_clause += "p=%(p)s AND (s=%(any)s OR o=%(any)s)"
                query_args["any"] = anyside
            elif type(anyside_ids[0]) is str:
                # keys are IDs of resources
                for i, key in enumerate(anyside_ids):
                    if i > 0:
                        query_clause += " OR "
                    argname = "id%s" % i
                    query_args[argname] = key
                    query_clause += "(s=%("+argname+")s OR o=%("+argname+")s)"
                # keys are tuples of (id, pred)
                for i, (key, pred) in enumerate(anyside_ids):
                    if i > 0:
                        query_clause += " OR "
                    argname_id = "id%s" % i
                    argname_p = "p%s" % i
                    query_args[argname_id] = key
                    query_args[argname_p] = pred
                    query_clause += "(p=%("+argname_p+")s AND (s=%("+argname_id+")s OR o=%("+argname_id+")s))"

        elif predicate:
            if predicate == "*":
                query_clause += "p is not null"
                query_clause += "p=%(p)s"
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments")

        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        sql = query + query_clause + extra_clause
        #print "find_associations(): SQL=", sql, query_args
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(sql, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        if id_only:
            assocs = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            assocs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[1]) for row in rows]
        #log.debug("find_associations() found %s associations", len(assocs))

        return assocs

    def _prepare_find_return(self, rows, res_assocs=None, id_only=True, **kwargs):
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, res_assocs
            res_docs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows]
            return res_docs, res_assocs

    def _add_access_filter(self, view_args, tablename, query_clause, query_args, add_where=True, tablealias=None):
        """Returns a Postgres SQL filter clause and referenced values for resource queries filtered
        by resource visibility and current actor role/facility membership/superuser status"""
        view_args = view_args if view_args is not None else {}
        current_actor_id = view_args.get("current_actor_id", None)
        superuser_actor_ids = view_args.get("superuser_actor_ids", None) or []
        tablealias = tablealias or tablename

        access_filter = ""
        access_args = {}
        access_args["current_actor_id"] = current_actor_id
        assoc_tablename = tablename + "_assoc"
        if current_actor_id in superuser_actor_ids:
            # Current user is a superuser - no additional filter
        elif current_actor_id and current_actor_id != "anonymous":
            # Registered actor
            # - Return all PUBLIC, REGISTERED
            access_filter += tablealias + ".visibility NOT IN (3,4)"  # 1, 2, null and other values
            # - Return all owned by user independent of visibility
            access_filter += " OR (" + tablealias + ".id IN (SELECT s FROM " + assoc_tablename + \
                             " WHERE p='hasOwner' AND o=%(current_actor_id)s))"
            # - Return all FACILITY if user is in same facility
            access_filter += " OR (" + tablealias + ".visibility=3 AND " + tablealias + ".id IN (SELECT o FROM " + assoc_tablename + \
                             " WHERE p='hasResource' AND st='Org' AND s IN (SELECT s FROM " + assoc_tablename + \
                             " WHERE p='hasMember' AND st='Org' AND o=%(current_actor_id)s)))"
            # Anonymous access
            # All public resources
            access_filter += tablealias + ".visibility NOT IN (2,3,4)"

        if query_clause and access_filter:
            query_clause += " AND (" + access_filter + ")"
        elif not query_clause and access_filter:
            if add_where:
                query_clause = " WHERE " + access_filter
                query_clause = access_filter

        return query_clause

    def _add_deleted_filter(self, tablename, ds_sub, query_clause, query_args, show_all=False):
        if show_all:
            return query_clause
        deleted_filter = ""
        if not ds_sub:
            deleted_filter = tablename + ".lcstate<>'DELETED'"
        elif ds_sub == "assoc":
            deleted_filter = tablename + ".retired<>true"
        if query_clause and deleted_filter:
            query_clause += " AND " + deleted_filter
        elif not query_clause and deleted_filter:
            query_clause = deleted_filter
        return query_clause

    def find_resources(self, restype="", lcstate="", name="", id_only=True, access_args=None):
        return self.find_resources_ext(restype=restype, lcstate=lcstate, name=name, id_only=id_only, access_args=access_args)

    def find_resources_ext(self, restype="", lcstate="", name="",
                           keyword=None, nested_type=None,
                           attr_name=None, attr_value=None, alt_id=None, alt_id_ns=None,
                           limit=None, skip=None, descending=None, id_only=True, query=None, access_args=None):
        filter_kwargs = self._get_view_args(dict(limit=limit, skip=skip, descending=descending), access_args)
        if query:
            qargs = query["query_args"]
            if id_only is not None:
                qargs["id_only"] = id_only
            if limit is not None and limit != 0:
                qargs["limit"] = limit
            if skip is not None and skip != 0:
                qargs["skip"] = skip
            return self.find_by_query(query, access_args=access_args)
        elif name:
            if lcstate:
                raise BadRequest("find by name does not support lcstate")
            return self.find_res_by_name(name, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif keyword:
            return self.find_res_by_keyword(keyword, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif alt_id or alt_id_ns:
            return self.find_res_by_alternative_id(alt_id, alt_id_ns, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif nested_type:
            return self.find_res_by_nested_type(nested_type, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif restype and attr_name:
            return self.find_res_by_attribute(restype, attr_name, attr_value, id_only=id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif restype and lcstate:
            return self.find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif restype:
            return self.find_res_by_type(restype, lcstate, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif lcstate:
            return self.find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif not restype and not lcstate and not name:
            return self.find_res_by_type(None, None, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)

    def find_res_by_type(self, restype, lcstate=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(restype=%s, lcstate=%s)", restype, lcstate)
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if lcstate:
            raise BadRequest('lcstate not supported anymore in find_res_by_type')

        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, lcstate=lcstate)

        if restype:
            query_clause += "AND type_=%(type_)s"
            # Returns ALL documents, only limited by filter
            query_clause = ""

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), name=row[1], type=row[2]) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_type() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_lcstate(self, lcstate, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate=%s, restype=%s)", lcstate, restype)
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if '_' in lcstate:
            log.warn("Search for compound lcstate restricted to maturity: %s", lcstate)
            lcstate,_ = lcstate.split("_", 1)
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, availability FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, availability, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, lcstate=lcstate)

        is_maturity = lcstate not in AvailabilityStates
        if is_maturity:
            query_clause += "lcstate=%(lcstate)s"
            query_clause += "availability=%(lcstate)s"

        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), name=row[1], type=row[2], lcstate=row[3] if is_maturity else row[4]) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_name(self, name, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_name(name=%s, restype=%s)", name, restype)
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(name=name, type_=restype)

        query_clause += "AND name=%(name)s"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), name=row[1], type=row[2]) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_name() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))

        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_keyword(self, keyword, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_keyword(keyword=%s, restype=%s)", keyword, restype)
        if not keyword or type(keyword) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument keyword illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, kw=[keyword])

        query_clause += "AND %(kw)s <@ json_keywords(doc)"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), type=row[1], keyword=keyword) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_keyword() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_nested_type(self, nested_type, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_nested_type(nested_type=%s, restype=%s)", nested_type, restype)
        if not nested_type or type(nested_type) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument nested_type illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, nest=[nested_type])

        query_clause += "AND %(nest)s <@ json_nested(doc)"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), type=row[1], nested_type=nested_type) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_nested_type() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_attribute(self, restype, attr_name, attr_value=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_attribute(restype=%s, attr_name=%s, attr_value=%s)", restype, attr_name, attr_value)
        if not attr_name or type(attr_name) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument attr_name illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_, json_specialattr(doc) FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, json_specialattr(doc), doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, att=attr_name, val=attr_value)

        if attr_value:  # Note: cannot make None test here (and allow empty string because of default service args "")
            query_clause += "AND json_specialattr(doc)=%(spc)s"
            query_args['spc'] = "%s=%s" % (attr_name, attr_value)
            query_clause += "AND json_specialattr(doc) LIKE %(spc)s"
            query_args['spc'] = "%s=%%" % (attr_name, )
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), type=row[1], attr_name=attr_name, attr_value=row[2].split("=",1)[-1]) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_attribute() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_alternative_id(self, alt_id=None, alt_id_ns=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_alternative_id(restype=%s, alt_id_ns=%s)", alt_id, alt_id_ns)
        if alt_id and type(alt_id) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument alt_id illegal')
        if alt_id_ns and type(alt_id_ns) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument alt_id_ns illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()

        query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_args = dict(aid=[alt_id], ans=[alt_id_ns])
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "

        if not alt_id and not alt_id_ns:
            query_clause += "AND json_altids_ns(doc) is not null"
        elif alt_id and not alt_id_ns:
            query_clause += "AND %(aid)s <@ json_altids_id(doc)"
        elif alt_id_ns and not alt_id:
            query_clause += "AND %(ans)s <@ json_altids_ns(doc)"
            query_clause += "AND %(aid)s <@ json_altids_id(doc) AND %(ans)s <@ json_altids_ns(doc)"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name, query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        # Need to fake the return format of the Couch view for alt_ids. One record per alt_id, not one per resource.
        res_assocs = []
        res_rows = []
        for row in rows:
            doc_id = self._prep_id(row[0])
            doc = row[-1]
            for aid in doc.get("alt_ids", []):
                aid_parts = aid.split(":", 1)
                aid_ns = aid_parts[0] if len(aid_parts)>1 else "_"
                aid_id = aid_parts[-1]
                if alt_id_ns and alt_id:
                    if alt_id_ns == aid_ns and alt_id == aid_id:
                        res_assocs.append(dict(id=doc_id, alt_id_ns=aid_ns, alt_id=aid_id))
                        res_rows.append((doc_id, doc))
                elif (not alt_id_ns and not alt_id) or (alt_id_ns and alt_id_ns == aid_ns) or (alt_id and alt_id == aid_id):
                    res_assocs.append(dict(id=doc_id, alt_id_ns=aid_ns, alt_id=aid_id))
                    res_rows.append((doc_id, doc))

        log.debug("find_res_by_alternative_id() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(res_rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_by_view(self, design_name, view_name, key=None, keys=None, start_key=None, end_key=None,
                     id_only=True, convert_doc=True, **kwargs):
        Generic find function using a defined index
        @param design_name  design document
        @param view_name  view name
        @param key  specific key to find
        @param keys  list of keys to find
        @param start_key  find range start value
        @param end_key  find range end value
        @param id_only  if True, the 4th element of each triple is the document
        @param convert_doc  if True, make IonObject out of doc
        @retval Returns a list of 3-tuples: (document id, index key, index value or document)
        res_rows = self.find_docs_by_view(design_name=design_name, view_name=view_name, key=key, keys=keys,
                                          start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, id_only=id_only, **kwargs)

        res_rows = [(rid, key,
                     self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc) if convert_doc and isinstance(doc, dict) else doc)
                    for rid, key, doc in res_rows]

        log.debug("find_by_view() found %s objects" % (len(res_rows)))
        return res_rows

    def find_by_query(self, query, access_args=None):
        Find resources given a datastore query expression dict.
        @param query  a dict representation of a datastore query
        @retval  list of resource ids or resource objects matching query (dependent on id_only value)
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        query_ds_sub = query["query_args"].get("ds_sub", None)
        query_format = query["query_args"].get("format", "")

        pqb = PostgresQueryBuilder(query, qual_ds_name)
        if self.profile == DataStore.DS_PROFILE.RESOURCES and not query_ds_sub:
            table_alias = qual_ds_name if query_format != "complex" else "base"
            pqb.where = self._add_access_filter(access_args, qual_ds_name, pqb.where, pqb.values,
                                                add_where=False, tablealias=table_alias)

        if self.profile == DataStore.DS_PROFILE.RESOURCES:
            pqb.where = self._add_deleted_filter(pqb.table_aliases[0], query_ds_sub,
                                                 pqb.where, pqb.values,
                                                 show_all=query["query_args"].get("show_all", False))

        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            exec_query = pqb.get_query()
            cur.execute(exec_query, pqb.get_values())
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            log.info("find_by_query() QUERY: %s (%s rows)", cur.query, cur.rowcount)
            query_res = {}
            query["_result"] = query_res
            query_res["statement_gen"] = exec_query
            query_res["statement_sql"] = cur.query
            query_res["rowcount"] = cur.rowcount

        id_only = query["query_args"].get("id_only", True)
        if query_format == "complex" and pqb.has_basic_cols:
            # Return format is list of lists
            if id_only:
                res_vals = [[self._prep_id(row[0])] + list(row[1:]) for row in rows]
                res_vals = [[self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[1])] + list(rows[2:]) for row in rows]

        elif query_format == "complex":
            res_vals = [list(row) for row in rows]

            if id_only:
                res_vals = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
                res_vals = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows]

        return res_vals

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Internal operations

    def _ion_object_to_persistence_dict(self, ion_object):
        if ion_object is None:
            return None

        obj_dict = self._io_serializer.serialize(ion_object, update_version=True)
        return obj_dict

    def _persistence_dict_to_ion_object(self, obj_dict):
        if obj_dict is None:
            return None

        ion_object = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        return ion_object
Example #24
class PostgresPyonDataStore(PostgresDataStore):
    Base class common to both CouchDB and Couchbase datastores.
    def __init__(self,
        @param datastore_name  Name of datastore within server. May be scoped to sysname
        @param config  A server config dict with connection params
        @param scope  Prefix for the datastore name (e.g. sysname) to separate multiple systems

                                   or CFG.get_safe("server.postgresql"),
                                   or DataStore.DS_PROFILE.BASIC,

        # IonObject Serializers
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Couch document operations

    def create(self, obj, object_id=None, attachments=None, datastore_name=""):
        Converts ion objects to python dictionary before persisting them using the optional
        suggested identifier and creates attachments to the object.
        Returns an identifier and revision number of the object
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.create_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),

    def create_mult(self, objects, object_ids=None, allow_ids=None):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.create_doc_mult(
            [self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects],

    def update(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.update_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj))

    def update_mult(self, objects):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.update_doc_mult(
            [self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects])

    def read(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name="", object_type=None):
        if not isinstance(object_id, str):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")

        doc = self.read_doc(object_id,
        obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)

        return obj

    def read_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name="", strict=True):
        if any([not isinstance(object_id, str) for object_id in object_ids]):
            raise BadRequest("Object ids are not string: %s" % str(object_ids))

        docs = self.read_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name, strict=strict)
        obj_list = [
            if doc is not None else None for doc in docs

        return obj_list

    def delete(self, obj, datastore_name="", object_type=None):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            raise BadRequest(
                "Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase or string id")
        if type(obj) is str:
            if '_id' not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")
            if '_rev' not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_rev'")

    def delete_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=None):
        return self.delete_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # View operations

    def find_objects_mult(self,
        Returns a list of associations for a given list of subjects
        # TODO: Port this implementation to Postgres single query
        res_list = [[], []]
        if not subjects:
            return res_list
        for sub in subjects:
            res_ids, res_assocs = self.find_objects(subject=sub,
        return res_list

    def find_subjects_mult(self,
        Returns a list of associations for a given list of objects
        # TODO: Port this implementation to Postgres single query
        res_list = [[], []]
        if not objects:
            return res_list
        for obj in objects:
            res_ids, res_assocs = self.find_subjects(obj=obj,
        return res_list

    def find_objects(self,
        #log.debug("find_objects(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object_type=%s, id_only=%s", subject, predicate, object_type, id_only)

        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        if not subject:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide subject")
        if object_type and not predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Cannot provide object type without a predicate")

        if type(subject) is str:
            subject_id = subject
            if "_id" not in subject:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                subject_id = subject._id

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        assoc_table_name = qual_ds_name + "_assoc"
        table_names = dict(ds=qual_ds_name, dsa=assoc_table_name)
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs, access_args)

        if id_only:
            #query = "SELECT o, doc FROM %(dsa)s WHERE retired<>true " % table_names
            query = "SELECT %(dsa)s.o, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.o=%(ds)s.id " % table_names
            query = "SELECT %(ds)s.doc, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.o=%(ds)s.id " % table_names
        query_args = dict(s=subject_id, ot=object_type, p=predicate)

        query_clause = "AND s=%(s)s"
        if predicate:
            query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
            if object_type:
                query_clause += " AND ot=%(ot)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(access_args, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        obj_assocs = [
            self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows
        #log.debug("find_objects() found %s objects", len(obj_assocs))
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, obj_assocs
            res_objs = [
                self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[0]) for row in rows
            return res_objs, obj_assocs

    def find_subjects(self,
        #log.debug("find_subjects(subject_type=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, id_only=%s", subject_type, predicate, obj, id_only)

        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        if not obj:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object")
        if subject_type and not predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Cannot provide subject type without a predicate")

        if type(obj) is str:
            object_id = obj
            if "_id" not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                object_id = obj._id

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        assoc_table_name = qual_ds_name + "_assoc"
        table_names = dict(ds=qual_ds_name, dsa=assoc_table_name)
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs, access_args)

        if id_only:
            #query = "SELECT s, doc FROM %(dsa)s WHERE retired<>true " % table_names
            query = "SELECT %(dsa)s.s, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.s=%(ds)s.id " % table_names
            query = "SELECT %(ds)s.doc, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.s=%(ds)s.id " % table_names
        query_args = dict(o=object_id, st=subject_type, p=predicate)

        query_clause = "AND o=%(o)s"
        if predicate:
            query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
            if subject_type:
                query_clause += " AND st=%(st)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(access_args, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        obj_assocs = [
            self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows
        #log.debug("find_subjects() found %s subjects", len(obj_assocs))
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, obj_assocs
            res_objs = [
                self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[0]) for row in rows
            return res_objs, obj_assocs

    def find_associations(self,
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        if not (subject or obj or predicate or anyside or query):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters: No S/P/O or anyside")
        if anyside and (subject or obj):
            raise BadRequest(
                "Illegal parameters: anyside cannot be combined with S/O")
        if anyside and predicate and type(anyside) in (list, tuple):
            raise BadRequest(
                "Illegal parameters: anyside list cannot be combined with P")

        if query:
            query["query_args"]["id_only"] = id_only
            query["query_args"]["ds_sub"] = "assoc"
            # TODO: filter out retired
            return self.find_by_query(query)

        subject_id, object_id, anyside_ids = None, None, None
        if subject:
            if type(subject) is str:
                subject_id = subject
                if "_id" not in subject:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                    subject_id = subject._id
        if obj:
            if type(obj) is str:
                object_id = obj
                if "_id" not in obj:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                    object_id = obj._id
        if anyside:
            if type(anyside) is str:
                anyside_ids = [anyside]
            elif type(anyside) in (list, tuple):
                if not all([type(o) in (str, list, tuple) for o in anyside]):
                    raise BadRequest(
                        "List of object ids or (object id, predicate) expected"
                anyside_ids = anyside
                if "_id" not in anyside:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in anyside")
                    anyside_ids = [anyside._id]

        #log.debug("find_associations(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, anyside=%s)", subject_id, predicate, object_id, anyside_ids)

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        table = qual_ds_name + "_assoc"
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs)

        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id FROM " + table
            query = "SELECT id, doc, s, st, p, o, ot FROM " + table
        query_clause = " WHERE retired<>true AND "
        query_args = dict(s=subject_id, o=object_id, p=predicate)

        if subject and obj:
            query_clause += "s=%(s)s AND o=%(o)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif subject:
            query_clause += "s=%(s)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif obj:
            query_clause += "o=%(o)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif anyside:
            if predicate:
                query_clause += "p=%(p)s AND (s=%(any)s OR o=%(any)s)"
                query_args["any"] = anyside
            elif type(anyside_ids[0]) is str:
                # keys are IDs of resources
                for i, key in enumerate(anyside_ids):
                    if i > 0:
                        query_clause += " OR "
                    argname = "id%s" % i
                    query_args[argname] = key
                    query_clause += "(s=%(" + argname + ")s OR o=%(" + argname + ")s)"
                # keys are tuples of (id, pred)
                for i, (key, pred) in enumerate(anyside_ids):
                    if i > 0:
                        query_clause += " OR "
                    argname_id = "id%s" % i
                    argname_p = "p%s" % i
                    query_args[argname_id] = key
                    query_args[argname_p] = pred
                    query_clause += "(p=%(" + argname_p + ")s AND (s=%(" + argname_id + ")s OR o=%(" + argname_id + ")s))"

        elif predicate:
            if predicate == "*":
                query_clause += "p is not null"
                query_clause += "p=%(p)s"
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments")

        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        sql = query + query_clause + extra_clause
        #print "find_associations(): SQL=", sql, query_args
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(sql, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        if id_only:
            assocs = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            assocs = [
                self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[1]) for row in rows
        #log.debug("find_associations() found %s associations", len(assocs))

        return assocs

    def _prepare_find_return(self,
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, res_assocs
            res_docs = [
                self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows
            return res_docs, res_assocs

    def _add_access_filter(self,
        """Returns a Postgres SQL filter clause and referenced values for resource queries filtered
        by resource visibility and current actor role/facility membership/superuser status"""
        view_args = view_args if view_args is not None else {}
        current_actor_id = view_args.get("current_actor_id", None)
        superuser_actor_ids = view_args.get("superuser_actor_ids", None) or []
        tablealias = tablealias or tablename

        access_filter = ""
        access_args = {}
        access_args["current_actor_id"] = current_actor_id
        assoc_tablename = tablename + "_assoc"
        if current_actor_id in superuser_actor_ids:
            # Current user is a superuser - no additional filter
        elif current_actor_id and current_actor_id != "anonymous":
            # Registered actor
            # - Return all PUBLIC, REGISTERED
            access_filter += tablealias + ".visibility NOT IN (3,4)"  # 1, 2, null and other values
            # - Return all owned by user independent of visibility
            access_filter += " OR (" + tablealias + ".id IN (SELECT s FROM " + assoc_tablename + \
                             " WHERE p='hasOwner' AND o=%(current_actor_id)s))"
            # - Return all FACILITY if user is in same facility
            access_filter += " OR (" + tablealias + ".visibility=3 AND " + tablealias + ".id IN (SELECT o FROM " + assoc_tablename + \
                             " WHERE p='hasResource' AND st='Org' AND s IN (SELECT s FROM " + assoc_tablename + \
                             " WHERE p='hasMember' AND st='Org' AND o=%(current_actor_id)s)))"
            # Anonymous access
            # All public resources
            access_filter += tablealias + ".visibility NOT IN (2,3,4)"

        if query_clause and access_filter:
            query_clause += " AND (" + access_filter + ")"
        elif not query_clause and access_filter:
            if add_where:
                query_clause = " WHERE " + access_filter
                query_clause = access_filter

        return query_clause

    def _add_deleted_filter(self,
        if with_deleted:
            return query_clause
        deleted_filter = ""
        if not ds_sub:
            deleted_filter = tablename + ".lcstate<>'DELETED'"
        elif ds_sub == "assoc":
            deleted_filter = tablename + ".retired<>true"
        if query_clause and deleted_filter:
            query_clause += " AND " + deleted_filter
        elif not query_clause and deleted_filter:
            query_clause = deleted_filter
        return query_clause

    def find_resources(self,
        return self.find_resources_ext(restype=restype,

    def find_resources_ext(self,
        filter_kwargs = self._get_view_args(
            dict(limit=limit, skip=skip, descending=descending), access_args)
        if query:
            qargs = query["query_args"]
            if id_only is not None:
                qargs["id_only"] = id_only
            if limit is not None and limit != 0:
                qargs["limit"] = limit
            if skip is not None and skip != 0:
                qargs["skip"] = skip
            return self.find_by_query(query, access_args=access_args)
        elif name:
            if lcstate:
                raise BadRequest("find by name does not support lcstate")
            return self.find_res_by_name(name,
        elif keyword:
            return self.find_res_by_keyword(keyword,
        elif alt_id or alt_id_ns:
            return self.find_res_by_alternative_id(alt_id,
        elif nested_type:
            return self.find_res_by_nested_type(nested_type,
        elif restype and attr_name:
            return self.find_res_by_attribute(restype,
        elif restype and lcstate:
            return self.find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate,
        elif restype:
            return self.find_res_by_type(restype,
        elif lcstate:
            return self.find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate,
        elif not restype and not lcstate and not name:
            return self.find_res_by_type(None,

    def find_res_by_type(self,
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(restype=%s, lcstate=%s)", restype, lcstate)
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        if lcstate:
            raise BadRequest(
                'lcstate not supported anymore in find_res_by_type')

        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, lcstate=lcstate)

        if restype:
            query_clause += "AND type_=%(type_)s"
            # Returns ALL documents, only limited by filter
            query_clause = ""

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [
            dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), name=row[1], type=row[2])
            for row in rows
        log.debug("find_res_by_type() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_lcstate(self,
        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate=%s, restype=%s)", lcstate,
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        if '_' in lcstate:
            log.warn("Search for compound lcstate restricted to maturity: %s",
            lcstate, _ = lcstate.split("_", 1)
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, availability FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, availability, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, lcstate=lcstate)

        is_maturity = lcstate not in AvailabilityStates
        if is_maturity:
            query_clause += "lcstate=%(lcstate)s"
            query_clause += "availability=%(lcstate)s"

        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [
                 lcstate=row[3] if is_maturity else row[4]) for row in rows
        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_name(self, name, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_name(name=%s, restype=%s)", name, restype)
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(name=name, type_=restype)

        query_clause += "AND name=%(name)s"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [
            dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), name=row[1], type=row[2])
            for row in rows
        log.debug("find_res_by_name() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))

        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_keyword(self,
        log.debug("find_res_by_keyword(keyword=%s, restype=%s)", keyword,
        if not keyword or type(keyword) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument keyword illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, kw=[keyword])

        query_clause += "AND %(kw)s <@ json_keywords(doc)"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [
            dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), type=row[1], keyword=keyword)
            for row in rows
        log.debug("find_res_by_keyword() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_nested_type(self,
        log.debug("find_res_by_nested_type(nested_type=%s, restype=%s)",
                  nested_type, restype)
        if not nested_type or type(nested_type) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument nested_type illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, nest=[nested_type])

        query_clause += "AND %(nest)s <@ json_nested(doc)"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [
                 nested_type=nested_type) for row in rows
        log.debug("find_res_by_nested_type() found %s objects",
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_attribute(self,
            "find_res_by_attribute(restype=%s, attr_name=%s, attr_value=%s)",
            restype, attr_name, attr_value)
        if not attr_name or type(attr_name) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument attr_name illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_, json_specialattr(doc) FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, json_specialattr(doc), doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, att=attr_name, val=attr_value)

        if attr_value:  # Note: cannot make None test here (and allow empty string because of default service args "")
            query_clause += "AND json_specialattr(doc)=%(spc)s"
            query_args['spc'] = "%s=%s" % (attr_name, attr_value)
            query_clause += "AND json_specialattr(doc) LIKE %(spc)s"
            query_args['spc'] = "%s=%%" % (attr_name, )
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [
                 attr_value=row[2].split("=", 1)[-1]) for row in rows
        log.debug("find_res_by_attribute() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_alternative_id(self,
        log.debug("find_res_by_alternative_id(restype=%s, alt_id_ns=%s)",
                  alt_id, alt_id_ns)
        if alt_id and type(alt_id) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument alt_id illegal')
        if alt_id_ns and type(alt_id_ns) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument alt_id_ns illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' %
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()

        query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_args = dict(aid=[alt_id], ans=[alt_id_ns])
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'DELETED' "

        if not alt_id and not alt_id_ns:
            query_clause += "AND json_altids_ns(doc) is not null"
        elif alt_id and not alt_id_ns:
            query_clause += "AND %(aid)s <@ json_altids_id(doc)"
        elif alt_id_ns and not alt_id:
            query_clause += "AND %(ans)s <@ json_altids_ns(doc)"
            query_clause += "AND %(aid)s <@ json_altids_id(doc) AND %(ans)s <@ json_altids_ns(doc)"

        query_clause = self._add_access_filter(filter, qual_ds_name,
                                               query_clause, query_args)
        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        # Need to fake the return format of the Couch view for alt_ids. One record per alt_id, not one per resource.
        res_assocs = []
        res_rows = []
        for row in rows:
            doc_id = self._prep_id(row[0])
            doc = row[-1]
            for aid in doc.get("alt_ids", []):
                aid_parts = aid.split(":", 1)
                aid_ns = aid_parts[0] if len(aid_parts) > 1 else "_"
                aid_id = aid_parts[-1]
                if alt_id_ns and alt_id:
                    if alt_id_ns == aid_ns and alt_id == aid_id:
                            dict(id=doc_id, alt_id_ns=aid_ns, alt_id=aid_id))
                        res_rows.append((doc_id, doc))
                elif (not alt_id_ns
                      and not alt_id) or (alt_id_ns and alt_id_ns
                                          == aid_ns) or (alt_id
                                                         and alt_id == aid_id):
                        dict(id=doc_id, alt_id_ns=aid_ns, alt_id=aid_id))
                    res_rows.append((doc_id, doc))

        log.debug("find_res_by_alternative_id() found %s objects",
        return self._prepare_find_return(res_rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_by_view(self,
        Generic find function using a defined index
        @param design_name  design document
        @param view_name  view name
        @param key  specific key to find
        @param keys  list of keys to find
        @param start_key  find range start value
        @param end_key  find range end value
        @param id_only  if True, the 4th element of each triple is the document
        @param convert_doc  if True, make IonObject out of doc
        @retval Returns a list of 3-tuples: (document id, index key, index value or document)
        res_rows = self.find_docs_by_view(design_name=design_name,

        res_rows = [(rid, key, self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)
                     if convert_doc and isinstance(doc, dict) else doc)
                    for rid, key, doc in res_rows]

        log.debug("find_by_view() found %s objects" % (len(res_rows)))
        return res_rows

    def find_by_query(self, query, access_args=None):
        Find resources given a datastore query expression dict.
        @param query  a dict representation of a datastore query
        @retval  list of resource ids or resource objects matching query (dependent on id_only value)
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        query_ds_sub = query["query_args"].get("ds_sub", None)
        query_format = query["query_args"].get("format", "")

        pqb = PostgresQueryBuilder(query, qual_ds_name)
        if self.profile == DataStore.DS_PROFILE.RESOURCES and not query_ds_sub:
            table_alias = qual_ds_name if query_format != "complex" else "base"
            pqb.where = self._add_access_filter(access_args,

        if self.profile == DataStore.DS_PROFILE.RESOURCES:
            pqb.where = self._add_deleted_filter(
                                                     False) is True)

        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            exec_query = pqb.get_query()
            cur.execute(exec_query, pqb.get_values())
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            log.info("find_by_query() QUERY: %s (%s rows)", cur.query,
            query_res = {}
            query["_result"] = query_res
            query_res["statement_gen"] = exec_query
            query_res["statement_sql"] = cur.query
            query_res["rowcount"] = cur.rowcount

        id_only = query["query_args"].get("id_only", True)
        if query_format == "complex" and pqb.has_basic_cols:
            # Return format is list of lists
            if id_only:
                res_vals = [[self._prep_id(row[0])] + list(row[1:])
                            for row in rows]
                res_vals = [[self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[1])] +
                            list(rows[2:]) for row in rows]

        elif query_format == "complex":
            res_vals = [list(row) for row in rows]

            if id_only:
                res_vals = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
                res_vals = [
                    for row in rows

        return res_vals

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Internal operations

    def _ion_object_to_persistence_dict(self, ion_object):
        if ion_object is None:
            return None

        obj_dict = self._io_serializer.serialize(ion_object,
        return obj_dict

    def _persistence_dict_to_ion_object(self, obj_dict):
        if obj_dict is None:
            return None

        ion_object = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        return ion_object
Example #25
class FileDataStore(object):
    def __init__(self, container, datastore_name=""):
        self.container = container
        self.datastore_name = datastore_name

        # Object serialization/deserialization
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

    def start(self):
        if self.container.has_capability(self.container.CCAP.FILE_SYSTEM):
            self.datastore_dir = FileSystem.get_url(FS.FILESTORE, self.datastore_name)
            self.datastore_dir = "./tmp/%s" % self.datastore_name

    def stop(self):

    def _get_filename(self, object_id):
        return "%s/%s" % (self.datastore_dir, object_id)

    def create(self, obj, object_id=None, attachments=None, datastore_name=""):
        Converts ion objects to python dictionary before persisting them using the optional
        suggested identifier and creates attachments to the object.
        Returns an identifier and revision number of the object
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.create_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),
                               object_id=object_id, datastore_name=datastore_name,

    def create_doc(self, doc, object_id=None, attachments=None, datastore_name=""):
        Persists the document using the optionally suggested doc_id, and creates attachments to it.
        Returns the identifier and version number of the document
        if '_id' in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must not have '_id'")

        # Assign an id to doc (recommended in CouchDB documentation)
        doc["_id"] = object_id or uuid4().hex
        log.debug('Creating new object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, doc["_id"]))
        log.debug('create doc contents: %s', doc)

        filename = self._get_filename(doc["_id"])
        doc_json = json.dumps(doc)
        with open(filename, "w") as f:

        return doc["_id"], 1

    def update(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.update_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj))

    def update_doc(self, doc, datastore_name=""):
        if '_id' not in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")

        log.debug('update doc contents: %s', doc)
        filename = self._get_filename(doc["_id"])
        doc_json = json.dumps(doc)
        with open(filename, "w") as f:

        return doc["_id"], 2

    def read(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(object_id, str):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")
        doc = self.read_doc(object_id, rev_id, datastore_name)

        # Convert doc into Ion object
        obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)
        log.debug('Ion object: %s', str(obj))
        return obj

    def read_doc(self, doc_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        log.debug('Reading head version of object %s/%s', datastore_name, doc_id)
        filename = self._get_filename(doc_id)
        doc = None
        with open(filename, "r") as f:
            doc_json = f.read()
            doc = json.loads(doc_json)
        if doc is None:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' % str(doc_id))
        log.debug('read doc contents: %s', doc)
        return doc

    def delete(self, obj, datastore_name="", del_associations=False):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase or string id")
        if type(obj) is str:
            self.delete_doc(obj, datastore_name=datastore_name, del_associations=del_associations)
            if '_id' not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")
            self.delete_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj), datastore_name=datastore_name, del_associations=del_associations)

    def delete_doc(self, doc, datastore_name="", del_associations=False):
        doc_id = doc if type(doc) is str else doc["_id"]
        log.debug('Deleting object %s/%s', datastore_name, doc_id)
        filename = self._get_filename(doc_id)

        except OSError:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' % doc_id)

    def _ion_object_to_persistence_dict(self, ion_object):
        if ion_object is None: return None

        obj_dict = self._io_serializer.serialize(ion_object)
        return obj_dict

    def _persistence_dict_to_ion_object(self, obj_dict):
        if obj_dict is None: return None

        ion_object = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        return ion_object
Example #26
class MockDB_DataStore(DataStore):
    Data store implementation utilizing in-memory dict of dicts
    to persist documents.

    def __init__(self, datastore_name='prototype'):
        self.datastore_name = datastore_name
        log.debug('Creating in-memory dict of dicts that will simulate data stores')
        self.root = {}

        # serializers
        self._io_serializer     = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer   = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=obj_registry)

    def create_datastore(self, datastore_name="", create_indexes=True):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.info('Creating data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if self.datastore_exists(datastore_name):
            raise BadRequest("Data store with name %s already exists" % datastore_name)
        if datastore_name not in self.root:
            self.root[datastore_name] = {}

    def delete_datastore(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.info('Deleting data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if datastore_name in self.root:
            del self.root[datastore_name]
            log.info('Data store %s does not exist' % datastore_name)

    def list_datastores(self):
        log.debug('Listing all data stores')
        dsList = self.root.keys()
        log.debug('Data stores: %s' % str(dsList))
        return dsList

    def info_datastore(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing information about data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if datastore_name in self.root:
            info = 'Data store exists'
            raise BadRequest("Data store with name %s does not exist" % datastore_name)
        log.debug('Data store info: %s' % str(info))
        return info

    def datastore_exists(self, datastore_name=""):
        return datastore_name in self.root

    def list_objects(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing all objects in data store %s' % datastore_name)
        objs = []
        for key, value in self.root[datastore_name].items():
            if key.find('_version_counter') == -1 and key.find('_version_') == -1:
        log.debug('Objects: %s' % str(objs))
        return objs

    def list_object_revisions(self, object_id, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing all versions of object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
        res = []
        for key, value in self.root[datastore_name].items():
            if (key.find('_version_counter') == -1
                and (key.find(object_id + '_version_') == 0)):
        log.debug('Versions: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def create(self, obj, object_id=None, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.create_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),
                               object_id=object_id, datastore_name=datastore_name)

    def create_doc(self, doc, object_id=None, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        if '_id' in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must not have '_id'")
        if '_rev' in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must not have '_rev'")
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if object_id:
            if object_id in datastore_dict:
                raise BadRequest("Object with id %s already exist" % object_id)

        # Assign an id to doc
        doc["_id"] = object_id or uuid4().hex
        object_id = doc["_id"]

        log.debug('Creating new object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, object_id))

        # Create key for version counter entry.  Will be used
        # on update to increment version number easily.
        versionCounterKey = '__' + object_id + '_version_counter'
        versionCounter = 1

        # Assign initial version to doc
        doc["_rev"] = str(versionCounter)

        # Write HEAD, version and version counter dicts
        datastore_dict[object_id] = doc
        datastore_dict[versionCounterKey] = versionCounter
        datastore_dict[object_id + '_version_' + str(versionCounter)] = doc

        # Return list that identifies the id of the new doc and its version
        res = [object_id, str(versionCounter)]
        log.debug('Create result: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def create_mult(self, objects, object_ids=None):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.create_doc_mult([self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects],

    def create_doc_mult(self, docs, object_ids=None):
        if any(["_id" in doc for doc in docs]):
            raise BadRequest("Docs must not have '_id'")
        if any(["_rev" in doc for doc in docs]):
            raise BadRequest("Docs must not have '_rev'")
        if object_ids and len(object_ids) != len(docs):
            raise BadRequest("Invalid object_ids")

        # Assign an id to doc (recommended in CouchDB documentation)
        object_ids = object_ids or [uuid4().hex for i in xrange(len(docs))]

        res = []
        for doc, oid in zip(docs, object_ids):
            oid,rev = self.create_doc(doc, oid)
        return res

    def read(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(object_id, str):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")
        doc = self.read_doc(object_id, rev_id, datastore_name)

        # Convert doc into Ion object
        obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)
        log.debug('Ion object: %s' % str(obj))
        return obj

    def read_doc(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

            key = object_id
            if rev_id == "":
                log.debug('Reading head version of object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
                log.debug('Reading version %s of object %s/%s' % (str(rev_id), datastore_name, str(object_id)))
                key += '_version_' + str(rev_id)
            doc = datastore_dict[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' % str(object_id))
        log.debug('Read result: %s' % str(doc))
        return doc

    def read_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=""):
        if any([not isinstance(object_id, str) for object_id in object_ids]):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")
        docs = self.read_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name)
        # Convert docs into Ion objects
        obj_list = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc) for doc in docs]
        return obj_list

    def read_doc_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        doc_list = []
            for object_id in object_ids:
                log.debug('Reading head version of object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
                doc = datastore_dict[object_id]

        except KeyError:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' % str(object_id))
        return doc_list

    def update(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.update_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj))

    def update_doc(self, doc, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        if '_id' not in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")
        if '_rev' not in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_rev'")
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

            object_id = doc["_id"]

            # Find the next doc version
            versionCounterKey = '__' + object_id + '_version_counter'
            baseVersion = doc["_rev"]
            versionCounter = datastore_dict[versionCounterKey] + 1
            if baseVersion != str(versionCounter - 1):
                raise Conflict('Object not based on most current version')
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest("Object missing required _id and/or _rev values")

        log.debug('Saving new version of object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, doc["_id"]))
        doc["_rev"] = str(versionCounter)

        # Overwrite HEAD and version counter dicts, add new version dict
        datastore_dict[object_id] = doc
        datastore_dict[versionCounterKey] = versionCounter
        datastore_dict[object_id + '_version_' + str(versionCounter)] = doc
        res = [object_id, str(versionCounter)]
        log.debug('Update result: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def delete(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase or string id")
        if type(obj) is str:
            return self.delete_doc(obj, datastore_name=datastore_name)
        return self.delete_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj), datastore_name=datastore_name)

    def delete_doc(self, doc, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if type(doc) is str:
            object_id = doc
            object_id = doc["_id"]
        log.info('Deleting object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, object_id))
        if object_id in datastore_dict.keys():

            if self._is_in_association(object_id, datastore_name):
                obj = self.read(object_id, datastore_name)
                log.warn("XXXXXXX Attempt to delete object %s that still has associations" % str(obj))
#                raise BadRequest("Object cannot be deleted until associations are broken")

            # Find all version dicts and delete them
            for key in datastore_dict.keys():
                if key.find(object_id + '_version_') == 0:
                    del datastore_dict[key]
            # Delete the HEAD dict
            del datastore_dict[object_id]
            # Delete the version counter dict
            del datastore_dict['__' + object_id + '_version_counter']
            raise NotFound('Object ' + object_id + ' does not exist.')
        log.info('Delete result: True')

    def find(self, criteria=[], datastore_name=""):
        docList = self.find_doc(criteria, datastore_name)

        results = []
        # Convert each returned doc to its associated Ion object
        for doc in docList:
            obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)
            log.debug('Ion object: %s' % str(obj))

        return results

    def find_doc(self, criteria=[], datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        results = []
        log_string = "Searching for objects matching criteria list: " + str(criteria)

        # Traverse entire data store, checking each HEAD version for equality
        # with specified criterion
        for obj_id in self.list_objects(datastore_name):
                doc = self.read_doc(obj_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=datastore_name)
                log.debug("Doc: %s" % str(doc))
                if len(criteria) == 0:
                    criteria_satisfied = False
                    for criterion in criteria:
                        if isinstance(criterion, list):
                            if len(criterion) != 3:
                                raise BadRequest("Insufficient criterion values specified.  Much match [<field>, <logical constant>, <value>]")
                            for item in criterion:
                                if not isinstance(item, str):
                                    raise BadRequest("All criterion values must be strings")
                            key = criterion[0]
                            logical_operation = criterion[1]
                            value = criterion[2]
                            if key in doc:
                                if logical_operation == DataStore.EQUAL:
                                    if doc[key] == value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.NOT_EQUAL:
                                    if doc[key] != value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.GREATER_THAN:
                                    if doc[key] > value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                                    if doc[key] >= value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.LESS_THAN:
                                    if doc[key] < value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                                    if doc[key] <= value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                            if criterion == DataStore.AND:
                                # Can shortcut the query at this point if the
                                # previous criterion failed
                                if criteria_satisfied == False:

                    if criteria_satisfied:
            except KeyError:

        log.debug('Find results: %s' % str(results))

        if len(results) == 0:
            raise NotFound('No objects matched criteria %s' % criteria)

        return results

    def find_by_idref(self, criteria=[], association="", datastore_name=""):
        doc_list = self.find_by_idref_doc(criteria, association, datastore_name)

        results = []
        # Convert each returned doc to its associated Ion object
        for doc in doc_list:
            obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)
            log.debug('Ion object: %s' % str(obj))

        return results

    def find_by_idref_doc(self, criteria=[], association="", datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        ids = []
        log_string = "Searching for objects matching criteria list: " + str(criteria)

        # Traverse entire data store, checking each HEAD version for equality
        # with specified criterion
        for obj_id in self.list_objects(datastore_name):
                doc = self.read_doc(obj_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=datastore_name)
                log.debug("Doc: %s" % str(doc))
                if len(criteria) == 0:
                    if association in doc:
                        for id in doc[association]:
                    criteria_satisfied = False
                    for criterion in criteria:
                        if isinstance(criterion, list):
                            key = criterion[0]
                            logical_operation = criterion[1]
                            value = criterion[2]
                            if key in doc:
                                if logical_operation == DataStore.EQUAL:
                                    if doc[key] == value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.NOT_EQUAL:
                                    if doc[key] != value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.GREATER_THAN:
                                    if doc[key] > value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                                    if doc[key] >= value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.LESS_THAN:
                                    if doc[key] < value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                                elif logical_operation == DataStore.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
                                    if doc[key] <= value:
                                        criteria_satisfied = True
                                        criteria_satisfied = False
                            if criterion == DataStore.AND:
                                # Can shortcut the query at this point if the
                                # previous criterion failed
                                if criteria_satisfied == False:

                    if criteria_satisfied:
                        if association in doc:
                            for id in doc[association]:

            except KeyError:

        results = []
        for id in ids:
            doc = self.read_doc(id, "", datastore_name)

        log.debug('Find results: %s' % str(results))

        if len(results) == 0:
            raise NotFound('No objects matched criteria %s' % criteria)

        return results

    def resolve_idref(self, subject="", predicate="", obj="", datastore_name=""):
        res_list = self.resolve_idref_doc(subject, predicate, obj, datastore_name)

        results = []
        # Convert each returned doc to its associated Ion object
        for item in res_list:
            subject_dict = item[0]
            object_dict = item[2]
            subject = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(subject_dict)
            log.debug('Subject Ion object: %s' % str(subject))
            obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(object_dict)
            log.debug('Object Ion object: %s' % str(obj))
            results.append([subject, item[1], obj])

        return results

    def resolve_idref_doc(self, subject="", predicate="", obj="", datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if subject == "":
            if predicate == "":
                if obj == "":
                    # throw exception
                    raise BadRequest("Data store query does not specify subject, predicate or object")
                    # Find all subjects with any association to object
                    object_doc = self.read_doc(obj, "", datastore_name)
                    res = []
                    all_doc_ids = self.list_objects(datastore_name)
                    for subject_doc_id in all_doc_ids:
                        if subject_doc_id == obj:
                        subject_doc = self.read_doc(subject_doc_id, "", datastore_name)
                        for key in subject_doc:
                            if isinstance(subject_doc[key], list):
                                if obj in subject_doc[key]:
                                    res.append([subject_doc, key, object_doc])
                                if obj == subject_doc[key]:
                                    res.append([subject_doc, key, object_doc])

                    if len(res) == 0:
                        raise NotFound("Data store query for association %s/%s/%s failed" % (subject, predicate, obj))
                        return res
                # Find all subjects with association to object
                object_doc = self.read_doc(obj, "", datastore_name)
                res = []
                all_doc_ids = self.list_objects(datastore_name)
                for subject_doc_id in all_doc_ids:
                    if subject_doc_id == obj:
                    subject_doc = self.read_doc(subject_doc_id, "", datastore_name)
                    if predicate in subject_doc:
                        if obj in subject_doc[predicate]:
                            res.append([subject_doc, predicate, object_doc])

                if len(res) == 0:
                    raise NotFound("Data store query for association %s/%s/%s failed" % (subject, predicate, obj))
                    return res
            if predicate == "":
                if obj == "":
                    # Find all objects with any association to subject
                    # TODO would need some way to indicate a key is an association predicate
                    # Find all associations between subject and object
                    subject_doc = self.read_doc(subject, "", datastore_name)
                    object_doc = self.read_doc(obj, "", datastore_name)
                    res = []
                    for key in subject_doc:
                        if isinstance(subject_doc[key], list):
                            if obj in subject_doc[key]:
                                res.append([subject_doc, key, object_doc])
                            if obj == subject_doc[key]:
                                res.append([subject_doc, key, object_doc])

                    if len(res) == 0:
                        raise NotFound("Data store query for association %s/%s/%s failed" % (subject, predicate, obj))
                        return res
                if obj == "":
                    # Find all associated objects
                    subject_doc = self.read_doc(subject, "", datastore_name)
                    res = []
                    if predicate in subject_doc:
                        for id in subject_doc[predicate]:
                            object_doc = self.read_doc(id, "", datastore_name)
                            res.append([subject_doc, predicate, object_doc])
                        return res
                    raise NotFound("Data store query for association %s/%s/%s failed" % (subject, predicate, obj))
                    # Determine if association exists
                    subject_doc = self.read_doc(subject, "", datastore_name)
                    object_doc = self.read_doc(obj, "", datastore_name)
                    if predicate in subject_doc:
                        if obj in subject_doc[predicate]:
                            return [[subject_doc, predicate, object_doc]]
                    raise NotFound("Data store query for association %s/%s/%s failed" % (subject, predicate, obj))

    def _is_in_association(self, obj_id, datastore_name=""):
        log.debug("_is_in_association(%s)" % obj_id)
        if not obj_id:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object id")

        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                association = obj
                if association["s"] == obj_id or association["o"] == obj_id:
                    log.debug("association found(%s)" % association)
                    return True
        return False

    def find_objects(self, subject, predicate=None, object_type=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_objects(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object_type=%s, id_only=%s" % (subject, predicate, object_type, id_only))
        if not subject:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide subject")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if type(subject) is str:
            subject_id = subject
            if "_id" not in subject:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                subject_id = subject._id
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                if obj['s'] == subject_id:
                    if predicate and obj['p'] == predicate:
                        if (object_type and obj['ot'] == object_type) or not object_type:
                    elif not predicate:

        log.debug("find_objects() found %s objects" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_subjects(self, subject_type=None, predicate=None, obj=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_subjects(subject_type=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, id_only=%s" % (subject_type, predicate, obj, id_only))
        if not obj:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if type(obj) is str:
            object_id = obj
            if "_id" not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                object_id = obj._id
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                if obj['o'] == object_id:
                    if predicate and obj['p'] == predicate:
                        if (subject_type and obj['st'] == subject_type) or not subject_type:
                    elif not predicate:

        log.debug("find_subjects() found %s subjects" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_associations(self, subject=None, predicate=None, obj=None, id_only=True):
        log.debug("find_associations(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s)" % (subject, predicate, obj))
        if subject and obj or predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if subject and obj:
            if type(subject) is str:
                subject_id = subject
                if "_id" not in subject:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available")
                    subject_id = subject._id
            if type(obj) is str:
                object_id = obj
                if "_id" not in obj:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                    object_id = obj._id
            target_list = []
            for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
                if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
                if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                    if obj['s'] == subject_id and obj['o'] == object_id:
            target_list = []
            for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
                if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
                if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                    if obj['p'] == predicate:

        if id_only:
            assocs = [row['_id'] for row in target_list]
            assocs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row) for row in target_list]
        log.debug("find_associations() found %s associations" % (len(assocs)))
        return assocs
    def find_res_by_type(self, restype, lcstate=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(restype=%s, lcstate=%s)" % (restype, lcstate))
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'type_' in obj and (obj['type_'] == restype or (not restype and obj['type_'] != "Association")):
                if (lcstate and 'lcstate' in obj and obj['lcstate'] == lcstate) or not lcstate or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_type() found %s resources" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_res_by_lcstate(self, lcstate, restype=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(lcstate=%s, restype=%s)" % (lcstate, restype))
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if lcstate in ResourceLifeCycleSM.STATE_ALIASES:
            lcstate_match = ResourceLifeCycleSM.STATE_ALIASES[lcstate]
            lcstate_match = [lcstate]
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'lcstate' in obj and obj['lcstate'] in lcstate_match:
                if (restype and obj['type_'] == restype) or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate() found %s resources" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def _pass(self):

    def find_res_by_name(self, name, restype=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_name(name=%s, restype=%s)" % (name, restype))
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'name' in obj and obj['name'] == name:
                if (restype and obj['type_'] == restype) or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_name() found %s resources" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_dir_entries(self, qname):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _ion_object_to_persistence_dict(self, ion_object):
        if ion_object is None: return None

        obj_dict = self._io_serializer.serialize(ion_object)
        return obj_dict

    def _persistence_dict_to_ion_object(self, obj_dict):
        if obj_dict is None: return None

        ion_object = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        return ion_object
Example #27
class PostgresPyonDataStore(PostgresDataStore):
    Base class common to both CouchDB and Couchbase datastores.

    def __init__(self, datastore_name=None, config=None, scope=None, profile=None):
        @param datastore_name  Name of datastore within server. May be scoped to sysname
        @param config  A server config dict with connection params
        @param scope  Prefix for the datastore name (e.g. sysname) to separate multiple systems

        PostgresDataStore.__init__(self, datastore_name=datastore_name,
                                     config=config or CFG.get_safe("server.postgresql"),
                                     profile=profile or DataStore.DS_PROFILE.BASIC,

        # IonObject Serializers
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Couch document operations

    def create(self, obj, object_id=None, attachments=None, datastore_name=""):
        Converts ion objects to python dictionary before persisting them using the optional
        suggested identifier and creates attachments to the object.
        Returns an identifier and revision number of the object
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.create_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),
                                   object_id=object_id, datastore_name=datastore_name,

    def create_mult(self, objects, object_ids=None, allow_ids=None):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.create_doc_mult([self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects], object_ids)

    def update(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.update_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj))

    def update_mult(self, objects):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.update_doc_mult([self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects])

    def read(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name="", object_type=None):
        if not isinstance(object_id, str):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")

        doc = self.read_doc(object_id, rev_id, datastore_name=datastore_name, object_type=object_type)
        obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)

        return obj

    def read_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name="", strict=True):
        if any([not isinstance(object_id, str) for object_id in object_ids]):
            raise BadRequest("Object ids are not string: %s" % str(object_ids))

        docs = self.read_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name, strict=strict)
        obj_list = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc) if doc is not None else None for doc in docs]

        return obj_list

    def delete(self, obj, datastore_name="", object_type=None):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase or string id")
        if type(obj) is str:
            self.delete_doc(obj, datastore_name=datastore_name, object_type=object_type)
            if '_id' not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")
            if '_rev' not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_rev'")
                            datastore_name=datastore_name, object_type=object_type)

    def delete_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=None):
        return self.delete_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # View operations

    def find_objects_mult(self, subjects, id_only=False):
        Returns a list of associations for a given list of subjects
        #ds, datastore_name = self._get_datastore()
        #validate_is_instance(subjects, list, 'subjects is not a list of resource_ids')
        #view_args = dict(keys=subjects, include_docs=True)
        #results = self.query_view(self._get_view_name("association", "by_bulk"), view_args)
        #ids = [i['value'] for i in results]
        #assocs = [i['doc'] for i in results]
        #self._count(find_assocs_mult_call=1, find_assocs_mult_obj=len(ids))
        #if id_only:
        #    return ids, assocs
        #    return self.read_mult(ids), assocs

        # TODO: Port this implementation to Postgres single query
        res_list = [[], []]
        if not subjects:
            return res_list
        for sub in subjects:
            res_ids, res_assocs = self.find_objects(subject=sub, id_only=id_only)
        return res_list

    def find_subjects_mult(self, objects, id_only=False):
        Returns a list of associations for a given list of objects
        #ds, datastore_name = self._get_datastore()
        #validate_is_instance(objects, list, 'objects is not a list of resource_ids')
        #view_args = dict(keys=objects, include_docs=True)
        #results = self.query_view(self._get_view_name("association", "by_subject_bulk"), view_args)
        #ids = [i['value'] for i in results]
        #assocs = [i['doc'] for i in results]
        #self._count(find_assocs_mult_call=1, find_assocs_mult_obj=len(ids))
        #if id_only:
        #    return ids, assocs
        #    return self.read_mult(ids), assocs

        # TODO: Port this implementation to Postgres single query
        res_list = [[], []]
        if not objects:
            return res_list
        for obj in objects:
            res_ids, res_assocs = self.find_subjects(obj=obj, id_only=id_only)
        return res_list

    def find_objects(self, subject, predicate=None, object_type=None, id_only=False, **kwargs):
        #log.debug("find_objects(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object_type=%s, id_only=%s", subject, predicate, object_type, id_only)

        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if not subject:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide subject")
        if object_type and not predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Cannot provide object type without a predicate")

        if type(subject) is str:
            subject_id = subject
            if "_id" not in subject:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                subject_id = subject._id

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs)

        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT o, doc FROM %(dsa)s WHERE retired<>true " % dict(dsa=qual_ds_name+"_assoc")
            query = "SELECT %(ds)s.doc, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.o=%(ds)s.id " % dict(ds=qual_ds_name, dsa=qual_ds_name+"_assoc")
        query_args = dict(s=subject_id, ot=object_type, p=predicate)

        query_clause = "AND s=%(s)s"
        if predicate:
            query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
            if object_type:
                query_clause += " AND ot=%(ot)s"

        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        obj_assocs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows]
        #log.debug("find_objects() found %s objects", len(obj_assocs))
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, obj_assocs
            res_objs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_objs, obj_assocs

    def find_subjects(self, subject_type=None, predicate=None, obj=None, id_only=False, **kwargs):
        #log.debug("find_subjects(subject_type=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, id_only=%s", subject_type, predicate, obj, id_only)

        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if not obj:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object")
        if subject_type and not predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Cannot provide subject type without a predicate")

        if type(obj) is str:
            object_id = obj
            if "_id" not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                object_id = obj._id

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs)

        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT s, doc FROM %(dsa)s WHERE retired<>true " % dict(dsa=qual_ds_name+"_assoc")
            query = "SELECT %(ds)s.doc, %(dsa)s.doc FROM %(dsa)s, %(ds)s WHERE retired<>true AND %(dsa)s.s=%(ds)s.id " % dict(ds=qual_ds_name, dsa=qual_ds_name+"_assoc")
        query_args = dict(o=object_id, st=subject_type, p=predicate)

        query_clause = "AND o=%(o)s"
        if predicate:
            query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
            if subject_type:
                query_clause += " AND st=%(st)s"

        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        obj_assocs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows]
        #log.debug("find_subjects() found %s subjects", len(obj_assocs))
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, obj_assocs
            res_objs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_objs, obj_assocs

    def find_associations(self, subject=None, predicate=None, obj=None, assoc_type=None, id_only=True, anyside=None, **kwargs):
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if not (subject or obj or predicate or anyside):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters: No S/P/O or anyside")
            #if assoc_type:
        #    raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters: assoc_type deprecated")
        if anyside and (subject or obj):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters: anyside cannot be combined with S/O")
        if anyside and predicate and type(anyside) in (list, tuple):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters: anyside list cannot be combined with P")

        subject_id, object_id, anyside_ids = None, None, None
        if subject:
            if type(subject) is str:
                subject_id = subject
                if "_id" not in subject:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                    subject_id = subject._id
        if obj:
            if type(obj) is str:
                object_id = obj
                if "_id" not in obj:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                    object_id = obj._id
        if anyside:
            if type(anyside) is str:
                anyside_ids = [anyside]
            elif type(anyside) in (list, tuple):
                if not all([type(o) in (str, list, tuple) for o in anyside]):
                    raise BadRequest("List of object ids or (object id, predicate) expected")
                anyside_ids = anyside
                if "_id" not in anyside:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in anyside")
                    anyside_ids = [anyside._id]

        #log.debug("find_associations(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, anyside=%s)", subject_id, predicate, object_id, anyside_ids)

        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        table = qual_ds_name + "_assoc"
        view_args = self._get_view_args(kwargs)

        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id FROM " + table
            query = "SELECT id, doc, s, st, p, o, ot FROM " + table
        query_clause = " WHERE retired<>true AND "
        query_args = dict(s=subject_id, o=object_id, p=predicate)

        if subject and obj:
            query_clause += "s=%(s)s AND o=%(o)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif subject:
            query_clause += "s=%(s)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif obj:
            query_clause += "o=%(o)s"
            if predicate:
                query_clause += " AND p=%(p)s"
        elif anyside:
            if predicate:
                query_clause += "p=%(p)s AND (s=%(any)s OR o=%(any)s)"
                query_args["any"] = anyside
            elif type(anyside_ids[0]) is str:
                # keys are IDs of resources
                for i, key in enumerate(anyside_ids):
                    if i > 0:
                        query_clause += " OR "
                    argname = "id%s" % i
                    query_args[argname] = key
                    query_clause += "(s=%("+argname+")s OR o=%("+argname+")s)"
                # keys are tuples of (id, pred)
                for i, (key, pred) in enumerate(anyside_ids):
                    if i > 0:
                        query_clause += " OR "
                    argname_id = "id%s" % i
                    argname_p = "p%s" % i
                    query_args[argname_id] = key
                    query_args[argname_p] = pred
                    query_clause += "(p=%("+argname_p+")s AND (s=%("+argname_id+")s OR o=%("+argname_id+")s))"

        elif predicate:
            if predicate == "*":
                query_clause += "p is not null"
                query_clause += "p=%(p)s"
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments")

        extra_clause = view_args.get("extra_clause", "")
        sql = query + query_clause + extra_clause
        #print "find_associations(): SQL=", sql, query_args
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(sql, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        if id_only:
            assocs = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            assocs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[1]) for row in rows]
        #log.debug("find_associations() found %s associations", len(assocs))

        return assocs

    def _prepare_find_return(self, rows, res_assocs=None, id_only=True, **kwargs):
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids, res_assocs
            res_docs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows]
            return res_docs, res_assocs

    def find_resources(self, restype="", lcstate="", name="", id_only=True):
        return self.find_resources_ext(restype=restype, lcstate=lcstate, name=name, id_only=id_only)

    def find_resources_ext(self, restype="", lcstate="", name="",
                           keyword=None, nested_type=None,
                           attr_name=None, attr_value=None, alt_id=None, alt_id_ns=None,
                           limit=None, skip=None, descending=None, id_only=True):
        filter_kwargs = self._get_view_args(dict(limit=limit, skip=skip, descending=descending))
        if name:
            if lcstate:
                raise BadRequest("find by name does not support lcstate")
            return self.find_res_by_name(name, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif keyword:
            return self.find_res_by_keyword(keyword, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif alt_id or alt_id_ns:
            return self.find_res_by_alternative_id(alt_id, alt_id_ns, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif nested_type:
            return self.find_res_by_nested_type(nested_type, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif restype and attr_name:
            return self.find_res_by_attribute(restype, attr_name, attr_value, id_only=id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif restype and lcstate:
            return self.find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif restype:
            return self.find_res_by_type(restype, lcstate, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif lcstate:
            return self.find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate, restype, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)
        elif not restype and not lcstate and not name:
            return self.find_res_by_type(None, None, id_only, filter=filter_kwargs)

    def find_res_by_type(self, restype, lcstate=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(restype=%s, lcstate=%s)", restype, lcstate)
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if lcstate:
            raise BadRequest('lcstate not supported anymore in find_res_by_type')

        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'RETIRED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, lcstate=lcstate)

        if restype:
            query_clause += "AND type_=%(type_)s"
            # Returns ALL documents, only limited by filter
            query_clause = ""

        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), name=row[1], type=row[2]) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_type() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_lcstate(self, lcstate, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate(lcstate=%s, restype=%s)", lcstate, restype)
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if '_' in lcstate:
            log.warn("Search for compound lcstate restricted to maturity: %s", lcstate)
            lcstate,_ = lcstate.split("_", 1)
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, availability FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, lcstate, availability, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, lcstate=lcstate)

        is_maturity = lcstate not in CommonResourceLifeCycleSM.AVAILABILITY
        if is_maturity:
            query_clause += "lcstate=%(lcstate)s"
            query_clause += "availability=%(lcstate)s"

        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), name=row[1], type=row[2], lcstate=row[3] if is_maturity else row[4]) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_name(self, name, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_name(name=%s, restype=%s)", name, restype)
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, name, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'RETIRED' "
        query_args = dict(name=name, type_=restype)

        query_clause += "AND name=%(name)s"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), name=row[1], type=row[2]) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_name() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))

        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_keyword(self, keyword, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_keyword(keyword=%s, restype=%s)", keyword, restype)
        if not keyword or type(keyword) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument keyword illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'RETIRED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, kw=[keyword])

        query_clause += "AND %(kw)s <@ json_keywords(doc)"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), type=row[1], keyword=keyword) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_keyword() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_nested_type(self, nested_type, restype=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_nested_type(nested_type=%s, restype=%s)", nested_type, restype)
        if not nested_type or type(nested_type) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument nested_type illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_ FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'RETIRED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, nest=[nested_type])

        query_clause += "AND %(nest)s <@ json_nested(doc)"
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), type=row[1], nested_type=nested_type) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_nested_type() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_attribute(self, restype, attr_name, attr_value=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_attribute(restype=%s, attr_name=%s, attr_value=%s)", restype, attr_name, attr_value)
        if not attr_name or type(attr_name) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument attr_name illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        if id_only:
            query = "SELECT id, type_, json_specialattr(doc) FROM " + qual_ds_name
            query = "SELECT id, type_, json_specialattr(doc), doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'RETIRED' "
        query_args = dict(type_=restype, att=attr_name, val=attr_value)

        if attr_value is not None:
            query_clause += "AND json_specialattr(doc)=%(spc)s"
            query_args['spc'] = "%s=%s" % (attr_name, attr_value)
            query_clause += "AND json_specialattr(doc) LIKE %(spc)s"
            query_args['spc'] = "%s=%%" % (attr_name, )
        if restype:
            query_clause += " AND type_=%(type_)s"

        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        res_assocs = [dict(id=self._prep_id(row[0]), type=row[1], attr_name=attr_name, attr_value=row[2].split("=",1)[-1]) for row in rows]
        log.debug("find_res_by_attribute() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_res_by_alternative_id(self, alt_id=None, alt_id_ns=None, id_only=False, filter=None):
        log.debug("find_res_by_alternative_id(restype=%s, alt_id_ns=%s)", alt_id, alt_id_ns)
        if alt_id and type(alt_id) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument alt_id illegal')
        if alt_id_ns and type(alt_id_ns) is not str:
            raise BadRequest('Argument alt_id_ns illegal')
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        filter = filter if filter is not None else {}
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()
        #if id_only:
        #    query = "SELECT id, x[1], x[2] FROM (SELECT json_altids(doc) as x, * FROM " + qual_ds_name + ") AS A"
        #    query = "SELECT id, x[1], x[2], doc FROM (SELECT json_altids(doc) as x, * FROM " + qual_ds_name + ") AS A"
        #query_args = dict(aid=alt_id, ans=alt_id_ns)
        #query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'RETIRED' "
        #if not alt_id and not alt_id_ns:
        #    query_clause += " "
        #elif alt_id and not alt_id_ns:
        #    query_clause += " AND x[2]=%(aid)s"
        #elif alt_id_ns and not alt_id:
        #    query_clause += " AND x[1]=%(ans)s"
        #    query_clause += " AND x[1]=%(ans)s AND x[2]=%(aid)s"

        query = "SELECT id, type_, doc FROM " + qual_ds_name
        query_args = dict(aid=[alt_id], ans=[alt_id_ns])
        query_clause = " WHERE lcstate<>'RETIRED' "

        if not alt_id and not alt_id_ns:
            query_clause += "AND json_altids_ns(doc) is not null"
        elif alt_id and not alt_id_ns:
            query_clause += "AND %(aid)s <@ json_altids_id(doc)"
        elif alt_id_ns and not alt_id:
            query_clause += "AND %(ans)s <@ json_altids_ns(doc)"
            query_clause += "AND %(aid)s <@ json_altids_id(doc) AND %(ans)s <@ json_altids_ns(doc)"

        extra_clause = filter.get("extra_clause", "")
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(query + query_clause + extra_clause, query_args)
            rows = cur.fetchall()

        # Need to fake the return format of the Couch view for alt_ids. One record per alt_id, not one per resource.
        res_assocs = []
        res_rows = []
        for row in rows:
            doc_id = self._prep_id(row[0])
            doc = row[-1]
            for aid in doc.get("alt_ids", []):
                aid_parts = aid.split(":", 1)
                aid_ns = aid_parts[0] if len(aid_parts)>1 else "_"
                aid_id = aid_parts[-1]
                if alt_id_ns and alt_id:
                    if alt_id_ns == aid_ns and alt_id == aid_id:
                        res_assocs.append(dict(id=doc_id, alt_id_ns=aid_ns, alt_id=aid_id))
                        res_rows.append((doc_id, doc))
                elif (not alt_id_ns and not alt_id) or (alt_id_ns and alt_id_ns == aid_ns) or (alt_id and alt_id == aid_id):
                    res_assocs.append(dict(id=doc_id, alt_id_ns=aid_ns, alt_id=aid_id))
                    res_rows.append((doc_id, doc))

        log.debug("find_res_by_alternative_id() found %s objects", len(res_assocs))
        return self._prepare_find_return(res_rows, res_assocs, id_only=id_only)

    def find_by_view(self, design_name, view_name, key=None, keys=None, start_key=None, end_key=None,
                     id_only=True, convert_doc=True, **kwargs):
        Generic find function using a defined index
        @param design_name  design document
        @param view_name  view name
        @param key  specific key to find
        @param keys  list of keys to find
        @param start_key  find range start value
        @param end_key  find range end value
        @param id_only  if True, the 4th element of each triple is the document
        @param convert_doc  if True, make IonObject out of doc
        @retval Returns a list of 3-tuples: (document id, index key, index value or document)
        res_rows = self.find_docs_by_view(design_name=design_name, view_name=view_name, key=key, keys=keys,
                                          start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, id_only=id_only, **kwargs)

        res_rows = [(rid, key,
                     self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc) if convert_doc and isinstance(doc, dict) else doc)
                    for rid, key, doc in res_rows]

        log.debug("find_by_view() found %s objects" % (len(res_rows)))
        return res_rows

    def find_resources_mult(self, query):
        Find resources given a datastore query expression dict.
        @param query  a dict representation of a datastore query
        @retval  list of resource ids or resource objects matching query (dependent on id_only value)
        qual_ds_name = self._get_datastore_name()

        pqb = PostgresQueryBuilder(query, qual_ds_name)
        with self.pool.cursor(**self.cursor_args) as cur:
            cur.execute(pqb.get_query(), pqb.get_values())
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            log.info("find_resources_mult() QUERY: %s (%s rows)", cur.query, cur.rowcount)

        id_only = query["query_args"].get("id_only", True)
        if id_only:
            res_ids = [self._prep_id(row[0]) for row in rows]
            return res_ids
            res_docs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row[-1]) for row in rows]
            return res_docs

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Internal operations

    def _ion_object_to_persistence_dict(self, ion_object):
        if ion_object is None:
            return None

        obj_dict = self._io_serializer.serialize(ion_object)
        return obj_dict

    def _persistence_dict_to_ion_object(self, obj_dict):
        if obj_dict is None:
            return None

        ion_object = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        return ion_object
Example #28
class MockDB_DataStore(DataStore):
    Data store implementation utilizing in-memory dict of dicts
    to persist documents.

    def __init__(self, datastore_name='prototype'):
        self.datastore_name = datastore_name
        log.debug('Creating in-memory dict of dicts that will simulate data stores')
        self.root = {}

        # serializers
        self._io_serializer     = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer   = IonObjectDeserializer(obj_registry=get_obj_registry())

    def create_datastore(self, datastore_name="", create_indexes=True):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.info('Creating data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if self.datastore_exists(datastore_name):
            raise BadRequest("Data store with name %s already exists" % datastore_name)
        if datastore_name not in self.root:
            self.root[datastore_name] = {}

    def delete_datastore(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.info('Deleting data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if datastore_name in self.root:
            del self.root[datastore_name]
            log.info('Data store %s does not exist' % datastore_name)

    def list_datastores(self):
        log.debug('Listing all data stores')
        dsList = self.root.keys()
        log.debug('Data stores: %s' % str(dsList))
        return dsList

    def info_datastore(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing information about data store %s' % datastore_name)
        if datastore_name in self.root:
            info = 'Data store exists'
            raise BadRequest("Data store with name %s does not exist" % datastore_name)
        log.debug('Data store info: %s' % str(info))
        return info

    def datastore_exists(self, datastore_name=""):
        return datastore_name in self.root

    def list_objects(self, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing all objects in data store %s' % datastore_name)
        objs = []
        for key, value in self.root[datastore_name].items():
            if key.find('_version_counter') == -1 and key.find('_version_') == -1:
        log.debug('Objects: %s' % str(objs))
        return objs

    def list_object_revisions(self, object_id, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        log.debug('Listing all versions of object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
        res = []
        for key, value in self.root[datastore_name].items():
            if (key.find('_version_counter') == -1
                and (key.find(object_id + '_version_') == 0)):
        log.debug('Versions: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def create(self, obj, object_id=None, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.create_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),
                               object_id=object_id, datastore_name=datastore_name)

    def create_doc(self, doc, object_id=None, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        if '_id' in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must not have '_id'")
        if '_rev' in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must not have '_rev'")
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if object_id:
            if object_id in datastore_dict:
                raise BadRequest("Object with id %s already exist" % object_id)

        # Assign an id to doc
        doc["_id"] = object_id or uuid4().hex
        object_id = doc["_id"]

        log.debug('Creating new object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, object_id))

        # Create key for version counter entry.  Will be used
        # on update to increment version number easily.
        version_counter_key = '__' + object_id + '_version_counter'
        version_counter = 1

        # Assign initial version to doc
        doc["_rev"] = str(version_counter)

        # Write HEAD, version and version counter dicts
        datastore_dict[object_id] = doc
        datastore_dict[version_counter_key] = version_counter
        datastore_dict[object_id + '_version_' + str(version_counter)] = doc

        # Return list that identifies the id of the new doc and its version
        res = [object_id, str(version_counter)]
        log.debug('Create result: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def create_mult(self, objects, object_ids=None):
        if any([not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) for obj in objects]):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.create_doc_mult([self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj) for obj in objects],

    def create_doc_mult(self, docs, object_ids=None):
        if any(["_id" in doc for doc in docs]):
            raise BadRequest("Docs must not have '_id'")
        if any(["_rev" in doc for doc in docs]):
            raise BadRequest("Docs must not have '_rev'")
        if object_ids and len(object_ids) != len(docs):
            raise BadRequest("Invalid object_ids")

        # Assign an id to doc (recommended in CouchDB documentation)
        object_ids = object_ids or [uuid4().hex for i in xrange(len(docs))]

        res = []
        for doc, oid in zip(docs, object_ids):
            oid,rev = self.create_doc(doc, oid)
        return res

    def read(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(object_id, str):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")
        doc = self.read_doc(object_id, rev_id, datastore_name)

        # Convert doc into Ion object
        obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)
        log.debug('Ion object: %s' % str(obj))
        return obj

    def read_doc(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

            key = object_id
            if rev_id != None and rev_id != "":
                log.debug('Reading version %s of object %s/%s' % (str(rev_id), datastore_name, str(object_id)))
                key += '_version_' + str(rev_id)
                log.debug('Reading head version of object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
            doc = datastore_dict[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' % str(object_id))
        log.debug('Read result: %s' % str(doc))
        return doc

    def read_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=""):
        if any([not isinstance(object_id, str) for object_id in object_ids]):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")
        docs = self.read_doc_mult(object_ids, datastore_name)
        # Convert docs into Ion objects
        obj_list = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc) for doc in docs]
        return obj_list

    def read_doc_mult(self, object_ids, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        doc_list = []
            for object_id in object_ids:
                log.debug('Reading head version of object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, str(object_id)))
                doc = datastore_dict[object_id]

        except KeyError:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' % str(object_id))
        return doc_list

    def update(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.update_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj))

    def update_doc(self, doc, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
        if '_id' not in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")
        if '_rev' not in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_rev'")
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

            object_id = doc["_id"]

            # Find the next doc version
            version_counter_key = '__' + object_id + '_version_counter'
            baseVersion = doc["_rev"]
            version_counter = datastore_dict[version_counter_key] + 1
            if baseVersion != str(version_counter - 1):
                raise Conflict('Object not based on most current version')
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest("Object missing required _id and/or _rev values")

        log.debug('Saving new version of object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, doc["_id"]))
        doc["_rev"] = str(version_counter)

        # Overwrite HEAD and version counter dicts, add new version dict
        datastore_dict[object_id] = doc
        datastore_dict[version_counter_key] = version_counter
        datastore_dict[object_id + '_version_' + str(version_counter)] = doc
        res = [object_id, str(version_counter)]
        log.debug('Update result: %s' % str(res))
        return res

    def delete(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase or string id")
        if type(obj) is str:
            return self.delete_doc(obj, datastore_name=datastore_name)
        return self.delete_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj), datastore_name=datastore_name)

    def delete_doc(self, doc, datastore_name=""):
        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if type(doc) is str:
            object_id = doc
            object_id = doc["_id"]
        log.info('Deleting object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, object_id))
        if object_id in datastore_dict.keys():

            if self._is_in_association(object_id, datastore_name):
                obj = self.read(object_id, "", datastore_name)
                log.warn("XXXXXXX Attempt to delete object %s that still has associations" % str(obj))
#                raise BadRequest("Object cannot be deleted until associations are broken")

            # Find all version dicts and delete them
            for key in datastore_dict.keys():
                if key.find(object_id + '_version_') == 0:
                    del datastore_dict[key]
            # Delete the HEAD dict
            del datastore_dict[object_id]
            # Delete the version counter dict
            del datastore_dict['__' + object_id + '_version_counter']
            raise NotFound('Object with id ' + object_id + ' does not exist.')
        log.info('Delete result: True')

    def _is_in_association(self, obj_id, datastore_name=""):
        log.debug("_is_in_association(%s)" % obj_id)
        if not obj_id:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object id")

        if not datastore_name:
            datastore_name = self.datastore_name
            datastore_dict = self.root[datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                association = obj
                if association["s"] == obj_id or association["o"] == obj_id:
                    log.debug("association found(%s)" % association)
                    return True
        return False

    def find_objects(self, subject, predicate=None, object_type=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_objects(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object_type=%s, id_only=%s" % (subject, predicate, object_type, id_only))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if not subject:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide subject")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if type(subject) is str:
            subject_id = subject
            if "_id" not in subject:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                subject_id = subject._id
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                if obj['s'] == subject_id:
                    if predicate and obj['p'] == predicate:
                        if (object_type and obj['ot'] == object_type) or not object_type:
                    elif not predicate:

        log.debug("find_objects() found %s objects" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_subjects(self, subject_type=None, predicate=None, obj=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_subjects(subject_type=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, id_only=%s" % (subject_type, predicate, obj, id_only))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if not obj:
            raise BadRequest("Must provide object")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if type(obj) is str:
            object_id = obj
            if "_id" not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                object_id = obj._id
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                if obj['o'] == object_id:
                    if predicate and obj['p'] == predicate:
                        if (subject_type and obj['st'] == subject_type) or not subject_type:
                    elif not predicate:

        log.debug("find_subjects() found %s subjects" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_associations(self, subject=None, predicate=None, obj=None, assoc_type=None, id_only=True):
        log.debug("find_associations(subject=%s, predicate=%s, object=%s, assoc_type=%s)" % (subject, predicate, obj, assoc_type))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
        if subject and obj or predicate:
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parameters")
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if subject and obj:
            if type(subject) is str:
                subject_id = subject
                if "_id" not in subject:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in subject")
                    subject_id = subject._id
            if type(obj) is str:
                object_id = obj
                if "_id" not in obj:
                    raise BadRequest("Object id not available in object")
                    object_id = obj._id
            target_list = []
            for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
                if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
                if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                    if obj['s'] == subject_id and obj['o'] == object_id:
                        if assoc_type:
                            if obj['at'] == assoc_type:
            target_list = []
            for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
                if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
                if 'type_' in obj and obj['type_'] == "Association":
                    if obj['p'] == predicate:

        if id_only:
            assocs = [row['_id'] for row in target_list]
            assocs = [self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(row) for row in target_list]
        log.debug("find_associations() found %s associations" % (len(assocs)))
        return assocs
    def find_res_by_type(self, restype, lcstate=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(restype=%s, lcstate=%s)" % (restype, lcstate))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'type_' in obj and (obj['type_'] == restype or (not restype and obj['type_'] != "Association")):
                if (lcstate and 'lcstate' in obj and obj['lcstate'] == lcstate) or not lcstate or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_type() found %s resources" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_res_by_lcstate(self, lcstate, restype=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_type(lcstate=%s, restype=%s)" % (lcstate, restype))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        if lcstate in CommonResourceLifeCycleSM.STATE_ALIASES:
            lcstate_match = CommonResourceLifeCycleSM.STATE_ALIASES[lcstate]
            lcstate_match = [lcstate]
        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'lcstate' in obj and obj['lcstate'] in lcstate_match:
                if (restype and obj['type_'] == restype) or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_lcstate() found %s resources" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def _pass(self):

    def find_res_by_name(self, name, restype=None, id_only=False):
        log.debug("find_res_by_name(name=%s, restype=%s)" % (name, restype))
        if type(id_only) is not bool:
            raise BadRequest('id_only must be type bool, not %s' % type(id_only))
            datastore_dict = self.root[self.datastore_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Data store ' + self.datastore_name + ' does not exist.')

        assoc_list = []
        target_id_list = []
        target_list = []
        for objname,obj in datastore_dict.iteritems():
            if (objname.find('_version_')>0) or (not type(obj) is dict): continue
            if 'name' in obj and obj['name'] == name:
                if (restype and obj['type_'] == restype) or not restype:

        log.debug("find_res_by_name() found %s resources" % (len(target_list)))
        if id_only:
            return (target_id_list, assoc_list)
            return (target_list, assoc_list)

    def find_dir_entries(self, qname):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _ion_object_to_persistence_dict(self, ion_object):
        if ion_object is None: return None

        obj_dict = self._io_serializer.serialize(ion_object)
        return obj_dict

    def _persistence_dict_to_ion_object(self, obj_dict):
        if obj_dict is None: return None

        ion_object = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        return ion_object
Example #29
class FileDataStore(object):
    def __init__(self, container, datastore_name=""):
        self.container = container
        self.datastore_name = datastore_name

        # Object serialization/deserialization
        self._io_serializer = IonObjectSerializer()
        self._io_deserializer = IonObjectDeserializer(

    def start(self):
        if self.container.has_capability(self.container.CCAP.FILE_SYSTEM):
            self.datastore_dir = FileSystem.get_url(FS.FILESTORE,
            self.datastore_dir = "./tmp/%s" % self.datastore_name

    def stop(self):

    def _get_filename(self, object_id):
        return "%s/%s" % (self.datastore_dir, object_id)

    def create(self, obj, object_id=None, attachments=None, datastore_name=""):
        Converts ion objects to python dictionary before persisting them using the optional
        suggested identifier and creates attachments to the object.
        Returns an identifier and revision number of the object
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")

        return self.create_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj),

    def create_doc(self,
        Persists the document using the optionally suggested doc_id, and creates attachments to it.
        Returns the identifier and version number of the document
        if '_id' in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must not have '_id'")

        # Assign an id to doc (recommended in CouchDB documentation)
        doc["_id"] = object_id or uuid4().hex
        log.debug('Creating new object %s/%s' % (datastore_name, doc["_id"]))
        log.debug('create doc contents: %s', doc)

        filename = self._get_filename(doc["_id"])
        doc_json = json.dumps(doc)
        with open(filename, "w") as f:

        return doc["_id"], 1

    def update(self, obj, datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
            raise BadRequest("Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase")
        return self.update_doc(self._ion_object_to_persistence_dict(obj))

    def update_doc(self, doc, datastore_name=""):
        if '_id' not in doc:
            raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")

        log.debug('update doc contents: %s', doc)
        filename = self._get_filename(doc["_id"])
        doc_json = json.dumps(doc)
        with open(filename, "w") as f:

        return doc["_id"], 2

    def read(self, object_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        if not isinstance(object_id, str):
            raise BadRequest("Object id param is not string")
        doc = self.read_doc(object_id, rev_id, datastore_name)

        # Convert doc into Ion object
        obj = self._persistence_dict_to_ion_object(doc)
        log.debug('Ion object: %s', str(obj))
        return obj

    def read_doc(self, doc_id, rev_id="", datastore_name=""):
        log.debug('Reading head version of object %s/%s', datastore_name,
        filename = self._get_filename(doc_id)
        doc = None
        with open(filename, "r") as f:
            doc_json = f.read()
            doc = json.loads(doc_json)
        if doc is None:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' % str(doc_id))
        log.debug('read doc contents: %s', doc)
        return doc

    def delete(self, obj, datastore_name="", del_associations=False):
        if not isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase) and not isinstance(obj, str):
            raise BadRequest(
                "Obj param is not instance of IonObjectBase or string id")
        if type(obj) is str:
            if '_id' not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Doc must have '_id'")

    def delete_doc(self, doc, datastore_name="", del_associations=False):
        doc_id = doc if type(doc) is str else doc["_id"]
        log.debug('Deleting object %s/%s', datastore_name, doc_id)
        filename = self._get_filename(doc_id)

        except OSError:
            raise NotFound('Object with id %s does not exist.' % doc_id)

    def _ion_object_to_persistence_dict(self, ion_object):
        if ion_object is None: return None

        obj_dict = self._io_serializer.serialize(ion_object)
        return obj_dict

    def _persistence_dict_to_ion_object(self, obj_dict):
        if obj_dict is None: return None

        ion_object = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(obj_dict)
        return ion_object