class ServiceObjectGenerator:
     Generates service definitions
    object_references = {}
    enums_by_name = {}
    currtime = str(

    def __init__(self, system_name=None, read_from_yaml_file=False):
        self.system_name = system_name
        self.read_from_yaml_file = read_from_yaml_file
        self.service_definitions_filename = OrderedDict()

    def generate(self, opts):
        Generates services
        service_dir, interface_dir = 'obj/services', 'interface'
        data_yaml_text = self.get_object_definition()
        service_yaml_text = self.get_service_definition()
        enum_tag = u'!enum'
        self.opts = opts


        rpv_convos_enabled = CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.endpoint.rpc_conversation_enabled', False)
        print 'RPC conversations enabled: %s' % rpv_convos_enabled

        def enum_constructor(loader, node):
            val_str = str(node.value)
            val_str = val_str[1:-1].strip()
            if 'name' in val_str:
                name_str = val_str.split(',', 1)[0].split('=')[1].strip()
                return "!" + str(name_str)
                return "Enum Name Not Provided"

        yaml.add_constructor(enum_tag, enum_constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)
        #yaml_files = list_files_recursive('obj/data', '*.yml', ['ion.yml', 'resource.yml'])
        #yaml_text = '\n\n'.join(( for file in (open(path, 'r') for path in yaml_files if os.path.exists(path))))

        # Now walk the data model definition yaml files adding the
        # necessary yaml constructors.
        defs = yaml.load_all(data_yaml_text, Loader=IonYamlLoader)
        def_dict = {}
        for def_set in defs:
            for name, _def in def_set.iteritems():
                if isinstance(_def, OrderedDict):
                    def_dict[name] = _def
                tag = u'!%s' % (name)

                def constructor(loader, node):
                    value = node.tag.strip('!')
                    # See if this is an enum ref
                    if value in self.enums_by_name:
                        return {"__IsEnum": True, "value": value + "." + self.enums_by_name[value]["default"], "type": value}
                        return str(value) + "()"
                yaml.add_constructor(tag, constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)

                xtag = u'!Extends_%s' % (name)

                def extends_constructor(loader, node):
                    if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
                        value = loader.construct_mapping(node)
                        value = {}
                    return value
                yaml.add_constructor(xtag, extends_constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)

        # Do the same for any data model objects in the service
        # definition files.
        defs = yaml.load_all(service_yaml_text, Loader=IonYamlLoader)
        for def_set in defs:
            for name, _def in def_set.get('obj', {}).iteritems():
                if isinstance(_def, OrderedDict):
                    def_dict[name] = _def
                tag = u'!%s' % (name)

                def constructor(loader, node):
                    value = node.tag.strip('!')
                    # See if this is an enum ref
                    if value in self.enums_by_name:
                        return {"__IsEnum": True, "value": value + "." + self.enums_by_name[value]["default"], "type": value}
                        return str(value) + "()"
                yaml.add_constructor(tag, constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)

                xtag = u'!Extends_%s' % (name)

                def extends_constructor(loader, node):
                    if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
                        value = loader.construct_mapping(node)
                        value = {}
                    return value
                yaml.add_constructor(xtag, extends_constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)

        yaml_text = data_yaml_text

        # Load data yaml files in case services define interfaces
        # in terms of common data objects
        defs = yaml.load_all(yaml_text, Loader=IonYamlLoader)
        for def_set in defs:
            for name, _def in def_set.iteritems():
                tag = u'!%s' % (name)
                yaml.add_constructor(tag, self.doc_tag_constructor)
                xtag = u'!Extends_%s' % (name)
                yaml.add_constructor(xtag, lambda loader, node: {})

        svc_signatures = {}
        sigfile = os.path.join('interface', '.svc_signatures.yml')
        if os.path.exists(sigfile):
            with open(sigfile, 'r') as f:
                cnts =
                svc_signatures = yaml.load(cnts)

        count = 0

        # mapping of service name -> { name, docstring, deps, methods }
        raw_services = {}

        # dependency graph, maps svcs -> deps by service name as a list
        service_dep_graph = {}

        # completed service client definitions, maps service name -> full module path to find module
        client_defs = {}

        yaml_file_re = re.compile('(obj)/(.*)[.](yml)')
        # Generate the new definitions, for now giving each
        # yaml file its own python service
        # service_definition_file_path = self.get_service_definition_file_path(service_dir)
        for yaml_file in self.get_service_definition_file_path(service_dir):
            file_path = yaml_file_re.match(yaml_file).group(2)
            interface_base, interface_name = os.path.dirname(file_path), os.path.basename(file_path)
            interface_file = os.path.join('interface', interface_base, '' % interface_name)
            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(interface_file)
            if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
                parent = parent_dir
                while True:
                    # Add files to parent dirs as necessary
                    curdir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(parent))[1]
                    if curdir == 'services':
                        parent = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(parent))[0]

                        pkg_file = os.path.join(parent, '')
                        if not self.opts.dryrun and not os.path.exists(pkg_file):
                            open(pkg_file, 'w').close()

            pkg_file = os.path.join(parent_dir, '')
            if not self.opts.dryrun and not os.path.exists(pkg_file):
                open(pkg_file, 'w').close()

            skip_file = False
            yaml_text = self.get_yaml_text(yaml_file)
            if (yaml_text):
                #yaml_text =
                m = hashlib.md5()
                cur_md5 = m.hexdigest()

                if yaml_file in svc_signatures and not opts.force:
                    if cur_md5 == svc_signatures[yaml_file]:
                        print "Skipping   %40s (md5 signature match)" % interface_name
                        skip_file = True
                        # do not continue here, we want to read the service deps below

                if opts.dryrun:
                    count += 1
                    print "Changed    %40s (needs update)" % interface_name
                    skip_file = True
                    # do not continue here, we want to read the service deps below

                # update signature set
                if not skip_file:
                    svc_signatures[yaml_file] = cur_md5

            defs = yaml.load_all(yaml_text)
            for def_set in defs:
                # Handle object definitions first; make dummy constructors so tags will parse
                if 'obj' in def_set:
                    for obj_name in def_set['obj']:
                        tag = u'!%s' % (obj_name)
                        yaml.add_constructor(tag, self.doc_tag_constructor)

                service_name = def_set.get('name', None)
                class_docstring = def_set.get('docstring', "class docstring")
                spec = def_set.get('spec', None)
                dependencies = def_set.get('dependencies', None)
                meth_list = def_set.get('methods', {}) or {}
                client_path = ('.'.join(['interface', interface_base.replace('/', '.'), 'i%s' % interface_name]), '%sProcessClient' % self.service_name_from_file_name(interface_name))

                # format multiline docstring
                class_docstring_lines = class_docstring.split('\n')

                # Annoyingly, we have to hand format the doc strings to introduce
                # the correct indentation on multi-line strings
                first_time = True
                class_docstring_formatted = ""
                for i in range(len(class_docstring_lines)):
                    class_docstring_line = class_docstring_lines[i]
                    # Potentially remove excess blank line
                    if class_docstring_line == "" and i == len(class_docstring_lines) - 1:
                    if first_time:
                        first_time = False
                        class_docstring_formatted += "\n    "
                    class_docstring_formatted += class_docstring_line

                # load into raw_services (if we're not skipping)
                if not skip_file:
                    if service_name in raw_services:
                        raise StandardError("Duplicate service name found: %s" % service_name)

                    raw_services[service_name] = {'name': service_name,
                                                  'docstring': class_docstring_formatted,
                                                  'spec': spec,
                                                  'dependencies': dependencies,
                                                  'methods': meth_list,
                                                  'interface_file': interface_file,
                                                  'interface_name': interface_name,
                                                  'client_path': client_path}

                # dep capturing (we check cycles when we topologically sort later)
                if not service_name in service_dep_graph:
                    service_dep_graph[service_name] = set()

                for dep in dependencies:

                # update list of client paths for the client to this service
                client_defs[service_name] = client_path

        print " About to generate", len(raw_services), "service interfaces"

        # topological sort of services to make sure we do things in order
        sorted_services = []
        service_set = set([k for k, v in service_dep_graph.iteritems() if len(v) == 0])

        while len(service_set) > 0:
            n = service_set.pop()

            # topo sort is over the whole dep tree, but raw_services only contains the stuff we're really generating
            # so if it doesn't exist in raw_services, don't bother!
            if n in raw_services:
                sorted_services.append((n, raw_services[n]))

            # get list of all services that depend on the current service
            depending_services = [k for k, v in service_dep_graph.iteritems() if n in v]

            for depending_service in depending_services:

                # remove this dep

                # if it has no more deps, add it to the service_set list
                if len(service_dep_graph[depending_service]) == 0:

        # ok, check for any remaining deps that we never found - indicates a cycle
        remaining_deps = set([k for k, v in service_dep_graph.iteritems() if len(v) > 0])
        if len(remaining_deps):
            print >> sys.stderr, "**********************************************************************"
            print >> sys.stderr, "Error in dependency resolution: either a cycle or a missing dependency"
            print >> sys.stderr, "Service -> Conflicting Dependency table:"
            for k, v in service_dep_graph.iteritems():
                if len(v) == 0:
                print >> sys.stderr, "\t", k, "->", ",".join(v)
            print >> sys.stderr, "**********************************************************************"
            raise StandardError("Cycle found in dependencies: could not resolve %s" % str(remaining_deps))

        for svc in sorted_services:
            svc_name, raw_def = svc
            self.generate_service(raw_def['interface_file'], raw_def, client_defs, opts, rpv_convos_enabled)
            count += 1

        if count > 0 and not opts.dryrun:

            # write current svc_signatures
            print " Writing signature file to", sigfile
            with open(sigfile, 'w') as f:

            # Load interface base classes
            self.load_mods("interface/services", True)
            base_subtypes = self.find_subtypes(BaseService)
            # Load impl classes
            self.load_mods("ion", False)

            # write client public file
            # @TODO: reenable when 'as' directory goes away
            clientfile = os.path.join('interface', '')
            print "Writing public client file to", clientfile

            with open(clientfile, 'w') as f:
                                                            client_imports="\n".join([templates['dep_client_imports'].substitute(clientmodule=x[0], clientclass=x[1]) for x in client_defs.itervalues()])))

        exitcode = 0

        # only exit with 1 if we notice changes, and we specified dryrun
        if count > 0 and opts.dryrun:
            exitcode = 1

        return exitcode

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Helpers

    def build_class_doc_string(self, base_doc_str, _def_spec):
        Builds class document string
        doc_str = base_doc_str

        if _def_spec:
            first_time = True
            for url in _def_spec.split(' '):
                if first_time:
                    doc_str += '\n'
                    first_time = False
                doc_str += "\n    @see " + url
            return doc_str

    def _get_default(self, v):
        if type(v) is str:
            if v.startswith("!"):
                val = v.strip("!")
                if val in self.enums_by_name:
                    # Get default enum value
                    enum_def = self.enums_by_name[val]
                    val = "interface.objects." + val + "." + enum_def["default"]
                    val = "None"
                val = "'%s'" % (v)
            return val
        elif type(v) in (int, long, float):
            return str(v)
        elif type(v) is bool:
            return "True" if v else "False"
            return "None"

    def find_object_reference(self, arg):
        for obj, node in self.object_references.iteritems():
            if node.find(arg) > -1:
                return obj

        return "dict"

    def build_exception_doc_html(self, _def):
        # Handle case where method has no parameters
        args = []

        for key, val in (_def or {}).iteritems():
            args.append(html_doc_templates['exception'].substitute(type=key, description=val))

        args_str = ''.join(args)
        return args_str

    def build_args_doc_html(self, _def):
        # Handle case where method has no parameters
        args = []

        for key, val in (_def or {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                val = "datetime"
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                val = self.find_object_reference(key)
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                val = "list"
                val = str(type(val)).replace("<type '", "").replace("'>", "")
            args.append(html_doc_templates['arg'].substitute(name=key, val=val))

        args_str = ''.join(args)
        return args_str

    def build_args_doc_string(self, base_doc_str, _def_spec, _def_in, _def_out, _def_throws):
        doc_str = base_doc_str

        if _def_spec:
            first_time = True
            for url in _def_spec.split(' '):
                if first_time:
                    doc_str += '\n'
                    first_time = False
                doc_str += templates['at_see'].substitute(link=url)

        first_time = True
        for key, val in (_def_in or {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, basestring):
                if val.startswith("!"):
                    val = val.strip("!")
                    val = 'str'
            elif isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                val = "datetime"
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                val = self.find_object_reference(key)
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                val = "list"
                val = str(type(val)).replace("<type '", "").replace("'>", "")
            if first_time:
                doc_str += '\n'
                first_time = False
            doc_str += templates['at_param'].substitute(in_name=key, in_type=val)

        for key, val in (_def_out or {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, basestring):
                if val.startswith("!"):
                    val = val.strip("!")
                    val = 'str'
            elif isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                val = "datetime"
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                val = self.find_object_reference(key)
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                val = "list"
                val = str(type(val)).replace("<type '", "").replace("'>", "")
            if first_time:
                doc_str += '\n'
                first_time = False
            doc_str += templates['at_return'].substitute(out_name=key, out_type=val)

        if _def_throws:
            for key, val in (_def_throws or {}).iteritems():
                if first_time:
                    doc_str += '\n'
                    first_time = False
                doc_str += templates['at_throws'].substitute(except_name=key, except_info=val)
        return doc_str

    def doc_tag_constructor(self, loader, node):
        This method is only used for the tags which represent resource objects in the YAML. It still returns a dict object,
        however, it keeps a dict of object names and a reference to the line in the yaml so that it can be found later
        for generating HMTL doc. This probably is only a 90% solution
        for key_node, value_node in node.value:
            print key_node, " = ", value_node

        self.object_references[str(node.tag[1:])] = str(node.start_mark)
        return str(node.tag)

    def service_name_from_file_name(self, file_name):
        Construct service name from file name
        file_name = os.path.basename(file_name).split('.', 1)[0]
        return file_name.title().replace('_', '').replace('-', '')

    def find_subtypes(self, clz):
        Finds subtype
        res = []
        for cls in clz.__subclasses__():
            assert hasattr(cls, 'name'), 'Service class must define name value. Service class in error: %s' % cls
        return res

    def generate_service(self, interface_file, svc_def, client_defs, opts, rpv_convos_enabled):
        Generates a single service/client/interface definition.

        @param  interface_file      The file on disk this def should be written to.
        @param  svc_def             Hash of info about service.
        @param  client_defs         Static mapping of service names to their defined clients.
        service_name = svc_def['name']
        class_docstring = svc_def['docstring']
        class_spec = svc_def['spec']
        dependencies = svc_def['dependencies']
        meth_list = svc_def['methods']
        interface_name = svc_def['interface_name']
        class_name = self.service_name_from_file_name(interface_name)

        if service_name is None:
            raise IonServiceDefinitionError("Service definition file %s does not define name attribute" % interface_file)

        print ' Generating %40s -> %s' % (interface_name, interface_file)

        methods = []
        class_methods = []
        client_methods = []
        doc_methods = []

        for op_name, op_def in meth_list.iteritems():
            if not op_def:

            def_docstring, def_spec, def_in, def_out, def_throws = op_def.get('docstring', "@todo document this interface!!!"), op_def.get('spec', None), op_def.get('in', None), op_def.get('out', None), op_def.get('throws', None)
            # multiline docstring for method
            docstring_lines = def_docstring.split('\n')

            # Annoyingly, we have to hand format the doc strings to introduce
            # the correct indentation on multi-line strings
            first_time = True
            docstring_formatted = ""
            for i in range(len(docstring_lines)):
                docstring_line = docstring_lines[i]
                # Potentially remove excess blank line
                if docstring_line == "" and i == len(docstring_lines) - 1:
                if first_time:
                    first_time = False
                    docstring_formatted += "\n        "
                docstring_formatted += docstring_line

            # headers is reserved keyword, catch problems here!
            if def_in is not None and 'headers' in def_in:
                raise StandardError("Reserved argument name 'headers' found in method '%s' of service '%s', please rename" % (op_name, service_name))

            args_str, class_args_str = self.build_args_str(def_in, False), self.build_args_str(def_in, True)
            docstring_str = templates['methdocstr'].substitute(methoddocstr=self.build_args_doc_string(docstring_formatted, def_spec, def_in, def_out, def_throws))
            outargs_str = '\n        # '.join(yaml.dump(def_out).split('\n'))

            methods.append(templates['method'].substitute(name=op_name, args=args_str, methoddocstring=docstring_str, outargs=outargs_str))
            class_methods.append(templates['method'].substitute(name=op_name, args=class_args_str, methoddocstring=docstring_str, outargs=outargs_str))

            clientobjargs = ''

            if def_in:
                all_client_obj_args = []
                for k, v in def_in.iteritems():
                    d = self._get_default(v)
                    if d == "None":     # indicates object type
                        all_client_obj_args.append(client_templates['obj_arg'].substitute(name=k, default=d))
                clientobjargs = ",".join(all_client_obj_args)

            # determine object in name: follows <ServiceName>_<MethodName>_in
            req_in_obj_name = "%s_%s_in" % (service_name, op_name)


            if opts.servicedoc:
                doc_inargs_str = self.build_args_doc_html(def_in)
                doc_outargs_str = self.build_args_doc_html(def_out)
                doc_exceptions_str = self.build_exception_doc_html(def_throws)
                methoddocstring = docstring_formatted.replace("method docstring", "")
                doc_methods.append(html_doc_templates['method_doc'].substitute(name=op_name, inargs=doc_inargs_str, methoddocstring=methoddocstring, outargs=doc_outargs_str, exceptions=doc_exceptions_str))

        # dep client names

        # special casing for resource_registry - include a property that redirects to container RR if exists
        if "resource_registry" in dependencies:
            dep_clients_extra = templates['rr_client_prop'].substitute()
            dep_clients_extra = ""

        dep_clients = [(x, client_defs[x][1]) for x in dependencies]
        dep_clients_str = "\n".join(map(lambda x2: templates['dep_client'].substitute(svc="_%s" % x2[0] if x2[0] == "resource_registry" else x2[0], clientclass=x2[1]), dep_clients))
        dep_client_imports_str = "\n".join([templates['dep_client_imports'].substitute(clientmodule=client_defs[x][0], clientclass=client_defs[x][1]) for x in dependencies])

        service_name_str = templates['svcname'].substitute(name=service_name)
        class_docstring_str = templates['clssdocstr'].substitute(classdocstr=self.build_class_doc_string(class_docstring, class_spec))
        dependencies_str = templates['depends'].substitute(namelist=dependencies)
        methods_str = ''.join(methods) or '    pass\n'
        classmethods_str = ''.join(class_methods)

        _class = templates['class'].substitute(name=class_name,

        # dependent clients generation
        clients_holder_str = templates['clientsholder'].substitute(name=class_name,

        # this service's client generation
        _client_methods = ''.join(client_methods)
        _client_class = client_templates['class'].substitute(name=class_name,
                                                              clientdocstring='# @todo Fill in client documentation.',
        _client_rpcclient = client_templates['rpcclient'].substitute(name=class_name,

        if rpv_convos_enabled:

            _client_convorpc_client = client_templates['conversationrpcclient'].substitute(name=class_name,
            _client = client_templates['full'].substitute(client=_client_class,

            _client_processrpc_client = client_templates['processrpcclient'].substitute(name=class_name,
            _client = client_templates['full'].substitute(client=_client_class,

        interface_contents = templates['file'].substitute(dep_client_imports=dep_client_imports_str,

        if not self.opts.dryrun:
            with open(interface_file, 'w') as f:

        doc_methods_str = ''.join(doc_methods)
        doc_page_contents = html_doc_templates['confluence_service_page_include'].substitute(name=class_name, methods=doc_methods_str)

        if not self.opts.dryrun and opts.servicedoc:
            doc_file = interface_file.replace(".py", ".html")
            doc_file = doc_file.replace("/services/", "/service_html/")
            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(doc_file)
            if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):

            with open(doc_file, 'w') as f1:

    def get_service_definition_file_path(self, service_dir=None):
        yaml_file_re = re.compile('(obj)/(.*)[.](yml)')
        service_definitions_filename = OrderedDict()
        if self.read_from_yaml_file:
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(service_dir):
                for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, '*yml'):
                    yaml_file = os.path.join(root, filename)
                    file_match = yaml_file_re.match(yaml_file)
                    if '.svc_signatures' in filename:
                    if file_match is None:
                    service_definitions_filename[yaml_file] = yaml_file
            return service_definitions_filename
            for key in self.service_definitions_filename.keys():
                filename = self.service_definitions_filename[key]
                file_match = yaml_file_re.match(filename)
                if '.svc_signatures' in filename:
                if file_match is None:
                service_definitions_filename[filename] = filename
            return service_definitions_filename

    def get_yaml_text(self, path):
        Get the content of a file or datastore using a path to the data
        if self.read_from_yaml_file:
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
            self.dir = DirectoryStandalone(sysname=self.system_name)
            data = self.dir.lookup_by_path(path)
            # Return the first item
            for item in data:
                return (item.value['attributes']['definition'])
            return ''

    def get_object_definition(self):
        if self.read_from_yaml_file:
            data_yaml_files = list_files_recursive('obj/data', '*.yml', ['ion.yml', 'resource.yml', 'shared.yml'])
            data = '\n\n'.join(( for file in(open(path, 'r') for path in data_yaml_files if os.path.exists(path))))
            data = get_object_definition_from_datastore(self.system_name)
        return data

    def get_service_definition(self):
        if self.read_from_yaml_file:
            print " Service interface generator: reading service definitions from files"
            service_yaml_files = list_files_recursive('obj/services', '*.yml')
            data = '\n\n'.join(( for file in(open(path, 'r') for path in service_yaml_files if os.path.exists(path))))
            print " Service interface generator: reading service definitions from datastore"
            data = get_service_definition_from_datastore(self.system_name)
        return data

    def build_args_str(self, _def, include_self=True):
        Handle case where method has no parameters
        args = []
        if include_self:

        for key, val in (_def or {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, basestring):
                if val.startswith("!"):
                    val = val.strip("!")
                    if val in self.enums_by_name:
                        # Get default enum value
                        enum_def = self.enums_by_name[val]
                        val = "interface.objects." + val + "." + enum_def["default"]
                        val = "None"
                    val = "'%s'" % (val)
            elif isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                # TODO: generate the datetime code
                val = "'%s'" % (val)
            # For collections, default to an empty collection of the same base type
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                val = "None"
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                val = "None"
            elif isinstance(val, tuple):
                val = "None"
            args.append(templates['arg'].substitute(name=key, val=val))

        args_str = ', '.join(args)
        return args_str

    # Generate validation report
    def generate_validation_report (self):
        # WARNING!!!!
        # At this point, all the code (py files) should be generated. Now we can bootstrap pyon
        # which reads these py files.
        # THEN we can load all the modules, which depend on pyon
        from pyon.core import bootstrap

        validation_results = "Report generated on " + self.currtime + "\n"
        self.load_mods("interface/services", True)
        base_subtypes = self.find_subtypes(BaseService)
        self.load_mods("ion", False)
        self.load_mods("examples", False)

        for base_subtype in base_subtypes:
            base_subtype_name = base_subtype.__module__ + "." + base_subtype.__name__
            compare_methods = {}
            for method_tuple in inspect.getmembers(base_subtype, inspect.ismethod):
                method_name = method_tuple[0]
                method = method_tuple[1]
                # Ignore private methods
                if method_name.startswith("_"):
                    # Ignore methods not implemented in the class
                if method_name not in base_subtype.__dict__:
                compare_methods[method_name] = method

            # Find implementing subtypes of each base interface
            impl_subtypes = self.find_subtypes(base_subtype)
            if len(impl_subtypes) == 0:
                validation_results += "\nBase service: %s \n" % base_subtype_name
                validation_results += "  No impl subtypes found\n"
            for impl_subtype in self.find_subtypes(base_subtype):
                impl_subtype_name = impl_subtype.__module__ + "." + impl_subtype.__name__

                # Compare parameters
                added_class_names = False
                found_error = False
                for key in compare_methods:
                    if key not in impl_subtype.__dict__:
                        found_error = True
                        if not added_class_names:
                            added_class_names = True
                            validation_results += "\nBase service: %s\n" % base_subtype_name
                            validation_results += "Impl subtype: %s\n" % impl_subtype_name
                        validation_results += "  Method '%s' not implemented\n" % key
                        base_params = inspect.getargspec(compare_methods[key])
                        impl_params = inspect.getargspec(impl_subtype.__dict__[key])

                        if base_params != impl_params:
                            found_error = True
                            if not added_class_names:
                                added_class_names = True
                                validation_results += "\nBase service: %s\n" % base_subtype_name
                                validation_results += "Impl subtype: %s\n" % impl_subtype_name
                            validation_results += "  Method '%s' implementation is out of sync\n" % key
                            validation_results += "    Base: %s\n" % str(base_params)
                            validation_results += "    Impl: %s\n" % str(impl_params)

                if found_error is False:
                    validation_results += "\nBase service: %s\n" % base_subtype_name
                    validation_results += "Impl subtype: %s\n" % impl_subtype_name
                    validation_results += "  OK\n"

        reportfile = os.path.join('interface', 'validation_report.txt')
        print " Writing service implementation validation report to '" + reportfile + "'"
        if self.opts.dryrun:
            with open(reportfile, 'w') as f:

    def load_mods(self, path, interfaces):
        mod_prefix = string.replace(path, "/", ".")

        encountered_load_error = False
        for mod_imp, mod_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([path]):
            if is_pkg:
                self.load_mods(path + "/" + mod_name, interfaces)
                mod_qual = "%s.%s" % (mod_prefix, mod_name)
                except Exception, ex:
                    encountered_load_error = True
                    print "Import module '%s' failed: %s" % (mod_qual, ex)
                    if not interfaces:
                        print "Make sure that you have defined an in your directory, you have imported the correct service base type"
                        print "and your module does not have syntax/interpreter errors.  Module load will fail if the interpreter encounters"
                        print "syntax errors in your code or in the modules your code imports.\n"

        if encountered_load_error:
Example #2
class ServiceObjectGenerator:
     Generates service definitions
    object_references = {}
    enums_by_name = {}
    currtime = str(

    def __init__(self, system_name=None, read_from_yaml_file=False):
        self.system_name = system_name
        self.read_from_yaml_file = read_from_yaml_file
        self.service_definitions_filename = OrderedDict()

    def generate(self, opts):
        Generates services
        service_dir, interface_dir = 'obj/services', 'interface'
        data_yaml_text = self.get_object_definition()
        service_yaml_text = self.get_service_definition()
        enum_tag = u'!enum'
        self.opts = opts


        def enum_constructor(loader, node):
            val_str = str(node.value)
            val_str = val_str[1:-1].strip()
            if 'name' in val_str:
                name_str = val_str.split(',', 1)[0].split('=')[1].strip()
                return "!" + str(name_str)
                return "Enum Name Not Provided"

        yaml.add_constructor(enum_tag, enum_constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)
        #yaml_files = list_files_recursive('obj/data', '*.yml', ['ion.yml', 'resource.yml'])
        #yaml_text = '\n\n'.join(( for file in (open(path, 'r') for path in yaml_files if os.path.exists(path))))

        # Now walk the data model definition yaml files adding the
        # necessary yaml constructors.
        defs = yaml.load_all(data_yaml_text, Loader=IonYamlLoader)
        def_dict = {}
        for def_set in defs:
            for name, _def in def_set.iteritems():
                if isinstance(_def, OrderedDict):
                    def_dict[name] = _def
                tag = u'!%s' % (name)

                def constructor(loader, node):
                    value = node.tag.strip('!')
                    # See if this is an enum ref
                    if value in self.enums_by_name:
                        return {"__IsEnum": True, "value": value + "." + self.enums_by_name[value]["default"], "type": value}
                        return str(value) + "()"
                yaml.add_constructor(tag, constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)

                xtag = u'!Extends_%s' % (name)

                def extends_constructor(loader, node):
                    if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
                        value = loader.construct_mapping(node)
                        value = {}
                    return value
                yaml.add_constructor(xtag, extends_constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)

        # Do the same for any data model objects in the service
        # definition files.
        defs = yaml.load_all(service_yaml_text, Loader=IonYamlLoader)
        for def_set in defs:
            for name, _def in def_set.get('obj', {}).iteritems():
                if isinstance(_def, OrderedDict):
                    def_dict[name] = _def
                tag = u'!%s' % (name)

                def constructor(loader, node):
                    value = node.tag.strip('!')
                    # See if this is an enum ref
                    if value in self.enums_by_name:
                        return {"__IsEnum": True, "value": value + "." + self.enums_by_name[value]["default"], "type": value}
                        return str(value) + "()"
                yaml.add_constructor(tag, constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)

                xtag = u'!Extends_%s' % (name)

                def extends_constructor(loader, node):
                    if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode):
                        value = loader.construct_mapping(node)
                        value = {}
                    return value
                yaml.add_constructor(xtag, extends_constructor, Loader=IonYamlLoader)

        yaml_text = data_yaml_text

        # Load data yaml files in case services define interfaces
        # in terms of common data objects
        defs = yaml.load_all(yaml_text, Loader=IonYamlLoader)
        for def_set in defs:
            for name, _def in def_set.iteritems():
                tag = u'!%s' % (name)
                yaml.add_constructor(tag, self.doc_tag_constructor)
                xtag = u'!Extends_%s' % (name)
                yaml.add_constructor(xtag, lambda loader, node: {})

        svc_signatures = {}
        sigfile = os.path.join('interface', '.svc_signatures.yml')
        if os.path.exists(sigfile):
            with open(sigfile, 'r') as f:
                cnts =
                svc_signatures = yaml.load(cnts)

        count = 0

        # mapping of service name -> { name, docstring, deps, methods }
        raw_services = {}

        # dependency graph, maps svcs -> deps by service name as a list
        service_dep_graph = {}

        # completed service client definitions, maps service name -> full module path to find module
        client_defs = {}

        yaml_file_re = re.compile('(obj)/(.*)[.](yml)')
        # Generate the new definitions, for now giving each
        # yaml file its own python service
        # service_definition_file_path = self.get_service_definition_file_path(service_dir)
        for yaml_file in self.get_service_definition_file_path(service_dir):
            file_path = yaml_file_re.match(yaml_file).group(2)
            interface_base, interface_name = os.path.dirname(file_path), os.path.basename(file_path)
            interface_file = os.path.join('interface', interface_base, '' % interface_name)
            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(interface_file)
            if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
                parent = parent_dir
                while True:
                    # Add files to parent dirs as necessary
                    curdir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(parent))[1]
                    if curdir == 'services':
                        parent = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(parent))[0]

                        pkg_file = os.path.join(parent, '')
                        if not self.opts.dryrun and not os.path.exists(pkg_file):
                            open(pkg_file, 'w').close()

            pkg_file = os.path.join(parent_dir, '')
            if not self.opts.dryrun and not os.path.exists(pkg_file):
                open(pkg_file, 'w').close()

            skip_file = False
            yaml_text = self.get_yaml_text(yaml_file)
            if (yaml_text):
                #yaml_text =
                m = hashlib.md5()
                cur_md5 = m.hexdigest()

                if yaml_file in svc_signatures and not opts.force:
                    if cur_md5 == svc_signatures[yaml_file]:
                        print "Skipping   %40s (md5 signature match)" % interface_name
                        skip_file = True
                        # do not continue here, we want to read the service deps below

                if opts.dryrun:
                    count += 1
                    print "Changed    %40s (needs update)" % interface_name
                    skip_file = True
                    # do not continue here, we want to read the service deps below

                # update signature set
                if not skip_file:
                    svc_signatures[yaml_file] = cur_md5

            defs = yaml.load_all(yaml_text)
            for def_set in defs:
                # Handle object definitions first; make dummy constructors so tags will parse
                if 'obj' in def_set:
                    for obj_name in def_set['obj']:
                        tag = u'!%s' % (obj_name)
                        yaml.add_constructor(tag, self.doc_tag_constructor)

                service_name = def_set.get('name', None)
                class_docstring = def_set.get('docstring', "class docstring")
                spec = def_set.get('spec', None)
                dependencies = def_set.get('dependencies', None)
                meth_list = def_set.get('methods', {}) or {}
                client_path = ('.'.join(['interface', interface_base.replace('/', '.'), 'i%s' % interface_name]), '%sProcessClient' % self.service_name_from_file_name(interface_name))

                # format multiline docstring
                class_docstring_lines = class_docstring.split('\n')

                # Annoyingly, we have to hand format the doc strings to introduce
                # the correct indentation on multi-line strings
                first_time = True
                class_docstring_formatted = ""
                for i in range(len(class_docstring_lines)):
                    class_docstring_line = class_docstring_lines[i]
                    # Potentially remove excess blank line
                    if class_docstring_line == "" and i == len(class_docstring_lines) - 1:
                    if first_time:
                        first_time = False
                        class_docstring_formatted += "\n    "
                    class_docstring_formatted += class_docstring_line

                # load into raw_services (if we're not skipping)
                if not skip_file:
                    if service_name in raw_services:
                        raise StandardError("Duplicate service name found: %s" % service_name)

                    raw_services[service_name] = {'name': service_name,
                                                  'docstring': class_docstring_formatted,
                                                  'spec': spec,
                                                  'dependencies': dependencies,
                                                  'methods': meth_list,
                                                  'interface_file': interface_file,
                                                  'interface_name': interface_name,
                                                  'client_path': client_path}

                # dep capturing (we check cycles when we topologically sort later)
                if not service_name in service_dep_graph:
                    service_dep_graph[service_name] = set()

                for dep in dependencies:

                # update list of client paths for the client to this service
                client_defs[service_name] = client_path

        print " About to generate", len(raw_services), "service interfaces"

        # topological sort of services to make sure we do things in order
        sorted_services = []
        service_set = set([k for k, v in service_dep_graph.iteritems() if len(v) == 0])

        while len(service_set) > 0:
            n = service_set.pop()

            # topo sort is over the whole dep tree, but raw_services only contains the stuff we're really generating
            # so if it doesn't exist in raw_services, don't bother!
            if n in raw_services:
                sorted_services.append((n, raw_services[n]))

            # get list of all services that depend on the current service
            depending_services = [k for k, v in service_dep_graph.iteritems() if n in v]

            for depending_service in depending_services:

                # remove this dep

                # if it has no more deps, add it to the service_set list
                if len(service_dep_graph[depending_service]) == 0:

        # ok, check for any remaining deps that we never found - indicates a cycle
        remaining_deps = set([k for k, v in service_dep_graph.iteritems() if len(v) > 0])
        if len(remaining_deps):
            print >> sys.stderr, "**********************************************************************"
            print >> sys.stderr, "Error in dependency resolution: either a cycle or a missing dependency"
            print >> sys.stderr, "Service -> Conflicting Dependency table:"
            for k, v in service_dep_graph.iteritems():
                if len(v) == 0:
                print >> sys.stderr, "\t", k, "->", ",".join(v)
            print >> sys.stderr, "**********************************************************************"
            raise StandardError("Cycle found in dependencies: could not resolve %s" % str(remaining_deps))

        for svc in sorted_services:
            svc_name, raw_def = svc
            self.generate_service(raw_def['interface_file'], raw_def, client_defs, opts)
            count += 1

        if count > 0 and not opts.dryrun:

            # write current svc_signatures
            print " Writing signature file to", sigfile
            with open(sigfile, 'w') as f:

            if not opts.no_check:
                print "generate_interfaces: Checking that all code modules compile"
                # Load service base classes
                self.load_mods("interface/services", True)
                base_subtypes = self.find_subtypes(BaseService)

                # Load scion code modules
                self.load_mods("pyon", False)
                self.load_mods("ion", False)

            # write client public file
            # @TODO: reenable when 'as' directory goes away
            clientfile = os.path.join('interface', '')
            print "Writing public client file to", clientfile

            with open(clientfile, 'w') as f:
                                                            client_imports="\n".join([templates['dep_client_imports'].substitute(clientmodule=x[0], clientclass=x[1]) for x in client_defs.itervalues()])))

        exitcode = 0

        # only exit with 1 if we notice changes, and we specified dryrun
        if count > 0 and opts.dryrun:
            exitcode = 1

        return exitcode

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Helpers

    def build_class_doc_string(self, base_doc_str, _def_spec):
        Builds class document string
        doc_str = base_doc_str

        if _def_spec:
            first_time = True
            for url in _def_spec.split(' '):
                if first_time:
                    doc_str += '\n'
                    first_time = False
                doc_str += "\n    @see " + url
            return doc_str

    def _get_default(self, v):
        if type(v) is str:
            if v.startswith("!"):
                val = v.strip("!")
                if val in self.enums_by_name:
                    # Get default enum value
                    enum_def = self.enums_by_name[val]
                    val = "interface.objects." + val + "." + enum_def["default"]
                    val = "None"
                val = "'%s'" % (v)
            return val
        elif type(v) in (int, long, float):
            return str(v)
        elif type(v) is bool:
            return "True" if v else "False"
            return "None"

    def find_object_reference(self, arg):
        for obj, node in self.object_references.iteritems():
            if node.find(arg) > -1:
                return obj

        return "dict"

    def build_exception_doc_html(self, _def):
        # Handle case where method has no parameters
        args = []

        for key, val in (_def or {}).iteritems():
            args.append(html_doc_templates['exception'].substitute(type=key, description=val))

        args_str = ''.join(args)
        return args_str

    def build_args_doc_html(self, _def):
        # Handle case where method has no parameters
        args = []

        for key, val in (_def or {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                val = "datetime"
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                val = self.find_object_reference(key)
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                val = "list"
                val = str(type(val)).replace("<type '", "").replace("'>", "")
            args.append(html_doc_templates['arg'].substitute(name=key, val=val))

        args_str = ''.join(args)
        return args_str

    def build_args_doc_string(self, base_doc_str, _def_spec, _def_in, _def_out, _def_throws):
        doc_str = base_doc_str

        if _def_spec:
            first_time = True
            for url in _def_spec.split(' '):
                if first_time:
                    doc_str += '\n'
                    first_time = False
                doc_str += templates['at_see'].substitute(link=url)

        first_time = True
        for key, val in (_def_in or {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, basestring):
                if val.startswith("!"):
                    val = val.strip("!")
                    val = 'str'
            elif isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                val = "datetime"
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                val = self.find_object_reference(key)
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                val = "list"
                val = str(type(val)).replace("<type '", "").replace("'>", "")
            if first_time:
                doc_str += '\n'
                first_time = False
            doc_str += templates['at_param'].substitute(in_name=key, in_type=val)

        for key, val in (_def_out or {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, basestring):
                if val.startswith("!"):
                    val = val.strip("!")
                    val = 'str'
            elif isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                val = "datetime"
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                val = self.find_object_reference(key)
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                val = "list"
                val = str(type(val)).replace("<type '", "").replace("'>", "")
            if first_time:
                doc_str += '\n'
                first_time = False
            doc_str += templates['at_return'].substitute(out_name=key, out_type=val)

        if _def_throws:
            for key, val in (_def_throws or {}).iteritems():
                if first_time:
                    doc_str += '\n'
                    first_time = False
                doc_str += templates['at_throws'].substitute(except_name=key, except_info=val)
        return doc_str

    def doc_tag_constructor(self, loader, node):
        This method is only used for the tags which represent resource objects in the YAML. It still returns a dict object,
        however, it keeps a dict of object names and a reference to the line in the yaml so that it can be found later
        for generating HMTL doc. This probably is only a 90% solution
        for key_node, value_node in node.value:
            print key_node, " = ", value_node

        self.object_references[str(node.tag[1:])] = str(node.start_mark)
        return str(node.tag)

    def service_name_from_file_name(self, file_name):
        Construct service name from file name
        file_name = os.path.basename(file_name).split('.', 1)[0]
        return file_name.title().replace('_', '').replace('-', '')

    def find_subtypes(self, clz):
        Finds subtype
        res = []
        for cls in clz.__subclasses__():
            assert hasattr(cls, 'name'), 'Service class must define name value. Service class in error: %s' % cls
        return res

    def generate_service_schema(self, svc_def, meth_list, methods_schema):
        def sanitize_doc(docstr):
            docstr = docstr or ""
            return docstr.replace("\n", " ").strip()

        def get_param_entry(arg_name, arg_def, msg_obj):
            TYPE_MAP = {"OrderedDict": "dict"}
            param_schema = msg_obj._schema[arg_name]
            description = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', param_schema["description"])
            entry = dict(name=arg_name, default=arg_def,
                         type=TYPE_MAP.get(type(arg_def).__name__, type(arg_def).__name__),
            if type(entry["default"]) is str and entry["default"].startswith("!"):
                entry["type"] = entry["default"][1:]
            return entry

        # This should be ok - it indirectly uses the result of the prior step
        import interface.messages

        svc_name = svc_def['name']
        for op_name, op_def in methods_schema.iteritems():
            in_def = op_def.pop("in") or {}
            op_def["in_list"], op_def["in"] = in_def.keys(), {}
            in_obj = getattr(interface.messages, "%s_%s_in" % (svc_name, op_name))
            for in_arg, in_arg_def in in_def.iteritems():
                op_def["in"][in_arg] = get_param_entry(in_arg, in_arg_def, in_obj)

            out_def = op_def.pop("out") or {}
            op_def["out_list"], op_def["out"] = out_def.keys(), {}
            out_obj = getattr(interface.messages, "%s_%s_out" % (svc_name, op_name))
            for out_arg, out_arg_def in out_def.iteritems():
                op_def["out"][out_arg] = get_param_entry(out_arg, out_arg_def, out_obj)
            op_def["description"] = sanitize_doc(op_def.pop("doc"))

        schema_obj = dict(name=svc_name,
                          spec=svc_def.get('spec', None) or "",
        schema_json = json.dumps(schema_obj, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
        return schema_json

    def generate_service(self, interface_file, svc_def, client_defs, opts):
        Generates a single service/client/interface definition.

        @param  interface_file      The file on disk this def should be written to.
        @param  svc_def             Hash of info about service.
        @param  client_defs         Static mapping of service names to their defined clients.
        service_name = svc_def['name']
        class_docstring = svc_def['docstring']
        class_spec = svc_def['spec']
        dependencies = svc_def['dependencies']
        meth_list = svc_def['methods']
        interface_name = svc_def['interface_name']
        class_name = self.service_name_from_file_name(interface_name)

        if service_name is None:
            raise IonServiceDefinitionError("Service definition file %s does not define name attribute" % interface_file)

        print ' Generating %40s -> %s' % (interface_name, interface_file)

        methods = []
        class_methods = []
        client_methods = []
        doc_methods = []
        methods_schema = {}

        for op_name, op_def in meth_list.iteritems():
            if not op_def:

            def_docstring, def_spec, def_in, def_out, def_throws = op_def.get('docstring', "@todo document this interface!!!"), op_def.get('spec', None), op_def.get('in', None), op_def.get('out', None), op_def.get('throws', None)
            methods_schema[op_name] = {"in": def_in, "out": def_out, "throws": def_throws, "doc": def_docstring, "spec": def_spec}
            # multiline docstring for method
            docstring_lines = def_docstring.split('\n')

            # Annoyingly, we have to hand format the doc strings to introduce
            # the correct indentation on multi-line strings
            first_time = True
            docstring_formatted = ""
            for i in range(len(docstring_lines)):
                docstring_line = docstring_lines[i]
                # Potentially remove excess blank line
                if docstring_line == "" and i == len(docstring_lines) - 1:
                if first_time:
                    first_time = False
                    docstring_formatted += "\n        "
                docstring_formatted += docstring_line

            # headers is reserved keyword, catch problems here! Also catch Python keywords
            if def_in is not None:
                for in_param in def_in:
                    if in_param == 'headers' or keyword.iskeyword(in_param):
                        raise StandardError("Reserved argument name '%s' found in method '%s' of service '%s', please rename" % (in_param, op_name, service_name))

            args_str, class_args_str = self.build_args_str(def_in, False), self.build_args_str(def_in, True)
            docstring_str = templates['methdocstr'].substitute(methoddocstr=self.build_args_doc_string(docstring_formatted, def_spec, def_in, def_out, def_throws))
            outargs_str = '\n        # '.join(yaml.dump(def_out).split('\n'))

            methods.append(templates['method'].substitute(name=op_name, args=args_str, methoddocstring=docstring_str, outargs=outargs_str))
            class_methods.append(templates['method'].substitute(name=op_name, args=class_args_str, methoddocstring=docstring_str, outargs=outargs_str))

            clientobjargs = ''

            if def_in:
                all_client_obj_args = []
                for k, v in def_in.iteritems():
                    d = self._get_default(v)
                    if d == "None":     # indicates object type
                        all_client_obj_args.append(client_templates['obj_arg'].substitute(name=k, default=d))
                clientobjargs = ", ".join(all_client_obj_args)

            # determine object in name: follows <ServiceName>_<MethodName>_in
            req_in_obj_name = "%s_%s_in" % (service_name, op_name)


            if opts.servicedoc:
                doc_inargs_str = self.build_args_doc_html(def_in)
                doc_outargs_str = self.build_args_doc_html(def_out)
                doc_exceptions_str = self.build_exception_doc_html(def_throws)
                methoddocstring = docstring_formatted.replace("method docstring", "")
                doc_methods.append(html_doc_templates['method_doc'].substitute(name=op_name, inargs=doc_inargs_str, methoddocstring=methoddocstring, outargs=doc_outargs_str, exceptions=doc_exceptions_str))

        # dep client names

        # special casing for resource_registry - include a property that redirects to container RR if exists
        if "resource_registry" in dependencies:
            dep_clients_extra = templates['rr_client_prop'].substitute()
            dep_clients_extra = ""

        dep_clients = [(x, client_defs[x][1]) for x in dependencies]
        dep_clients_str = "\n".join(map(lambda x2: templates['dep_client'].substitute(svc="_%s" % x2[0] if x2[0] == "resource_registry" else x2[0], clientclass=x2[1]), dep_clients))
        dep_client_imports_str = "\n".join([templates['dep_client_imports'].substitute(clientmodule=client_defs[x][0], clientclass=client_defs[x][1]) for x in dependencies])

        service_name_str = templates['svcname'].substitute(name=service_name)
        class_docstring_str = templates['clssdocstr'].substitute(classdocstr=self.build_class_doc_string(class_docstring, class_spec))
        dependencies_str = templates['depends'].substitute(namelist=dependencies)
        methods_str = ''.join(methods) or '    pass\n'
        classmethods_str = ''.join(class_methods)

        _class = templates['class'].substitute(name=class_name,

        schema_json = self.generate_service_schema(svc_def, meth_list, methods_schema)
        service_schema_str = templates['service_schema'].substitute(schema_json=schema_json)

        # dependent clients generation
        clients_holder_str = templates['clientsholder'].substitute(name=class_name,

        # this service's client generation
        _client_methods = ''.join(client_methods)
        _client_class = client_templates['class'].substitute(name=class_name,
                                                              clientdocstring='# @todo Fill in client documentation.',
        _client_rpcclient = client_templates['rpcclient'].substitute(name=class_name,

        _client_processrpc_client = client_templates['processrpcclient'].substitute(name=class_name,
        _client = client_templates['full'].substitute(client=_client_class,

        interface_contents = templates['file'].substitute(dep_client_imports=dep_client_imports_str,

        if not self.opts.dryrun:
            with open(interface_file, 'w') as f:

        doc_methods_str = ''.join(doc_methods)
        doc_page_contents = html_doc_templates['confluence_service_page_include'].substitute(name=class_name, methods=doc_methods_str)

        if not self.opts.dryrun and opts.servicedoc:
            doc_file = interface_file.replace(".py", ".html")
            doc_file = doc_file.replace("/services/", "/service_html/")
            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(doc_file)
            if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):

            with open(doc_file, 'w') as f1:

    def get_service_definition_file_path(self, service_dir=None):
        yaml_file_re = re.compile('(obj)/(.*)[.](yml)')
        service_definitions_filename = OrderedDict()
        if self.read_from_yaml_file:
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(service_dir):
                for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, '*yml'):
                    yaml_file = os.path.join(root, filename)
                    file_match = yaml_file_re.match(yaml_file)
                    if '.svc_signatures' in filename:
                    if file_match is None:
                    service_definitions_filename[yaml_file] = yaml_file
            return service_definitions_filename
            for key in self.service_definitions_filename.keys():
                filename = self.service_definitions_filename[key]
                file_match = yaml_file_re.match(filename)
                if '.svc_signatures' in filename:
                if file_match is None:
                service_definitions_filename[filename] = filename
            return service_definitions_filename

    def get_yaml_text(self, path):
        Get the content of a file or datastore using a path to the data
        if self.read_from_yaml_file:
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
            self.dir = DirectoryStandalone(sysname=self.system_name)
            data = self.dir.lookup_by_path(path)
            # Return the first item
            for item in data:
                return (item.value['attributes']['definition'])
            return ''

    def get_object_definition(self):
        if self.read_from_yaml_file:
            data_yaml_files = list_files_recursive('obj/data', '*.yml', ['ion.yml', 'resource.yml', 'shared.yml'])
            data = '\n\n'.join(( for file in(open(path, 'r') for path in data_yaml_files if os.path.exists(path))))
            data = get_object_definition_from_datastore(self.system_name)
        return data

    def get_service_definition(self):
        if self.read_from_yaml_file:
            print " Service interface generator: reading service definitions from files"
            service_yaml_files = list_files_recursive('obj/services', '*.yml')
            data = '\n\n'.join(( for file in(open(path, 'r') for path in service_yaml_files if os.path.exists(path))))
            print " Service interface generator: reading service definitions from datastore"
            data = get_service_definition_from_datastore(self.system_name)
        return data

    def build_args_str(self, _def, include_self=True):
        Handle case where method has no parameters
        args = []
        if include_self:

        for key, val in (_def or {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, basestring):
                if val.startswith("!"):
                    val = val.strip("!")
                    if val in self.enums_by_name:
                        # Get default enum value
                        enum_def = self.enums_by_name[val]
                        val = "interface.objects." + val + "." + enum_def["default"]
                        val = "None"
                    val = "'%s'" % (val)
            elif isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
                # TODO: generate the datetime code
                val = "'%s'" % (val)
            # For collections, default to an empty collection of the same base type
            elif isinstance(val, list):
                val = "None"
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                val = "None"
            elif isinstance(val, tuple):
                val = "None"
            args.append(templates['arg'].substitute(name=key, val=val))

        args_str = ', '.join(args)
        return args_str

    # Generate validation report
    def generate_validation_report (self):
        # WARNING!!!!
        # At this point, all the code (py files) should be generated. Now we can bootstrap pyon
        # which reads these py files.
        # THEN we can load all the modules, which depend on pyon
        from pyon.core import bootstrap

        validation_results = "Report generated on " + self.currtime + "\n"
        self.load_mods("interface/services", True)
        base_subtypes = self.find_subtypes(BaseService)
        self.load_mods("ion", False)
        self.load_mods("examples", False)

        for base_subtype in base_subtypes:
            base_subtype_name = base_subtype.__module__ + "." + base_subtype.__name__
            compare_methods = {}
            for method_tuple in inspect.getmembers(base_subtype, inspect.ismethod):
                method_name = method_tuple[0]
                method = method_tuple[1]
                # Ignore private methods
                if method_name.startswith("_"):
                    # Ignore methods not implemented in the class
                if method_name not in base_subtype.__dict__:
                compare_methods[method_name] = method

            # Find implementing subtypes of each base interface
            impl_subtypes = self.find_subtypes(base_subtype)
            if len(impl_subtypes) == 0:
                validation_results += "\nBase service: %s \n" % base_subtype_name
                validation_results += "  No impl subtypes found\n"
            for impl_subtype in self.find_subtypes(base_subtype):
                impl_subtype_name = impl_subtype.__module__ + "." + impl_subtype.__name__

                # Compare parameters
                added_class_names = False
                found_error = False
                for key in compare_methods:
                    if key not in impl_subtype.__dict__:
                        found_error = True
                        if not added_class_names:
                            added_class_names = True
                            validation_results += "\nBase service: %s\n" % base_subtype_name
                            validation_results += "Impl subtype: %s\n" % impl_subtype_name
                        validation_results += "  Method '%s' not implemented\n" % key
                        base_params = inspect.getargspec(compare_methods[key])
                        impl_params = inspect.getargspec(impl_subtype.__dict__[key])

                        if base_params != impl_params:
                            found_error = True
                            if not added_class_names:
                                added_class_names = True
                                validation_results += "\nBase service: %s\n" % base_subtype_name
                                validation_results += "Impl subtype: %s\n" % impl_subtype_name
                            validation_results += "  Method '%s' implementation is out of sync\n" % key
                            validation_results += "    Base: %s\n" % str(base_params)
                            validation_results += "    Impl: %s\n" % str(impl_params)

                if found_error is False:
                    validation_results += "\nBase service: %s\n" % base_subtype_name
                    validation_results += "Impl subtype: %s\n" % impl_subtype_name
                    validation_results += "  OK\n"

        reportfile = os.path.join('interface', 'validation_report.txt')
        if not self.opts.dryrun:
            print " Writing service implementation validation report to '" + reportfile + "'"
            with open(reportfile, 'w') as f:

    def load_mods(self, path, interfaces):
        mod_prefix = string.replace(path, "/", ".")

        encountered_load_error = False
        for mod_imp, mod_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([path]):
            if is_pkg:
                self.load_mods(path + "/" + mod_name, interfaces)
                mod_qual = "%s.%s" % (mod_prefix, mod_name)
                except Exception as ex:
                    encountered_load_error = True
                    print "Import module '%s' failed: %s" % (mod_qual, ex)
                    if not interfaces:
                        print "Make sure that you have defined an in your directory, you have imported the correct service base type"
                        print "and your module does not have syntax/interpreter errors.  Module load will fail if the interpreter encounters"
                        print "syntax errors in your code or in the modules your code imports.\n"

        if encountered_load_error: