Example #1
    def __init__(self, container):
        self.container = container

        # Define the callables that can be added to Container public API
        self.container_api = [self.spawn_process, self.terminate_process]

        # Add the public callables to Container
        for call in self.container_api:
            setattr(self.container, call.__name__, call)

        self.proc_id_pool = IDPool()

        # Temporary registry of running processes
        self.procs_by_name = {}
        self.procs = {}

        # mapping of greenlets we spawn to process_instances for error handling
        self._spawned_proc_to_process = {}

        # The pyon worker process supervisor
        self.proc_sup = IonProcessThreadManager(

        # list of callbacks for process state changes
        self._proc_state_change_callbacks = []