from ion.util.enhanced_resource_registry_client import EnhancedResourceRegistryClient
from ooi.logging import log
from pyon.agent.agent import ResourceAgentClient
from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject
from pyon.core.exception import NotFound, Unauthorized, BadRequest

from interface.objects import ComputedValueAvailability, ComputedIntValue, ComputedDictValue, ComputedListValue
from interface.objects import AggregateStatusType, DeviceStatusType
from pyon.ion.resource import RT, PRED
from pyon.util.containers import DotDict

# possible ways of determining the type of a device driver
DriverTypingMethod = DotDict()
DriverTypingMethod.ByRR = 1
DriverTypingMethod.ByAgent = 2
DriverTypingMethod.ByException = 3

class AgentStatusBuilder(object):
    def __init__(self, process=None):
        the process should be the "self" of a service instance
        assert process
        self.process = process
        self.dtm = DriverTypingMethod.ByRR
        self.RR2 = None

        # make an internal pointer to this function so we can Mock it for testing
        self._get_agent_client = ResourceAgentClient
Example #2
from ion.util.enhanced_resource_registry_client import EnhancedResourceRegistryClient
from ooi.logging import log
from pyon.agent.agent import ResourceAgentClient
from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject
from pyon.core.exception import NotFound, Unauthorized, BadRequest

from interface.objects import ComputedValueAvailability, ComputedIntValue, ComputedDictValue, ComputedListValue
from interface.objects import AggregateStatusType, DeviceStatusType
from pyon.ion.resource import RT, PRED
from pyon.util.containers import DotDict

# possible ways of determining the type of a device driver
DriverTypingMethod = DotDict()
DriverTypingMethod.ByRR = 1
DriverTypingMethod.ByAgent = 2
DriverTypingMethod.ByException = 3

class AgentStatusBuilder(object):
    def __init__(self, process=None):
        the process should be the "self" of a service instance
        assert process
        self.process = process
        self.dtm = DriverTypingMethod.ByRR
        self.RR2 = None

        # make an internal pointer to this function so we can Mock it for testing
        self._get_agent_client = ResourceAgentClient