def test_observatory(self): self._load_stage = 0 self._resources = {} passing = True self.assertTrue(True) # LOAD STEP 1 self.preload_ooi(stage=STAGE_LOAD_ORGS) passing &= self.orguserrole_assertions() # LOAD STEP 2 self.preload_ooi(stage=STAGE_LOAD_PARAMS) passing &= self.parameter_assertions() # LOAD STEP 3 self.preload_ooi(stage=STAGE_LOAD_AGENTS) passing &= self.agent_assertions() # LOAD STEP 4 self.preload_ooi(stage=STAGE_LOAD_ASSETS) # Check OOI preloaded resources to see if they match needs for this test and for correctness passing &= self.sites_assertions() passing &= self.device_assertions() passing &= self.deployment_assertions() # Extensive tests on select RSN nodes passing &= self.rsn_node_checks() # Extensive tests on select RSN instruments passing &= self.check_rsn_instrument() passing &= self.check_rsn_instrument_data_product() # Extensive tests on a glider #passing &= self.check_glider() # Extensive tests on a CG assembly #passing &= self.check_cg_assembly() # Add a new instrument agent # Add a new instrument agent instance # Check DataProducts # Check Provenance IonIntegrationTestCase.assertTrue(self, passing)
def tearDown(self): try: IonIntegrationTestCase.tearDown(self) finally: TrhphTestCase.tearDown(self)
def addCleanup(self, f): IonIntegrationTestCase.addCleanup(self, f)
import unittest from mock import Mock, patch from pyon.util.int_test import IonIntegrationTestCase from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from pyon.core.exception import BadRequest, Conflict, Inconsistent, NotFound from pyon.public import PRED, RT, IonObject, OT from interface.objects import PolicyTypeEnum from ion.service.policy_management_service import PolicyManagementService from import PolicyManagementServiceClient @attr('INT', group='coi') @patch.dict('pyon.core.governance.governance_controller.CFG', IonIntegrationTestCase._get_alt_cfg({'interceptor': {'interceptors': {'governance': {'config': {'enabled': False}}}}})) class TestPolicyManagementServiceInt(IonIntegrationTestCase): def setUp(self): # Start container self._start_container() self.container.start_rel_from_url('res/deploy/basic.yml') self.container.governance_controller.policy_event_callback = Mock() self.policy_management_service = PolicyManagementServiceClient() def test_policy(self): self._do_test_policy_crud() def _do_test_policy_crud(self):
def assertTrue(self, *args, **kwargs): IonIntegrationTestCase.assertTrue(self, *args, **kwargs)
def assertEquals(self, *args, **kwargs): IonIntegrationTestCase.assertEquals(self, *args, **kwargs)
from pyon.util.int_test import IonIntegrationTestCase from pyon.ion import exchange from import BaseTransport from pyon.public import PRED, RT, CFG, log, BadRequest, Conflict, Inconsistent, NotFound from pyon.util.containers import DotDict from ion.service.exchange_management_service import ExchangeManagementService from interface.objects import ExchangeSpace, ExchangePoint, ExchangeName from import ResourceRegistryServiceClient from import ExchangeManagementServiceClient @attr('INT', group='coi') @patch.dict('', IonIntegrationTestCase._get_alt_cfg({'container':{'messaging':{'auto_register': True}}})) class TestExchangeManagementServiceInt(IonIntegrationTestCase): def setUp(self): self._start_container() self.container.start_rel_from_url('res/deploy/basic.yml') self.ems = ExchangeManagementServiceClient() self.rr = ResourceRegistryServiceClient() orglist, _ = self.rr.find_resources(RT.Org) self.org_id = orglist[0]._id # we test actual exchange interaction in pyon, so it's fine to mock the broker interaction here self._clear_mocks()
from pyon.ion import exchange from import BaseTransport from pyon.public import PRED, RT, CFG, log, BadRequest, Conflict, Inconsistent, NotFound from pyon.util.containers import DotDict from ion.service.exchange_management_service import ExchangeManagementService from interface.objects import ExchangeSpace, ExchangePoint, ExchangeName from import ResourceRegistryServiceClient from import ExchangeManagementServiceClient @attr('INT', group='coi') @patch.dict('', IonIntegrationTestCase._get_alt_cfg( {'container': { 'messaging': { 'auto_register': True } }})) class TestExchangeManagementServiceInt(IonIntegrationTestCase): def setUp(self): self._start_container() self.container.start_rel_from_url('res/deploy/basic.yml') self.ems = ExchangeManagementServiceClient() self.rr = ResourceRegistryServiceClient() orglist, _ = self.rr.find_resources(RT.Org) self.org_id = orglist[0]._id # we test actual exchange interaction in pyon, so it's fine to mock the broker interaction here self._clear_mocks()
def begin(self): """Called before any tests are collected or run. Use this to perform any setup needed before testing begins. """ # Make sure we initialize pyon before anything in this plugin executes from pyon.core import bootstrap if not bootstrap.pyon_initialized: bootstrap.bootstrap_pyon() try: from pyon.public import get_sys_name, CFG self.sysname = get_sys_name() # Clean exchanges and system queues out there try: connect_str = '-H %s -P 55672 -u %s -p %s -V %s' % (, CFG.server.amqp.username, CFG.server.amqp.password, CFG.server.amqp.vhost) deleted_exchanges, deleted_queues = clean_by_sysname(connect_str, self.sysname) debug.write('Deleted exchanges:\n%s \n' % '\n'.join(deleted_exchanges)) debug.write('Deleted queues:\n%s \n' % '\n'.join(deleted_queues)) except Exception as e: pass # Force datastore loader to use the same sysname from pyon.datastore.datastore_admin import DatastoreAdmin from pyon.datastore.datastore_common import DatastoreFactory self.datastore_admin = DatastoreAdmin(config=CFG) # Clean datastore and file system before pycc container starts from pyon.util.int_test import IonIntegrationTestCase IonIntegrationTestCase._force_clean(False) def die(signum, frame): # For whatever reason, the parent doesn't die some times # when getting KeyboardInterrupt. Hence this signal # handler. # Signal is pass through. The child pycc gets # its own KeyboardInterrupt and will shut down accordingly. debug.write('Received Keyboard Interrupt. Exiting now.\n') os._exit(9) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, die) def no_zombie(signum, frame): # Debug to figure out who's dying debug.write('SIGCHLD received\n') stack = [] while frame: stack.append(frame) frame =frame.f_back stack.reverse() for frame in stack: debug.write('Frame %s in %s at line %s\n' % (frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)) debug.write('Child is dead...Clean up now so there is no zombie\n') (pid, status) = os.wait() exitstatus, signum = status & 0xff, (status & 0xff00) >> 8 debug.write('Child pid %d with exit status %d and signum %d\n' % (pid, exitstatus, signum)) # Could be dangerous. Comment this out. # signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, no_zombie) def container_started_cb(signum, frame): """Callback when child pycc service is ready""" self.container_started = True signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, container_started_cb) # Make sure the pycc process has the same sysname as the nose ccargs = ['bin/pycc', '-o', '--noshell', '-sp', '--sysname=%s' % self.sysname, '--logcfg=res/config/logging.pycc.yml', '--rel=%s' % self.rel, "--config={'system': {'auto_bootstrap': True}}"] if self.enablegb: ccargs.insert(1, '-egb') debug.write('Starting pycc process: %s\n' % ' '.join(ccargs)) # Set PYCC env var in case CEI needs to skip tests in pycc mode os.environ['PYCC_MODE'] = '1' # Enable CEI mode for the tests os.environ['CEI_LAUNCH_TEST'] = '1' newenv = os.environ.copy() po = subprocess.Popen(ccargs, env=newenv, close_fds=True) self.ccs.append(po) # Wait for container to be ready while not self.container_started: time.sleep(0.2) debug.write('Child container is ready...\n') # Dump datastore self.datastore_admin.dump_datastore(path='res/dd') debug.write('Dump child container state to file...\n') # Clean again to make sure the first nosetest starts on a clean # slate self.datastore_admin.clear_datastore(prefix=self.sysname) debug.write('Start nose tests now...\n') except Exception as e: self.container_shutdown() raise e
from pyon.public import PRED, RT, IonObject, OT from interface.objects import PolicyTypeEnum from ion.service.policy_management_service import PolicyManagementService from import PolicyManagementServiceClient @attr('INT', group='coi') @patch.dict('pyon.core.governance.governance_controller.CFG', IonIntegrationTestCase._get_alt_cfg({ 'interceptor': { 'interceptors': { 'governance': { 'config': { 'enabled': False } } } } })) class TestPolicyManagementServiceInt(IonIntegrationTestCase): def setUp(self): # Start container self._start_container() self.container.start_rel_from_url('res/deploy/basic.yml') self.container.governance_controller.policy_event_callback = Mock() self.policy_management_service = PolicyManagementServiceClient()
import unittest from mock import Mock, patch from pyon.util.int_test import IonIntegrationTestCase from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from pyon.core.exception import BadRequest, Conflict, Inconsistent, NotFound from pyon.public import PRED, RT, IonObject, OT from interface.objects import PolicyTypeEnum from import PolicyManagementService from import PolicyManagementServiceClient @attr('INT', group='coi') @patch.dict('pyon.core.governance.governance_controller.CFG', IonIntegrationTestCase._get_alt_cfg({'interceptor': {'interceptors': {'governance': {'config': {'enabled': False}}}}})) class TestPolicyManagementServiceInt(IonIntegrationTestCase): def setUp(self): # Start container self._start_container() self.container.start_rel_from_url('res/deploy/basic.yml') self.container.governance_controller.policy_event_callback = Mock() self.policy_management_service = PolicyManagementServiceClient() def test_policy(self): self._do_test_policy_crud() def _do_test_policy_crud(self):