class DKTLabels(LabelsBase): """ Labels from the Desikan-Killiany-Tourville human brain labeling protocol. """ filename = 'dkt-labels' name = 'Desikan-Killiany-Tourville Parcellation Labels' shortname = 'dkt' namespace = DKT prefixes = {'DKTr':str(DKTr), 'DKTs':str(DKTs), **LabelsBase.prefixes} imports = parcCore, sources = DKTSrc, root = LabelRoot(iri=nsExact(namespace), # ilxtr.hcpmmproot, label='DKT label root', shortname=shortname, definingArtifacts=(s.artifact.iri for s in sources), ) def _triples(self): for source in self.sources: for namespace, index, label in source: iri = namespace[str(index)] yield from Label(labelRoot=self.root, label=label, iri=iri) yield from source.isVersionOf
class SwansonLabels(ParcOnt): # FIXME not labels... filename = 'swanson' name = 'Swanson 2014 partonomies' shortname = 'swannt' imports = parcCore, prefixes = {**makePrefixes('NIFRID', 'ilxtr', 'prov'), 'swanr':interlex_namespace('swanson/uris/readable/'), 'SWAN':interlex_namespace('swanson/uris/neuroanatomical-terminology/terms/'), 'SWAA':interlex_namespace('swanson/uris/neuroanatomical-terminology/appendix/'),} sources = SwansonAppendix, namespace = prefixes['SWAN'] root = LabelRoot(iri=nsExact(namespace), # FIXME this is not really a label in the strict sense label='Swanson label root', shortname=shortname, definingArtifacts=(s.artifact.iri for s in sources),) def _triples(self): for s, p, o in swanson().g: #if p != rdf.type and o != owl.Ontology: if s != rdflib.URIRef(''): if p == rdfs.subClassOf and o == ilxtr.swansonBrainRegionConcept: yield s, p, self.root.iri elif p == rdfs.label: yield s, p, Label(label=o, labelRoot=self.root).rdfs_label yield s, skos.prefLabel, o else: yield s, p, o
class MNDBGLLabels(): """ DEPRECATED use FreeSurfer """ filename = 'mndbgl-labels' name = 'Mindboggle Parcellation Labels' shortname = 'mndbgl' namespace = MNDBGL imports = parcCore, sources = MNDBGLSrc, root = LabelRoot(iri=nsExact(namespace), # ilxtr.hcpmmproot, label='Mindboggle label root', shortname=shortname, comment=('The local integer identifiers in the MNDBGL namespace ' 'correspond to numbers from FreeSurferColorLUT.txt.'), #definingArtifacts=(s.artifact.iri for s in sources), ) def _triples(self): for source in self.sources: for index, label in source: iri = self.namespace[str(index)] yield from Label(labelRoot=self.root, label=label, iri=iri) yield from source.isVersionOf
class PaxMouseLabels(PaxLabels): """ Compilation of all labels used to name mouse brain regions in atlases created using Paxinos and Franklin\'s methodology.""" # TODO FIXME align indexes where possible to paxrat??? filename = 'paxinos-mus-labels' name = 'Paxinos & Franklin Mouse Parcellation Labels' shortname = 'paxmus' namespace = PAXMUS prefixes = { **makePrefixes('NIFRID', 'ilxtr', 'prov', 'dcterms'), 'PAXMUS': str(PAXMUS), 'paxmusver': str(paxmusver), } sources = PaxMFix, PaxMSrAr_2, PaxMSrAr_3 root = LabelRoot( iri=nsExact(namespace), # PAXMUS['0'], label='Paxinos mouse parcellation label root', shortname=shortname, definingArtifactsS=(Artifacts.PaxMouseAt.iri, ), ) _merge = { '4/5Cb': '4&5Cb', '5N': 'Mo5', '12N': '12', 'AngT': 'Ang', 'ANS': 'Acc', 'ASt': 'AStr', 'hif': 'hf', 'MnM': 'MMn', 'MoDG': 'Mol', 'och': 'ox', 'PHA': 'PH', # FIXME PH is reused in 3rd 'ST': 'BST', 'STIA': 'BSTIA', 'STLD': 'BSTLD', 'STLI': 'BSTLI', 'STLJ': 'BSTLJ', 'STLP': 'BSTLP', 'STLV': 'BSTLV', 'STMA': 'BSTMA', 'STMP': 'BSTMP', 'STMPI': 'BSTMPI', 'STMPL': 'BSTMPL', 'STMPM': 'BSTMPM', 'STMV': 'BSTMV', 'STS': 'BSTS', }
class BermanLabels(LabelsBase): """ Berman Cat labels """ # sort by label/structure not by abbrev filename = 'berman-cat-labels' name = 'Berman 1968 cat brain stem labels' shortname = 'bercat' imports = parcCore, prefixes = { **makePrefixes('NIFRID', 'ilxtr', 'prov'), 'BERCAT': str(BERCAT) } sources = BermanSrc, namespace = BERCAT root = LabelRoot( iri=nsExact(namespace), label='Berman 1968 cat label root', shortname=shortname, definingArtifacts=(s.artifact.iri for s in sources), ) def _triples(self): for source in self.sources: for i, (label, paren_thing, abbrev, index) in enumerate(source): local_identifier = str(i + 1) iri = self.namespace[ local_identifier] # TODO load from existing yield from Label( labelRoot=self.root, label=label, #altLabel=None, #synonyms=extras, abbrevs=(abbrev, ), iri=iri, ) if paren_thing: yield iri, ilx[ 'berman/uris/readable/hasWeirdParenValue'], rdflib.Literal( paren_thing) continue # FIXME different file ... region_iri = ilx['berman/uris/cat/regions/' + local_identifier] # FIXME incorporate version in tree or no? # just have it be consecutive? HRM yield region_iri, rdf.type, owl.Class yield region_iri, ilxtr.hasParcellationLabel, iri # FIXME predicate choice ... yield region_iri, ilxtr.isDefinedBy, BermanSrc.artifact.iri # FIXME for plate_num in index: yield region_iri, ilxtr.appearsOnPlateNumber, rdflib.Literal( plate_num) # FIXME generalize ...
class WHSSDLabels(LabelsBase): filename = 'waxholm-rat-labels' name = 'Waxholm Sprague Dawley Atlas Labels' shortname = 'whssd' imports = parcCore, prefixes = { **makePrefixes('NIFRID', 'ilxtr', 'prov', 'dcterms'), 'WHSSD': str(WHSSD) } sources = WHSSDSrc2, WHSSDilfSrc2, WHSSDSrc1, WHSSDilfSrc1 namespace = WHSSD root = LabelRoot( iri=nsExact(namespace), # ilxtr.whssdroot, label='Waxholm Space Sprague Dawley parcellation label root', shortname=shortname, definingArtifacts=(s.artifact.iri for s in sources), ) def _triples(self): for source in self.sources: preds = False for index, label, *rest in source: abbrev, parent = rest if rest else ( False, False) # a tricky one if you miss the parens abbrevs = (abbrev, ) if abbrev and abbrev != label else tuple() if int(index ) >= 1000: # FIXME this is the WRONG way to do this # FIXME parentless structures in the ilf files? label += ' (structure)' iri = WHSSD[str(index)] yield from Label( labelRoot=self.root, label=label, abbrevs=abbrevs, iri=iri, ) if parent: preds = True parent = WHSSD[str(parent)] yield from restriction.serialize( iri, source.predicates[ilxtr.labelPartOf], parent) yield from source.isVersionOf if preds: for parent, child in source.predicates.items( ): # FIXME annotationProperty vs objectProperty yield child, rdfs.subPropertyOf, parent
class HCPMMPLabels(LabelsBase): filename = 'hcpmmp' name = 'Human Connectome Project Multi-Modal human cortical parcellation' shortname = 'hcpmmp' imports = parcCore, prefixes = { **makePrefixes('NIFRID', 'ilxtr', 'prov'), 'HCPMMP': str(HCPMMP) } sources = HCPMMPSrc, namespace = HCPMMP root = LabelRoot( iri=nsExact(namespace), # ilxtr.hcpmmproot, label='HCPMMP label root', shortname=shortname, definingArtifacts=(s.artifact.iri for s in sources), ) def _triples(self): for source in self.sources: for record in source: (Parcellation_Index, Area_Name, Area_Description, Newly_Described, Results_Section, Other_Names, Key_Studies) = [r.strip() for r in record] iri = HCPMMP[str(Parcellation_Index)] onames = [ n.strip() for n in Other_Names.split(',') if n.strip() ] syns = (n for n in onames if len(n) > 3) abvs = tuple(n for n in onames if len(n) <= 3) cites = tuple(s.strip() for s in Key_Studies.split(',')) if Newly_Described in ('Yes*', 'Yes'): cites = cites + ('Glasser and Van Essen 2016', ) yield from Label( labelRoot=self.root, label=Area_Description, altLabel=Area_Name, synonyms=syns, abbrevs=abvs, #bibliographicCitation= # XXX vs definingCitation definingCitations=cites, iri=iri)
class FreeSurferLabels(LabelsBase): filename = 'freesurfer-labels' name = 'FreeSurfer color LUT Parcellation Labels' shortname = 'fscl' # can't use fsl because that is already in use by another fMRI package... namespace = FSCL prefixes = {**LabelsBase.prefixes} # FIXME it would be nice to be able to automate this... imports = parcCore, sources = FreeSurferSrc, root = LabelRoot(iri=nsExact(namespace), # ilxtr.hcpmmproot, label='FreeSurfer Color LUT label root', shortname=shortname, definingArtifacts=(s.artifact.iri for s in sources),) def _triples(self): for source in self.sources: for index, label in source: iri = self.namespace[str(index)] yield from Label(labelRoot=self.root, label=label, iri=iri) yield from source.isVersionOf
def prepare(cls): ATLAS_PATH = '/usr/share/fsl/data/atlases/' shortnames = { 'JHU White-Matter Tractography Atlas': 'JHU WM', 'Oxford-Imanova Striatal Structural Atlas': 'OISS', 'Talairach Daemon Labels': 'Talairach', 'Subthalamic Nucleus Atlas': 'SNA', 'JHU ICBM-DTI-81 White-Matter Labels': 'JHU ICBM WM', 'Juelich Histological Atlas': 'Juelich', 'MNI Structural Atlas': 'MNI Struct', } prefixes = { 'Cerebellar Atlas in MNI152 space after normalization with FLIRT': 'CMNIfl', 'Cerebellar Atlas in MNI152 space after normalization with FNIRT': 'CMNIfn', 'Sallet Dorsal Frontal connectivity-based parcellation': 'DFCBP', 'Neubert Ventral Frontal connectivity-based parcellation': 'VFCBP', 'Mars Parietal connectivity-based parcellation': 'PCBP', } for xmlfile in glob.glob(ATLAS_PATH + '*.xml'): filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(xmlfile))[0] tree = etree.parse(xmlfile) parcellation_name = tree.xpath('header//name')[0].text # namespace namespace = rdflib.Namespace(FSLATS[filename + '/labels/']) # shortname shortname = tree.xpath('header//shortname') if shortname: shortname = shortname[0].text else: shortname = shortnames[parcellation_name] artifact_shortname = shortname shortname = shortname.replace(' ', '') # Artifact artifact = Terminology( iri=FSLATS[filename], label=parcellation_name, docUri='', species=NCBITaxon['9606'], devstage=UBERON[ '0000113'], # FIXME mature vs adult vs when they actually did it... region=UBERON['0000955'], shortname=artifact_shortname) setattr(cls.Artifacts, shortname, artifact) # LabelRoot root = LabelRoot(iri=nsExact(namespace), label=parcellation_name + ' label root', shortname=shortname, definingArtifacts=(artifact.iri, )) root.namespace = namespace cls.roots += root, # prefix if parcellation_name in prefixes: prefix = 'fsl' + prefixes[parcellation_name] else: prefix = 'fsl' + shortname cls.prefixes[prefix] = root.iri # Source @classmethod def loadData(cls, _tree=tree): out = [] for node in _tree.xpath('data//label'): index, label = node.get('index'), node.text out.append((index, label)) return out source = type( 'FSLsource_' + shortname.replace(' ', '_'), (Source, ), dict( iri=rdflib.URIRef('file://' + xmlfile), source=xmlfile, source_original=True, artifact=artifact, root= root, # used locally since we have more than one root per ontology here loadData=loadData)) cls.sources += source, super().prepare()
class PaxRatLabels(PaxLabels): """ Compilation of all labels used to name rat brain regions in atlases created using Paxinos and Watson\'s methodology.""" filename = 'paxinos-rat-labels' name = 'Paxinos & Watson Rat Parcellation Labels' shortname = 'paxrat' namespace = PAXRAT prefixes = { **makePrefixes('NIFRID', 'ilxtr', 'prov', 'dcterms'), 'PAXRAT': str(PAXRAT), 'paxratver': str(paxratver), } # sources need to go in the order with which we want the labels to take precedence (ie in this case 6e > 4e) sources = PaxFix, PaxSrAr_6, PaxSr_6, PaxSrAr_4, PaxFix6, PaxFix4 #, PaxTree_6() # tree has been successfully used for crossreferencing, additional terms need to be left out at the moment (see in_tree_not_in_six) root = LabelRoot( iri=nsExact(namespace), # PAXRAT['0'], label='Paxinos rat parcellation label root', shortname=shortname, #definingArtifactsS=None,#Artifacts.PaxRatAt.iri, definingArtifactsS=(Artifacts.PaxRatAt.iri, ), ) _fixes = [] _dupes = { # for 4e the numbers in the index are to the cranial nerve nuclei entries '3N': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['3'], structures=['oculomotor nucleus'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '4N': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['4'], structures=['trochlear nucleus'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '6N': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['6'], structures=['abducens nucleus'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '7N': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['7'], structures=['facial nucleus'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '10N': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['10'], structures=['dorsal motor nucleus of vagus'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), # FIXME need comments about the index entries '1Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['1'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 1'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '2Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['2'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 2'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '2/3Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['2&3'], structures=['cerebellar lobules 2&3'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '3Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['3'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 3'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '4Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['4'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 4'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '4/5Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['4&5'], structures=['cerebellar lobules 4&5'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '5Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['5'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 5'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '6Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['6'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 6'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '6aCb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['6a'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 6a'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '6bCb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['6b'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 6b'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '6cCb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['6c'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 6c'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '7Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['7'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 7'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '8Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['8'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 8'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '9Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['9'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 9'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), '10Cb': DupeRecord(alt_abbrevs=['10'], structures=['cerebellar lobule 10'], figures={}, artiris=[Artifacts.PaxRat4.iri]), } _merge = { # abbrevs that have identical structure names '5N':'Mo5', '12N':'12', 'ANS':'Acc', 'ASt':'AStr', 'AngT':'Ang', 'MnM':'MMn', 'MoDG':'Mol', 'PDPO':'PDP', 'PTg':'PPTg', 'STIA':'BSTIA', 'STL':'BSTL', 'STLD':'BSTLD', 'STLI':'BSTLI', 'STLJ':'BSTLJ', 'STLP':'BSTLP', 'STLV':'BSTLV', 'STM':'BSTM', 'STMA':'BSTMA', 'STMP':'BSTMP', 'STMPI':'BSTMPI', 'STMPL':'BSTMPL', 'STMPM':'BSTMPM', 'STMV':'BSTMV', 'hif':'hf', 'och':'ox', } def curate(self): fr, err4 = PaxSrAr_4() sx, err6 = PaxSrAr_6() sx2, _ = PaxSr_6() tr, err6t = PaxTree_6() sfr = set(fr) ssx = set(sx) ssx2 = set(sx2) str_ = set(tr) in_four_not_in_six = sfr - ssx in_six_not_in_four = ssx - sfr in_tree_not_in_six = str_ - ssx in_six_not_in_tree = ssx - str_ in_six2_not_in_six = ssx2 - ssx in_six_not_in_six2 = ssx - ssx2 print( len(in_four_not_in_six), len(in_six_not_in_four), len(in_tree_not_in_six), len(in_six_not_in_tree), len(in_six2_not_in_six), len(in_six_not_in_six2), ) tr_struct_abrv = {} for abrv, ((struct, *extra), _, parent) in tr.items(): tr_struct_abrv[struct] = abrv if abrv in sx: #print(abrv, struct, parent) if struct and struct not in sx[abrv][0]: print( f'Found new label from tr for {abrv}:\n{struct}\n{sx[abrv][0]}\n' ) # can't run these for tr yet #reduced = set(tr_struct_abrv.values()) #print(sorted(_ for _ in tr if _ not in reduced)) #assert len(tr_struct_abrv) == len(tr), 'mapping between abrvs and structs is not 1:1 for tr' sx2_struct_abrv = {} for abrv, ((struct, *extra), _) in sx2.items(): sx2_struct_abrv[struct] = abrv if abrv in sx: if struct and struct not in sx[abrv][0]: print( f'Found new label from sx2 for {abrv}:\n{struct}\n{sx[abrv][0]}\n' ) reduced = set(sx2_struct_abrv.values()) print(sorted( _ for _ in reduced if _ not in sx2)) # ah inconsistent scoping rules in class defs... assert len(sx2_struct_abrv) == len(sx2), 'there is a duplicate struct' sx_struct_abrv = {} for abrv, ((struct, *extra), _) in sx.items(): sx_struct_abrv[struct] = abrv reduced = set(sx_struct_abrv.values()) print(sorted(_ for _ in reduced if _ not in sx)) assert len(sx_struct_abrv) == len(sx), 'there is a duplicate struct' # TODO test whether any of the tree members that were are going to exclude have children that we are going to include names_match_not_abbervs = {} tree_no_name = { _: tr[_] for _ in sorted(in_tree_not_in_six) if not tr[_][0][0] } tree_with_name = { _: tr[_] for _ in sorted(in_tree_not_in_six) if tr[_][0][0] } not_in_tree_with_figures = { _: sx[_] for _ in sorted(in_six_not_in_tree) if sx[_][-1] } a = f'{"abv":<25} | {"structure name":<60} | parent abv\n' + '\n'.join( f'{k:<25} | {v[0][0]:<60} | {v[-1]}' for k, v in tree_with_name.items()) b = f'{"abv":<25} | {"structure name":<15} | parent abv\n' + '\n'.join( f'{k:<25} | {"":<15} | {v[-1]}' for k, v in tree_no_name.items()) c = f'abv | {"structure name":<60} | figures (figure ranges are tuples)\n' + '\n'.join( f'{k:<6} | {v[0][0]:<60} | {v[-1]}' for k, v in not_in_tree_with_figures.items()) with open( os.path.expanduser( '~/ni/dev/nifstd/paxinos/tree-with-name.txt'), 'wt') as f: f.write(a) with open( os.path.expanduser('~/ni/dev/nifstd/paxinos/tree-no-name.txt'), 'wt') as f: f.write(b) with open( os.path.expanduser( '~/ni/dev/nifstd/paxinos/not-in-tree-with-figures.txt'), 'wt') as f: f.write(c) #match_name_not_abrev = set(v[0][0] for v in tree_with_name.values()) & set(v[0][0] for v in sx.values()) _match_name_not_abrev = {} for a, (alts, (s, *extra), f, *_) in PaxRatLabels().records()[0].items(): if s not in _match_name_not_abrev: _match_name_not_abrev[s] = [a] elif a not in _match_name_not_abrev[s]: _match_name_not_abrev[s].append(a) match_name_not_abrev = { k: v for k, v in _match_name_not_abrev.items() if len(v) > 1 } abrv_match_not_name = { k: v[0] for k, v in PaxRatLabels().records()[0].items() if len(v[0]) > 1 } _ = [ print(k, *v[0]) for k, v in PaxRatLabels().records()[0].items() if len(v[0]) > 1 ] breakpoint()