Example #1
def get_coops(start, end, sos_name, units, bbox, verbose=False):
    collector = CoopsSos()
    collector.end_time = end
    collector.start_time = start
    collector.variables = [sos_name]
    ofrs = collector.server.offerings
    title = collector.server.identification.title
    config = dict(units=units, sos_name=sos_name,)

    data = collector2table(
        col="{} ({})".format(sos_name, units.format(cf_units.UT_ISO_8859_1)),

    # Clean the table.
    table = dict(
        station_name=[s._metadata.get("station_name") for s in data],
        station_code=[s._metadata.get("station_code") for s in data],
        sensor=[s._metadata.get("sensor") for s in data],
        lon=[s._metadata.get("lon") for s in data],
        lat=[s._metadata.get("lat") for s in data],
        depth=[s._metadata.get("depth", "NA") for s in data],

    table = pd.DataFrame(table).set_index("station_name")
    if verbose:
        print("Collector offerings")
        print("{}: {} offerings".format(title, len(ofrs)))
    return data, table
Example #2
def get_coops(start, end, sos_name, units, bbox, verbose=False):
    function to read COOPS data
    We need to retry in case of failure b/c the server cannot handle
    the high traffic during hurricane season.
    print('     >> Get CO-OPS information')

    collector = CoopsSos()
    collector.end_time = end
    collector.start_time = start
    collector.variables = [sos_name]
    ofrs = collector.server.offerings
    title = collector.server.identification.title
    config = dict(
        datum='MSL',            ###Saeed added

    data = collector2table(
        col='{} ({})'.format(sos_name, units.format(cf_units.UT_ISO_8859_1))

    # Clean the table.
    table = dict(
        station_name = [s._metadata.get('station_name') for s in data],
        station_code = [s._metadata.get('station_code') for s in data],
        sensor       = [s._metadata.get('sensor')       for s in data],
        lon          = [s._metadata.get('lon')          for s in data],
        lat          = [s._metadata.get('lat')          for s in data],
        depth        = [s._metadata.get('depth', 'NA')  for s in data],

    table = pd.DataFrame(table).set_index('station_name')
    if verbose:
        print('Collector offerings')
        print('{}: {} offerings'.format(title, len(ofrs)))
    return data, table
ndbc['name'] = names

ndbc.set_index('name', inplace=True)

# ### CoopsSoS

# In[9]:

from pyoos.collectors.coops.coops_sos import CoopsSos

collector_coops = CoopsSos()

collector_coops.end_time = stop
collector_coops.start_time = start
collector_coops.variables = [sos_name]

ofrs = collector_coops.server.offerings
title = collector_coops.server.identification.title
log.info(fmt(' Collector offerings '))
log.info('{}: {} offerings'.format(title, len(ofrs)))

# In[10]:

from utilities import get_coops_metadata

coops = collector2table(collector=collector_coops)
dap_urls = non_stations

print(fmt(" Filtered DAP "))
for url in dap_urls:

Now we have a nice list of all the models available in the catalog for the domain we specified.
We still need to find the observations for the same domain.
To accomplish that we will use the `pyoos` library and search the [SOS CO-OPS](https://opendap.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/ioos-dif-sos/) services using the virtually the same configuration options from the catalog search.

from pyoos.collectors.coops.coops_sos import CoopsSos

collector_coops = CoopsSos()

collector_coops.end_time = config["date"]["stop"]
collector_coops.start_time = config["date"]["start"]
collector_coops.variables = [config["sos_name"]]

ofrs = collector_coops.server.offerings
title = collector_coops.server.identification.title
print(fmt(" Collector offerings "))
print("{}: {} offerings".format(title, len(ofrs)))

To make it easier to work with the data we extract the time-series as pandas tables and interpolate them to a common 1-hour interval index.

import pandas as pd
from ioos_tools.ioos import collector2table

data = collector2table(
sos_name = "water_surface_height_above_reference_datum"

In this example we will use only the `CoopsSos`,
but it is worth mentioning that `pyoos` has other collectors like IOOS SWE,
NcSOS, 52N, NERRS, NDBC, etc.

Pyoos' usage is quite simple, all we have to do is:

- create an instance of the collector we will use and,
- feed the instance with the data for the collection.

from pyoos.collectors.coops.coops_sos import CoopsSos

collector = CoopsSos()

collector.end_time = end_time
collector.start_time = start_time
collector.variables = [sos_name]

Let's check we we got with the search above.

ofrs = collector.server.offerings
title = collector.server.identification.title

print("Collector offerings")
print("{}: {} offerings".format(title, len(ofrs)))

OK... That is quite misleading. We did not find 1113 stations with that search.

That number is probably all the CO-OPS SOS stations available.