Example #1
	def get_stations_by_latlon(self, latitudes, longitudes, **kwargs):
			retrieves Station objects from Nerrs determined by the series of latitudes and longitudes
			- latitudes: comma-deliminated string of latitude values
			- longitudes: comma-deliminated string of longitude values
			- min_date
			- max_date
			- observed_property
			returns a StationCollection object from the parser
		if latitudes is None or longitudes is None:
			return None

		lats = str(latitudes).split(',')
		lons = str(longitudes).split(',')
		# make sure the lists are equal in size
		while len(lats) > len(lons):
			noop = lats.pop()
		while len(lons) > len(lats):
			noop = lons.pop()

		metadata = self.__get_metadata()
		desired_stations = list()
		for station in metadata:
			for index, value in enumerate(lats):
				if station.location.latitude == float(value) and station.location.longitude == float(lons[index]) and station not in desired_stations:
		args = dict(min_date=kwargs.get('min_date'),max_date=kwargs.get('max_date'),observed_property=kwargs.get('observed_property'))
		reply = Reply(None)
		return reply.parse_station_collection(self.get_station, args, desired_stations)
Example #2
	def get_stations_by_bbox(self, south, west, north, east, **kwargs):
			retrieves Station objects from Nerrs determined by the boundaries given
			- south: the southern-most latitude (in degrees North)
			- west: western-most longitude (in degrees West)
			- north: northern-most latitude (in degrees North)
			- east: eastern-most longitude (in degrees West)
			- min_date
			- max_date
			- observed_property
			returns a StationCollection object from the parser
		metadata = self.__get_metadata()
		desired_stations = list()
		for station in metadata:
			if station.location.longitude >= east and station.location.longitude <= west:
				if station.location.latitude <= north and station.location.longitude >= south:
		args = dict(min_date=kwargs.get('min_date'),max_date=kwargs.get('max_date'),observed_property=kwargs.get('observed_property'))
		reply = Reply(None)
		return reply.parse_station_collection(self.get_station, args, desired_stations)