def image_from_array(ctx, ary, num_channels=None, mode="r", norm_int=False): if not ary.flags.c_contiguous: raise ValueError("array must be C-contiguous") dtype = ary.dtype if num_channels is None: from pyopencl.array import vec try: dtype, num_channels = vec.type_to_scalar_and_count[dtype] except KeyError: # It must be a scalar type then. num_channels = 1 shape = ary.shape strides = ary.strides elif num_channels == 1: shape = ary.shape strides = ary.strides else: if ary.shape[-1] != num_channels: raise RuntimeError( "last dimension must be equal to number of channels") shape = ary.shape[:-1] strides = ary.strides[:-1] if mode == "r": mode_flags = mem_flags.READ_ONLY elif mode == "w": mode_flags = mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY else: raise ValueError("invalid value '%s' for 'mode'" % mode) img_format = { 1: channel_order.R, 2: channel_order.RG, 3: channel_order.RGB, 4: channel_order.RGBA, }[num_channels] assert ary.strides[-1] == ary.dtype.itemsize if norm_int: channel_type = DTYPE_TO_CHANNEL_TYPE_NORM[dtype] else: channel_type = DTYPE_TO_CHANNEL_TYPE[dtype] return Image(ctx, mode_flags | mem_flags.COPY_HOST_PTR, ImageFormat(img_format, channel_type), shape=shape[::-1], pitches=strides[::-1][1:], hostbuf=ary)
def parse_device(choice): try: int_choice = int(choice) except ValueError: pass else: if 0 <= int_choice < len(devices): return devices[int_choice] choice = choice.lower() for i, dev in enumerate(devices): if choice in return dev raise RuntimeError("input did not match any device")
def create_some_context(interactive=None, answers=None, cache_dir=None): import os if answers is None: if "PYOPENCL_CTX" in os.environ: ctx_spec = os.environ["PYOPENCL_CTX"] answers = ctx_spec.split(":") if "PYOPENCL_TEST" in os.environ: from import get_test_platforms_and_devices for plat, devs in get_test_platforms_and_devices(): for dev in devs: return Context([dev], cache_dir=cache_dir) if answers is not None: pre_provided_answers = answers answers = answers[:] else: pre_provided_answers = None user_inputs = [] if interactive is None: interactive = True try: import sys if not sys.stdin.isatty(): interactive = False except: interactive = False def cc_print(s): if interactive: print(s) def get_input(prompt): if answers: return str(answers.pop(0)) elif not interactive: return '' else: user_input = input(prompt) user_inputs.append(user_input) return user_input # {{{ pick a platform platforms = get_platforms() if not platforms: raise Error("no platforms found") else: if not answers: cc_print("Choose platform:") for i, pf in enumerate(platforms): cc_print("[%d] %s" % (i, pf)) answer = get_input("Choice [0]:") if not answer: platform = platforms[0] else: platform = None try: int_choice = int(answer) except ValueError: pass else: if 0 <= int_choice < len(platforms): platform = platforms[int_choice] if platform is None: answer = answer.lower() for i, pf in enumerate(platforms): if answer in platform = pf if platform is None: raise RuntimeError("input did not match any platform") # }}} # {{{ pick a device devices = platform.get_devices() def parse_device(choice): try: int_choice = int(choice) except ValueError: pass else: if 0 <= int_choice < len(devices): return devices[int_choice] choice = choice.lower() for i, dev in enumerate(devices): if choice in return dev raise RuntimeError("input did not match any device") if not devices: raise Error("no devices found") elif len(devices) == 1: pass else: if not answers: cc_print("Choose device(s):") for i, dev in enumerate(devices): cc_print("[%d] %s" % (i, dev)) answer = get_input("Choice, comma-separated [0]:") if not answer: devices = [devices[0]] else: devices = [parse_device(i) for i in answer.split(",")] # }}} if user_inputs: if pre_provided_answers is not None: user_inputs = pre_provided_answers + user_inputs cc_print("Set the environment variable PYOPENCL_CTX='%s' to " "avoid being asked again." % ":".join(user_inputs)) if answers: raise RuntimeError("not all provided choices were used by " "create_some_context. (left over: '%s')" % ":".join(answers)) return Context(devices, cache_dir=cache_dir)