def test_current_queue_feature_2(): set_current_queue(None) queue1 = get_current_queue() # use get_devices() to get list with available_devices where index corresponds to device id set_current_queue(queue1) thread1_reused = get_current_queue() assert hash(queue1) == hash(thread1_reused) set_current_queue(create_queue(device_id=0)) thread2 = get_current_queue() assert hash(queue1) != hash(thread2) set_current_queue(queue1) thread1_reused = get_current_queue() assert hash(queue1) == hash(thread1_reused)
def eval_code(emulate=False): data = to_device(np.array([0]).astype(Types.char)) knl = Kernel('knl_test_for_loop', { 'data': Global(data) }, """ ${header}{ data[0]+=i; } """, replacements={ 'header': header }, global_size=data.shape).compile(emulate=emulate) knl() get_current_queue().finish() res = return res
def test_bit_shift( ): # todo use data = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]).astype(Types.char) knl = Kernel('knl_bit_packing', {'data': data}, """ uchar a = 5; uchar b = 3; uchar c = (a << 4) | b; data[0] = (c & 0xF0) >> 4; data[1] = c & (0x0F); """, global_size=data.shape) prog = Program(kernels=[knl]) knl_cl = prog.compile().knl_bit_packing knl_py = prog.compile(emulate=True).knl_bit_packing knl_cl() get_current_queue().finish() res_cl = knl_py() res_py = assert np.all(res_cl == res_py)
def test_vector_types( ): # todo use data = np.zeros((10, )).astype(Types.char2) knl = Kernel('knl_vector_types', {'data': data}, """ char2 a = (char2)(4,2); char2 b = (char2)(1,2); data[0] = a; data[1] = b; data[2] = a + b; data[3] = a * b; data[4] = a - b; data[5] = a / b; """, global_size=data.shape) knl_cl = knl.compile() knl_py = knl.compile(emulate=True) knl_cl() get_current_queue().finish() res_cl = knl_py() res_py = assert np.all(res_cl == res_py)
def test_debug_kernel_with_complex_numbers(): buff_cl = zeros((10, 1), Types.cfloat) queue = get_current_queue() # compute result with opencl program = pyopencl_program(queue.context, str(rendered_template_cplx_float)).build() some_operation = program.all_kernels()[0] # some_operation.set_scalar_arg_dtypes([None, ClTypes.cfloat]) some_operation(queue, buff_cl.shape, None,, np.dtype(Types.cfloat).type(3 + 1j)) buff_py = zeros((10, 1), Types.cfloat) code_py = unparse_c_code_to_python(rendered_template_cplx_float) module = create_py_file_and_load_module( code_py, str(path_py_cl.joinpath('debug_component_complex_numbers'))) module.some_operation(buff_py.shape, None, buff_py, np.dtype(Types.cfloat).type(3 + 1j)) assert np.all(buff_py.get() == buff_cl.get())
def test_debug_kernel(): buff_cl = zeros((10, 1), Types.short) # compute result with opencl queue = get_current_queue() program = pyopencl_program(queue.context, str(rendered_template)).build() some_operation = program.all_kernels()[0] # some_operation(init.queue, buff_cl.shape, None, #, np.dtype(ClTypes.short).type(3)) # alternative: some_operation.set_scalar_arg_dtypes([None, Types.short]) some_operation(queue, buff_cl.shape, None,, 3) buff_py = zeros((10, 1), Types.short) code_py = unparse_c_code_to_python(rendered_template) module = create_py_file_and_load_module( code_py, str(path_py_cl.joinpath('debug_component'))) module.some_operation(buff_py.shape, None, buff_py, np.dtype(Types.short).type(3)) assert np.all(buff_py.get() == 11) assert np.all(buff_py.get() == buff_cl.get())
}, """ __local int shared[2]; ary[get_global_id(0)] = parent(ary, shared); """, global_size=ary.shape) prog = Program([func_nested, func_parent], [knl]) prog_py = prog.compile(emulate=True) prog_cl = prog.compile(emulate=False) prog_py.some_knl() ary_py = ary.get() ary.set(ary_np) prog_cl.some_knl() ary_cl = ary.get() get_current_queue().finish() assert np.allclose(ary_py, np.array([2, 1])) assert np.allclose(ary_py, ary_cl) def test_macro_with_arguments(): defines = { 'FUNC(a,b,c)': '{ int tmp = c(a-b); a += b + tmp; }' } # this is a macro with arguments ary = zeros((2, ), func_add_two = Function('add_two', {'a': Scalar(}, 'return a + 2;', knl = Kernel('knl_macro_func', {'ary': Global(ary)}, """ int a = 1;
def test_current_queue_feature_1(): # whenever create_thread() is called this is set as the current thread. Be careful, that Thread() leads to a new # context/queue. queue = create_queue() assert hash(get_current_queue()) == hash(queue)