Example #1
def create_subdirname(obstime, with_seconds=False, **kwargs):
    """Generate the pps subdirectory name from the start observation time, ex.:
    sat = kwargs.get('platform_name', 'npp')
    platform_name = PLATFORM_NAME.get(sat, sat)

    if "orbit" in kwargs:
        orbnum = int(kwargs['orbit'])
        from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
        from cspp_runner import orbitno

            tle = orbitno.get_tle(TLE_SATNAME.get(platform_name), obstime)
            orbital_ = Orbital(tle.platform, line1=tle.line1, line2=tle.line2)
            orbnum = orbital_.get_orbit_number(obstime, tbus_style=TBUS_STYLE)
        except orbitno.NoTleFile:
            LOG.error('Not able to determine orbit number!')
            import traceback
            orbnum = 1

    if with_seconds:
        return platform_name + obstime.strftime(
            '_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_') + '%.5d' % orbnum
        return platform_name + obstime.strftime(
            '_%Y%m%d_%H%M_') + '%.5d' % orbnum
def get_satellite_lat_lon(norad_id, tle_line1, tle_line2, date_time):

    username = '******'
    password = '******'
    base_url = 'https://www.space-track.org/'
    login_url = base_url + 'ajaxauth/login'

    query = base_url + "/basicspacedata/query/class/satcat/NORAD_CAT_ID/" + \
            norad_id + \
            "/orderby/NORAD_CAT_ID asc/metadata/false"

    data = {'identity': username, 'password': password, 'query': query}

    # Makes a POST REST call to space-track.org and return the result as a list of JSON
        resp = requests.post(login_url, data=data)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
        print("POST RESTful call unsuccessful - unable to obtain LAT/LON : " +

    tip_data_list = json.loads(resp.text)

    satellite_name = str(tip_data_list[0].get('SATNAME'))
    orb = Orbital(satellite=satellite_name, line1=tle_line1, line2=tle_line2)

    # Gets longitude, latitude and altitude of the satellite:
    lon, lan, alt = orb.get_lonlatalt(date_time)

    print("------------------------- DATE & TIME IN UTC : " + str(date_time) +
          " -------------------------")
    print("LONGITUDE = " + str(lon))
    print("LATITUDE = " + str(lan))

    return lon, lan
def update_graph_live(n):
    data = {'time': [], 'Latitude': [], 'Longitude': [], 'Altitude': []}
    sat = Orbital('TERRA')

    # Collect some data
    for seconds in range(0, 3600, 20):
        time = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
        lon, lat, alt = sat.get_lonlatalt(time)

    # Create the graph with subplots
    result = make_subplots(cols=1, rows=2, vertical_spacing=0.2, )
    result['layout']['margin'] = {'b': 30, 'l': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 10, }
    result['layout']['legend'] = {'x': 0, 'xanchor': 'left', 'y': 1, }

    result.append_trace({'mode': 'lines+markers', 'name': 'Altitude', 'type': 'scatter', 'x': data['time'],
                         'y': data['Altitude'], }, 1, 1)
        {'mode': 'lines+markers', 'name': 'Longitude vs Latitude', 'text': data['time'], 'type': 'scatter',
         'x': data['Longitude'], 'y': data['Latitude'], }, 2, 1)

    return result
Example #4
    def get_angles(self):
        tle1, tle2 = self.get_tle_lines()
        orb = Orbital(self.spacecrafts_orbital[self.spacecraft_id],

        sat_azi, sat_elev = orb.get_observer_look(self.times[:, np.newaxis],
                                                  self.lons, self.lats, 0)

        sat_zenith = 90 - sat_elev

        sun_zenith = astronomy.sun_zenith_angle(self.times[:, np.newaxis],
                                                self.lons, self.lats)

        alt, sun_azi = astronomy.get_alt_az(self.times[:, np.newaxis],
                                            self.lons, self.lats)
        del alt
        sun_azi = np.rad2deg(sun_azi)
        sun_azi = np.where(sun_azi < 0, sun_azi + 180, sun_azi - 180)

        rel_azi = abs(sat_azi - sun_azi)
        rel_azi = np.where(rel_azi > 180.0, 360.0 - rel_azi, rel_azi)

        return sat_azi, sat_zenith, sun_azi, sun_zenith, rel_azi
Example #5
def getGPSPosition(platformName, tleFile, dateTime):
    orb = Orbital(platformName, tleFile)
    lon, lat, alt = orb.get_lonlatalt(dateTime)
    #reading the TLE file
    file = open(tleFile)
    data = file.read().replace("\n","::")    
    arr = data.split("::")

    for i in range(len(arr)):
        if platformName.rstrip() == arr[i].rstrip():
            tleOne= arr[i+1]
            tleTwo = arr[i+2]
    sat = ephem.readtle(platformName, tleOne, tleTwo)
    #compute satellite position
    satlat =  math.degrees(sat.sublat)
    satlon = math.degrees(sat.sublong)
    satele = sat.elevation
    satsize = sat.size
    satrad = sat.radius
    satecl = sat.eclipsed
    satasc = sat.a_ra
    satdecl = sat.a_dec
    return [satlon, satlat, satele, satsize, satrad, satecl, satasc, satdecl]
Example #6
    def __init__(self, aoi, sat, instrument="AVHRR"):
        OrbitalLayer.__init__(self, aoi, sat, instrument)
        # instantiate orbital module

        config_file_path = ""
            config_file_path = os.environ['PYGRANULE_CONFIG_PATH']
        except KeyError:
            print "pygranule config file path missing.  Has the 'PYGRANULE_CONFIG_PATH' environment variable been set?"

        default_tle_file = config_file_path + "/default.tle"

            self.orbital = Orbital(sat, default_tle_file)
            print "Failed to open default tle file:", default_tle_file
            print "Downloading from internet:"
                self.orbital = Orbital(sat)
                raise OrbitalLayerError(
                    "Pyorbital Failed to fetch TLE from internet.")

        # create scan geometry - one scan line.
        if instrument == "AVHRR":
            scan_steps = np.arange(0, self.instrument_info['scan_steps'],
                                   self.instrument_info['scan_steps'] / 8 - 1)
            scan_steps[-1] = self.instrument_info['scan_steps'] - 1
            self.scan_geom = avhrr(1, scan_steps)
        elif instrument == "VIIRS":
            self.scan_geom = viirs(1)
 def __init__(self, aoi, sat, instrument="AVHRR"):
     # instantiate orbital module
     config_file_path = ""
         config_file_path = os.environ['PYGRANULE_CONFIG_PATH']
     except KeyError:
         print "pygranule config file path missing.  Has the 'PYGRANULE_CONFIG_PATH' environment variable been set?"
     default_tle_file = config_file_path+"/default.tle"
         self.orbital = Orbital(sat,default_tle_file)
         print "Failed to open default tle file:", default_tle_file
         print "Downloading from internet:"
             self.orbital = Orbital(sat)
             raise OrbitalLayerError("Pyorbital Failed to fetch TLE from internet.")
     # create scan geometry - one scan line.
     if instrument == "AVHRR":
         scan_steps = np.arange(0,self.instrument_info['scan_steps'],self.instrument_info['scan_steps']/8-1)
         scan_steps[-1] = self.instrument_info['scan_steps']-1
         self.scan_geom = avhrr(1,scan_steps)
     elif instrument == "VIIRS":
         self.scan_geom = viirs(1)
Example #8
def serialPortRead(passNumber):
    #passes = satOrb.get_next_passes(datetime.utcnow(),120, -30.8047389406, 72.9167, 180.85)
    #next get number of passes the user wants  
    satOrb = Orbital(satName, tleFile)
    passes = satOrb.get_next_passes(current_time,int(passNumber), home.lat, home.lon, home.elevation)
    for eachPass in passes:
                rise = eachPass[0]
                fall = eachPass[1]
                apex = eachPass[2]
                # Lon, Lat
                obsRiseAngle, obsRiseElv = satOrb.get_observer_look(rise, home.lat, home.lon, home.elevation)
                obsFallAngle, obsFallElv = satOrb.get_observer_look(fall, home.lat, home.lon, home.elevation)
                obsApexAngle, obsApexElv = satOrb.get_observer_look(apex, home.lat, home.lon, home.elevation)
                print("observer apex", obsApexElv)
                print("Rise Time:", rise, "Azimuth:", round(obsRiseAngle, 2), 
                          '(', azimuthDirection(obsRiseAngle), ')', "Elevation:", abs(round(obsRiseElv, 2)))
                print("Apex Time:", apex, "Azimuth:", round(obsApexAngle, 2),
                          '(', azimuthDirection(obsApexAngle), ')', "Elevation:", abs(round(obsApexElv, 2)))
                print("Fall Time:", fall, "Azimuth:", round(obsFallAngle, 2), 
                          '(', azimuthDirection(obsFallAngle), ')', "Elevation:", abs(round(obsFallElv, 2)))
Example #9
def predict_next_passes(tle_dir: str, satellites: dict, station_location: dict,
                        min_elevation: float, for_next_hours: int) -> list:
    all_passes = []
    time_now_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    for sat_name in satellites:
        sat = satellites[sat_name]
        sat_type = sat["type"]

        orbital = Orbital(sat_name,
                              tle_dir, sat_type, sat_name))
        passes = orbital.get_next_passes(time_now_utc +
                                         datetime.timedelta(seconds=-60 * 20),

        all_passes += [{
            "type": sat_type,
            "name": sat_name,
            "rise_time": pas[0],
            "fall_time": pas[1],
            "duration": (pas[1] - pas[0]).total_seconds()
        } for pas in passes]
    all_passes.sort(key=lambda t: t["rise_time"])

    return all_passes
Example #10
def get_last_valid_tle_lines(platform_name, epoch):
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(REF_DIR, platform_name)):
        with open(os.path.join(REF_DIR, platform_name)) as fd:
            ref_lines = fd.readlines()
            ref_orb = Orbital(platform_name,
            if abs(epoch - ref_orb.tle.epoch) < timedelta(days=7):
                return ref_lines
                logger.info("cached TLE too old, refreshing")

    orbit = get_valid_orbit(platform_name, epoch)

    files = sorted(get_files(), key=os.path.getctime)

    for tle_file in reversed(files):
            orb = Orbital(platform_name, tle_file=tle_file)
        except AttributeError:
        except ChecksumError:
        if orb.get_orbit_number(epoch) == orbit:
            lines = [orb.tle._platform, orb.tle._line1, orb.tle._line2]
            with open(os.path.join(REF_DIR, platform_name), "w") as fd:
            return lines
def update_graph_scatter(n):
    satellite = Orbital('TERRA')
    tiempo = []
    Latitude = []
    Longitude = []
    Altitude = []
    valor = []
    v = []

    X.append(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta())
    Y.append(random.randrange(-20, 20))
    for i in range(2 * n):
        v = random.randrange(-20, 20)
        time = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=i * 20)
        lon, lat, alt = satellite.get_lonlatalt(time)


    trace1 = go.Scatter(x=list(tiempo),

    return {
        'data': [trace1],
        'layout': go.Layout(transition={
            'duration': 1,
            'easing': 'cubic-in-out'
def time_above_the_horizon(ground_position_lat, ground_position_lon, date, date_format = "%d/%m/%Y", time_window = 24, satellite_sensor = 'aqua', elevation = 0):
    '''time_above_the_horizon calculates the observation times of satellite passes for the day and time window of a given position on the earth.
    It is based on pyorbital functions.

    ground_position_lat = -19.2590 # The latitude of the ground position (int)
    ground_position_lon = 146.8169 # The longitude of the ground position (int)
    date = '21/06/2016' # date of the day to find passes on. (This is techincally in local time for your location an is converted to UTC internally here.) (string)
    date_format = "%d/%m/%Y" # the format of thh date string (string)
    satellite_sensor = 'aqua' # the name of the satellite sensor you are tracking (string). for VIIRS use 'SUOMI NPP'
    time_window = 24 # Number of hours to find passes (int)
    elevation = 0 # the elevation of horizon to compute risetime and falltime. (int)

    Returns: [(rise-time, fall-time, max-elevation-time), ...] as datetime objects in the UTC time zone.

    [email protected]
    # check the lat and lons to be sensible.
    futs.check_for_sensible_lat_long([ground_position_lat, ground_position_lon])
    #set up the satellite
    orb = Orbital(satellite_sensor)
    # convert the local time to a utc time.
    utc_date = futs.local_to_utc(futs.which_time_zone(ground_position_lat, ground_position_lon), date, date_format)
    # do calcs and remove the utc awareness from the utc_date so that pyorbital can use it.
    time_satellite_is_above_horizon = orb.get_next_passes(utc_date.replace(tzinfo=None), time_window, ground_position_lon, ground_position_lon, elevation)
    return time_satellite_is_above_horizon
Example #13
def compute_pixels(orb, sgeom, times, rpy=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)):
    """Compute cartesian coordinates of the pixels in instrument scan."""
    if isinstance(orb, (list, tuple)):
        tle1, tle2 = orb
        orb = Orbital("mysatellite", line1=tle1, line2=tle2)

    # get position and velocity for each time of each pixel
    pos, vel = orb.get_position(times, normalize=False)

    # now, get the vectors pointing to each pixel
    vectors = sgeom.vectors(pos, vel, *rpy)

    # compute intersection of lines (directed by vectors and passing through
    # (0, 0, 0)) and ellipsoid. Derived from:
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93sphere_intersection

    # do the computation between line and ellipsoid (WGS 84)
    # NB: AAPP uses GRS 80...
    centre = -pos
    a__ = 6378.137  # km
    # b__ = 6356.75231414 # km, GRS80
    b__ = 6356.752314245  # km, WGS84
    radius = np.array([[1 / a__, 1 / a__, 1 / b__]]).T
    shape = vectors.shape

    xr_ = vectors.reshape([3, -1]) * radius
    cr_ = centre.reshape([3, -1]) * radius
    ldotc = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", xr_, cr_)
    lsq = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", xr_, xr_)
    csq = np.einsum("ij,ij->j", cr_, cr_)

    d1_ = (ldotc - np.sqrt(ldotc ** 2 - csq * lsq + lsq)) / lsq

    # return the actual pixel positions
    return vectors * d1_.reshape(shape[1:]) - centre
 def __init__(self, ground_station, satellite_tle):
     """Constructor:  ground station as GroundStation, satellite TLE as TleManipulator"""
     self.__ground_station = ground_station
     self.__satellite_tle = satellite_tle
     self.__orb = Orbital(str(self.__satellite_tle.get_satellite_number()), \
                          line1=self.__satellite_tle.get_line1(), \
Example #15
def update_graph_live(n):
    satellite = Orbital("TERRA")
    data = {"time": [], "Latitude": [], "Longitude": [], "Altitude": []}

    # Collect some data
    for i in range(180):
        time = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=i * 20)
        lon, lat, alt = satellite.get_lonlatalt(time)

    # Create the graph with subplots
    fig = plotly.tools.make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, vertical_spacing=0.2)
    fig["layout"]["margin"] = {"l": 30, "r": 10, "b": 30, "t": 10}
    fig["layout"]["legend"] = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "xanchor": "left"}

        {"x": data["time"], "y": data["Altitude"], "name": "Altitude", "mode": "lines+markers", "type": "scatter"}, 1, 1
            "x": data["Longitude"],
            "y": data["Latitude"],
            "text": data["time"],
            "name": "Longitude vs Latitude",
            "mode": "lines+markers",
            "type": "scatter",

    return fig
Example #16
def propagate_orbits(TLE_path, days):
    num_mins = int(days * 24 * 60)
    time_list = [
        datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) +
        datetime.timedelta(seconds=60 * x) for x in range(0, num_mins)
    num = 0

    table = pd.DataFrame(time_list, columns=["Time"])
    file = open(TLE_path, "r")

    a = file.readline()
    b = file.readline()

    # Iterate over TLE file
    while a != '' and b != '':
        orb = Orbital("sat{}".format(num), line1=a, line2=b)
        pos_list = []
        for time in time_list:
            pos = orb.get_position(time, normalize=False)
        table[str(num)] = pos_list
        num += 1

        a = file.readline()
        b = file.readline()

    return table
def GetGPSPosition(platformName, tleFile, dateTime):
    orb = Orbital(platformName, tleFile)
    lon, lat, alt = orb.get_lonlatalt(dateTime)
    return [lon, lat, alt, dateTime]
def GetGPSPosition(platformName, tleFile, dateTime):

    orb = Orbital(platformName, tleFile)

    lon, lat, alt = orb.get_lonlatalt(dateTime)

    return [lon, lat, alt, dateTime]
Example #19
def create_orbital_track_shapefile_for_day (track_day, step, dur):
    # получаем TLE для NOAA-19
    tle_1 = '1 33591U 09005A   21067.53688389  .00000027  00000-0  40065-4 0  9999'
    tle_2 = '2 33591  99.1917  85.7021 0014730  58.0337 302.2263 14.12454575622414'
     # Создаём экземляр класса Orbital
    orb = Orbital("N", line1=tle_1, line2=tle_2)

    i = 0
    minutes = 0

    coord = np.arange(3*dur).reshape(dur, 3)

    while minutes < dur:
        # Расчитаем час, минуту, секунду (для текущего шага)
        utc_hour = int(minutes // 60)
        utc_minutes = int((minutes - (utc_hour*60)) // 1)
        utc_seconds = int(round((minutes - (utc_hour*60) - utc_minutes)*60))
        utc_string = str(utc_hour) + '-' + str(utc_minutes) + '-' + str(utc_seconds)
        utc_time = datetime(track_day.year,track_day.month,track_day.day,utc_hour,utc_minutes,utc_seconds)
        # Считаем положение спутника
        lon, lat, alt = orb.get_lonlatalt(utc_time)

        coord[i] [0] = lon
        coord[i] [1] = lat
        coord[i] [2] = alt + 6400

        i += 1
        minutes += step

    return coord
Example #20
 def _get_sat_angles_with_tle(self):
     tle1, tle2 = self.get_tle_lines()
     orb = Orbital(self.spacecrafts_orbital[self.spacecraft_id],
     sat_azi, sat_elev = orb.get_observer_look(self.times[:, np.newaxis],
                                               self.lons, self.lats, 0)
     return sat_azi, sat_elev
Example #21
def get_satellite_coordinates(lon, lat, alt, satellite_id):
        satellite = Satellite.objects.get(id=satellite_id)
        orb = Orbital(satellite.codename)
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        return orb.get_observer_look(now, lon, lat, alt)
    except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
        return None
Example #22
def get_xyz(t):
    orb = Orbital("TJREVERB",
                  tle_file=(Path(__file__).parent.resolve() /
    return ({
        'xyz_pos': orb.get_position(t)[0],
        'xyz_vel': orb.get_position(t)[1]
Example #23
File: eps_l1b.py Project: ch-k/mpop
def get_lonlat(scene, row, col):
    """Get the longitutes and latitudes for the give *rows* and *cols*.
        filename = get_filename(scene, "granules")
    except IOError:
        #from mpop.satin.eps1a import get_lonlat_avhrr
        # return get_lonlat_avhrr(scene, row, col)
        from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
        import pyproj
        from datetime import timedelta
        start_time = scene.time_slot
        end_time = scene.time_slot + timedelta(minutes=3)

        orbital = Orbital("METOP-A")
        track_start = orbital.get_lonlatalt(start_time)
        track_end = orbital.get_lonlatalt(end_time)

        geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84')
        az_fwd, az_back, dist = geod.inv(track_start[0], track_start[1],
                                         track_end[0], track_end[1])

        del dist

        M02_WIDTH = 2821885.8962408099

        pos = ((col - 1024) * M02_WIDTH) / 2048.0
        if row > 520:
            lonlatdist = geod.fwd(track_end[0], track_end[1],
                                  az_back - 86.253533216206648,  -pos)
            lonlatdist = geod.fwd(track_start[0], track_start[1],
                                  az_fwd - 86.253533216206648,  pos)

        return lonlatdist[0], lonlatdist[1]

        if scene.lons is None or scene.lats is None:
            records, form = read_raw(filename)
            mdrs = [record[1]
                    for record in records
                    if record[0] == "mdr"]
            sphrs = [record for record in records
                     if record[0] == "sphr"]
            sphr = sphrs[0][1]
            scene.lons, scene.lats = _get_lonlats(mdrs, sphr, form)
        return scene.lons[row, col], scene.lats[row, col]
    except AttributeError:
        records, form = read_raw(filename)
        mdrs = [record[1]
                for record in records
                if record[0] == "mdr"]
        sphrs = [record for record in records
                 if record[0] == "sphr"]
        sphr = sphrs[0][1]
        scene.lons, scene.lats = _get_lonlats(mdrs, sphr, form)
        return scene.lons[row, col], scene.lats[row, col]
Example #24
def get_lla(t):
    orb = Orbital("TJREVERB",
                  tle_file=(Path(__file__).parent.resolve() /
    return ({
        'lat': orb.get_lonlatalt(t)[0],
        'lon': orb.get_lonlatalt(t)[1],
        'alt': orb.get_lonlatalt(t)[2]
Example #25
def update_graph_live(n):
    satellite = Orbital('TERRA')
    data = {
        'time': [],
        'Latitude': [],
        'Longitude': [],
        'Altitude': []

    # Collect some data
    for i in range(180):
        time = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=i*20)
        lon, lat, alt = satellite.get_lonlatalt(

    # Create the graph with subplots
    fig = plotly.tools.make_subplots(rows=2, cols=2, vertical_spacing=0.2)
    fig['layout']['margin'] = {
        'l': 30, 'r': 10, 'b': 30, 't': 10
    fig['layout']['legend'] = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'xanchor': 'left'}

    fig.append_trace ({
        'x': data['time'],
        'y': data['Altitude'],
        'name': 'Altitude',
        'mode': 'lines+markers',
        'type': 'scatter'
    }, 1, 1)

    j = go.Scatter(
        x =data['Longitude'],
        y= data['Latitude'],
        text= data['time'],
        name= 'Longitude vs Latitude',
        mode= 'lines+markers',
        type= 'scatter'

    #trace = go.Figure(data =  airports)
    #trace = [i,j]

    fig.append_trace(j  , 2, 1)
    #fig.append_trace(j  , 2, 1)

    return fig
Example #26
def runProp():
    #orb = Orbital(tle)
    orb = Orbital("TJREVERB", tle_file="FILE PATH TO TLE")
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    print(orb.get_next_passes(now, 12, -77.10428, 8.88101, 276, tol=0.001, horizon=0))
def create_orbital_track_shapefile_for_day(year, month, day, step_minutes,
                                           tle_line1, tle_line2,
        orb = Orbital("N", tle_file=None, line1=tle_line1, line2=tle_line2)
    except (ChecksumError):
        print 'Invalid TLE'
        return 2

        year = int(year)
        month = int(month)
        day = int(day)
        step_minutes = float(step_minutes)
        print 'Invalid date'
        return 3

    w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT)
    w.field('ID', 'C', 40)
    w.field('TIME', 'C', 40)
    w.field('LAT', 'C', 40)
    w.field('LON', 'C', 40)

    i = 0
    minutes = 0
    while minutes < 1440:
        utc_hour = int(minutes // 60)
        utc_minutes = int((minutes - (utc_hour * 60)) // 1)
        utc_seconds = int(round(
            (minutes - (utc_hour * 60) - utc_minutes) * 60))

        utc_string = str(utc_hour) + '-' + str(utc_minutes) + '-' + str(

        utc_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, utc_hour, utc_minutes,

        lon, lat, alt = orb.get_lonlatalt(utc_time)

        w.point(lon, lat)

        w.record(str(i), utc_string, str(lat), str(lon))

        i += 1
        minutes += step_minutes

        prj = open("%s.prj" % output_shapefile.replace('.shp', ''), "w")
        epsg = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]'
        print 'Unable to save shapefile'
        return 4
Example #28
def serial_az_el(name, stop_time=(
    datetime.utcnow())):  # sends data over serial to arduino format (az, el)
    satellite = Orbital(name, tle_file=nextPass.path_to_tle)
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    while int(
        (stop_time - now).total_seconds()) >= 0:  # while pass is occurring
        now = datetime.utcnow()
            satellite.get_observer_look(now, nextPass.lon, nextPass.lat,
                                        nextPass.alt))  # print (az, el)
        sleep(2)  # wait 2 seconds
Example #29
 def test_63(self):
     """Check that no runtimewarning is raised, #63."""
     import warnings
     from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
     from dateutil import parser
     orb = Orbital("Suomi-NPP",
                   line1="1 37849U 11061A   19292.84582509  .00000011  00000-0  25668-4 0  9997",
                   line2="2 37849  98.7092 229.3263 0000715  98.5313 290.6262 14.19554485413345")
     orb.get_next_passes(parser.parse("2019-10-21 16:00:00"), 12, 123.29736, -13.93763, 0)
Example #30
def ground_truth(lat, lon, time, sat, duration):
    orb = Orbital(sat, tle_file="active.txt")
    delta = timedelta(seconds=1)
    azs = []
    els = []
    for i in range(duration):
        az, el = pwm_for(*orb.get_observer_look(time, lon, lat, 0))
        time += delta
    return azs, els
Example #31
 def update_satellite(self, satellite):
     """Update satellite and renew the orbital instance.
     if satellite != self._satellite:
         self._satellite = satellite
         if self._tle_files is not None:
             filelist = glob(self._tle_files)
             tle_file = max(filelist, key=lambda x: os.stat(x).st_mtime)
             tle_file = None
         self._orbital = Orbital(self._satellite.upper(), tle_file)
Example #32
 def __init__(self,name,file):
     self.file = file
     self.orbital = Orbital(name,file)
     self.now = datetime.now()
     self.position = self.orbital.get_position(self.now,False)
     for i in range(0,2000):
         self.now += timedelta(seconds=4)
         position = self.orbital.get_position(self.now,False)
         for i in range(0,3):
Example #33
def get_valid_orbit(platform_name, epoch):
    orb_nums = []
    for tle_file in sorted(get_files(), reverse=True):
            orb = Orbital(platform_name, tle_file=tle_file)
        except AttributeError:
        except ChecksumError:

    return int(round(np.median(orb_nums)))
def create_orbital_track_shapefile_for_day (year, month, day, step_minutes, tle_line1, tle_line2, sat_name):
        orb = Orbital("N",tle_file=None,line1=tle_line1, line2=tle_line2)
        raise NameError

        year = int(year)
        month = int(month)
        day = int(day)
        step_minutes = float(step_minutes)
        raise TypeError

    trackLayerName = 'Track Layer (' + str(sat_name) + ': ' + str(year) + ':' + str(month) + ':' + str(day) + ')'
    trackLayer = QgsVectorLayer("Point", trackLayerName, "memory")
    trackLayerDataProvider = trackLayer.dataProvider()


    trackLayerDataProvider.addAttributes( [ QgsField("ID", QVariant.Int),
                QgsField("TIME",  QVariant.String),
                QgsField("LAT", QVariant.Double),
                QgsField("LON", QVariant.Double)] )

    i = 0
    minutes = 0
    while minutes < 1440:
        utc_hour = int(minutes // 60)
        utc_minutes = int((minutes - (utc_hour*60)) // 1)
        utc_seconds = int(round((minutes - (utc_hour*60) - utc_minutes)*60))

        utc_string = str(utc_hour) + ':' + str(utc_minutes) + ':' + str(utc_seconds)

        utc_time = datetime.datetime(year,month,day,utc_hour,utc_minutes,utc_seconds)

        lon, lat, alt = orb.get_lonlatalt(utc_time)

        trackPoint = QgsFeature()

        trackLayerDataProvider.addFeatures ([trackPoint])

        i += 1
        minutes += step_minutes


    return trackLayer
Example #35
def track():
    # tle = tlefile.read('ISS', 'orbit.txt')
    orbit = Orbital('ISS', 'Telescope/orbit.txt')
    while True:
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        # print(now)
        coords = (orbit.get_position(now)[0])
        # print(orbit.get_lonlatalt(now))
        # print(coords)
        print(convertCartesianToRaDec(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]))

def get_view_zen_angles(sat_name, tle_filename, area_def_name,
    """Calculate the satellite zenith angles for the given satellite
    (*sat_name*, *tle_filename*), *area_def_name* and *time slot*.
    Stores the result in the given *cache* parameter.
        from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
    except ImportError:
        LOGGER.warning("Could not load pyorbital modules")

    area_def = get_area_def(area_def_name)
    lons, lats = area_def.get_lonlats()
    orbital_obj = Orbital(sat_name, tle_filename)
    elevation = orbital_obj.get_observer_look(time_slot, lons, lats, 0)[1]
    view_zen_data = np.subtract(90, np.ma.masked_outside(elevation, 0, 90))
    return view_zen_data
    def extractDataset(self,
                       satelliteName='ISS (ZARYA)',
                       sourceDirectory=generateFilename(description = "stations",
                                                        extension = ".txt",
                                                        dateToday = False),
                       referenceDate = (2015,10,28,0,0,0),
                       numberOfSamples = 1440,
                       numberOfInputs = 4,
                       incrementSeconds = 60):

        self.satelliteName = satelliteName
        self.sourceDirectory = sourceDirectory
        self.referenceDate = referenceDate
        self.numberOfSamples = numberOfSamples
        self.numberOfInputs = numberOfInputs
        self.dataset = np.zeros(shape=[1,self.numberOfInputs])
        self.incrementSeconds = incrementSeconds
        self.min = 0
        self.max = 0
        self.min_dataset = 0
        self.max_dataset = 0

            # reading input data
            input_data = Orbital(self.satelliteName, self.sourceDirectory)

            # calculate date
            date = datetime.datetime(*self.referenceDate)

            #1440 for the number of minutes in a day
            for point_n in xrange(self.numberOfSamples):
                #each point will be collected with a specified difference of seconds
                date += datetime.timedelta(0,incrementSeconds)
                output_data = input_data.get_position(date,normalize=False)
                self.dataset = np.vstack([self.dataset, np.append(output_data[0],[point_n + referenceDate[4]])])

            self.dataset = np.delete(self.dataset,0,0)

            return 0


            return 1
Example #38
 def update_satellite(self, satellite):
     """Update satellite and renew the orbital instance.
     if satellite != self._satellite:
         self._satellite = satellite
         if self._tle_files is not None:
             filelist = glob(self._tle_files)
             tle_file = max(filelist, key=lambda x: os.stat(x).st_mtime)
             tle_file = None
         self._orbital = Orbital(self._satellite.upper(), tle_file)
    def __init__(self):

        self.ground_lat     =  EARTH_STATION_LAT
        self.ground_long    =  EARTH_STATION_LONG
        self.observer       =  ephem.Observer()
        self.observer.lat   =  self.ground_lat
        self.observer.long  =  self.ground_long
        self.observer.date  =  datetime.utcnow()
        self.tle            =  IN_TLE_FILE
        self.tles           =  []
        self.satellite_name =  TRK_SATELLITE
        self.orb            =  Orbital(self.satellite_name,tle_file=self.tle)
Example #40
def create_subdirname(obstime, with_seconds=False, **kwargs):
    """Generate the pps subdirectory name from the start observation time, ex.:
    if "orbit" in kwargs:
        orbnum = int(kwargs['orbit'])
        from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
        from npp_runner import orbitno

            tle = orbitno.get_tle('npp', obstime)
            orbital_ = Orbital(tle.platform, line1=tle.line1, line2=tle.line2)
            orbnum = orbital_.get_orbit_number(obstime, tbus_style=TBUS_STYLE)
        except orbitno.NoTleFile:
            LOG.error('Not able to determine orbit number!')
            import traceback
            orbnum = 1

    if with_seconds:
        return obstime.strftime('npp_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_') + '%.5d' % orbnum
        return obstime.strftime('npp_%Y%m%d_%H%M_') + '%.5d' % orbnum
Example #41
    def on_opened(self, event):
        fname = os.path.split(event.src_path)[1]
        if self._file is None and fnmatch(fname, self._file_pattern):
            logger.debug("Opening: " + event.src_path)
            self._filename = event.src_path
            self._file = open(event.src_path, "rb")
            self._where = 0
            self._satellite = " ".join(event.src_path.split("_")[1:3])[:-5]

            if self._tle_files is not None:
                filelist = glob(self._tle_files)
                tle_file = max(filelist, key=lambda x: os.stat(x).st_mtime)
                tle_file = None

            self._orbital = Orbital(self._satellite, tle_file)
class NPP_Orbit:

# Constructor of NPP_Orbit

    def __init__(self):

        self.ground_lat     =  EARTH_STATION_LAT
        self.ground_long    =  EARTH_STATION_LONG
        self.observer       =  ephem.Observer()
        self.observer.lat   =  self.ground_lat
        self.observer.long  =  self.ground_long
        self.observer.date  =  datetime.utcnow()
        self.tle            =  IN_TLE_FILE
        self.tles           =  []
        self.satellite_name =  TRK_SATELLITE
        self.orb            =  Orbital(self.satellite_name,tle_file=self.tle)

# Functions

    def read_tle(self):
        self.tles = open(self.tle, 'r').readlines()
        self.tles = [item.strip() for item in self.tles]
        self.tles = [(self.tles[i], self.tles[i+1], self.tles[i+2]) \
                for i in xrange(0, len(self.tles)-2, 3)]

    def get_pass_num_t(self,yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mn,ss):
        indate = str(yyyy) + '-' + str(mm) + '-' +str(dd) + ' ' +\
                str(hh) + ':' + str(mn) + ':' + str(ss)
        self.observer.date  =  indate
        for tle in self.tles:
                if tle[0].strip() == self.satellite_name:
                        sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0],tle[1],tle[2])
                        rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa = self.observer.next_pass(sat)
                        num = self.orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(tt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),tbus_style=True)

        return num

    def __del__(self):
def SatStats():
    #tle = r"C:\Users\Jake\Python\TLE Files\stations-tle.txt"
    # Download TLE file
    #downloadUrl = "http://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/stations.txt"
    #urllib.request.urlretrieve(downloadUrl, tle)

    tle = GetTLEFile()
    stationList = GetStationList(tle)
            stationNumber = input("Enter Station Number: ")
            if stationNumber == 'n':
                for name in enumerate(stationList):
                    print(name[0], ':', name[1].replace('\n', ''))
        stationNumber = int(stationNumber)
        if stationNumber < len(stationList):
            # Get Platform Object
            station = stationList[stationNumber]
            stationObject = tlefile.read(station, tle)

            # Print Platform Info
            PrintTLEInfo(stationObject, station)
            lon, lat, alt, now = GetGPSPosition(station, tle, datetime.utcnow())                    
            dmLon, dmLat = DegreeMinutes(lon, lat)
            print("Current GPS location:\n", "Latitude: ", lat, " Longitude: ", lon, " Altitude (km): ", alt, sep='')
            print("Current GPS location:\n", "Latitude: ", dmLat, " Longitude: ", dmLon, " Altitude (km): ", alt, sep='')
            satOrb = Orbital(station, tle)
            PrintFreqData(GetFreqData(station, "C:/Users/Jake/Python/Satellite Tracker/frequencies/satfreqlist.csv"))
            passes = satOrb.get_next_passes(datetime.utcnow(), 120, -90.5546910, 38.6475290, 180.85)
            print("Next passes in 5 days (Max Elevation Above 20 deg):")
            for eachPass in passes:
                rise = eachPass[0]
                fall = eachPass[1]
                apex = eachPass[2]
                # Lon, Lat
                obsRiseAngle, obsRiseElv = satOrb.get_observer_look(rise, -90.5546910, 38.6475290, 180.85)
                obsFallAngle, obsFallElv = satOrb.get_observer_look(fall, -90.5546910, 38.6475290, 180.85)
                obsApexAngle, obsApexElv = satOrb.get_observer_look(apex, -90.5546910, 38.6475290, 180.85)
                if obsApexElv >= 20.0:
                    print("Rise Time:", rise, "Azimuth:", round(obsRiseAngle, 2), 
                          '(', AzimuthDirection(obsRiseAngle), ')', "Elevation:", abs(round(obsRiseElv, 2)))
                    print("Apex Time:", apex, "Azimuth:", round(obsApexAngle, 2),
                          '(', AzimuthDirection(obsApexAngle), ')', "Elevation:", abs(round(obsApexElv, 2)))
                    print("Fall Time:", fall, "Azimuth:", round(obsFallAngle, 2), 
                          '(', AzimuthDirection(obsFallAngle), ')', "Elevation:", abs(round(obsFallElv, 2)))
Example #44
import time
import calendar

SIDERAL_DAY_SEC = 86164.0905
MU = 398600 # Earth standard gravitational parameter

satellite = sys.argv[1]
userLat = float(sys.argv[2])
userLng = float(sys.argv[3])
userAlt = float(sys.argv[4])
line1 = sys.argv[5]
line2 = sys.argv[6]

tle = tlefile.read(satellite, None, line1, line2)

orb = Orbital(satellite, None, line1, line2)

now = datetime.utcnow()
# Get normalized position and velocity of the satellite:
pos, vel = orb.get_position(now)
# Get longitude, latitude and altitude of the satellite:
position = orb.get_lonlatalt(now)

data = {}

timestamp = calendar.timegm(now.utctimetuple())

az, el = orb.get_observer_look(now, userLng, userLat, userAlt);

data['user_view'] = {}
def getUpcomingPasses(satellite_name,satellite_swath,tle_information, passes_begin_time, passes_period):

    observer       = ephem.Observer()
    observer.lat   = GROUND_STATION[0]
    observer.long  = GROUND_STATION[1]
    #updatetime = 0
    period = passes_period
    #Get most recent TLE for determining upcoming passes from now
    tles = tle_information

    # make a list of dicts to hold the upcoming pass information for the selected satellites
    SCHEDULE = []
    observer.date = passes_begin_time

    while 1:

        for tle in tles:

            if tle[0].strip()== satellite_name:

                #TODO clean up the use of pyephem versus orbital. Orbital can give a orbit number and does many of the pyephem functions
                #TODO add the individual acquisitions as layers in the same ogr output
                #TODO use an appropriate google earth icon for satellites at a visible display resolution with a name tag and minutesaway
                #TODO print output to logging
                satname = str(tle[0]).replace(" ","_")
                sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0],tle[1],tle[2])

                twole = tlefile.read(tle[0],DATA_IN_DIR+'tles.txt')
                now = datetime.utcnow()
                #TODO check age of TLE - if older than x days get_tle()
#                print "TLE EPOCH:",twole.epoch
                oi = float(str.split(tle[2],' ')[3])
                orb = Orbital(tle[0])
                attributes = []
                rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa = observer.next_pass(sat)

                # Determine is pass descending or ascending
                aos_lat = sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi)
                los_lat = sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi)

                if (aos_lat > los_lat):
#                    print "PASS                 = descending"
                    node = "descending"
#                    print "PASS                 = ascending"
                    node = "ascending"
                    oi = 360 - oi

                AOStime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                minutesaway = (AOStime-now).seconds/60.0

#		print "Satellie             = ", satname
#               print "Minutes to horizon   = ", minutesaway
#               print "AOStime              = ", rt
#               print "LOStime              = ", st
#               print "Transit time         = ", tt
#	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#		This is a test routine for calculating Az, El angles
#	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                orad = orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]

#               print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'
		test_az_el_cal(orb,observer, rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa,orad)
#               print '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'

                attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orad, 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")), \
#                attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orad, 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(tt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")), \
                              'Current time': str(now),'Minutes to horizon': minutesaway, 'AOS time': str(rt), \
                              'LOS time': str(st), 'Transit time': str(tt), 'Node': node}

                # Append the attributes to the list of acquisitions for the acquisition period
                if not any ((x['Satellite name'] == satname and x['Orbit'] == orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))for x in SCHEDULE):
#                if not any ((x['Satellite name'] == satname and x['Orbit'] == orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(tt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))for x in SCHEDULE):

                # Step from AOS to LOS in 100 second intervals
#                delta = timedelta(seconds=100)
                delta = timedelta(seconds=DELTA_TIME_STEP)
                deltatime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                geoeastpoint = []
                geowestpoint = []
                geotrack = []

#                print "DELTATIME", deltatime
#                print "SETTING TIME", datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

#		Tesing for next satellite

#	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#		The following set of lines have been for testing while making comparision in seconds 
#		instead of string comparisiom
#	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#		print '================ Testing Loop starts ==========================================='
#		print 'deltatime       = ',deltatime
#		print 'Secs Time       = ', get_time_secs(str(deltatime).replace("-","/"))
#		print 'st              = ',str(datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
#		print 'st in Secs Time = ',get_time_secs(str(datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")).replace('-','/'))
#		print '================ Testing Loop Ends   ==========================================='
#		The following if statement has ben included on the basis of dpoch seconds

		if get_time_secs(str(deltatime).replace("-","/")) >= \
			get_time_secs(str(datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")).replace('-','/')):

		print 'Delta Time = ',deltatime
		print 'date time  = ',datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")		
		print '---------------------------'

#		if deltatime >= datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"):
#			return()

                while deltatime < datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"):

                    geotrack.append({'lat2': sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), \
                                     'lon2': sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), \
                                     'alt2': orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]*1000})

                    eastaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), orad, sat._n)+90
                    westaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), orad, sat._n)+270

                    #Set ground swath per satellite sensor
                    #TODO use view angle check to refine step from satellite track see IFOV
		    swath = float(satellite_swath)/2.
                    geoeastpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, eastaz, swath))
                    geowestpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, westaz, swath))

                    deltatime = deltatime+delta

                # Create current location ogr output
                nowpoint = [{'lat2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[1],'lon2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[0],'alt2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[2]*1000}]
                #TODO ensure the now attributes are actually attributes for the current position of the satellite and include relevant next pass information...tricky?
                #if ((attributes['Orbit']==orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.utcnow()))and(AOStime<now)):
                now_attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[2], 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.utcnow()), \
                          'Current time': str(now),'Minutes to horizon': "N/A", 'AOS time': "N/A", \
                          'LOS time': "N/A", 'Transit time': "N/A", 'Node': "N/A"}
                #CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME = satname+"_current_position.kml"

                CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME = OUTPUT_DIR+satname+"_current_position.kml"

                #TODO draw the current orbit forward for the passes period time from the satellite position as a long stepped ogr line

                getVectorFile(now_attributes,nowpoint,'point', CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME, 'KML')

                polypoints = []

                for x in geowestpoint:
                for x in reversed(geoeastpoint):
                if len(polypoints)>0:

                # Create swath footprint ogr output
                SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))+".ALICE.orbit_swath.kml")
                ORBIT_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))+".ALICE.orbit_track.kml")
                TRACKING_SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"_tracking_now.kml")

                # Create currently acquiring polygon
                #TODO def this
                # Step from AOS to current time second intervals


#               tkdelta = timedelta(seconds=100)

                tkdelta = timedelta(seconds=DELTA_TIME_STEP)

                tkrt, tkra, tktt, tkta, tkst, tksa = observer.next_pass(sat)
                tkdeltatime = datetime.utcnow()
                tkgeoeastpoint = []
                tkgeowestpoint = []
                tkgeotrack = []

                while tkdeltatime < (datetime.utcnow() or datetime.strptime(str(tkst),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")):

                    tkgeotrack.append({'lat2':sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi),'lon2':sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),'alt2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]})

                    tkeastaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),orad,sat._n)+90
                    tkwestaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),orad,sat._n)+270
                    #TODO use view angle check to refine step from satellite track see IFOV

		    tkswath = float(satellite_swath)/2.
                    tkgeoeastpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, tkeastaz, tkswath))
                    tkgeowestpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, tkwestaz, tkswath))

                    tkdeltatime = tkdeltatime+tkdelta

                tkpolypoints = []

                for x in tkgeowestpoint:
                for x in reversed(tkgeoeastpoint):
                if len(tkpolypoints)>0:

                if not ((attributes['Node']=="ascending")and(satname not in ("AQUA"))):
                    # Create swath ogr output
                    getVectorFile(attributes,polypoints,'polygon', SWATH_FILENAME, 'KML')
                    # Create orbit track ogr output
                    getVectorFile(attributes,geotrack,'line', ORBIT_FILENAME, 'KML')
                    # Create currently acquiring ogr output
                    if ((now >= datetime.strptime(str(tkrt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) and (now <= datetime.strptime(str(tkst),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))):
                        getVectorFile(now_attributes,tkpolypoints,'polygon', TRACKING_SWATH_FILENAME, 'KML')

                if minutesaway <= period:

#                    print tle[0], 'WILL BE MAKING A PASS IN ', minutesaway, " MINUTES"
#                    print ' Rise Azimuth: ', ra
#                    print ' Transit Time: ', tt
#                    print ' Transit Altitude: ', ta
#                    print ' Set Time: ', st
#                    print ' Set Azimuth: ', sa
#                    print '================================================='
#		    print 'Satellite Name = ',satellite_name
                    for x in sorted(SCHEDULE, key=lambda k: k['AOS time']):
#			print x
                        # For dictionary entries with 'LOS time' older than now time - remove
                        if ((datetime.strptime(str(x['LOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))<(datetime.utcnow())):
                            # Delete output ogr
                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(x['Orbit'])+".ALICE.orbit_swath.kml")):
                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(x['Orbit'])+".ALICE.orbit_track.kml")):
                            # Delete dictionary entry for pass

                    # Unlikely - if no entries in the SCHEDULE don't try to print it

                    if len(SCHEDULE)>0:
			print (datetime.strptime(str(SCHEDULE[0]['AOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))

                    # If the AOS time is less than now + the time delta, shift the time to the latest recorded pass LOS time

                    if ((datetime.strptime(str(SCHEDULE[len(SCHEDULE)-1]['AOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")<(datetime.utcnow()+timedelta(minutes=period)))):
                        observer.date = (datetime.strptime(str(SCHEDULE[len(SCHEDULE)-1]['LOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")+timedelta(minutes=5))
                        # Recompute the satellite position for the update time
#                        print "MODIFIED OBSERVER DATE",observer.date
#                       print "--------NOTHING TO MODIFY MOVING TO NEXT SATELLITE IN LIST------"
                        #TODO - write to html

                        # Exit the def if the SCHEDULE isn't able to update because there are no passes in the acquisition window
                        return ()

#	print 'Before Time Sleep ......'
#	print 'Loop for While .........'
	print '============================================================================='

    return ()
Example #46
class FileStreamer(FileSystemEventHandler):
    """Get the updates from files.

    TODO: separate holder from file handling.
    def __init__(self, holder, configfile, *args, **kwargs):
        FileSystemEventHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self._file = None
        self._filename = ""
        self._where = 0
        self._satellite = ""
        self._orbital = None
        cfg = ConfigParser()
        self._coords = cfg.get("local_reception", "coordinates").split(" ")
        self._coords = [float(self._coords[0]),
        self._station = cfg.get("local_reception", "station")
        logger.debug("Station " + self._station +
                     " located at: " + str(self._coords))
            self._tle_files = cfg.get("local_reception", "tle_files")
        except NoOptionError:
            self._tle_files = None

        self._file_pattern = cfg.get("local_reception", "file_pattern")
        self.scanlines = holder

        self._warn = True
    def update_satellite(self, satellite):
        """Update satellite and renew the orbital instance.
        if satellite != self._satellite:
            self._satellite = satellite
            if self._tle_files is not None:
                filelist = glob(self._tle_files)
                tle_file = max(filelist, key=lambda x: os.stat(x).st_mtime)
                tle_file = None
            self._orbital = Orbital(self._satellite.upper(), tle_file)

    def on_created(self, event):
        """Callback when file is created.
        if event.src_path != self._filename:
            if self._filename:
                logger.info("Closing: " + self._filename)
            if self._file:
            self._file = None
            self._filename = ""
            self._where = 0
            self._satellite = ""
            self._warn = True
        logger.info("New file detected: " + event.src_path)

    def on_opened(self, event):
        """Callback when file is opened
        fname = os.path.split(event.src_path)[1]
        if self._file is None and fnmatch(fname, self._file_pattern):
            logger.info("File opened: " + event.src_path)
            self._filename = event.src_path
            self._file = open(event.src_path, "rb")
            self._where = 0
            self._satellite = ""

            self._orbital = None
            self._warn = True

    def on_modified(self, event):

        if event.src_path != self._filename:
        line = self._file.read(LINE_SIZE)
        while len(line) == LINE_SIZE:
            line_start = self._where
            self._where = self._file.tell()
            dtype = np.dtype([('frame_sync', '>u2', (6, )),
                              ('id', [('id', '>u2'),
                                      ('spare', '>u2')]),
                              ('timecode', '>u2', (4, )),
                              ('telemetry', [("ramp_calibration", '>u2', (5, )),
                                             ("PRT", '>u2', (3, )),
                                             ("ch3_patch_temp", '>u2'),
                                             ("spare", '>u2'),]),
                              ('back_scan', '>u2', (10, 3)),
                              ('space_data', '>u2', (10, 5)),
                              ('sync', '>u2'),
                              ('TIP_data', '>u2', (520, )),
                              ('spare', '>u2', (127, )),
                              ('image_data', '>u2', (2048, 5)),
                              ('aux_sync', '>u2', (100, ))])

            array = np.fromstring(line, dtype=dtype)
            if np.all(abs(HRPT_SYNC_START - 
                          array["frame_sync"]) > 1):
                array = array.newbyteorder()
            # FIXME: this means server can only share 1 year of hrpt data.
            now = datetime.utcnow()
            year = now.year
            utctime = datetime(year, 1, 1) + timecode(array["timecode"][0])
            if utctime > now:
                # Can't have data from the future... yet :)
                utctime = (datetime(year - 1, 1, 1)
                           + timecode(array["timecode"][0]))

            # Check that we receive real-time data
            if not (np.all(array['aux_sync'] == HRPT_SYNC) and
                    np.all(array['frame_sync'] == HRPT_SYNC_START)):
                logger.info("Garbage line: " + str(utctime))
                line = self._file.read(LINE_SIZE)

            if (now - utctime).days > 7 and self._warn:
                logger.warning("Data is more than a week old: " + str(utctime))
                self._warn = False
            satellite = SATELLITES[((array["id"]["id"] >> 3) & 15)[0]]

            elevation = self._orbital.get_observer_look(utctime,
            logger.debug("Got line " + utctime.isoformat() + " "
                         + self._satellite + " "
                         + str(elevation))

            # TODO:
            # - serve also already present files
            # - timeout and close the file
            self.scanlines.add_scanline(self._satellite, utctime,
                                        elevation, line_start, self._filename,

            line = self._file.read(LINE_SIZE)

Example #47
    while True:
        lat2 = lat
        c = 1/(np.sqrt(1 - e2 * (np.sin(lat2) ** 2)))
        lat = np.arctan2(pos_z + c * e2 *np.sin(lat2), r)
        if np.all(abs(lat - lat2) < 1e-10):
    alt = r / np.cos(lat)- c;
    alt *= A
    return np.rad2deg(lon), np.rad2deg(lat), alt


def compute_pixels((tle1, tle2), sgeom, start_of_scan):
    """Compute cartesian coordinates of the pixels in instrument scan.
    orb = Orbital("mysatellite", line1=tle1, line2=tle2)

    # times for each pixel
    times = sgeom.times(start_of_scan)

    # get position and velocity for each time of each pixel
    pos, vel = orb.get_position(times, normalize=False)

    # now, get the vectors pointing to each pixel
    vectors = sgeom.vectors(pos, vel)

    ## compute intersection of lines (directed by vectors and passing through
    ## (0, 0, 0)) and sphere
    ## http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93sphere_intersection
    # get the radius of the earth at the given times
Example #48
        lat2 = lat
        c = 1 / (np.sqrt(1 - e2 * (np.sin(lat2) ** 2)))
        lat = np.arctan2(pos_z + c * e2 * np.sin(lat2), r)
        if np.all(abs(lat - lat2) < 1e-10):
    alt = r / np.cos(lat) - c
    alt *= A
    return np.rad2deg(lon), np.rad2deg(lat), alt


def compute_pixels((tle1, tle2), sgeom, times, rpy=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)):
    """Compute cartesian coordinates of the pixels in instrument scan.
    orb = Orbital("mysatellite", line1=tle1, line2=tle2)

    # get position and velocity for each time of each pixel
    pos, vel = orb.get_position(times, normalize=False)

    # now, get the vectors pointing to each pixel
    vectors = sgeom.vectors(pos, vel, *rpy)

    # compute intersection of lines (directed by vectors and passing through
    # (0, 0, 0)) and ellipsoid. Derived from:
    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93sphere_intersection

    # do the computation between line and ellipsoid (WGS 84)
    # NB: AAPP uses GRS 80...
    centre = -pos
    a__ = 6378.137  # km
Example #49
def replace_orbitno(filename):
    stamp = get_npp_stamp(filename)

    # Correct h5 attributes
    no_date = datetime(1958, 1, 1)
    epsilon_time = timedelta(days=2)
    import h5py

    def _get_a_good_time(name, obj):
        del name
        if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset):
            date_key, time_key = ('Ending_Date', 'Ending_Time')
            if date_key in obj.attrs.keys():
                if not good_time_val_[0]:
                    time_val = datetime.strptime(
                        obj.attrs[date_key][0][0] +
                    if abs(time_val - no_date) > epsilon_time:
                        good_time_val_[0] = time_val

    def _check_orbitno(name, obj):
        del name
        if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset):
            for date_key, time_key, orbit_key in (
                ('AggregateBeginningDate', 'AggregateBeginningTime',
                ('AggregateEndingDate', 'AggregateEndingTime',
                ('Beginning_Date', 'Beginning_Time',
                if orbit_key in obj.attrs.keys():
                    time_val = datetime.strptime(
                        obj.attrs[date_key][0][0] +

                    # Check for no date (1958) problem:
                    if abs(time_val - no_date) < epsilon_time:
                        LOG.info("Start time wrong: %s",
                        LOG.info("Will use the first good end time encounter " +
                                 "in file to determine orbit number")
                        time_val = good_time_val_[0]

                    orbit_val = orbital_.get_orbit_number(time_val,
                    obj.attrs.modify(orbit_key, [[orbit_val]])
                    counter_[0] += 1

    # Correct h5 attributes
    orbital_ = Orbital(TLE_SATNAME[stamp.platform])
    orbit = orbital_.get_orbit_number(stamp.start_time, tbus_style=TBUS_STYLE)
    LOG.info("Replacing orbit number %05d with %05d",
             stamp.orbit_number, orbit)
    fp = h5py.File(filename, 'r+')
        good_time_val_ = [None]
        counter_ = [0]
        if counter_[0] == 0:
            raise IOError(
                "Failed replacing orbit number in hdf5 attributes '%s'" % filename)
        LOG.info("Replaced orbit number in %d attributes", counter_[0])

    # Correct filename
    dname, fname = os.path.split(filename)
    fname, n = _re_replace_orbitno.subn('_b%05d' % orbit, fname)
    if n != 1:
        raise IOError("Failed replacing orbit number in filename '%s'" % fname)
    return os.path.join(dname, fname), orbit
Example #50
class FileStreamer(FileSystemEventHandler):
    """Get the updates from files.

    TODO: separate holder from file handling.
    def __init__(self, holder, configfile, *args, **kwargs):
        FileSystemEventHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self._file = None
        self._filename = ""
        self._where = 0
        self._satellite = ""
        self._orbital = None
        cfg = ConfigParser()
        self._coords = cfg.get("local_reception", "coordinates").split(" ")
        self._coords = [float(self._coords[0]),
            self._tle_files = cfg.get("local_reception", "tle_files")
        except NoOptionError:
            self._tle_files = None

        self._file_pattern = cfg.get("local_reception", "file_pattern")
        self.scanlines = holder

    def on_created(self, event):
        if event.src_path != self._filename:
            logger.debug("Closing: " + self._filename)
            if self._file:
            self._file = None
            self._filename = ""
            self._where = 0
            self._satellite = ""
        logger.debug("Creating: " + event.src_path)

    def on_opened(self, event):
        fname = os.path.split(event.src_path)[1]
        if self._file is None and fnmatch(fname, self._file_pattern):
            logger.debug("Opening: " + event.src_path)
            self._filename = event.src_path
            self._file = open(event.src_path, "rb")
            self._where = 0
            self._satellite = " ".join(event.src_path.split("_")[1:3])[:-5]

            if self._tle_files is not None:
                filelist = glob(self._tle_files)
                tle_file = max(filelist, key=lambda x: os.stat(x).st_mtime)
                tle_file = None

            self._orbital = Orbital(self._satellite, tle_file)

    def on_modified(self, event):

        if event.src_path != self._filename:
        line = self._file.read(LINE_SIZE)
        while len(line) == LINE_SIZE:
            line_start = self._where
            self._where = self._file.tell()
            dtype = np.dtype([('frame_sync', '>u2', (6, )),
                              ('id', [('id', '>u2'),
                                      ('spare', '>u2')]),
                              ('timecode', '>u2', (4, )),
                              ('telemetry', [("ramp_calibration", '>u2', (5, )),
                                             ("PRT", '>u2', (3, )),
                                             ("ch3_patch_temp", '>u2'),
                                             ("spare", '>u2'),]),
                              ('back_scan', '>u2', (10, 3)),
                              ('space_data', '>u2', (10, 5)),
                              ('sync', '>u2'),
                              ('TIP_data', '>u2', (520, )),
                              ('spare', '>u2', (127, )),
                              ('image_data', '>u2', (2048, 5)),
                              ('aux_sync', '>u2', (100, ))])

            array = np.fromstring(line, dtype=dtype)
            if np.all(abs(HRPT_SYNC_START - 
                          array["frame_sync"]) > 1):
                array = array.newbyteorder()

            # FIXME: this is bad!!!! Should not get the year from the filename
            year = int(os.path.split(event.src_path)[1][:4])
            utctime = datetime(year, 1, 1) + timecode(array["timecode"][0])

            # Check that we receive real-time data
            if not (np.all(array['aux_sync'] == HRPT_SYNC) and
                    np.all(array['frame_sync'] == HRPT_SYNC_START)):
                logger.info("Garbage line: " + str(utctime))
                line = self._file.read(LINE_SIZE)

            elevation = self._orbital.get_observer_look(utctime, *self._coords)[1]
            logger.info("Got line " + utctime.isoformat() + " "
                        + self._satellite + " "
                        + str(elevation))

            # TODO:
            # - serve also already present files
            # - timeout and close the file
            self.scanlines.add_scanline(self._satellite, utctime,
                                        elevation, line_start, self._filename,

            line = self._file.read(LINE_SIZE)

def getUpcomingPasses(satellite_name, tle_information, passes_begin_time, passes_period):

    observer = ephem.Observer()
    observer.lat = ground_station[0]
    observer.long = ground_station[1]
    #updatetime = 0
    period = passes_period
    #Get most recent TLE for determining upcoming passes from now
    tles = tle_information

    # make a list of dicts to hold the upcoming pass information for the selected satellites
    schedule = []
    observer.date = passes_begin_time

    while 1:

        print "---------------------------------------"
        for tle in tles:
            if tle[0] == satellite_name:
                #TODO clean up the use of pyephem versus orbital. Orbital can give a orbit number and does many of the pyephem functions
                #TODO add the individual acquisitions as layers in the same ogr output
                #TODO use an appropriate google earth icon for satellites at a visible display resolution with a name tag and minutesaway
                #TODO print output to logging
                satname = str(tle[0]).replace(" ","_")
                sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0],tle[1],tle[2])

                twole = tlefile.read(tle[0],'tles.txt')
                now = datetime.utcnow()
                #TODO check age of TLE - if older than x days get_tle()
                print "TLE EPOCH:",twole.epoch
                #if twole.epoch < now - timedelta(days=5):
                #    get_tles()
                #    satname = str(tle[0]).replace(" ","_")
                #    sat = ephem.readtle(tle[0],tle[1],tle[2])
                #    twole = tlefile.read(tle[0],'tles.txt')

                print "---------------------------------------"
                print tle[0]

                oi = float(str.split(tle[2],' ')[3])
                orb = Orbital(tle[0])

                attributes = []

                rt, ra, tt, ta, st, sa = observer.next_pass(sat)

                # Determine is pass descending or ascending
                aos_lat = sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi)
                los_lat = sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi)

                if (aos_lat > los_lat):
                    print "PASS                 = descending"
                    node = "descending"
                    print "PASS                 = ascending"
                    node = "ascending"
                    oi = 360 - oi

                AOStime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
                minutesaway = (AOStime-now).seconds/60.0

                print "Minutes to horizon   = ", minutesaway
                print "AOStime              = ", rt
                print "LOStime              = ", st
                print "Transit time         = ", tt

                orad = orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]

                attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orad, 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")), \
                              'Current time': str(now),'Minutes to horizon': minutesaway, 'AOS time': str(rt), \
                              'LOS time': str(st), 'Transit time': str(tt), 'Node': node}

                # Append the attributes to the list of acquisitions for the acquisition period
                if not any ((x['Satellite name'] == satname and x['Orbit'] == orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))for x in schedule):

                # Step from AOS to LOS in 100 second intervals
                delta = timedelta(seconds=100)
                deltatime = datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

                geoeastpoint = []
                geowestpoint = []
                geotrack = []

                print "DELTATIME", deltatime
                print "SETTING TIME", datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

                while deltatime < datetime.strptime(str(st), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"):

                    geotrack.append({'lat2': sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), \
                                     'lon2': sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), \
                                     'alt2': orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]*1000})

                    eastaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), orad, sat._n)+90
                    westaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi), orad, sat._n)+270

                    #Set ground swath per satellite sensor
                    #TODO use view angle check to refine step from satellite track see IFOV
                    if tle[0] in ("LANDSAT 8","LANDSAT 7"):
                        swath = 185000/2
                    if tle[0] in ("TERRA","AQUA"):
                        swath = 2330000/2
                    if tle[0] in ("NOAA 15", "NOAA 18", "NOAA 19"):
                        swath = 1100000/2
                    if tle[0] == "SUOMI NPP":
                        swath = 2200000/2

                    geoeastpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, eastaz, swath))
                    geowestpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, westaz, swath))

                    deltatime = deltatime+delta

                # Create current location ogr output
                nowpoint = [{'lat2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[1],'lon2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[0],'alt2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[2]*1000}]
                #TODO ensure the now attributes are actually attributes for the current position of the satellite and include relevant next pass information...tricky?
                #if ((attributes['Orbit']==orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.utcnow()))and(AOStime<now)):
                now_attributes = {'Satellite name': satname, 'Orbit height': orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.utcnow())[2], 'Orbit': orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.utcnow()), \
                          'Current time': str(now),'Minutes to horizon': "N/A", 'AOS time': "N/A", \
                          'LOS time': "N/A", 'Transit time': "N/A", 'Node': "N/A"}
                CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME = satname+"_current_position.kml"

                #TODO draw the current orbit forward for the passes period time from the satellite position as a long stepped ogr line

                getVectorFile(now_attributes,nowpoint,'point', CURRENT_POSITION_FILENAME, 'KML')

                polypoints = []

                for x in geowestpoint:
                for x in reversed(geoeastpoint):
                if len(polypoints)>0:

                # Create swath footprint ogr output
                SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))+".ALICE.orbit_swath.kml")
                ORBIT_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(orb.get_orbit_number(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))+".ALICE.orbit_track.kml")
                TRACKING_SWATH_FILENAME = os.path.join(output_path,satname+"_tracking_now.kml")

                # Create currently acquiring polygon
                #TODO def this
                # Step from AOS to current time second intervals

                tkdelta = timedelta(seconds=100)
                tkrt, tkra, tktt, tkta, tkst, tksa = observer.next_pass(sat)
                tkdeltatime = datetime.utcnow()
                tkgeoeastpoint = []
                tkgeowestpoint = []
                tkgeotrack = []

                while tkdeltatime < (datetime.utcnow() or datetime.strptime(str(tkst),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")):

                    tkgeotrack.append({'lat2':sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi),'lon2':sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),'alt2':orb.get_lonlatalt(datetime.strptime(str(rt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))[2]})

                    tkeastaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),orad,sat._n)+90
                    tkwestaz = getEffectiveHeading(sat,oi,sat.sublat.real*(180/math.pi), sat.sublong.real*(180/math.pi),orad,sat._n)+270
                    #TODO use view angle check to refine step from satellite track see IFOV
                    if tle[0] in ("LANDSAT 8","LANDSAT 7"):
                        tkswath = 185000/2
                    if tle[0] in ("TERRA","AQUA"):
                        tkswath = 2330000/2
                    if tle[0] in ("NOAA 15", "NOAA 18", "NOAA 19"):
                        tkswath = 1100000/2
                    if tle[0] == "SUOMI NPP":
                        tkswath = 2200000/2
                    tkgeoeastpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, tkeastaz, tkswath))
                    tkgeowestpoint.append(Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(sat.sublat.real*180/math.pi, sat.sublong.real*180/math.pi, tkwestaz, tkswath))

                    tkdeltatime = tkdeltatime+tkdelta

                tkpolypoints = []

                for x in tkgeowestpoint:
                for x in reversed(tkgeoeastpoint):
                if len(tkpolypoints)>0:

                if not ((attributes['Node']=="ascending")and(satname not in ("AQUA"))):
                    # Create swath ogr output
                    getVectorFile(attributes,polypoints,'polygon', SWATH_FILENAME, 'KML')
                    # Create orbit track ogr output
                    getVectorFile(attributes,geotrack,'line', ORBIT_FILENAME, 'KML')
                    # Create currently acquiring ogr output
                    if ((now >= datetime.strptime(str(tkrt),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) and (now <= datetime.strptime(str(tkst),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))):
                        getVectorFile(now_attributes,tkpolypoints,'polygon', TRACKING_SWATH_FILENAME, 'KML')

                if minutesaway <= period:

                    print "---------------------------------------"
                    print tle[0], 'WILL BE MAKING A PASS IN ', minutesaway, " MINUTES"
                    print ' Rise Azimuth: ', ra
                    print ' Transit Time: ', tt
                    print ' Transit Altitude: ', ta
                    print ' Set Time: ', st
                    print ' Set Azimuth: ', sa

                    for x in sorted(schedule, key=lambda k: k['AOS time']):
                        print x
                        # For dictionary entries with 'LOS time' older than now time - remove
                        if ((datetime.strptime(str(x['LOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))<(datetime.utcnow())):
                            # Delete output ogr
                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(x['Orbit'])+".ALICE.orbit_swath.kml")):
                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path,satname+"."+str(x['Orbit'])+".ALICE.orbit_track.kml")):
                            # Delete dictionary entry for pass

                    # Unlikely - if no entries in the schedule don't try to print it
                    if len(schedule)>0:
                        print (datetime.strptime(str(schedule[0]['AOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))

                    # If the AOS time is less than now + the time delta, shift the time to the latest recorded pass LOS time
                    if ((datetime.strptime(str(schedule[len(schedule)-1]['AOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")<(datetime.utcnow()+timedelta(minutes=period)))):
                        observer.date = (datetime.strptime(str(schedule[len(schedule)-1]['LOS time']),"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")+timedelta(minutes=5))
                        # Recompute the satellite position for the update time
                        print "MODIFIED OBSERVER DATE",observer.date
                        print "--------NOTHING TO MODIFY MOVING TO NEXT SATELLITE IN LIST------"
                        #TODO - write to html

                        # Exit the def if the schedule isn't able to update because there are no passes in the acquisition window
                        return ()

    return ()
 def set_tle(self, line1, line2):
     # for now restart pyorbital with these new elements.
     del self.orbital
     self.orbital = Orbital(self.sat,line1=line1, line2=line2)
class PyOrbitalLayer(OrbitalLayer):
    pyorbital based orbital layer

    __implements__ = (OrbitalLayer,)

    def __init__(self, aoi, sat, instrument="AVHRR"):
        # instantiate orbital module
        config_file_path = ""
            config_file_path = os.environ['PYGRANULE_CONFIG_PATH']
        except KeyError:
            print "pygranule config file path missing.  Has the 'PYGRANULE_CONFIG_PATH' environment variable been set?"
        default_tle_file = config_file_path+"/default.tle"
            self.orbital = Orbital(sat,default_tle_file)
            print "Failed to open default tle file:", default_tle_file
            print "Downloading from internet:"
                self.orbital = Orbital(sat)
                raise OrbitalLayerError("Pyorbital Failed to fetch TLE from internet.")
        # create scan geometry - one scan line.
        if instrument == "AVHRR":
            scan_steps = np.arange(0,self.instrument_info['scan_steps'],self.instrument_info['scan_steps']/8-1)
            scan_steps[-1] = self.instrument_info['scan_steps']-1
            self.scan_geom = avhrr(1,scan_steps)
        elif instrument == "VIIRS":
            self.scan_geom = viirs(1)

    def set_tle(self, line1, line2):
        # for now restart pyorbital with these new elements.
        del self.orbital
        self.orbital = Orbital(self.sat,line1=line1, line2=line2)

    def orbital_period(self):
        return 24*60/self.orbital.tle.mean_motion

    def scan_line_lonlats(self, t):
        Returns a single instrument scan line starting at datetime t
        s_times = self.scan_geom.times(t)
        pixels_pos = compute_pixels((self.orbital.tle.line1, self.orbital.tle.line2), 
                                    self.scan_geom, s_times)
        pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)
        return np.array((pos_time[0],pos_time[1]))

    def next_transit(self, start=datetime.now(), resolution=100):
        Next transit time relative to center of aoi.
        Resolution accuracy defined by subdivision of orbital period.
        # accuracy in mintues from mean orbital period
        dt = self.orbital_period()/resolution

        # observer position
        alt = 0.0
        lon, lat = self.aoi_center()
        # NOTE: For now I do not use the pyorbital
        # get_next_passes. Because it accepts integer (not float) hours
        # for the search period, and the accuracy of the transit time
        # search is not obvious to me at the moment.
        # Also I would like to allow negative transit time altitudes
        # - transits below horizon.
        # Therefore I re-implement the search myself, here to have more control:
        t_offsets = np.arange(0.0,self.orbital_period()*1.2,dt)
        e  = np.array( [ self.orbital.get_observer_look(start + timedelta(minutes=t_offset), lon, lat, alt)[1] \
                    for t_offset in t_offsets ] )
        # search for local maxima
        b = (np.roll(e,1)<e)&(np.roll(e,-1)<e)
        idx = np.where(b[1:]==True)[0][0]+1 #i.e. do not accept index 0 as maximum...
        ## return a quadratic maximum for good accuracy based on data.
        ## Quadratic fit to 3 points around maximum elevation 
        ## seems to improve accuracy by 100-fold.
        x,y = t_offsets[idx-1:idx+2],e[idx-1:idx+2]
        fit = np.polyfit(x,y,2)
        t = -fit[1]/(2.0*fit[0])

        #from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        #fitx = np.arange(x[0]-1,x[2]+1,0.1)
        #fity = fit[2]+fit[1]*fitx+fit[0]*(fitx**2)
        return start + timedelta(minutes=t)