Example #1
def OTP_synchronous_generator(license_id, downloader, username, phone, expDate,
    # Static random (6 digits) lay tu database
    static_random = 'asfb86'
    expDate = expDate.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')
    hash_value = hash_generator(license_id + downloader, username + phone,
                                expDate + static_random)
    hash_value_base32 = b32encode(hash_value.encode('ascii'))
    hotp = HOTP(hash_value_base32)
    OTP_value = hotp.at(int(random_code))
    return OTP_value
Example #2
class TwoFactorCode:
    def __init__(self, name, issuer, codetype, codestr, counter, pos, ui,
        # generate the uuid used as the dict key later
        # we want this to be a string
        self.uuid = uuid4().__str__()
        # grab values from call
        self.name = name
        self.issuer = issuer
        self.codetype = codetype
        self.codestr = codestr
        self.ui = ui
        self.counter = counter
        self.imagedata = imagedata
        self.pos = pos
        # check code type, make code object for type,
        # or throw exception if not recognized
        if codetype == 'totp':
            self.code = TOTP(self.codestr)
            self.curcode = self.code.now()
        elif codetype == 'hotp':
            self.code = HOTP(self.codestr)
            self.curcode = self.code.at(self.counter)
            raise TypeError('codetype was not hotp or totp')

    def set_counter(self, value):
        # set the counter to a specified value
        if self.counter is not None:
            self.counter = value.__int__()

    def get_current_code(self):
        # return current code (plaintext)
        if self.codetype == 'totp':
            return self.code.now().__str__()
        elif self.codetype == 'hotp':
            return self.code.at(self.counter).__str__()
Example #3
def OTP_generator():
    # Lay sessionID cua user
    session_id = 'abacavasdf'
    base32secret = random_base32()
    hotp = HOTP(base32secret)
    counter = random_digit()
    OTP_value = hotp.at(counter)
    time_create = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')
    # Tao data cho file json
    dict = {
        session_id: counter,
        'base32secret': base32secret,
        'time_create': time_create
    # Neu file ton tai va khac rong
    if not path.isfile('./OTP.json') or read_file('./OTP.json') == b'':
        generate_json_file('./OTP.json', 'OTP', dict)
        append_json_file('./OTP.json', 'OTP', dict, session_id)

    return OTP_value
Example #4
def OTP_generator(request):
    # Lay sessionID cua user
    # a = ShareFile.objects.latest('date_create')
    a = request.session
    session_id = a.session_key
    base32secret = random_base32()
    hotp = HOTP(base32secret)
    counter = random_digit()
    OTP_value = hotp.at(counter)
    time_create = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')
    # Tao data cho file json
    dict = {
        session_id: counter,
        'base32secret': base32secret,
        'time_create': time_create
    # Neu file ton tai va khac rong
    if file_is_not_existed('./OTP.json'):
        generate_json_file('./OTP.json', 'OTP', dict)
        append_json_file('./OTP.json', 'OTP', dict, session_id)

    return OTP_value