def update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime):

        # moved the calculation so that it is done after timestep
        # has been broadcast

        #        # Calculate local timestep
        #        Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime)

        import time
        t0 = time.time()

        # For some reason it looks like pypar only reduces numeric arrays
        # hence we need to create some dummy arrays for communication
        ltimestep = num.ones(1, num.float)
        ltimestep[0] = self.flux_timestep
        gtimestep = num.zeros(1, num.float)  # Buffer for results

        #ltimestep = self.flux_timeste

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        gtimestep = pypar.reduce(ltimestep, pypar.MIN, 0, buffer=gtimestep)

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        pypar.broadcast(gtimestep, 0)

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        self.flux_timestep = gtimestep[0]

        self.communication_reduce_time += time.time() - t0

        # LINDA:
        # Now update time stats

        # Calculate local timestep
        Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime)
    def update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime):

        # moved the calculation so that it is done after timestep
        # has been broadcast
#        # Calculate local timestep
#        Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime)

        import time
        t0 = time.time()

        # For some reason it looks like pypar only reduces numeric arrays
        # hence we need to create some dummy arrays for communication
        ltimestep = num.ones( 1, num.float )
        ltimestep[0] = self.flux_timestep
        gtimestep = num.zeros( 1, num.float ) # Buffer for results

        #ltimestep = self.flux_timeste

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep
        gtimestep = pypar.reduce(ltimestep, pypar.MIN, 0, buffer=gtimestep)

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        self.flux_timestep = gtimestep[0]
        self.communication_reduce_time += time.time()-t0

        # LINDA:
        # Now update time stats
        # Calculate local timestep
        Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime)
    def dpsi_dt(self, psi, t):
	dp_dt = dpsi_dt(psi, t)

	Method that serves as input to the odeint() function.
	Calculates dpsi/dt = -i S**-1 H(t) psi.

	psi : 1D complex array. Wavefunction.
	t : float. Time.

	dp_dt : 1D complex array. Derivative of the wavefunction.
#	#To avoid doing anything twice. (odeint tends to do that.)
#	#---------------------------------------------------------
#	novel, result = self.check_novelty(t,psi)
#	if not novel:
#	    if self.my_id == 0:
#		print "Time: %2.2f / %2.2f au. Runtime: %2.2f---"%(
#		    t, self.total_duration, (time.time() - self.t_0)/60.)
#		self.debug_norm(t, psi, result)	
#	    return result
#	##########################################################

	#Making a complex array. 
	psi_complex = psi[:len(psi)/2] + 1j * psi[len(psi)/2:] 
	dp_dt_complex = zeros(psi_complex.shape, dtype = complex)
	dp_dt_buffer= zeros(psi_complex.shape, dtype = complex)

	#Do operations.
	mat_vec = self.mat_vec_product(psi_complex, t)

	dp_dt_complex[self.my_slice] = self.solve_overlap(-1j * mat_vec)

	#Add and redistribute.
	dp_dt_complex = pypar.reduce(dp_dt_complex, pypar.SUM, 0, buffer = dp_dt_buffer)
	dp_dt_buffer = dp_dt_complex.copy()
	dp_dt_complex = pypar.broadcast(dp_dt_buffer, 0)

	#Making a float array.
	dp_dt = r_[real(dp_dt_buffer), imag(dp_dt_buffer)] 
	if self.my_id == 0:
	    print "Time: %2.2f / %2.2f au. Runtime: %2.2f"%(
		t, self.total_duration, (time.time() - self.t_0)/60.)
	    self.debug_norm(t, psi, dp_dt)	
	#Store latest result. ----------------------------------
	self.prev_out = dp_dt
	return dp_dt
Example #4
def raw_reduce(x, buffer, op, source, vanilla=0):
    pypar.reduce(x, op, source, buffer=buffer, vanilla=0)
Example #5
        for i in range(numproc):
            assert numpy.allclose(testArray, X[(i * M):((i + 1) * M), :])
        assert numpy.allclose(X, Y)
        print "Gather communication of 2D numeric complex arrays OK"

    # Test reduce
    N = 17  # Number of elements

    # Create one (different) array on each processor
    testArray = numpy.array(range(N), 'i') * (myid + 1)
    X = numpy.zeros(N, 'i')  # Buffer for results

    pypar.reduce(testArray, pypar.SUM, 0, buffer=X)

    if myid == 0:
        Y = numpy.zeros(N, 'i')
        for i in range(numproc):
            Y = Y + numpy.array(range(N), 'i') * (i + 1)
        assert numpy.allclose(X, Y)
        print 'Buffered reduce using pypar.SUM OK'

    pypar.reduce(testArray, pypar.MAX, 0, buffer=X)
    if myid == 0:
        Y = numpy.array(range(N)) * numproc
        assert numpy.allclose(X, Y)
        print 'Buffered reduce using pypar.MAX OK'

    pypar.reduce(testArray, pypar.MIN, 0, buffer=X)
Example #6
    for i in range(numproc):       
      assert numpy.allclose(testArray, X[(i * M): ((i+1)*M), :])
    assert numpy.allclose(X, Y)      
    print "Gather communication of 2D numeric complex arrays OK"
  # Test reduce
  N = 17 #Number of elements
  # Create one (different) array on each processor
  testArray = numpy.array(range(N), 'i') * (myid+1)
  X = numpy.zeros(N, 'i') # Buffer for results

  pypar.reduce(testArray, pypar.SUM, 0, buffer=X)

  if myid == 0:
    Y = numpy.zeros(N, 'i')
    for i in range(numproc):
      Y = Y + numpy.array(range(N), 'i')*(i+1)    
    assert numpy.allclose(X, Y)
    print 'Buffered reduce using pypar.SUM OK'
  pypar.reduce(testArray, pypar.MAX, 0, buffer=X)
  if myid == 0:
    Y = numpy.array(range(N))*numproc
    assert numpy.allclose(X, Y)
    print 'Buffered reduce using pypar.MAX OK'

  pypar.reduce(testArray, pypar.MIN, 0, buffer=X)