Example #1
  def __init__(self) -> None:
    BoogieInt: ParserElement["BoogieVal"] = O("-") + Word(nums)

    def parseInt(s: str, loc: int, toks: "ParseResults[Any]") -> List["BoogieVal"]:
      return [int("".join(toks))]

    BoogieBool: ParserElement["BoogieVal"] = L("True") | L("False")

    def parseBool(s: str, loc: int, toks: "ParseResults[Any]") -> List["BoogieVal"]:
      return [toks[0]=="True"]

    BoogieMapRule: Forward = Forward()
    BoogieValRule: ParserElement["BoogieVal"] = BoogieInt | BoogieBool | BoogieMapRule
    BoogieMapRule << (S(L("{")) + G(csl(G(BoogieValRule + S(L(":")) + BoogieValRule))) +\
                                    O(S(L("|")) + BoogieValRule) + S(L("}")))

    def parseMap(s: str, loc: int, toks: "ParseResults[Any]") -> List[BoogieVal]:
      explicitVals : Dict["BoogieVal", "BoogieVal"] = {key: val for (key,val) in toks[0]}
      defaultVal: Optional["BoogieVal"] = None
      if (len(toks) == 2):
        defaultVal = toks[1]
      return [BoogieMap(explicitVals, defaultVal)]

    self._root = BoogieValRule
Example #2
    def __init__(s):
        s.LT = L("<")
        s.GT = L(">")
        s.EQ = L("=")
        s.LPARN = S("(")
        s.RPARN = S(")")
        s.LBRAC = S("{")
        s.RBRAC = S("}")

        s.EquivOp = L("<==>")
        s.ImplOp = L("==>")
        s.OrOp = L("||")
        s.AndOp = L("&&")
        s.RelOp = (L("!=") | L ("<=") | L(">=") | L("<:")| L("==") | \
                L("<") | L(">") )
        s.AddOp = (L("+") | L("-"))
        s.MulOp = (L("*") | L("/") | L("%"))
        s.BWAnd = L('&')
        s.PowOp = L("**")
        s.UnOp = (L("!") | L("-"))

        s.FALSE = K("false")
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.FALSE, st, loc, toks))
        s.TRUE = K("true")
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.TRUE, st, loc, toks))
        s.Id = R("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_#]*")
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.Id, st, loc, toks))
        s.Number = W(nums)
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.Number, st, loc, toks))

        s.Atom = s.FALSE | s.TRUE | s.Number | s.Id
        s.AndOrOp = s.AndOp | s.OrOp

        s.ArithExpr = operatorPrecedence(s.Atom, [
            (s.PowOp, 2, opAssoc.RIGHT,
             lambda st, loc, toks: s.onRABinOp(s.PowOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
            (s.UnOp, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT,
             lambda st, loc, toks: s.onUnaryOp(s.UnOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
            (s.MulOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,
             lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLABinOp(s.MulOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
            (s.AddOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,
             lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLABinOp(s.MulOp, st, loc, toks[0])),

        s.RelExpr = s.ArithExpr + s.RelOp + s.ArithExpr
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onNABinOp(s.RelOp, st, loc, toks))

        s.BoolExpr = operatorPrecedence(s.RelExpr, [
            (s.AndOrOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,
             lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLABinOp(s.AndOrOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
            (s.ImplOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,
             lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLABinOp(s.ImplOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
            (s.EquivOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,
             lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLABinOp(s.EquivOp, st, loc, toks[0])),

        s.Expr = s.BoolExpr | s.RelExpr | s.ArithExpr

        s.IsPow2 = s.Id + S("is a power of 2")
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onUnaryOp(s.IsPow2, st, loc, toks))
        s.IsOneOf = s.Id + S("one of") + S(s.LBRAC) + csl(s.Expr) + S(s.RBRAC)
        s.IsOneOf.setParseAction(lambda st, loc, toks: s.onNABinOp(
            s.IsOneOf, st, loc, [toks[0], toks[1:]]))
        s.IsInRange = s.Number + S(L("<=")) + s.Id + S(L("<=")) + s.Number
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onNABinOp(s.IsInRange, st, loc, toks))
        s.IsBoolean = s.Id + S(L("is boolean"))
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onUnaryOp(s.IsBoolean, st, loc, toks))

        s.IsEven = s.Id + S(L("is even"))
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onUnaryOp(s.IsEven, st, loc, toks))

        s.IsConstMod = s.Id + S(L("==")) + s.Number + \
                S(L("(mod")) + s.Number + S(L(")"))
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onTernaryOp(s.IsConstMod, st, loc, toks))

        ValFreqPair = s.ArithExpr + S(L("[") + s.Number + L("]"))
        s.HasValues = s.Id + S(L("has values:")) + OneOrMore(ValFreqPair)
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onVariaryOp(s.HasValues, st, loc, toks))

        s.JustInv = s.IsPow2 |\
                    s.IsOneOf |\
                    s.IsInRange |\
                    s.IsBoolean |\
                    s.IsEven |\
                    s.IsConstMod |\
                    s.HasValues |\

        s.WarnInv = S(R("warning: too few samples for [a-zA-Z\._]* invariant:")) + \
                    s.JustInv | s.JustInv
        s.OneLine = s.WarnInv + StringEnd()
Example #3
    def serialize(self):
        return str(self)

class Value(Node):
    def serialize(self):
        return '"{0}"'.format(self)

class Op(Node):
    def serialize(self):
        return str(self)

    | L("platform_python_implementation")
    | L("implementation_name")
    | L("python_full_version")
    | L("platform_release")
    | L("platform_version")
    | L("platform_machine")
    | L("platform_system")
    | L("python_version")
    | L("sys_platform")
    | L("os_name")
    | L("os.name")
    | L("sys.platform")  # PEP-345
    | L("platform.version")  # PEP-345
    | L("platform.machine")  # PEP-345
    | L("platform.python_implementation")  # PEP-345
Example #4
from pyparsing import Literal as L  # noqa
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse

from .markers import MARKER_EXPR, Marker
from .specifiers import LegacySpecifier, Specifier, SpecifierSet

class InvalidRequirement(ValueError):
    An invalid requirement was found, users should refer to PEP 508.

ALPHANUM = Word(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)

LBRACKET = L("[").suppress()
RBRACKET = L("]").suppress()
LPAREN = L("(").suppress()
RPAREN = L(")").suppress()
COMMA = L(",").suppress()
SEMICOLON = L(";").suppress()
AT = L("@").suppress()

PUNCTUATION = Word("-_.")


URI = Regex(r'[^ ]+')("url")
Example #5
    def __init__(s) -> None:
        s.LT = L("<")
        s.GT = L(">")
        s.EQ = L("=")
        # Braces/Brackets
        s.LSQBR = S("[")
        s.RSQBR = S("]")
        s.LPARN = S("(")
        s.RPARN = S(")")
        s.LBRAC = S("{")
        s.RBRAC = S("}")
        # Various Delimiters
        s.SEMI = S(";")
        s.COLN = S(":")
        s.ASSGN = S(":=")
        s.STAR = S("*")

        ####### Keywords
        s.INT = K("int")
        s.BOOL = K("bool")
        s.TYPE = K("type")
        s.FINITE = K("finite")
        s.CONST = K("const")
        s.UNIQUE = K("unique")
        s.RETURNS = K("returns")
        s.FUNCTION = K("function")
        s.FALSE = K("false")  # type: ParserElement[T]
                lambda st, loc, toks:  s.onAtom(s.FALSE, st, loc, toks))
        s.TRUE = K("true")  # type: ParserElement[T]
                lambda st, loc, toks:  s.onAtom(s.TRUE, st, loc, toks))
        s.OLD = K("old")
        s.AXIOM = K("axiom")
        s.FORALL = K("forall")
        s.EXISTS = K("exists")
        s.VAR = K("var")
        s.PROCEDURE = K("procedure")
        s.FREE = K("free")
        s.RETURNS = K("returns")
        s.REQUIRES = K("requires")
        s.MODIFIES = K("modifies")
        s.ENSURES = K("ensures")
        s.ASSERT = K("assert")
        s.COMPLETE = K("complete")
        s.UNIQUE = K("unique")
        s.IF = K("if")
        s.ELSE = K("else")
        s.FREE = K("free")
        s.INVARIANT = K("invariant")
        s.ASSUME = K("assume")
        s.ASSERT = K("assert")
        s.HAVOC = K("havoc")
        s.CALL = K("call")
        s.WHILE = K("while")
        s.BREAK = K("break")
        s.GOTO = K("goto")
        s.RETURN = K("return")
        s.IMPLEMENTATION = K("implementation")

        s.Id = R("[a-zA-Z_#.$'`~^?\\\\][a-zA-Z0-9_#.$'`~^?\\\\]*"
                 )  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.Id, st, loc, toks))
        s.ParentEdge = O(s.UNIQUE) + s.Id
        s.ParentInfo = S("<:") + csl(s.ParentEdge)
        s.OrderSpec = O(s.ParentInfo) + O(s.COMPLETE)
        s.StringLiteral = S(L("\"")) + R("[^\"]*") + S(L("\""))
        s.Trigger = F()
        # TODO

        ####### Expressions
        s.EquivOp = L("<==>")
        s.ImplOp = L("==>")
        s.OrOp = L("||")
        s.AndOp = L("&&")
        s.AndOrOp = s.AndOp | s.OrOp
        s.RelOp = (L("!=") | L ("<=") | L(">=") | L("<:") \
                   | L("==") |  L("<") | L(">") )
        s.ConcatOp = L("++")
        s.AddOp = (L("+") | L("-"))
        s.MulOp = (L("*") | L("/") | L("div") | L("mod"))
        s.UnOp = (L("!") | L("-"))
        s.ArithUnOp = L("-")
        s.BoolUnOp = L("!")
        s.QOp = (s.FORALL | s.EXISTS)
        s.QSep = L("::")

        s.Expr = F()  # type: ParserElement[T]

        ####### Attributes
        s.AttrArg = s.Expr | s.StringLiteral
        s.Attribute = S(s.LBRAC) + S(s.COLN) + s.Id + G(O(csl(s.AttrArg))) + S(
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAttribute(s.Attribute, st, loc, toks))
        s.AttrList = ZoM(s.Attribute)

        ####### Types
        s.Type = F()  # type: ParserElement[T]
        s.BVType = R("bv[0-9][0-9]*")
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onPrimitiveType(s.INT, st, loc, toks))
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onPrimitiveType(s.BOOL, st, loc, toks))
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onPrimitiveType(s.BVType, st, loc, toks))

        s.TypeAtom = s.INT | s.BOOL | s.BVType | S(s.LPARN) + s.Type + S(
        s.TypeArgs = S(s.LT) + csl(s.Id) + S(s.GT)
        s.MapType = G(O(s.TypeArgs)) + S(s.LSQBR) + G(csl(s.Type)) + S(
            s.RSQBR) + s.Type
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onMapType(s.Type, st, loc, toks))

        s.TypeCtorArgs = F()
        s.TypeCtorArgs << (s.TypeAtom + O(s.TypeCtorArgs)\
                       | s.Id + O(s.TypeCtorArgs)\
                       | s.MapType)

        s.CompoundType = s.Id + O(s.TypeCtorArgs)
        s.CompoundType.setParseAction(lambda st, loc, toks: s.onCompoundType(
            s.CompoundType, st, loc, toks))
        s.Type << (s.TypeAtom | s.MapType | s.CompoundType)  #pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onType(s.Type, st, loc, toks))
        s.IdsType = csl(s.Id) + s.COLN + s.Type
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onBinding(s.Type, st, loc, toks))

        ####### Type Declarations
        s.TypeConstructor = S(s.TYPE) + G(s.AttrList) + G(O(
            s.FINITE)) + s.Id + G(ZoM(s.Id)) + S(s.SEMI)
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onTypeConstructorDecl(
                s.TypeConstructor, st, loc, toks))
        s.TypeSynonym = s.TYPE + s.AttrList + OoM(
            s.Id) + s.EQ + s.Type + s.SEMI
        s.TypeDecl = s.TypeConstructor | s.TypeSynonym

        ####### Constant Declarations
        s.ConstantDecl = s.CONST + O(s.Attribute) + O(s.UNIQUE) + \
                s.IdsType + s.OrderSpec

        s.Number = W(nums)  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.Number, st, loc, toks))
        s.BitVector = R("[0-9][0-9]*bv[0-9][0-9]*")  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.BitVector, st, loc, toks))
        # TODO
        # TrigAttr = Trigger | Attribute
        s.Old = s.OLD + s.LPARN + s.Expr + s.RPARN  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.Old, st, loc, toks))
        s.Primitive = s.FALSE | s.TRUE | s.Number | s.BitVector  # type: ParserElement[T]
        # TODO: Handle TriggerAttrs in Quantified expressions
        #E9_Quantified = LPARN + QOp + O(TypeArgs) + csl(IdsType) \
        #        + QSep + ZoM(TrigAttr) + Expr  +  RPARN
        s.Quantified = S(s.LPARN) + s.QOp + O(s.TypeArgs) + \
                G(csl(s.IdsType)) + S(s.QSep) + s.Expr + S(s.RPARN)
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onQuantified(s.Old, st, loc, toks))

        s.AtomIdCont = F()
        s.AtomId = s.Id + O(s.AtomIdCont)
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.Id, st, loc, toks))
        s.Atom = (s.Primitive | s.Old | s.AtomId)  # type: ParserElement[T]
        s.MapUpdateArgs = S(s.LSQBR) + s.Expr + s.ASSGN + s.Expr + S(s.RSQBR)
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onMapUpdateArgs(s.Old, st, loc, toks))
        s.MapIndexArgs = S(s.LSQBR) + s.Expr + S(s.RSQBR)
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onMapIndexArgs(s.Old, st, loc, toks))
        s.FunAppArgs = s.LPARN + csl(
            s.Expr) + s.RPARN  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onFunAppArgs(s.FunAppArgs, st, loc, toks))
        s.AtomIdCont << (s.MapUpdateArgs | s.MapIndexArgs | s.FunAppArgs) + O(

        s.ArithExpr = operatorPrecedence(s.Atom, [
          (s.ArithUnOp, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT, \
               lambda st, loc, toks:  s.onUnaryOp(s.ArithUnOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
          (s.MulOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, \
               lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLABinOp(s.MulOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
          (s.AddOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, \
               lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLABinOp(s.AddOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
        ]) # type: ParserElement[T]
        # TODO: Add support for M[x,y,z:=foo], M[a:b], concat ops
        s.RelExpr = s.ArithExpr + s.RelOp + s.ArithExpr  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onNABinOp(s.RelExpr, st, loc, toks))

        s.BoolExpr = operatorPrecedence((s.RelExpr | s.Atom | s.Quantified), [
          (s.BoolUnOp, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT, \
                  lambda st, loc, toks:  s.onUnaryOp(s.BoolUnOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
          (s.AndOrOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, \
                  lambda st, loc, toks:  s.onLABinOp(s.AndOrOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
          (s.ImplOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, \
                  lambda st, loc, toks:  s.onLABinOp(s.ImplOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
          (s.EquivOp, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, \
                  lambda st, loc, toks:  s.onLABinOp(s.EquivOp, st, loc, toks[0])),
        ]) # type: ParserElement[T]

        s.Expr << (s.BoolExpr ^ s.RelExpr ^ s.ArithExpr)  #pylint: disable=pointless-statement

        ####### Function Declarations
        s.FArgName = s.Id + s.COLN
        s.FArg = s.FArgName + s.Type
        s.FSig = O(s.TypeArgs) + s.LPARN + csl(s.FArg) + \
                s.RPARN + s.RETURNS + s.LPARN + s.FArg + s.RPARN
        s.FunctionDecl = s.FUNCTION + s.AttrList + s.Id + s.FSig + s.SEMI |\
                         s.FUNCTION + s.AttrList + s.Id + s.FSig + s.SEMI +\
                            s.LBRAC + s.Expr + s.RBRAC

        ####### Axiom Declarations
        s.AxiomDecl = s.AXIOM + s.AttrList + s.Expr

        s.WhereClause = F()  # TODO

        s.IdsTypeWhere = s.IdsType + O(s.WhereClause)
        s.VarDecl = s.VAR + s.AttrList + s.IdsTypeWhere

        ####### Procedure Declarations
        s.Spec =  O(s.FREE) + s.REQUIRES + s.Expr + s.SEMI \
              | O(s.FREE) + s.MODIFIES + csl(s.Id) + s.SEMI \
              | O(s.FREE) + s.ENSURES + s.Expr + s.SEMI

        s.OutParameters = s.RETURNS + s.LPARN + csl(s.IdsTypeWhere) + s.RPARN
        s.PSig = O(s.TypeArgs) + s.LPARN + csl(s.IdsTypeWhere) + \
                s.RPARN + O(s.OutParameters)

        s.LocalVarDecl = S(s.VAR) + s.AttrList + csl(s.IdsTypeWhere) + \
                S(s.SEMI) # type: ParserElement[T]
        s.LocalVarDecl.setParseAction(lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLocalVarDecl(
            s.LocalVarDecl, st, loc, toks))

        s.StmtList = F()
        s.WildcardExpr = s.Expr | s.STAR

        s.BlockStmt = s.LBRAC + s.StmtList + s.RBRAC

        s.LoopInv = O(s.FREE) + s.INVARIANT + s.Expr + s.SEMI

        s.IfStmt = F()  # type: Union[F, ParserElement[T]]
        s.Else = s.ELSE + s.BlockStmt | s.ELSE + s.IfStmt
        s.IfStmt << s.IF + s.LBRAC + s.WildcardExpr + s.RBRAC + s.BlockStmt + \

        s.CallLhs = csl(s.Id) + s.ASSGN
        s.Lhs = s.Id + ZoM(s.MapIndexArgs)
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAtom(s.Id, st, loc, toks))
        s.Label = s.Id | s.Number

        s.AssertStmt = S(s.ASSERT) + s.Expr + S(
            s.SEMI)  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAssert(s.AssertStmt, st, loc, toks))
        s.AssumeStmt = S(s.ASSUME) + G(s.AttrList) + s.Expr + S(
            s.SEMI)  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAssume(s.AssumeStmt, st, loc, toks))
        s.ReturnStmt = S(s.RETURN) + S(s.SEMI)  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onReturn(s.ReturnStmt, st, loc, toks))
        s.GotoStmt = S(s.GOTO) + csl(s.Label) + S(
            s.SEMI)  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onGoto(s.GotoStmt, st, loc, toks))
        s.AssignmentStmt = G(csl(s.Lhs)) + S(s.ASSGN) + G(csl(s.Expr)) + S(
            s.SEMI)  # type: ParserElement[T]
        s.AssignmentStmt.setParseAction(lambda st, loc, toks: s.onAssignment(
            s.AssignmentStmt, st, loc, toks))
        s.HavocStmt = S(s.HAVOC) + csl(s.Id) + S(
            s.SEMI)  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onHavoc(s.HavocStmt, st, loc, toks))

        s.CallAssignStmt = s.CALL + O(s.CallLhs) + s.Id + s.LPARN + csl(s.Expr) +\
                s.RPARN + S(s.SEMI)
        s.CallForallStmt = s.CALL + s.FORALL + s.Id + s.LPARN + \
                csl(s.WildcardExpr) + s.RPARN + S(s.SEMI)

        s.WhileStmt = s.WHILE + s.LPARN + s.WildcardExpr + s.RPARN + \
                ZoM(s.LoopInv) + s.BlockStmt
        s.BreakStmt = s.BREAK + O(s.Id) + S(s.SEMI)

        s.Stmt = s.AssertStmt \
              | s.AssumeStmt \
              | s.HavocStmt \
              | s.AssignmentStmt \
              | s.CallAssignStmt \
              | s.CallForallStmt \
              | s.IfStmt \
              | s.WhileStmt \
              | s.BreakStmt \
              | s.ReturnStmt \
              | s.GotoStmt # type: ParserElement[T]

        s.LStmt = F()
        s.LabeledStatement = s.Label + S(
            s.COLN) + s.LStmt  # type: ParserElement[T]
        s.LEmpty = (s.Label + S(s.COLN))
        s.LStmt << (s.Stmt | s.LabeledStatement | s.LEmpty)  #pylint: disable=pointless-statement
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLabeledStatement(s.LabeledStatement, st,
                                                       loc, toks))
        s.LEmpty.setParseAction(lambda st, loc, toks: s.onLabeledStatement(
            s.LEmpty, st, loc, toks))

        s.StmtList << (ZoM(s.LStmt))  #pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned

        s.Body = S(s.LBRAC) + G(ZoM(s.LocalVarDecl)) + G(s.StmtList) + S(
            s.RBRAC)  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onBody(s.Body, st, loc, toks))

        s.ProcedureDecl = \
            s.PROCEDURE + s.AttrList + s.Id + s.PSig + s.SEMI + ZoM(s.Spec) |\
            s.PROCEDURE + s.AttrList + s.Id + s.PSig + ZoM(s.Spec) + s.Body

        s.IOutParameters = S(s.RETURNS) + S(s.LPARN) + csl(s.IdsType) + S(
        s.ISig = G(O(s.TypeArgs)) + S(s.LPARN) + G(O(csl(s.IdsType))) + S(s.RPARN) +\
        s.ImplementationDecl = S(s.IMPLEMENTATION) + G(s.AttrList) + s.Id +\
                G(s.ISig) + G(ZoM(s.Body)) # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onImplementationDecl(
                s.ImplementationDecl, st, loc, toks))

        s.Decl : ParserElement[T] = s.TypeDecl |\
                 s.ConstantDecl |\
                 s.FunctionDecl |\
                 s.AxiomDecl |\
                 s.VarDecl |\
                 s.ProcedureDecl |\

        s.Program = ZoM(s.Decl)  # type: ParserElement[T]
            lambda st, loc, toks: s.onProgram(s.Program, st, loc, toks))
        s.Program.ignore("//" + restOfLine)
Example #6
        return str(self.value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<{0}({1!r})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self))

class Variable(Node):

class Value(Node):

    L("implementation_version") |
    L("platform_python_implementation") |
    L("implementation_name") |
    L("python_full_version") |
    L("platform_release") |
    L("platform_version") |
    L("platform_machine") |
    L("platform_system") |
    L("python_version") |
    L("sys_platform") |
    L("os_name") |
VARIABLE.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: Variable(t[0]))

Example #7
oneThru31 = oneOf(['%.2d' % i for i in range(1, 32)])
oneThru59 = oneOf(['%.2d' % i for i in range(1, 60)])
zeroThru59 = oneOf(['%.2d' % i for i in range(0, 60)])

positiveDigit = Word(nums, exact=1, excludeChars='0')
digit = Word(nums, exact=1)

second = zeroThru59
minute = zeroThru59
hour = zeroThru23
day = oneThru31("day")

month = oneThru12("month")
monthDay = ((oneOf("01 03 05 07 08 10 12")("month") + "-" + oneThru31("day")) ^
            (oneOf("04 06 09 11")("month") + "-" + oneThru30("day")) ^
            (L("02")("month") + "-" + oneThru29("day")))

# 4 digits, 0 to 9
positiveYear = Word(nums, exact=4)

# Negative version of positive year, but "-0000" is illegal
negativeYear = NotAny(L("-0000")) + ("-" + positiveYear)

year = Combine(positiveYear ^ negativeYear)("year")

yearMonth = year + "-" + month
yearMonthDay = year + "-" + monthDay  # o hai iso date

date = Combine(year ^ yearMonth ^ yearMonthDay)("date")
Example #8
from . import Facility, Severity

class UnparseableSyslogMessage(Exception):

class NilValue:

NilValue = NilValue()

SP = L(" ").suppress()
LANGLE = L("<").suppress()
RANGLE = L(">").suppress()
LBRACKET = L("[").suppress()
RBRACKET = L("]").suppress()
COLON = L(":").suppress()

NIL = L("-")
NIL.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: NilValue)

PRIORITY = LANGLE + Word(srange("[0-9]"), min=1, max=3) + RANGLE  # 191 Max
PRIORITY = PRIORITY.setResultsName("priority")
PRIORITY.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: int(t[0]))
Example #9

class UnparseableEvent(Exception):

class NullValue:

NullValue = NullValue()

printables = "".join(set(_printables + " " + "\t") - {"|", "@"})

PIPE = L("|").suppress()

AT = L("@").suppress()

NULL = L("(null)")
NULL.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: NullValue)

TIMESTAMP = Word(printables)
TIMESTAMP = TIMESTAMP.setResultsName("timestamp")

COUNTRY_CODE = Word(printables)
COUNTRY_CODE = COUNTRY_CODE.setResultsName("country_code")
COUNTRY_CODE.setName("Country Code")

URL = Word(printables)
Example #10
oneThru59 = oneOf(['%.2d' % i for i in range(1, 60)])
zeroThru59 = oneOf(['%.2d' % i for i in range(0, 60)])

positiveDigit = Word(nums, exact=1, excludeChars='0')
digit = Word(nums, exact=1)

second = zeroThru59
minute = zeroThru59
hour = zeroThru23
day = oneThru31("day")

month = oneThru12("month")
monthDay = (
    (oneOf("01 03 05 07 08 10 12")("month") + "-" + oneThru31("day")) ^
    (oneOf("04 06 09 11")("month") + "-" + oneThru30("day")) ^
    (L("02")("month") + "-" + oneThru29("day"))

# 4 digits, 0 to 9
positiveYear = Word(nums, exact=4)

# Negative version of positive year, but "-0000" is illegal
negativeYear = NotAny(L("-0000")) + ("-" + positiveYear)

year = Combine(positiveYear ^ negativeYear)("year")

yearMonth = year + "-" + month
yearMonthDay = year + "-" + monthDay  # o hai iso date

date = Combine(year ^ yearMonth ^ yearMonthDay)("date")
Example #11
from pyparsing import printables as _printables, restOfLine
from pyparsing import ParseException

from . import user_agents

class NullValue:

NullValue = NullValue()

printables = "".join(set(_printables + " " + "\t") - {"|", "@"})

PIPE = L("|").suppress()

AT = L("@").suppress()

NULL = L("(null)")
NULL.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: NullValue)

TIMESTAMP = Word(printables)
TIMESTAMP = TIMESTAMP.setResultsName("timestamp")

COUNTRY_CODE = Word(printables)
COUNTRY_CODE = COUNTRY_CODE.setResultsName("country_code")
COUNTRY_CODE.setName("Country Code")

URL = Word(printables)