class NGMParser(object): """ Simple prottest result parser. """ def __init__(self): self.VAILD_PAIRS = Literal('[MAIN] Valid pairs found:') self.INSERT_SIZE = Literal('[MAIN] Estimated insert size:') self.COMPUTED_ALIGNMENTS = Literal('[MAIN] Alignments computed:') # These are all the models that are possible to be tested using phyml self.vp = Suppress(SkipTo(self.VAILD_PAIRS)) + Suppress(self.VAILD_PAIRS) + WORD self.inssize = Suppress(SkipTo(self.INSERT_SIZE)) + Suppress(self.INSERT_SIZE) + FLOAT self.compalign = Suppress(SkipTo(self.COMPUTED_ALIGNMENTS)) + Suppress(self.COMPUTED_ALIGNMENTS) + FLOAT def parse(self, stdout): try: valid_pairs = self.vp.parseString(stdout).asList()[0] insert_size = self.inssize.parseString(stdout).asList()[0] computed_alignments = self.compalign.parseString(stdout).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) return valid_pairs, insert_size, computed_alignments def to_dict(self, file, stdout): valid_pairs, insert_size, computed_alignments = self.parse(stdout) samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(file, "r") result = {'file': file, 'valid_pairs': valid_pairs, 'insert_size': insert_size, 'computed_alignments': computed_alignments, 'sam': samfile} return result
class NGMLRParser(object): """ Simple prottest result parser. for the following example output line: Processed: 75400 (0.00), R/S: 60.15, RL: 7675, Time: 3.00 11.00 10.07, Align: 1.00, 310, 3.04 Done (77 reads mapped (0.10%), 75323 reads not mapped, 75402 lines written)(elapsed: 20m, 0 r/s) """ def __init__(self): self.TOTAL_MAPPED_READS = Literal('Done (') self.TOTAL_READS = Literal('Processed: ') # These are all the models that are possible to be tested using phyml self.tmr = Suppress(SkipTo(self.TOTAL_MAPPED_READS)) + Suppress(self.TOTAL_MAPPED_READS) + FLOAT = Suppress(SkipTo(self.TOTAL_READS)) + Suppress(self.TOTAL_READS) + FLOAT def parse(self, stdout): try: total_mapped_reads = self.tmr.parseString(stdout).asList()[0] total_reads =[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) return total_mapped_reads, total_reads def to_dict(self, file, stdout): total_mapped_reads, total_reads = self.parse(stdout) samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(file, "r") result = {'file': file, 'total_mapped_reads': total_mapped_reads, 'total_reads': total_reads, 'sam': samfile} return result
def append_urlX_to_X(target, source, **kwargs): with closing(urlopen(source.url, timeout=kwargs.pop('timeout', None))) as r: chunk_size = 16 * source.chunk_size # 11.12.18 harleen - part2 - hack to enable writing to ftp server # original # with open(target.path, 'wb') as fp: # for chunk in iter(curry(, chunk_size), b''): # fp.write(chunk) # return target # changes begin f = target.path if f.split(':')[0].lower() == 'ftp': import io from io import StringIO from ftplib import FTP from pyparsing import Combine, Suppress, Word, printables, alphas, ZeroOrMore, alphanums, Group, delimitedList, nums ftp_expression = Suppress('ftp://') + Word(alphanums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(':')) + Word(alphanums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress('@')) + Word(alphanums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(':')) + Word(nums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress('/')) + Word(printables) username, password, ip, port, file_loc = ftp_expression.parseString(f) ftp = FTP(ip, username, password) # buffer = StringIO() # df.to_csv(buffer, index=False, header=has_header, sep=sep, encoding=encoding) # text = buffer.getvalue() # bio = io.BytesIO(str.encode(text)) # ftp.storbinary('STOR '+file_loc, bio) for chunk in iter(curry(, chunk_size), b''): ftp.storbinary('APPE ' + file_loc, io.BytesIO(chunk)) return target else: with open(target.path, 'wb') as fp: for chunk in iter(curry(, chunk_size), b''): fp.write(chunk) return target
def new_line(self, line): parse_vtp = Suppress('vtp ') + restOfLine try: self.vtp_str = parse_vtp.parseString(line).asList()[-1] self.info_domain() self.info_mode() except ParseException: pass
def create_names_db(): p = Suppress(SkipTo('"')) + QuotedString('"') + Suppress(SkipTo(".")) with open("persondata_en.ttl") as pd: for line in pd: surname, givenname = None, None if "/name" in line: name = p.parseString(line)[0] line = pd.__next__() if "/surname" in line: surname = p.parseString(line)[0] line = pd.__next__() if "/givenName" in line: givenname = p.parseString(line)[0] n = Name(name=name, surname=surname, givenname=givenname) session.add(n) session.commit()
def read_and_parse_metrics(raw_data): token = Suppress("'") + Word(alphanums + "_" + "-") + Suppress("'") group = Group( Suppress("(") + token + Suppress(",") + token + Suppress(",") + Word(nums) + Suppress(")") + Suppress(Optional(','))) dot = Suppress("{") + OneOrMore(group) + Suppress("}") data = dot.parseString(raw_data).asList() return {Conn(c[0], c[1], c[2]) for c in data}
def new_line(self,line): parse_storm = Suppress('storm-control ') + restOfLine try: self.storm_line = parse_storm.parseString(line).asList()[-1] self.level_info() self.action_info() self.type_info() except ParseException: pass
def parseReactions(reaction): name = Word(alphanums + '_-') + ':' species = (Word(alphanums + "_:#-") + Suppress('()')) + ZeroOrMore( Suppress('+') + Word(alphanums + "_:#-") + Suppress("()")) rate = Word(alphanums + "()") grammar = Suppress(Optional(name)) + ((Group(species) | '0') + Suppress(Optional("<") + "->") + (Group(species) | '0') + Suppress(rate)) \ ^ (species + Suppress(Optional("<") + "->") + Suppress(rate)) result = grammar.parseString(reaction).asList() if len(result) < 2: result = [result, []] if '<->' in reaction and len(result[0]) == 1 and len(result[1]) == 2: result2 = [result[1], result[0]] result = result2 return result
def parseReactions(reaction): name = Word(alphanums + '_-') + ':' species = (Word(alphanums + "_:#-") + Suppress('()')) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress('+') + Word(alphanums + "_:#-") + Suppress("()")) rate = Word(alphanums + "()") grammar = Suppress(Optional(name)) + ((Group(species) | '0') + Suppress(Optional("<") + "->") + (Group(species) | '0') + Suppress(rate)) \ ^ (species + Suppress(Optional("<") + "->") + Suppress(rate)) result = grammar.parseString(reaction).asList() if len(result) < 2: result = [result, []] if '<->' in reaction and len(result[0]) == 1 and len(result[1]) == 2: result2 = [result[1], result[0]] result = result2 return result
class Lindenmayer(object): def __init__(self, stream): # Set the default image dimensions ... self.width = 500 self.height = 500 # ... and the number of iterations. self.iterations = 5 # Set the default rotation angle in degrees. self.alpha = 90 # Initialize the branch stack, ... self.stack = [] # ... the constants, the rules, the variables and the axiom ... self.const = {'+':'+', '-':'-', '[':'[', ']':']'} self.rules = {} self.vars = [] self.axiom = None # ... and drawing settings. self.bgcolor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.lineLength = 20 self.lineWidth = 5 self.lineColor = (0, 0, 0) # Calculate the starting position. self.offset = (0, -self.height*0.5) print 'Offset :', self.offset # Finally store the stream ... = stream # ... and initialize the parser. self.initialize() def initialize(self): ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r') integer = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ]) number = Regex(r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ float(t[0]) ]) color = Regex(r"#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})") angle = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ]) variable = Word(alphas, exact=1).setParseAction(self.addVar) colon = Literal(":").suppress() comma = Literal(",") lBrace = Literal("(") rBrace = Literal(")") lBracket = Literal("[") rBracket = Literal("]") lAngle = Literal("<") rAngle = Literal(">") plus = Literal("+") minus = Literal("-") FTerm = Literal("F") fTerm = Literal("f") ZTerm = Literal("Z") zTerm = Literal("z") xTerm = Literal("x") cTerm = Literal("c") eol = OneOrMore(LineEnd()).suppress() param = ( angle | color | "!" + number | "|" + number ) self.pList = lBrace + param + ZeroOrMore(comma + param) + rBrace literal = ((lBracket + ( variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList) ) + rBracket) | (variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList))) terminal = (ZTerm | zTerm | FTerm | fTerm | xTerm | cTerm | plus | minus | lBracket | rBracket) lprod = ( (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) | (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable) | (variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) | variable ) rProd = OneOrMore(literal | terminal) comment = Suppress((LineStart() + "#" + SkipTo(eol, include=True))) rules = ( (lprod + Literal("=") + rProd + eol).setParseAction(self.addRule) \ | comment ) defaults = ( ( ("Dimensions" + colon + integer + comma + integer) | ("Position" + colon + integer + comma + integer) | ("Iterations" + colon + integer) | ("Angle" + colon + angle) | ("Linelength" + colon + number) | ("Linewidth" + colon + number) | ("Linecolor" + colon + color) | ("Background" + colon + color) | ("Axiom" + colon + rProd) ) + eol ).setParseAction(self.setAttribute) header = ( defaults | comment ) self.grammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(LineEnd())) \ + ZeroOrMore(header) \ + OneOrMore(rules) try: L = self.grammar.parseString( ) except ParseException, err: print err.line print " "*(err.column-1) + "^" print err print 'Rules:', self.rules
class RaxmlParser(object): def __init__(self): self.ALPHA_LABEL = Regex(r'alpha\[\d+\]:') self.LNL_LABEL = Literal('Final GAMMA-based Score of best tree') self.FRQ_LABEL = Regex(r'Base frequencies: (?=\d+)') ^ \ Regex(r'ML estimate base freqs\[\d+\]:') self.NAMES_LABEL = Regex(r'Partition: \d+ with name:\s+') self.RATES_LABEL = Regex(r'rates\[\d+\].+?:') self.MODEL_LABEL = Literal('Substitution Matrix:') self.alpha = OneOrMore( Suppress(SkipTo(self.ALPHA_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.ALPHA_LABEL) + FLOAT) self.lnl = Suppress(SkipTo(self.LNL_LABEL)) + \ Suppress(self.LNL_LABEL) + FLOAT self.frq = OneOrMore( Group( Suppress(SkipTo(self.FRQ_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.FRQ_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT))) self.names = OneOrMore( Suppress(SkipTo(self.NAMES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.NAMES_LABEL) + CharsNotIn('\n') + Suppress(LineEnd())) self.rates = OneOrMore( Group( Suppress(SkipTo(self.RATES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.RATES_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT))) self.model = Suppress(SkipTo(self.MODEL_LABEL)) + \ Suppress(self.MODEL_LABEL) + WORD MODEL_LABEL = Literal('Substitution Matrix:') SCORE_LABEL = Literal('Final GAMMA likelihood:') BOOT_SCORE_LABEL = Literal('Final ML Optimization Likelihood:') DESC_LABEL = Literal('Model Parameters of Partition') NAME_LEADIN = Literal(', Name:') DATATYPE_LEADIN = Literal(', Type of Data:') ALPHA_LEADIN = Literal('alpha:') TREELENGTH_LEADIN = Literal('Tree-Length:') RATES_LABEL = Regex(r'rate \w <-> \w:') FREQS_LABEL = Regex(r'freq pi\(\w\):') likelihood = Suppress( SkipTo(SCORE_LABEL)) + Suppress(SCORE_LABEL) + FLOAT boot_likelihood = Suppress( SkipTo(BOOT_SCORE_LABEL)) + Suppress(BOOT_SCORE_LABEL) + FLOAT description = Suppress( SkipTo(DESC_LABEL)) + Suppress(DESC_LABEL) + INT + Suppress( NAME_LEADIN) + SPACEDWORD + Suppress(DATATYPE_LEADIN) + WORD treelen = Suppress( SkipTo(TREELENGTH_LEADIN)) + Suppress(TREELENGTH_LEADIN) + FLOAT alpha = Suppress(SkipTo(ALPHA_LEADIN)) + Suppress(ALPHA_LEADIN) + FLOAT rates = OneOrMore( Group( Suppress(SkipTo(RATES_LABEL)) + Suppress(RATES_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT))) freqs = OneOrMore( Group( Suppress(SkipTo(FREQS_LABEL)) + Suppress(FREQS_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT))) # output of running different set of raxml analysis self.TC_STOCHBI_LABEL = Literal( 'Tree certainty under stochastic bipartition ' 'adjustment for this tree:') self.RTC_STOCHBI_LABEL = Literal( 'Relative tree certainty under stochastic bipartition adjustment for this tree:' ) self.TCA_STOCHBI_LABEL = Literal( 'Tree certainty including all conflicting bipartitions (TCA) under ' 'stochastic bipartition adjustment for this tree:') self.RTCA_STOCHBI_LABEL = Literal( 'Relative tree certainty including all conflicting bipartitions (TCA) ' 'under stochastic bipartition adjustment for this tree:') self.TC_UNIBI_LABEL = Literal( 'Tree certainty under uniform bipartition ' 'adjustment for this tree:') self.RTC_UNIBI_LABEL = Literal('Relative tree certainty under uniform ' 'bipartition adjustment for this tree:') self.TCA_UNIBI_LABEL = Literal( 'Tree certainty including all conflicting bipartitions (TCA) under ' 'uniform bipartition adjustment for this tree:') self.RTCA_UNIBI_LABEL = Literal( 'Relative tree certainty including all conflicting bipartitions (TCA) ' 'under uniform bipartition adjustment for this tree:') self.tc_stochbi = Suppress(SkipTo(self.TC_STOCHBI_LABEL)) + Suppress( self.TC_STOCHBI_LABEL) + FLOAT self.rtc_stochbi = Suppress(SkipTo(self.RTC_STOCHBI_LABEL)) + Suppress( self.RTC_STOCHBI_LABEL) + FLOAT self.tca_stochbi = Suppress(SkipTo(self.TCA_STOCHBI_LABEL)) + Suppress( self.TCA_STOCHBI_LABEL) + FLOAT self.rtca_stochbi = Suppress(SkipTo( self.RTCA_STOCHBI_LABEL)) + Suppress( self.RTCA_STOCHBI_LABEL) + FLOAT self.tc_unibi = Suppress(SkipTo(self.TC_UNIBI_LABEL)) + Suppress( self.TC_UNIBI_LABEL) + FLOAT self.rtc_unibi = Suppress(SkipTo(self.RTC_UNIBI_LABEL)) + Suppress( self.RTC_UNIBI_LABEL) + FLOAT self.tca_unibi = Suppress(SkipTo(self.TCA_UNIBI_LABEL)) + Suppress( self.TCA_UNIBI_LABEL) + FLOAT self.rtca_unibi = Suppress(SkipTo(self.RTCA_UNIBI_LABEL)) + Suppress( self.RTCA_UNIBI_LABEL) + FLOAT # Use these for flag 'a' option self.boot_likelihood = boot_likelihood self.freqs = freqs self.rates = rates self.alpha = alpha = description self.treelen = treelen self._dash_f_e_parser = ( Group(OneOrMore(self.model)) + likelihood + Group( OneOrMore( Group(description + alpha + Suppress(TREELENGTH_LEADIN) + Suppress(FLOAT) + Group(OneOrMore(rates)) + Group(OneOrMore(freqs)))))) def parse(self, filename, f_flag=None): with open(filename) as fl: s = if f_flag is None: try: alphas = self.alpha.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) alphas = [None] try: freqs = self.frq.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) freqs = [None] try: names = self.names.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) names = [None] try: rates = self.rates.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException: rates = None try: lnl = self.lnl.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) lnl = [0] return alphas, freqs, names, rates, lnl elif f_flag is 'i': try: tc_stochbi = self.tc_stochbi.parseString(s).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) tc_stochbi = [None] try: rtc_stochbi = self.rtc_stochbi.parseString(s).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) rtc_stochbi = [None] try: tca_stochbi = self.tca_stochbi.parseString(s).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) tca_stochbi = [None] try: rtca_stochbi = self.rtca_stochbi.parseString(s).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) rtca_stochbi = [None] try: tc_unibi = self.tc_unibi.parseString(s).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) tc_unibi = [None] try: rtc_unibi = self.rtc_unibi.parseString(s).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) rtc_unibi = [None] try: tca_unibi = self.tca_unibi.parseString(s).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) tca_unibi = [None] try: rtca_unibi = self.rtca_unibi.parseString(s).asList()[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) rtca_unibi = [None] return tc_unibi, rtc_unibi, tca_unibi, rtca_unibi, tc_stochbi, \ rtc_stochbi, tca_stochbi, rtca_stochbi elif f_flag is 'a': try: model = self.model.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException: model = None try: alphas = self.alpha.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) alphas = [None] try: freqs = self.freqs.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) freqs = [None] try: name = except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) name = [None] try: rates = self.rates.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException: rates = None try: likelihood = self.boot_likelihood.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException: likelihood = None try: treelength = self.treelen.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException: treelength = None return model, treelength, alphas, freqs, name, rates, likelihood def _dash_f_e_to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename): """ Raxml provides an option to fit model params to a tree, selected with -f e. The output is different and needs a different parser. """ with open(info_filename) as fl: models, likelihood, partition_params = self._dash_f_e_parser.parseFile( fl).asList() with open(tree_filename) as fl: nwk_tree = tree = dpy.Tree.get(data=nwk_tree, schema='newick') d = {'likelihood': likelihood, 'tree': tree, 'partitions': {}} for model, params in zip(models, partition_params): subdict = {} index, name, _, alpha, rates, freqs = params subdict['alpha'] = alpha subdict['name'] = name subdict['rates'] = rates subdict['frequencies'] = freqs subdict['model'] = model d['partitions'][index] = subdict return d def _dash_f_i_to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename): """ Raxml provides an option to fit model params to a tree, selected with -f i. The output is different and needs a different parser. """ tc_unibi, rtc_unibi, tca_unibi, rtca_unibi, tc_stochbi, rtc_stochbi, tca_stochbi, rtca_stochbi = self.parse( info_filename, 'i') with open(tree_filename) as fl: nwk_tree = tree = dpy.Tree.get(data=nwk_tree, schema='newick') d = { 'tree': tree, 'tc_unibi': tc_unibi, 'rtc_unibi': rtc_unibi, 'tca_unibi': tca_unibi, 'rtca_unibi': rtca_unibi, 'tc_stochbi': tc_stochbi, 'rtc_stochbi': rtc_stochbi, 'tca_stochbi': tca_stochbi, 'rtca_stochbi': rtca_stochbi } return d def _dash_f_a_to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename): """ Raxml provides an option to fit model params to a tree, selected with -f a. The output is different and needs a different parser. """ model, treelength, alphas, freqs, name, rates, likelihood = self.parse( info_filename, f_flag='a') bs_tree_filename = tree_filename.replace('bestTree', 'bipartitionsBranchLabels') try: with open(bs_tree_filename) as fl: nwk_tree = tree = dpy.Tree.get(data=nwk_tree, schema='newick') except IOError as err: logger.error('No tree file - raxml analysis failed') return result = { 'likelihood': likelihood, 'model': model, 'treelength': treelength, 'part_name': name[1], 'alpha': alphas, 'rates': rates, 'frequences': freqs, 'bs_tree': nwk_tree, 'tree': tree } return result def to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename, dash_f=None): """ Parse raxml output and return a dict Option dash_f_e=True will parse the output of a raxml -f e run, which has different output """ if dash_f is 'e': return self._dash_f_e_to_dict(info_filename, tree_filename) elif dash_f is 'i': return self._dash_f_i_to_dict(info_filename, tree_filename) elif dash_f is 'a': return self._dash_f_a_to_dict(info_filename, tree_filename) else: return self._to_dict(info_filename, tree_filename) def _to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename): alpha, freqs, names, rates, lnl = self.parse(info_filename) try: with open(tree_filename) as fl: nwk_tree = tree = dpy.Tree.get(data=nwk_tree, schema='newick') except IOError as err: logger.error('No tree file - raxml analysis failed') return n_parts = len(alpha) assert len(freqs) == n_parts assert len(names) == n_parts if rates is not None: assert len(rates) == n_parts result = {'likelihood': lnl[0], 'partitions': {}, 'tree': tree} for i in range(n_parts): subdict = { 'alpha': alpha[i], 'frequencies': freqs[i], 'name': names[i] } if rates is not None: subdict['rates'] = rates[i] result['partitions'][i] = subdict return result
labels = [ 'Northwest', 'North Central', 'Northeast', 'Southwest', 'South Central', 'Southeast' ] # list of each crop in the report crop_labels = [ '#2 Yellow Corn', '#1 Yellow Soybeans' ] ending_index = 0 # initializes to 0 so that it can be later used to divide site_contents into sections # Loops through each location in labels and finds the data for that location. # Pyparsing is used to store each data element in a list so that it can be # used to create a table. z = 0 while z < len(labels): starting_index = site_contents.find(labels[z], ending_index) line = Suppress(Literal(labels[z])) + (Word(nums+'.'+'*') + (Suppress(Literal('\x96')) | Suppress(Literal('-'))) + Word(nums+'.'+'*') + Word(nums+'.'+'*'))*2 ending_index = site_contents.find('\r\n', starting_index) ending_index1 = site_contents.find('\t', starting_index) if ending_index1 != -1: ending_index = min([ending_index, ending_index1]) line = line.parseString(site_contents[starting_index:ending_index]) # Loops through each crop in crop_labels and creates a table using the location # in labels and the crop in crop_labels. y = 0 while y < len(crop_labels): headings = [ 'Date', 'Minimum Bid', 'Maximum Bid', 'Average Bid' ] data = { 'Date': [string_date], 'Minimum Bid': [line[0].replace('*','')], 'Maximum Bid': [line[1].replace('*','')], 'Average Bid': [line[2].replace('*','')] } del line[0:3] data_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = headings) data_df.index = data_df['Date'] data_df = data_df.drop('Date', 1) replace = re.compile('[ /]') # list of characters to be replaced in the pork cut description remove = re.compile('[,%#-&()!$+<>?/\'"{}.*@ ]') # list of characters to be removed from the pork cut description name1 = replace.sub('_', crop_labels[y].upper()) # replace certain characters with '_' name2 = remove.sub('', name1).upper() # remove certain characters and convert to upper case name2 = name2.translate(None, '-') # ensure '-' character is removed
while site_contents.find('\r\n', starting_day, ending_day) != -1: end_line = site_contents.find('\r\n', starting_day) unparsed.append(site_contents[starting_day:end_line]) starting_day = end_line+2 cattle_slaughter = (Word(alphas) + Word(printables)) | (Word(alphas) + Literal("-")) # grammar for daily cattle slaughter # Loops through each unparsed line and parses it, appending to number_cattle_slaughter z = 0 while z < len(unparsed): parsed.append(cattle_slaughter.parseString(unparsed[z])) day.append(parsed[z][0]) number_cattle_slaughter.append(parsed[z][1]) z = z + 1 number_cattle_slaughter = [float(g.replace(',','').replace('-','0')) for g in number_cattle_slaughter] # remove commas and convert each value to a float starting = site_contents.find('Beef', site_contents.find('Meat Production, Live Weight and Dressed Weight')) # store index of beginning of second data section weight = Suppress(Literal('Beef')) + Word(printables) # grammar for finding weight of beef production weight = float((weight.parseString(site_contents[starting:]))[0]) starting = site_contents.find('Cattle', starting) word = Suppress(Word(alphas)) + Word(nums) weights = Suppress(Word(alphas)) + Word(printables) + Word(nums) + word*4 average_live_weight = float((weights.parseString(site_contents[starting:]))[0].replace(',','')) average_dressed_weight = float((weights.parseString(site_contents[starting:]))[1]) average_weights = weights.parseString(site_contents[starting:])[2:] starting = site_contents.find('Cattle', site_contents.find('Federally Inspected Slaughter Head & Percentage by Class')) suppress = Suppress(Word(printables)) word = Word(alphas) + ZeroOrMore(Word(alphas)) number = Word(printables) cattle_head = suppress + Suppress(ZeroOrMore(Literal(':'))) + (word + Suppress(ZeroOrMore(Literal(':'))) + number) + ( Suppress(ZeroOrMore(Literal(':'))) + word + Suppress(ZeroOrMore(Literal(':'))) + number + Suppress(ZeroOrMore(Literal(':'))) + suppress ) * 5 y = cattle_head.parseString(site_contents[starting:]) names = [y[0], y[2], y[4], y[6] + ' ' + y[7], y[9] + ' ' + y[10], y[12]] total_head = [y[1],y[3],y[5],y[8], y[11], y[13]] total_head = [float(i.replace(',','.')) for i in total_head]
def _interfaceParse___iface_attributes(config, check_disabled): iface_list = util.get_attributes(config)[0] # if iface isn`t enable and unused if iface_list: iface_dict = { 'shutdown': 'no', 'vlans': [], 'cdp': 'yes', 'dhcp_snoop': { 'mode': 'untrust' }, 'arp_insp': { 'mode': 'untrust' }, 'storm control': {}, 'port-security': {}, 'ipv6': {} } vlan_num = Word(nums + '-') + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + Word(nums + '-')) parse_description = Suppress('description ') + restOfLine parse_type = Suppress('switchport mode ') + restOfLine parse_port_sec = Suppress('switchport port-security ') + restOfLine parse_stp_port = Suppress('spanning-tree ') + restOfLine parse_dhcp_snoop = Suppress('ip dhcp snooping ') + restOfLine parse_arp_insp = Suppress('ip arp inspection ') + restOfLine parse_source_guard = Suppress('ip verify source ') + restOfLine parse_arp_proxy_iface = Optional( Word(alphas)) + Suppress('ip proxy-arp') parse_vlans = Suppress('switchport ') + Suppress( MatchFirst('access vlan ' + ('trunk allowed vlan ' + Optional('add ')))) + vlan_num class Storm: def __init__(self): self.dct = {'type': []} def new_line(self, line): parse_storm = Suppress('storm-control ') + restOfLine try: self.storm_line = parse_storm.parseString( line).asList()[-1] self.level_info() self.action_info() self.type_info() except ParseException: pass @catch_exception def parse_level(self): parse_level = Word(alphas) + Suppress('level ') + restOfLine value = parse_level.parseString(self.storm_line).asList() if 'level' in self.dct: self.dct['level'].append(value) else: self.dct['level'] = [value] @catch_exception def parse_action(self): action = Suppress('action ') + Word(alphas) self.action = utill(action, self.storm_line) @catch_exception def parse_type(self): type = Word(alphas) + Suppress( Optional("include")) + Word(alphas) self.type = utill(type, self.storm_line) @catch_exception1 def action_info(self): self.parse_action() self.dct['action'] = self.action @catch_exception1 def type_info(self): self.parse_type() for each in self.type: if each not in self.dct['type'] and each in [ 'broadcast', 'multicast', 'unicast' ]: self.dct['type'].append(each) @catch_exception1 def level_info(self): self.parse_level() cl_storm = Storm() # Reserved options list is using due to 'shutdown' option is usually located at the end of the list, so it breaks cycle if interface is shutdown and function speed increases for option in iface_list[::-1]: cl_storm.new_line(option) iface_dict['storm control'] = cl_storm.dct if option == 'shutdown': if check_disabled: iface_dict['shutdown'] = 'yes' pass else: iface_dict = {'shutdown': 'yes'} break if option == 'switchport nonegotiate': iface_dict['dtp'] = 'no' continue if option == 'no cdp enable': iface_dict['cdp'] = 'no' continue if option == 'no mop enabled': iface_dict['mop'] = 'no' continue elif option == 'mop enabled': iface_dict['mop'] = 'yes' continue try: vlan_add = parse_vlans.parseString(option).asList() for unit in vlan_add: if '-' in unit: range_units = unit.split('-') range_list = [ i for i in range(int(range_units[0]), int(range_units[1]) + 1) ] iface_dict['vlans'].extend(range_list) else: iface_dict['vlans'].append(int(unit)) continue except ParseException: pass try: iface_dict['description'] = parse_description.parseString( option).asList()[-1] continue except ParseException: pass try: iface_dict['type'] = parse_type.parseString( option).asList()[-1] continue except ParseException: pass try: port_sec = parse_port_sec.parseString(option).asList()[-1] iface_dict[ 'port-security'] = parsing_checks.port_security.__ifaceAttributes___port_sec_parse( port_sec, iface_dict['port-security']) continue except ParseException: pass try: dhcp_snoop = parse_dhcp_snoop.parseString(option).asList()[-1] iface_dict[ 'dhcp_snoop'] = parsing_checks.ip_iface.__ifaceAttributes___ip_parse( dhcp_snoop, iface_dict['dhcp_snoop']) continue except ParseException: pass try: arp_insp = parse_arp_insp.parseString(option).asList()[-1] iface_dict[ 'arp_insp'] = parsing_checks.ip_iface.__ifaceAttributes___ip_parse( arp_insp, iface_dict['arp_insp']) # making a str:str instead of str:list # see issue #5 if 'mode' in iface_dict['arp_insp']: iface_dict['arp_insp']['mode'] = iface_dict['arp_insp'][ 'mode'][0] continue except ParseException: pass try: stp_port = parse_stp_port.parseString(option).asList()[-1] iface_dict['stp'] = stp_port continue except ParseException: pass try: source_guard = parse_source_guard.parseString( option).asList()[-1] iface_dict['source_guard'] = source_guard continue except ParseException: pass try: ipv6 = parse_ipv6.parseString(option).asList()[-1] __ifaceAttributes___ipv6_parse(ipv6, iface_dict['ipv6']) continue except ParseException: pass try: arp_proxy_iface = parse_arp_proxy_iface.parseString( option).asList()[-1] iface_dict['arp_proxy'] = arp_proxy_iface continue except ParseException: pass return iface_dict else: return {'unknown_iface': 1}
) ) NIL NIL ) "MIXED" ( "BOUNDARY" "Boundary-00=_H2YnIG887ejM4hn" ) NIL NIL NIL ) ) """ parse = Suppress(Word(nums)) + Suppress("(") + Group(OneOrMore( Suppress("(") + Group(OneOrMore(Word(printables))) + Suppress(")") )) + Suppress(")") for folder in folderlist: tmp = parse.parseString( folder ) if type in tmp[2][1]: result.append(tmp[0]) return result @staticmethod def folderAnnotation(folder): pass
def append_dataframe_to_csv(c, df, dshape=None, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(c.path) or not os.path.getsize(c.path): # 11.12.18 harleen - replacing pop and get with 'OR'. this is because even if dict key exists, default value (a method here) is always calcualted. And it errors for FTP locations # original # has_header = kwargs.pop('header', c.has_header) # changes begin try: has_header = kwargs.pop('header') except: try: has_header = c.has_header except: has_header = False # changes end else: has_header = False # 11.12.18 harleen - <<see above comment>> # original # sep = kwargs.get('sep', # kwargs.get('delimiter', c.dialect.get('delimiter', ','))) # changes begin try: sep = kwargs.get('sep') or kwargs.get('delimiter') or c.dialect.get('delimiter', ',') except: sep = ',' # changes end encoding = kwargs.get('encoding', c.encoding) if ext(c.path) in compressed_open: if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: kwargs['mode'] = 'at' kwargs['encoding'] = encoding elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: kwargs['mode'] = 'ab' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'at' # 11.12.18 harleen: hack to enable writing to ftp server # original # with'mode', 'a')) as f: # df.to_csv(f, # header=has_header, # index=False, # sep=sep, # encoding=encoding) # changes begin f = c.path if f.split(':')[0].lower() == 'ftp': import io from io import StringIO from ftplib import FTP from pyparsing import Combine, Suppress, Word, printables, alphas, ZeroOrMore, alphanums, Group, delimitedList, nums ftp_expression = Suppress('ftp://') + Word(alphanums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(':')) + Word(alphanums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress('@')) + Word(alphanums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(':')) + Word(nums) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress('/')) + Word(printables) username, password, ip, port, file_loc = ftp_expression.parseString(f) ftp = FTP(ip, username, password) # bio = io.BytesIO(str.encode(str(df))) buffer = StringIO() df.to_csv(buffer, index=False, header=has_header, sep=sep, encoding=encoding) text = buffer.getvalue() bio = io.BytesIO(str.encode(text)) # ftp.storbinary('STOR '+file_loc, bio) ftp.storbinary('APPE ' + file_loc, bio) else: with'mode', 'a')) as f: df.to_csv(f, header=has_header, index=False, sep=sep, encoding=encoding) # changes end return c
class RaxmlParser(object): def __init__(self): self.ALPHA_LABEL = Regex(r"alpha\[\d+\]:") self.LNL_LABEL = Literal("Final GAMMA-based Score of best tree") self.FRQ_LABEL = Regex(r"Base frequencies: (?=\d+)") ^ Regex(r"ML estimate base freqs\[\d+\]:") self.NAMES_LABEL = Regex(r"Partition: \d+ with name:\s+") self.RATES_LABEL = Regex(r"rates\[\d+\].+?:") self.MODEL_LABEL = Literal("Substitution Matrix:") self.alpha = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(self.ALPHA_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.ALPHA_LABEL) + FLOAT) self.lnl = Suppress(SkipTo(self.LNL_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.LNL_LABEL) + FLOAT self.frq = OneOrMore(Group(Suppress(SkipTo(self.FRQ_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.FRQ_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT))) self.names = OneOrMore( Suppress(SkipTo(self.NAMES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.NAMES_LABEL) + CharsNotIn("\n") + Suppress(LineEnd()) ) self.rates = OneOrMore( Group(Suppress(SkipTo(self.RATES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.RATES_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT)) ) self.model = Suppress(SkipTo(self.MODEL_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.MODEL_LABEL) + WORD MODEL_LABEL = Literal("Substitution Matrix:") SCORE_LABEL = Literal("Final GAMMA likelihood:") DESC_LABEL = Literal("Model Parameters of Partition") NAME_LEADIN = Literal(", Name:") DATATYPE_LEADIN = Literal(", Type of Data:") ALPHA_LEADIN = Literal("alpha:") TREELENGTH_LEADIN = Literal("Tree-Length:") RATES_LABEL = Regex(r"rate \w <-> \w:") FREQS_LABEL = Regex(r"freq pi\(\w\):") model = Suppress(SkipTo(MODEL_LABEL)) + Suppress(MODEL_LABEL) + WORD likelihood = Suppress(SkipTo(SCORE_LABEL)) + Suppress(SCORE_LABEL) + FLOAT description = ( Suppress(SkipTo(DESC_LABEL)) + Suppress(DESC_LABEL) + INT + Suppress(NAME_LEADIN) + SPACEDWORD + Suppress(DATATYPE_LEADIN) + WORD ) alpha = Suppress(ALPHA_LEADIN) + FLOAT rates = Suppress(RATES_LABEL) + FLOAT freqs = Suppress(FREQS_LABEL) + FLOAT self._dash_f_e_parser = ( Group(OneOrMore(model)) + likelihood + Group( OneOrMore( Group( description + alpha + Suppress(TREELENGTH_LEADIN) + Suppress(FLOAT) + Group(OneOrMore(rates)) + Group(OneOrMore(freqs)) ) ) ) ) def parse(self, filename): with open(filename) as fl: s = try: alphas = self.alpha.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) alphas = [None] try: freqs = self.frq.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) freqs = [None] try: names = self.names.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) names = [None] try: rates = self.rates.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException: rates = None try: lnl = self.lnl.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) lnl = [0] return alphas, freqs, names, rates, lnl def _dash_f_e_to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename): """ Raxml provides an option to fit model params to a tree, selected with -f e. The output is different and needs a different parser. """ with open(info_filename) as fl: models, likelihood, partition_params = self._dash_f_e_parser.parseFile(fl).asList() with open(tree_filename) as fl: tree = d = {"likelihood": likelihood, "ml_tree": tree, "partitions": {}} for model, params in zip(models, partition_params): subdict = {} index, name, _, alpha, rates, freqs = params subdict["alpha"] = alpha subdict["name"] = name subdict["rates"] = rates subdict["frequencies"] = freqs subdict["model"] = model d["partitions"][index] = subdict return d def to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename, dash_f_e=False): """ Parse raxml output and return a dict Option dash_f_e=True will parse the output of a raxml -f e run, which has different output """ if dash_f_e: return self._dash_f_e_to_dict(info_filename, tree_filename) else: return self._to_dict(info_filename, tree_filename) def _to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename): alpha, freqs, names, rates, lnl = self.parse(info_filename) try: with open(tree_filename) as fl: tree = except IOError as err: logger.error("No tree file - raxml analysis failed") return n_parts = len(alpha) assert len(freqs) == n_parts assert len(names) == n_parts if rates is not None: assert len(rates) == n_parts result = {"likelihood": lnl[0], "partitions": {}, "ml_tree": tree} for i in range(n_parts): subdict = {} subdict["alpha"] = alpha[i] subdict["frequencies"] = freqs[i] subdict["name"] = names[i] if rates is not None: subdict["rates"] = rates[i] result["partitions"][i] = subdict return result
class RaxmlParser(object): def __init__(self): self.ALPHA_LABEL = Regex(r'alpha\[\d+\]:') self.LNL_LABEL = Literal('Final GAMMA-based Score of best tree') self.FRQ_LABEL = Regex(r'Base frequencies: (?=\d+)') ^ Regex(r'ML estimate base freqs\[\d+\]:') self.NAMES_LABEL = Regex(r'Partition: \d+ with name:\s+') self.RATES_LABEL = Regex(r'rates\[\d+\].+?:') self.MODEL_LABEL = Literal('Substitution Matrix:') self.alpha = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(self.ALPHA_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.ALPHA_LABEL) + FLOAT) self.lnl = Suppress(SkipTo(self.LNL_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.LNL_LABEL) + FLOAT self.frq = OneOrMore(Group(Suppress(SkipTo(self.FRQ_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.FRQ_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT))) self.names = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(self.NAMES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.NAMES_LABEL) + CharsNotIn('\n') + Suppress(LineEnd())) self.rates = OneOrMore(Group(Suppress(SkipTo(self.RATES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.RATES_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT))) self.model = Suppress(SkipTo(self.MODEL_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.MODEL_LABEL) + WORD MODEL_LABEL = Literal('Substitution Matrix:') SCORE_LABEL = Literal('Final GAMMA likelihood:') DESC_LABEL = Literal('Model Parameters of Partition') NAME_LEADIN = Literal(', Name:') DATATYPE_LEADIN = Literal(', Type of Data:') ALPHA_LEADIN = Literal('alpha:') TREELENGTH_LEADIN = Literal('Tree-Length:') RATES_LABEL = Regex(r'rate \w <-> \w:') FREQS_LABEL = Regex(r'freq pi\(\w\):') BEST_LEADIN = Literal('Starting final GAMMA-based thorough Optimization on tree ') PARTITION_LEADIN = Literal('Partition:') INFERENCE_LEADIN = Literal('Inference[') model = Suppress(SkipTo(MODEL_LABEL)) + Suppress(MODEL_LABEL) + WORD likelihood = Suppress(SkipTo(SCORE_LABEL)) + Suppress(SCORE_LABEL) + FLOAT description = (Suppress(SkipTo(DESC_LABEL)) + Suppress(DESC_LABEL) + INT + Suppress(NAME_LEADIN) + SPACEDWORD + Suppress(DATATYPE_LEADIN) + WORD) alpha = Suppress(ALPHA_LEADIN) + FLOAT rates = Suppress(RATES_LABEL) + FLOAT freqs = Suppress(FREQS_LABEL) + FLOAT self.partition = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(PARTITION_LEADIN)) + Suppress(PARTITION_LEADIN) + INT) self.inference = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(INFERENCE_LEADIN)) + Suppress(INFERENCE_LEADIN) + INT) = Suppress(SkipTo(BEST_LEADIN)) + Suppress(BEST_LEADIN) + INT self._dash_f_e_parser = (Group(OneOrMore(model)) + likelihood + Group(OneOrMore(Group(description + alpha + Suppress(TREELENGTH_LEADIN) + Suppress(FLOAT) + Group(OneOrMore(rates)) + Group(OneOrMore(freqs)) )))) def parse(self, filename): with open(filename) as fl: s = try: best_index =[0] except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) best_index = 0 try: n_partitions = max(self.partition.parseString(s).asList()) + 1 except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) n_partitions = 1 try: n_inferences = max(self.inference.parseString(s).asList()) + 1 except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) n_inferences = 1 try: alphas = self.alpha.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) alphas = [None] try: freqs = self.frq.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) freqs = [None] try: names = self.names.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) names = [None] try: rates = self.rates.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException: rates = None try: lnl = self.lnl.parseString(s).asList() except ParseException as err: logger.error(err) lnl = [0] alphas = np.array(alphas).reshape(n_inferences, n_partitions)[best_index].tolist() if n_inferences > 1 and len(freqs) == n_inferences * n_partitions: logger.debug('Reshaping freqs for multiple inference result') freqs = np.array(freqs).reshape(n_inferences, n_partitions, len(freqs[0]))[best_index].tolist() if rates is not None and n_inferences > 1 and len(rates) == n_inferences * n_partitions: logger.debug('Reshaping rates for multiple inference result') rates = np.array(rates).reshape(n_inferences, n_partitions, len(rates[0]))[best_index].tolist() return alphas, freqs, names, rates, lnl def _dash_f_e_to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename): """ Raxml provides an option to fit model params to a tree, selected with -f e. The output is different and needs a different parser. """ with open(info_filename) as fl: models, likelihood, partition_params = self._dash_f_e_parser.parseFile(fl).asList() with open(tree_filename) as fl: tree = d = {'likelihood': likelihood, 'ml_tree': tree, 'partitions': {}} for model, params in zip(models, partition_params): subdict = {} index, name, _, alpha, rates, freqs = params subdict['alpha'] = alpha subdict['name'] = name subdict['rates'] = rates subdict['frequencies'] = freqs subdict['model'] = model d['partitions'][index] = subdict return d def to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename, dash_f_e=False): """ Parse raxml output and return a dict Option dash_f_e=True will parse the output of a raxml -f e run, which has different output """ logger.debug('info_filename: {} {}' .format(info_filename, '(FOUND)' if os.path.exists(info_filename) else '(NOT FOUND)')) logger.debug('tree_filename: {} {}' .format(tree_filename, '(FOUND)' if os.path.exists(tree_filename) else '(NOT FOUND)')) if dash_f_e: return self._dash_f_e_to_dict(info_filename, tree_filename) else: return self._to_dict(info_filename, tree_filename) def _to_dict(self, info_filename, tree_filename): alpha, freqs, names, rates, lnl = self.parse(info_filename) try: with open(tree_filename) as fl: tree = except IOError as err: logger.error('No tree file - raxml analysis failed') return n_parts = len(alpha) assert len(freqs) == n_parts assert len(names) == n_parts if rates is not None: assert len(rates) == n_parts result = {'likelihood': lnl[0], 'partitions': {}, 'ml_tree': tree} for i in range(n_parts): subdict = {} subdict['alpha'] = alpha[i] subdict['frequencies'] = freqs[i] subdict['name'] = names[i] if rates is not None: subdict['rates'] = rates[i] result['partitions'][i] = subdict return result
def _globalParse___line_attributes(config): line_list, next_line = util.get_attributes(config) line_dict = {'log_syng': 'no', 'no_exec': 'no', 'access-class': {}} parse_login_type = Suppress('login ' + Optional('authentication ')) + restOfLine parse_exec_timeout = Suppress('exec-timeout ') + restOfLine parse_pass_type = Suppress('password ') + restOfLine parse_privilege = Suppress('privilege level ') + restOfLine parse_transp_in = Suppress('transport input ') + restOfLine parse_transp_out = Suppress('transport output ') + restOfLine parse_rotary = Suppress('rotary ') + restOfLine parse_access_class = Suppress('access-class') + Word( alphas + '-') + MatchFirst(['in', 'out']) + Suppress( Optional(restOfLine)) for option in line_list: if option == 'logging synchronous': line_dict['log_syng'] = 'yes' continue if option == 'no exec': line_dict['no_exec'] = 'yes' continue try: item = parse_exec_timeout.parseString(option).asList()[-1] item = item.split() if len(item) == 2: line_dict['exec_timeout'] = int(item[0]) + int(item[1]) / 60 else: line_dict['exec_timeout'] = int(item[0]) continue except ParseException: pass try: line_dict['login_type'] = parse_login_type.parseString( option).asList()[-1] continue except ParseException: pass try: line_dict['pass_type'] = parse_pass_type.parseString( option).asList()[-1] continue except ParseException: pass try: line_dict['privilege'] = parse_privilege.parseString( option).asList()[-1] continue except ParseException: pass try: line_dict['transp_in'] = parse_transp_in.parseString( option).asList()[-1] continue except ParseException: pass try: line_dict['transp_out'] = parse_transp_out.parseString( option).asList()[-1] continue except ParseException: pass try: line_dict['rotary'] = parse_rotary.parseString(option).asList()[-1] continue except ParseException: pass try: item = parse_access_class.parseString(option).asList() line_dict['access-class']['name'] = item[0] line_dict['access-class']['type'] = item[-1] continue except ParseException: pass return line_dict, next_line
class Lindenmayer(object): def __init__(self, stream): # Set the default image dimensions ... self.width = N self.height = N # ... and the number of iterations. self.iterations = 5 # Set the default rotation angle in degrees. self.alpha = 2*np.pi/8 self.angle = 0 # Initialize the branch stack, ... self.stack = [] # ... the constants, the rules, the variables and the axiom ... self.const = {'+':'+', '-':'-', '[':'[', ']':']'} self.rules = {} self.vars = [] self.axiom = None # ... and drawing settings. self.bgcolor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.lineLength = 20 self.lineWidth = 5 self.lineColor = (0, 0, 0) # Calculate the starting position. self.offset = (0, -self.height*0.5) print 'Offset :', self.offset # Finally store the stream ... = stream self.arr = bak.calc()#np.zeros((N,N))# print "Baking Bread..." # state self.x = int(self.width/2)#int(self.width/2) self.y = int(self.height/2) self.r = 16 self.xparent = self.x self.yparent = self.y # ... and initialize the parser. self.initialize() # calculates new radius based on a poisson distribution (?) def poisson(self): global bubbles, delta #x1 = min(max(self.x-delta,0),N) #y1 = min(max(self.y-delta,0),N) x1 = self.x y1 = self.y suma = 0.0 x0 = max(x1-delta,0) y0 = max(y1-delta,0) x2 = min(x1+delta,N) y2 = min(y1+delta,N) #print x0,y0,x2,y2 #print abs(x0-x2),abs(y0-y2) cant = 0 for i in range(x0,x2): for j in range(y0,y2): #d = np.sqrt((x1-i)*(x1-i) + (y1-j)*(y1-j)).astype(np.float32) # distance #if(d==0): suma+=bubbles[i,j] #else: suma += bubbles[i,j]#*(np.sqrt(2)*delta+1-d)/(np.sqrt(2)*delta) cant += bubbles[i,j]>0 #suma += np.pi*bubbles[i,j]*bubbles[i,j] #if(bubbles[i,j]): print "RADIO:" , bubbles[i,j] factor = delta # (?) #print "Suma:", suma, "Delta: ", delta #print factor*(1/suma) #1/ sum_D (cant*radios*D^2) #D = np.sqrt(np.power((self.x-self.height/2),2)+np.power((self.y-self.width/2),2)) G = 1#+2.5*self.arr[min(self.width,max(self.x-1,0)),min(self.width,max(self.y-1,0))]#D/300 #gelatinization #print "G: ", G x1 = min(max(self.x-delta,0),N) y1 = min(max(self.y-delta,0),N) baking = self.arr[x1,y1]*4 #print baking, ": baking" if(suma > 0): m = 1/suma #if(delta*m < 1): return np.random.randint(0,2) if(cant>10): return 0 return np.random.randint(0,delta*m+2)/baking else: # free return np.random.randint(0,delta/2+delta/2)/baking def rotate(self): #self.x += self.r #self.y += self.r #d = 2*np.pi*random.random() ang = self.angle+random.random()/6 self.x = self.xparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.cos(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r)) self.y = self.yparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.sin(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r)) #self.x = self.xparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.cos(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r)) #self.y = self.yparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.sin(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r)) #pass def moveX(self): self.x += self.r def mmoveX(self): self.x -= self.r def moveY(self): self.y += self.r def mmoveY(self): self.y -= self.r def initialize(self): ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r') integer = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ]) number = Regex(r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ float(t[0]) ]) color = Regex(r"#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})") angle = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ]) alpha = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ]) variable = Word(alphas, exact=1).setParseAction(self.addVar) colon = Literal(":").suppress() comma = Literal(",") lBrace = Literal("(") rBrace = Literal(")") lBracket = Literal("[") rBracket = Literal("]") lAngle = Literal("<") rAngle = Literal(">") plus = Literal("+") minus = Literal("-") FTerm = Literal("F") fTerm = Literal("f") ZTerm = Literal("Z") zTerm = Literal("z") xTerm = Literal("x") cTerm = Literal("c") eol = OneOrMore(LineEnd()).suppress() param = ( angle | color | "!" + number | "|" + number ) self.pList = lBrace + param + ZeroOrMore(comma + param) + rBrace literal = ((lBracket + ( variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList) ) + rBracket) | (variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList))) terminal = (ZTerm | zTerm | FTerm | fTerm | xTerm | cTerm | plus | minus | lBracket | rBracket) lprod = ( (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) | (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable) | (variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) | variable ) rProd = OneOrMore(literal | terminal) comment = Suppress((LineStart() + "#" + SkipTo(eol, include=True))) rules = ( (lprod + Literal("=") + rProd + eol).setParseAction(self.addRule) \ | comment ) defaults = ( ( ("Dimensions" + colon + integer + comma + integer) | ("Position" + colon + integer + comma + integer) | ("Iterations" + colon + integer) | ("Angle" + colon + angle) | ("Linelength" + colon + number) | ("Linewidth" + colon + number) | ("Linecolor" + colon + color) | ("Background" + colon + color) | ("Axiom" + colon + rProd) ) + eol ).setParseAction(self.setAttribute) header = ( defaults | comment ) self.grammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(LineEnd())) \ + ZeroOrMore(header) \ + OneOrMore(rules) try: L = self.grammar.parseString( ) except ParseException, err: print err.line print " "*(err.column-1) + "^" print err print 'Rules:', self.rules
class Lindenmayer(object): def __init__(self, stream): # Set the default image dimensions ... self.width = 256 self.height = 256 self.maxZ = 256 # ... and the number of iterations. self.iterations = 5 # Set the default rotation angle in degrees. self.alpha = 2*np.pi/5 self.alpha2 = 2*np.pi/5 self.angle = 0 self.angle2 = 0 # Initialize th # e branch stack, ... self.stack = [] # ... the constants, the rules, the variables and the axiom ... self.const = {'+':'+', '-':'-', '[':'[', ']':']'} self.rules = {} self.vars = [] self.axiom = None # ... and drawing settings. self.bgcolor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.lineLength = 20 self.lineWidth = 5 self.lineColor = (0, 0, 0) # Calculate the starting position. self.offset = (0, -self.height*0.5) #print 'Offset :', self.offset # Finally store the stream ... = stream # state self.x = int(self.width/2)#int(self.width/2) self.y = int(self.height/2) self.z = int(self.maxZ/2) self.r = int(self.width/6) #print self.r self.xparent = self.x self.yparent = self.y self.zparent = self.z # ... and initialize the parser. self.initialize() def drawShape(self,field,x,y,z,r,c): if(c == 0): return r = int(r) for i in range(x-r-1,x+r+1): for j in range(y-r-1,y+r+1): for k in range(z-r-1,z+r+1): if(i >= 0 and i < self.width and j >= 0 and j < self.height and k >= 0 and k<self.maxZ): i2 = i-x j2 = j-y k2 = k-z if(i2*i2+j2*j2+k2*k2 < r*r): #print float(i), ",", float(j),",", float(k) field[i][j][k] = np.uint8(0) #print "ellipse!" # draw.ellipse((x-r+randint(-r/2,r/2), y-r+randint(-r/2,r/2), x+r, y+r), fill=255) return r2 = r x2 = x y2 = y z2 = z #for h in range(maxx): r2 = int(r2/(2)) dd = int(r*1.0) for i in range(2): x3 = x2+randint(-dd,dd) y3 = y2+randint(-dd,dd) z3 = z2+randint(-dd,dd) self.drawShape(field,x3,y3,z3,r2,c-1) def rotate(self): ang = self.angle#+random.random()/10 self.x = self.xparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.cos(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r)) self.y = self.yparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.sin(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r)) self.z = self.zparent def rotate2(self): ang = self.angle2#+random.random()/10 self.x = self.xparent self.y = self.yparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.cos(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r)) self.z = self.zparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.sin(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r)) def moveX(self): self.x += self.r def mmoveX(self): self.x -= self.r def moveY(self): self.y += self.r def mmoveY(self): self.y -= self.r def initialize(self): ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r') integer = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ]) number = Regex(r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ float(t[0]) ]) color = Regex(r"#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})") angle = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ]) alpha = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \ .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ]) variable = Word(alphas, exact=1).setParseAction(self.addVar) colon = Literal(":").suppress() comma = Literal(",") lBrace = Literal("(") rBrace = Literal(")") lBracket = Literal("[") rBracket = Literal("]") lAngle = Literal("<") rAngle = Literal(">") plus = Literal("+") minus = Literal("-") FTerm = Literal("F") fTerm = Literal("f") ZTerm = Literal("Z") zTerm = Literal("z") xTerm = Literal("x") cTerm = Literal("c") eol = OneOrMore(LineEnd()).suppress() param = ( angle | color | "!" + number | "|" + number ) self.pList = lBrace + param + ZeroOrMore(comma + param) + rBrace literal = ((lBracket + ( variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList) ) + rBracket) | (variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList))) terminal = (ZTerm | zTerm | FTerm | fTerm | xTerm | cTerm | plus | minus | lBracket | rBracket) lprod = ( (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) | (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable) | (variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) | variable ) rProd = OneOrMore(literal | terminal) comment = Suppress((LineStart() + "#" + SkipTo(eol, include=True))) rules = ( (lprod + Literal("=") + rProd + eol).setParseAction(self.addRule) \ | comment ) defaults = ( ( ("Dimensions" + colon + integer + comma + integer) | ("Position" + colon + integer + comma + integer) | ("Iterations" + colon + integer) | ("Angle" + colon + angle) | ("Linelength" + colon + number) | ("Linewidth" + colon + number) | ("Linecolor" + colon + color) | ("Background" + colon + color) | ("Axiom" + colon + rProd) ) + eol ).setParseAction(self.setAttribute) header = ( defaults | comment ) self.grammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(LineEnd())) \ + ZeroOrMore(header) \ + OneOrMore(rules) try: L = self.grammar.parseString( ) except ParseException, err: print err.line print " "*(err.column-1) + "^" print err