def inifile_BNF():
    global inibnf
    if not inibnf:

        # punctuation
        lbrack = Literal("[").suppress()
        rbrack = Literal("]").suppress()
        equals = Literal("=").suppress()
        semi   = Literal(";")
        comment = semi + Optional( restOfLine )
        nonrbrack = "".join( [ c for c in printables if c != "]" ] ) + " \t"
        nonequals = "".join( [ c for c in printables if c != "=" ] ) + " \t"
        sectionDef = lbrack + Word( nonrbrack ) + rbrack
        keyDef = ~lbrack + Word( nonequals ) + equals + empty + restOfLine
        # strip any leading or trailing blanks from key
        def stripKey(tokens):
            tokens[0] = tokens[0].strip()
        # using Dict will allow retrieval of named data fields as attributes of the parsed results
        inibnf = Dict( ZeroOrMore( Group( sectionDef + Dict( ZeroOrMore( Group( keyDef ) ) ) ) ) )
        inibnf.ignore( comment )
    return inibnf
Example #2
def __antlrAlternativeConverter(pyparsingRules, antlrAlternative):
    elementList = []
    for element in antlrAlternative.elements:
        rule = None
        if hasattr(element.atom, 'c1') and element.atom.c1 != '':
            regex = r'['+str(element.atom.c1[0])+'-'+str(element.atom.c2[0]+']')
            rule = Regex(regex)("anonymous_regex")
        elif hasattr(element, 'block') and element.block != '':
            rule = __antlrAlternativesConverter(pyparsingRules, element.block)        
            ruleRef = element.atom
            assert ruleRef in pyparsingRules
            rule = pyparsingRules[element.atom](element.atom)
        if hasattr(element, 'op') and element.op != '':
            if element.op == '+':
                rule = Group(OneOrMore(rule))("anonymous_one_or_more")
            elif element.op == '*':
                rule = Group(ZeroOrMore(rule))("anonymous_zero_or_more")
            elif element.op == '?':
                rule = Optional(rule)
                raise Exception('rule operator not yet implemented : ' + element.op)
        rule = rule
    if len(elementList) > 1:
        rule = Group(And(elementList))("anonymous_and")
        rule = elementList[0]
    assert rule != None        
    return rule
def BNF():
    expop   :: '^'
    multop  :: '*' | '/'
    addop   :: '+' | '-'
    integer :: ['+' | '-'] '0'..'9'+
    atom    :: PI | E | real | fn '(' expr ')' | '(' expr ')'
    factor  :: atom [ expop factor ]*
    term    :: factor [ multop factor ]*
    expr    :: term [ addop term ]*
    global bnf
    if not bnf:
        point = Literal( "." )
        e     = CaselessLiteral( "E" )
        #~ fnumber = Combine( Word( "+-"+nums, nums ) + 
                           #~ Optional( point + Optional( Word( nums ) ) ) +
                           #~ Optional( e + Word( "+-"+nums, nums ) ) )
        fnumber = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+(:?\.\d*)?(:?[eE][+-]?\d+)?")
        ident = Word(alphas, alphas+nums+"_$")
        plus  = Literal( "+" )
        minus = Literal( "-" )
        mult  = Literal( "*" )
        div   = Literal( "/" )
        lpar  = Literal( "(" ).suppress()
        rpar  = Literal( ")" ).suppress()
        addop  = plus | minus
        multop = mult | div
        expop = Literal( "^" )
        pi    = CaselessLiteral( "PI" )
        expr = Forward()
        atom = ((0,None)*minus + ( pi | e | fnumber | ident + lpar + expr + rpar | ident ).setParseAction( pushFirst ) | 
                Group( lpar + expr + rpar )).setParseAction(pushUMinus) 
        # by defining exponentiation as "atom [ ^ factor ]..." instead of "atom [ ^ atom ]...", we get right-to-left exponents, instead of left-to-righ
        # that is, 2^3^2 = 2^(3^2), not (2^3)^2.
        factor = Forward()
        factor << atom + ZeroOrMore( ( expop + factor ).setParseAction( pushFirst ) )
        term = factor + ZeroOrMore( ( multop + factor ).setParseAction( pushFirst ) )
        expr << term + ZeroOrMore( ( addop + term ).setParseAction( pushFirst ) )
        bnf = expr
    return bnf
Example #4

def bracketed(expr):
    """ Return matcher for `expr` between curly brackets or parentheses """
    return (LPAREN + expr + RPAREN) | (LCURLY + expr + RCURLY)

# Define parser components for strings (the hard bit)
chars_no_curly = Regex(r"[^{}]+")
chars_no_quotecurly = Regex(r'[^"{}]+')
# Curly string is some stuff without curlies, or nested curly sequences
curly_string = Forward()
curly_item = Group(curly_string) | chars_no_curly
curly_string << LCURLY + ZeroOrMore(curly_item) + RCURLY
# quoted string is either just stuff within quotes, or stuff within quotes, within
# which there is nested curliness
quoted_item = Group(curly_string) | chars_no_quotecurly
quoted_string = QUOTE + ZeroOrMore(quoted_item) + QUOTE

# Numbers can just be numbers. Only integers though.
number = Regex('[0-9]+')

# Basis characters (by exclusion) for variable / field names.  The following
# list of characters is from the btparse documentation
any_name = Regex('[^\s"#%\'(),={}]+')

# btparse says, and the test bibs show by experiment, that macro and field names
# cannot start with a digit.  In fact entry type names cannot start with a digit
# either (see tests/bibs). Cite keys can start with a digit
    add constraint students_link
    foreign key 
    (student_id) references students(student_id);

alter table only student_registrations
    add constraint classes_link 
    foreign key 
    (class_id) references classes(class_id);

from pyparsingOD import Literal, CaselessLiteral, Word, delimitedList \
    ,Optional, Combine, Group, alphas, nums, alphanums, Forward \
    , oneOf, sglQuotedString, OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, CharsNotIn \
    , replaceWith

skobki = "(" + ZeroOrMore(CharsNotIn(")")) + ")"
field_def = OneOrMore(Word(alphas, alphanums + "_\"':-") | skobki)

def field_act(s, loc, tok):
    return ("<" + tok[0] + "> " + " ".join(tok)).replace("\"", "\\\"")


field_list_def = delimitedList(field_def)

def field_list_act(toks):
    return " | ".join(toks)
|       |  A1  |  B1  |  C1  |  D1  |  A2  |  B2  |  C2  |  D2  |
| min   |   7  |  43  |   7  |  15  |  82  |  98  |   1  |  37  |
| max   |  11  |  52  |  10  |  17  |  85  | 112  |   4  |  39  |
| ave   |   9  |  47  |   8  |  16  |  84  | 106  |   3  |  38  |
| sdev  |   1  |   3  |   1  |   1  |   1  |   3  |   1  |   1  |

# define grammar for datatable
underline = Word("-=")
number = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
vert = Literal("|").suppress()

rowDelim = ("+" + ZeroOrMore(underline + "+")).suppress()
columnHeader = Group(vert + vert + delimitedList(Word(alphas + nums), "|") +

heading = rowDelim + columnHeader.setResultsName("columns") + rowDelim
rowData = Group(vert + Word(alphas) + vert + delimitedList(number, "|") + vert)
trailing = rowDelim

datatable = heading + Dict(ZeroOrMore(rowData)) + trailing

# now parse data and print results
data = datatable.parseString(testData)
print("data keys=", list(data.keys()))
Example #7
number = Word(nums) 
integer = Combine( Optional(plusorminus) + number )
floatnumber = Combine( integer +
                       Optional( point + Optional(number) ) +
                       Optional( e + integer )

lbracket = Literal("[")
rbracket = Literal("]")
ident = Forward()
## The definition below treats array accesses as identifiers. This means your expressions
## can include references to array elements, rows and columns, e.g., a = b[i] + 5.
## Expressions within []'s are not presently supported, so a = b[i+1] will raise
## a ParseException.
ident = Combine(Word(alphas + '-',alphanums + '_') + \
                ZeroOrMore(lbracket + (Word(alphas + '-',alphanums + '_')|integer) + rbracket) \

plus  = Literal( "+" )
minus = Literal( "-" )
mult  = Literal( "*" )
div   = Literal( "/" )
outer = Literal( "@" )
lpar  = Literal( "(" ).suppress()
rpar  = Literal( ")" ).suppress()
addop  = plus | minus
multop = mult | div | outer
expop = Literal( "^" )
assignop = Literal( "=" )

expr = Forward()
binop = oneOf("= != < > >= <= eq ne lt le gt ge", caseless=True)
arithSign = Word("+-", exact=1)
realNum = Combine(
    Optional(arithSign) +
    (Word(nums) + "." + Optional(Word(nums)) | ("." + Word(nums))) +
    Optional(E + Optional(arithSign) + Word(nums)))
intNum = Combine(
    Optional(arithSign) + Word(nums) +
    Optional(E + Optional("+") + Word(nums)))

columnRval = realNum | intNum | quotedString | columnName  # need to add support for alg expressions
whereCondition = Group((columnName + binop + columnRval)
                       | (columnName + in_ + "(" + delimitedList(columnRval) +
                          ")") | (columnName + in_ + "(" + selectStmt + ")")
                       | ("(" + whereExpression + ")"))
whereExpression << whereCondition + ZeroOrMore((and_ | or_) + whereExpression)

# define the grammar
selectStmt << (selectToken + ('*' | columnNameList).setResultsName("columns") +
               fromToken + tableNameList.setResultsName("tables") +
               Optional(Group(CaselessLiteral("where") + whereExpression),

simpleSQL = selectStmt

# define Oracle comment format, and ignore them
oracleSqlComment = "--" + restOfLine

test("SELECT * from XYZZY, ABC")
test("select * from SYS.XYZZY")
| min   |   7  |  43  |   7  |  15  |  82  |  98  |   1  |  37  |
| max   |  11  |  52  |  10  |  17  |  85  | 112  |   4  |  39  |
| ave   |   9  |  47  |   8  |  16  |  84  | 106  |   3  |  38  |
| sdev  |   1  |   3  |   1  |   1  |   1  |   3  |   1  |   1  |

# define grammar for datatable
heading = (
        "+-------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+") +
    "|       |  A1  |  B1  |  C1  |  D1  |  A2  |  B2  |  C2  |  D2  |" +
vert = Literal("|").suppress()
number = Word(nums)
rowData = Group(vert + Word(alphas) + vert + delimitedList(number, "|") + vert)
trailing = Literal(

datatable = heading + Dict(ZeroOrMore(rowData)) + trailing

# now parse data and print results
data = datatable.parseString(testData)
print("data keys=", list(data.keys()))
print("data['min']=", data['min'])
print("data.max", data.max)
def Verilog_BNF():
    global verilogbnf

    if verilogbnf is None:

        # compiler directives
        compilerDirective = Combine( "`" + \
            oneOf("define undef ifdef else endif default_nettype "
                  "include resetall timescale unconnected_drive "
                  "nounconnected_drive celldefine endcelldefine") + \
            restOfLine ).setName("compilerDirective")

        # primitives

        identLead = alphas+"$_"
        identBody = alphanums+"$_"
        identifier1 = Regex( r"\.?["+identLead+"]["+identBody+"]*(\.["+identLead+"]["+identBody+"]*)*"
        identifier2 = Regex(r"\\\S+").setParseAction(lambda t:t[0][1:]).setName("escapedIdent")#.setDebug()
        identifier = identifier1 | identifier2
        assert(identifier2 == r'\abc')
        hexnums = nums + "abcdefABCDEF" + "_?"
        base = Regex("'[bBoOdDhH]").setName("base")
        basedNumber = Combine( Optional( Word(nums + "_") ) + base + Word(hexnums+"xXzZ"),
                               joinString=" ", adjacent=False ).setName("basedNumber")
        #~ number = ( basedNumber | Combine( Word( "+-"+spacedNums, spacedNums ) +
                           #~ Optional( DOT + Optional( Word( spacedNums ) ) ) +
                           #~ Optional( e + Word( "+-"+spacedNums, spacedNums ) ) ).setName("numeric") )
        number = ( basedNumber | \
                   Regex(r"[+-]?[0-9_]+(\.[0-9_]*)?([Ee][+-]?[0-9_]+)?") \
        #~ decnums = nums + "_"
        #~ octnums = "01234567" + "_"
        expr = Forward().setName("expr")
        concat = Group( LBRACE + delimitedList( expr ) + RBRACE )
        multiConcat = Group("{" + expr + concat + "}").setName("multiConcat")
        funcCall = Group(identifier + LPAR + Optional( delimitedList( expr ) ) + RPAR).setName("funcCall")

        subscrRef = Group(LBRACK + delimitedList( expr, COLON ) + RBRACK)
        subscrIdentifier = Group( identifier + Optional( subscrRef ) )
        #~ scalarConst = "0" | (( FollowedBy('1') + oneOf("1'b0 1'b1 1'bx 1'bX 1'B0 1'B1 1'Bx 1'BX 1") ))
        scalarConst = Regex("0|1('[Bb][01xX])?")
        mintypmaxExpr = Group( expr + COLON + expr + COLON + expr ).setName("mintypmax")
        primary = (
                  number |
                  (LPAR + mintypmaxExpr + RPAR ) |
                  ( LPAR + Group(expr) + RPAR ).setName("nestedExpr") |
                  multiConcat |
                  concat |
                  dblQuotedString |
                  funcCall |

        unop  = oneOf( "+  -  !  ~  &  ~&  |  ^|  ^  ~^" ).setName("unop")
        binop = oneOf( "+  -  *  /  %  ==  !=  ===  !==  &&  "
                       "||  <  <=  >  >=  &  |  ^  ^~  >>  << ** <<< >>>" ).setName("binop")

        expr << (
                ( unop + expr ) |  # must be first!
                ( primary + "?" + expr + COLON + expr ) |
                ( primary + Optional( binop + expr ) )

        lvalue = subscrIdentifier | concat

        # keywords
        if_        = Keyword("if")
        else_      = Keyword("else")
        edge       = Keyword("edge")
        posedge    = Keyword("posedge")
        negedge    = Keyword("negedge")
        specify    = Keyword("specify")
        endspecify = Keyword("endspecify")
        fork       = Keyword("fork")
        join       = Keyword("join")
        begin      = Keyword("begin")
        end        = Keyword("end")
        default    = Keyword("default")
        forever    = Keyword("forever")
        repeat     = Keyword("repeat")
        while_     = Keyword("while")
        for_       = Keyword("for")
        case       = oneOf( "case casez casex" )
        endcase    = Keyword("endcase")
        wait       = Keyword("wait")
        disable    = Keyword("disable")
        deassign   = Keyword("deassign")
        force      = Keyword("force")
        release    = Keyword("release")
        assign     = Keyword("assign")

        eventExpr = Forward()
        eventTerm = ( posedge + expr ) | ( negedge + expr ) | expr | ( LPAR + eventExpr + RPAR )
        eventExpr << (
            Group( delimitedList( eventTerm, Keyword("or") ) )
        eventControl = Group( "@" + ( ( LPAR + eventExpr + RPAR ) | identifier | "*" ) ).setName("eventCtrl")

        delayArg = ( number |
                     Word(alphanums+"$_") | #identifier |
                     ( LPAR + Group( delimitedList( mintypmaxExpr | expr ) ) + RPAR )
        delay = Group( "#" + delayArg ).setName("delay")#.setDebug()
        delayOrEventControl = delay | eventControl

        assgnmt   = Group( lvalue + EQ + Optional( delayOrEventControl ) + expr ).setName( "assgnmt" )
        nbAssgnmt = Group(( lvalue + "<=" + Optional( delay ) + expr ) |
                     ( lvalue + "<=" + Optional( eventControl ) + expr )).setName( "nbassgnmt" )

        range = LBRACK + expr + COLON + expr + RBRACK

        paramAssgnmt = Group( identifier + EQ + expr ).setName("paramAssgnmt")
        parameterDecl = Group( "parameter" + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( paramAssgnmt ) + SEMI).setName("paramDecl")

        inputDecl = Group( "input" + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )
        outputDecl = Group( "output" + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )
        inoutDecl = Group( "inout" + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )

        regIdentifier = Group( identifier + Optional( LBRACK + expr + COLON + expr + RBRACK ) )
        regDecl = Group( "reg" + Optional("signed") + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( regIdentifier ) + SEMI ).setName("regDecl")
        timeDecl = Group( "time" + delimitedList( regIdentifier ) + SEMI )
        integerDecl = Group( "integer" + delimitedList( regIdentifier ) + SEMI )

        strength0 = oneOf("supply0  strong0  pull0  weak0  highz0")
        strength1 = oneOf("supply1  strong1  pull1  weak1  highz1")
        driveStrength = Group( LPAR + ( ( strength0 + COMMA + strength1 ) |
                                       ( strength1 + COMMA + strength0 ) ) + RPAR ).setName("driveStrength")
        nettype = oneOf("wire  tri  tri1  supply0  wand  triand  tri0  supply1  wor  trior  trireg")
        expandRange = Optional( oneOf("scalared vectored") ) + range
        realDecl = Group( "real" + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )

        eventDecl = Group( "event" + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )

        blockDecl = (
            parameterDecl |
            regDecl |
            integerDecl |
            realDecl |
            timeDecl |

        stmt = Forward().setName("stmt")#.setDebug()
        stmtOrNull = stmt | SEMI
        caseItem = ( delimitedList( expr ) + COLON + stmtOrNull ) | \
                   ( default + Optional(":") + stmtOrNull )
        stmt << Group(
            ( begin + Group( ZeroOrMore( stmt ) ) + end ).setName("begin-end") |
            ( if_ + Group(LPAR + expr + RPAR) + stmtOrNull + Optional( else_ + stmtOrNull ) ).setName("if") |
            ( delayOrEventControl + stmtOrNull ) |
            ( case + LPAR + expr + RPAR + OneOrMore( caseItem ) + endcase ) |
            ( forever + stmt ) |
            ( repeat + LPAR + expr + RPAR + stmt ) |
            ( while_ + LPAR + expr + RPAR + stmt ) |
            ( for_ + LPAR + assgnmt + SEMI + Group( expr ) + SEMI + assgnmt + RPAR + stmt ) |
            ( fork + ZeroOrMore( stmt ) + join ) |
            ( fork + COLON + identifier + ZeroOrMore( blockDecl ) + ZeroOrMore( stmt ) + end ) |
            ( wait + LPAR + expr + RPAR + stmtOrNull ) |
            ( "->" + identifier + SEMI ) |
            ( disable + identifier + SEMI ) |
            ( assign + assgnmt + SEMI ) |
            ( deassign + lvalue + SEMI ) |
            ( force + assgnmt + SEMI ) |
            ( release + lvalue + SEMI ) |
            ( begin + COLON + identifier + ZeroOrMore( blockDecl ) + ZeroOrMore( stmt ) + end ).setName("begin:label-end") |
            # these  *have* to go at the end of the list!!!
            ( assgnmt + SEMI ) |
            ( nbAssgnmt + SEMI ) |
            ( Combine( Optional("$") + identifier ) + Optional( LPAR + delimitedList(expr|empty) + RPAR ) + SEMI )
        x::=<blocking_assignment> ;
        x||= <non_blocking_assignment> ;
        x||= if ( <expression> ) <statement_or_null>
        x||= if ( <expression> ) <statement_or_null> else <statement_or_null>
        x||= case ( <expression> ) <case_item>+ endcase
        x||= casez ( <expression> ) <case_item>+ endcase
        x||= casex ( <expression> ) <case_item>+ endcase
        x||= forever <statement>
        x||= repeat ( <expression> ) <statement>
        x||= while ( <expression> ) <statement>
        x||= for ( <assignment> ; <expression> ; <assignment> ) <statement>
        x||= <delay_or_event_control> <statement_or_null>
        x||= wait ( <expression> ) <statement_or_null>
        x||= -> <name_of_event> ;
        x||= <seq_block>
        x||= <par_block>
        x||= <task_enable>
        x||= <system_task_enable>
        x||= disable <name_of_task> ;
        x||= disable <name_of_block> ;
        x||= assign <assignment> ;
        x||= deassign <lvalue> ;
        x||= force <assignment> ;
        x||= release <lvalue> ;
        alwaysStmt = Group( "always" + Optional(eventControl) + stmt ).setName("alwaysStmt")
        initialStmt = Group( "initial" + stmt ).setName("initialStmt")

        chargeStrength = Group( LPAR + oneOf( "small medium large" ) + RPAR ).setName("chargeStrength")

        continuousAssign = Group(
            assign + Optional( driveStrength ) + Optional( delay ) + delimitedList( assgnmt ) + SEMI

        tfDecl = (
            parameterDecl |
            inputDecl |
            outputDecl |
            inoutDecl |
            regDecl |
            timeDecl |
            integerDecl |

        functionDecl = Group(
            "function" + Optional( range | "integer" | "real" ) + identifier + SEMI +
            Group( OneOrMore( tfDecl ) ) +
            Group( ZeroOrMore( stmt ) ) +

        inputOutput = oneOf("input output")
        netDecl1Arg = ( nettype +
            Optional( expandRange ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            Group( delimitedList( ~inputOutput + identifier ) ) )
        netDecl2Arg = ( "trireg" +
            Optional( chargeStrength ) +
            Optional( expandRange ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            Group( delimitedList( ~inputOutput + identifier ) ) )
        netDecl3Arg = ( nettype +
            Optional( driveStrength ) +
            Optional( expandRange ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            Group( delimitedList( assgnmt ) ) )
        netDecl1 = Group(netDecl1Arg + SEMI).setName("netDecl1")
        netDecl2 = Group(netDecl2Arg + SEMI).setName("netDecl2")
        netDecl3 = Group(netDecl3Arg + SEMI).setName("netDecl3")

        gateType = oneOf("and  nand  or  nor xor  xnor buf  bufif0 bufif1 "
                         "not  notif0 notif1  pulldown pullup nmos  rnmos "
                         "pmos rpmos cmos rcmos   tran rtran  tranif0  "
                         "rtranif0  tranif1 rtranif1"  )
        gateInstance = Optional( Group( identifier + Optional( range ) ) ) + \
                        LPAR + Group( delimitedList( expr ) ) + RPAR
        gateDecl = Group( gateType +
            Optional( driveStrength ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            delimitedList( gateInstance) +
            SEMI )

        udpInstance = Group( Group( identifier + Optional(range | subscrRef) ) +
            LPAR + Group( delimitedList( expr ) ) + RPAR )
        udpInstantiation = Group( identifier -
            Optional( driveStrength ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            delimitedList( udpInstance ) +
            SEMI ).setName("udpInstantiation")

        parameterValueAssignment = Group( Literal("#") + LPAR + Group( delimitedList( expr ) ) + RPAR )
        namedPortConnection = Group( DOT + identifier + LPAR + expr + RPAR ).setName("namedPortConnection")#.setDebug()
        assert(r'.\abc (abc )' == namedPortConnection)
        modulePortConnection = expr | empty
        #~ moduleInstance = Group( Group ( identifier + Optional(range) ) +
            #~ ( delimitedList( modulePortConnection ) |
              #~ delimitedList( namedPortConnection ) ) )
        inst_args = Group( LPAR + (delimitedList( namedPortConnection ) |
                    delimitedList( modulePortConnection )) + RPAR).setName("inst_args")
        moduleInstance = Group( Group ( identifier + Optional(range) ) + inst_args ).setName("moduleInstance")#.setDebug()

        moduleInstantiation = Group( identifier +
            Optional( parameterValueAssignment ) +
            delimitedList( moduleInstance ).setName("moduleInstanceList") +
            SEMI ).setName("moduleInstantiation")

        parameterOverride = Group( "defparam" + delimitedList( paramAssgnmt ) + SEMI )
        task = Group( "task" + identifier + SEMI +
            ZeroOrMore( tfDecl ) +
            stmtOrNull +
            "endtask" )

        specparamDecl = Group( "specparam" + delimitedList( paramAssgnmt ) + SEMI )

        pathDescr1 = Group( LPAR + subscrIdentifier + "=>" + subscrIdentifier + RPAR )
        pathDescr2 = Group( LPAR + Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + "*>" +
                                  Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + RPAR )
        pathDescr3 = Group( LPAR + Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + "=>" +
                                  Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + RPAR )
        pathDelayValue = Group( ( LPAR + Group( delimitedList( mintypmaxExpr | expr ) ) + RPAR ) |
                                 mintypmaxExpr |
                                 expr )
        pathDecl = Group( ( pathDescr1 | pathDescr2 | pathDescr3 ) + EQ + pathDelayValue + SEMI ).setName("pathDecl")

        portConditionExpr = Forward()
        portConditionTerm = Optional(unop) + subscrIdentifier
        portConditionExpr << portConditionTerm + Optional( binop + portConditionExpr )
        polarityOp = oneOf("+ -")
        levelSensitivePathDecl1 = Group(
            if_ + Group(LPAR + portConditionExpr + RPAR) +
            subscrIdentifier + Optional( polarityOp ) + "=>" + subscrIdentifier + EQ +
            pathDelayValue +
            SEMI )
        levelSensitivePathDecl2 = Group(
            if_ + Group(LPAR + portConditionExpr + RPAR) +
            LPAR + Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + Optional( polarityOp ) + "*>" +
                Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + RPAR + EQ +
            pathDelayValue +
            SEMI )
        levelSensitivePathDecl = levelSensitivePathDecl1 | levelSensitivePathDecl2

        edgeIdentifier = posedge | negedge
        edgeSensitivePathDecl1 = Group(
            Optional( if_ + Group(LPAR + expr + RPAR) ) +
            LPAR + Optional( edgeIdentifier ) +
            subscrIdentifier + "=>" +
            LPAR + subscrIdentifier + Optional( polarityOp ) + COLON + expr + RPAR + RPAR +
            EQ +
            pathDelayValue +
            SEMI )
        edgeSensitivePathDecl2 = Group(
            Optional( if_ + Group(LPAR + expr + RPAR) ) +
            LPAR + Optional( edgeIdentifier ) +
            subscrIdentifier + "*>" +
            LPAR + delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) + Optional( polarityOp ) + COLON + expr + RPAR + RPAR +
            EQ +
            pathDelayValue +
            SEMI )
        edgeSensitivePathDecl = edgeSensitivePathDecl1 | edgeSensitivePathDecl2

        edgeDescr = oneOf("01 10 0x x1 1x x0").setName("edgeDescr")

        timCheckEventControl = Group( posedge | negedge | (edge + LBRACK + delimitedList( edgeDescr ) + RBRACK ))
        timCheckCond = Forward()
        timCondBinop = oneOf("== === != !==")
        timCheckCondTerm = ( expr + timCondBinop + scalarConst ) | ( Optional("~") + expr )
        timCheckCond << ( ( LPAR + timCheckCond + RPAR ) | timCheckCondTerm )
        timCheckEvent = Group( Optional( timCheckEventControl ) +
                                subscrIdentifier +
                                Optional( "&&&" + timCheckCond ) )
        timCheckLimit = expr
        controlledTimingCheckEvent = Group( timCheckEventControl + subscrIdentifier +
                                            Optional( "&&&" + timCheckCond ) )
        notifyRegister = identifier

        systemTimingCheck1 = Group( "$setup" +
            LPAR + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck2 = Group( "$hold" +
            LPAR + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck3 = Group( "$period" +
            LPAR + controlledTimingCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck4 = Group( "$width" +
            LPAR + controlledTimingCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + expr + COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck5 = Group( "$skew" +
            LPAR + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck6 = Group( "$recovery" +
            LPAR + controlledTimingCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck7 = Group( "$setuphold" +
            LPAR + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck = (FollowedBy('$') + ( systemTimingCheck1 | systemTimingCheck2 | systemTimingCheck3 |
            systemTimingCheck4 | systemTimingCheck5 | systemTimingCheck6 | systemTimingCheck7 )).setName("systemTimingCheck")
        sdpd = if_ + Group(LPAR + expr + RPAR) + \
            ( pathDescr1 | pathDescr2 ) + EQ + pathDelayValue + SEMI

        specifyItem = ~Keyword("endspecify") +(
            specparamDecl |
            pathDecl |
            levelSensitivePathDecl |
            edgeSensitivePathDecl |
            systemTimingCheck |
        x::= <specparam_declaration>
        x||= <path_declaration>
        x||= <level_sensitive_path_declaration>
        x||= <edge_sensitive_path_declaration>
        x||= <system_timing_check>
        x||= <sdpd>
        specifyBlock = Group( "specify" + ZeroOrMore( specifyItem ) + "endspecify" ).setName("specifyBlock")

        moduleItem = ~Keyword("endmodule") + (
            parameterDecl |
            inputDecl |
            outputDecl |
            inoutDecl |
            regDecl |
            netDecl3 |
            netDecl1 |
            netDecl2 |
            timeDecl |
            integerDecl |
            realDecl |
            eventDecl |
            gateDecl |
            parameterOverride |
            continuousAssign |
            specifyBlock |
            initialStmt |
            alwaysStmt |
            task |
            functionDecl |
            # these have to be at the end - they start with identifiers
            moduleInstantiation |
        """  All possible moduleItems, from Verilog grammar spec
        x::= <parameter_declaration>
        x||= <input_declaration>
        x||= <output_declaration>
        x||= <inout_declaration>
        ?||= <net_declaration>  (spec does not seem consistent for this item)
        x||= <reg_declaration>
        x||= <time_declaration>
        x||= <integer_declaration>
        x||= <real_declaration>
        x||= <event_declaration>
        x||= <gate_declaration>
        x||= <UDP_instantiation>
        x||= <module_instantiation>
        x||= <parameter_override>
        x||= <continuous_assign>
        x||= <specify_block>
        x||= <initial_statement>
        x||= <always_statement>
        x||= <task>
        x||= <function>
        portRef = subscrIdentifier
        portExpr = portRef | Group( LBRACE + delimitedList( portRef ) + RBRACE )
        port = portExpr | Group( ( DOT + identifier + LPAR + portExpr + RPAR ) )

        moduleHdr = Group ( oneOf("module macromodule") + identifier +
                 Optional( LPAR + Group( Optional( delimitedList( 
                                    Group(oneOf("input output") + 
                                            (netDecl1Arg | netDecl2Arg | netDecl3Arg) ) |
                                    port ) ) ) + 
                            RPAR ) + SEMI ).setName("moduleHdr")

        module = Group(  moduleHdr +
                 Group( ZeroOrMore( moduleItem ) ) +
                 "endmodule" ).setName("module")#.setDebug()

        udpDecl = outputDecl | inputDecl | regDecl
        #~ udpInitVal = oneOf("1'b0 1'b1 1'bx 1'bX 1'B0 1'B1 1'Bx 1'BX 1 0 x X")
        udpInitVal = (Regex("1'[bB][01xX]") | Regex("[01xX]")).setName("udpInitVal")
        udpInitialStmt = Group( "initial" +
            identifier + EQ + udpInitVal + SEMI ).setName("udpInitialStmt")

        levelSymbol = oneOf("0   1   x   X   ?   b   B")
        levelInputList = Group( OneOrMore( levelSymbol ).setName("levelInpList") )
        outputSymbol = oneOf("0   1   x   X")
        combEntry = Group( levelInputList + COLON + outputSymbol + SEMI )
        edgeSymbol = oneOf("r   R   f   F   p   P   n   N   *")
        edge = Group( LPAR + levelSymbol + levelSymbol + RPAR ) | \
               Group( edgeSymbol )
        edgeInputList = Group( ZeroOrMore( levelSymbol ) + edge + ZeroOrMore( levelSymbol ) )
        inputList = levelInputList | edgeInputList
        seqEntry = Group( inputList + COLON + levelSymbol + COLON + ( outputSymbol | "-" ) + SEMI ).setName("seqEntry")
        udpTableDefn = Group( "table" +
            OneOrMore( combEntry | seqEntry ) +
            "endtable" ).setName("table")

        ::= primitive <name_of_UDP> ( <name_of_variable> <,<name_of_variable>>* ) ;
        udp = Group( "primitive" + identifier +
            LPAR + Group( delimitedList( identifier ) ) + RPAR + SEMI +
            OneOrMore( udpDecl ) +
            Optional( udpInitialStmt ) +
            udpTableDefn +
            "endprimitive" )

        verilogbnf = OneOrMore( module | udp ) + StringEnd()

        verilogbnf.ignore( cppStyleComment )
        verilogbnf.ignore( compilerDirective )

    return verilogbnf
Example #11
Created on 4 sept. 2010

@author: luca

(Minor updates by Paul McGuire, June, 2012)
from pyparsingOD import Word, ZeroOrMore, printables, Suppress, OneOrMore, Group, \
    LineEnd, Optional, White, originalTextFor, hexnums, nums, Combine, Literal, Keyword, \
    cStyleComment, Regex, Forward, MatchFirst, And, srange, oneOf, alphas, alphanums, \


# Tokens
EOL = Suppress(LineEnd()) # $
singleTextString = originalTextFor(ZeroOrMore(~EOL + (White(" \t") | Word(printables)))).leaveWhitespace()
XDIGIT = hexnums
INT = Word(nums)
ESC = Literal('\\') + (oneOf(list(r'nrtbf\">'+"'")) | ('u' + Word(hexnums, exact=4)) | Word(printables, exact=1))
LITERAL_CHAR = ESC | ~(Literal("'") | Literal('\\')) + Word(printables, exact=1)
CHAR_LITERAL = Suppress("'") + LITERAL_CHAR + Suppress("'")
STRING_LITERAL = Suppress("'") + Combine(OneOrMore(LITERAL_CHAR)) + Suppress("'") 
DOUBLE_ANGLE_STRING_LITERAL = '<<' + ZeroOrMore(Word(printables, exact=1)) + '>>'
TOKEN_REF = Word(alphas.upper(), alphanums+'_')
RULE_REF = Word(alphas.lower(), alphanums+'_')
ACTION_ESC = (Suppress("\\") + Suppress("'")) | Suppress('\\"') | Suppress('\\') + (~(Literal("'") | Literal('"')) + Word(printables, exact=1))
ACTION_CHAR_LITERAL = Suppress("'") + (ACTION_ESC | ~(Literal('\\') | Literal("'")) + Word(printables, exact=1)) + Suppress("'")
ACTION_STRING_LITERAL = Suppress('"') + ZeroOrMore(ACTION_ESC | ~(Literal('\\') | Literal('"')) + Word(printables, exact=1)) + Suppress('"') 
SRC = Suppress('src') + ACTION_STRING_LITERAL("file") + INT("line")
for kw in kwds.split():
    exec("%s_ = Keyword('%s')" % (kw.upper(), kw))

messageBody = Forward()

messageDefn = MESSAGE_ - ident("messageId") + LBRACE + messageBody(
    "body") + RBRACE

typespec = oneOf("""double float int32 int64 uint32 uint64 sint32 sint64 
                    fixed32 fixed64 sfixed32 sfixed64 bool string bytes"""
                 ) | ident
rvalue = integer | TRUE_ | FALSE_ | ident
fieldDirective = LBRACK + Group(ident + EQ + rvalue) + RBRACK
fieldDefn = ((REQUIRED_ | OPTIONAL_ | REPEATED_)("fieldQualifier") -
             typespec("typespec") + ident("ident") + EQ + integer("fieldint") +
             ZeroOrMore(fieldDirective) + SEMI)

# enumDefn ::= 'enum' ident '{' { ident '=' integer ';' }* '}'
enumDefn = ENUM_ - ident + LBRACE + ZeroOrMore(
    Group(ident + EQ + integer + SEMI)) + RBRACE

# extensionsDefn ::= 'extensions' integer 'to' integer ';'
extensionsDefn = EXTENSIONS_ - integer + TO_ + integer + SEMI

# messageExtension ::= 'extend' ident '{' messageBody '}'
messageExtension = EXTEND_ - ident + LBRACE + messageBody + RBRACE

# messageBody ::= { fieldDefn | enumDefn | messageDefn | extensionsDefn | messageExtension }*
messageBody << Group(
        Group(fieldDefn | enumDefn | messageDefn | extensionsDefn
# A simple example showing the use of the implied listAllMatches=True for
# results names with a trailing '*' character.
# This example performs work similar to itertools.groupby, but without
# having to sort the input first.
from pyparsingOD import Word, ZeroOrMore, nums

aExpr = Word("A", nums)
bExpr = Word("B", nums)
cExpr = Word("C", nums)
grammar = ZeroOrMore(aExpr("A*") | bExpr("B*") | cExpr("C*"))

results = grammar.parseString("A1 B1 A2 C1 B2 A3")
Example #14
               strBody + QUOTE)

item = Forward()

def assignUsing(s):
    def assignPA(tokens):
        if s in tokens:
            tokens[tokens[s]] = tokens[0]
            del tokens[s]

    return assignPA

GROUP = (MARK + Group(
    ZeroOrMore((item + Optional(ATTRIBUTE)("attr")).setParseAction(
        assignUsing("attr")))) + (WORD("name") | UNMARK)).setParseAction(

tests = """\
[ '10:1234567890' @name 25 @age +0.45 @percentage person:zed
[ [ "hello" 1 child root
[ "child" [ 200 '4:like' "I" "hello" things root
[ [ "data" [ 2 1 ] @numbers child root
[ [ 1 2 3 ] @test 4 5 6 root

for test in tests:
    if test:
Example #15
    global bnf
    if not bnf:

        # punctuation
        colon  = Literal(":")
        lbrace = Literal("{")
        rbrace = Literal("}")
        lbrack = Literal("[")
        rbrack = Literal("]")
        lparen = Literal("(")
        rparen = Literal(")")
        equals = Literal("=")
        comma  = Literal(",")
        dot    = Literal(".")
        slash  = Literal("/")
        bslash = Literal("\\")
        star   = Literal("*")
        semi   = Literal(";")
        langle = Literal("<")
        rangle = Literal(">")
        # keywords
        any_       = Keyword("any")
        attribute_ = Keyword("attribute")
        boolean_   = Keyword("boolean")
        case_      = Keyword("case")
        char_      = Keyword("char")
        const_     = Keyword("const")
        context_   = Keyword("context")
        default_   = Keyword("default")
        double_    = Keyword("double")
        enum_      = Keyword("enum")
        exception_ = Keyword("exception")
        false_     = Keyword("FALSE")
        fixed_     = Keyword("fixed")
        float_     = Keyword("float")
        inout_     = Keyword("inout")
        interface_ = Keyword("interface")
        in_        = Keyword("in")
        long_      = Keyword("long")
        module_    = Keyword("module")
        object_    = Keyword("Object")
        octet_     = Keyword("octet")
        oneway_    = Keyword("oneway")
        out_       = Keyword("out")
        raises_    = Keyword("raises")
        readonly_  = Keyword("readonly")
        sequence_  = Keyword("sequence")
        short_     = Keyword("short")
        string_    = Keyword("string")
        struct_    = Keyword("struct")
        switch_    = Keyword("switch")
        true_      = Keyword("TRUE")
        typedef_   = Keyword("typedef")
        unsigned_  = Keyword("unsigned")
        union_     = Keyword("union")
        void_      = Keyword("void")
        wchar_     = Keyword("wchar")
        wstring_   = Keyword("wstring")
        identifier = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_" ).setName("identifier")
        #~ real = Combine( Word(nums+"+-", nums) + dot + Optional( Word(nums) ) 
                        #~ + Optional( CaselessLiteral("E") + Word(nums+"+-",nums) ) )
        real = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*([Ee][+-]?\d+)?").setName("real")
        #~ integer = ( Combine( CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word( nums+"abcdefABCDEF" ) ) |
                    #~ Word( nums+"+-", nums ) ).setName("int")
        integer = Regex(r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[+-]?\d+").setName("int")

        udTypeName = delimitedList( identifier, "::", combine=True ).setName("udType")
        # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "stringSeq" or "longArray"
        typeName = ( any_ ^ boolean_ ^ char_ ^ double_ ^ fixed_ ^ 
                    float_ ^ long_ ^ octet_ ^ short_ ^ string_ ^ 
                    wchar_ ^ wstring_ ^ udTypeName ).setName("type")
        sequenceDef = Forward().setName("seq")
        sequenceDef << Group( sequence_ + langle + ( sequenceDef | typeName ) + rangle )
        typeDef = sequenceDef | ( typeName + Optional( lbrack + integer + rbrack ) )
        typedefDef = Group( typedef_ + typeDef + identifier + semi ).setName("typedef")

        moduleDef = Forward()
        constDef = Group( const_ + typeDef + identifier + equals + ( real | integer | quotedString ) + semi ) #| quotedString )
        exceptionItem = Group( typeDef + identifier + semi )
        exceptionDef = ( exception_ + identifier + lbrace + ZeroOrMore( exceptionItem ) + rbrace + semi )
        attributeDef = Optional( readonly_ ) + attribute_ + typeDef + identifier + semi
        paramlist = delimitedList( Group( ( inout_ | in_ | out_ ) + typeName + identifier ) ).setName( "paramlist" )
        operationDef = ( ( void_ ^ typeDef ) + identifier + lparen + Optional( paramlist ) + rparen + \
                        Optional( raises_ + lparen + Group( delimitedList( typeName ) ) + rparen ) + semi )
        interfaceItem = ( constDef | exceptionDef | attributeDef | operationDef )
        interfaceDef = Group( interface_ + identifier  + Optional( colon + delimitedList( typeName ) ) + lbrace + \
                        ZeroOrMore( interfaceItem ) + rbrace + semi ).setName("opnDef")
        moduleItem = ( interfaceDef | exceptionDef | constDef | typedefDef | moduleDef )
        moduleDef << module_ + identifier + lbrace + ZeroOrMore( moduleItem ) + rbrace + semi

        bnf = ( moduleDef | OneOrMore( moduleItem ) )
        singleLineComment = "//" + restOfLine
        bnf.ignore( singleLineComment )
        bnf.ignore( cStyleComment )
    return bnf
Example #16

ALMPROP   =   oneOf("TRIGGER")
                     X-MOZILLA-RECUR-DEFAULT-UNITS \

propval   =   Word(valstr)
typeval   =   Word(valstr)

proptype = Group(SEMI + typename + EQ + typeval).suppress()

calprop = Group(CALPROP + ZeroOrMore(proptype) + COLON + propval)
almprop = Group(ALMPROP + ZeroOrMore(proptype) + COLON + propval)
evtprop = Group(EVTPROP + ZeroOrMore(proptype) + COLON + propval).suppress() \
   | "CATEGORIES" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("categories") \
   | "CLASS" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("class") \
   | "DESCRIPTION" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("description") \
   | "DTSTART" + proptype + COLON + propval.setResultsName("begin") \
   | "DTEND" + proptype + COLON + propval.setResultsName("end") \
   | "LOCATION" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("location") \
   | "PRIORITY" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("priority") \
   | "STATUS" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("status") \
   | "SUMMARY" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("summary") \
   | "URL" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("url") \

calprops = Group(OneOrMore(calprop)).suppress()
evtprops = Group(OneOrMore(evtprop))
Example #17
annotation = Word("!?", max=2)
nag = " $" + Word(nums)
decoration = check | mate | annotation | nag

variant = Forward()
half_move = Combine((m3 | m1 | m2 | m4 | m5 | m6 | m7 | m8) + Optional(decoration)) \
  + Optional(comment) +Optional(variant)
move = Suppress(move_number) + half_move + Optional(half_move)
variant << "(" + OneOrMore(move) + ")"
# grouping the plies (half-moves) for each move: useful to group annotations, variants...
# suggested by Paul McGuire :)
move = Group(Suppress(move_number) + half_move + Optional(half_move))
variant << Group("(" + OneOrMore(move) + ")")
game_terminator = oneOf("1-0 0-1 1/2-1/2 *")

pgnGrammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(tag)) + ZeroOrMore(move) + Optional(

def parsePGN(pgn, bnf=pgnGrammar, fn=None):
        return bnf.parseString(pgn)
    except ParseException as err:
        print(" " * (err.column - 1) + "^")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # input string
    pgn = """
RANGLE = Literal(">").suppress()
RBRACE = Literal("]").suppress()
RPAREN = Literal(")").suppress()

CATEGORIES = CaselessLiteral("categories").suppress()
END = CaselessLiteral("end").suppress()
FONT = CaselessLiteral("font").suppress()
HINT = CaselessLiteral("hint").suppress()
ITEM = CaselessLiteral("item").suppress()
OBJECT = CaselessLiteral("object").suppress()

attribute_value_pair = Forward()  # this is recursed in item_list_entry

simple_identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
identifier = Combine(simple_identifier +
                     ZeroOrMore(Literal(".") + simple_identifier))
object_name = identifier
object_type = identifier

# Integer and floating point values are converted to Python longs and floats, respectively.
int_value = Combine(Optional("-") +
                    Word(nums)).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [int(t[0])])
float_value = Combine(Optional("-") + Optional(Word(nums)) + "." +
                      Word(nums)).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [float(t[0])])
number_value = float_value | int_value

# Base16 constants are left in string form, including the surrounding braces.
base16_value = Combine(
    Literal("{") + OneOrMore(Word("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")) + Literal("}"),