def qs2(ls): ''' Now, we take away the return statement for space. ''' pivot = middle(ls) p(ls, iff(len, (qs2, {_ < pivot}) + [pivot] + (qs2, {_ > pivot})))
def count_prob_array(ls,discount=0): return p( ls, np.array, unique_counts, _-discount, _+L, _/np.sum)
def prob_dct(valDct): return p( valDct, (zip_dct,dct_keys, ep(dct_values, np.array, prob_vec, )), )
def fib1(x): ''' Here, however, we use the iff macro. So for a conditional fArg cond, and a statement, iff(cond,statement) evaluates as: {cond:statement, 'else':_} So, we only apply the sum to x if it's above 1. ''' return p(x, iff(_ > 1, (fib1, _ - 1) + (fib1, _ - 2)))
def fib0(x): ''' Here, we have a switch dict: {_ > 1:(fib0,_-1)+(fib0,_-2), 'else':_}) This just means, if x > 1, then return the sum of the function called on x-1 and x-2. Otherwise, just return x, which will be 1 or 0. ''' return p(x, {_ > 1: (fib0, _ - 1) + (fib0, _ - 2), 'else': _})
def weighted_count_prob_array(ls=[[1,0.5],[2,0.3]], discount=0): return p( ls, np.array, aggregate_by_key, _0, row_sum, _-discount, _+L, _/np.sum, )
def qs1(ls): ''' Now, we are going to apply the iff macro. So for a conditional fArg cond, and a statement, iff(cond,statement) evaluates as: {cond:statement, 'else':_} . So, if len evaluates as True (nonzero), then we return the statement, otherwise we return the empty list. ''' pivot = middle(ls) return p(ls, iff(len, (qs1, {_ < pivot}) + [pivot] + (qs1, {_ > pivot})))
def qs0(ls): ''' middle takes the middle element of the list. Let's explore the expression: {len:(qs0,{_ < pivot}) + [pivot] + (qs0,{_ > pivot}), 'else':_} First, this is a switch dict, meaning that if one of the keys evaluates as true, then the corresponding expression also evaluates as true. So if ls is not empty, then len evaluates as true, and we apply the function recursively. Otherwise we return the emply ls. (qs0,{_ < pivot}) This applies a filter to ls, taking anything below the pivot. Then we recursively apply the function to this list. [pivot] This constructs a singleton list with pivot. (qs0,{_ > pivot}) This applies a filter to ls, taking anything above the pivot. Then we recursively apply the function to this list. (qs0,{_ < pivot}) + [pivot] + (qs0,{_ > pivot}) We concatenate these three lists, and return. ''' pivot = middle(ls) return p(ls, { len: (qs0, {_ < pivot}) + [pivot] + (qs0, {_ > pivot}), 'else': _ })
def prob_vec(a): return p( a, _+L, _/np.sum)
def fib2(x): ''' Now, we are stripping out the return statement, since the compiler includes it. ''' p(x, iff(_ > 1, (fib2, _ - 1) + (fib2, _ - 2)))