Example #1
    def select_detectors(detnum=None, ndet=1, slitspatnum=None):
        Return the 1-indexed list of detectors to reduce.

            detnum (:obj:`int`, :obj:`list`, optional):
                One or more detectors to reduce.  If None, return the
                full list for the provided number of detectors (`ndet`).
            ndet (:obj:`int`, optional):
                The number of detectors for this instrument.  Only used
                if `detnum is None`.

            list:  List of detectors to be reduced

        if detnum is not None and slitspatnum is not None:
                "You cannot specify both detnum and slitspatnum.  Too painful for over-writing SpecObjs"
        if detnum is None and slitspatnum is None:
            return np.arange(1, ndet + 1).tolist()
        elif detnum is not None:
            return np.atleast_1d(detnum).tolist()
            return slittrace.parse_slitspatnum(slitspatnum)[0].tolist()
Example #2
    def write_to_fits(self,
        Write the set of SpecObj objects to one multi-extension FITS file

            outfile (str):
            subheader (:obj:`dict`):
            overwrite (bool, optional):
            slitspatnum (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list`, optional):
                Restricted set of slits for reduction
            update_det (int or list, optional):
              If provided, do not clobber the existing file but only update
              the indicated detectors.  Useful for re-running on a subset of detectors

        if os.path.isfile(outfile) and (not overwrite):
            msgs.warn("Outfile exists.  Set overwrite=True to clobber it")

        # If the file exists and update_det (and slit_spat_num) is provided, use the existing header
        #   and load up all the other hdus so that we only over-write the ones
        #   we are updating
        if os.path.isfile(outfile) and (update_det is not None
                                        or slitspatnum is not None):
            _specobjs = SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(outfile)
            mask = np.ones(_specobjs.nobj, dtype=bool)
            # Update_det
            if update_det is not None:
                # Pop out those with this detector (and slit if slit_spat_num is provided)
                for det in np.atleast_1d(update_det):
                    mask[_specobjs.DET == det] = False
            elif slitspatnum is not None:  # slitspatnum
                dets, spat_ids = slittrace.parse_slitspatnum(slitspatnum)
                for det, spat_id in zip(dets, spat_ids):
                    mask[(_specobjs.DET == det)
                         & (_specobjs.SLITID == spat_id)] = False
            _specobjs = _specobjs[mask]
            # Add in the new
            for sobj in self.specobjs:
            _specobjs = self.specobjs

        # Build up the Header
        header = initialize_header(primary=True)
        for key in subheader.keys():
            header[key.upper()] = subheader[key]

        # Init
        prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
        hdus = [prihdu]
        prihdu.header = header

        # Add class info
        prihdu.header['DMODCLS'] = (self.__class__.__name__, 'Datamodel class')
        prihdu.header['DMODVER'] = (self.version, 'Datamodel version')

        detector_hdus = {}
        nspec, ext = 0, 0
        # Loop on the SpecObj objects
        for sobj in _specobjs:
            if sobj is None:
            # HDUs
            if debug:
                import pdb
            shdul = sobj.to_hdu()
            if len(shdul) == 2:  # Detector?
                detector_hdus[sobj['DET']] = shdul[1]
                shdu = [shdul[0]]
            elif len(shdul) == 1:  # Detector?
                shdu = shdul
                msgs.error("Should not get here...")
            # Check -- If sobj had only 1 array, the BinTableHDU test will fail
            assert len(shdu) == 1, 'Bad data model!!'
            assert isinstance(shdu[0],
                              fits.hdu.table.BinTableHDU), 'Bad data model2'
            #shdu[0].header['DMODCLS'] = (self.__class__.__name__, 'Datamodel class')
            #shdu[0].header['DMODVER'] = (self.version, 'Datamodel version')
            # Name
            shdu[0].name = sobj.NAME
            # Extension
            keywd = 'EXT{:04d}'.format(ext)
            prihdu.header[keywd] = sobj.NAME
            ext += 1
            nspec += 1
            # Append
            hdus += shdu

        # Deal with Detectors
        for key, item in detector_hdus.items():
            # TODO - Add EXT to the primary header for these??
            prefix = specobj.det_hdu_prefix(key)
            # Name
            if prefix not in item.name:  # In case we are re-loading
                item.name = specobj.det_hdu_prefix(key) + item.name
            # Append
            hdus += [item]

        # A few more for the header
        prihdu.header['NSPEC'] = nspec

        # Code versions

        # Finish
        hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdus)
        if debug:
            import pdb
        hdulist.writeto(outfile, overwrite=overwrite)
        msgs.info("Wrote 1D spectra to {:s}".format(outfile))