def __sub__(self, other): """ Subtract a ScienceImage object from another Extras (e.g. ivar, masks) are included if they are present Args: other (ScienceImage): Returns: ScienceImage: """ if not isinstance(other, ScienceImage): msgs.error("Misuse of the subtract method") # Images newimg = self.image - other.image # Mask time outmask_comb = (self.mask == 0) & (other.mask == 0) # Variance if self.ivar is not None: new_ivar = utils.inverse( utils.inverse(self.ivar, positive=True) + utils.inverse(other.ivar, positive=True)) new_ivar[np.invert(outmask_comb)] = 0 else: new_ivar = None # RN2 if self.rn2img is not None: new_rn2 = self.rn2img + other.rn2img else: new_rn2 = None # Files new_files = self.files + other.files # Instantiate new_sciImg = ScienceImage.from_images(self.spectrograph, self.det, self.par, self.bpm, newimg, new_ivar, new_rn2, files=new_files) #TODO: KW properly handle adding the bits #embed(header='279 in sciImg') crmask_diff = new_sciImg.build_crmask() # crmask_eff assumes evertything masked in the outmask_comb is a CR in the individual images new_sciImg.crmask = crmask_diff | np.invert(outmask_comb) # Note that the following uses the saturation and mincounts held in # self.spectrograph.detector[self.det-1] new_sciImg.build_mask() return new_sciImg
def sub(self, other, par): """ Subtract one PypeItImage from another Extras (e.g. ivar, masks) are included if they are present Args: other (:class:`PypeItImage`): par (:class:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ProcessImagesPar`): Parameters that dictate the processing of the images. See :class:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ProcessImagesPar` for the defaults Returns: PypeItImage: """ if not isinstance(other, PypeItImage): msgs.error("Misuse of the subtract method") # Images newimg = self.image - other.image # Mask time outmask_comb = (self.fullmask == 0) & (other.fullmask == 0) # Variance if self.ivar is not None: new_ivar = utils.inverse( utils.inverse(self.ivar) + utils.inverse(other.ivar)) new_ivar[np.invert(outmask_comb)] = 0 else: new_ivar = None # RN2 if self.rn2img is not None and other.rn2img is not None: new_rn2 = self.rn2img + other.rn2img else: new_rn2 = None # Instantiate new_sciImg = PypeItImage(image=newimg, ivar=new_ivar, bpm=self.bpm, rn2img=new_rn2, detector=self.detector) # Files new_sciImg.files = self.files + other.files #TODO: KW properly handle adding the bits #crmask_diff = new_sciImg.build_crmask(par) if par['mask_cr'] else np.zeros_like(other.image, dtype=bool) # crmask_eff assumes evertything masked in the outmask_comb is a CR in the individual images # JFH changed to below because this was not respecting the desire not to mask_crs new_sciImg.crmask = ( new_sciImg.build_crmask(par) | np.logical_not(outmask_comb) ) if par['mask_cr'] else np.logical_not(outmask_comb) #new_sciImg.crmask = crmask_diff | np.logical_not(outmask_comb) # Note that the following uses the saturation and mincounts held in self.detector new_sciImg.build_mask() return new_sciImg
def test_calc_ivar(): """ Run the parameter setup script """ x = np.array([-1.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0]) res = utils.inverse(x) assert np.array_equal(res, np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0])) assert np.array_equal(utils.calc_ivar(res), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0]))
def build_ivar(self): """ Generate the Inverse Variance frame Uses procimg.variance_frame Returns: np.ndarray: Copy of self.ivar """ "Generating raw variance frame (from detected counts [flat fielded])" ) # Convenience detector = self.spectrograph.detector[self.det - 1] # Generate rawvarframe = procimg.variance_frame( self.datasec_img, self.image, detector['gain'], detector['ronoise'], numamplifiers=detector['numamplifiers'], darkcurr=detector['darkcurr'], exptime=self.exptime, rnoise=self.rn2img) # Ivar self.ivar = utils.inverse(rawvarframe) # Return return self.ivar.copy()
def build_crmask(self, par, subtract_img=None): """ Generate the CR mask frame Mainly a wrapper to :func:`pypeit.core.procimg.lacosmic` Args: par (:class:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ProcessImagesPar`): Parameters that dictate the processing of the images. See :class:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ProcessImagesPar` for the defaults. subtract_img (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): If provided, subtract this from the image prior to CR detection Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Copy of self.crmask (boolean) """ var = utils.inverse(self.ivar) use_img = self.image if subtract_img is None else self.image - subtract_img # Run LA Cosmic to get the cosmic ray mask self.crmask = procimg.lacosmic(use_img, self.detector['saturation'], self.detector['nonlinear'], varframe=var, maxiter=par['lamaxiter'], grow=par['grow'], remove_compact_obj=par['rmcompact'], sigclip=par['sigclip'], sigfrac=par['sigfrac'], objlim=par['objlim']) # Return return self.crmask.copy()
def test_lacosmic(): spec = load_spectrograph('keck_deimos') file = os.path.join(os.environ['PYPEIT_DEV'], 'RAW_DATA', 'keck_deimos', '1200G_M_5500', 'd0315_45929.fits') par = ProcessImagesPar(use_biasimage=False, use_pixelflat=False, use_illumflat=False) img = RawImage(file, spec, 1) pimg = img.process(par) test_img = pimg.image[:500, :500] test_var = utils.inverse(pimg.ivar[:500, :500]) crmask = procimg.lacosmic(test_img, varframe=test_var, maxiter=1) assert np.sum(crmask) == 1240, 'L.A.Cosmic changed' _crmask = procimg.lacosmic(test_img, varframe=test_var, maxiter=2) assert np.sum(_crmask) > np.sum( crmask), '2nd iteration should find more cosmics' _crmask = procimg.lacosmic(test_img, saturation=6000., varframe=test_var, maxiter=1) assert np.sum(_crmask) < np.sum( crmask), 'Should have flagged some pixels as saturated' __crmask = procimg.lacosmic(test_img, saturation=np.full(test_img.shape, 6000.), varframe=test_var, maxiter=1) assert np.array_equal(__crmask, _crmask), 'Saturation array failed.'
def sig(self): """ Return the 1-sigma array Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: error array """ return np.sqrt(utils.inverse(self.ivar))
def dummy_spectrum(s2n=10., rstate=None, seed=1234, wave=None): """ Parameters ---------- s2n seed wave Returns ------- spec : XSpectrum1D """ if rstate is None: rstate=np.random.RandomState(seed) if wave is None: wave = np.linspace(4000., 5000., 2000) # Create flux = np.ones_like(wave) sig = np.ones_like(wave) / s2n ispec = XSpectrum1D.from_tuple((wave,flux,sig)) # Noise and append spec = ispec.add_noise(rstate=rstate) flux, sig, mask =['flux'],['sig'],['flux'].mask ivar = utils.inverse(sig**2) return flux, ivar, mask
def save(self, coaddfile, telluric=None, obj_model=None, overwrite=True): """ Routine to save 1d coadds to a fits file. This replaces save.save_coadd1d_to_fits Args: coaddfile (str): File to outuput coadded spectrum to. telluric (str): This is vestigial and should probably be removed. obj_model (str): This is vestigial and should probably be removed overwrite (bool): Overwrite existing file? """ self.coaddfile = coaddfile ex_value = self.par['ex_value'] # Estimate sigma from ivar sig = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(self.ivar_coadd)) if (os.path.exists(self.coaddfile)) and (np.invert(overwrite)): hdulist ="Reading primary HDU from existing file: {:s}".format(self.coaddfile)) else:"Creating a new primary HDU.") prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() if self.header is None: msgs.warn('The primary header is none') else: prihdu.header = self.header hdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu]) wave_mask = self.wave_coadd > 1.0 # Add Spectrum Table cols = [] cols += [fits.Column(array=self.wave_coadd[wave_mask], name='{:}_WAVE'.format(ex_value), format='D')] cols += [fits.Column(array=self.flux_coadd[wave_mask], name='{:}_FLAM'.format(ex_value), format='D')] cols += [fits.Column(array=self.ivar_coadd[wave_mask], name='{:}_FLAM_IVAR'.format(ex_value), format='D')] cols += [fits.Column(array=sig[wave_mask], name='{:}_FLAM_SIG'.format(ex_value), format='D')] cols += [fits.Column(array=self.mask_coadd[wave_mask].astype(float), name='{:}_MASK'.format(ex_value), format='D')] if telluric is not None: cols += [fits.Column(array=telluric[wave_mask], name='TELLURIC', format='D')] if obj_model is not None: cols += [fits.Column(array=obj_model[wave_mask], name='OBJ_MODEL', format='D')] coldefs = fits.ColDefs(cols) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs) = 'OBJ0001-SPEC0001-{:}'.format(ex_value.capitalize()) hdulist.append(tbhdu) if (os.path.exists(self.coaddfile)) and (np.invert(overwrite)): hdulist.writeto(self.coaddfile, overwrite=True)"Appending 1D spectra to existing file {:s}".format(self.coaddfile)) else: hdulist.writeto(self.coaddfile, overwrite=overwrite)"Wrote 1D spectra to {:s}".format(self.coaddfile))
def sensfunc_weights(cls, sensfile, waves, debug=False, extrap_sens=True): """ Get the weights based on the sensfunc Args: sensfile (str): the name of your fits format sensfile waves (ndarray): (nspec, norders, nexp) or (nspec, norders) wavelength grid for your output weights debug (bool): default=False show the weights QA Returns: ndarray: sensfunc weights evaluated on the input waves wavelength grid """ sens = cls.from_file(sensfile) # wave, zeropoint, meta_table, out_table, header_sens = sensfunc.SensFunc.load(sensfile) if waves.ndim == 2: nspec, norder = waves.shape nexp = 1 waves_stack = np.reshape(waves, (nspec, norder, 1)) elif waves.ndim == 3: nspec, norder, nexp = waves.shape waves_stack = waves else: msgs.error('Unrecognized dimensionality for waves') weights_stack = np.zeros_like(waves_stack) if norder != sens.zeropoint.shape[1]: msgs.error( 'The number of orders in {:} does not agree with your data. Wrong sensfile?' .format(sensfile)) for iord in range(norder): for iexp in range(nexp): sensfunc_iord = flux_calib.get_sensfunc_factor( waves_stack[:, iord, iexp], sens.wave[:, iord], sens.zeropoint[:, iord], 1.0, extrap_sens=extrap_sens) weights_stack[:, iord, iexp] = utils.inverse(sensfunc_iord) if debug: weights_qa(waves_stack, weights_stack, (waves_stack > 1.0), title='sensfunc_weights') if waves.ndim == 2: weights_stack = np.reshape(weights_stack, (nspec, norder)) return weights_stack
def to_xspec1d(self, **kwargs): """ Push the data in :class:`SpecObj` into an XSpectrum1D object Returns: linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1D: Spectrum object """ wave, flux, ivar, _ = self.to_arrays(**kwargs) sig = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(ivar)) # Create return xspectrum1d.XSpectrum1D.from_tuple((wave, flux, sig))
def main(args): """ Runs the XSpecGui on an input file """ try: sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs.from_fitsfile(args.file) except: # place holder until coadd data model is sorted out wave, flux, flux_ivar, flux_mask, meta_spec, head = general_spec_reader( args.file) spec = XSpectrum1D.from_tuple( (wave * u.AA, flux, np.sqrt(utils.inverse(flux_ivar))), masking='none') else: # List only? if args.list: print("Showing object names for input file...") for ii in range(len(sobjs)): name = sobjs[ii].NAME print("EXT{:07d} = {}".format(ii + 1, name)) return if args.obj is not None: exten = if exten < 0: msgs.error("Bad input object name: {:s}".format(args.obj)) else: exten = args.exten - 1 # 1-index in FITS file # Check Extraction if args.extract == 'OPT': if 'OPT_WAVE' not in sobjs[exten]._data.keys(): msgs.error( "Spectrum not extracted with OPT. Try --extract=BOX") spec = sobjs[exten].to_xspec1d(extraction=args.extract, fluxed=args.flux) # Setup app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Screen dimensions width = app.desktop().screenGeometry().width() scale = 2. * (width / 3200.) # Launch gui = XSpecGui(spec, screen_scale=scale) app.exec_()
def build_crmask(self, subtract_img=None): """ Call to ImageMask.build_crmask which will generate the cosmic ray mask Args: subtract_img (np.ndarray, optional): Image to be subtracted off of self.image prior to CR evaluation Returns: np.ndarray: Boolean array of self.crmask """ return super(ScienceImage, self).build_crmask(self.spectrograph, self.det, self.par, self.image, utils.inverse(self.ivar), subtract_img=subtract_img).copy()
def update_mask_cr(self, subtract_img=None): """ Updates the CR mask values in self.mask through a call to ImageMask.build_crmask which generates a new CR mask and then a call to ImageMask.update_mask_cr() which updates self.mask Args: subtract_img (np.ndarray, optional): If provided, this is subtracted from self.image prior to CR masking """ # Generate the CR mask (and save in self.crmask) super(ScienceImage, self).build_crmask(self.spectrograph, self.det, self.par, self.image, utils.inverse(self.ivar), subtract_img=subtract_img).copy() # Now update the mask super(ScienceImage, self).update_mask_cr(self.crmask)
def build_ivar(self): """ Generate the Inverse Variance frame Uses procimg.variance_frame Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Copy of self.ivar """ # Generate rawvarframe = procimg.variance_frame( self.datasec_img, self.image, self.detector['gain'], self.detector['ronoise'], darkcurr=self.detector['darkcurr'], exptime=self.exptime, rnoise=self.rn2img) # Ivar self.ivar = utils.inverse(rawvarframe) # Return return self.ivar.copy()
def get_flux_slit(spec2DObj, slitidx, pad=0): """ Returns the flux and error of a specific slit. The flux would be sky subtracted and object removed. Args: spec2DObj (:class:`~pypeit.spec2dobj.Spec2DObj`): 2D spectra object slitidx (int): Given slit/order pad (int, optional): Ignore pixels within pad of edges. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: tuple of `numpy.ndarray`_ with flux and error of the 2D spectrum """ slit_select = spec2DObj.slits.slit_img(pad=pad, slitidx=slitidx) flux = spec2DObj.sciimg - spec2DObj.skymodel if spec2DObj.objmodel is not None: flux -= spec2DObj.objmodel flux_slit = flux * (slit_select == spec2DObj.slits.spat_id[slitidx]) # Error err_slit = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(spec2DObj.ivarmodel)) * ( slit_select == spec2DObj.slits.spat_id[slitidx]) return flux_slit, err_slit
def run(self, process_steps, bias, pixel_flat=None, illum_flat=None, ignore_saturation=False, sigma_clip=True, bpm=None, sigrej=None, maxiters=5): """ Generate a PypeItImage from a list of images Mainly a wrapper to coadd2d.weighted_combine() This may also generate the ivar, crmask, rn2img and mask Args: process_steps (list): bias (np.ndarray or None): Bias image or instruction pixel_flat (np.ndarray, optional): Flat image illum_flat (np.ndarray, optional): Illumination image sigma_clip (bool, optional): Perform sigma clipping sigrej (int or float, optional): Rejection threshold for sigma clipping. Code defaults to determining this automatically based on the number of images provided. maxiters (int, optional): Number of iterations for the clipping bpm (np.ndarray, optional): Bad pixel mask. Held in ImageMask ignore_saturation (bool, optional): If True, turn off the saturation flag in the individual images before stacking This avoids having such values set to 0 which for certain images (e.g. flat calibrations) can have unintended consequences. Returns: :class:`pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage`: """ # Loop on the files nimages = len(self.files) for kk, ifile in enumerate(self.files): # Process a single image pypeitImage = self.process_one(ifile, process_steps, bias, pixel_flat=pixel_flat, illum_flat=illum_flat, bpm=bpm) # Are we all done? if len(self.files) == 1: return pypeitImage elif kk == 0: # Get ready shape = (nimages, pypeitImage.bpm.shape[0], pypeitImage.bpm.shape[1]) img_stack = np.zeros(shape) ivar_stack = np.zeros(shape) rn2img_stack = np.zeros(shape) crmask_stack = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) # Mask bitmask = maskimage.ImageBitMask() mask_stack = np.zeros(shape, bitmask.minimum_dtype(asuint=True)) # Process img_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.image # Construct raw variance image and turn into inverse variance if pypeitImage.ivar is not None: ivar_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.ivar else: ivar_stack[kk, :, :] = 1. # Mask cosmic rays if pypeitImage.crmask is not None: crmask_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.crmask # Read noise squared image if pypeitImage.rn2img is not None: rn2img_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.rn2img # Final mask for this image # TODO This seems kludgy to me. Why not just pass ignore_saturation to process_one and ignore the saturation # when the mask is actually built, rather than untoggling the bit here if ignore_saturation: # Important for calibrations as we don't want replacement by 0 indx = pypeitImage.bitmask.flagged(pypeitImage.mask, flag=['SATURATION']) pypeitImage.mask[indx] = pypeitImage.bitmask.turn_off( pypeitImage.mask[indx], 'SATURATION') mask_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.mask # Coadd them weights = np.ones(nimages) / float(nimages) img_list = [img_stack] var_stack = utils.inverse(ivar_stack) var_list = [var_stack, rn2img_stack] img_list_out, var_list_out, outmask, nused = combine.weighted_combine( weights, img_list, var_list, (mask_stack == 0), sigma_clip=sigma_clip, sigma_clip_stack=img_stack, sigrej=sigrej, maxiters=maxiters) # Build the last one final_pypeitImage = pypeitimage.PypeItImage( img_list_out[0], ivar=utils.inverse(var_list_out[0]), bpm=pypeitImage.bpm, rn2img=var_list_out[1], crmask=np.invert(outmask), binning=pypeitImage.binning) nonlinear_counts = self.spectrograph.nonlinear_counts( self.det, apply_gain='apply_gain' in process_steps) final_pypeitImage.build_mask( final_pypeitImage.image, final_pypeitImage.ivar, saturation= nonlinear_counts, #self.spectrograph.detector[self.det-1]['saturation'], mincounts=self.spectrograph.detector[self.det - 1]['mincounts']) # Return return final_pypeitImage
def pca_trace(xinit_in, spec_min_max=None, predict=None, npca=None, pca_explained_var=99.0, coeff_npoly=None, coeff_weights=None, debug=True, order_vec=None, lower=3.0, upper=3.0, minv=None, maxv=None, maxrej=1, xinit_mean=None): """ Use a PCA model to determine the best object (or slit edge) traces for echelle spectrographs. Args: xinit: ndarray, (nspec, norders) Array of input traces that one wants to PCA model. For object finding this will be the traces for orders where an object was detected. If an object was not detected on some orders (see ech_objfind), the standard star (or order boundaries) will be assigned to these orders at the correct fractional slit position, and a joint PCA fit will be performed to the detected traces and the standard/slit traces. spec_min_max: float or int ndarray, (2, norders), default=None. This is a 2-d array which defines the minimum and maximum of each order in the spectral direction on the detector. This should only be used for echelle spectrographs for which the orders do not entirely cover the detector, and each order passed in for xinit_in is a succession of orders on the detector. The code will re-map the traces such that they all have the same length, compute the PCA, and then re-map the orders back. This improves performanc for echelle spectrographs by removing the nonlinear shrinking of the orders so that the linear pca operation can better predict the traces. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE. INITIAL TESTS WITH XSHOOTER-NIR INDICATED THAT IT DID NOT IMPROVE PERFORMANCE AND SIMPLY LINEAR EXTRAPOLATION OF THE ORDERS INTO THE REGIONS THAT ARE NOT ILLUMINATED PERFORMED SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER. DO NOT USE UNTIL FURTHER TESTING IS PERFORMED. IT COULD HELP WITH OTHER MORE NONLINEAR SPECTROGRAPHS. predict: ndarray, bool (norders,), default = None Orders which have True are those that will be predicted by extrapolating the fit of the PCA coefficents for those orders which have False set in this array. The default is None, which means that the coefficients of all orders will be fit simultaneously and no extrapolation will be performed. For object finding, we use the standard star (or slit boundaries) as the input for orders for which a trace is not identified and fit the coefficients of all simultaneously. Thus no extrapolation is performed. For tracing slit boundaries it may be useful to perform extrapolations. npca: int, default = None number of PCA components to be kept. The maximum number of possible PCA components would be = norders, which is to say that no PCA compression woulud be performed. For the default of None, npca will be automatically determinedy by calculating the minimum number of components required to explain 99% (pca_explained_var) of the variance in the different orders. pca_explained_var: float, default = 99 Amount of explained variance cut used to determine where to truncate the PCA, i.e. to determine npca. coeff_npoly: int, default = None Order of polynomial fits used for PCA coefficients fitting. The defualt is None, which means that coeff_noly will be automatically determined by taking the number of orders into account. PCA components that explain less variance (and are thus much noiser) are fit with lower order. coeff_weights (np.ndarray): shape = (norders,), default=None If input these weights will be used for the polynomial fit to the PCA coefficients. Even if you are predicting orders and hence only fitting a subset of the orders != norders, the shape of coeff_weights must be norders. Just give the orders you don't plan to fit a weight of zero. This option is useful for fitting object traces since the weights can be set to (S/N)^2 of each order. TODO: Perhaps we should get rid of the predict option and simply allow the user to set the weights of the orders they want predicted to be zero. That would be more straightforward, but would require a rework of the code. debug: bool, default = False Show plots useful for debugging. Returns: -------- pca_fit: ndarray, float (nspec, norders) Array with the same size as xinit, which contains the pca fitted orders. """ nspec, norders = xinit_in.shape if order_vec is None: order_vec = np.arange(norders, dtype=float) if predict is None: predict = np.zeros(norders, dtype=bool) # use_order = True orders used to predict the predict = True bad orders use_order = np.invert(predict) ngood = np.sum(use_order) if ngood < 2: msgs.warn( 'There are no good traces to PCA fit. There is probably a bug somewhere. Exiting and returning input traces.' ) return xinit_in, {}, None, None if spec_min_max is not None: xinit = remap_orders(xinit_in, spec_min_max) else: xinit = xinit_in # Take out the mean position of each input trace if xinit_mean is None: xinit_mean = np.mean(xinit, axis=0) xpca = xinit - xinit_mean xpca_use = xpca[:, use_order].T pca_full = PCA() var = np.cumsum( np.round(pca_full.explained_variance_ratio_, decimals=6) * 100) npca_full = var.size if npca is None: if var[0] >= pca_explained_var: npca = 1 'The first PCA component contains more than {:5.3f} of the information' .format(pca_explained_var)) else: npca = int( np.ceil( np.interp(pca_explained_var, var, np.arange(npca_full) + 1))) 'Truncated PCA to contain {:5.3f}'.format(pca_explained_var) + '% of the total variance. ' + 'Number of components to keep is npca = {:d}'.format(npca)) else: npca = int(npca) var_trunc = np.interp(float(npca), np.arange(npca_full) + 1.0, var)'Truncated PCA with npca={:d} components contains {:5.3f}'. format(npca, var_trunc) + '% of the total variance.') if npca_full < npca: msgs.warn( 'Not enough good traces for a PCA fit of the requested dimensionality. The full (non-compressing) PCA has size: ' 'npca_full = {:d}'.format(npca_full) + ' is < npca = {:d}'.format(npca)) msgs.warn( 'Using the input trace for now. But you should lower npca <= npca_full' ) return xinit_in, {}, None, None if coeff_npoly is None: coeff_npoly = int( np.fmin(np.fmax(np.floor(3.3 * ngood / norders), 1.0), 3.0)) # Polynomial coefficient for PCA coefficients npoly_vec = np.zeros(npca, dtype=int) # Fit first pca dimension (with largest variance) with a higher order npoly depending on number of good orders. # Fit all higher dimensions (with lower variance) with a line # Cascade down and use lower order polynomial for PCA directions that contain less variance for ipoly in range(npca): npoly_vec[ipoly] = np.fmax(coeff_npoly - ipoly, 1) pca = PCA(n_components=npca) pca_coeffs_use = pca.fit_transform(xpca_use) pca_vectors = pca.components_ pca_coeffs_new = np.zeros((norders, npca)) fit_dict = {} # Now loop over the dimensionality of the compression and perform a polynomial fit to for idim in range(npca): # Only fit the use_order orders, then use this to predict the others xfit = order_vec[use_order] yfit = pca_coeffs_use[:, idim] ncoeff = npoly_vec[idim] # Apply a 10% relative error to each coefficient. This performs better than use_mad, since larger coefficients # will always be considered inliers, if the coefficients vary rapidly with order as they sometimes do. sigma = np.fmax(0.1 * np.abs(yfit), 0.1) invvar = utils.inverse(sigma**2) use_weights = coeff_weights[ use_order] if coeff_weights is not None else None # TODO Note that we are doing a weighted fit using the coeff_weights, but the rejection is still done # usnig the ad-hoc invvar created in the line above. I cannot think of a better way. msk_new, poly_out = utils.robust_polyfit_djs(xfit, yfit, ncoeff, invvar=invvar, weights=use_weights, function='polynomial', maxiter=25, lower=lower, upper=upper, maxrej=maxrej, sticky=False, use_mad=False, minx=minv, maxx=maxv) # ToDO robust_poly_fit needs to return minv and maxv as outputs for the fits to be usable downstream pca_coeffs_new[:, idim] = utils.func_val(poly_out, order_vec, 'polynomial') fit_dict[str(idim)] = {} fit_dict[str(idim)]['coeffs'] = poly_out fit_dict[str(idim)]['minv'] = minv fit_dict[str(idim)]['maxv'] = maxv if debug: # Evaluate the fit xvec = np.linspace(order_vec.min(), order_vec.max(), num=100) robust_mask_new = msk_new == 1 plt.plot(xfit, yfit, 'ko', mfc='None', markersize=8.0, label='pca coeff') plt.plot(xfit[~robust_mask_new], yfit[~robust_mask_new], 'r+', markersize=20.0, label='robust_polyfit_djs rejected') plt.plot(xvec, utils.func_val(poly_out, xvec, 'polynomial'), ls='-.', color='steelblue', label='Polynomial fit of order={:d}'.format(ncoeff)) plt.xlabel('Order Number', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('PCA Coefficient', fontsize=14) plt.title('PCA Fit for Dimension #{:d}/{:d}'.format( idim + 1, npca)) plt.legend() pca_model = np.outer(pca.mean_, np.ones(norders)) + ( pca_coeffs_new, pca_vectors)).T # pca_model_mean = np.mean(pca_model,0) # pca_fit = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), xinit_mean) + (pca_model - pca_model_mean) # JFH which is correct? pca_fit = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), xinit_mean) + (pca_model) if spec_min_max is not None: pca_out = remap_orders(pca_fit, spec_min_max, inverse=True) else: pca_out = pca_fit return pca_out, fit_dict, pca.mean_, pca_vectors
def process(self, process_steps, pixel_flat=None, illum_flat=None, bias=None): """ Process the image Note: The processing step order is currently 'frozen' as is. We may choose to allow optional ordering Here are the allowed steps, in the order they will be applied: subtract_overscan -- Analyze the overscan region and subtract from the image trim -- Trim the image down to the data (i.e. remove the overscan) orient -- Orient the image in the PypeIt orientation (spec, spat) with blue to red going down to up subtract_bias -- Subtract a bias image apply_gain -- Convert to counts, amp by amp flatten -- Divide by the pixel flat and (if provided) the illumination flat extras -- Generate the RN2 and IVAR images crmask -- Generate a CR mask Args: process_steps (list): List of processing steps pixel_flat (np.ndarray, optional): Pixel flat image illum_flat (np.ndarray, optional): Illumination flat bias (np.ndarray, optional): Bias image bpm (np.ndarray, optional): Bad pixel mask image Returns: :class:`pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage`: """ # For error checking steps_copy = process_steps.copy() # Get started # Standard order # -- May need to allow for other order some day.. if 'subtract_overscan' in process_steps: self.subtract_overscan() steps_copy.remove('subtract_overscan') if 'trim' in process_steps: self.trim() steps_copy.remove('trim') if 'orient' in process_steps: self.orient() steps_copy.remove('orient') if 'subtract_bias' in process_steps: # Bias frame, if it exists, is trimmed and oriented self.subtract_bias(bias) steps_copy.remove('subtract_bias') if 'apply_gain' in process_steps: self.apply_gain() steps_copy.remove('apply_gain') # Flat field if 'flatten' in process_steps: self.flatten(pixel_flat, illum_flat=illum_flat, bpm=self.bpm) steps_copy.remove('flatten') # Fresh BPM bpm = self.spectrograph.bpm(self.filename, self.det, shape=self.image.shape) # Extras if 'extras' in process_steps: self.build_rn2img() self.build_ivar() steps_copy.remove('extras') # Generate a PypeItImage pypeitImage = pypeitimage.PypeItImage(self.image, binning=self.binning, ivar=self.ivar, rn2img=self.rn2img, bpm=bpm) # Mask(s) if 'crmask' in process_steps: if 'extras' in process_steps: var = utils.inverse(pypeitImage.ivar) else: var = np.ones_like(pypeitImage.image) # pypeitImage.build_crmask(self.spectrograph, self.det, self.par, pypeitImage.image, var) steps_copy.remove('crmask') nonlinear_counts = self.spectrograph.nonlinear_counts( self.det, apply_gain='apply_gain' in process_steps) pypeitImage.build_mask( pypeitImage.image, pypeitImage.ivar, saturation= nonlinear_counts, #self.spectrograph.detector[self.det-1]['saturation'], mincounts=self.spectrograph.detector[self.det - 1]['mincounts']) # Error checking assert len(steps_copy) == 0 # Return return pypeitImage
def run(self, bias=None, flatimages=None, ignore_saturation=False, sigma_clip=True, bpm=None, sigrej=None, maxiters=5, slits=None, dark=None, combine_method='mean', mosaic=False): r""" Process and combine all images. All processing is performed by the :class:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage` class; see :func:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage.process`. If there is only one file (see :attr:`files`), this simply processes the file and returns the result. If there are multiple files, all the files are processed and the processed images are combined based on the ``combine_method``, where the options are: - 'mean': If ``sigma_clip`` is True, this is a sigma-clipped mean; otherwise, this is a simple average. The combination is done using :func:`~pypeit.core.combine.weighted_combine`. - 'median': This is a simple masked median (using ``_). The errors in the image are also propagated through the stacking procedure; however, this isn't a simple propagation of the inverse variance arrays. The image processing produces arrays with individual components used to construct the variance model for an individual frame. See :ref:`image_proc` and :func:`~pypeit.procimg.variance_model` for a description of these arrays. Briefly, the relevant arrays are the readnoise variance (:math:`V_{\rm rn}`), the "processing" variance (:math:`V_{\rm proc}`), and the image scaling (i.e., the flat-field correction) (:math:`s`). The variance calculation for the stacked image directly propagates the error in these. For example, the propagated processing variance (modulo the masking) is: .. math:: V_{\rm proc,stack} = \frac{\sum_i s_i^2 V_{{\rm proc},i}}\frac{s_{\rm stack}^2} where :math:`s_{\rm stack}` is the combined image scaling array, combined in the same way as the image data are combined. This ensures that the reconstruction of the uncertainty in the combined image calculated using :func:`~pypeit.procimg.variance_model` accurately includes, e.g., the processing uncertainty. The uncertainty in the combined image, however, recalculates the variance model, using the combined image (which should have less noise) to set the Poisson statistics. The same parameters used when processing the individual frames are applied to the combined frame; see :func:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage.build_ivar`. This calculation is then the equivalent of when the observed counts are replaced by the model object and sky counts during sky subtraction and spectral extraction. Bitmasks from individual frames in the stack are *not* propagated to the combined image, except to indicate when a pixel was masked for all images in the stack (cf., ``ignore_saturation``). Additionally, the instrument-specific bad-pixel mask, see the :func:`~pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph.bpm` method for each instrument subclass, saturated-pixel mask, and other default mask bits (e.g., NaN and non-positive inverse variance values) are all propagated to the combined-image mask; see :func:`~pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage.build_mask`. .. warning:: All image processing of the data in :attr:`files` *must* result in images of the same shape. Args: bias (:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.BiasImage`, optional): Bias image for bias subtraction; passed directly to :func:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage.process` for all images. flatimages (:class:`~pypeit.flatfield.FlatImages`, optional): Flat-field images for flat fielding; passed directly to :func:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage.process` for all images. ignore_saturation (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, turn off the saturation flag in the individual images before stacking. This avoids having such values set to 0, which for certain images (e.g. flat calibrations) can have unintended consequences. sigma_clip (:obj:`bool`, optional): When ``combine_method='mean'``, perform a sigma-clip the data; see :func:`~pypeit.core.combine.weighted_combine`. bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Bad pixel mask; passed directly to :func:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage.process` for all images. sigrej (:obj:`float`, optional): When ``combine_method='mean'``, this sets the sigma-rejection thresholds used when sigma-clipping the image combination. Ignored if ``sigma_clip`` is False. If None and ``sigma_clip`` is True, the thresholds are determined automatically based on the number of images provided; see :func:`~pypeit.core.combine.weighted_combine``. maxiters (:obj:`int`, optional): When ``combine_method='mean'``) and sigma-clipping (``sigma_clip`` is True), this sets the maximum number of rejection iterations. If None, rejection iterations continue until no more data are rejected; see :func:`~pypeit.core.combine.weighted_combine``. slits (:class:`~pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, optional): Slit edge trace locations; passed directly to :func:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage.process` for all images. dark (:class:`~pypeit.images.buildimage.DarkImage`, optional): Dark-current image; passed directly to :func:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage.process` for all images. combine_method (:obj:`str`, optional): Method used to combine images. Must be ``'mean'`` or ``'median'``; see above. mosaic (:obj:`bool`, optional): If multiple detectors are being processes, mosaic them into a single image. See :func:`~pypeit.images.rawimage.RawImage.process`. Returns: :class:`~pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage`: The combination of all the processed images. """ # Check the input (i.e., bomb out *before* it does any processing) if self.nfiles == 0: msgs.error('Object contains no files to process!') if self.nfiles > 1 and combine_method not in ['mean', 'median']: msgs.error(f'Unknown image combination method, {combine_method}. Must be ' '"mean" or "median".') # If not provided, generate the bpm for this spectrograph and detector. # Regardless of the file used, this must result in the same bpm, so we # just use the first one. # TODO: Why is this done here? It's the same thing as what's done if # bpm is not passed to RawImage.process... # if bpm is None: # bpm = self.spectrograph.bpm(self.files[0], self.det) # Loop on the files for kk, ifile in enumerate(self.files): # Load raw image rawImage = rawimage.RawImage(ifile, self.spectrograph, self.det) # Process pypeitImage = rawImage.process(self.par, bias=bias, bpm=bpm, dark=dark, flatimages=flatimages, slits=slits, mosaic=mosaic) if self.nfiles == 1: # Only 1 file, so we're done pypeitImage.files = self.files return pypeitImage elif kk == 0: # Allocate arrays to collect data for each frame shape = (self.nfiles,) + pypeitImage.shape img_stack = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) scl_stack = np.ones(shape, dtype=float) rn2img_stack = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) basev_stack = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) gpm_stack = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) lampstat = [None]*self.nfiles exptime = np.zeros(self.nfiles, dtype=float) # Save the lamp status lampstat[kk] = self.spectrograph.get_lamps_status(pypeitImage.rawheadlist) # Save the exposure time to check if it's consistent for all images. exptime[kk] = pypeitImage.exptime # Processed image img_stack[kk] = pypeitImage.image # Get the count scaling if pypeitImage.img_scale is not None: scl_stack[kk] = pypeitImage.img_scale # Read noise squared image if pypeitImage.rn2img is not None: rn2img_stack[kk] = pypeitImage.rn2img * scl_stack[kk]**2 # Processing variance image if pypeitImage.base_var is not None: basev_stack[kk] = pypeitImage.base_var * scl_stack[kk]**2 # Final mask for this image # TODO: This seems kludgy to me. Why not just pass ignore_saturation # to process_one and ignore the saturation when the mask is actually # built, rather than untoggling the bit here? if ignore_saturation: # Important for calibrations as we don't want replacement by 0 pypeitImage.update_mask('SATURATION', action='turn_off') # Get a simple boolean good-pixel mask for all the unmasked pixels gpm_stack[kk] = pypeitImage.select_flag(invert=True) # Check that the lamps being combined are all the same: if not lampstat[1:] == lampstat[:-1]: msgs.warn("The following files contain different lamp status") # Get the longest strings maxlen = max([len("Filename")]+[len(os.path.split(x)[1]) for x in self.files]) maxlmp = max([len("Lamp status")]+[len(x) for x in lampstat]) strout = "{0:" + str(maxlen) + "} {1:s}" # Print the messages print(msgs.indent() + '-'*maxlen + " " + '-'*maxlmp) print(msgs.indent() + strout.format("Filename", "Lamp status")) print(msgs.indent() + '-'*maxlen + " " + '-'*maxlmp) for ff, file in enumerate(self.files): print(msgs.indent() + strout.format(os.path.split(file)[1], " ".join(lampstat[ff].split("_")))) print(msgs.indent() + '-'*maxlen + " " + '-'*maxlmp) # Do a similar check for exptime if np.any(np.absolute(np.diff(exptime)) > 0): # TODO: This should likely throw an error instead! msgs.warn('Exposure time is not consistent for all images being combined! ' 'Using the average.') comb_texp = np.mean(exptime) else: comb_texp = exptime[0] # Coadd them if combine_method == 'mean': weights = np.ones(self.nfiles, dtype=float)/self.nfiles img_list_out, var_list_out, gpm, nstack \ = combine.weighted_combine(weights, [img_stack, scl_stack], # images to stack [rn2img_stack, basev_stack], # variances to stack gpm_stack, sigma_clip=sigma_clip, sigma_clip_stack=img_stack, # clipping based on img sigrej=sigrej, maxiters=maxiters) comb_img, comb_scl = img_list_out comb_rn2, comb_basev = var_list_out comb_rn2[gpm] /= comb_scl[gpm]**2 comb_basev[gpm] /= comb_scl[gpm]**2 elif combine_method == 'median': bpm_stack = np.logical_not(gpm_stack) nstack = np.sum(gpm_stack, axis=0) gpm = nstack > 0 comb_img =, mask=bpm_stack),axis=0).filled(0.) # TODO: I'm not sure if this is right. Maybe we should just take # the masked average scale instead? comb_scl =, mask=bpm_stack),axis=0).filled(0.) # First calculate the error in the sum. The variance is set to 0 # for pixels masked in all images. comb_rn2 =, mask=bpm_stack),axis=0).filled(0.) comb_basev =, mask=bpm_stack),axis=0).filled(0.) # Convert to standard error in the median (pi/2 factor relates standard variance # in mean (sum(variance_i)/n^2) to standard variance in median) comb_rn2[gpm] *= np.pi/2/nstack[gpm]**2/comb_scl[gpm]**2 comb_basev[gpm] *= np.pi/2/nstack[gpm]**2/comb_scl[gpm]**2 else: # NOTE: Given the check at the beginning of the function, the code # should *never* make it here. msgs.error("Bad choice for combine. Allowed options are 'median', 'mean'.") # Recompute the inverse variance using the combined image comb_var = procimg.variance_model(comb_basev, counts=comb_img if self.par['shot_noise'] else None, count_scale=comb_scl, noise_floor=self.par['noise_floor']) # Build the combined image comb = pypeitimage.PypeItImage(image=comb_img, ivar=utils.inverse(comb_var), nimg=nstack, amp_img=pypeitImage.amp_img, det_img=pypeitImage.det_img, rn2img=comb_rn2, base_var=comb_basev, img_scale=comb_scl, bpm=np.logical_not(gpm).astype(np.uint8), # NOTE: The detector is needed here so # that we can get the dark current later. detector=pypeitImage.detector,, units='e-' if self.par['apply_gain'] else 'ADU', exptime=comb_texp, noise_floor=self.par['noise_floor'], shot_noise=self.par['shot_noise']) # Internals # TODO: Do we need these? comb.files = self.files comb.rawheadlist = pypeitImage.rawheadlist comb.process_steps = pypeitImage.process_steps # Build the base level mask comb.build_mask(saturation='default', mincounts='default') # Flag all pixels with no contributions from any of the stacked images. comb.update_mask('STCKMASK', indx=np.logical_not(gpm)) # Return return comb
def proc_list(self, ltype, reject_cr=True, sigma_clip=False, sigrej=None, maxiters=5): """ Process a list of science images This includes stacking the images if there is more than 1 Args: ltype (str): Type of images to process ('sci', 'bkg') reject_cr (bool, optional): sigrej (int or float, optional): Rejection threshold for sigma clipping. Code defaults to determining this automatically based on the numberr of images provided. maxiters (int, optional): show (bool, optional): Returns: ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray: sciimg sciivar rn2img mask crmask """ # Init if ltype == 'sci': files = self.file_list elif ltype == 'bkg': files = self.bg_file_list else: msgs.error("Bad ltype for proc_list") nimg = len(files) weights = np.ones(nimg) / float(nimg) # Load img_stack, ivar_stack, rn2img_stack, crmask_stack, mask_stack = self.build_stack( files, self.sci_bpm, reject_cr=reject_cr) # ToDO The bitmask is not being properly propagated here! if nimg > 1: img_list = [img_stack] var_stack = utils.inverse(ivar_stack, positive=True) var_list = [var_stack, rn2img_stack] img_list_out, var_list_out, outmask, nused = coadd2d.weighted_combine( weights, img_list, var_list, (mask_stack == 0), sigma_clip=sigma_clip, sigma_clip_stack=img_stack, sigrej=sigrej, maxiters=maxiters) ''' img = img_list_out[0] ivar = utils.calc_ivar(var_list_out[0]) rn2img = var_list_out[1] ''' sciImage = scienceimage.ScienceImage.from_images( self.spectrograph, self.det, self.par['process'], self.sci_bpm, img_list_out[0], utils.inverse(var_list_out[0], positive=True), var_list_out[1], np.invert(outmask), files=files) sciImage.build_mask(saturation=self.saturation, mincounts=self.mincounts) ''' # assumes everything masked in the outmask is a CR in the individual images crmask = np.invert(outmask) # Create a mask for this combined image #processImage = processimage.ProcessImage(None, self.spectrograph, self.det, self.proc_par) #processImage.image = img #processImage.rawvarframe = var_list_out[0] #processImage.crmask = crmask #mask = procimg.build_mask(bpm=self.sci_bpm, saturation=self.saturation, mincounts=self.mincounts) mask = procimg.build_mask(self.bitmask, img, ivar, self.sci_bpm, crmask, saturation=self.saturation, mincounts=self.mincounts) ''' else: mask = mask_stack[0, :, :] crmask = crmask_stack[0, :, :] img = img_stack[0, :, :] ivar = ivar_stack[0, :, :] rn2img = rn2img_stack[0, :, :] sciImage = scienceimage.ScienceImage.from_images( self.spectrograph, self.det, self.par['process'], self.sci_bpm, img, ivar, rn2img, crmask=crmask, mask=mask, files=files) return sciImage
def pca_trace_object(trace_cen, order=None, trace_bpm=None, min_length=0.6, npca=None, pca_explained_var=99.0, reference_row=None, coo=None, minx=None, maxx=None, trace_wgt=None, function='polynomial', lower=3.0, upper=3.0, maxrej=1, maxiter=25, debug=False): r""" Decompose and reconstruct the provided traces using principle-component analysis. Args: trace_cen (`numpy.ndarray`_): A floating-point array with the spatial location of each each trace. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm trace})`. order (:obj:`int`, :obj:`list`, optional): The order of the polynomial to use fit each PCA coefficient as a function of trace position. If None, `order` is set to :math:`3.3 N_{\rm use}/N_{\rm trace}`, where :math:`N_{\rm use}` is the number of traces used to construct the PCA and :math:`N_{\rm trace}` is the number of total traces provided. If an integer (determined automatically if the argument is `None`), the order per PCA component (see `npca`) is set to cascade from high-to-low order as follows:: _order = np.clip(order - np.arange(npca), 1, None).astype(int) trace_bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Bad-pixel mask for the trace data (True is bad; False is good). Must match the shape of `trace_cen`. min_length (:obj:`float`, optional): The good position of the trace must cover at least this fraction of the spectral dimension for use in the PCA decomposition. npca (:obj:`bool`, optional): The number of PCA components to keep. See :func:`pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. pca_explained_var (:obj:`float`, optional): The percentage (i.e., not the fraction) of the variance in the data accounted for by the PCA used to truncate the number of PCA coefficients to keep (see `npca`). Ignored if `npca` is provided directly. See :func:`pypeit.core.pca.pca_decomposition`. reference_row (:obj:`int`, optional): The row (spectral position) in `trace_cen` to use as the reference coordinate system for the PCA. If None, set to the :math:`N_{\rm spec}/2` or based on the spectral position that crosses the most number of valid trace positions. coo (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Floating-point array with the reference coordinates to use for each trace. If None, coordinates are defined at the reference row of `trace_cen`. Shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm trace},)`. minx, maxx (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum and maximum values used to rescale the independent axis data. If None, the minimum and maximum values of `coo` are used. See :func:`utils.robust_polyfit_djs`. trace_wgt (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Weights to apply to the PCA coefficient of each trace during the fit. Weights are independent of the PCA component. See `weights` parameter of :func:`pypeit.core.pca.fit_pca_coefficients`. Shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm trace},)`. function (:obj:`str`, optional): Type of function used to fit the data. lower (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of standard deviations used for rejecting data **below** the mean residual. If None, no rejection is performed. See :func:`utils.robust_polyfit_djs`. upper (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of standard deviations used for rejecting data **above** the mean residual. If None, no rejection is performed. See :func:`utils.robust_polyfit_djs`. maxrej (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of points to reject during fit iterations. See :func:`utils.robust_polyfit_djs`. maxiter (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of rejection iterations allows. To force no rejection iterations, set to 0. debug (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show plots useful for debugging. """ # Check the input if trace_bpm is None: use_trace = np.ones(trace_cen.shape[1], dtype=bool) _reference_row = trace_cen.shape[ 0] // 2 if reference_row is None else reference_row else: use_trace = np.sum(np.invert(trace_bpm), axis=0) / trace_cen.shape[0] > min_length _reference_row = trace.most_common_trace_row(trace_bpm[:,use_trace]) \ if reference_row is None else reference_row _coo = None if coo is None else coo[use_trace] # Instantiate the PCA cenpca = TracePCA(trace_cen[:, use_trace], npca=npca, pca_explained_var=pca_explained_var, reference_row=_reference_row, coo=_coo) # Set the order of the function fit to the PCA coefficients: # Order is set to cascade down to lower order for components # that account for a smaller percentage of the variance. if order is None: # TODO: Where does this come from? order = int( np.clip(np.floor(3.3 * np.sum(use_trace) / trace_cen.shape[1]), 1.0, 3.0)) _order = np.atleast_1d(order) if _order.size == 1: _order = np.clip(order - np.arange(cenpca.npca), 1, None).astype(int) if _order.size != cenpca.npca: msgs.error( 'Number of polynomial orders does not match the number of PCA components.' )'Order of function fit to each component: {0}'.format(_order)) # Apply a 10% relative error to each coefficient. This performs # better than use_mad, since larger coefficients will always be # considered inliers, if the coefficients vary rapidly with # order as they sometimes do. # TODO: This inverse variance usage has performance issues and # tends to lead to rejection of coefficients that are near 0. # Instead of setting the floor to an absolute value 0.1, why not a # relative value like the mean or median of the coefficients? I.e. # ivar = utils.inverse(numpy.square(np.fmax(0.1*np.absolute(cenpca.pca_coeffs), # 0.1*np.median(cenpca.pca_coeffs)))) ivar = utils.inverse( np.square(np.fmax(0.1 * np.absolute(cenpca.pca_coeffs), 0.1))) # Set any additional weights for each trace weights = np.ones(np.sum(use_trace), dtype=float) \ if trace_wgt is None else trace_wgt[use_trace] # TODO: This combination of ivar and weights is as it has been # previously. However, we recently changed the slit-edge tracing # code to fit the PCA coefficients with unity weights (the default # when passing weights=None to build_interpolator) and ivar=None. # The means the PCA coefficients are fit with uniform weighting and # the rejection is based on the median absolute deviation of the # data with respect to the fitted model. # # This current call below to build_interpolator will instead weight # the fit according to the weights set above, and it will reject # points based on the inverse variance set above. We need to check # that this makes sense! # Build the interpolator that allows prediction of new traces cenpca.build_interpolator(_order, ivar=ivar, weights=weights, function=function, lower=lower, upper=upper, maxrej=maxrej, maxiter=maxiter, minx=minx, maxx=maxx, debug=debug) # Return the traces predicted for all input traces return cenpca.predict(trace_cen[_reference_row, :] if coo is None else coo)
def apply_sens_tell_specobjs(specobjs, sens_meta, sens_table, airmass, exptime, extinct_correct=True, tell_correct=False, longitude=None, latitude=None, debug=False, show=False): # TODO This function should operate on a single object func = sens_meta['FUNC'][0] polyorder_vec = sens_meta['POLYORDER_VEC'][0] nimgs = len(specobjs) if show: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) xmin, xmax = [], [] ymin, ymax = [], [] for ispec in range(nimgs): # get the ECH_ORDER, ECH_ORDERINDX, WAVELENGTH from your science sobj_ispec = specobjs[ispec] ## TODO Comment on the logich here. Hard to follow try: ech_order, ech_orderindx, idx = sobj_ispec.ech_order, sobj_ispec.ech_orderindx, sobj_ispec.idx'Applying sensfunc to Echelle data') except: ech_orderindx = 0 idx = sobj_ispec.idx'Applying sensfunc to Longslit/Multislit data') for extract_type in ['boxcar', 'optimal']: extract = getattr(sobj_ispec, extract_type) if len(extract) == 0: continue"Fluxing {:s} extraction for:".format(extract_type) + msgs.newline() + "{}".format(idx)) wave = extract['WAVE'].value.copy() wave_mask = wave > 1.0 counts = extract['COUNTS'].copy() counts_ivar = extract['COUNTS_IVAR'].copy() mask = extract['MASK'].copy() # get sensfunc from the sens_table coeff = sens_table[ech_orderindx]['OBJ_THETA'][0:polyorder_vec[ech_orderindx] + 2] wave_min = sens_table[ech_orderindx]['WAVE_MIN'] wave_max = sens_table[ech_orderindx]['WAVE_MAX'] sensfunc = np.zeros_like(wave) sensfunc[wave_mask] = np.exp(utils.func_val(coeff, wave[wave_mask], func, minx=wave_min, maxx=wave_max)) # get telluric from the sens_table if tell_correct:'Evaluate telluric!') telluric = None else: telluric = None flam, flam_ivar, outmask = apply_sens_tell_spec(wave, counts, counts_ivar, sensfunc, airmass, exptime, mask=mask, extinct_correct=extinct_correct, telluric=telluric, longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, debug=debug) flam_sig = np.sqrt(utils.inverse(flam_ivar)) # The following will be changed directly in the specobjs, so do not need to return anything. extract['MASK'] = outmask extract['FLAM'] = flam extract['FLAM_SIG'] = flam_sig extract['FLAM_IVAR'] = flam_ivar if show: xmin_ispec = wave[wave_mask].min() xmax_ispec = wave[wave_mask].max() xmin.append(xmin_ispec) xmax.append(xmax_ispec) ymin_ispec, ymax_ispec = coadd1d.get_ylim(flam, flam_ivar, outmask) ymin.append(ymin_ispec) ymax.append(ymax_ispec) med_width = (2.0 * np.ceil(0.1 / 10.0 * np.size(wave[outmask])) + 1).astype(int) flam_med, flam_ivar_med = coadd1d.median_filt_spec(flam, flam_ivar, outmask, med_width) if extract_type == 'boxcar': plt.plot(wave[wave_mask], flam_med[wave_mask], color='black', drawstyle='steps-mid', zorder=1, alpha=0.8) #plt.plot(wave[wave_mask], np.sqrt(utils.calc_ivar(flam_ivar_med[wave_mask])), zorder=2, color='m', # alpha=0.7, drawstyle='steps-mid', linestyle=':') else: plt.plot(wave[wave_mask], flam_med[wave_mask], color='dodgerblue', drawstyle='steps-mid', zorder=1, alpha=0.8) #plt.plot(wave[wave_mask], np.sqrt(utils.calc_ivar(flam_ivar_med[wave_mask])), zorder=2, color='red', # alpha=0.7, drawstyle='steps-mid', linestyle=':') if show: xmin_final, xmax_final = np.min(xmin), np.max(xmax) ymax_final = 1.3*np.median(ymax) ymin_final = -0.15*ymax_final plt.xlim([xmin_final, xmax_final]) plt.ylim([ymin_final, ymax_final]) plt.title('Blue is Optimal extraction and Black is Boxcar extraction',fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('Wavelength (Angstrom)') plt.ylabel('Flux')
def build_image_mosaic(imgs, tforms, ivar=None, bpm=None, mosaic_shape=None, cval=0., order=0, overlap='combine'): r""" Use the provided images and transformation matrices to construct an image mosaic. .. warning:: Beware when using ``order > 0``! Bad-pixel masks are *always* mapped to the mosaic image using ``order=0`` (i.e., without interpolation). However, masked pixels are not excluded from the input images during the transformation. For higher order interpolations (``order > 0``), this means that the masked pixels can contribute to the interpolation for any given output pixel. Users should appropriately consider how these pixels will affect the mosaic pixels *before* calling this function. Similarly, error propagation from the input image to the mosaic image is only approximate when ``order > 0``. Error propagaion is performed simply by applying the coordinate transform to each variance image with the same order as used for the input image, and then combining those variances as necessary in overlap regions. Tests show that this approach is also not invertable. I.e., iteratively transforming the image back and forth between the native and mosaic frames lead to image drifts. Args: imgs (:obj:`list`, `numpy.ndarray`_): List of `numpy.ndarray`_ images to include in the mosaic. If arrays do not contain floating-point values, they will be cast as ``np.float64`` before passing them to `scipy.ndimage.affine_transform`_. The shape of all the input images must be identical if ``mosaic_shape`` is None. tforms (:obj:`list`, `numpy.ndarray`_): List of `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the transformation matrices necessary to convert between image and mosaic coordinates. See :func:`pypeit.core.mosaic.build_image_mosaic_transform`. The number of transforms must match the number of images. If ``mosaic_shape`` is None, the transforms are considered in a relative sense. That is, the shape of the output mosaic is determined by applying these transforms to the bounding boxes of each image and then determining the shape needed to retain all pixels in the input images. The transforms are then adjusted appropriately to map to this shape; see :func:`~pypeit.core.mosaic.prepare_mosaic`. If ``mosaic_shape`` is *not* None, these transforms are expected to map directly to the output mosaic coordinates. ivar (:obj:`list`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): List of `numpy.ndarray`_ images with the inverse variance of the image data. The number of inverse-variance images must match the number of images in the mosaic. If None, inverse variance is returned as None. bpm (:obj:`list`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): List of boolean `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the bad-pixel mask for each image in the mosaic. The number of bad-pixel masks must match the number of images in the mosaic. If None, all input pixels are considered valid. mosaic_shape (:obj:`tuple`, optional): Shape for the output image. If None, the shape is determined by :func:`pypeit.core.mosaic.prepare_mosaic` and the shape of all the input images *must* be identical. cval (:obj:`float`, optional): The value used to fill empty pixels in the mosaic. order (:obj:`int`, optional): The order of the spline interpolation of each input image onto the mosaic grid. This is passed directly to `scipy.ndimage.affine_transform`_. The order has to be in the range 0-5; ``order=0`` is nearest-grid-point interpolations, ``order=1`` is linear. overlap (:obj:`str`, optional): Keyword that indicates how to handle pixels in the regions where multiple images overlap in the mosaic. Options are: - ``'combine'``: Average the values of the pixels and, if the inverse variance is provided, propagate the error. - ``'error'``: Raise an exception. Largely provided for testing under the expectation that *no* pixels should overlap in the mosaic. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Four objects are returned. The first three are `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the mosaic image, its inverse variance (None if no inverse variance is provided), and an integer array with the number of input pixels in each output pixel. The last contains the detailed transformation matrices applied to each image. If ``mosaic_shape`` is provided, these are identical to the input ``tforms``; otherwise, these are the transforms adjusted from the relative frame to the absolute mosaic frame given its determined shape; see :func:`~pypeit.core.mosaic.prepare_mosaic`. """ # Check the input nimg = len(imgs) if len(tforms) != nimg: msgs.error( 'Number of image transformations does not match number of images to mosaic.' ) if ivar is not None and len(ivar) != nimg: msgs.error( 'If providing any, must provide inverse-variance for each image in the mosaic.' ) if bpm is not None and len(bpm) != nimg: msgs.error( 'If providing any, must provide bad-pixel masks for each image in the mosaic.' ) if overlap not in ['combine', 'error']: msgs.error( f'Unknown value for overlap ({overlap}), must be "combine" or "error".' ) if any([not np.issubdtype(img.dtype, np.floating) for img in imgs]): msgs.warn( 'Images must be floating type, and will be recast before transforming.' ) # Get the output shape, if necessary if mosaic_shape is None: shape = imgs[0].shape if not np.all([img.shape == shape for img in imgs]): msgs.error( 'If output mosaic shape is not provided, all input images must have the ' 'same shape!') mosaic_shape, _tforms = prepare_mosaic(shape, tforms) else: _tforms = tforms f'Constructing image mosaic with {nimg} images and output shape {mosaic_shape}.' ) if ivar is not None: var = [inverse(_ivar) for _ivar in ivar] mosaic_npix = np.zeros(mosaic_shape, dtype=int) mosaic_data = np.zeros(mosaic_shape, dtype=float) # NOTE: "mosaic_ivar" is actually the variance until it's inverted just # before output mosaic_ivar = None if ivar is None else np.zeros(mosaic_shape, dtype=float) # TODO: These loops can end up creating and destroying lots of big arrays. # Is there a way to make this faster? If memory becomes an issue, try adding # # del _tform_img # gc.collect() # # at the end of each loop for i in range(nimg): _inv_tform = np.linalg.inv(_tforms[i]) img = imgs[i] if np.issubdtype(imgs[i].dtype, np.floating) else imgs[i].astype(float) _tform_img = ndimage.affine_transform(img, _inv_tform, output_shape=mosaic_shape, cval=-1e20, order=order) filled = _tform_img > -1e20 if bpm is not None: _tform_gpm = ndimage.affine_transform(np.logical_not( bpm[i]).astype(float), _inv_tform, output_shape=mosaic_shape, cval=0., order=0) filled &= _tform_gpm > 0. mosaic_data[filled] += _tform_img[filled] mosaic_npix[filled] += 1 if ivar is not None: # NOTE: "mosaic_ivar" is actually the variance until it's inverted # just before output _var = var[i] if np.issubdtype( var[i], np.floating) else var[i].astype(float) mosaic_ivar[filled] += ndimage.affine_transform( _var, _inv_tform, output_shape=mosaic_shape, cval=0., order=order)[filled] # TODO: This test is crude. Input and output pixel sizes should be # identical, but I don't know if the order=0 approach will ever lead to a # single mosaic pixel being filled by more than one input pixel. If so, # `overlap='error'` will catch both those cases and when multiple input # images overlap. has_overlap = np.any(mosaic_npix > 1) if has_overlap and overlap == 'error': # Input images should not be allowed to overlap msgs.error( 'Mosaic has pixels with contributions by more than one input image!' ) filled = mosaic_npix > 0 mosaic_data[np.logical_not(filled)] = cval # Average the overlapping pixels if has_overlap: mosaic_data[filled] /= mosaic_npix[filled] if mosaic_ivar is not None: # Propagate the error by averaging the variances if has_overlap: mosaic_ivar[filled] /= mosaic_npix[filled] # Revert to inverse variance mosaic_ivar = inverse(mosaic_ivar) return mosaic_data, mosaic_ivar, mosaic_npix, _tforms
def run(self, bias=None, flatimages=None, ignore_saturation=False, sigma_clip=True, bpm=None, sigrej=None, maxiters=5, slits=None, dark=None, combine_method='weightmean'): """ Generate a PypeItImage from a list of images This may also generate the ivar, crmask, rn2img and mask Args: bias (:class:`pypeit.images.buildimage.BiasImage`, optional): Bias image flatimages (:class:`pypeit.flatfield.FlatImages`, optional): For flat fielding dark (:class:`pypeit.images.buildimage.DarkImage`, optional): Dark image slits (:class:`pypeit.slittrace.SlitTraceSet`, optional): Slit object sigma_clip (bool, optional): Perform sigma clipping sigrej (int or float, optional): Rejection threshold for sigma clipping. Code defaults to determining this automatically based on the number of images provided. maxiters (int, optional): Number of iterations for the clipping bpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Bad pixel mask. Held in ImageMask ignore_saturation (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, turn off the saturation flag in the individual images before stacking This avoids having such values set to 0 which for certain images (e.g. flat calibrations) can have unintended consequences. combine_method (str): Method to combine images Allowed options are 'weightmean', 'median' Returns: :class:`pypeit.images.pypeitimage.PypeItImage`: """ # Loop on the files nimages = len(self.files) lampstat = [] for kk, ifile in enumerate(self.files): # Load raw image rawImage = rawimage.RawImage(ifile, self.spectrograph, self.det) # Process pypeitImage = rawImage.process(self.par, bias=bias, bpm=bpm, dark=dark, flatimages=flatimages, slits=slits) #embed(header='96 of combineimage') # Are we all done? if nimages == 1: return pypeitImage elif kk == 0: # Get ready shape = (nimages, pypeitImage.image.shape[0], pypeitImage.image.shape[1]) img_stack = np.zeros(shape) ivar_stack= np.zeros(shape) rn2img_stack = np.zeros(shape) crmask_stack = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) # Mask bitmask = imagebitmask.ImageBitMask() mask_stack = np.zeros(shape, bitmask.minimum_dtype(asuint=True)) # Grab the lamp status lampstat += [self.spectrograph.get_lamps_status(pypeitImage.rawheadlist)] # Process img_stack[kk,:,:] = pypeitImage.image # Construct raw variance image and turn into inverse variance if pypeitImage.ivar is not None: ivar_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.ivar else: ivar_stack[kk, :, :] = 1. # Mask cosmic rays if pypeitImage.crmask is not None: crmask_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.crmask # Read noise squared image if pypeitImage.rn2img is not None: rn2img_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.rn2img # Final mask for this image # TODO This seems kludgy to me. Why not just pass ignore_saturation to process_one and ignore the saturation # when the mask is actually built, rather than untoggling the bit here if ignore_saturation: # Important for calibrations as we don't want replacement by 0 indx = pypeitImage.bitmask.flagged(pypeitImage.fullmask, flag=['SATURATION']) pypeitImage.fullmask[indx] = pypeitImage.bitmask.turn_off( pypeitImage.fullmask[indx], 'SATURATION') mask_stack[kk, :, :] = pypeitImage.fullmask # Check that the lamps being combined are all the same: if not lampstat[1:] == lampstat[:-1]: msgs.warn("The following files contain different lamp status") # Get the longest strings maxlen = max([len("Filename")]+[len(os.path.split(x)[1]) for x in self.files]) maxlmp = max([len("Lamp status")]+[len(x) for x in lampstat]) strout = "{0:" + str(maxlen) + "} {1:s}" # Print the messages print(msgs.indent() + '-'*maxlen + " " + '-'*maxlmp) print(msgs.indent() + strout.format("Filename", "Lamp status")) print(msgs.indent() + '-'*maxlen + " " + '-'*maxlmp) for ff, file in enumerate(self.files): print(msgs.indent() + strout.format(os.path.split(file)[1], " ".join(lampstat[ff].split("_")))) print(msgs.indent() + '-'*maxlen + " " + '-'*maxlmp) # Coadd them weights = np.ones(nimages)/float(nimages) img_list = [img_stack] var_stack = utils.inverse(ivar_stack) var_list = [var_stack, rn2img_stack] if combine_method == 'weightmean': img_list_out, var_list_out, gpm, nused = combine.weighted_combine( weights, img_list, var_list, (mask_stack == 0), sigma_clip=sigma_clip, sigma_clip_stack=img_stack, sigrej=sigrej, maxiters=maxiters) elif combine_method == 'median': img_list_out = [np.median(img_stack, axis=0)] var_list_out = [np.median(var_stack, axis=0)] var_list_out += [np.median(rn2img_stack, axis=0)] gpm = np.ones_like(img_list_out[0], dtype='bool') else: msgs.error("Bad choice for combine. Allowed options are 'median', 'weightmean'.") # Build the last one final_pypeitImage = pypeitimage.PypeItImage(img_list_out[0], ivar=utils.inverse(var_list_out[0]), bpm=pypeitImage.bpm, rn2img=var_list_out[1], crmask=np.logical_not(gpm), detector=pypeitImage.detector, PYP_SPEC=pypeitImage.PYP_SPEC) # Internals final_pypeitImage.rawheadlist = pypeitImage.rawheadlist final_pypeitImage.process_steps = pypeitImage.process_steps nonlinear_counts = self.spectrograph.nonlinear_counts(pypeitImage.detector, apply_gain=self.par['apply_gain']) final_pypeitImage.build_mask(saturation=nonlinear_counts) # Return return final_pypeitImage
def from_file_list(cls, spectrograph, det, par, bpm, file_list, bias, pixel_flat, illum_flat=None, sigma_clip=False, sigrej=None, maxiters=5): """ Instantiate from file list This will also generate the ivar, crmask, rn2img and mask Args: spectrograph (:class:`pypeit.spectrographs.spectrograph.Spectrograph`): Spectrograph used to take the data. det (:obj:`int`, optional): The 1-indexed detector number to process. par (:class:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ProcessImagesPar`): Parameters that dictate the processing of the images. See :class:`pypeit.par.pypeitpar.ProcessImagesPar` for the defaults. bpm (np.ndarray): Bad pixel mask. Held in ImageMask file_list (list): List of files bias (np.ndarray or None): Bias image pixel_flat (np.ndarray): Flat image illum_flat (np.ndarray, optional): Illumination image sigrej (int or float, optional): Rejection threshold for sigma clipping. Code defaults to determining this automatically based on the numberr of images provided. maxiters (int, optional): Returns: ScienceImage: """ # Single file? if len(file_list) == 1: return cls.from_single_file(spectrograph, det, par, bpm, file_list[0], bias, pixel_flat, illum_flat=illum_flat) # Continue with an actual list # Get it ready nimages = len(file_list) shape = (nimages, bpm.shape[0], bpm.shape[1]) sciimg_stack = np.zeros(shape) sciivar_stack = np.zeros(shape) rn2img_stack = np.zeros(shape) crmask_stack = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) # Mask bitmask = maskimage.ImageBitMask() mask_stack = np.zeros(shape, bitmask.minimum_dtype(asuint=True)) # Loop on the files for kk, ifile in enumerate(file_list): # Instantiate sciImage = ScienceImage.from_single_file(spectrograph, det, par, bpm, ifile, bias, pixel_flat, illum_flat=illum_flat) # Process sciimg_stack[kk, :, :] = sciImage.image # Construct raw variance image and turn into inverse variance sciivar_stack[kk, :, :] = sciImage.ivar # Mask cosmic rays crmask_stack[kk, :, :] = sciImage.crmask # Build read noise squared image rn2img_stack[kk, :, :] = sciImage.build_rn2img() # Final mask for this image mask_stack[kk, :, :] = sciImage.mask # Coadd them weights = np.ones(nimages) / float(nimages) img_list = [sciimg_stack] var_stack = utils.inverse(sciivar_stack, positive=True) var_list = [var_stack, rn2img_stack] img_list_out, var_list_out, outmask, nused = coadd2d.weighted_combine( weights, img_list, var_list, (mask_stack == 0), sigma_clip=sigma_clip, sigma_clip_stack=sciimg_stack, sigrej=sigrej, maxiters=maxiters) # Build the last one slf = ScienceImage.from_images(spectrograph, det, par, bpm, img_list_out[0], utils.inverse(var_list_out[0], positive=True), var_list_out[1], np.invert(outmask), files=file_list) slf.build_mask( saturation=slf.spectrograph.detector[slf.det - 1]['saturation'], mincounts=slf.spectrograph.detector[slf.det - 1]['mincounts']) # Return return slf