Example #1
def test(folder=None, remove=True, predicate=None):
    """Runs all pypet tests

    :param folder:

        Temporary folder to put data in, leave `None` for
        automatic choice.

    :param remove:

        If temporary data should be removed after the tests.

    :param predicate:

        Predicate to specify subset of tests. Must take three arguments
        ``class_name``, ``test_name``, ``tags`` and evaluate to `True` if
        a test should be run. Leave `None` for all tests.

    if predicate is None:
        predicate = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: class_name != TEST_IMPORT_ERROR
    suite = discover_tests(predicate=predicate)
    run_suite(suite=suite, remove=remove, folder=folder)
Example #2
def test(folder=None, remove=True, predicate=None):
    """Runs all pypet tests

    :param folder:

        Temporary folder to put data in, leave `None` for
        automatic choice.

    :param remove:

        If temporary data should be removed after the tests.

    :param predicate:

        Predicate to specify subset of tests. Must take three arguments
        ``class_name``, ``test_name``, ``tags`` and evaluate to `True` if
        a test should be run. Leave `None` for all tests.

    if predicate is None:
        predicate = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: class_name != TEST_IMPORT_ERROR
    suite = discover_tests(predicate=predicate)
    run_suite(suite=suite, remove=remove, folder=folder)
Example #3
__author__ = 'Robert Meyer'

from pypet.tests.testutils.ioutils import run_suite, TEST_IMPORT_ERROR, discover_tests, \

unit_pred = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: ('unittest' in tags and
                                                 'multiproc' not in tags)
unit_suite = discover_tests(unit_pred)

exclude_set = set(('hdf5_settings', 'multiproc', 'merge'))
integration_pred = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: (
    'integration' in tags and not bool(exclude_set & tags))
integration_suite = discover_tests(integration_pred)

include_set = set(('hdf5_settings', 'links', 'merge'))
integration_pred_2 = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: (
    'integration' in tags and bool(include_set & tags) and 'multiproc' not in
    tags and 'links' not in tags)
integration_suite_2 = discover_tests(integration_pred_2)

suite_dict = {
    '1': unit_suite,
    '2': integration_suite,
    '3': integration_suite_2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    opt_dict = parse_args()
    suite = None
    if 'suite_no' in opt_dict:
Example #4
__author__ = 'robert'

    import pypet
except ImportError:
    import sys

import scoop

from pypet.tests.testutils.ioutils import discover_tests, parse_args, run_suite
from pypet.tests.integration.environment_scoop_test import check_mock

scoop_suite = discover_tests(lambda  class_name, test_name, tags: 'scoop' in tags)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mock = check_mock()
    if mock:
        raise RuntimeError('Not running in SCOOP mode!')
    opt_dict = parse_args()
    run_suite(suite=scoop_suite, **opt_dict)
Example #5
__author__ = 'Robert Meyer'

import getopt
import sys
import os
import sys
if (sys.version_info < (2, 7, 0)):
    import unittest2 as unittest
    import unittest

from pypet.tests.testutils.ioutils import discover_tests, TEST_IMPORT_ERROR

class NoseTestDummy(unittest.TestCase):

suite = discover_tests(predicate= lambda class_name, test_name, tags:
                                                class_name != TEST_IMPORT_ERROR)
suite_dict = {}
for case in suite:
    class_name = case.__class__.__name__
    globals()[class_name] = case.__class__

Example #6
        return Process_WithCoverage

ProcessCoverage = coverage_multiprocessing_process()
if ProcessCoverage:
    multiprocessing.Process = ProcessCoverage
    print('Added Monkey-Patch for multiprocessing and code-coverage')

import sys
import os

print('Appended path `%s`' % pypetpath)

from pypet.tests.testutils.ioutils import run_suite, discover_tests, TEST_IMPORT_ERROR, parse_args

if __name__ == '__main__':
    opt_dict = parse_args()
    tests_include = set(('TestMPImmediatePostProc',
    pred = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: (class_name in tests_include or
                                                 'multiproc' not in tags)
    suite = discover_tests(pred)
    run_suite(suite=suite, **opt_dict)
                   # 'MultiprocPoolLockTest',
big_suite_1 = discover_tests(lambda  class_name, test_name, tags: class_name in tests_include)

tests_include = set((
    # 'MultiprocPoolLockTest',

big_suite_1 = discover_tests(
    lambda class_name, test_name, tags: class_name in tests_include)

tests_include = set((  #'MultiprocNoPoolQueueTest',
    'MultiprocPoolQueueTest', 'MultiprocFrozenPoolPipeTest',
    'MultiprocPoolSortLockTest', 'MultiprocPoolSortPipeTest',
    'MultiprocFrozenPoolSortLockTest', 'MultiprocLinkNoPoolLockTest',
    'TestMPPostProc', 'ContinueMPPoolTest', 'MultiprocPoolLockLoggingTest',
    'MultiprocNoPoolSortLocalTest', 'TestMPImmediatePostProcLocal',
    'MultiprocSCOOPSortLocalTest', 'MultiprocFrozenSCOOPLocalTest'))
big_suite_2 = discover_tests(
    lambda class_name, test_name, tags: class_name in tests_include)

tests_include = set((  #'MultiprocFrozenPoolLockTest',
Example #9
__author__ = 'Robert Meyer'

import getopt
import sys
import os
import sys
if (sys.version_info < (2, 7, 0)):
    import unittest2 as unittest
    import unittest

from pypet.tests.testutils.ioutils import discover_tests, TEST_IMPORT_ERROR

class NoseTestDummy(unittest.TestCase):

suite = discover_tests(predicate=lambda class_name, test_name, tags: class_name
                       != TEST_IMPORT_ERROR)
suite_dict = {}
for case in suite:
    class_name = case.__class__.__name__
    globals()[class_name] = case.__class__
Example #10
    multiprocessing.Process = ProcessCoverage
    print('Added Monkey-Patch for multiprocessing and code-coverage')

import sys
import os

print('Appended path `%s`' % pypetpath)

from pypet.tests.testutils.ioutils import run_suite, discover_tests, TEST_IMPORT_ERROR, parse_args

if __name__ == '__main__':
    opt_dict = parse_args()
    tests_include = set(('TestMPImmediatePostProcLock',
    pred = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: (class_name in tests_include or
                                                 'multiproc' not in tags)
    suite = discover_tests(pred)
    run_suite(suite=suite, **opt_dict)
__author__ = 'Robert Meyer'

from pypet.tests.testutils.ioutils import run_suite, TEST_IMPORT_ERROR, discover_tests, \

unit_pred = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: ('unittest' in tags and
                                                 'multiproc' not in tags)
unit_suite = discover_tests(unit_pred)

exclude_set = set(('hdf5_settings', 'multiproc', 'merge'))
integration_pred = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: ('integration' in tags and
                                                         not bool(exclude_set & tags))
integration_suite = discover_tests(integration_pred)

include_set = set(('hdf5_settings', 'links', 'merge'))
integration_pred_2 = lambda class_name, test_name, tags: ('integration' in tags and
                                                          bool(include_set & tags) and
                                                          'multiproc' not in tags and
                                                          'links' not in tags)
integration_suite_2 = discover_tests(integration_pred_2)

suite_dict = {'1': unit_suite, '2': integration_suite, '3': integration_suite_2}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    opt_dict = parse_args()
    suite = None
    if 'suite_no' in opt_dict:
        suite_no = opt_dict.pop('suite_no')
        suite = suite_dict[suite_no]