Example #1
    def test_no_run_information_loading(self):
        filename = make_temp_dir('testnoruninfo.hdf5')
        traj = Trajectory(name='TestDelete',

        length = 100000
        traj.v_lazy_adding = True
        traj.par.x = 42
        traj.f_explore({'x': range(length)})


        traj = load_trajectory(index=-1, filename=filename, with_run_information=False)
        self.assertEqual(len(traj), length)
        self.assertEqual(len(traj._run_information), 1)
# See:
print('t=' + str(traj.t))

# What happens if our new parameter's name does not match the name passed to the constructor?
traj.parameters.subgroup = Parameter('v', 2, comment='Fourth dimension')
# Well, since 'subgroup' != 'v', 'subgroup' becomes just another group node created on the fly
# This even works for already existing groups and with the well known *dot* notation:
traj.parameters = Parameter('subgroup.subsubgroup.w', 2)
# See

# There's a lazy version which does not require a constructor.
# This can be turned on via
traj.v_lazy_adding = True
# And you can add a new parameter via
traj.parameters.u = 1, 'Fourth dimension'
print('u=' + str(traj.u))
# However, now you can no longer change values of existing parameters,
# because this is interpreted as a new parameter addition, so this fails:
    traj.parameters.u = 2
    print('I won`t be reached')
except AttributeError as exc:
    print('Told you: `%s`' % repr(exc))
# See:
print('u=' + str(traj.par.u))

# But disabling the new adding method makes this work again
traj.v_lazy_adding = False
Example #3
    def test_new_assignment_method(self):
        filename = make_temp_dir('newassignment.hdf5')
        traj = Trajectory(filename=filename)

        traj.v_lazy_adding = True
        comment = 'A number'
        traj.par.x = 44, comment

        self.assertTrue(traj.f_get('x').v_comment == comment)

        traj.par.iamgroup = a_new_group

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(traj.iamgroup, ParameterGroup))

        traj.v_lazy_adding = False
        traj.x = 45
        self.assertTrue(traj.par.f_get('x').f_get() == 45)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(traj.f_get('x'), Parameter))

        traj.f = Parameter('lll', 444, 'lll')

        self.assertTrue(traj.f_get('f').v_name == 'f')

        traj.v_lazy_adding = True
        traj.res.k = 22, 'Hi'
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(traj.f_get('k'), Result))
        self.assertTrue(traj.f_get('k')[1] == 'Hi')

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            traj.res.k = 33, 'adsd'

        conf = traj.conf
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            conf = traj.conf.jjjj

        traj.crun = 43, 'JJJ'
        self.assertTrue(traj.run_A[0] == 43)

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        traj.hui = (('444', 'kkkk',), 'l')

        self.assertTrue(traj.f_get('hui')[1] == 'l')

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            traj.hui = ('445', 'kkkk',)

        traj.f_get('hui').f_set(('445', 'kkkk',))

        self.assertTrue(traj.f_get('hui')[1] == 'l')

        self.assertTrue(traj.hui[0] == ('445', 'kkkk',))

        traj.f_add_link('klkikju', traj.par) # for shizzle

        traj.meee = Result('h', 43, hui = 3213, comment='du')

        self.assertTrue(traj.meee.h.h == 43)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.par.mu = NNGroupNode('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.res.mu = NNGroupNode('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.conf.mu = NNGroupNode('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.dpar.mu = NNGroupNode('jj', comment='mi')

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.par.mu = ResultGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.dpar.mu = ResultGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.conf.mu = ResultGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.mu = ResultGroup('jj', comment='mi')

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.par.mu = ConfigGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.dpar.mu = ConfigGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.res.mu = ConfigGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.mu = ConfigGroup('jj', comment='mi')

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.par.mu = DerivedParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.conf.mu = DerivedParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.res.mu = DerivedParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.mu = DerivedParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.dpar.mu = ParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.res.mu = ParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.conf.mu = ParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            traj.mu = ParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')

        traj.par.mu = ParameterGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        traj.res.mus = ResultGroup('jj', comment='mi')
        traj.mu = NNGroupNode('jj')
        cg = ConfigGroup('a.g')
        traj.conf.a = cg

        self.assertTrue(traj.f_get('conf.a.a.g', shortcuts=False) is cg)

        dg = DerivedParameterGroup('ttt')
        traj.dpar.ttt = dg

        self.assertTrue(traj.f_get('dpar.ttt', shortcuts=False) is dg)

        traj.mylink = traj.par

        self.assertTrue(traj.mylink is traj.par)

        traj.vvv = NNGroupNode('', comment='kkk')

        self.assertTrue(traj.vvv.v_full_name == 'vvv')

        self.assertTrue(traj.par.mu.v_name == 'mu')

        traj.rrr = MyParamGroup('ff')

        traj.par.g = MyParamGroup('')

        pg = traj.f_add_parameter_group(comment='gg', full_name='me')
        self.assertTrue(traj.par.me is pg)


        traj = load_trajectory(index=-1, filename=filename, dynamic_imports=MyParamGroup)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(traj.rrr, NNGroupNode))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(traj.rrr.ff, MyParamGroup))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(traj.par.g, MyParamGroup))

        traj.par = Parameter('hiho', 42, comment='you')
        traj.par = Parameter('g1.g2.g3.g4.g5', 43)

        self.assertTrue(traj.hiho == 42)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(traj.par.g1, ParameterGroup ))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(traj.par.g3, ParameterGroup ))
        self.assertTrue(traj.g3.g5 == 43)