Example #1
def energies(path, kkind="iso"):
    This loops over all times of a given run
    and return the magnetic and kinetic energy
    as a function of time.
    r = Run(path)
    times = get_times_from_h5(r.path+"/EM_B.h5")
    Bnrj = np.zeros_like(times)
    K = np.zeros_like(times)
    for it,t in enumerate(times):
        B = r.GetB(t)
        protons = r.GetParticles(t, "protons")
        Bnrj[it] = mag_energy(B)
        K[it] = total_kinetic(protons,kind=kkind)
    return r, Bnrj, K, times
Example #2
    def test_restarts(self, dim, interp, simInput):
        print(f"test_restarts dim/interp:{dim}/{interp}")

        simput = copy.deepcopy(simInput)

        for key in ["cells", "dl", "boundary_types"]:
            simput[key] = [simput[key]] * dim

        if "refinement" not in simput:
            b0 = [[10 for i in range(dim)], [19 for i in range(dim)]]
            simput["refinement_boxes"] = {"L0": {"B0": b0}}
        else:  # https://github.com/LLNL/SAMRAI/issues/199
            # tagging can handle more than one timestep as it does not
            #  appear subject to regridding issues, so we make more timesteps
            #  to confirm simulations are still equivalent
            simput["time_step_nbr"] = 10

        # if restart time exists it "loads" from restart file
        #  otherwise just saves restart files based on timestamps
        assert "restart_time" not in simput["restart_options"]

        simput["interp_order"] = interp
        time_step = simput["time_step"]
        time_step_nbr = simput["time_step_nbr"]

        restart_idx = 4
        restart_time = time_step * restart_idx
        timestamps = [time_step * restart_idx, time_step * time_step_nbr]

        # first simulation
        local_out = f"{out}/test/{dim}/{interp}/mpi_n/{cpp.mpi_size()}/id{self.ddt_test_id()}"
        simput["restart_options"]["dir"] = local_out
        simput["diag_options"]["options"]["dir"] = local_out
        ph.global_vars.sim = None
        ph.global_vars.sim = ph.Simulation(**simput)
        assert "restart_time" not in ph.global_vars.sim.restart_options
        model = setup_model()
        dump_all_diags(model.populations, timestamps=np.array(timestamps))
        diag_dir0 = local_out

        # second restarted simulation
        local_out = f"{local_out}_n2"
        simput["diag_options"]["options"]["dir"] = local_out
        simput["restart_options"]["restart_time"] = restart_time
        ph.global_vars.sim = None
        ph.global_vars.sim = ph.Simulation(**simput)
        assert "restart_time" in ph.global_vars.sim.restart_options
        model = setup_model()
        dump_all_diags(model.populations, timestamps=np.array(timestamps))
        diag_dir1 = local_out

        def check(qty0, qty1, checker):
            checks = 0
            for ilvl, lvl0 in qty0.patch_levels.items():
                patch_level1 = qty1.patch_levels[ilvl]
                for p_idx, patch0 in enumerate(lvl0):
                    patch1 = patch_level1.patches[p_idx]
                    for pd_key, pd0 in patch0.patch_datas.items():
                        pd1 = patch1.patch_datas[pd_key]
                        self.assertNotEqual(id(pd0), id(pd1))
                        checker(pd0, pd1)
                        checks += 1
            return checks

        def check_particles(qty0, qty1):
            return check(
                qty0, qty1,
                lambda pd0, pd1: self.assertEqual(pd0.dataset, pd1.dataset))

        def check_field(qty0, qty1):
            return check(
                qty0, qty1, lambda pd0, pd1: np.testing.assert_equal(
                    pd0.dataset[:], pd1.dataset[:]))

        def count_levels_and_patches(qty):
            n_levels = len(qty.patch_levels)
            n_patches = 0
            for ilvl, lvl in qty.patch_levels.items():
                n_patches += len(qty.patch_levels[ilvl].patches)
            return n_levels, n_patches

        n_quantities_per_patch = 20
        pops = model.populations
        for time in timestamps:
            checks = 0

            run0 = Run(diag_dir0)
            run1 = Run(diag_dir1)
            checks += check_particles(run0.GetParticles(time, pops),
                                      run1.GetParticles(time, pops))
            checks += check_field(run0.GetB(time), run1.GetB(time))
            checks += check_field(run0.GetE(time), run1.GetE(time))
            checks += check_field(run0.GetNi(time), run1.GetNi(time))
            checks += check_field(run0.GetVi(time), run1.GetVi(time))

            for pop in pops:
                checks += check_field(run0.GetFlux(time, pop),
                                      run1.GetFlux(time, pop))
                checks += check_field(run0.GetN(time, pop),
                                      run1.GetN(time, pop))

            n_levels, n_patches = count_levels_and_patches(run0.GetB(time))
            self.assertEqual(n_levels, 2)  # at least 2 levels
                                    n_levels)  # at least one patch per level
            self.assertEqual(checks, n_quantities_per_patch * n_patches)