Example #1
def schulzSnyder(correlation,
    xp = cp.get_array_module(correlation)
    epsilon = 1e-7

    # starting guess with a flat image
    if prior.any() == 0:
        signal_decorr = xp.full(
            correlation.shape, 0.5) + 0.01 * xp.random.rand(*correlation.shape)
        signal_decorr = prior  #+ 0.1*prior.max()*xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)

    R_0 = signal_decorr.sum()
    signal_decorr = signal_decorr / R_0

    # to measure the distance between the guess convolved and the signal
    error = None
    if measure == True:
        error = xp.zeros(iterations)

    for i in range(iterations):
        if verbose == True and (i % 100) == 0:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i))

        relative_corr = my_correlation(signal_decorr, signal_decorr)

        if measure == True:
            error[i] = xp.linalg.norm(correlation - relative_corr)

        # relative_corr = 0.5*(correlation + axisflip(correlation)) / relative_corr
        relative_corr = (correlation) / relative_corr

        # avoid errors due to division by zero or inf
        relative_corr[xp.isinf(relative_corr)] = epsilon
        relative_corr = xp.nan_to_num(relative_corr)

        # multiplicative update
        # signal_decorr *= my_correlation(axisflip(signal_decorr), (relative_corr)) / R_0
        signal_decorr *= my_correlation((relative_corr), (signal_decorr)) / R_0
        # signal_decorr *= (my_correlation((relative_corr),(signal_decorr)) + my_convolution((signal_decorr), (relative_corr))) / R_0

    if clip:
        signal_decorr[signal_decorr > +1] = +1
        signal_decorr[signal_decorr < -1] = -1

    return signal_decorr, error
Example #2
def anchorUpdate_MAP(signal,
    xp = cp.get_array_module(signal)
    signal_deconv = signal
    signal = signal / signal.sum()
    kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()
    epsilon = 1e-7

    # starting guess with a flat image
    if prior.any() == 0:
        signal_deconv = xp.full(signal.shape,
                                0.5) + 0.01 * xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)
        signal_deconv = prior  #+ 0.1*prior.max()*xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)

    # to measure the distance between the guess convolved and the signal
    error = None
    if measure == True:
        error = xp.zeros(iterations)

    for i in range(iterations):
        if verbose == True:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i))

        kernel_update = my_convolution(signal_deconv, kernel)
        kernel_update = my_correlation(kernel_update, kernel)
        kernel_update = kernel_update / kernel_update.sum()

        kernel_mirror = axisflip(kernel_update)

        relative_blur = my_convolution(signal_deconv, kernel_update)
        if measure == True:
            error[i] = xp.linalg.norm(signal - relative_blur)
        relative_blur = signal / relative_blur

        # avoid errors due to division by zero or inf
        relative_blur[xp.isinf(relative_blur)] = epsilon
        relative_blur = xp.nan_to_num(relative_blur)

        # multiplicative update
        signal_deconv *= xp.exp(
            my_convolution(relative_blur - 1, kernel_mirror))

    if clip:
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv > +1] = +1
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv < -1] = -1

    return signal_deconv, error
Example #3
# now I start processing x, first threshold, then pad
threshold_indices = x < threshold
x[threshold_indices] = threshold
x = x - threshold
x_pad = np.pad(x, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 256 - x.shape[3])), 'constant')

# I rotate all the projections so that we can overlap autocorrelations
x_pad[0, :, :, :] = np.rot90(x_pad[0, :, :, :], 0, axes=(1, 2))
x_pad[1, :, :, :] = np.rot90(x_pad[1, :, :, :], -1, axes=(1, 2))
x_pad[2, :, :, :] = np.rot90(x_pad[2, :, :, :], -2, axes=(1, 2))
x_pad[3, :, :, :] = np.rot90(x_pad[3, :, :, :], -3, axes=(1, 2))
x_pad[4, :, :, :] = np.rot90(x_pad[4, :, :, :], -4, axes=(1, 2))

# casting to float32 to calculate correlations
x_pad = np.float32(x_pad)
correlation0 = pf.my_correlation(x_pad[0, :, :, :], x_pad[0, :, :, :])
correlation1 = pf.my_correlation(x_pad[1, :, :, :], x_pad[1, :, :, :])
correlation2 = pf.my_correlation(x_pad[2, :, :, :], x_pad[2, :, :, :])
correlation3 = pf.my_correlation(x_pad[3, :, :, :], x_pad[3, :, :, :])
correlation4 = pf.my_correlation(x_pad[4, :, :, :], x_pad[4, :, :, :])

# KEY POINT, correlation averaging
correlation_average = (correlation0 + correlation1 + correlation2 +
                       correlation3) / 4
# correlation_average = (correlation0 * correlation1 * correlation2 * correlation3) ** 1/4
# plt.plot([correlation0[256,128,128], correlation1[256,128,128] , correlation4[256,128,128] , correlation3[256,128,128]])

correlation_maximum = np.max(
    [correlation0, correlation1, correlation2, correlation3], axis=(0))

# modulus calculatbased on the autocorrelation average
Example #4
# satellite = test.copy()

# normalization
satellite = satellite / satellite.mean()
psf_long /= psf_long.sum()
psf_round /= psf_round.sum()

image1 = satellite.copy()
image2 = satellite.copy()

plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(image1)
plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(image2)

# %% test my convolutions
autoconv = pf.my_convolution(image1, image2[::-1, ::-1])
autocorr = pf.my_correlation(image1, image2)
autoconv /= autoconv.max()
autocorr /= autocorr.max()

print(np.array_equal(autoconv, autocorr))

plt.subplot(131), plt.imshow(autoconv)
plt.subplot(132), plt.imshow(autocorr)
plt.subplot(133), plt.imshow(np.abs(autoconv - autocorr))

# test scipy convolutions
autoconv = signal.convolve(image1,
                           image2[::-1, ::-1],
autocorr = signal.correlate(image1, image2, mode='same', method='fft')
def anchorUpdateSK(signal, kernel, signal_deconv=np.float32(0), iterations=10, measure=True, clip=False, verbose=True):
    # for code agnosticity between Numpy/Cupy
    xp = cp.get_array_module(signal)
    xps = cupyx.scipy.get_array_module(signal)

    # for performance evaluation
    start_time = time.time()
    if iterations<100: 
        breakcheck = iterations
        breakcheck = 100

    # normalization
    signal /= signal.sum()
    epsilon = 1e-7

    # starting guess with a flat image
    if signal_deconv.any()==0:
        # xp.random.seed(0)
        signal_deconv = xp.full(signal.shape,0.5) + 0.01*xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)
        # signal_deconv = signal.copy()
        signal_deconv = signal_deconv #+ 0.1*prior.max()*xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)
    # normalization
    signal_deconv = signal_deconv/signal_deconv.sum()
    # to measure the distance between the guess convolved and the signal
    error = None    
    if measure == True:
        error = xp.zeros(iterations)

    for i in range(iterations):
        # I use this property to make computation faster
        kernel_update = xps.ndimage.gaussian_filter(signal_deconv, sigma)
        # kernel_update = xps.ndimage.fourier_gaussian(signal_deconv, sigma)
        kernel_mirror = (kernel_update)
        relative_blur = my_correlation(signal_deconv, kernel_update)
        # compute the measured distance metric if given
        if measure==True:
            # error[i] = xp.linalg.norm(signal/signal.sum()-relative_blur/relative_blur.sum())
            error[i] = snrIntensity_db(signal/signal.sum(), xp.abs(signal/signal.sum()-relative_blur/relative_blur.sum()))
            if (error[i] < error[i-breakcheck]) and i > breakcheck:

        if verbose==True and (i % 100)==0 and measure==False:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i))
        elif verbose==True and (i % 100)==0 and measure==True:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i) + ' - noise level: ' + str(error[i]))

        relative_blur = signal / relative_blur

        # avoid errors due to division by zero or inf
        relative_blur[xp.isinf(relative_blur)] = epsilon
        relative_blur = xp.nan_to_num(relative_blur)

        # multiplicative update, for the full model
        signal_deconv *= 0.5 * (my_convolution(relative_blur, kernel_mirror) + my_correlation(axisflip(relative_blur), kernel_mirror))
        # signal_deconv *= (my_convolution(relative_blur, kernel_mirror) + my_correlation(relative_blur,kernel_mirror))

        # multiplicative update, for the Anchor Update approximation
        # signal_deconv *= my_convolution(kernel_mirror, relative_blur)

        # multiplicative update, remaining term. This gives wrong reconstructions
        # signal_deconv *= my_correlation(axisflip(relative_blur), kernel_mirror)
    if clip:
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv > +1] = +1
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv < -1] = -1

    print("\n\n Algorithm finished. Performance:")
    print("--- %s seconds ----" % (time.time() - start_time))
    print("--- %s sec/step ---" % ((time.time() - start_time)/iterations))
    return signal_deconv, error #,kernel_update
Example #6
def rotatecrosStack(origStack, anglelist1, anglelist2, rotateaxes1=(0,1), rotateaxes2=(1,2), reference=0, follow=True ,gpu=True):
    # create the new stack
    rotatedStack = np.zeros_like(origStack)
    referenceVolume = origStack[reference,:,:,:]
    xcorr_max = np.zeros((anglelist1.shape[0],anglelist2.shape[0]))
    rotateAngle1 = np.zeros(origStack.shape[0])
    rotateAngle2 = np.zeros(origStack.shape[0])
    psi_previous = 0
    phi_previous = 0
    # perform the rotation
    for i in range(origStack.shape[0]):
        # for performance evaluation
        start_time = time.time()

        if i != reference:
            xcorr_store = 0
            for phi in anglelist1:
                for psi in anglelist2:
                    print('Rotating view ' + str(i) + ' with phi = ' + str(phi) + ' and psi = ' + str(psi))
                    if gpu == True:
                        tempStack = cp.asarray(origStack[i,:,:,:])
                        referenceVolume = cp.asarray(referenceVolume)
                        tempStack = origStack[i,:,:,:]
                    tempVolume = pv.tiltVolume(tempStack, phi+phi_previous, psi+psi_previous, rotateaxes1, rotateaxes2)
                    xcorr = pf.my_correlation(referenceVolume, tempVolume)
                    xcorr_max = xcorr.max()

                    if gpu == True:
                        xcorr_max = xcorr_max.get()
                    if xcorr.max() > xcorr_store:
                        print('Update angle!')
                        xcorr_store = xcorr.max()
                        phi_store = phi+phi_previous
                        psi_store = psi+psi_previous
                        # volume_store = tempVolume.copy()
                    # else:
                    #     break
            if follow == True:
                phi_previous = phi_store.copy()
                psi_previous = psi_store.copy()

            print('Best angle found: phi = ' + str(phi_store) + '  psi = ' + str(psi_store))
            if gpu == True:
                tempStack = cp.asarray(origStack[i,:,:,:])
                rotatedStack[i,:,:,:] = pv.tiltVolume(tempStack, phi_store, psi_store, rotateaxes1, rotateaxes2).get()
                tempStack = origStack[i,:,:,:]
                rotatedStack[i,:,:,:] = pv.tiltVolume(tempStack, phi_store, psi_store, rotateaxes1, rotateaxes2)

            rotateAngle1[i] = phi_store
            rotateAngle2[i] = psi_store
            print("\n\n Angles checked. Performance:")
            print("--- %s seconds ----" % (time.time() - start_time))
            rotatedStack[i,:,:,:] = origStack[i,:,:,:].copy()
            rotateAngle1[i] = 0.
            rotateAngle2[i] = 0.

    return rotatedStack, rotateAngle1, rotateAngle2
Example #7
def anchorUpdateZ(signal,
    Reconstruction of signal_deconv from its auto-correlation signal, via a 
    RichardsonLucy-like multiplicative procedure. At the same time, the kernel 
    psf is deconvolved from the reconstruction so that the iteration converges
    corr(conv(signal_deconv, kernel), conv(signal_deconv, kernel),) -> signal.

    signal : ndarray, either numpy or cupy. 
        The auto-correlation to be inverted
    kernel : ndarray, either numpy or cupy.
        Point spread function that blurred the signal. It must be 
        signal.shape == kernel.shape.
    signal_deconv : ndarray, either numpy or cupy or 0. It must be signal.shape == signal_deconv.shape.
        The de-autocorrelated signal deconvolved with kernel at ith iteration. The default is np.float32(0).
    kerneltype : string.
        Type of kernel update used for the computation choosing from blurring 
        directly the autocorrelation 'A', blurring the signal that is then 
        autocorrelated 'B' and the window applied in fourier domain 'C'. 
        The default is 'B'.
    iterations : int, optional
        Number of iteration to be done. The default is 10.
    measure : boolean, optional
        If true computes the euclidean distance between signal and the 
        auto-correlation of signal_deconv. The default is True.
    clip : boolean, optional
        Clip the results within the range -1 to 1. Useless for the moment. The default is False.
    verbose : boolean, optional
        Print current step value. The default is True.

    signal_deconv : ndarray, either numpy or cupy.
        The de-autocorrelated signal deconvolved with kernel at ith iteration..
    error : vector.
        Euclidean distance between signal and the auto-correlation of signal_deconv.
        Last implementation returns the SNR instead of euclidean distance.


    # for code agnosticity between Numpy/Cupy
    xp = pyb.get_array_module(signal)

    # for performance evaluation
    start_time = time.time()

    if iterations < 100:
        breakcheck = iterations
        breakcheck = 100

    # normalization
    signal /= signal.sum()
    kernel /= kernel.sum()
    epsilon = 1e-7

    # starting guess with a flat image
    if signal_deconv.any() == 0:
        # xp.random.seed(0)
        signal_deconv = xp.full(signal.shape,
                                0.5) + 0.01 * xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)
        # signal_deconv = signal.copy()
        signal_deconv = signal_deconv  #+ 0.1*prior.max()*xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)

    # normalization
    signal_deconv = signal_deconv / signal_deconv.sum()

    # to measure the distance between the guess convolved and the signal
    error = None
    if measure == True:
        error = xp.zeros(iterations)

    for i in range(iterations):
        # I use this property to make computation faster
        K = my_convolution(signal_deconv, my_correlation(kernel, kernel))

        relative_blur = my_correlation(K, signal_deconv)

        # compute the measured distance metric if given
        if measure == True:
            #error[i] = xp.linalg.norm(signal/signal.sum()-relative_blur/relative_blur.sum())
            error[i] = snrIntensity_db(
                signal / signal.sum(),
                xp.abs(signal / signal.sum() -
                       relative_blur / relative_blur.sum()))
            if (error[i] < error[i - breakcheck]) and i > breakcheck:

        if verbose == True and (i % 100) == 0 and measure == False:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i))
        elif verbose == True and (i % 100) == 0 and measure == True:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i) + ' - noise level: ' + str(error[i]))

        relative_blur = signal / relative_blur

        # avoid errors due to division by zero or inf
        relative_blur[xp.isinf(relative_blur)] = epsilon
        relative_blur = xp.nan_to_num(relative_blur)

        # multiplicative update, for the full model
        # signal_deconv *= 0.5 * (my_convolution(relative_blur, kernel_mirror) + my_correlation(axisflip(relative_blur), kernel_mirror))
        # signal_deconv *= (my_convolution(kernel_mirror,relative_blur) + my_correlation(relative_blur, kernel_mirror))

        # multiplicative update, for the Anchor Update approximation
        signal_deconv *= my_correlation((relative_blur), (K))
        # signal_deconv *= (my_correlation(relative_blur, K) + my_convolution(relative_blur, K))

        # multiplicative update, remaining term. This gives wrong reconstructions
        # signal_deconv *= my_correlation(axisflip(relative_blur), kernel_mirror)

    if clip:
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv > +1] = +1
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv < -1] = -1

    print("\n\n Algorithm finished. Performance:")
    print("--- %s seconds ----" % (time.time() - start_time))
    print("--- %s sec/step ---" % ((time.time() - start_time) / iterations))
    return signal_deconv, error  #,kernel_update
Example #8
def invert_autoconvolution(magnitude,

    # agnostic code, xp is either numpy or cupy depending on the magnitude array module
    xp = pyb.get_array_module(magnitude)

    # object support constraint
    if mask is None:
        mask = xp.ones(magnitude.shape)

    # assert magnitude.shape == mask.shape, 'mask and magnitude should have same shape'
    assert steps > 0, 'steps should be a positive number'
    assert mode == 'deautoconvolution' or mode == 'deautocorrelation',\
            'mode should be \'deautoconvolution\' or \'deautocorrelation\''

    # random phase if prior is None, otherwise start with the prior Fourier
    if prior is None:
        x_hat = 1 + 0.01 * xp.random.rand(*magnitude.shape)
        x_hat = prior

    if measure == True:
        ratio = xp.zeros(steps)
        ratio = None

    x_hat = x_hat * mask
    y_mes = 0.5 * (magnitude + magnitude[::-1, ::-1])

    # normalization for energy preservation
    y0 = (xp.sum(x_hat))**2
    # y0 = (xp.sum(x_hat))
    x_hat = xp.divide(x_hat, xp.sqrt(y0))

    # monitoring the convergence of the solution
    # convergence = xp.zeros(steps)

    # loop for the minimization, I guess there can be an analogue for the autocorrelation
    if mode == "deautoconvolution":
        for i in range(0, steps):
            y = my_convolution(x_hat, x_hat)
            # u_hat = y_mes / y
            # zero divided by zero is equal to zero
            u_hat = xp.divide(y_mes, y, out=xp.zeros_like(y_mes), where=y != 0)

            if measure == True:
                ratio[i] = u_hat.mean()

            # convergence[i] = xp.mean(u_hat)
            r_hat = 1 / xp.sqrt(y0) * my_convolution(u_hat, x_hat)
            x_hat = x_hat * r_hat

    # not ready yet
    elif mode == "deautocorrelation":
        for i in range(0, steps):
            y = my_correlation(x_hat, x_hat)

            # if measure==True:
            #     ratio[i] = xp.linalg.norm(y_mes - y)

            u_hat = xp.divide(y_mes, y, out=xp.zeros_like(y_mes), where=y != 0)

            if measure == True:
                ratio[i] = u_hat.mean()

            r_hat = (0.5 / xp.sqrt(y0)) * (my_correlation(x_hat, u_hat) +
                                           (my_convolution(x_hat, u_hat)))
            # r_hat = (0.5/(y0)) * ( my_correlation(x_hat[::-1,::-1], u_hat) + my_convolution(x_hat, u_hat) )
            x_hat = x_hat * r_hat

            # r_hat = (1/xp.sqrt(y0)) * my_correlation(x_hat[::-1,::-1], u_hat)
            # x_hat = x_hat * r_hat

    return (x_hat, ratio)
Example #9
def schulzSnyder(correlation,
    De-AutoCorrelation protocol implemented by Schultz-Snyder. It needs to be 
    checked to assess the working procedure.

    correlation : TYPE
    prior : TYPE, optional
        DESCRIPTION. The default is np.float32(0).
    iterations : TYPE, optional
        DESCRIPTION. The default is 10.
    measure : TYPE, optional
        DESCRIPTION. The default is True.
    clip : TYPE, optional
        DESCRIPTION. The default is True.
    verbose : TYPE, optional
        DESCRIPTION. The default is True.

    signal_decorr : TYPE
    error : TYPE


    xp = pyb.get_array_module(correlation)

    # for performance evaluation
    start_time = time.time()

    epsilon = 1e-7

    if iterations < 10:
        breakcheck = iterations
        breakcheck = 10

    # starting guess with a flat image
    if prior.any() == 0:
        signal_decorr = xp.full(
            correlation.shape, 0.5) + 0.01 * xp.random.rand(*correlation.shape)
        signal_decorr = prior.copy(
        )  #+ 0.1*prior.max()*xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)

    R_0 = signal_decorr.sum()
    signal_decorr = signal_decorr / R_0
    relative_corr = xp.zeros_like(signal_decorr)

    # to measure the distance between the guess convolved and the signal
    error = None
    if measure == True:
        error = xp.zeros(iterations)

    for i in range(iterations):
        relative_corr = my_correlation(signal_decorr, signal_decorr)

        if measure == True:
            # error[i] = xp.linalg.norm(correlation/correlation.sum()-relative_corr/relative_corr.sum())
            error[i] = snrIntensity_db(
                correlation / correlation.sum(),
                xp.abs(correlation / correlation.sum() -
                       relative_corr / relative_corr.sum()))
            if (error[i] < error[i - breakcheck]) and i > breakcheck:

        if verbose == True and (i % 100) == 0 and measure == False:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i))
        elif verbose == True and (i % 100) == 0 and measure == True:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i) + ' - noise level: ' + str(error[i]))

        # relative_corr = 0.5*(correlation + axisflip(correlation)) / relative_corr
        relative_corr = (correlation) / relative_corr

        # avoid errors due to division by zero or inf
        relative_corr[xp.isinf(relative_corr)] = epsilon
        relative_corr = xp.nan_to_num(relative_corr)

        # multiplicative update
        # signal_decorr *= my_correlation(axisflip(signal_decorr), (relative_corr)) / R_0
        # signal_decorr *= my_correlation((relative_corr), (signal_decorr)) / R_0
        # signal_decorr *= (my_correlation(relative_corr, signal_decorr) + my_correlation(relative_corr, axisflip(signal_decorr))) / R_0
        signal_decorr *= (my_correlation(relative_corr, signal_decorr) +
                          my_convolution(relative_corr, signal_decorr)) / R_0

    if clip:
        signal_decorr[signal_decorr > +1] = +1
        signal_decorr[signal_decorr < -1] = -1

    print("\n\n Algorithm finished. Performance:")
    print("--- %s seconds ----" % (time.time() - start_time))
    print("--- %s sec/step ---" % ((time.time() - start_time) / iterations))

    return signal_decorr, error
Example #10
def anchorUpdate_H(signal,
    xp = cp.get_array_module(signal)
    start_time = time.time()

    signal = signal / signal.sum()
    # kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()

    # compute the norm of the fourier transform of the kernel
    # kernel = xp.fft.rfftn(kernel)

    epsilon = 1e-7

    # starting guess with a flat image
    if signal_deconv.any() == 0:
        signal_deconv = xp.full(signal.shape,
                                0.5) + 0.01 * xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)
        signal_deconv = signal_deconv  #+ 0.1*prior.max()*xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)

    signal_deconv = signal_deconv / signal_deconv.sum()

    # to measure the distance between the guess convolved and the signal
    error = None
    if measure == True:
        error = xp.zeros(iterations)

    for i in range(iterations):
        if verbose == True and (i % 100) == 0:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i))

        # I use this property to make computation faster
        # kernel_update = my_correlation_withfft(signal_deconv, kernel)
        kernel_update = my_correlation(signal_deconv, kernel)
        # kernel_update = kernel_update / kernel_update.sum()

        kernel_mirror = axisflip(kernel_update)

        relative_blur = my_convolution(signal_deconv, kernel_update)
        if measure == True:
            error[i] = xp.linalg.norm(signal / signal.max() -
                                      relative_blur / relative_blur.max())
        relative_blur = signal / relative_blur

        # avoid errors due to division by zero or inf
        relative_blur[xp.isinf(relative_blur)] = epsilon
        relative_blur = xp.nan_to_num(relative_blur)

        # multiplicative update
        signal_deconv *= my_convolution(relative_blur, kernel_mirror)

    if clip:
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv > +1] = +1
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv < -1] = -1

    print("\n\n Algorithm finished. Performance:")
    print("--- %s seconds ----" % (time.time() - start_time))
    print("--- %s sec/step ---" % ((time.time() - start_time) / iterations))
    return signal_deconv, error
Example #11
def anchorUpdate(signal,
    Reconstruction of signal_deconv from its auto-correlation signal, via a 
    RichardsonLucy-like multiplicative procedure. At the same time, the kernel 
    psf is deconvolved from the reconstruction so that the iteration converges
    corr(conv(signal_deconv, kernel), conv(signal_deconv, kernel),) -> signal.

    signal : ndarray, either numpy or cupy. 
        The auto-correlation to be inverted
    kernel : ndarray, either numpy or cupy. It must be signal.shape == kernel.shape.
    signal_deconv : ndarray, either numpy or cupy or 0. It must be signal.shape == signal_deconv.shape.
        The de-autocorrelated signal deconvolved with kernel at ith iteration. The default is np.float32(0).
    iterations : int, optional
        Number of iteration to be done. The default is 10.
    measure : boolean, optional
        If true computes the euclidean distance between signal and the auto-correlation of signal_deconv. The default is True.
    clip : boolean, optional
        Clip the results within the range -1 to 1. Useless for the moment. The default is False.
    verbose : boolean, optional
        Print current step value. The default is True.

    signal_deconv : ndarray, either numpy or cupy.
        The de-autocorrelated signal deconvolved with kernel at ith iteration..
    error : vector.
        Euclidean distance between signal and the auto-correlation of signal_deconv.

    xp = cp.get_array_module(signal)
    start_time = time.time()

    signal = signal / signal.sum()
    kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()

    epsilon = 1e-7

    # starting guess with a flat image
    if signal_deconv.any() == 0:
        signal_deconv = xp.full(signal.shape,
                                0.5) + 0.01 * xp.random.rand(*signal.shape)
        signal_deconv = signal_deconv

    # to measure the distance between the guess convolved and the signal
    error = None
    if measure == True:
        error = xp.zeros(iterations)

    for i in range(iterations):
        if verbose == True and (i % 100) == 0:
            print('Iteration ' + str(i))

        # kernel update rule
        kernel_update = my_convolution(signal_deconv, kernel)
        kernel_update = my_correlation(kernel_update, kernel)
        kernel_update = kernel_update / kernel_update.sum()
        kernel_mirror = axisflip(kernel_update)

        relative_blur = my_convolution(signal_deconv, kernel_update)
        if measure == True:
            error[i] = xp.linalg.norm(signal - relative_blur)
        relative_blur = signal / relative_blur

        # avoid errors due to division by zero or inf
        relative_blur[xp.isinf(relative_blur)] = epsilon
        relative_blur = xp.nan_to_num(relative_blur)

        # multiplicative update
        signal_deconv *= my_convolution((relative_blur), kernel_mirror)

    if clip:
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv > +1] = +1
        signal_deconv[signal_deconv < -1] = -1

    print("\n\n Algorithm finished. Performance:")
    print("--- %s seconds ----" % (time.time() - start_time))
    print("--- %s sec/step ---" % ((time.time() - start_time) / iterations))
    return signal_deconv, error