Example #1
def proc_obs(exper, band, obs, max_dur):
        pim = Pima(exper, band)
    except PIMAError as err:
        logging.error('PIMA Error: %s', err)
        return 1
    except OSError as err:
        logging.error('OSError: %s', err)
        return 1

    if obs <= 0 or obs > pim.obs_number():
        logging.error('Incorrect observation number %s, must be in range [%s %s]',
                      obs, 1, pim.obs_number())
        return 1

    # Prepare temporary fri and frr files
    with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.fri', delete=False) as tmp:
        tmp_fri = tmp.name
    with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.frr', delete=False) as tmp:
        tmp_frr = tmp.name

    fri_file = pim.fine(['FRIB.OBS:', str(obs),
                         'SCAN_LEN_SKIP:', '0.0',
                         'SCAN_LEN_USED:', str(max_dur),
                         'FRINGE_FILE:', tmp_fri,
                         'FRIRES_FILE:', tmp_frr])

    fri = Fri(fri_file)
    if fri[0]['SNR'] < 7.0:
        logging.warning('SNR of obs #%s is too low, skip it.', obs)
        return 1

    full_duration = fri[0]['duration']
    sta1 = fri[0]['sta1']
    sta2 = fri[0]['sta2']

    durs = []
    amps = []
    snrs = []

    for delim in [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.7, 1.5, 1.3, 1.1, 1]:
        dur = round(full_duration / (delim))
        logging.debug('Set SCAN_LEN_USED %s', dur)

        for j in range(math.ceil(delim)):
            if delim < 2 and j == 1:
                skip = full_duration - dur
                skip = j * dur

            logging.debug('Set SCAN_LEN_SKIP to %s', skip)
            fri_file = pim.fine(['FRIB.OBS:', str(obs),
                                 'SCAN_LEN_SKIP:', str(skip),
                                 'SCAN_LEN_USED:', str(dur),
                                 'FRINGE_FILE:', tmp_fri,
                                 'FRIRES_FILE:', tmp_frr])
            fri = Fri(fri_file)
            if not fri:
                logging.warning('Skip empty fri-file')

            logging.debug('SNR = %s', fri[0]['SNR'])

            if fri[0]['SNR'] < 5.7:


            print('{} {} {}'.format(durs[-1], amps[-1], snrs[-1]))

    # Delete temporary files
    if os.path.isfile(tmp_fri):
    if os.path.isfile(tmp_frr):

    if durs:
        plot(obs, np.array(durs), np.array(amps), np.array(snrs),
             exper, band, sta1, sta2)
        logging.warning('Nothing to plot...')

    return 0
Example #2
class RaExperiment:
    """This class describe experiment in RadioAstron AGN survey"""

    def __init__(self, experiment_code, band, data_base, data_dir=None,
                 uv_fits=None, orbit=None, gvlbi=False):

        experiment_code : str
            Experiment code.
        band : srt
            One letter frequency band code.
        data_base : pypima.db.DB
            pypima.db.DB instance.
        data_dir : str, optional
            Directory for FITS-IDI. If ``None`` working directory of the
            current experiment is used.
        uv_fits : str, optional
            Path to the data file (FITS-IDI). If ``None`` (default) get a file
            name from data base and download file from the FTP archive.
        orbit : str, optional
            Path to a file with reconstructed orbit. If ``None`` (default),
            download it from the FTP archive.
        gvlbi : bool, optional
            If ``True``, process ground only of part of the experiment (GVLBI
            FITS file).

        # First, set common variables
        self.exper = experiment_code.lower()
        self.band = band.lower()
        self.db = data_base
        self.gvlbi = gvlbi
        self.sta_ref = 'RADIO-AS'
        self.run_id = 0  # Record id in pima_runs database table
        self.lock = threading.Lock()  # Lock for FITS file downloading control
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('{}({})'.format(self.exper, self.band))
        self.antab = None
        self.antab_downloaded = False
        self.calibration_loaded = False
        self.split_time_aver = 0
        self.pima = None
        self.uv_fits = uv_fits
        self.orbit = orbit
        self.fri = None  # Result of last fringe fitting

        if self.band not in ('p', 'l', 'c', 'k'):
            self._error('unknown band {}'.format(band))

        self.pima_dir = os.getenv('PIMA_DIR')
        self.exp_dir = os.getenv('pima_exp_dir')
        if not self.exp_dir:
            self._error("Environment variable $pima_exp_dir is not set")

        self.pima_scr = os.getenv('pima_scr_dir')

        # Work directory path
        self.work_dir = os.path.join(self.exp_dir, self.exper + '_auto')
        if self.gvlbi:
            self.work_dir += '_gvlbi'

        #  Select directory for raw data from a correlator
        if data_dir:
            self.data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, self.exper)
            self.data_dir = self.work_dir

        # PIMA control file path
        self.cnt_file_name = os.path.join(self.work_dir, '{}_{}_pima.cnt'.
                                          format(self.exper, self.band))

    def init_workdir(self):
        Create working directory and PIMA control file.

        # Create work directory
        os.makedirs(self.work_dir, exist_ok=True)


        # Create PIMA control file

        self.pima = Pima(self.exper, self.band, self.work_dir)

        # Only one sideband at P-band
        if self.band == 'p':
            self.pima.update_cnt({'END_FRQ:': '1'})

        # Restrict delay rate window to +- 12 cm/s
        self.pima.update_cnt({'FRIB.RATE_WINDOW_WIDTH:': '4.0D-10'})

        staging_dir = os.getenv('PYPIMA_STAGING_DIR', default='NO')
        if os.path.isdir(staging_dir):
            staging_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, self.exper)
            if not os.path.exists(staging_dir):
            self.pima.update_cnt({'STAGING_DIR:': staging_dir})

    def _print_info(self, msg):
        """Print some information"""

    def _print_warn(self, msg):
        """Print warning"""

    def _error(self, msg):
        """Raise pima.Error exception"""
        raise Error(self.exper, self.band, msg)

    def _mk_cnt(self):
        Make new cnt-file from template.

        cnt_templ_name = os.path.join(self.pima_dir, 'share', 'pima',

        cnt_templ = open(cnt_templ_name, 'r')
        cnt_file = open(self.cnt_file_name, 'w')

        sess_code = '{}_{}'.format(self.exper, self.band)
        fringe_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir, sess_code + '.fri')
        frires_file = os.path.join(self.work_dir, sess_code + '.frr')

        if self.band in ('l', 'p'):
            polar = 'RR'
            polar = 'LL'

        for line in cnt_templ:
            if '@CDATE@' in line:
                line = line.replace('@CDATE@', str(datetime.now()))
            elif line.startswith('SESS_CODE:'):
                line = line.replace('@sess_code@', sess_code)
            elif line.startswith('BAND:'):
                line = line.replace('@band@', self.band.upper())
            elif line.startswith('EXPER_DIR:'):
                line = line.replace('@exper_dir@', self.pima_scr)
            elif line.startswith('UV_FITS:') and self.uv_fits:
                line = line.replace('@uv_fits@', self.uv_fits)
            elif line.startswith('FRINGE_FILE:'):
                line = line.replace('@fringe_file@', fringe_file)
            elif line.startswith('FRIRES_FILE:'):
                line = line.replace('@frires_file@', frires_file)
            elif line.startswith('STA_REF:') and self.sta_ref:
                line = '{:<20}{}\n'.format('STA_REF:', self.sta_ref)
            elif line.startswith('EPHEMERIDES_FILE:') and self.orbit:
                line = line.replace('@ephemerides_file@', self.orbit)
            elif line.startswith('POLAR:') or line.startswith('SPLT.POLAR:'):
                line = line.replace('@polar@', polar)


    def _download_fits(self, force_small=False):
        Download FITS-file from the FTP archive.

        # data_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.exper)
        fits_url, size = self.db.get_uvfits_url(self.exper, self.band,
                                                self.gvlbi, force_small)

        if not fits_url:
            self._error('Could not find FITS file name in DB')

        # Delete spaces in filename
        uv_fits = os.path.join(self.data_dir,
                               os.path.basename(fits_url).replace(' ', ''))

        if os.path.isfile(uv_fits) and os.path.getsize(uv_fits) == size:
            self.logger.info('File %s already exists', uv_fits)
            os.makedirs(self.data_dir, exist_ok=True)
            self.logger.info('Start downloading file %s...', fits_url)
                with open(uv_fits, 'wb') as fil:
                    _download_it(fits_url, fil, max_retries=2)
            except pycurl.error as err:
                self._error('Could not download file {}: {}'.
                            format(fits_url, err))

            self.logger.info('FITS-file downloading is complete')

        # We use self.uv_fits as a flag of FITS file existence, so set it at
        # the end of this function
        self.uv_fits = uv_fits

    def _get_orbit(self):
        """Download reconstructed orbit file from FTP"""
        orbit_url = self.db.get_orbit_url(self.exper)

        if not orbit_url:
            self._error('Could not find reconstructed orbit')

        self.orbit = os.path.join(self.work_dir, os.path.basename(orbit_url))

        self._print_info('Start downloading orbit file {} ...'.

        buffer = BytesIO()
            _download_it(orbit_url, buffer)
        except pycurl.error as err:
            self._error('Could not download file {}: {}'.
                        format(orbit_url, err))

        orb_data = buffer.getvalue().decode().replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n')

        with open(self.orbit, 'w') as orb_file:
            if not orb_data[0].startswith('CCSDS_OEM_VERS'):
                orb_file.write('CCSDS_OEM_VERS = 2.0\n')

            # Fix meta information
            for line in orb_data:
                if line.startswith('CENTER_NAME'):
                    line = 'CENTER_NAME   = Earth Barycenter'
                elif line.startswith('OBJECT_NAME'):
                    line = 'OBJECT_NAME   = RADIO-ASTRON'
                elif line.startswith('CREATION'):
                    line = line.replace('CREATION DATE', 'CREATION_DATE')
                elif line.startswith('STOP_TIME') and len(line) < 20:
                    for back_line in reversed(orb_data):
                        cols = back_line.split()
                        if len(cols):
                    line = line.strip() + ' ' + cols[0]

                orb_file.write(line + '\n')

        self._print_info('Orbit downloading is complete')
        self.pima.update_cnt({'EPHEMERIDES_FILE:': self.orbit})

    def _get_antab(self):
        Download ANTAB-file from the FTP server.

        antab_url = self.db.get_antab_url(self.exper, self.band)

        if not antab_url:
            self._print_warn('Could not get ANTAB-file url from DB.')
            antab_dir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'antab')
            os.makedirs(antab_dir, exist_ok=True)

            antab_file = os.path.join(antab_dir,
                                      os.path.basename(antab_url) + '.orig')
            self._print_info('Start downloading file {}'.format(antab_url))
                with open(antab_file, 'wb') as fil:
                    _download_it(antab_url, fil)

                self.antab_downloaded = True
                self._print_info('ANTAB-file downloading is complete.')
                self.antab = self._fix_antab(antab_file)
            except pycurl.error as err:
                self.antab_downloaded = False
                self._print_warn('Could not download file {}: {}'.
                                 format(antab_url, err))

    def _fix_antab(self, antab):
        Fix antab.

        if not antab or not os.path.isfile(antab):
            return None

        new_antab = antab.replace('.orig', '')

        # ANTAB file already exists and prepared
        if antab == new_antab:
            return new_antab

        freq_setup = self.pima.frequencies()
        freq_list = [1e-6 * freq['freq'] for freq in freq_setup]

        # Should we fix frequency setup?
        fix_freq = False
        if self.band != 'p' and freq_setup[0]['side_band'] != -1:
            fix_freq = True

        sta_list = self.pima.station_list(ivs_name=False)

        with open(antab, 'r') as inp, open(new_antab, 'w') as out:
            magic = inp.readline()
            if not magic.startswith('! Produced by: TSM'):
                self._print_warn('antab file {} does NOT have magic in the \
first line'.format(antab))
                return None

            # Do not forget to write a 'magic' line to the output file

            for line in inp:
                line = line.strip()

                # Skip empty lines
                if not line:

                if line.startswith('POLY') and line.endswith('/'):
                    line = line.replace('/', ' /')
                elif line.startswith('GAIN WB'):
                    line = 'GAIN WB EQUAT DPFU=1.0,1.0 FREQ=1000,5000'
                elif line.startswith('DPFU=1.0'):
                    line = ''
                elif line.startswith('/') and len(line) > 1:
                    line = line.replace('/', '/ ', 1)
                elif not line.startswith('!') and '!' in line:
                    line = line.split('!')[0].strip()

                # VLA (raes11a and friends)
                if 'YY' in sta_list and 'Y27' in line:
                    line = line.replace('Y27', 'YY')
                elif 'KZ' in sta_list and 'KL' in line:
                    line = line.replace('KL', 'KZ')
                elif 'EF' in sta_list and 'EB' in line:
                    line = line.replace('EB', 'EF')

                toks = line.split()

                # Fix EF C-band channels table
                if len(toks) == 10 and toks[0] == '!' and toks[1].isdigit():
                    toks.insert(2, "6cm")

                if fix_freq and len(toks) > 9 and toks[1].isdigit():
                    if toks[6] == 'L':
                        toks[6] = 'U'
                        toks[9] = '{:.2f}MHz'.format(freq_list[0])

                # Deselect stations
                if toks[0] == 'TSYS' and len(toks) > 4:
                    toks[4] = toks[4].upper()
                    if toks[4] not in sta_list:
                        toks.insert(0, '!')
                elif toks[0] == 'GAIN':
                    # EF, L-band GAINs
                    if toks[-1] == '/':
                        for ind in range(len(toks)):
                            if toks[ind].startswith('POLY'):
                                toks[ind] = "\n" + toks[ind]

                    # Comment out GAIN line for different frequency
                    for tok in toks:
                        if tok.startswith('FREQ=') and ',' in tok:
                            fr1, fr2 = tok.replace('FREQ=', '').split(',')
                            fr1 = float(fr1)  # Lower limit
                            fr2 = float(fr2)  # Upper limit
                            if min(freq_list) < fr1 or max(freq_list) > fr2:
                                toks.insert(0, '!')

                elif toks[0] == '/' and len(toks) > 1:
                    toks[1] = "\n" + toks[1]

                out.write(' '.join(toks) + '\n')

        return new_antab

    def load(self, download_only=False, update_db=False,
             scan_length=1200, scan_part=1, force_small=False):
        Download data, run pima load, and do some checks.

        download_only : bool, optional
            If ``True``, download FITS-file and return.
        update_db : bool, optional
            If ``True``, update database with experiment information.
        scan_length : float, optional
            Set maximum length of scan. Default is 20 min.
        scan_part : int, optional
            1 is full scan, 2 is half of scan. In general `scan_part` can be
            used as run index.

        # If self.uv_fits is not None assume FITS file already exists
        with self.lock:
            if self.uv_fits is None:

        if download_only:

        self.pima.update_cnt({'UV_FITS:': self.uv_fits})

        if self.orbit is None:

        # Set maximum scan length
        self._print_info('Set maximum scan length to {} s'.format(scan_length))
        self.pima.update_cnt({'MAX_SCAN_LEN:': str(scan_length),
                              'SCAN_LEN_USED:': str(scan_length)})

        if update_db:
            self.run_id = self.db.add_exper_info(self.exper, self.band,
        if update_db:
            self.db.update_exper_info(self.pima.exper_info, self.run_id)
            if scan_part == 1:
                self.db.model2db(self.run_id, self.pima.clock_model())

        # Various checks and setups
        if self.pima.obs_number() == 0:
            self._error('ZERO observations have been loaded')

        sou_dist = self.pima.source_dist()
        for source, distance in sou_dist.items():
            if distance > 1.0:
                self._error('Dist = {} arcsec for source {}'.
                            format(distance, source))

        if 'RADIO-AS' not in self.pima.station_list():
            self._print_warn('RADIO-AS is not in station list')
            self.sta_ref = self.pima.station_list()[0]
            self.pima.update_cnt({'STA_REF:': self.sta_ref})

        desel_nam = self.pima.number_of_deselected_points()
        if desel_nam > 10:
            self._print_warn('Total number of deselected points is ' +

        # Save memory by reducing oversampling
        if self.pima.ap_minmax()[0] < 0.1:
            self.pima.update_cnt({'FRIB.OVERSAMPLE_MD:': '2',
                                  'FRIB.OVERSAMPLE_RT:': '2'})

        # Average all spectral channels in each IF when splitting.
        self.pima.update_cnt({'SPLT.FRQ_MSEG:': str(self.pima.chan_number())})

        if scan_part:
            self.pima.update_cnt({'FRIB.1D_RESFRQ_PLOT:': 'TXT',
                                  'FRIB.1D_RESTIM_PLOT:': 'TXT'})
            self.pima.update_cnt({'FRIB.1D_RESFRQ_PLOT:': 'NO',
                                  'FRIB.1D_RESTIM_PLOT:': 'NO'})

    def load_antab(self):
        Download ANTAB file and load calibration information to PIMA.

        # Always download antab-file.
        if not self.antab_downloaded:

        # Try to load calibration information from ANTAB
        if self.antab and os.path.isfile(self.antab):
                self.calibration_loaded = True
            except pypima.pima.Error:
                self._print_warn('Could not load calibration information')
                self.calibration_loaded = False

    def _select_ref_sta(self, fri):
        Select reference station for bandpass calibration.

        fri : ``Fri`` object
            ``PIMA`` fringe fitting results as ``Fri`` object.

        snr_detecton = float(self.pima.cnt_params['FRIB.SNR_DETECTION:'])
        self.sta_ref = None
        snr = 0
        obs = fri.max_snr('RADIO-AS')

        if obs:
            if obs['SNR'] < snr_detecton:
                self.logger.debug('SNR is too low on space baseline for \
bandpass: %s', obs['SNR'])
                if obs['sta1'] == 'RADIO-AS':
                    self.sta_ref = obs['sta2']
                elif obs['sta2'] == 'RADIO-AS':
                    self.sta_ref = obs['sta1']
            self._print_info('No scans with RADIO-AS')

        if not self.sta_ref:
            obs = fri.max_snr()
            if obs['SNR'] < snr_detecton:
                self.logger.debug('SNR is too low for bandpass: %s',
                good_stations = ['ARECIBO', 'GBT-VLBA', 'EFLSBERG']
                for sta in good_stations:
                    if sta in [obs['sta1'], obs['sta2']]:
                        self.sta_ref = sta
                if self.sta_ref is None:
                    self.sta_ref = obs['sta1']

        if self.sta_ref:
            snr = round(min(10.0, obs['SNR']-0.1), 1)
            self.pima.update_cnt({'STA_REF:': self.sta_ref,
                                  'BPS.SNR_MIN_ACCUM:': str(snr),
                                  'BPS.SNR_MIN_FINE:': str(snr)})
            self.logger.info('New reference station is %s', self.sta_ref)
            self.logger.info('Set SNR_MIN for bandpass to %s', snr)
            return True
            return False

    def fringe_fitting(self, bandpass=False, accel=False):
        Do fringe fitting.

        bandpass : bool, optional
            If ``True`` try to do bandpass calibration. Default is ``False``.

        accel : boot, optional
            If ``True`` turn on phase acceleration fitting.

        fri : ``Fri`` object
            Fringe fitting results as ``Fri`` object.

        if accel:
            self.pima.update_cnt({'FRIB.FINE_SEARCH:': 'ACC'})
            if self.band == 'l':
                self.pima.update_cnt({'PHASE_ACCEL_MIN:': '-1.D-13',
                                      'PHASE_ACCEL_MAX:': '1.D-13'})
            elif self.band == 'k':
                self.pima.update_cnt({'PHASE_ACCEL_MIN:': '-5.D-15',
                                      'PHASE_ACCEL_MAX:': '5.D-15'})
                self.pima.update_cnt({'PHASE_ACCEL_MIN:': '-1.D-14',
                                      'PHASE_ACCEL_MAX:': '1.D-14'})
            self.pima.update_cnt({'FRIB.FINE_SEARCH:': 'LSQ',
                                  'PHASE_ACCEL_MIN:': '0',
                                  'PHASE_ACCEL_MAX:': '0'})

        if bandpass and self.pima.chan_number() > 512:
            self._print_warn('Too many spectral channels for bandpass: {}'.
            bandpass = False

        if bandpass:
            fri_file = self.pima.coarse()
            fri = Fri(fri_file)
            if not fri:
                self._error('PIMA fri-file is empty after coarse.')

            # Detection limit for bandpass calibration
            self.pima.update_cnt({'FRIB.SNR_DETECTION:': '5.5'})

            # Now auto select reference station
            if self._select_ref_sta(fri):
                except pypima.pima.Error:
                    self._print_info('Try INIT bandpass')
                        self.pima.bpas(['BPS.MODE:', 'INIT'])
                    except pypima.pima.Error:
                        self._print_info('Continue without bandpass')
                        self.pima.update_cnt({'BANDPASS_FILE:': 'NO'})
                        bandpass = False
                self.logger.info('skip bandpass due to absence of the useful \
                bandpass = False

        fri_file = self.pima.fine()
        self.fri = Fri(fri_file)
        self.fri.aux['bandpass'] = bandpass

        if not self.fri:
            self.logger.warning('PIMA fri-file is empty after fine')
            if self.pima.exper_info['sp_chann_num'] <= 128:
                ch_num = 64
                ch_num = 2048


        return self.fri

    def split(self, source=None, average=0):
        Split a multi-source uv data set into single-source data files.

        source : string, optional
            Do split only for given source. By default split all sources in
            the experiment.
        average : float, optional
            Number of seconds to average data when splitting. `average` <= 0
            disables time averaging.

        # Delete old uv-fits remained from previous run
        exper_dir = self.pima.cnt_params['EXPER_DIR:']
        sess_code = self.pima.cnt_params['SESS_CODE:']
        pima_fits_dir = os.path.join(exper_dir, sess_code + '_uvs')

        if os.path.isdir(pima_fits_dir):

        if not self.calibration_loaded:
            self.logger.warning('Could not do splitting due to absence of \
calibartion information')

        if not self.fri.any_detections():
            self.logger.warning('No useful scans for splitting')

        snr_detection = round(min(7.0, self.fri.min_detected_snr()-0.05), 2)
        self.logger.info('Set FRIB.SNR_DETECTION to %s', snr_detection)
        split_params = ['FRIB.SNR_DETECTION:', str(snr_detection)]

        exc_file = self.pima.mk_exclude_obs_file(self.fri.non_detections())
        split_params.extend(('EXCLUDE_OBS_FILE:', exc_file))

        if source:
            split_params.extend(('SPLT.SOU_NAME:', source))
            split_params.extend(('SPLT.SOU_NAME:', 'ALL'))

        ap = self.pima.ap_minmax()[0]
        if average > 0:
            time_segments = round(average / ap)
            time_segments = 1

        self.split_time_aver = time_segments * ap
        self.pima.split(tim_mseg=time_segments, params=split_params)

    def copy_uvfits(self, out_dir):
        Copy calibrated uv-fits files from pima scratch dir to out_dir.

        exper_dir = self.pima.cnt_params['EXPER_DIR:']
        sess_code = self.pima.cnt_params['SESS_CODE:']
        band = self.pima.cnt_params['BAND:']
        polar = self.pima.cnt_params['POLAR:']

        pima_fits_dir = os.path.join(exper_dir, sess_code + '_uvs')

        sources = self.pima.source_list()
        splt_sou_name = self.pima.cnt_params['SPLT.SOU_NAME:']

        for source_names in sources:
            if splt_sou_name != 'ALL' and splt_sou_name not in source_names:

            pima_fits_name = '{}_{}_uva.fits'.format(source_names[1], band)
            pima_fits_path = os.path.join(pima_fits_dir, pima_fits_name)

            if not os.path.isfile(pima_fits_path):
                self._print_warn('UV-FITS "{}" does not exists.'.format(

            # Use B1950 name for output directory
            b1950_name = source_names[2]

            # Fix source names
            if b1950_name == 'OJ287':
                b1950_name = '0851+202'

            out_fits_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, b1950_name)
            os.makedirs(out_fits_dir, exist_ok=True)

            out_fits_name = \
            out_fits_path = os.path.join(out_fits_dir, out_fits_name)

            self._print_info('Copy {} to {}'.format(pima_fits_path,
            shutil.copy(pima_fits_path, out_fits_path)

            # Run `fits_to_radplot` only for averaged uv-fits
            if self.split_time_aver > 1:

                if self.run_id > 0:
                    with UVFits(out_fits_path) as uvfits_file:
                        self.db.uvfits2db(uvfits_file, b1950_name, self.run_id)

    def fringes2db(self):
        Put fringe fitting information to the database.

        if self.run_id > 0 and self.fri:
            self.db.fri2db(self.fri, self.pima.exper_info, self.run_id)

    def delete_uvfits(self):
        Delete UV-FITS file.

        if os.path.isfile(self.uv_fits):

        staging_dir = self.pima.cnt_params['STAGING_DIR:']
        if os.path.isdir(staging_dir):

    def generate_autospectra(self, plot=False, out_dir=None, db=False):
        Generate autospectrum for each station for each scan using ``acta``
        PIMA task.

        plot : bool
            If ``True`` plot autospectra.
        out_dir : str
            Plot output directory.

        if not plot and not db:  # Nothing to do

        # Sometimes PIMA crashes on `acta` task
            file_list = self.pima.acta()
        except pypima.pima.Error:
            # Remove core dump file.
            if os.path.isfile('core'):


        utc_tai = timedelta(seconds=self.pima.exper_info['utc_minus_tai'])
        polar = self.pima.cnt_params['POLAR:']
        acta_file_list = [ActaFile(file_name, polar, utc_tai)
                          for file_name in file_list]

        if plot:
            plot_autospectra(acta_file_list, out_dir)

        if db:
            for acta_file in acta_file_list:
Example #3
def main(args):
    exper = args.exper.lower()
    band = args.band.lower()
    obs = args.obs

        pim = Pima(exper, band)
    except pypima.pima.Error as err:
        print('PIMA Error: ', err, file=sys.stderr)
        return 1

    if obs <= 0 or obs > pim.obs_number():
        print('Incorrect observation number {} must be in range [{} {}]'.
              format(obs, 1, pim.obs_number()))
        return 1

    params = ['FRIB.OBS:', str(obs), 'FRIB.2D_FRINGE_PLOT:', 'TXT']

    if args.delay_window:
        delay_window = args.delay_window * 1e-6
        delay_window = 500e-9

    if args.rate_window:
        rate_window = args.rate_window
    elif band == 'k':
        rate_window = 2e-12
    elif band == 'c':
        rate_window = 4e-12
        rate_window = 8e-12

    delay_str = '{:E}'.format(delay_window)
    rate_str = '{:E}'.format(rate_window)

    params.extend(['FRIB.PLOT_DELAY_WINDOW_WIDTH:', delay_str,
                   'FRIB.PLOT_RATE_WINDOW_WIDTH:', rate_str])

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.fri') as tmp_fri:
        params.extend(['FRINGE_FILE:', tmp_fri.name])
            fri = Fri(pim.fine(params))
        except pypima.pima.Error as err:
            print('PIMA Error: ', err, file=sys.stderr)
            return 1

    time_code = fri[0]['time_code']
    sta1 = fri[0]['sta1'].lower()
    sta1 = sta1 + '_' * (8 - len(sta1))
    sta2 = fri[0]['sta2'].lower()
    # sta2 = sta2 + '_' * (8 - len(sta2))
    path = '{}/{}_fpl/fr2d_{}__{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(
        time_code, band, sta1, sta2)

    # print('DEBUG: path =', path)

        plot(path, fri[0], args.format, title=args.title)
    except OSError as err:
        print('OSError: ', err, file=sys.stderr)
        return 1

    return 0