Example #1
def test_find_standard():
    # G191b2b
    std_ra = '05:06:36.6'
    std_dec = '52:52:01.0'
    # Grab
    std_dict = arflx.find_standard_file((std_ra, std_dec))
    # Test
    assert std_dict['name'] == 'G191B2B'
    assert std_dict['file'] == '/data/standards/calspec/g191b2b_mod_005.fits'
    assert std_dict['fmt'] == 1
    # Fail to find
    # near G191b2b
    std_ra = '05:06:36.6'
    std_dec = '52:22:01.0'
    std_dict = arflx.find_standard_file((std_ra, std_dec))
    assert std_dict is None
Example #2
def test_find_standard():
    from pypit import arutils as arut
    from pypit import arflux as arflx
    # Dummy self
    slf = arut.dummy_self()
    # G191b2b
    std_ra = '05:06:36.6'
    std_dec = '52:52:01.0'
    # Grab
    std_dict = arflx.find_standard_file(slf._argflag, (std_ra, std_dec))
    # Test
    assert std_dict['name'] == 'G191B2B'
    assert std_dict['file'] == '/data/standards/calspec/g191b2b_mod_005.fits'
    assert std_dict['fmt'] == 1
    # Fail to find
    # near G191b2b
    std_ra = '05:06:36.6'
    std_dec = '52:22:01.0'
    std_dict = arflx.find_standard_file(slf._argflag, (std_ra, std_dec))
    assert std_dict is None
Example #3
def test_find_standard():
    from pypit import arutils as arut
    from pypit import arflux as arflx

    # Dummy self
    slf = arut.dummy_self()
    # G191b2b
    std_ra = "05:06:36.6"
    std_dec = "52:52:01.0"
    # Grab
    std_dict = arflx.find_standard_file(slf._argflag, (std_ra, std_dec))
    # Test
    assert std_dict["name"] == "G191B2B"
    assert std_dict["file"] == "/data/standards/calspec/g191b2b_mod_005.fits"
    assert std_dict["fmt"] == 1
    # Fail to find
    # near G191b2b
    std_ra = "05:06:36.6"
    std_dec = "52:22:01.0"
    std_dict = arflx.find_standard_file(slf._argflag, (std_ra, std_dec))
    assert std_dict is None
Example #4
def sort_data(argflag, spect, fitsdict):
    Create an exposure class for every science frame

    argflag : dict
      Arguments and flags used for reduction
    spect : dict
      Properties of the spectrograph.
    fitsdict : dict
      Contains relevant information from fits header files

    ftag : dict
      A dictionary of filetypes
    msgs.bug("There appears to be a bug with the assignment of arc frames when only one science frame is supplied")
    msgs.info("Sorting files")
    numfiles = fitsdict['filename'].size
    # Set the filetype dictionary
    ftag = dict({'science': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'standard': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'bias': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'pixflat': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'blzflat': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'trace': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'arc': np.array([], dtype=np.int)})
    fkey = np.array(ftag.keys())
    # Create an array where 1 means it is a certain type of frame and 0 means it isn't.
    filarr = np.zeros((len(fkey), numfiles), dtype=np.int)
    setarr = np.zeros((len(fkey), numfiles), dtype=np.int)
    # Identify the frames:
    for i in range(len(fkey)):
        # Self identification
        if argflag['run']['use_idname']:
            w = np.where(fitsdict['idname'] == spect[fkey[i]]['idname'])[0]
            msgs.info("Sorting files")
            w = np.arange(numfiles)
        n = np.arange(numfiles)
        n = np.intersect1d(n, w)
        # Perform additional checks in order to make sure this identification is true
        chkk = spect[fkey[i]]['check'].keys()
        for ch in chkk:
            if ch[0:9] == 'condition':
                # Deal with a conditional argument
                conds = re.split("(\||\&)", spect[fkey[i]]['check'][ch])
                ntmp = chk_condition(fitsdict, conds[0])
                # And more
                for cn in range((len(conds)-1)//2):
                    if conds[2*cn+1] == "|":
                        ntmp = ntmp | chk_condition(fitsdict, conds[2*cn+2])
                    elif conds[2*cn+1] == "&":
                        ntmp = ntmp & chk_condition(fitsdict, conds[2*cn+2])
                w = np.where(ntmp)[0]
                if fitsdict[ch].dtype.char == 'S':  # Numpy string array
                    # Strip numpy string array of all whitespace
                    w = np.where(np.char.strip(fitsdict[ch]) == spect[fkey[i]]['check'][ch])[0]
                    w = np.where(fitsdict[ch] == spect[fkey[i]]['check'][ch])[0]
            n = np.intersect1d(n, w)
        # Assign these filetypes
        filarr[i,:][n] = 1
        # Check if these files can also be another type
        if spect[fkey[i]]['canbe'] is not None:
            for cb in spect[fkey[i]]['canbe']:
                # Assign these filetypes
                fa = np.where(fkey == cb)[0]
                if np.size(fa) == 1: filarr[fa[0],:][n] = 1
                else: msgs.error("Unknown type for argument 'canbe': {0:s}".format(cb))
#		# Check for filetype clashes
#		bdf=np.where(np.sum(filarr,axis=0)[n] != 0)[0]
#		if np.size(bdf) != 0:
#			msgs.info("Clash with file identifications when assigning frames as type {0:s}:".format(fkey[i]))
#			# Check if this clash is allowed:
#			clashfound=False
#			for b in range(np.size(bdf)):
#				# For each file with a clash, get all frames that have been assigned to it
#				tarr = np.where(filarr[:,n[bdf[b]]]==1)[0]
#				for a in tarr:
#					if spect[fkey[i]]['canbe'] is None:
#						print "{0:s} can only be of type: {1:s}, and is marked as {2:s}".format(fitsdict['filename'][n[bdf[b]]],fkey[i],fkey[a])
#						clashfound=True
#					elif fkey[a] not in spect[fkey[i]]['canbe']:
#						print "{0:s}  current filetype: {1:s}".format(fitsdict['filename'][n[bdf[b]]],fkey[a])
#						clashfound=True
#			if clashfound: msgs.error("Check these files and your settings.{0:s} file before continuing.".format(argflag['run']['spectrograph'])+msgs.newline()+"You can use the 'canbe' option to allow one frame to have multiple types.")
#			else: msgs.info("Clash permitted")
    # Identify the standard stars
    # Find the nearest standard star to each science frame
    wscistd = np.where(filarr[np.where(fkey == 'standard')[0], :].flatten() == 1)[0]
    for i in range(wscistd.size):
#        set_trace()
        radec = (fitsdict['ra'][wscistd[i]], fitsdict['dec'][wscistd[i]])
        # If an object exists within 20 arcmins of a listed standard, then it is probably a standard star
        foundstd = find_standard_file(argflag, radec, toler=20.*u.arcmin, check=True)
        if foundstd:
            filarr[np.where(fkey == 'science')[0], wscistd[i]] = 0
            filarr[np.where(fkey == 'standard')[0], wscistd[i]] = 0
    # Make any forced changes
    msgs.info("Making forced file identification changes")
    skeys = spect['set'].keys()
    for sk in skeys:
        for j in spect['set'][sk]:
            w = np.where(fitsdict['filename']==j)[0]
            del w
    filarr = filarr + setarr
    # Check that all files have an identification
    badfiles = np.where(np.sum(filarr, axis=0) == 0)[0]
    if np.size(badfiles) != 0:
        msgs.info("Couldn't identify the following files:")
        for i in range(np.size(badfiles)):
        msgs.error("Check these files and your settings.{0:s} file before continuing".format(argflag['run']['spectrograph']))
    # Now identify the dark frames
    wdark = np.where((filarr[np.where(fkey == 'bias')[0],:] == 1).flatten() &
        (fitsdict['exptime'].astype(np.float64) > spect['mosaic']['minexp']))[0]
    ftag['dark'] = wdark
    # Store the frames in the ftag array
    for i in range(len(fkey)):
        ftag[fkey[i]] = np.where(filarr[i,:] == 1)[0]
    # Finally check there are no duplicates (the arrays will automatically sort with np.unique)
    msgs.info("Finalising frame sorting, and removing duplicates")
    for key in ftag.keys():
        ftag[key] = np.unique(ftag[key])
        if np.size(ftag[key]) == 1:
            msgs.info("Found {0:d} {1:s} frame".format(np.size(ftag[key]),key))
            msgs.info("Found {0:d} {1:s} frames".format(np.size(ftag[key]),key))
    # Return ftag!
    msgs.info("Sorting completed successfully")
    return ftag
Example #5
def sort_data(argflag, spect, fitsdict):
    Create an exposure class for every science frame

    argflag : dict
      Arguments and flags used for reduction
    spect : dict
      Properties of the spectrograph.
    fitsdict : dict
      Contains relevant information from fits header files

    ftag : dict
      A dictionary of filetypes
    msgs.bug("There appears to be a bug with the assignment of arc frames when only one science frame is supplied")
    msgs.info("Sorting files")
    numfiles = fitsdict['filename'].size
    # Set the filetype dictionary
    ftag = dict({'science': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'standard': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'bias': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'pixflat': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'blzflat': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'trace': np.array([], dtype=np.int),
                 'arc': np.array([], dtype=np.int)})
    fkey = np.array(ftag.keys())
    # Create an array where 1 means it is a certain type of frame and 0 means it isn't.
    filarr = np.zeros((len(fkey), numfiles), dtype=np.int)
    setarr = np.zeros((len(fkey), numfiles), dtype=np.int)
    # Identify the frames:
    for i in xrange(len(fkey)):
        # Self identification
        if argflag['run']['use_idname']:
            w = np.where(fitsdict['idname'] == spect[fkey[i]]['idname'])[0]
            msgs.info("Sorting files")
            w = np.arange(numfiles)
        n = np.arange(numfiles)
        n = np.intersect1d(n, w)
        # Perform additional checks in order to make sure this identification is true
        chkk = spect[fkey[i]]['check'].keys()
        for ch in chkk:
            if ch[0:9] == 'condition':
                # Deal with a conditional argument
                conds = re.split("(\||\&)", spect[fkey[i]]['check'][ch])
                ntmp = chk_condition(fitsdict, conds[0])
                # And more
                for cn in xrange((len(conds)-1)//2):
                    if conds[2*cn+1] == "|":
                        ntmp = ntmp | chk_condition(fitsdict, conds[2*cn+2])
                    elif conds[2*cn+1] == "&":
                        ntmp = ntmp & chk_condition(fitsdict, conds[2*cn+2])
                w = np.where(ntmp)[0]
                if fitsdict[ch].dtype.char == 'S':  # Numpy string array
                    # Strip numpy string array of all whitespace
                    w = np.where(np.char.strip(fitsdict[ch]) == spect[fkey[i]]['check'][ch])[0]
                    w = np.where(fitsdict[ch] == spect[fkey[i]]['check'][ch])[0]
            n = np.intersect1d(n, w)
        # Assign these filetypes
        filarr[i,:][n] = 1
        # Check if these files can also be another type
        if spect[fkey[i]]['canbe'] is not None:
            for cb in spect[fkey[i]]['canbe']:
                # Assign these filetypes
                fa = np.where(fkey == cb)[0]
                if np.size(fa) == 1: filarr[fa[0],:][n] = 1
                else: msgs.error("Unknown type for argument 'canbe': {0:s}".format(cb))
#		# Check for filetype clashes
#		bdf=np.where(np.sum(filarr,axis=0)[n] != 0)[0]
#		if np.size(bdf) != 0:
#			msgs.info("Clash with file identifications when assigning frames as type {0:s}:".format(fkey[i]))
#			# Check if this clash is allowed:
#			clashfound=False
#			for b in xrange(np.size(bdf)):
#				# For each file with a clash, get all frames that have been assigned to it
#				tarr = np.where(filarr[:,n[bdf[b]]]==1)[0]
#				for a in tarr:
#					if spect[fkey[i]]['canbe'] is None:
#						print "{0:s} can only be of type: {1:s}, and is marked as {2:s}".format(fitsdict['filename'][n[bdf[b]]],fkey[i],fkey[a])
#						clashfound=True
#					elif fkey[a] not in spect[fkey[i]]['canbe']:
#						print "{0:s}  current filetype: {1:s}".format(fitsdict['filename'][n[bdf[b]]],fkey[a])
#						clashfound=True
#			if clashfound: msgs.error("Check these files and your settings.{0:s} file before continuing.".format(argflag['run']['spectrograph'])+msgs.newline()+"You can use the 'canbe' option to allow one frame to have multiple types.")
#			else: msgs.info("Clash permitted")
    # Identify the standard stars
    # Find the nearest standard star to each science frame
    wscistd = np.where(filarr[np.where(fkey == 'standard')[0], :].flatten() == 1)[0]
    for i in xrange(wscistd.size):
#        set_trace()
        radec = (fitsdict['ra'][wscistd[i]], fitsdict['dec'][wscistd[i]])
        # If an object exists within 20 arcmins of a listed standard, then it is probably a standard star
        foundstd = find_standard_file(argflag, radec, toler=20.*u.arcmin, check=True)
        if foundstd:
            filarr[np.where(fkey == 'science')[0], wscistd[i]] = 0
            filarr[np.where(fkey == 'standard')[0], wscistd[i]] = 0
    # Make any forced changes
    msgs.info("Making forced file identification changes")
    skeys = spect['set'].keys()
    for sk in skeys:
        for j in spect['set'][sk]:
            w = np.where(fitsdict['filename']==j)[0]
            del w
    filarr = filarr + setarr
    # Check that all files have an identification
    badfiles = np.where(np.sum(filarr, axis=0) == 0)[0]
    if np.size(badfiles) != 0:
        msgs.info("Couldn't identify the following files:")
        for i in xrange(np.size(badfiles)):
        msgs.error("Check these files and your settings.{0:s} file before continuing".format(argflag['run']['spectrograph']))
    # Now identify the dark frames
    wdark = np.where((filarr[np.where(fkey == 'bias')[0],:] == 1).flatten() &
        (fitsdict['exptime'].astype(np.float64) > spect['mosaic']['minexp']))[0]
    ftag['dark'] = wdark
    # Store the frames in the ftag array
    for i in xrange(len(fkey)):
        ftag[fkey[i]] = np.where(filarr[i,:] == 1)[0]
    # Finally check there are no duplicates (the arrays will automatically sort with np.unique)
    msgs.info("Finalising frame sorting, and removing duplicates")
    for key in ftag.keys():
        ftag[key] = np.unique(ftag[key])
        if np.size(ftag[key]) == 1:
            msgs.info("Found {0:d} {1:s} frame".format(np.size(ftag[key]),key))
            msgs.info("Found {0:d} {1:s} frames".format(np.size(ftag[key]),key))
    # Return ftag!
    msgs.info("Sorting completed successfully")
    return ftag