Example #1
def slit_trace_qa(slf, frame, ltrace, rtrace, extslit, desc="", root='trace', outfil=None, normalize=True):
    Generate a QA plot for the traces

    slf : class
      An instance of the Science Exposure Class
    frame : ndarray
      trace image
    ltrace : ndarray
      Left slit edge traces
    rtrace : ndarray
      Right slit edge traces
    extslit : ndarray
      Mask of extrapolated slits (True = extrapolated)
    desc : str, optional
      A description to be used as a title for the page
    root : str, optional
      Root name for generating output file, e.g. msflat_01blue_000.fits
    outfil : str, optional
      Output file
    normalize: bool, optional
      Normalize the flat?  If not, use zscale for output
    # Outfil
    # if outfil is None:
    #     if '.fits' in root: # Expecting name of msflat FITS file
    #         outfil = root.replace('.fits', '_trc.pdf')
    #         outfil = outfil.replace('MasterFrames', 'Plots')
    #     else:
    #         outfil = root+'.pdf'
    ntrc = ltrace.shape[1]
    ycen = np.arange(frame.shape[0])
    # Normalize flux in the traces
    if normalize:
        nrm_frame = np.zeros_like(frame)
        for ii in xrange(ntrc):
            xtrc = (ltrace[:,ii] + rtrace[:,ii])/2.
            ixtrc = np.round(xtrc).astype(int)
            # Simple 'extraction'
            dumi = np.zeros( (frame.shape[0],3) )
            for jj in xrange(3):
                dumi[:,jj] = frame[ycen,ixtrc-1+jj]
            trc = np.median(dumi, axis=1)
            # Find portion of the image and normalize
            for yy in ycen:
                xi = max(0, int(ltrace[yy,ii])-3)
                xe = min(frame.shape[1], int(rtrace[yy,ii])+3)
                # Fill + normalize
                nrm_frame[yy, xi:xe] = frame[yy, xi:xe] / trc[yy]
        sclmin, sclmax = 0.4, 1.1
        nrm_frame = frame.copy()
        sclmin, sclmax = zscale(nrm_frame)

    # Plot
    fig = plt.figure(dpi=1200)

    ax = plt.gca()
    for label in ax.get_yticklabels() :
    for label in ax.get_xticklabels() :
    cmm = cm.Greys_r
    mplt = plt.imshow(nrm_frame, origin='lower', cmap=cmm, interpolation=None,
                      extent=(0., frame.shape[1], 0., frame.shape[0]))
    mplt.set_clim(vmin=sclmin, vmax=sclmax)

    # Axes
    plt.xlim(0., frame.shape[1])
    plt.ylim(0., frame.shape[0])
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off',
                    labelbottom='off', labelleft='off')

    # Traces
    for ii in xrange(ntrc):
        if extslit[ii] is True: ptyp = ':'
        else: ptyp = '--'
        # Left
        plt.plot(ltrace[:,ii]+0.5, ycen, 'r'+ptyp, alpha=0.7)
        # Right
        plt.plot(rtrace[:,ii]+0.5, ycen, 'g'+ptyp, alpha=0.7)
        # Label
        iy = int(frame.shape[0]/2.)
        plt.text(ltrace[iy,ii], ycen[iy], '{:d}'.format(ii+1), color='red', ha='center')
        plt.text(rtrace[iy,ii], ycen[iy], '{:d}'.format(ii+1), color='green', ha='center')
    if desc != "":

    slf._qa.savefig(dpi=1200, orientation='portrait', bbox_inches='tight')
Example #2
def obj_trace_qa(slf, frame, ltrace, rtrace, root='trace', outfil=None, normalize=True):
    """ Generate a QA plot for the object trace

    frame : ndarray
    ltrace : ndarray
      Left edge traces
    rtrace : ndarray
      Right edge traces
    root : str, optional
      Root name for generating output file, e.g. msflat_01blue_000.fits
    outfil : str, optional
      Output file
    normalize : bool, optional
      Normalize the flat?  If not, use zscale for output
    # Outfil
    if outfil is None:
        if 'fits' in root: # Expecting name of msflat FITS file
            outfil = root.replace('.fits', '_trc.pdf')
            outfil = outfil.replace('MasterFrames', 'Plots')
            outfil = root+'.pdf'
    ntrc = ltrace.shape[1]
    ycen = np.arange(frame.shape[0])
    # Normalize flux in the traces
    if normalize:
        nrm_frame = np.zeros_like(frame)
        for ii in xrange(ntrc):
            xtrc = (ltrace[:,ii] + rtrace[:,ii])/2.
            ixtrc = np.round(xtrc).astype(int)
            # Simple 'extraction'
            dumi = np.zeros( (frame.shape[0],3) )
            for jj in xrange(3):
                dumi[:,jj] = frame[ycen,ixtrc-1+jj]
            trc = np.median(dumi, axis=1)
            # Find portion of the image and normalize
            for yy in ycen:
                xi = max(0, int(ltrace[yy,ii])-3)
                xe = min(frame.shape[1],int(rtrace[yy,ii])+3)
                # Fill + normalize
                nrm_frame[yy, xi:xe] = frame[yy,xi:xe] / trc[yy]
        sclmin, sclmax = 0.4, 1.1
        nrm_frame = frame.copy()
        sclmin, sclmax = zscale(nrm_frame)

    # Plot
    fig = plt.figure(dpi=1200)

    plt.rcParams['font.family']= 'times new roman'
    ticks_font = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(family='times new roman', 
       style='normal', size=16, weight='normal', stretch='normal')
    ax = plt.gca()
    for label in ax.get_yticklabels() :
    for label in ax.get_xticklabels() :
    cmm = cm.Greys_r
    mplt = plt.imshow(nrm_frame,origin='lower', cmap=cmm, extent=(0., frame.shape[1], 0., frame.shape[0]))
    mplt.set_clim(vmin=sclmin, vmax=sclmax)

    # Axes
    plt.xlim(0., frame.shape[1])
    plt.ylim(0., frame.shape[0])
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='off', labelleft='off')

    # Traces
    for ii in xrange(ntrc):
        # Left
        plt.plot(ltrace[:,ii]+0.5, ycen, 'r--',alpha=0.7)
        # Right
        plt.plot(rtrace[:,ii]+0.5, ycen, 'g--',alpha=0.7)
        # Label
        iy = int(frame.shape[0]/2.)
        plt.text(ltrace[iy,ii], ycen[iy], '{:d}'.format(ii+1), color='red', ha='center')
        plt.text(rtrace[iy,ii], ycen[iy], '{:d}'.format(ii+1), color='green', ha='center')
