def shrink_polygon(vertices, shrink_ratio, res=10): """ Shrink polygon from its Chebyshev center. Parameters ---------- vertices : list of arrays Vertices of the initial polygon. shrink_ratio : scalar Scalar factor between 0 and 1. res : int Number of vertices for the shrunk polygon. Returns ------- new_vertices : list of arrays Vertices of the new polygon. """ assert 0. <= shrink_ratio <= 1. and type(res) is int and res > 0 A, b = compute_polytope_halfspaces(vertices) c = compute_chebyshev_center(A, b) v = b - dot(A, c) n = len(v) new_vertices = [] for ray_index in xrange(res): theta = ray_index * (2. * pi / res) r = array([cos(theta), sin(theta)]) u = dot(A, r) lambda_ = min([v[i] / u[i] for i in xrange(n) if u[i] > 1e-10]) new_vertices.append(c + shrink_ratio * lambda_ * r) return new_vertices
def sample_points_from_polygon(vertices, nb_points): A, b = compute_polytope_halfspaces(vertices) vertices = array(vertices) p_min = vertices.min(axis=0) p_max = vertices.max(axis=0) points = [] while len(points) < nb_points: p = random.random(2) * (p_max - p_min) + p_min if (dot(A, p) <= b).all(): points.append(p) return points
def sample_grid_from_polygon(vertices, res=None, xres=None, yres=None): xres = res if xres is None else xres yres = res if yres is None else yres A, b = compute_polytope_halfspaces(vertices) vertices = array(vertices) p_min = vertices.min(axis=0) p_max = vertices.max(axis=0) points = [] for x in linspace(p_min[0], p_max[0], xres): for y in linspace(p_min[1], p_max[1], yres): p = array([x, y]) if (dot(A, p) <= b).all(): points.append(p) return points
def compute(self, draw_height=None): assert len(self.working_set) > 0 and len(self.working_set[0]) == 2 self.all_vertices = [] for i_cur, p_cur in enumerate(self.working_set): p_cur = array(p_cur) A_voronoi, b_voronoi = [], [] for i_other, p_other in enumerate(self.working_set): if i_other == i_cur: continue p_other = array(p_other) p_mid = 0.5 * (p_other + p_cur) a = p_other - p_cur A_voronoi.append(a) b_voronoi.append(dot(a, p_mid)) A_voronoi = vstack(A_voronoi) b_voronoi = hstack(b_voronoi)[0])[1]) self.robot.ik.solve(warm_start=True) proj_vertices = compute_local_actuation_dependent_polygon( self.robot, self.stance, method="bretl") A_proj, b_proj = compute_polytope_halfspaces(proj_vertices) A = vstack([A_proj, A_voronoi]) b = hstack([b_proj, b_voronoi]) if draw_height is not None and (dot(A, p_cur) > b).any(): self.sample_handles.append( draw_point([p_cur[0], p_cur[1], draw_height], color='r', pointsize=5e-3)) continue elif draw_height is not None: self.sample_handles.append( draw_point([p_cur[0], p_cur[1], draw_height], color='g', pointsize=5e-3)) vertices = pypoman.compute_polytope_vertices(A, b) if draw_height is not None: self.polygons.append( draw_horizontal_polygon(vertices, draw_height, combined='b-#')) self.all_vertices.extend(vertices) return self.all_vertices
import numpy as np from numpy import array from pypoman import compute_polytope_halfspaces import polytope as pc vertices = map(array, [1, 3, 2]) A, b = compute_polytope_halfspaces(vertices) print(A, b) import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection P = [[12.31052917, 45.18707857, 0.549995], [12.31052917, 45.18707857, 0.550005], [12.31052917, 45.192353, 0.549995], [12.31052917, 45.192353, 0.550005], [12.313735, 45.18707857, 0.549995], [12.313735, 45.18707857, 0.550005], [12.313735, 45.192353, 0.549995], [12.313735, 45.192353, 0.550005]] print(x) print(y) print(z) from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm
# version. # # pypoman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # pypoman. If not, see <>. import pylab from numpy import arange, array, cos, pi, sin import pypoman vertices = [(cos(theta), sin(theta)) for theta in arange(0, 2 * pi, pi / 6)] A, b = pypoman.compute_polytope_halfspaces(vertices) point = array([2.1, 1.9]) proj = pypoman.project_point_to_polytope(point, (A, b)) if __name__ == "__main__": # plot projected polytope pylab.ion() pylab.figure() pylab.gca().set_aspect("equal") pypoman.plot_polygon(vertices) pylab.plot([point[0]], [point[1]], marker='o', markersize=3, color='r') pylab.plot([proj[0]], [proj[1]], marker='o', markersize=3, color='b') pylab.plot([point[0], proj[0]], [point[1], proj[1]], 'b--')