Example #1
def OPFAC(ppc, Pload, Qload, u, weight):
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch = ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc[
    nbus = ppc['bus'].shape[0]
    ngen = ppc['gen'].shape[0]
    ngenInfo = ppc['gen'].shape[1]

    ppc["bus"][:, 2] = Pload
    ppc["bus"][:, 3] = Qload
    for i in range(ngen):
        ppc["gen"][i, 3] = u[i] * ppc["gen"][i, 3]
        ppc["gen"][i, 4] = u[i] * ppc["gen"][i, 4]
        ppc["gen"][i, 8] = u[i] * ppc["gen"][i, 8]
        ppc["gen"][i, 9] = u[i] * ppc["gen"][i, 9]

    DeltaPMatrix = np.zeros((nbus, ngenInfo))
    for i in range(nbus):
        DeltaPMatrix[i, :] = [
            i + 1, 0., 0., 0., 0, 1., 100., 1., 1000, -1000., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
            0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.

    genNew = np.append(gen, DeltaPMatrix, axis=0)
    ppc["gen"] = genNew
    DeltaPCost = np.zeros((nbus, ppc["gencost"].shape[1]))
    DeltaPCost[:, -3] = weight
    DeltaPCost[:, -4] = 3
    DeltaPCost[:, 0] = 2
    newGenCost = np.append(ppc["gencost"], DeltaPCost, axis=0)
    ppc["gencost"] = newGenCost
    ppc["bus"][:, 1] = 2
    ppc["bus"][0, 1] = 3

# ppc = loadcase(case())                #Load test system
# baseMVA=ppc['baseMVA']
# Pload=ppc['bus'][:,2]
# Qload=ppc['bus'][:,3]
# nbus=ppc['bus'].shape[0]              #number of buses
# ngen=ppc['gen'].shape[0]
# ngenInfo=ppc['gen'].shape[1]
# # genMatrix=np.zeros((nbus,ngenInfo))
# # for i in range(ngen):
# #     genMatrix[int(ppc['gen'][i][0])-1,:]=ppc['gen'][i]
# # genBusIndex=ppc['gen'][:,0].astype(int)-1
# u=np.zeros(ngen, dtype=int)
# for i in range(ngen):
#     u[i]=1

# weight=10000000

# OPFAC(ppc, Pload, Qload, u, weight)
def case_iteration():
    ppc = mycase()
    ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=2)

    r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)

Example #3
 def get_output(self):
     #returns the output of the load flow calculation
     ppc_result = runopf(self.ppc, self.ppopt)
     #print ppc_result["bus"][node,7]
     print ppc_result["gen"]
     print type(ppc_result)
     return ppc_result
Example #4
def opf(args=sys.argv[1:]):
    usage = 'Runs an optimal power flow.'
    options, casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase = \
            parse_options(args, usage, True)

    if options.test:

    if options.uopf:
        if options.w_res:
            stderr.write('uopf and opf_w_res are mutex\n')
        r = runuopf(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
    elif options.w_res:
        r = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
        r = runopf(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
Example #5
def opf(args=sys.argv[1:]):
    usage = 'Runs an optimal power flow.'
    options, casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase = \
            parse_options(args, usage, True)

    if options.test:

    if options.uopf:
        if options.w_res:
            stderr.write('uopf and opf_w_res are mutex\n')
        r = runuopf(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
    elif options.w_res:
        r = runopf_w_res(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
        r = runopf(casedata, ppopt, fname, solvedcase)
Example #6
def mainJAPowerFlow(baseMVAName, busName, genName, branchName, splitCharacter,
                    outputBusName, outputBranchName, outputGenName, optimal,
                    printOutput, areasName, genCostName):
    #Variables (by for testing)
    #baseMVAName = "baseMVA.txt"
    #busName = "bus.txt"
    #genName = "gen.txt"
    #branchName = "branch.txt"
    #splitCharacter = '	'
    #outputBusName = "outputBus.txt"
    #outputBranchName = "outputBranch.txt"
    #outputBranchName = "outputGen.txt"
    #optimal = 0 #optimal = 0 or 1, 0 for power flow, 1 for optimal power flow.
    #printOutput = 0 #printOutput = 0 or 1, 0 for no stdout printed output, 1 if it is wanted. Note that both still output to the text files.
    #areasName = "areas.txt"
    #genCostName = "genCost.txt"

    #Assign ppc
    ppc = readText(baseMVAName, busName, genName, branchName, splitCharacter,
                   optimal, areasName, genCostName)
    #ppc = casetest()

    #Set pf test type
    #ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1) #Includes printing output (of standard pf)
    #ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0) #These options prevent printing output
    #ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
    if (printOutput == 1):
        ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=1, VERBOSE=1)
    elif (printOutput == 0):
        ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
            "printOutput must be 0 or 1, 0 for no stdout printed output, and 1 if that is desired. Both still output to text files."

    #Run pf or opf test
    if (optimal == 0):
        r = runpf(ppc, ppopt)
    elif (optimal == 1):
        r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
        print("optimal must be 0 or 1, 0 for pf and 1 for opf.")

    #Now clear the output files (method of writing to them might be altered, so doing this is to be sure
    open(outputBusName, 'w').close()
    open(outputBranchName, 'w').close()
    open(outputGenName, 'w').close()

    #For Optimal Power Flow
    if (optimal == 1):
        #Establish lengths
        busCount = len(r['bus'])
        branchCount = len(r['branch'])
        genCount = len(r['gen'])
        #Find Generator Per Bus Output
        busGenP = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        busGenQ = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        f = open(outputGenName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < genCount):
            #For Gen Output
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r['gen'][i][1]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['gen'][i][2]) + '\n')
            #For Bus Output
            busGenP[int(r['gen'][i][0])] += r['gen'][i][1]
            busGenQ[int(r['gen'][i][0])] += r['gen'][i][2]
            i += 1

        #Print Bus Output
        f = open(outputBusName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < busCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][7]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][8]) + splitCharacter +
                str(busGenP[i]) + splitCharacter + str(busGenQ[i]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][2]) + splitCharacter +
                str(r['bus'][i][3]) + '\n')
            i += 1

        #Print Branch Output
        f = open(outputBranchName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < branchCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][15], r['branch'][i][13])) +
                splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][16], r['branch'][i][14])) + '\n')
            i += 1

    #For Standard Power Flow
    elif (optimal == 0):
        #Establish lengths
        busCount = len(r[0]['bus'])
        branchCount = len(r[0]['branch'])
        genCount = len(r[0]['gen'])
        #Find Generator Per Bus Output
        busGenP = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        busGenQ = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        f = open(outputGenName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < genCount):
            #For Gen Output
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r[0]['gen'][i][1]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['gen'][i][2]) + '\n')
            #For Bus Output
            busGenP[int(r[0]['gen'][i][0])] += r[0]['gen'][i][1]
            busGenQ[int(r[0]['gen'][i][0])] += r[0]['gen'][i][2]
            i += 1

        #Print Bus Output
        f = open(outputBusName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < busCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][7]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][8]) + splitCharacter +
                str(busGenP[i]) + splitCharacter + str(busGenQ[i]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][2]) + splitCharacter +
                str(r[0]['bus'][i][3]) + '\n')
            i += 1

        #Print Branch Output
        f = open(outputBranchName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < branchCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r[0]['branch'][i][15], r[0]['branch'][i][13])) +
                splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r[0]['branch'][i][16], r[0]['branch'][i][14])) +
            i += 1
        print("optimal must be 0 or 1, 0 for pf and 1 for opf.")
Example #7
File: case1.py Project: vjugor1/lmp
	def runopf_case(self):
		self.results = runopf(self.ppc, self.ppopt)
Example #8
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 3] = 3
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 4] = -c2
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 5] = c1
            elif deg == 1:
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 3] = 2
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 4] = c1
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 5] = 0.0
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 3] = 1
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 4] = 999.0
                ppc['gencost'][genidx, 5] = 0.0
            ppc['gencost'][genidx, 6] = 0.0
            ppc['bus'][busnum - 1, 2] = gld_load[busnum]['pcrv'] + unresp
            ppc['bus'][busnum - 1, 3] = gld_load[busnum]['qcrv']
#    print_gld_load (ppc, gld_load, 'OPF', ts)
        ropf = pp.runopf(ppc, ppopt_market)
        if ropf['success'] == False:
            conv_accum = False
        opf_bus = deepcopy(ropf['bus'])
        opf_gen = deepcopy(ropf['gen'])
        Pswing = 0
        for idx in range(opf_gen.shape[0]):
            if opf_gen[idx, 0] == swing_bus:
                Pswing += opf_gen[idx, 1]
              '{:.2f}'.format(opf_bus[:, 2].sum()),
              '{:.2f}'.format(opf_gen[:, 1].sum()),
              '{:.4f}'.format(opf_bus[0, 13]),
              '{:.4f}'.format(opf_bus[7, 13]),
Example #9
def mainJAPowerFlow(baseMVAName, busName, genName, branchName, splitCharacter,
                    outputBusName, outputBranchName, outputGenName,
                    printOutput, optimal, areasName, genCostName):
    #Variables (by for testing)
    #baseMVAName = "baseMVA.txt"
    #busName = "bus.txt"
    #genName = "gen.txt"
    #branchName = "branch.txt"
    #splitCharacter = ' '
    #outputBusName = "outputBus.txt"
    #outputBranchName = "outputBranch.txt"
    #outputBranchName = "outputGen.txt"
    #printOutput = 0 #printOutput = 0 or 1, 0 for no stdout printed output, 1 if it is wanted. Note that both still output to the text files.
    #optimal = 0 #optimal = 0 or 1, 0 for power flow, 1 for optimal power flow. NOTE: All following inputs are only used in optimal power flow, OPF, analysis (optimal = 1), but some values are still required as inputs, even if they are not used in the event of PF (optimal = 0).
    #areasName = "areas.txt"
    #genCostName = "genCost.txt"

    #Assign ppc
    ppc = readText(baseMVAName, busName, genName, branchName, splitCharacter,
                   optimal, areasName, genCostName)
    #ppc = casetest()

    #Set pf test type
    #ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1) #Includes printing output (of standard pf)
    #ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0) #These options prevent printing output
    #ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
    if (printOutput == 1):
        ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=1, VERBOSE=1)
    elif (printOutput == 0):
        ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
            "printOutput must be 0 or 1, 0 for no stdout printed output, and 1 if that is desired. Both still output to text files."

    #Run pf or opf test
    if (optimal == 0):
        r = runpf(ppc, ppopt)
    elif (optimal == 1):
        r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
        print("optimal must be 0 or 1, 0 for pf and 1 for opf.")

    #Now clear the output files (method of writing to them might be altered, so doing this is to be sure
    open(outputBusName, 'w').close()
    open(outputBranchName, 'w').close()
    open(outputGenName, 'w').close()

    #For Optimal Power Flow
    if (optimal == 1):
        #Establish lengths
        busCount = len(r['bus'])
        branchCount = len(r['branch'])
        genCount = len(r['gen'])
        #Find Generator Per Bus Output
        busGenP = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        busGenQ = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        f = open(outputGenName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < genCount):
            #For Gen Output
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r['gen'][i][1]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['gen'][i][2]) + '\n')
            #For Bus Output
            busGenP[int(r['gen'][i][0])] += r['gen'][i][1]
            busGenQ[int(r['gen'][i][0])] += r['gen'][i][2]
            i += 1

        #Print Bus Output
        f = open(outputBusName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < busCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][7]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][8]) + splitCharacter +
                str(busGenP[i]) + splitCharacter + str(busGenQ[i]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][2]) + splitCharacter +
                str(r['bus'][i][3]) + '\n')
            i += 1

        #Print Branch Output
        f = open(outputBranchName, 'w')
        i = 0
        dic = {}
        while (i < branchCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][15], r['branch'][i][13])) +
                splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][16], r['branch'][i][14])) + '\n')
            dic[i] = [
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][15], r['branch'][i][13])),
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][16], r['branch'][i][14]))
            i += 1
        with open(
                'w') as fp:
            json.dump(dic, fp)
    #For Standard Power Flow
    elif (optimal == 0):
        #Establish lengths
        busCount = len(r[0]['bus'])
        branchCount = len(r[0]['branch'])
        genCount = len(r[0]['gen'])
        #Find Generator Per Bus Output
        busGenP = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        busGenQ = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        f = open(outputGenName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < genCount):
            #For Gen Output
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r[0]['gen'][i][1]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['gen'][i][2]) + '\n')
            #For Bus Output
            busGenP[int(r[0]['gen'][i][0])] += r[0]['gen'][i][1]
            busGenQ[int(r[0]['gen'][i][0])] += r[0]['gen'][i][2]
            i += 1

        #Print Bus Output
        f = open(outputBusName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < busCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][7]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][8]) + splitCharacter +
                str(busGenP[i]) + splitCharacter + str(busGenQ[i]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][2]) + splitCharacter +
                str(r[0]['bus'][i][3]) + '\n')
            i += 1

        #Print Branch Output
        f = open(outputBranchName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < branchCount):
            #P, Q and S (average)
            PAve = (r[0]['branch'][i][15] + r[0]['branch'][i][13]) / 2.0
            QAve = (r[0]['branch'][i][14] + r[0]['branch'][i][16]) / 2.0
            SAve = numpy.sqrt(((PAve * PAve) + (QAve * QAve)))
            #Print P loss, Q loss, aveP, aveQ and aveS.
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r[0]['branch'][i][15], r[0]['branch'][i][13])) +
                splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r[0]['branch'][i][16], r[0]['branch'][i][14])) +
                splitCharacter + str(PAve) + splitCharacter + str(QAve) +
                splitCharacter + str(SAve) + '\n')
            i += 1
        print("optimal must be 0 or 1, 0 for pf and 1 for opf.")
Example #10
 idx = int(ts / 300) % nloads
 bus = ppc['bus']
 gen = ppc['gen']
 bus[6, 2] = loads[idx, 0]
 bus[4, 2] = loads[idx, 1]
 bus[8, 2] = loads[idx, 2]
 if ts >= outage[1] and ts <= outage[2]:
     gen[outage[0], 7] = 0
     gen[outage[0], 7] = 1
 for row in ppc['FNCS']:
     newload = float(row[2]) * float(row[3])
     newidx = int(row[0]) - 1
     print('GLD load', newload, 'at', newidx)
     bus[newidx, 2] += newload
 res = pp.runopf(ppc, ppopt)
 bus = res['bus']
 gen = res['gen']
 Pload = bus[:, 2].sum()
 Pgen = gen[:, 1].sum()
 Ploss = Pgen - Pload
 print(ts, res['success'], bus[:, 2].sum())
       bus[:, 2].sum(),
       bus[6, 2],
       bus[6, 7],
       bus[6, 13],
       bus[6, 14],
       gen[0, 1],
       gen[1, 1],
Example #11
def pypower_loop (casefile, rootname):
  """ Public function to start PYPOWER solutions under control of FNCS

  The time step, maximum time, and other data must be set up in a JSON file.
  This function will run the case under FNCS, manage the FNCS message traffic,
  and shutdown FNCS upon completion. Five files are written:

  - *rootname.csv*; intermediate solution results during simulation
  - *rootname_m_dict.json*; metadata for post-processing
  - *bus_rootname_metrics.json*; bus metrics for GridLAB-D connections, upon completion
  - *gen_rootname_metrics.json*; bulk system generator metrics, upon completion
  - *sys_rootname_metrics.json*; bulk system-level metrics, upon completion

    casefile (str): the configuring JSON file name, without extension
    rootname (str): the root filename for metrics output, without extension
#  if len(sys.argv) == 3:
#    rootname = sys.argv[1]
#    casefile = sys.argv[2]
#  else:
#    print ('usage: python fncsPYPOWER.py metrics_rootname casedata.json')
#    sys.exit()

  ppc = load_json_case (casefile)
  StartTime = ppc['StartTime']
  tmax = int(ppc['Tmax'])
  period = int(ppc['Period'])
  dt = int(ppc['dt'])
  make_dictionary (ppc, rootname)

  bus_mp = open ("bus_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
  gen_mp = open ("gen_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
  sys_mp = open ("sys_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
  bus_meta = {'LMP_P':{'units':'USD/kwh','index':0},'LMP_Q':{'units':'USD/kvarh','index':1},
  gen_meta = {'Pgen':{'units':'MW','index':0},'Qgen':{'units':'MVAR','index':1},'LMP_P':{'units':'USD/kwh','index':2}}
  sys_meta = {'Ploss':{'units':'MW','index':0},'Converged':{'units':'true/false','index':1}}
  bus_metrics = {'Metadata':bus_meta,'StartTime':StartTime}
  gen_metrics = {'Metadata':gen_meta,'StartTime':StartTime}
  sys_metrics = {'Metadata':sys_meta,'StartTime':StartTime}

  gencost = ppc['gencost']
  fncsBus = ppc['FNCS']
  gen = ppc['gen']
  ppopt_market = pp.ppoption(VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, PF_DC=ppc['opf_dc'])
  ppopt_regular = pp.ppoption(VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, PF_DC=ppc['pf_dc'])
  loads = np.loadtxt(ppc['CSVFile'], delimiter=',')

  for row in ppc['UnitsOut']:
    print ('unit  ', row[0], 'off from', row[1], 'to', row[2], flush=True)
  for row in ppc['BranchesOut']:
    print ('branch', row[0], 'out from', row[1], 'to', row[2], flush=True)

  nloads = loads.shape[0]
  ts = 0
  tnext_opf = -dt

  # initializing for metrics collection
  tnext_metrics = 0
  loss_accum = 0
  conv_accum = True
  n_accum = 0
  bus_accum = {}
  gen_accum = {}
  for i in range (fncsBus.shape[0]):
    busnum = int(fncsBus[i,0])
    bus_accum[str(busnum)] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,99999.0]
  for i in range (gen.shape[0]):
    gen_accum[str(i+1)] = [0,0,0]

  op = open (rootname + '.csv', 'w')
  print ('t[s],Converged,Pload,P7 (csv),Unresp (opf),P7 (rpf),Resp (opf),GLD Pub,BID?,P7 Min,V7,LMP_P7,LMP_Q7,Pgen1,Pgen2,Pgen3,Pgen4,Pdisp,Deg,c2,c1', file=op, flush=True)

  # transactive load components
  csv_load = 0     # from the file
  unresp = 0       # unresponsive load estimate from the auction agent
  resp = 0         # will be the responsive load as dispatched by OPF
  resp_deg = 0     # RESPONSIVE_DEG from FNCS
  resp_c1 = 0      # RESPONSIVE_C1 from FNCS
  resp_c2 = 0      # RESPONSIVE_C2 from FNCS
  resp_max = 0     # RESPONSIVE_MAX_MW from FNCS
  feeder_load = 0  # amplified feeder MW

  while ts <= tmax:
    # start by getting the latest inputs from GridLAB-D and the auction
    events = fncs.get_events()
    new_bid = False
    load_scale = float (fncsBus[0][2])
    for topic in events:
      value = fncs.get_value(topic)
      if topic == 'UNRESPONSIVE_MW':
        unresp = load_scale * float(value)
        fncsBus[0][3] = unresp # to poke unresponsive estimate into the bus load slot
        new_bid = True
      elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_MAX_MW':
        resp_max = load_scale * float(value)
        new_bid = True
      elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_C2':
        resp_c2 = float(value) / load_scale
        new_bid = True
      elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_C1':
        resp_c1 = float(value)
        new_bid = True
      elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_DEG':
        resp_deg = int(value)
        new_bid = True
        gld_load = parse_mva (value) # actual value, may not match unresp + resp load
        feeder_load = float(gld_load[0]) * load_scale
    if new_bid == True:
      dummy = 2
#      print('**Bid', ts, unresp, resp_max, resp_deg, resp_c2, resp_c1)

    # update the case for bids, outages and CSV loads
    idx = int ((ts + dt) / period) % nloads
    bus = ppc['bus']
    gen = ppc['gen']
    branch = ppc['branch']
    gencost = ppc['gencost']
    csv_load = loads[idx,0]
    bus[4,2] = loads[idx,1]
    bus[8,2] = loads[idx,2]
    # process the generator and branch outages
    for row in ppc['UnitsOut']:
      if ts >= row[1] and ts <= row[2]:
        gen[row[0],7] = 0
        gen[row[0],7] = 1
    for row in ppc['BranchesOut']:
      if ts >= row[1] and ts <= row[2]:
        branch[row[0],10] = 0
        branch[row[0],10] = 1

    if resp_deg == 2:
      gencost[4][3] = 3
      gencost[4][4] = -resp_c2
      gencost[4][5] = resp_c1
    elif resp_deg == 1:
      gencost[4][3] = 2
      gencost[4][4] = resp_c1
      gencost[4][5] = 0.0
      gencost[4][3] = 1
      gencost[4][4] = 999.0
      gencost[4][5] = 0.0
    gencost[4][6] = 0.0

    if ts >= tnext_opf:  # expecting to solve opf one dt before the market clearing period ends, so GridLAB-D has time to use it
      # for OPF, the FNCS bus load is CSV + Unresponsive estimate, with Responsive separately dispatchable
      bus = ppc['bus']
      gen = ppc['gen']
      bus[6,2] = csv_load
      for row in ppc['FNCS']:
        unresp = float(row[3])
        newidx = int(row[0]) - 1
        if unresp >= feeder_load:
          bus[newidx,2] += unresp
          bus[newidx,2] += feeder_load
      gen[4][9] = -resp_max
      res = pp.runopf(ppc, ppopt_market)
      if res['success'] == False:
        conv_accum = False
      opf_bus = deepcopy (res['bus'])
      opf_gen = deepcopy (res['gen'])
      lmp = opf_bus[6,13]
      resp = -1.0 * opf_gen[4,1]
      fncs.publish('LMP_B7', 0.001 * lmp) # publishing $/kwh
#     print ('  OPF', ts, csv_load, '{:.3f}'.format(unresp), '{:.3f}'.format(resp),
#            '{:.3f}'.format(feeder_load), '{:.3f}'.format(opf_bus[6,2]),
#            '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[0,1]), '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[1,1]), '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[2,1]),
#            '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[3,1]), '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[4,1]), '{:.3f}'.format(lmp))
      # if unit 2 (the normal swing bus) is dispatched at max, change the swing bus to 9
      if opf_gen[1,1] >= 191.0:
        ppc['bus'][1,1] = 2
        ppc['bus'][8,1] = 3
        print ('  SWING Bus 9')
        ppc['bus'][1,1] = 3
        ppc['bus'][8,1] = 1
        print ('  SWING Bus 2')
      tnext_opf += period
    # always update the electrical quantities with a regular power flow
    bus = ppc['bus']
    gen = ppc['gen']
    bus[6,13] = lmp
    gen[0,1] = opf_gen[0, 1]
    gen[1,1] = opf_gen[1, 1]
    gen[2,1] = opf_gen[2, 1]
    gen[3,1] = opf_gen[3, 1]
    # during regular power flow, we use the actual CSV + feeder load, ignore dispatchable load and use actual
    bus[6,2] = csv_load + feeder_load
    gen[4,1] = 0 # opf_gen[4, 1]
    gen[4,9] = 0
    rpf = pp.runpf(ppc, ppopt_regular)
    if rpf[0]['success'] == False:
      conv_accum = False
    bus = rpf[0]['bus']
    gen = rpf[0]['gen']
    Pload = bus[:,2].sum()
    Pgen = gen[:,1].sum()
    Ploss = Pgen - Pload

    # update the metrics
    n_accum += 1
    loss_accum += Ploss
    for i in range (fncsBus.shape[0]):
      busnum = int(fncsBus[i,0])
      busidx = busnum - 1
      row = bus[busidx].tolist()
      # LMP_P, LMP_Q, PD, QD, Vang, Vmag, Vmax, Vmin: row[11] and row[12] are Vmax and Vmin constraints
      PD = row[2] + resp # the ERCOT version shows how to track scaled_resp separately for each FNCS bus
      Vpu = row[7]
      bus_accum[str(busnum)][0] += row[13]*0.001
      bus_accum[str(busnum)][1] += row[14]*0.001
      bus_accum[str(busnum)][2] += PD
      bus_accum[str(busnum)][3] += row[3]
      bus_accum[str(busnum)][4] += row[8]
      bus_accum[str(busnum)][5] += Vpu
      if Vpu > bus_accum[str(busnum)][6]:
        bus_accum[str(busnum)][6] = Vpu
      if Vpu < bus_accum[str(busnum)][7]:
        bus_accum[str(busnum)][7] = Vpu
    for i in range (gen.shape[0]):
      row = gen[i].tolist()
      busidx = int(row[0] - 1)
      # Pgen, Qgen, LMP_P  (includes the responsive load as dispatched by OPF)
      gen_accum[str(i+1)][0] += row[1]
      gen_accum[str(i+1)][1] += row[2]
      gen_accum[str(i+1)][2] += float(opf_bus[busidx,13])*0.001

    # write the metrics
    if ts >= tnext_metrics:
      sys_metrics[str(ts)] = {rootname:[loss_accum / n_accum,conv_accum]}

      bus_metrics[str(ts)] = {}
      for i in range (fncsBus.shape[0]):
        busnum = int(fncsBus[i,0])
        busidx = busnum - 1
        row = bus[busidx].tolist()
        met = bus_accum[str(busnum)]
        bus_metrics[str(ts)][str(busnum)] = [met[0]/n_accum, met[1]/n_accum, met[2]/n_accum, met[3]/n_accum,
                                             met[4]/n_accum, met[5]/n_accum, met[6], met[7]]
        bus_accum[str(busnum)] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,99999.0]

      gen_metrics[str(ts)] = {}
      for i in range (gen.shape[0]):
        met = gen_accum[str(i+1)]
        gen_metrics[str(ts)][str(i+1)] = [met[0]/n_accum, met[1]/n_accum, met[2]/n_accum]
        gen_accum[str(i+1)] = [0,0,0]

      tnext_metrics += period
      n_accum = 0
      loss_accum = 0
      conv_accum = True

    volts = 1000.0 * bus[6,7] * bus[6,9] / sqrt(3.0)  # VLN for GridLAB-D
    fncs.publish('three_phase_voltage_B7', volts)

    # CSV file output
    print (ts, res['success'], 
           '{:.3f}'.format(Pload),          # Pload
           '{:.3f}'.format(csv_load),       # P7 (csv)
           '{:.3f}'.format(unresp),         # GLD Unresp
           '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6,2]),       # P7 (rpf)
           '{:.3f}'.format(resp),           # Resp (opf)
           '{:.3f}'.format(feeder_load),    # GLD Pub
           '{:.3f}'.format(gen[4,9]),       # P7 Min
           '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6,7]),       # V7
           '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6,13]),      # LMP_P7
           '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6,14]),      # LMP_Q7
           '{:.2f}'.format(gen[0,1]),       # Pgen1
           '{:.2f}'.format(gen[1,1]),       # Pgen2 
           '{:.2f}'.format(gen[2,1]),       # Pgen3
           '{:.2f}'.format(gen[3,1]),       # Pgen4
           '{:.2f}'.format(res['gen'][4, 1]), # Pdisp
           '{:.4f}'.format(resp_deg),       # degree
           '{:.8f}'.format(ppc['gencost'][4, 4]),  # c2
           '{:.8f}'.format(ppc['gencost'][4, 5]),  # c1 
           sep=',', file=op, flush=True)

    # request the next time step, if necessary
    if ts >= tmax:
      print ('breaking out at',ts,flush=True)
    ts = fncs.time_request(min(ts + dt, tmax))

  # ===================================
  print ('writing metrics', flush=True)
  print (json.dumps(sys_metrics), file=sys_mp, flush=True)
  print (json.dumps(bus_metrics), file=bus_mp, flush=True)
  print (json.dumps(gen_metrics), file=gen_mp, flush=True)
  print ('closing files', flush=True)
  print ('finalizing FNCS', flush=True)

  if sys.platform != 'win32':
    usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
      ('ru_utime', 'User time'),
      ('ru_stime', 'System time'),
      ('ru_maxrss', 'Max. Resident Set Size'),
      ('ru_ixrss', 'Shared Memory Size'),
      ('ru_idrss', 'Unshared Memory Size'),
      ('ru_isrss', 'Stack Size'),
      ('ru_inblock', 'Block inputs'),
      ('ru_oublock', 'Block outputs')]
    print('Resource usage:')
    for name, desc in RESOURCES:
      print('  {:<25} ({:<10}) = {}'.format(desc, name, getattr(usage, name)))
Example #12
def main_loop():
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        rootname = sys.argv[1]
        print('usage: python fncsPYPOWER.py rootname')

    ppc = ppcasefile()
    StartTime = ppc['StartTime']
    tmax = int(ppc['Tmax'])
    period = int(ppc['Period'])
    dt = int(ppc['dt'])
    make_dictionary(ppc, rootname)

    bus_mp = open("bus_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
    gen_mp = open("gen_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
    sys_mp = open("sys_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
    bus_meta = {
        'LMP_P': {
            'units': 'USD/kwh',
            'index': 0
        'LMP_Q': {
            'units': 'USD/kvarh',
            'index': 1
        'PD': {
            'units': 'MW',
            'index': 2
        'QD': {
            'units': 'MVAR',
            'index': 3
        'Vang': {
            'units': 'deg',
            'index': 4
        'Vmag': {
            'units': 'pu',
            'index': 5
        'Vmax': {
            'units': 'pu',
            'index': 6
        'Vmin': {
            'units': 'pu',
            'index': 7
    gen_meta = {
        'Pgen': {
            'units': 'MW',
            'index': 0
        'Qgen': {
            'units': 'MVAR',
            'index': 1
        'LMP_P': {
            'units': 'USD/kwh',
            'index': 2
    sys_meta = {
        'Ploss': {
            'units': 'MW',
            'index': 0
        'Converged': {
            'units': 'true/false',
            'index': 1
    bus_metrics = {'Metadata': bus_meta, 'StartTime': StartTime}
    gen_metrics = {'Metadata': gen_meta, 'StartTime': StartTime}
    sys_metrics = {'Metadata': sys_meta, 'StartTime': StartTime}

    gencost = ppc['gencost']
    fncsBus = ppc['FNCS']
    ppopt = pp.ppoption(VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, PF_DC=1)
    loads = np.loadtxt('NonGLDLoad.txt', delimiter=',')

    for row in ppc['UnitsOut']:
        print('unit  ', row[0], 'off from', row[1], 'to', row[2], flush=True)
    for row in ppc['BranchesOut']:
        print('branch', row[0], 'out from', row[1], 'to', row[2], flush=True)

    nloads = loads.shape[0]
    ts = 0
    tnext_opf = -dt

    op = open(rootname + '.csv', 'w')
        't[s],Converged,Pload,P7 (csv), GLD Unresp, P7 (opf), Resp (opf), GLD Pub, BID?, P7 Min, V7,LMP_P7,LMP_Q7,Pgen1,Pgen2,Pgen3,Pgen4,Pdisp, gencost2, gencost1, gencost0',
    # print ('t[s], ppc-Pd5, ppc-Pd9, ppc-Pd7, bus-Pd7, ppc-Pg1, gen-Pg1, ppc-Pg2, gen-Pg2, ppc-Pg3, gen-Pg3, ppc-Pg4, gen-Pg4, ppc-Pg5, gen-Pg5, ppc-Cost2, gencost-Cost2, ppc-Cost1, gencost-Cost1, ppc-Cost0, gencost-Cost0', file=op, flush=True)

    # transactive load components
    csv_load = 0
    scaled_unresp = 0
    scaled_resp = 0
    resp_c0 = 0
    resp_c1 = 0
    resp_c2 = 0
    resp_max = 0
    gld_load = 0  # this is the actual
    # ==================================
    # Laurentiu Marinovici - 2017-12-14
    actual_load = 0
    new_bid = False
    #  saveInd = 0
    #  saveDataDict = {}
    # ===================================

    while ts <= tmax:
        if ts >= tnext_opf:  # expecting to solve opf one dt before the market clearing period ends, so GridLAB-D has time to use it
            idx = int((ts + dt) / period) % nloads
            bus = ppc['bus']
                '<<<<< ts = {}, ppc-Pd5 = {}, bus-Pd5 = {}, ppc-Pd7 = {}, bus-Pd7 = {}, ppc-Pd9 = {}, bus-Pd9 = {} >>>>>>>'
                .format(ts, ppc["bus"][4, 2], bus[4, 2], ppc["bus"][6, 2],
                        bus[6, 2], ppc["bus"][8, 2], bus[8, 2]))
            gen = ppc['gen']
            branch = ppc['branch']
            gencost = ppc['gencost']
            csv_load = loads[idx, 0]
            bus[4, 2] = loads[idx, 1]
            bus[8, 2] = loads[idx, 2]
                '<<<<< ts = {}, ppc-Pd5 = {}, bus-Pd5 = {}, ppc-Pd7 = {}, bus-Pd7 = {}, ppc-Pd9 = {}, bus-Pd9 = {} >>>>>>>'
                .format(ts, ppc["bus"][4, 2], bus[4, 2], ppc["bus"][6, 2],
                        bus[6, 2], ppc["bus"][8, 2], bus[8, 2]))
            # process the generator and branch outages
            for row in ppc['UnitsOut']:
                if ts >= row[1] and ts <= row[2]:
                    gen[row[0], 7] = 0
                    gen[row[0], 7] = 1
            for row in ppc['BranchesOut']:
                if ts >= row[1] and ts <= row[2]:
                    branch[row[0], 10] = 0
                    branch[row[0], 10] = 1
            bus[6, 2] = csv_load
            # =================================
            # Laurentiu Marinovici - 2017-12-14
            # bus[6,2] = csv_load + actual_load
            # =================================
            for row in ppc['FNCS']:
                scaled_unresp = float(row[2]) * float(row[3])
                newidx = int(row[0]) - 1
                bus[newidx, 2] += scaled_unresp
                '<<<<< ts = {}, ppc-Pd5 = {}, bus-Pd5 = {}, ppc-Pd7 = {}, bus-Pd7 = {}, ppc-Pd9 = {}, bus-Pd9 = {} >>>>>>>'
                .format(ts, ppc["bus"][4, 2], bus[4, 2], ppc["bus"][6, 2],
                        bus[6, 2], ppc["bus"][8, 2], bus[8, 2]))
            gen[4][9] = -resp_max * float(fncsBus[0][2])
            gencost[4][3] = 3
            gencost[4][4] = resp_c2
            gencost[4][5] = resp_c1
            gencost[4][6] = resp_c0

            # =================================
            # Laurentiu Marinovici - 2017-12-14
            # print('Before running OPF:')
            # print('Disp load/neg gen: Pg = ', gen[4][1], ', Pmax = ', gen[4][8], ', Pmin = ', gen[4][9], ', status = ', gen[4][7])
            # print('Disp load/neg gen cost coefficients: ', gencost[4][4], ', ', gencost[4][5], ', ', gencost[4][6])

            # gen[4, 7] = 1 # turn on dispatchable load
            #ppc['gen'] = gen
            #ppc['bus'] = bus
            #ppc['branch'] = branch
            #ppc['gencost'] = gencost
            # print (ts, ppc["bus"][4, 2], ppc["bus"][8, 2], ppc["bus"][6, 2], bus[6, 2], ppc["gen"][0, 1], gen[0, 1], ppc["gen"][1, 1], gen[1, 1], ppc["gen"][2, 1], gen[2, 1], ppc["gen"][3, 1], gen[3, 1], ppc["gen"][4, 1], gen[4, 1], ppc["gencost"][4, 4], gencost[4, 4], ppc["gencost"][4, 5], gencost[4, 5], ppc["gencost"][4, 6], gencost[4, 6], sep=',', file=op, flush=True)
            # =====================================================================================================================

            res = pp.runopf(ppc, ppopt)

            # =================================
            # Laurentiu Marinovici - 2017-12-21
            #      mpcKey = 'mpc' + str(saveInd)
            #      resKey = 'res' + str(saveInd)
            #      saveDataDict[mpcKey] = copy.deepcopy(ppc)
            #      saveDataDict[resKey] = copy.deepcopy(res)
            #      saveInd += 1
            # =================================

            bus = res['bus']
            gen = res['gen']
            Pload = bus[:, 2].sum()
            Pgen = gen[:, 1].sum()
            Ploss = Pgen - Pload
            scaled_resp = -1.0 * gen[4, 1]
            # CSV file output
                  '{:.3f}'.format(bus[:, 2].sum()),
                  '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6, 2]),
                  '{:.3f}'.format(gen[4, 9]),
                  '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6, 7]),
                  '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6, 13]),
                  '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6, 14]),
                  '{:.2f}'.format(gen[0, 1]),
                  '{:.2f}'.format(gen[1, 1]),
                  '{:.2f}'.format(gen[2, 1]),
                  '{:.2f}'.format(gen[3, 1]),
                  '{:.2f}'.format(res['gen'][4, 1]),
                  '{:.6f}'.format(ppc['gencost'][4, 4]),
                  '{:.4f}'.format(ppc['gencost'][4, 5]),
                  '{:.4f}'.format(ppc['gencost'][4, 6]),
            fncs.publish('LMP_B7', 0.001 * bus[6, 13])
                         1000.0 * bus[6, 7] * bus[6, 9])
            print('**OPF', ts, csv_load, scaled_unresp, gen[4][9], scaled_resp,
                  bus[6, 2], 'LMP', 0.001 * bus[6, 13])
            # update the metrics
            sys_metrics[str(ts)] = {rootname: [Ploss, res['success']]}
            bus_metrics[str(ts)] = {}
            for i in range(fncsBus.shape[0]):
                busnum = int(fncsBus[i, 0])
                busidx = busnum - 1
                row = bus[busidx].tolist()
                bus_metrics[str(ts)][str(busnum)] = [
                    row[13] * 0.001, row[14] * 0.001, row[2], row[3], row[8],
                    row[7], row[11], row[12]
            gen_metrics[str(ts)] = {}
            for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                row = gen[i].tolist()
                busidx = int(row[0] - 1)
                gen_metrics[str(ts)][str(i + 1)] = [
                    row[1], row[2],
                    float(bus[busidx, 13]) * 0.001
            tnext_opf += period
            if tnext_opf > tmax:
                print('breaking out at', tnext_opf, flush=True)
        # apart from the OPF, keep loads updated
        ts = fncs.time_request(ts + dt)
        events = fncs.get_events()
        new_bid = False
        for key in events:
            topic = key.decode()
            # ==================================
            # Laurentiu Marinovici - 2017-12-14l
            # print('The event is: ........ ', key)
            # print('The topic is: ........ ', topic)
            # print('The value is: ........ ', fncs.get_value(key).decode())
            # =============================================================
            if topic == 'UNRESPONSIVE_KW':
                unresp_load = 0.001 * float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                    3] = unresp_load  # poke unresponsive estimate into the bus load slot
                new_bid = True
            elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_MAX_KW':
                resp_max = 0.001 * float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())  # in MW
                new_bid = True
            elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_M':
                # resp_c2 = 1000.0 * 0.5 * float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                resp_c2 = -1e6 * float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                new_bid = True
            elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_B':
                # resp_c1 = 1000.0 * float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                resp_c1 = 1e3 * float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                new_bid = True
            # ============================================
            # Laurentiu Marinovici
            elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_BB':
                resp_c0 = -float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                new_bid = True
            # ============================================
            elif topic == 'UNRESPONSIVE_PRICE':  # not actually used
                unresp_price = float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                new_bid = True
                gld_load = parse_mva(fncs.get_value(key).decode(
                ))  # actual value, may not match unresp + resp load
                # ==================================
                # Laurentiu Marinovici - 2017-12-14
                # print('GLD real = ', float(gld_load[0]), '; GLD imag = ', float(gld_load[1]))
                # print('Amp factor = ', float(fncsBus[0][2]))
                # ==================================================================
                actual_load = float(gld_load[0]) * float(fncsBus[0][2])
                print('  Time = ', ts, '; actual load real = ', actual_load)
        if new_bid == True:
            print('**Bid', ts, unresp_load, resp_max, resp_c2, resp_c1,

    # Laurentiu Marinovici - 2017-12-21

#  spio.savemat('matFile.mat', saveDataDict)
# ===================================
    print('writing metrics', flush=True)
    print(json.dumps(bus_metrics), file=bus_mp, flush=True)
    print(json.dumps(gen_metrics), file=gen_mp, flush=True)
    print(json.dumps(sys_metrics), file=sys_mp, flush=True)
    print('closing files', flush=True)
    print('finalizing FNCS', flush=True)
Example #13
def solveOpf(caseName, config):
    bxObj = ptbx.InitCases(caseName)
    sysN, sysopt = opf_args.opf_args2(bxObj.System)
    sysopt = pyp.ppoption(sysopt, VERBOSE=3)
    results = pyp.runopf(bxObj.System, sysopt)
Example #14
def main_loop():
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        rootname = sys.argv[1]
        print('usage: python fncsPYPOWER.py rootname')

    ppc = ppcasefile()
    StartTime = ppc['StartTime']
    tmax = int(ppc['Tmax'])
    period = int(ppc['Period'])
    dt = int(ppc['dt'])
    make_dictionary(ppc, rootname)

    bus_mp = open("bus_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
    gen_mp = open("gen_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
    sys_mp = open("sys_" + rootname + "_metrics.json", "w")
    bus_meta = {
        'LMP_P': {
            'units': 'USD/kwh',
            'index': 0
        'LMP_Q': {
            'units': 'USD/kvarh',
            'index': 1
        'PD': {
            'units': 'MW',
            'index': 2
        'QD': {
            'units': 'MVAR',
            'index': 3
        'Vang': {
            'units': 'deg',
            'index': 4
        'Vmag': {
            'units': 'pu',
            'index': 5
        'Vmax': {
            'units': 'pu',
            'index': 6
        'Vmin': {
            'units': 'pu',
            'index': 7
    gen_meta = {
        'Pgen': {
            'units': 'MW',
            'index': 0
        'Qgen': {
            'units': 'MVAR',
            'index': 1
        'LMP_P': {
            'units': 'USD/kwh',
            'index': 2
    sys_meta = {
        'Ploss': {
            'units': 'MW',
            'index': 0
        'Converged': {
            'units': 'true/false',
            'index': 1
    bus_metrics = {'Metadata': bus_meta, 'StartTime': StartTime}
    gen_metrics = {'Metadata': gen_meta, 'StartTime': StartTime}
    sys_metrics = {'Metadata': sys_meta, 'StartTime': StartTime}

    gencost = ppc['gencost']
    fncsBus = ppc['FNCS']
    gen = ppc['gen']
    ppopt_market = pp.ppoption(VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, PF_DC=1)
    ppopt_regular = pp.ppoption(VERBOSE=0, OUT_ALL=0, PF_DC=1)
    loads = np.loadtxt('NonGLDLoad.txt', delimiter=',')

    for row in ppc['UnitsOut']:
        print('unit  ', row[0], 'off from', row[1], 'to', row[2], flush=True)
    for row in ppc['BranchesOut']:
        print('branch', row[0], 'out from', row[1], 'to', row[2], flush=True)

    nloads = loads.shape[0]
    ts = 0
    tnext_opf = -dt

    # initializing for metrics collection
    tnext_metrics = 0
    loss_accum = 0
    conv_accum = True
    n_accum = 0
    bus_accum = {}
    gen_accum = {}
    for i in range(fncsBus.shape[0]):
        busnum = int(fncsBus[i, 0])
        bus_accum[str(busnum)] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99999.0]
    for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
        gen_accum[str(i + 1)] = [0, 0, 0]

    op = open(rootname + '.csv', 'w')
        't[s],Converged,Pload,P7 (csv),Unresp (opf),P7 (rpf),Resp (opf),GLD Pub,BID?,P7 Min,V7,LMP_P7,LMP_Q7,Pgen1,Pgen2,Pgen3,Pgen4,Pdisp,Deg,c2,c1',

    # transactive load components
    csv_load = 0  # from the file
    unresp = 0  # unresponsive load estimate from the auction agent
    resp = 0  # will be the responsive load as dispatched by OPF
    resp_deg = 0  # RESPONSIVE_DEG from FNCS
    resp_c1 = 0  # RESPONSIVE_C1 from FNCS
    resp_c2 = 0  # RESPONSIVE_C2 from FNCS
    resp_max = 0  # RESPONSIVE_MAX_MW from FNCS
    feeder_load = 0  # amplified feeder MW

    while ts <= tmax:
        # start by getting the latest inputs from GridLAB-D and the auction
        events = fncs.get_events()
        new_bid = False
        load_scale = float(fncsBus[0][2])
        for key in events:
            topic = key.decode()
            if topic == 'UNRESPONSIVE_MW':
                unresp = load_scale * float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                    3] = unresp  # to poke unresponsive estimate into the bus load slot
                new_bid = True
            elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_MAX_MW':
                resp_max = load_scale * float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                new_bid = True
            elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_C2':
                resp_c2 = float(fncs.get_value(key).decode()) / load_scale
                new_bid = True
            elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_C1':
                resp_c1 = float(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                new_bid = True
            elif topic == 'RESPONSIVE_DEG':
                resp_deg = int(fncs.get_value(key).decode())
                new_bid = True
                gld_load = parse_mva(fncs.get_value(key).decode(
                ))  # actual value, may not match unresp + resp load
                feeder_load = float(gld_load[0]) * load_scale
        if new_bid == True:
            dummy = 2
#      print('**Bid', ts, unresp, resp_max, resp_deg, resp_c2, resp_c1)

# update the case for bids, outages and CSV loads
        idx = int((ts + dt) / period) % nloads
        bus = ppc['bus']
        gen = ppc['gen']
        branch = ppc['branch']
        gencost = ppc['gencost']
        csv_load = loads[idx, 0]
        bus[4, 2] = loads[idx, 1]
        bus[8, 2] = loads[idx, 2]
        # process the generator and branch outages
        for row in ppc['UnitsOut']:
            if ts >= row[1] and ts <= row[2]:
                gen[row[0], 7] = 0
                gen[row[0], 7] = 1
        for row in ppc['BranchesOut']:
            if ts >= row[1] and ts <= row[2]:
                branch[row[0], 10] = 0
                branch[row[0], 10] = 1

        if resp_deg == 2:
            gencost[4][3] = 3
            gencost[4][4] = -resp_c2
            gencost[4][5] = resp_c1
        elif resp_deg == 1:
            gencost[4][3] = 2
            gencost[4][4] = resp_c1
            gencost[4][5] = 0.0
            gencost[4][3] = 1
            gencost[4][4] = 999.0
            gencost[4][5] = 0.0
        gencost[4][6] = 0.0

        if ts >= tnext_opf:  # expecting to solve opf one dt before the market clearing period ends, so GridLAB-D has time to use it
            # for OPF, the FNCS bus load is CSV + Unresponsive estimate, with Responsive separately dispatchable
            bus = ppc['bus']
            gen = ppc['gen']
            bus[6, 2] = csv_load
            for row in ppc['FNCS']:
                unresp = float(row[3])
                newidx = int(row[0]) - 1
                if unresp >= feeder_load:
                    bus[newidx, 2] += unresp
                    bus[newidx, 2] += unresp  # feeder_load
            gen[4][9] = -resp_max
            res = pp.runopf(ppc, ppopt_market)
            if res['success'] == False:
                conv_accum = False
            opf_bus = deepcopy(res['bus'])
            opf_gen = deepcopy(res['gen'])
            lmp = opf_bus[6, 13]
            resp = -1.0 * opf_gen[4, 1]
            fncs.publish('LMP_B7', 0.001 * lmp)  # publishing $/kwh
            print('  OPF', ts, csv_load, '{:.3f}'.format(unresp),
                  '{:.3f}'.format(resp), '{:.3f}'.format(feeder_load),
                  '{:.3f}'.format(opf_bus[6, 2]),
                  '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[0, 1]), '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[1,
                  '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[2, 1]), '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[3,
                  '{:.3f}'.format(opf_gen[4, 1]), '{:.3f}'.format(lmp))
            # if unit 2 (the normal swing bus) is dispatched at max, change the swing bus to 9
            if opf_gen[1, 1] >= 191.0:
                ppc['bus'][1, 1] = 2
                ppc['bus'][8, 1] = 3
                print('  SWING Bus 9')
                ppc['bus'][1, 1] = 3
                ppc['bus'][8, 1] = 1
                print('  SWING Bus 2')
            tnext_opf += period

        # always update the electrical quantities with a regular power flow
        bus = ppc['bus']
        gen = ppc['gen']
        bus[6, 13] = lmp
        gen[0, 1] = opf_gen[0, 1]
        gen[1, 1] = opf_gen[1, 1]
        gen[2, 1] = opf_gen[2, 1]
        gen[3, 1] = opf_gen[3, 1]
        # during regular power flow, we use the actual CSV + feeder load, ignore dispatchable load and use actual
        bus[6, 2] = csv_load + feeder_load
        gen[4, 1] = 0  # opf_gen[4, 1]
        gen[4, 9] = 0
        rpf = pp.runpf(ppc, ppopt_regular)
        if rpf[0]['success'] == False:
            conv_accum = False
        bus = rpf[0]['bus']
        gen = rpf[0]['gen']

        Pload = bus[:, 2].sum()
        Pgen = gen[:, 1].sum()
        Ploss = Pgen - Pload

        # update the metrics
        n_accum += 1
        loss_accum += Ploss
        for i in range(fncsBus.shape[0]):
            busnum = int(fncsBus[i, 0])
            busidx = busnum - 1
            row = bus[busidx].tolist()
            # LMP_P, LMP_Q, PD, QD, Vang, Vmag, Vmax, Vmin: row[11] and row[12] are Vmax and Vmin constraints
            PD = row[
                2] + resp  # TODO, if more than one FNCS bus, track scaled_resp separately
            Vpu = row[7]
            bus_accum[str(busnum)][0] += row[13] * 0.001
            bus_accum[str(busnum)][1] += row[14] * 0.001
            bus_accum[str(busnum)][2] += PD
            bus_accum[str(busnum)][3] += row[3]
            bus_accum[str(busnum)][4] += row[8]
            bus_accum[str(busnum)][5] += Vpu
            if Vpu > bus_accum[str(busnum)][6]:
                bus_accum[str(busnum)][6] = Vpu
            if Vpu < bus_accum[str(busnum)][7]:
                bus_accum[str(busnum)][7] = Vpu
        for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
            row = gen[i].tolist()
            busidx = int(row[0] - 1)
            # Pgen, Qgen, LMP_P  (includes the responsive load as dispatched by OPF)
            gen_accum[str(i + 1)][0] += row[1]
            gen_accum[str(i + 1)][1] += row[2]
            gen_accum[str(i + 1)][2] += float(opf_bus[busidx, 13]) * 0.001

        # write the metrics
        if ts >= tnext_metrics:
            sys_metrics[str(ts)] = {
                rootname: [loss_accum / n_accum, conv_accum]

            bus_metrics[str(ts)] = {}
            for i in range(fncsBus.shape[0]):
                busnum = int(fncsBus[i, 0])
                busidx = busnum - 1
                row = bus[busidx].tolist()
                met = bus_accum[str(busnum)]
                bus_metrics[str(ts)][str(busnum)] = [
                    met[0] / n_accum, met[1] / n_accum, met[2] / n_accum,
                    met[3] / n_accum, met[4] / n_accum, met[5] / n_accum,
                    met[6], met[7]
                bus_accum[str(busnum)] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99999.0]

            gen_metrics[str(ts)] = {}
            for i in range(gen.shape[0]):
                met = gen_accum[str(i + 1)]
                gen_metrics[str(ts)][str(i + 1)] = [
                    met[0] / n_accum, met[1] / n_accum, met[2] / n_accum
                gen_accum[str(i + 1)] = [0, 0, 0]

            tnext_metrics += period
            n_accum = 0
            loss_accum = 0
            conv_accum = True

        volts = 1000.0 * bus[6, 7] * bus[6, 9]
        fncs.publish('three_phase_voltage_B7', volts)

        # CSV file output
            '{:.3f}'.format(Pload),  # Pload
            '{:.3f}'.format(csv_load),  # P7 (csv)
            '{:.3f}'.format(unresp),  # GLD Unresp
            '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6, 2]),  # P7 (rpf)
            '{:.3f}'.format(resp),  # Resp (opf)
            '{:.3f}'.format(feeder_load),  # GLD Pub
            '{:.3f}'.format(gen[4, 9]),  # P7 Min
            '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6, 7]),  # V7
            '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6, 13]),  # LMP_P7
            '{:.3f}'.format(bus[6, 14]),  # LMP_Q7
            '{:.2f}'.format(gen[0, 1]),  # Pgen1
            '{:.2f}'.format(gen[1, 1]),  # Pgen2 
            '{:.2f}'.format(gen[2, 1]),  # Pgen3
            '{:.2f}'.format(gen[3, 1]),  # Pgen4
            '{:.2f}'.format(res['gen'][4, 1]),  # Pdisp
            '{:.4f}'.format(resp_deg),  # degree
            '{:.8f}'.format(ppc['gencost'][4, 4]),  # c2
            '{:.8f}'.format(ppc['gencost'][4, 5]),  # c1 

        # request the next time step
        ts = fncs.time_request(ts + dt)
        if ts > tmax:
            print('breaking out at', ts, flush=True)

#  spio.savemat('matFile.mat', saveDataDict)
# ===================================
    print('writing metrics', flush=True)
    print(json.dumps(sys_metrics), file=sys_mp, flush=True)
    print(json.dumps(bus_metrics), file=bus_mp, flush=True)
    print(json.dumps(gen_metrics), file=gen_mp, flush=True)
    print('closing files', flush=True)
    print('finalizing FNCS', flush=True)
Example #15
import sys
import numpy as np
import hashlib
import paho.mqtt.client as mqttcli
import paho.mqtt.publish as publish
import time
import struct

from receive import receive
from settings import settings_fromRTDS, NumData, IP_send, IP_receive, Port_send, Port_receive, IP_broker, \
    dcssim, DSO_control, wait_lte, wait_dcs, results, attack
from pypower.api import ppoption, runpf, printpf, runopf, rundcopf, case9
from pypower.api import *
from case33bw_dcs2 import case33bw_dcs2
from send import send
import bitstring

#from runopf_no_printpf import runopf as runopf2
#from opf_setup_edit import opf_setup
#from opf_edit import opf as opf_setup
#from runopf_edit import runopf

#ppc = case33bw_dcs2()
ppc = case9Q()
r = runopf(ppc)

Example #16
def mainJAPowerFlow(baseMVAName, busName, genName, branchName, splitCharacter,
                    outputBusName, outputBranchName, outputGenName,
                    printOutput, optimal, areasName, genCostName):
    # Variables (by for testing)
    # baseMVAName = "baseMVA.txt"
    # busName = "bus.txt"
    # genName = "gen.txt"
    # branchName = "branch.txt"
    # splitCharacter = '    '
    # outputBusName = "outputBus.txt"
    # outputBranchName = "outputBranch.txt"
    # outputBranchName = "outputGen.txt"

    # printOutput = 0
    ##### printOutput = 0 or 1, 0 for no stdout printed output, 1 if it is wanted.
    ##### Note that both still output to the text files.

    # optimal = 0
    ##### optimal = 0 or 1, 0 for power flow, 1 for optimal power flow.
    ##### NOTE: All following inputs are only used in optimal power flow, OPF, analysis (optimal = 1),
    ##### but some values are still required as inputs, even if they are not used in the event of PF (optimal = 0).

    # areasName = "areas.txt"
    # genCostName = "genCost.txt"

    # Assign ppc
    ppc = readText(baseMVAName, busName, genName, branchName, splitCharacter,
                   optimal, areasName, genCostName)
    #ppc = casetest()

    # Set pf test type
    # ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1)                ---> Power Flow algorithm: 1- NR Method
    # ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)    ---> These options prevent printing output
    # ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)

    if (printOutput == 1):
        ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=1, VERBOSE=1)
    elif (printOutput == 0):
        ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
            "printOutput must be 0 or 1, 0 for no stdout printed output, and 1 if that is desired. Both still output to text files."

    # (A) --pf_alg = PF_ALG  # power flow algorithm :
    # 1 - Newton’s method,
    # 2 - FastDecoupled (XB version),
    # 3 - Fast-Decoupled (BX
    # version),
    # 4 - Gauss Seidel
    # [default: 1]

    # (B) --verbose = VERBOSE # amount of progress info printed:
    # 0 - print no progress info,
    # 1 - print a little progress info,
    # 2 - print a lot of progress info,
    # 3 - print all progress info
    # [default: 1]

    # (C) --out_all = OUT_ALL # controls printing of results:
    # -1 - individual flags control what prints,
    # 0 - don’t print anything
    # (overrides individual flags, except OUT_RAW),
    # 1 - print everything (overrides individual flags, except OUT_RAW)
    # [default: -1]

    # Run pf or opf test
    if (optimal == 0):
        r = runpf(ppc, ppopt)
    elif (optimal == 1):
        r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
        print("optimal must be 0 or 1, 0 for pf and 1 for opf.")

# Check if voltage constraints are met?
# Check if solution converged?
    if (optimal == 1):

        genCount = len(r['gen'])  #check no. of generators = 16
        busCount = len(r['bus'])  #check no. of buses = 15
        branchCount = len(r['branch'])  #check no. of branches = 25

        print("\nNo. of gen= ", genCount)
        print("\nbus= ", busCount)
        print("\nbranch=", branchCount)

        busGenP = numpy.zeros(
            genCount, dtype=numpy.float
        )  #create a zero column vector (16x1) for P generation
        busLoadP = numpy.zeros(
            dtype=numpy.float)  #create a zero column vector (15x1) for P load
        branchLoss = numpy.zeros(
            branchCount, dtype=numpy.float
        )  #create a zero column vector (25x1) for branch losses

        i = 0
        while (i < genCount):

            #busGenP[int(r['gen'][i][1])] += r['gen'][i][1]
            busGenP[i] += r['gen'][i][1]
            i += 1

        j = 0
        while (j < busCount):
            busLoadP[j] += r['bus'][j][2]
            j += 1
        k = 0
        while (k < branchCount):
            branchLoss[k] += absDiff(r['branch'][k][15], r['branch'][k][13])
            k += 1

        # print("\nReal power generated= \n",busGenP)
        # print("\nReal power demand= \n", busLoadP)
        # print ("\nBranch Losses= \n", branchLoss)

        sumGen = round(busGenP.sum(), 2)  # round off up to 2 decimal points.
        sumLoad = round(busLoadP.sum(), 2)
        sumLoss = round(branchLoss.sum(), 2)


        print("\nTotal Real Power Generation= ", sumGen)
        print("\nTotal Real Power Load= ", sumLoad)
        print("\nTotal Real Power Losses= ", sumLoss)

        # Clears the output files (method of writing to them might be altered, so doing this is to be sure
        open(outputBusName, 'w').close()
        open(outputBranchName, 'w').close()
        open(outputGenName, 'w').close()

        # For Optimal Power Flow

        #Establish lengths
        busCount = len(r['bus'])
        branchCount = len(r['branch'])
        genCount = len(r['gen'])
        #Find Generator Per Bus Output
        busGenP = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        busGenQ = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        f = open(outputGenName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < genCount):
            #Print Gen Output
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r['gen'][i][1]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['gen'][i][2]) + '\n')
            #For Bus Output --> assign values for busGenP and busGenQ
            busGenP[int(r['gen'][i][0])] += r['gen'][i][1]
            busGenQ[int(r['gen'][i][0])] += r['gen'][i][2]
            i += 1
        #Print Bus Output
        f = open(outputBusName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < busCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][7]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][8]) + splitCharacter +
                str(busGenP[i]) + splitCharacter + str(busGenQ[i]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][2]) + splitCharacter +
                str(r['bus'][i][3]) + '\n')
            i += 1
        #Print Branch Output
        f = open(outputBranchName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < branchCount):
            #P, Q and S (average)
            PAve = (r['branch'][i][15] + r['branch'][i][13]) / 2.0
            QAve = (r['branch'][i][14] + r['branch'][i][16]) / 2.0
            SAve = numpy.sqrt(((PAve * PAve) + (QAve * QAve)))
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][15], r['branch'][i][13])) +
                splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][16], r['branch'][i][14])) +
                splitCharacter + str(PAve) + splitCharacter + str(QAve) +
                splitCharacter + str(SAve) + '\n')
            i += 1

        actual_demand = peak_demand * bus_profiles[x, :]
        ppc['bus'][:, 2] = actual_demand
        ppc['bus'][:, 3] = actual_demand * math.tan(math.acos(.85))
        ppc['bus'][cosim_bus, 2] = rload * load_amplification_factor / 1000000
        ppc['bus'][cosim_bus, 3] = iload * load_amplification_factor / 1000000
        ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1)

        print('PF TIme is {} and ACOPF time is {}'.format(
            time_pf[x], time_opf[k]))

        ############################  Running OPF For optimal power flow intervals   ##############################

        if (time_pf[x] == time_opf[k]):
            results_opf = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
            if (results_opf['success']):
                ppc['bus'] = results_opf['bus']
                ppc['gen'] = results_opf['gen']
                if (k == 0):
                    LMP_solved = results_opf['bus'][:, 13]
                    LMP_solved = numpy.vstack(
                        (LMP_solved, results_opf['bus'][:, 13]))
                    opf_time = time_opf[0:k + 1] / 3600
            k = k + 1

        ################################  Running PF For optimal power flow intervals   ##############################

        solved_pf = runpf(ppc, ppopt)
        results_pf = solved_pf[0]
Example #18
 def runopf_case(self):
     self.results = runopf(self.ppc_2hrs)
Example #19
def mainJAPowerFlow(baseMVAName, busName, genName, branchName, splitCharacter,
                    outputBusName, outputBranchName, outputGenName,
                    printOutput, optimal, areasName, genCostName,
    #Variables (by for testing)
    #baseMVAName = "baseMVA.txt"
    #busName = "bus.txt"
    #genName = "gen.txt"
    #branchName = "branch.txt"
    #splitCharacter = '    '
    #outputBusName = "outputBus.txt"
    #outputBranchName = "outputBranch.txt"
    #outputBranchName = "outputGen.txt"
    #printOutput = 0 #printOutput = 0 or 1, 0 for no stdout printed output, 1 if it is wanted. Note that both still output to the text files.
    #optimal = 0 #optimal = 0 or 1, 0 for power flow, 1 for optimal power flow. NOTE: All following inputs are only used in optimal power flow, OPF, analysis (optimal = 1), but some values are still required as inputs, even if they are not used in the event of PF (optimal = 0).
    #areasName = "areas.txt"
    #genCostName = "genCost.txt"
    #convergedOutputName = "outputStatus.txt", which will have three lines. The first will just be the inputs variables given (inputs to mainJAPowerFLow). The second of which will state "0" (if it did not converge) or "1" (if it converged), while the third line will state this in text as "Converged!" (if it converged) or "Diverged!" (if it did not). Note that the "'s are not printed, just to show the contents. Also note that the second and third lines show the same information in different formats.

    #Assign ppc
    ppc = readText(baseMVAName, busName, genName, branchName, splitCharacter,
                   optimal, areasName, genCostName)
    #ppc = casetest()

    #Set pf test type
    #ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1) #Includes printing output (of standard pf)
    #ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0) #These options prevent printing output (so prints to terminal if 1 and does not if 0)
    #ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=1, OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
    if (printOutput == 1):
        ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=1, VERBOSE=1)
    elif (printOutput == 0):
        ppopt = ppoption(OUT_ALL=0, VERBOSE=0)
            "printOutput must be 0 or 1, 0 for no stdout printed output, and 1 if that is desired. Both still output to text files."

    #Run pf or opf test
    if (optimal == 0):
        r = runpf(ppc, ppopt)
    elif (optimal == 1):
        r = runopf(ppc, ppopt)
        print("optimal must be 0 or 1, 0 for pf and 1 for opf.")

    #Output Metadata, which outputs the input variables to the function as well as if the model converged as described in the convergedOutputName description above.
    out = open(convergedOutputName, 'w')
    out.write(baseMVAName + splitCharacter + busName + splitCharacter +
              genName + splitCharacter + branchName + splitCharacter +
              splitCharacter + splitCharacter + outputBusName +
              splitCharacter + outputBranchName + splitCharacter +
              outputGenName + splitCharacter + str(printOutput) +
              splitCharacter + str(optimal) + splitCharacter + areasName +
              splitCharacter + genCostName + splitCharacter +
              convergedOutputName + '\n')
    if (optimal == 1):
        #If this is OPF the convergence can be found as follows.
        if (r['success'] == True):
            print("Did not converge.")
    elif (optimal == 0):
        #For some reason this doesn't work for just PF, so will check in a more crude mannor.
        if ("'success': 1" in str(r)):
            print("Did not converge.")

    #Now clear the output files (method of writing to them might be altered, so doing this is to be sure
    open(outputBusName, 'w').close()
    open(outputBranchName, 'w').close()
    open(outputGenName, 'w').close()

    #For Optimal Power Flow
    if (optimal == 1):
        #Establish lengths
        busCount = len(r['bus'])
        branchCount = len(r['branch'])
        genCount = len(r['gen'])
        #Find Generator Per Bus Output
        busGenP = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        busGenQ = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        f = open(outputGenName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < genCount):
            #For Gen Output
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r['gen'][i][1]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['gen'][i][2]) + '\n')
            #For Bus Output
            busGenP[int(r['gen'][i][0])] += r['gen'][i][1]
            busGenQ[int(r['gen'][i][0])] += r['gen'][i][2]
            i += 1

        #Print Bus Output
        f = open(outputBusName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < busCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][7]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][8]) + splitCharacter +
                str(busGenP[i]) + splitCharacter + str(busGenQ[i]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r['bus'][i][2]) + splitCharacter +
                str(r['bus'][i][3]) + '\n')
            i += 1

        #Print Branch Output
        f = open(outputBranchName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < branchCount):
            PAve = (r['branch'][i][15] + r['branch'][i][13]) / 2.0
            QAve = (r['branch'][i][14] + r['branch'][i][16]) / 2.0
            SAve = numpy.sqrt(((PAve * PAve) + (QAve * QAve)))
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][15], r['branch'][i][13])) +
                splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r['branch'][i][16], r['branch'][i][14])) +
                splitCharacter + str(PAve) + splitCharacter + str(QAve) +
                splitCharacter + str(SAve) + '\n')
            i += 1

    #For Standard Power Flow
    elif (optimal == 0):
        #Establish lengths
        busCount = len(r[0]['bus'])
        branchCount = len(r[0]['branch'])
        genCount = len(r[0]['gen'])
        #Find Generator Per Bus Output
        busGenP = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        busGenQ = numpy.zeros(busCount, dtype=numpy.float)
        f = open(outputGenName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < genCount):
            #For Gen Output
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r[0]['gen'][i][1]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['gen'][i][2]) + '\n')
            #For Bus Output
            busGenP[int(r[0]['gen'][i][0])] += r[0]['gen'][i][1]
            busGenQ[int(r[0]['gen'][i][0])] += r[0]['gen'][i][2]
            i += 1

        #Print Bus Output
        f = open(outputBusName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < busCount):
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][7]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][8]) + splitCharacter +
                str(busGenP[i]) + splitCharacter + str(busGenQ[i]) +
                splitCharacter + str(r[0]['bus'][i][2]) + splitCharacter +
                str(r[0]['bus'][i][3]) + '\n')
            i += 1

        #Print Branch Output
        f = open(outputBranchName, 'w')
        i = 0
        while (i < branchCount):
            #P, Q and S (average)
            PAve = (r[0]['branch'][i][15] + r[0]['branch'][i][13]) / 2.0
            QAve = (r[0]['branch'][i][14] + r[0]['branch'][i][16]) / 2.0
            SAve = numpy.sqrt(((PAve * PAve) + (QAve * QAve)))
            #Print P loss, Q loss, aveP, aveQ and aveS.
                str(i + 1) + splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r[0]['branch'][i][15], r[0]['branch'][i][13])) +
                splitCharacter +
                str(absDiff(r[0]['branch'][i][16], r[0]['branch'][i][14])) +
                splitCharacter + str(PAve) + splitCharacter + str(QAve) +
                splitCharacter + str(SAve) + '\n')
            i += 1
        print("optimal must be 0 or 1, 0 for pf and 1 for opf.")