def run(self): position = px.Coordinates() error = px.PositionError() sensor_data = px.SensorData() pozyx = self.driver.pozyx interrupt = px.SingleRegister() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: if pozyx.checkForFlag(self.flag, self.DELAY, interrupt): if self.driver.enable_position and[ 0] & bm.POZYX_INT_STATUS_POS: pozyx.getCoordinates(position) pozyx.getPositionError(error) if self.driver.accept_position(position, error): x = np.array([position.x, position.y, position.z ]) / 1000.0 self.driver.publish_pose(x) if (self.driver.enable_raw_sensors and[0] & bm.POZYX_INT_STATUS_IMU): pozyx.getAllSensorData(sensor_data) self.driver.publish_sensor_data(sensor_data) rospy.sleep(self.period) except PozyxExceptionTimeout: pass except PozyxException as e: rospy.logerr(e.message) pozyx.ser.reset_output_buffer() pozyx.ser.reset_input_buffer() rospy.sleep(1)
def run(self): position = px.Coordinates() error = px.PositionError() sensor_data = px.SensorData() pozyx = self.driver.pozyx interrupt = px.SingleRegister() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: if pozyx.checkForFlag(self.flag, self.period, interrupt): if self.driver.enable_position and[0] & bm.POZYX_INT_STATUS_POS: pozyx.getCoordinates(position) pozyx.getPositionError(error) if self.driver.accept_position(position, error): x = np.array([position.x, position.y, position.z]) / 1000.0 self.driver.publish_pose(x, error=error) if (self.driver.enable_raw_sensors and[0] & bm.POZYX_INT_STATUS_IMU): pozyx.getAllSensorData(sensor_data) self.driver.publish_sensor_data(sensor_data) # except PozyxExceptionTimeout as e: # rospy.logwarn('%s: %s', e.__class__.__name__, e.message) except PozyxException as e: log_pozyx_exception(e) # pozyx.ser.reset_output_buffer() # pozyx.ser.reset_input_buffer() # rospy.sleep(1) self.driver.reset() finally: rospy.sleep(self.period * 0.5)
def update_position(self): position = px.Coordinates() error = px.PositionError() self.pozyx.doPositioning( position, self.dimension, self.height, self.algorithm, remote_id=self.remote_id) self.pozyx.getPositionError(error) if self.accept_position(position, error): return (np.array([position.x, position.y, position.z]) / 1000.0, error) else: return None, None
def init(): global pozyx_coords, pozyx_coords_err, pozyx_sensors global ros_pose, ros_mag, ros_imu, local_device, lock global height, algorithm, remote, serial_port, posehz, imuhz rospy.init_node('pozyx_pose_node') rospy.Subscriber("pozyx/height", Int16, height_cb) serial_port = rospy.get_param("port", pypozyx.get_serial_ports()[0].device) local_device = pypozyx.PozyxSerial(serial_port) # 0 is raw, 1 is fused but not yet implemented, 2 is filtered algorithm = rospy.get_param("algorithm", 2) remote = rospy.get_param("remote", None) height = rospy.get_param("height", 100) posehz = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param("posehz", 2)) imuhz = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param("imuhz", 100)) ros_pose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() ros_mag = MagneticField() ros_imu = Imu() ros_pose.header.frame_id = "pozyx" ros_mag.header.frame_id = "pozyx" ros_imu.header.frame_id = "pozyx" pozyx_coords = pypozyx.Coordinates() pozyx_coords_err = pypozyx.PositionError() pozyx_sensors = pypozyx.SensorData() imu_thread = Thread(target=imu_publisher) coord_thread = Thread(target=coordinate_publisher) lock = Lock() imu_thread.start() coord_thread.start() rospy.spin()
def loop(self): #Topic 1: PoseWitchCovariance pwc = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() pwc.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() pwc.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id pwc.pose.pose.position = Coordinates() pwc.pose.pose.orientation = pypozyx.Quaternion() cov = pypozyx.PositionError() status = self.pozyx.doPositioning(pwc.pose.pose.position, self.dimension, self.height, self.algorithm, self.tag_device_id) pozyx.getQuaternion(pwc.pose.pose.orientation, self.tag_device_id) pozyx.getPositionError(cov, self.tag_device_id) cov_row1 = [cov.x, cov.xy, cov.xz, 0, 0, 0] cov_row2 = [cov.xy, cov.y, cov.yz, 0, 0, 0] cov_row3 = [cov.xz, cov.yz, cov.z, 0, 0, 0] cov_row4 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] cov_row5 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] cov_row6 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] pwc.pose.covariance = cov_row1 + cov_row2 + cov_row3 + cov_row4 + cov_row5 + cov_row6 #Convert from mm to m pwc.pose.pose.position.x = pwc.pose.pose.position.x * 0.001 pwc.pose.pose.position.y = pwc.pose.pose.position.y * 0.001 pwc.pose.pose.position.z = pwc.pose.pose.position.z * 0.001 if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: pub_pose_with_cov.publish(pwc) #Topic 2: IMU imu = Imu() imu.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() imu.header.frame_id = self.tag_frame_id imu.orientation = pypozyx.Quaternion() imu.orientation_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] imu.angular_velocity = pypozyx.AngularVelocity() imu.angular_velocity_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] imu.linear_acceleration = pypozyx.LinearAcceleration() imu.linear_acceleration_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] pozyx.getQuaternion(imu.orientation, self.tag_device_id) pozyx.getAngularVelocity_dps(imu.angular_velocity, self.tag_device_id) pozyx.getLinearAcceleration_mg(imu.linear_acceleration, self.tag_device_id) #Convert from mg to m/s2 imu.linear_acceleration.x = imu.linear_acceleration.x * 0.0098 imu.linear_acceleration.y = imu.linear_acceleration.y * 0.0098 imu.linear_acceleration.z = imu.linear_acceleration.z * 0.0098 #Convert from Degree/second to rad/s imu.angular_velocity.x = imu.angular_velocity.x * 0.01745 imu.angular_velocity.y = imu.angular_velocity.y * 0.01745 imu.angular_velocity.z = imu.angular_velocity.z * 0.01745 pub_imu.publish(imu) #Topic 3: Anchors Info for i in range(len(anchors)): dr = AnchorInfo() dr.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() dr.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id = hex(anchors[i].network_id) dr.position.x = (float)(anchors[i].pos.x) * 0.001 dr.position.y = (float)(anchors[i].pos.y) * 0.001 dr.position.z = (float)(anchors[i].pos.z) * 0.001 iter_ranging = 0 while iter_ranging < self.do_ranging_attempts: device_range = DeviceRange() status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.anchors[i].network_id, device_range, self.tag_device_id) dr.distance = (float)(device_range.distance) * 0.001 dr.RSS = device_range.RSS if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: dr.status = True self.range_error_counts[i] = 0 iter_ranging = self.do_ranging_attempts else: dr.status = False self.range_error_counts[i] += 1 if self.range_error_counts[i] > 9: self.range_error_counts[i] = 0 rospy.logerr("Anchor %d (%s) lost", i, iter_ranging += 1 # device_range = DeviceRange() # status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.anchors[i].network_id, device_range) # dr.distance = (float)(device_range.distance) * 0.001 # dr.RSS = device_range.RSS # if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: # dr.status = True # self.range_error_counts[i] = 0 # else: # status = self.pozyx.doRanging(self.anchors[i].network_id, device_range) # dr.distance = (float)(device_range.distance) * 0.001 # dr.RSS = device_range.RSS # if status == POZYX_SUCCESS: # dr.status = True # self.range_error_counts[i] = 0 # else: # dr.status = False # self.range_error_counts[i] += 1 # if self.range_error_counts[i] > 9: # self.range_error_counts[i] = 0 # rospy.logerr("Anchor %d (%s) lost", i, dr.child_frame_id = "anchor_" + str(i) pub_anchor_info[i].publish(dr) #Topic 4: PoseStamped ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() ps.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id ps.pose.position = pwc.pose.pose.position ps.pose.orientation = pwc.pose.pose.orientation pub_pose.publish(ps) #Topic 5: Pressure pr = FluidPressure() pr.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() pr.header.frame_id = self.tag_frame_id pressure = pypozyx.Pressure() pozyx.getPressure_Pa(pressure, self.tag_device_id) pr.fluid_pressure = pressure.value pr.variance = 0 pub_pressure.publish(pr)