Example #1
    def test_tile(self):
        p = tiler.SimplePattern('types:CompareOperator AND op:=',
                'types:Literal', 'types:Literal')

        l1 = ast.Literal('foo')
        r1 = ast.Literal('bar')
        n1 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l1, r1)

        l2 = ast.Literal('zip')
        r2 = ast.Literal('baz')
        n2 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l2, r2)

        n = ast.LogicalOperator('or', n1, n2)

        i = {'count': 0}
        def func(pattern, node):
            assert pattern == p
            count = i['count']
            if count == 0:
                assert node == n1
            if count == 1:
                assert node == n2
            i['count'] += 1

        assert n == tiler.tile(n, [p], func)
        assert i['count'] == 2
Example #2
    def test_order_rewrite_literal(self):
        "Tests rewrite of literal values"
        # Model the predicate:
        # foo < bar or foo >= bar or foo > zip or foo <= zip
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Literal('bar')
        v2 = ast.Literal('zip')

        cmp1 = ast.CompareOperator('<', l, v)
        cmp2 = ast.CompareOperator('>=', l, v)
        cmp3 = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, v2)
        cmp4 = ast.CompareOperator('<=', l, v2)
        or1 = ast.LogicalOperator('or', cmp1, cmp2)
        or2 = ast.LogicalOperator('or', cmp3, cmp4)
        or3 = ast.LogicalOperator('or', or1, or2)

        # Rewrite foo < bar as True
        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        r = compare.order_rewrite(ast.dup(or3), name, cmp1, True)

        assert isinstance(r.left.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.left.value == True
        assert isinstance(r.left.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.right.value == False
        assert ASTPattern(or2).matches(r.right)

        # Rewrite foo < bar as False
        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        r = compare.order_rewrite(ast.dup(or3), name, cmp1, False)

        assert isinstance(r.left.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.left.value == False
        assert isinstance(r.left.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.right.value == True
        assert ASTPattern(or2).matches(r.right)
Example #3
    def test_simple_pattern_op_type(self):
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        r = ast.Literal('foo')
        n = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, r)
        p = tiler.SimplePattern('types:CompareOperator AND op:=',
                'types:Literal', 'types:Literal')
        assert not p.matches(n)

        n = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, r)
        assert p.matches(n)
Example #4
    def test_ast_pattern(self):
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        b = ast.Literal('bar')
        c = ast.CompareOperator('is', l, b)
        p = tiler.ASTPattern(c)
        assert p.matches(c)

        # Change a node
        z = ast.Number(42)
        c1 = ast.CompareOperator('is', l, z)
        assert not p.matches(c1)
Example #5
    def test_select_rewrite_ord_literals(self):
        "Test rewrite selection for ordered with literals"
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Literal('bar')
        v2 = ast.Literal('baz')
        cmp1 = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, v2)
        cmp2 = ast.CompareOperator('<', l, v)
        cmp3 = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, v)

        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        select = compare.select_rewrite_expression(name, [cmp1, cmp2, cmp3])
        assert select is cmp2
Example #6
    def test_select_rewrite_eq(self):
        "Test rewrite selection for equality"
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        v2 = ast.Number(11)
        cmp1 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v2)
        cmp2 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)
        cmp3 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)

        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        select = compare.select_rewrite_expression(name, [cmp1, cmp2, cmp3])
        assert select is cmp2
Example #7
    def test_equality_rewrite_diff_static(self):
        "Test an equality rewrite with different static values"
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        s = ast.Literal('"test"')
        s.static = True
        s.static_val = "test"

        s1 = ast.Literal('"other"')
        s1.static = True
        s1.static_val = "other"

        cmp1 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, s)
        cmp2 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, s1)
        or1 = ast.LogicalOperator('or', cmp1, cmp2)

        # Rewrite foo = "test" as True
        # Left should be True, right should be False
        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp1, True)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == True
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == False

        # Rewrite foo = "test" as False
        # Left should be False, right should be same
        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp1, False)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == False
        assert ASTPattern(cmp2).matches(r.right)

        # Rewrite foo = "other" as True
        # Left should be False, right should be True
        name = merge.node_name(cmp2, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp2, True)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == False
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == True

        # Rewrite foo = "other" as False
        # Left should be same, right should be False
        name = merge.node_name(cmp2, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp2, False)

        assert ASTPattern(cmp1).matches(r.left)
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == False
Example #8
    def test_select_rewrite_ord_numeric(self):
        "Test rewrite selection for ordered with numerics"
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        v2 = ast.Number(11)
        v3 = ast.Number(100)
        cmp1 = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, v)
        cmp2 = ast.CompareOperator('<', l, v2)
        cmp3 = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, v3)

        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        select = compare.select_rewrite_expression(name, [cmp1, cmp2, cmp3])
        assert select is cmp1
Example #9
    def test_cache(self):
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        gt1 = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, v)

        l1 = ast.Literal('foo')
        v1 = ast.Number(42)
        gt2 = ast.CompareOperator('>', l1, v1)
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('or', gt1, gt2)

        # Both sides should be dedupped
        assert n.left is n.right
        assert n.left.cache_id == 0
Example #10
    def test_compact(self):
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        gt = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, v)

        l1 = ast.Literal('foo')
        v1 = ast.Number(42)
        lt = ast.CompareOperator('<', l1, v1)
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('or', gt, lt)

        # Literal and number should be de-dupped
        assert l is n.right.left
        assert v is n.right.right
Example #11
    def test_equality_rewrite_static(self):
        "Test an equality rewrite with static values"
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        s = ast.Literal('"test"')
        s.static = True
        s.static_val = "test"
        cmp1 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, s)
        cmp2 = ast.CompareOperator('!=', l, s)
        or1 = ast.LogicalOperator('or', cmp1, cmp2)

        # Rewrite foo = "test" as True
        # Left should be True, right should be False
        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp1, True)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == True
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == False

        # Rewrite foo = "test" as False
        # Left should be False, right should be True
        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp1, False)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == False
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == True

        # Rewrite foo != "test" as True
        # Left should be False, right should be True
        name = merge.node_name(cmp2, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp2, True)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == False
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == True

        # Rewrite foo != "test" as False
        # Left should be False, right should be True
        name = merge.node_name(cmp2, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp2, False)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == True
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == False
Example #12
 def test_simple_pattern_value(self):
     l = ast.Literal('foo')
     r = ast.Constant(True)
     n = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, r)
     p = tiler.SimplePattern('types:CompareOperator AND ops:=',
             'types:Literal', 'types:Constant AND value:True')
     assert p.matches(n)
Example #13
 def test_simple_pattern_ops(self):
     l = ast.Literal('foo')
     r = ast.Literal('foo')
     n = ast.CompareOperator('<=', l, r)
     p = tiler.SimplePattern('ops:>,>=,<,<=',
             'types:Literal', 'types:Literal')
     assert p.matches(n)
Example #14
 def test_rewrite_compare(self):
     "Checks that a compare rewrite uses compare module"
     l = ast.Literal('foo')
     r = ast.Literal('bar')
     n = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, r)
     name = merge.node_name(n)
     with patch('pypred.merge.compare.compare_rewrite') as c:
         merge.rewrite_ast(n, name, n, True)
         assert c.called
Example #15
    def test_canonical_non_literal(self):
        "Test canonicalization, literals on left"
        v = ast.Number(42)
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('=', v, l)

        assert cmp.left is l
        assert cmp.right is v
Example #16
    def test_equality_rewrite_literals(self):
        "Test an equality rewrite with different literals"
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Literal('bar')
        v2 = ast.Literal('baz')
        cmp1 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)
        cmp2 = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v2)
        or1 = ast.LogicalOperator('or', cmp1, cmp2)

        # Rewrite foo = bar as True
        # Left should be True, right should be unchanged
        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp1, True)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == True
        assert ASTPattern(cmp2).matches(r.right)

        # Rewrite foo = bar as False
        # Left should be False, right should be same
        name = merge.node_name(cmp1, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp1, False)

        assert isinstance(r.left, ast.Constant)
        assert r.left.value == False
        assert ASTPattern(cmp2).matches(r.right)

        # Rewrite foo = baz as True
        # Left should be same, right should be True
        name = merge.node_name(cmp2, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp2, True)

        assert ASTPattern(cmp1).matches(r.left)
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == True

        # Rewrite foo = baz as False
        # Left should be same, right should be False
        name = merge.node_name(cmp2, True)
        r = compare.equality_rewrite(ast.dup(or1), name, cmp2, False)

        assert ASTPattern(cmp1).matches(r.left)
        assert isinstance(r.right, ast.Constant)
        assert r.right.value == False
Example #17
    def test_canonical_literal_order(self):
        "Test canonicalization, literals on left"
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        r = ast.Literal('zip')
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('>', r, l)

        assert cmp.left is l
        assert cmp.right is r
        assert cmp.type == "<"
Example #18
    def test_select_expr_compare(self):
        "Checks that a compare operation uses compare module"
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        r = ast.Literal('bar')
        n = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, r)
        name = merge.node_name(n)

        with patch('pypred.merge.compare.select_rewrite_expression') as c:
            merge.select_rewrite_expression(DEEP, name, [n])
            assert c.called
Example #19
    def test_or_dead(self):
        "Tests removing OR with dead branch"
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('or', f, cmp)

        # Should reduce to to the compare
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert r is cmp
Example #20
    def test_canonical_non_static(self):
        "Test canonicalization, literals on left"
        static = ast.Literal("'string'")
        static.static = True
        static.static_val = 'string'

        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('=', static, l)

        assert cmp.left is l
        assert cmp.right is static
Example #21
    def test_and_dead_right(self):
        "Tests removing AND with dead branch, right side"
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)
        n = ast.LogicalOperator('and', cmp, t)

        # Should reduce to to the compare
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert r is cmp
Example #22
    def test_branch_true_dead(self):
        "Test branch with the false branch being dead"
        t = ast.Constant(True)
        f = ast.Constant(False)
        l = ast.Literal('foo')
        v = ast.Number(42)
        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('=', l, v)
        n = ast.Branch(f, t, cmp)

        # Should reduce to to the compare
        c, r = optimizer.optimization_pass(n)
        assert c == 1
        assert r is cmp
Example #23
    def test_branch(self):
        l = ast.Literal('a')
        r = ast.Literal('b')
        check = ast.CompareOperator('>', l, r)
        true = ast.Constant(True)
        false = ast.Constant(False)
        b = ast.Branch(check, true, false)

        assert b.evaluate(MockPred(), {'a': 2, 'b':1})

        res, ctx = b.analyze(MockPred(), {'a': 1, 'b':2})
        assert not res
        assert ctx.literals["a"] == 1
        assert ctx.literals["b"] == 2
        assert ctx.failed[-1].startswith("Right hand side")
Example #24
    def test_compare_empty(self, type):
        l = ast.Literal("l")
        r = ast.Literal("r")
        a = ast.CompareOperator(type, l, r)
        d = {"l": 1, "r": ast.Empty()}
        res, ctx = a.analyze(MockPred(), d)

        # Determine the expected result
        if type == "!=":
            assert res
            assert not res
        if not res:
            assert ("%s comparison at" % type.upper()) in ctx.failed[0]
        assert ctx.literals["l"] == d["l"]
        assert ctx.literals["r"] == ast.Empty()
Example #25
    def test_canonical_static_order(self):
        "Test canonicalization, static ordering"
        static = ast.Literal("'string'")
        static.static = True
        static.static_val = 'string'

        static2 = ast.Literal("'foo'")
        static2.static = True
        static2.static_val = 'foo'

        cmp = ast.CompareOperator('<', static, static2)

        assert cmp.left is static2
        assert cmp.right is static
        assert cmp.type == ">"
Example #26
    def test_names(self):
        n1 = ast.Literal("foo")
        assert ("Literal", "foo") == merge.node_name(n1)
        n2 = ast.Number(12)
        assert ("Number", 12) == merge.node_name(n2)
        n3 = ast.Constant(True)
        assert ("Constant", True) == merge.node_name(n3)
        n4 = ast.Regex("^tubez$")
        assert ("Regex", "^tubez$") == merge.node_name(n4)
        n5 = ast.Undefined()
        assert "Undefined" == merge.node_name(n5)
        n6 = ast.Empty()
        assert "Empty" == merge.node_name(n6)

        # Negate does not emit the operator!
        n7 = ast.NegateOperator(n3)
        assert ("Constant", True) == merge.node_name(n7)

        n8 = ast.CompareOperator('=', n1, n2)
        n8_name = merge.node_name(n8)
        assert ("CompareOperator", "=", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Number",
                                                             12)) == n8_name
        n8_static = merge.node_name(n8, True)
        assert ("CompareOperator", "equality", ("Literal", "foo"),
                ("Number", "static")) == n8_static

        n9 = ast.MatchOperator(n1, n4)
        n9_name = merge.node_name(n9)
        assert ("MatchOperator", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Regex",
                                                      "^tubez$")) == n9_name
        n10 = ast.ContainsOperator(n1, n2)
        n10_name = merge.node_name(n10)
        assert ("ContainsOperator", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Number",
                                                         12.0)) == n10_name

        # Logical operator returns literal!
        n11 = ast.LogicalOperator('and', n1, n3)
        n11_name = merge.node_name(n11)
        assert ("Literal", "foo") == n11_name

        # Literal set just uses name
        n12 = ast.LiteralSet([n1, n2])
        n12_name = merge.node_name(n12)
        assert "LiteralSet" == n12_name
Example #27
    def test_compare(self, type):
        l = ast.Literal("l")
        r = ast.Literal("r")
        a = ast.CompareOperator(type, l, r)
        d = {"l": 1, "r": 5}
        res, ctx = a.analyze(MockPred(), d)

        # Determine the expected result
        if type == "=":
            s = '%d %s %d' % (d["l"], "==", d["r"])
            s = '%d %s %d' % (d["l"], type, d["r"])
        expected = eval(s)

        assert res == expected
        if not res:
            assert ("%s comparison at" % type.upper()) in ctx.failed[0]
        assert ctx.literals["l"] == d["l"]
        assert ctx.literals["r"] == d["r"]
Example #28
    def test_names(self):
        n1 = ast.Literal("foo")
        assert ("Literal", "foo") == compact.node_name(n1)

        n2 = ast.Number(12)
        assert ("Number", 12) == compact.node_name(n2)

        n3 = ast.Constant(True)
        assert ("Constant", True) == compact.node_name(n3)

        n4 = ast.Regex("^tubez$")
        assert ("Regex", "^tubez$") == compact.node_name(n4)

        n5 = ast.Undefined()
        assert "Undefined" == compact.node_name(n5)

        n6 = ast.Empty()
        assert "Empty" == compact.node_name(n6)

        n7 = ast.NegateOperator(n3)
        assert ("NegateOperator", ("Constant", True)) == compact.node_name(n7)

        n8 = ast.CompareOperator('=', n1, n2)
        n8_name = compact.node_name(n8)
        assert ("CompareOperator", "=", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Number",
                                                             12)) == n8_name

        n9 = ast.MatchOperator(n1, n4)
        n9_name = compact.node_name(n9)
        assert ("MatchOperator", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Regex",
                                                      "^tubez$")) == n9_name

        n10 = ast.ContainsOperator(n1, n2)
        n10_name = compact.node_name(n10)
        assert ("ContainsOperator", ("Literal", "foo"), ("Number",
                                                         12.0)) == n10_name

        n11 = ast.LogicalOperator('and', n1, n3)
        n11_name = compact.node_name(n11)
        assert ("LogicalOperator", "and", ("Literal", "foo"),
                ("Constant", True)) == n11_name
Example #29
 def test_bad_child(self):
     c = ast.CompareOperator("!", ast.Literal("foo"), ast.Empty())
     a = ast.LogicalOperator("and", ast.Literal("foo"), c)
     valid, info = a.validate()
     assert not valid
     assert "Unknown compare" in info["errors"][0]
Example #30
 def test_bad_compare(self):
     a = ast.CompareOperator("!", ast.Literal("foo"), ast.Empty())
     valid, info = a.validate()
     assert not valid
     assert "Unknown compare" in info["errors"][0]