def match(x, y):
    if y > 10**16:
        return False
    fact_x = pp.factorize(x)
    fact_y = pp.factorize(y)
    exp_x = sorted([elm[1] for elm in fact_x])
    exp_y = sorted([elm[1] for elm in fact_y])
    return exp_x == exp_y
Example #2
def getSolution(limit):
    resultFactors = {x: 0 for x in xrange(1, limit + 1)}
    for x in (pyprimesieve.factorize(x) for x in xrange(2, limit + 1)):
        for prime, power in x:
            if resultFactors[prime] < power:
                resultFactors[prime] = power
    return reduce(operator.mul, (x**resultFactors[x] for x in resultFactors),
def divisors(n):
    fact = pp.factorize(n)
    divgen = []
    for elm in fact:
        pr, expon = elm
        divgen.append([pr**i for i in xrange(expon+1)])
    for nums in product(*divgen):
        yield reduce(mul, nums)
Example #4
def perfect_orders(n):
    fac = pp.factorize(n)
    chk = tuple(sorted([j for i, j in fac]))
    if chk in cache:
        return cache[chk]
    facs = [range(j+1) for i, j in fac]
    divs = product(*facs)
    divs = [sum(div) for div in divs]
    res = Counter(divs).most_common(1)[-1][-1]
    cache[chk] = res
    return res
Example #5
def lcm(num):
    ''' Find the smallest positive number that is divisible by all the numbers
    from 1 to 'num' '''
    factor = defaultdict(int)
    for n in range(1, num + 1):
        for p, e in factorize(n):
            factor[p] = max(factor[p], e)
    total = 1
    for p, e in factor.items():
        total *= p**e
    return total
Example #6
def factorial_factors(end):
    ''' Returns dict of prime factors of factorials from 1 to 'end' '''
    factors = {1: {}}
    for n in range(2, end):
        factors[n] = defaultdict(int)
        for p, e in factors[n - 1].items():
            factors[n][p] = e
        for p, e in factorize(n):
            factors[n][p] += e
    del factors[1]
    return factors
Example #7
def main():
    ''' Brute-forces the answer by finding prime factors of test until n
    adjacent numbers with n distinct primes are found '''
    test = 2
    count = 0
    n = 4
    while count < n:
        count += 1
        if len(factorize(test)) != n:
            count = 0
        test += 1
    print(test - n)
Example #8
def find_num_divisors(end):
    ''' Calculate the number of divisors for each number up to 'end' '''
    num_divisors = [0 for _ in range(2, end)]
    prime = set(primes(10**7))
    for n in range(2, end):
        divisors = 1
        if n not in prime:
            factors = factorize(n)
            for _, e in factors:
                divisors *= (e + 1)
        num_divisors[n - 2] = divisors
    return num_divisors
Example #9
def main():
    ''' Driver function '''
    total = 0
    for n in range(5, 10001):
        denom = m(n)
        terminate = True
        for p, _ in factorize(denom // gcd(n, denom)):
            if p not in {2, 5}:
                terminate = False
        total += n if not terminate else -n
def gazinga(n, nmax=10**9):
    if n in gazinga_cache:
        return gazinga_cache[n]
    elif isprimepower(n):
        prime, exponent = pp.factorize(n)[0]
        gazinga_cache[n] = 2**(exponent-1)
        return 2**(exponent-1)
        res = 0
        for d in divisors(n):
            if d < n:
                res += gazinga(d, nmax=10**9)
                if res > nmax:
        gazinga_cache[n] = res
        return gazinga_cache[n]
Example #11
def factorization(n):
    ''' Return a set with all possible factorizations of 'n' '''
    prev = [tuple(p for p, e in factorize(n) for _ in range(e))]
    factors = len(prev[0])
    total = {prev[0]}
    for c in range(factors - 2):
        cur = set()
        for p in prev:
            for i, a in enumerate(p):
                for j, b in enumerate(p[i + 1:]):
                            sorted((a * b, ) + p[:i] + p[i + 1:i + j + 1] +
                                   p[i + j + 2:])))
        prev = cur
    return total
Example #12
def gen_divisors(n):
    ''' Generator for divisors of 'n' '''
    factors = factorize(n)
    nfactors = len(factors)
    f = [0] * nfactors
    while True:
        yield reduce(lambda x, y: x * y,
                     [factors[x][0]**f[x] for x in range(nfactors)], 1)
        i = 0
        while True:
            f[i] += 1
            if f[i] <= factors[i][1]:
            f[i] = 0
            i += 1
            if i >= nfactors:
Example #13
def partial_orders(n):
    fac = pp.factorize(n)
    chk = tuple(sorted([j for i, j in fac]))
    if chk in cache:
        return cache[chk]
    fac = [[i]*j for i, j in fac]
    res = [1]
    while fac:
        primes = [p[0] for p in fac if p!=[]]
        print 'primes:', primes
        print 'fac: before:', fac
        fac = [p[1:] for p in fac if len(p)>1]
        print 'fac: after:', fac
        newres = list(product(primes, res))
        newres = list(set([reduce(mul, i) for i in newres]))
        res = newres
        print res
    cache[chk] = len(res)
    return len(res)
Example #14
def S(n):
    ''' Implementation of the S(n) function described above '''
    n_sqr = n * n
    total = 0
    primes = primes_to(n)
    primes_set = set(primes)
    for i, a in enumerate(primes):
        # m is an integer such that if f(x) = (x*m)**2 for any natural x, f(x)
        # returns the xth perfect square divisible by a+1
        # From:
        m = 1
        for p, e in factorize(a + 1):
            m *= p**(ceil(e / 2))
        m_sqr = m * m
        x = a // n
        val = m_sqr // (a + 1)
        c = x * x * val - 1
        while (c := c + val * (2 * x + 1)) < n:
            x += 1
            if (c in primes_set) and ((b := x * m - 1)
                                      in primes_set) and (a < b < c):
                total += a + b + c
def isprimepower(n):
    facts = pp.factorize(n)
    return len(facts) == 1
Example #16
def factor_pairs_square(num):
    ''' Find the number of factor pairs of 'num**2' '''
    pairs = 1
    for _, e in factorize(num):
        pairs *= 2 * e + 1
    return (pairs + (pairs % 2)) // 2
Example #17
def main():
    ''' Driver function '''
Example #18
from pyprimesieve import factorize
print factorize(600851475143)[-1][0]
        i = 0
        while n % p == 0:
            n //= p
            i += 1
        if i > 0:
            prime_factors.append((p, i))
    if n > 1:
        prime_factors.append((n, 1))
    return prime_factors

class TestFactorize(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_negative_1(self):
        self.assertEqual(pyprimesieve.factorize(-1), [])

    def test_negative_2(self):
        self.assertEqual(pyprimesieve.factorize(-48485), [])

l = list(range(10**6))
l = l[:10**4]
for i, n in enumerate(l):
    test = lambda self: self.assertTrue(sequences_equal(pyprimesieve.factorize(n), factorize(n)))
    setattr(TestFactorize, 'test_' + str(i), test)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #20
def isprime(n):
    fact = pp.factorize(n)
    return len(fact)==1 and fact[0][1]==1
Example #21
def getSolution(limit):
    return max(x[0] for x in pyprimesieve.factorize(limit))
Example #22
import pyprimesieve as pp

def rep_rem(k, n):
    r = 0
    k = 10**k
    while k:
        r = (10 * r + 1) % n
        k -= 1
    return r

def check_rems(n):
    rems = set()
    i = 1
    while True:
        rem = rep_rem(i, n)
        if rem == 0:
            return False
        if rem in rems:
            return n
        i += 1

for i in xrange(2, 100):
    fact = pp.factorize(i)
    if len(fact)==1 and fact[0][1]==1:
        if check_rems(i) == False:
            print i
 def test_negative_1(self):
     self.assertEqual(pyprimesieve.factorize(-1), [])
Example #24
 def test_negative_1(self):
     self.assertEqual(pyprimesieve.factorize(-1), [])
 def test_negative_2(self):
     self.assertEqual(pyprimesieve.factorize(-48485), [])
Example #26
def div_sum(n):
    ''' Return sum of divisors of 'n' '''
    total = 1
    for p, e in factorize(n):
        total *= (p**(e + 1) - 1) // (p - 1)
    return total
Example #27
def rad(n):
    ''' Find the radical of 'n' '''
    total = 1
    for p, _ in factorize(n):
        total *= p
    return total
Example #28
        i = 0
        while n % p == 0:
            n //= p
            i += 1
        if i > 0:
            prime_factors.append((p, i))
    if n > 1:
        prime_factors.append((n, 1))
    return prime_factors

class TestFactorize(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_negative_1(self):
        self.assertEqual(pyprimesieve.factorize(-1), [])

    def test_negative_2(self):
        self.assertEqual(pyprimesieve.factorize(-48485), [])

l = list(range(10**6))
l = l[:10**4]
for i, n in enumerate(l):
    test = lambda self: self.assertTrue(
        sequences_equal(pyprimesieve.factorize(n), factorize(n)))
    setattr(TestFactorize, 'test_' + str(i), test)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #29
def min_fact(n):
    fact = pp.factorize(n)
    res = 1
    for p, a in fact:
        res = max(res, min_k(p, a))
    return res
Example #30
 def test_negative_2(self):
     self.assertEqual(pyprimesieve.factorize(-48485), [])
Example #31
def squarefree(n):
    ''' Check if 'n' is squarefree '''
    return not any(e > 1 for _, e in factorize(n))
Example #32
def factorize(n):
    Factorizes the number given
    import pyprimesieve
    return pyprimesieve.factorize(int(n))
Example #33
import pyprimesieve as pp

for i in xrange(1, 10**8+1):
    num = 1
    for pr, exp in pp.factorize(i):
        num *= (exp + 1)

def M(n, k):
    return max(numdivs[n:n+k])

def S(u, k):
    ans = 0
    for n in xrange(1, u-k+2):
        ans += M(n, k)
    return ans

print S(10**8, 10**5)